THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY. AUGUST 5. 1918. FIVE MM NEW TODAY MMMMMM.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM EEDIUM IN LIARION COUNTY-TRY THEMTOR RESETS JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARMNT IS THE BEST SELLING rT A CCTFrrn A Tf CP ifT PT T. . ' """""m iuijm f U.lNHtU housekeeping rooms, 694 Bate per word New Today: . X. Commercial. rhone 8-lU wo mtwrnua ; ig One week (6 insertions) One month (26 insertions) lha Capital Journal will not be re-l ing bP23. sponsible for more than one insertion,! i lor errors in Classified Advertisements. Head jour advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. Mini mum charg.?, 13c. 3c WAITED to trade, registered sheep s l'cj and goat buck for same. Phone ev and en 8-5 FOB SALE 40 good grain saeks, or will exchange for hay. 8-7 WANTED Pasture for horses. Mrs. Geo. Beiuoehl, 2199 Broadway, Sa lem. . (j? WANTED Veal calves. Phoue W. 1376 10 FOB BENT Modern hon, close in. to permanent renter, only flU. Wood, Wayne bldg. gj FURNISHED fiats for rent. Call 1737 W. . ' tf JjOST DOG Fox terrier, name Francis on collar: Phoue 3UF23. 8-3 WANTED Household furniture of all kinds. Phone 519 Woodry, the auc tioneer. " glQ J FOB SALE Good Jersey cow, test 5.4 cox, Kt. 4, box 18A, Jefferson FOB 8ALE-111F3. Two good Jersey H. G, road. cows. L9ST Partv foud packages 8-5 in groceries please return silver to FOB SALE L 9 ensilage cutter and gas engine. Call 105F1S. S-C Busicksf 8-6 FOB SALE Fresh Jersey bargain. Phone 1073. at a 8-6 M'LAUGIILIN-, utility, wants 6hort jobs of any kind. Phone 2444. 8-10 WANTED Straina honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf. FOBD UOADSTER Must sell at once. Phone 1318J evenings. 8-6 300 ACHE farm for rent, about 7 miles from Salem. Address Theo. Lengcle, Salem. g.g 1U UhV Apartment house of 46 rooms, all furnished and full of good tenants,. P. O. Box 333, Salem. 8-5 WANTED First class driving hors. FOB SALE Five passenger Boo. 1 . 1 1 ... , . ! . ' T.- .1 I 1 must be cheap for cash, will waut to try thoroughly before actual purchase. Boute 7, box 11 WANTED Woman for housework on farm. No children. Treated as member of the family. Apply 693 8. Commer cial St. - . 8-10 All new tires. Fine Bterhaniral conditio. ' Electric equipment, with starter. : Thi ia A e.rifiiA Mil an.1 it Ma i want a first class bur cheap, call 81 ! nu m iot juas, or eee car ai .oria wester Garage. tf. FURNISHED house wanted 6 or 'i room niod,rn bungalow in good neigh borhood. Will lease for a year, liana ger Oregon theater. . 8-9 FOB SALE Men's, womens and boy's second hand shoes at cheap prices. Modern bhoe Kepair Shop, 464 Court St. - g-7 FOB SALE 2 plows, 1 waeon with rack, 1 horse, 2 mules and 3 harness, 200 sacks aiyl 5 tons of hay. Phone 26 t li. inquire for Gilhs. - 8-7 USED CABS Studebaker $450, Ford $325, Maxwells $530, $373, $350, Stod dard Davton, $230. Highway Garage, 1000 S. COml. tf. FOR SALE, Or trade fine bowling al ley and pool and billiard hall, a good chance to make money. See me soon. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf 5 GOOD men wanted for factory work, long job at good wages. Call at room 303, Salem Bank of Com. b., or Phone 482, agent, W. D. Smith. 8-5 MUX WANTED who are not now en gaged in essential war work. Apply West Linn mills aerora river from Oregon City. Can use three- men t- ;ry day, so come along. Strike on but not bothering ns. Wages 42e hour, eight hours work. Take Seathera Pacific train to Oregon City. 8-4 GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 clerks at Washington. Examinations every where in August. Experience unneces sary. Men and women desiring gov ernment positions write for free par ticulars to J. Leonard, (former civ il service examiner,) 1059 Kenoia bldg., Washington. JO. C. 8-12 from ear line, 4 blocks from school, large lot and garage, terms if desir ed. Act at once il' you "want a good home cheap. Address J 24 care Jour nal. . tf USED CARS Ford $325, Stoddard- Dayton $230, Maxwell $550, $375, Studebaker $450, Ford roadster body and top $13. Highway Garage, 1000 8. Com '1. " tf WANTED Ford roadster body l'Jl or 1916 model. Phone 53F11. 87 CURL wanted, 111F5. housework. Call phoiv. 8-7 iu HAL,. .1 year old Jerfv-y cows, fresh, $45 and $50. Phone 103F16. 8-7 COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer! Turner, Oregon. Phone 50. tf. "WANTED Small potatoes, for stock feed. Cull 14F13. 8-7 WHEELBARROW for sale, cheap. Mc Laughlin, 116 X. Commercial. 8-6 BOY wanted, over 16, for steady work. The Glovp Factory, 1455 Oak St. 8-7 3 HORSES, 3 wagons and 2 sets har ness for sale. Phone 377J. 2005 Trade St. 8-5 FOB RENT (Furnished house, for one who wants a first class place, hot water heat, two fire places and com pletely furnished throughout. Ad dress Box 373, Salem, Or. tf. WALL PAPER 15 centB per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. WANTED Men and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phono 4X51 Turner. tf. HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, as 633 Ferry street. tf. TWO and threo room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203 . tf. WANT Partner in wood business with $300, have stnmpago for ten thous and cords, easy to get out. Box 333. tf. WANTED To trade five acres veil improved land near Munroe, Or., fot house and lot in Salem. Address 1092 Broadway. 8-6 WANT a modern bungalow, for which I will pay up to $2500 all cash. -Give full particulars In "writing. Box 13, Capital Journal. ... tf FOR SALE Or trade for liirht car. team, 1300 lbs. each, double and sin gle set hanvess, platform spring hack, two good Jersey cows, 5 and 6 years old. A. O. Hrowuley, lit. 7, Kilvciton road. FOR SALE Reo, five passenger tour ing ear. First class mechanical shape. All "how tines, good extra tire, tools, etc. Cheap. Owner must sell. See car at Great Western Garage. tf TO EXCHANGE Equity in $25,000 apartment house in Portland for ranch near Salem and Salem residence, tho two not to exceed $18,000. My client means business, what have you to of fer? Soeolofsky, 341 State St. 8-5 FOR SALE Whito Leghorn chickens, 130 pullets 4V& months old from hens that made a net profit of $3.30 each in ono year. 100 pullets 4 months old from 2U8 and 219 egg hens. 100 2- ycar obi hens that made of $3.30 each in one year. 115 i-year old hens, some are from the Holly- wood farm and some from 200-egg stock. 1 Buckeye 600egg incubator and two Buckeye colony brooders that have only been used one season, also ono McClanahan incubator 160 egg size. It is not the high price of feed that is causing me to sell. Write soon for they will not last long. Paul .Turfite t. Rt. 3. Silverton, Or. 8-2-B MRANDMRSHAfilLTON RETURN FROM HIKE Walked One Hundred And Sixty-Two MUes On Vaca tion Trip x Mr. and Mrs W M Hamilton are lnm from a two weeks hiking tour in which they covered 162 miles Th.? greater part of the time their line of travel took, them away from the regular lines of traffic, through rough country with nothing but horse trails or blazes to guide theai.. Beginning near Willamina tleir line of walk was as follows: Over the ranee MUST SELL my modern 6 room house, by Saddle mountain, one dav in the at once, located on graveled str.?et, mountains, then down Salmon river fol- one block from paved street, 2 blocks! lowing the horse trail, and then again a i: a Li. L- a i i : ..... . . over faume mountain. Uver night at Pit ner, then on to Otis about 14 miles.1 From this point they walked to ro-j win and back, then south down the coast ! to Newport. Then back to Otter Rock, thence over the mountains to SileU by way of thfl Spencer ereek trail. Thence down th? Siletx river to Euchre creek. It was in this section that the paths to homesteader's cabins took them off the right trail several times. The walking n,vre was over windfalls and heavy un derbrush. Traveling up Euchre creek brought them to the Siletz river again at the outlet of Brush enek. Thence up Sun shine creek to the- Falls City-Newport wagon road and t hence into the Siletz basin to Frink'B farm near the big log ging camp and thence to Black Bock, where they took tho train for Salem. They were compelled to sleen out in the open only five niirhts. On account of not being on the usual line of traffic Mr. Hamilton was obliged to carry 60 pounds in his knapsack. For those who are ambitious to spend their summer outing on a hiking trip, the expenses may be figured a? tna cost of food while camping out. Tho farm houses and small hotels charge on an av erage 50 cents a meal and 50 cents fo1 lodging. As to the necessary equipment to carry for a. two weeks ''hike, Mr. Hamilton says he will be glad to give details fo those interested. As this is his sixth annual walking tour, he has the ,?(iiipnicnt figured down to the least amount that is necessary. Marriage Of Silverton Man Was Annulled The marriage between Walter H. Ruble and Cynthia Gilbert Ruble of Silverton was dissolved and declared void by tho circuit court last week. According to the evidence introduced, they were married in April of 1916 It was shown that she had been ad judged insane in February of 1000 and had been .committed to the Illinois 233 ACRES, five hundred yards of sta tion for sale, good a room house, barn 38x70, 20 steel stanchions, 10 horse stalls, 1 calf pen, 10 foot alley way, pig pasture, hen house, granary; fenc ed iu four fields, lots water, $4000 cash, balance 15 years. $35 per acr,?. Owner W. D. Clark, box 12, Airdrie, Alta. ' 810 ADMINISTRATOR ' S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tho under signed was duly appoiuted administra tor of the estate of Pauline Neugebuutfr deceased, by order of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Marion coun- g.5;ty, on the 11th day of July, 1918, and lie has duly qualified as such adminis trator, and that all persons having claims against said estate arc requested to present their respective claims, duly verified, with proper, vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at Patton Bros., 340 State street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated August 5, 1918. AUGUST NEUGEBAUEB, Administrator of the estate of Paulino Xeugebaucr, deceased. Sept, 2. PACKERS ARE INDICTED New York, Aug. 5. The federal grand jury today handed down an indictment against tlw Pennsylvania railroad, Ar- net profiti niour and company, Swift and company and tlio Jersey City Stock Yards com pany. The Pennsylvania railroad is charged with having granted rebates on ship ments of livestock and dressed meats. The"" charges cover a period beginning in 1912 and continuing until last December. Journal Want Ads Pav Aiil iiiaAiAiii TtttTTTttttTtt "-.. LIBERTY THEATRE STARTING NEXT THURSDAY AUGUSTS, 9, 10 PERSHING'S CRUSADERS 'Following the Flag to France' Released by the Committee ea Public Information, Geo, CreeL chairman. Taken by U. S. Signal Corps and Navy Photographers and French Gen. Staff SEE WHAT OUR BOYS ARE DOING IN FRANCE "The Truth About The War" Uncle Sam's Answer to the Lies of The Hun Admission 25c, All Performances If Possible Arrange to Attend The Matinee I TRIPLE SHOW TOMORROW ant' TYRONE POWERS In One of the Biggest Features of the Yjear "A MODERN LORELEI TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Northern Itusuital as nn insane per- j nothing of her previous history as an son suffering with chronic melunchiloa. Sho was in the hospital until August of 1904 when removed to the Watertown hospital for the insane of Illinois where she remained until Sept. 21, 1905. She was then declared mentally improved and discharged as cured, At the time of the marring1, ac cording to tho evidence, Ruble knew nisRiie woman. However, in October of 1917 she was committed to the Oregon Stato hospital by reason ot rhronic melancholia and is now an inmate of that institution. Journal Want Ms Pay BRAINY BOWERS TAKES HIS DISCHARGE FROM THE MILITARY PRISON $M W N.V J -K.MwS.-r J, : - . ' . - y X. Xt BRAIN X v , . C ,V mj N i ii a i mrr: mm . & - m v y l j J yvS. Wiriho brainy w ,3 l it "SI