Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Just Received. They are nice new styles that will
please alL They are made of good quality cham
brays, percales, and ginghams of nice attractive
colors and patterns.
" $2-98 and $398
E. Rom of Bend is In the city regis
tered at the Bligh.
J L. Calvert of Grants Pass in in the
eity. .
B. 8. Wakefield and wifo of Creswell
Were Hnlem visitors Sundnv.
Mrs. Hattie V. Webb of Trent, Ore
gon, is in the city.
M. B. Shea was in Salem yesterday
from Hilverton.
J It Hsey of Coneomlcy is attend
ing to business mutttrs in Salem to
day. H. K. Marky of Donald is registered
at the Bligh. f
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gardner and Mr.
nd Mrs. John Mover left today for a
drive over the McKenzie pass.
Sergeant Karl Hinges is homo from
New York on a furlough. Ho to instruc
tor of bomb throwing.
Levi llalmer, who is working in the
Ship yards Is home for a day.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Lafler end Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. O. L. Scott drove to Tilla
mook Saturday and returned this
Mrs. Klmira -Jones of 1'ortland is
In the city tho guest of her daughters
Mrs. Jamts Gruhum and Mm. A. L.
Arthur Buchtel of Portland is spend
ing part of his vacation with his bro
ther Fred Buchtel. Ho is with the
ounty clerk's office in Portland.
U. 0, Boyer county clerk, is taking
his summer vacation in Washington. He
will be away about ono week.
J. D. Sutherland left yesterday for
Grants Pass and will spend a ten day
. (vacation in that vicinity.
Asahel Bush loft for the the cast yes
terday, where he expects to enlist in
the aviation service Ho has completed
the Portland Y. M. C. A. school of radio
course and will now tuko up the sub
ject of aeronautics.
Clay C Miller of Oregon City is in
fiulom, a guest of his sister Mr. Wal
ter L. Spatilding. Within a short time
lie will enter a military training school.
Linn 0. Smith, for nine years paying
teller of tho U. S. National bank, is
e-nco more back on tho job, having as
eumed liia duties thin morning. For the
past year or so he has been with the
Federal Kesorvo bank at Portlund.
rtll-I.ER. In the city August
1918 M. O. Fuller at the age of lit.
The body was shipped today by the
Rigdon company to Eugene for burial
lYOUNO. In tho city August 3 11118.
Levi Young. The body was forword
ed this morning to Portland. Funer
al services will be held Tuesday after
Jkmm at the Crematorium,
t WW
1 use a
U .. i
I am so thoroughly convinced by actual test of the merit of the Lydon
Speedlor that I want all my friends and their friends to know about it.
It cost yon nothing to own a Lydon Speed
ier bocause it saves its price in a month. It
is the biggest value for 5 that I know of
Fits every car.
I have taken the general agency for this
territory and want a live agent in each town.
See or write lire at once and let me explain
and demonstrate.
Box 193 Salem, Ore. Phone 1447
Exclusive Distributor
BOYD. To Mr. and Mrs. Ford Boyd,
445 Turner street, Salem, August 3,
1918, a son.
State House Notes
The 25 per cent increase in freight
rates on fresh and canned fruits und
vegetables and fruit juices will be
attacked by the public servile commis
sions of Oregon, Washington and Idaho
'in a comiluint which will be filed at
once with tho interstate commorce commission-
The Oregon commission today wired
0. O. Cablerhead, representative of the
Washiugton commission who is at the
national capital, authority to sign the
complaint for this commission.
Tho Oregon commission also was
asked to join with the other two stntes
in attacking the 10 por cent increase
in express rales, which it probably
do, although the commission announced
it Was not so much interested in that
case as it ds in the freight rate increase.
Dr. W. H. Lytic, state veterinarian,
today ordered the railroad stock yards
at La Groude to bo closed until they
are cleaned and disinfected. Ho took
this action because of tho presence
Of sheep scab. Ho says he probably
will to Laii ramie to personally in
spect the yards.
Two 'inmate escaped from tho Ore
gon state hospital lust night, but one i
was retaken today. They are J. D.
Peffly, committed from Jackson coun
ty, and Edwin Skog, committed from
Multnomah. Skog was rocapturoa.
Peffly wai seen near Tumor, according
to reports received at the hospital.
They made t,heir escape- toy prying
loose the bars to a window.
Articles of incorporation were filed
today by the North Pncitic Spilto com
pany' of Portland, which has a eapital
stock of 2&,O00.. Tho incorporators
aro 0. X. Verstceg, and Lugeno Brook
The Bowers Abstract Company of
Tinker also fied articles. Tho company
has a eapitul stock of $20,000. The
iiiCTnnorators ere W. S.Jlowors, Nettie
C. llowers and V. K Tribolot.
Harry M. Levy, a member of the lo
cnl lodge of Elks, writes to his friends
hero from Camp Lewis as follows:
nm now a full fledged soldier and can
truthfully snv I am glad of it and
rnrin' to go. Saw Lloyd Rigdon Sun
day but I am not allowed to look him
up while I am in quarantine. The bunch
I came with from SJiilt'in is all split up,
with only about in my company. I
was agreeably surprised at tho treat
ment accorded us. The officers hov
tlm utmost consideration."
I am getting six more miles per
gallon of gasoline, 20 per cent
more power from my engine and
freedom from carbon troubles.
I am saving dollars every month
instead of wastintr thpm in un
necessary gasoline. All because i
All Around Town
Coming Events
Aug. 5. Private 0 'Kourke at
armory, 2d Battalion benefit.
Aug. 8-9-10 "Pershing's tru
sailors" at Liberty Theater.
Aug. 7. Annual Meeting of
Wisconsin Society.
Aug. 15 Membership meeting
of Salem Commercial tlub.
Aug- 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society.
"The funeral beautiful. "-.Webb
Clough Co.
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist,
will return Sept. 1st. tf
Saturday afternoon two marriage 11
censes were issued: James W. Anderson
21. a truck driver of Portland and
Kuth Kress, 27. of Salem. Also to Oliv
er M. .Shields, 19 a laborer of Portland
aiul Winnie K. Allen, 19, of Silvcrton
...."The best'
death comes.
Phone 120.
is all yon can do when
Call Webb & Clough Co
tf. ....We gell for cash Commencing July
1st wo will conduct our business on a
strictly cash basis. Patton's Book
Store. tf.
' Salem's official flower, the gladiolus
mny be seen in all its beauty in the
show windows of C. B. Claneey on lib
erty street. The several varieties were
grown mostly by Cha.. V. Galloway and
Dr. J. H. Fairchild. At the next state
fair a cup will be offered for the fin
est showing cf the gladiolus grown in
a Salem garden.
Dr. Schenk's offices will be closed
from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1918. 9-3
....Irrigation... Even., numbers,.. Mon,
Wed., Fri., and Sun. Odd numbers, Tues.
Thurs., Sat. and Sun. .Even numbers
are on the south and east 'side of
street. Odd numbers are on north and
west side of street. tf.
A Ford belonging to B. J. Hendricks
yas stolen last evening from his home.
As tho convict who escaped yesterday
was a Ford expert it is thought that he
helped himself to tho car. Ab thero was
but little gasoline in tho tank, it is
thought he could not get very far with
tho car.
Dr. Davis-Bean will answer calls out
of office hours on tho farm Phone 58F
13. 8-6
Dr. 0. A. Olsen, dentist Just return
ed from the east, where he has taken
special work in Orthodontia. 212 Ma
sonic bldg. 8-5
There is nothing much doing in the
way of civil service examinations.
About the only one in sight is that for
railway mail clerk August 10,
H. A. Johnson, fire insurance agency
does a general fire insiiran&e business,
both mutual and old line companies. 1
and 2 Bush bank bldg. Phone 347.
Ernest Feller sort of James Feller
was arrested this morning at Bend,
charged with larceity by bailee. It
seems h had some trouble with his
wife and had started for California in
mi automobile with his small son. There
was a mortgage on the nuto and the
warrant was sworn out mainly to keep
the boy in Oregon.
Dr. A. Slaughter's office will be clos
ed during August.
Owing to the ever increasing price
iu provisions, we are forced to change
our price from 30c to 35c after August
", for our regular dinners and suppers.
Wo will still continue to serve short or
ders from 6 to 8:30 a. m. Our Sunday
ehickv.'n dinners from 12 to 2:30 nt 40e.
Cherry City Restnurnnt, 18(i South
Private Michael O'Rourke, who will
lecture this evening at the armory as
a 2d battalion benefit, mis a private
secretary who tinvels with him. And
besides tho private secretary, he has an
advance man. The lecture tins even
ing, according to all reports will be
one of tho most interesting direct from
the front talks that has ever been de
livered in Salem. , .
According to the police, it isn't the
old offenders that cause most of the
trouble in the world, but tho young
boys from 17 to 20 years of nge. Sun
day afternoon two Portland youngsters
Claud Ryan, 19, and Stanley Karens.
18, were arretted in Salem, charged
with stealing an automobile. This morn
ing they were turned over to Portland
officers. Gnrcus had formerly served
in the reform school.
Pascal L. Taglio, backed his car into
another car in front of Vick Tiro, this
morning, and according to the police,
didn 't take the trouble to find out what
damage was dont. The man whose car
was backed into got Troglio's car num
ber and complained to the police. After
a little conversation with an officer,
Mr. Traglio gave an order to Vick's
to have the damaged car repaired.
o '
Mill run" is the latest thing in the
feed market and purchasers who have
been accustomed to calling for either
bran or shorts will now find it neces
sary to call for "mill run." Hereafter
mills w ill run together bran and shorts
and middling and tho combination feed
is the new feed. The new price estab
r" i
lished on flour will become effective
in Salem within a few days.
Lee L. Gilbert, distribute for the El
gin Six announces that he has just cstab
lished a Simonizing station for the re
finishing of machines. This is a patent
process that Mr. Gilbert savs will bring
back tlis lustre nd original color and
that i protects the paint and varnish
ralncr than injuring it.
The police are after a lot of boys
living on the fair grounds road
near Summer and Highland streets who
have been throwing stones and gravel
at passing automobiles Lest evening
after dark, several boys were engag
ed in throwing stones and parties were
hit and the windshield of a Dodge au
tomobile broken. As there has been
many complaints especially about the
boys in that neighborhood the police
intend to break up this stone throwing
habit, even if it is necessary to send
some of tho youngsters to the reform
Another patriotic) organization ban
been formed to be known as ' The Am
erican Commission for Devastated
France, of which Miss Cornelia Mar
vin state librarian, has been appointed
K'hairman of the educational commit
tee. Although there is no local organ
ization, many people in Salem have
been contributing garments. The Wom
an s KelH'f Lorps has been piecing
quilts to bo lorwarded to Franco and
the Ladies of Isabella have been mak
ing and forwarding children's gar
ments. Tho shipment from the north
west will be forwarded September 15,
from Portland.
Max Solof was arrested yesterday af
ternoon charged with purchasing junk
from persons under the ag.o of 21 years.
According to the city ordinances, it is
unlawful to purchase from minors un
less the youth is properly vouched for
by his parents. In this case, Solof, ac
cording to the records which he is oblig
ed to make out every day, was careless
iu putting- down the ago of the young
man who sold the junk. The young man
said ho wj from Albany and tlie report
of the purchase it is alleged ,gave his
age 21 years wlten he was really young
er. Tho case will come up for trial
Tuesday morning before City Recorder
Race. ......
Ambulance Transport
Sunk By Submarine
London, Aug. 5. The ambu-
lance transport Warildn was tor-
pedoed and sunk Saturday whilo
homeward bound and 110 persons
aro missing, tho admiralty an-
unuueed this afternoon.
Tlvs missing include one Am-
erican soldier and seven -mem-
bei's of tho transport's crew.
Many Inquiries From
Other States About Salem
Frank J. Chapman, mnnager of the
Snlem Commercial : club, says he is re
ceiving quite a number of letters from
all parts of the United States wherein
inquiries aro made for farming lands.
Today letters wcro received from parties
living at Mmina, Florida, Bellinglinin,
Wn., Monrovia, Calif., Emporia, Kansas
and Salt Lak.9 City. As Mr. Chapman is
familiar with tho farms in this section,
he Is not only sending to ench inquny
the regulation printed literature, but al
so writing a letter to eaclj address giv
ing information that the average home-
sceker is after. Many inquiries aro made
regarding road conditions as most of
the prospective buyers expect to di'ivo
into the W ulamet.to valley to investi
gate farming possibilities.
Federal Judffe Landis
Rules Against Defense
Chicnco. Ani". 5. Federal Judge
Lnnrfis today ruled against the defense
1. W. W. trial in its attempt to submit
as evidence the thirteen volume report
of the industrial relations commission.
This ruling it is said will materially
shorten the case.
.Franeig Miller of Providence, R. I.,
a member of the cxecutivo committee
of tho organization testified the aim
of the I. W. W. is to eliminate all
non-pr;ikliicors. On cross-examination
he said he is opposed to all war.
O. F. Blnin, an attorney of Seattle,
testified ho was approaied by the
governor of Washington to investigate
the I. W. W. in that state and that
he had interviewed hundreds of them,
in jail and out of jail. He found, ho
said, that few had failed to register
under the draft. In his testimony he
gave them a clean bill of health-
Th bad way to t about it is to
ft rdj tor winter by ctnninf vege
Uble and fruit. Free book of in.
traction on canning and drying
may bo bad from tba National War
Garden CommUiion, Washington, D.
C for two cent to pay poctaao.
Independent Government Pro
mises Fullest Co-Opera-tion
Washington, Aug. 5. Inspired by
the announced intention of America
and Japan to aid the cause of Russia,
the independent government of Siberia
has declared that its intention of re
establishing a well-disciplined Russian
army to cooperate with the allies in
rebuilding a battle front against Ger
many, it was reported here today.
The Siberian government's assuran
ces 'were contained in a statement
issued by the Russian embassy here to
day which holds out the hope of a
unified Russia under a central all
Sussdan authority which will be gener
ally recognized.
"Siberia, being an inseparable part
of United Russia," the statement said,
"tho temporary government of Siberia
believes it to be its first duty to safe
guard in the territory of Siberia the
interests of tho whole of Russia and to
recognize all of the internatdon.il treat
ies and agreements of Russia ,with
friendly nations which were in force
until the 25th of October, 1917, the
moment of the Bolsheviki uprising.
The Siberian government intends to
establish good order in Siberia and to
begin the reconstruction of a unified
Russia and the creation of a central
all-Russia authorized government which
would.be generally recognized.
"To that end,'' the statement says,
"it plans the convocation of the re
gional Siberian duina as well as the
national representative assembly on the
basis of universal suffrage. At the
same time, it will reestablish the or
gans of local and municipal solf-govern-ment
and will enforce guarantees of
individual liberty and the right of pri
vate property. Tho laws established
during the Bolshoviki domination have
to be liquidated. The government will
include representatives of the Bour-
goiesie classes."
Additional reports receavea ry me
embassy state that in the municipal
election just completed in Vladivostok,
69 per cent of the votes were cast by
the Bourgeoisie and moderafe socialist
parties. The Bolsheviki poled tl per
Everywhere the population belonging
to the .different classes! and political
groups has manifested great interest
and sympathy in the organization cf
their army, which is intended to re
establish . together with tho allies a
battle front against Germany.
War Finance Corpiration Has
Greatly Broadened Scope
Of Plans
Wnshincton. Auu. 5. The war fi-
nnncA cornnratinn todav broadened the
aeniin nf ita nlnn to aid the farmers
in war production. Following closely
the announcement that tinancial am
would be extended to stock raising
interests, it, was learned todav that
tho war finance corporation will make
advances through federal reserve DanKs
to aid in the movement of crops.
Heavy war drains upon rural nnan
cial institutions have handicapped the
farmors in obtaining money to carry
them through their harvesting ana
nandling of grain. These needs have
bieei nommuniilted to .the treasury
department and the war finaneo cor
poration today authorized the -federal
resorvo banks in San Francisco, Dal
las, Minneai0'lis, Kansas City, St. Lou
is, Atlanta and Richmond to receive
applications from all banks in tlwdr
respective territories for loans for crop
The war finance corporation through
the federal reserve banks will advance
up to 75 per cent of the amount of
loans made to the farmers by the local
banks. It will extend 100 per cent credit
if 33 1-3 per cent additional collateral
is provided by the local banks. The
terms of tho loan provide interest of
six ner cent nnd final navment in foni
months. Tho Rpcuritv musf show that
the loan actually is mad'e for handling
Your Jurtk and give yon
a square business deal
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices befort
you sell.
The Square Deal House
271 Chemekcta Street
Phone 333
' and
Money Saving- Bargains
On All Summer Goods.
Voiles, Tissues, Crepes,
Beach Cloth, Lace and
Fancy Voiles, Benga
lees and many other
lines of piece goods now
go at Reduced prices.
Fancy voiles at 17c, 19c
23c, 49c, yard. Beach
49c a yard
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
PHONE 1072
Until That Time Comes There
Must Be No Discussion
1 OfPeace
London, Aug. 5. "The war has got
to be won and it is not won yet," de
clared Winston Churchill, minister of
munitions, in writing to Sir Georg.e Kit
chic, chairman of tho Dundee Liberal
association, regarding Lord Lansdowncs
"peace" letter.
"These facts dominate every form of
argument not arising from desponden
cy or treason. Appearance of power is
with tho enemy; reality of power is
with us, Peace now would for all time
register and rivet "pon tho world an
appearance of German power, taken at
its culminating point. It would forever
deny other nations the heritage of real
ity. Aro we to doom our children to ac
cept for all time tho Germans at tneir
own valuation f To do so would d-.'fraud
and defile the destiny of mankind.
4 Why should wo seek peace at the
moment when the German is declining
and America is beginning! That is what
Lansdowne bemeches us to do.
"President Wilson has spoken the
only words which in theso days should
bo heard in tho councils and casnps of
the allies:
" 'Force without stint; force without
restraint; force to tho utmost limit.'
"Two separate conditions aro requir
ed of the Germans. First decisive defeat
in the field and second they should of
their own free will, definitely br.'jnk
with the system which led them into so
many fearful and monstrous crimes. Not
until then should they be allowed to
enter tho league of nations."
Paper Mills Listed
As 'Essential Industries
Washington, Aug. 5. The'Var indus
tries board today announced that paper
mills haw been listed as an essential
industry antler coal priority regulations
anil placed in class four.
A publishers' committee meeting
with the pulp and paper section agreed,
it was said, that newspapers should cur
tail newsprint space 13 per cent in daily
Portrait of a family smile brought
about by successful canning and dry
ing. Free book of instructions on
canning and drying may be bad from
the National War Garden Commission,
Washington, O. C, for two cents to
pay postage.
jarioi .
This scene will be duplicated any
where in the Lh S. A. this winter, and
company may stay to tea, if youi
shelves are full of canned goods. Free
book of instruction on canning and
drying may be had from the National
War Garden Commission, Washing
ton, D. C, for two cents to paj
editions and 20 per cent in Sunday cdU
Advertising is not, affected.
Publishers and officials believe tho
saving may bo effected through discon
tinuance of wasteful practices and re
duction in news matter.
eare of
Chinese Medicine and Tea 0.
Has medicine which will enrs
any known disease.
Opn Sundayi from 10 e, m,
on til 8 p, id.
153 Sout'i High St.
Balem, Oregon. Phone 183
And All Kinds of (2nd Hand
roll Market Prices Special
races paw lor Backs.
Get our prices beore yon sell.
. 271 N. Com'l St. Phone 73
Used Furniture Wanted !
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture -
. E. Is. STIFF ft SON
Phone 941 or 608
' ' 1 " W
Hopmere, Oregon.
Buy Grain And Hay
Packs for Sale at Warehouse.
It may be to your Advantage to
get our Price?.