Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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Ugly, Unsightly Pimples
Are Signals of Bad blood
Give Heed to the Warning,
Pimples on the face and other
parts of the body are warnings from
Nature that your blood is sluggish
and impoverished. Sometimes they
foretell eczema, boils, blisters, scaly
enipticns and other skin disorders
that burn like flames of fire.
They mean that your blood needs
S. S. S. to purify it and cleanse it of
these impure accumulations that can
cause unlimited trouble. This remedy
Is the greatest vegetable blood rjun-
f.er known, and contains no minerals
or chemicals to injur' the most deli
cate skin.
Go to ycu drugstore, s3 get a
bottle or S. S. S. today, and get rid
of ihoy unsightly and disfiguring
pimples, and other skin irritations.
And u will cleanse your blood thor
oughly. If you wish special medical
advice, you can obtain it without
charge by writing to Medical Direc
tor, 29 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta,
Georsria. -
Good Work Being Done
On Country Roads
There has been a lot of good work
done in road district No. 14 this year
despite the labor shortage. .This district
comprises a large scops of territory
extending from the city limits on the
east and going as far as the divide. A.
Oeder is the hustling overseer who keeps
the f.ood work moving. So far this year
the road loading from the Davis school
house and ending at the Henry DuVal
ranch has hen completed with macad
am. On what known as the John Por
ter road the base will all be put down
and probably finished. About one-half
mile of finished toad has been put down
on the main highway. Considerable im
provement has been made on the Quail
road. This district has an assessed val
uation of $900,000 and there is being ex
pended on the loads this v.ear $4,000.
Silvcrton Appeal.
Italians Report Repulse
Of Austrian Attacks
V Borne, Aug. 5. Repulse of an enemy
attack in the mountain region was re
" Attacks by large hostile parties at
ipo aaijio eq Aq po?iod
Coronone were sanguinarily repulsed,"
the statement said. "At Sossalto two
officers ind few men were captured.
At Vallarsa enemy detachments attack
ed but were repulsed by our fire, leav
ing some prisoners behind. ,
"On the lower Piave our artillery
effectively countered against intense
enemy mortar nre."
Steamer Invincible Is
Launched In Record Time
Alameda, CaL, Aug. 5. launched
wmmmm i mmrn tMaiawaamaan "
Doubles the strength ol weak, delicate,
nervous people lu two weeks' time In
niiiny lustauoes. It is the cheuilcully
mira f.,rm f,f nhnunhutf naturuilv
found tu brnlu and nerve cells. Now
supplied by druggists In tablets under
puarautee of money buck If not wttis
lkil. Get MTttO-Pbosplinte. There
are other "phosphates" but not in
Imiln mil nerve cells. BITRO-Plios-
phute is the true, vital material which
increases Strength
Tennis Championships
Fcr Women Today
Chicago, Aug. 3 With the men's
events in ' the western tennis tourney
decided vesterdav interest returned to
day to the championships for women.
Miss eely or (.lucago was to meet
Mrs. Northrop of Portland, Ore., in
the singles; Mrs. Xonhrop and Miss
Neely to play Miss Leighton and Mrs.
Field of Chicago in the doubles.
Walter T. Hayes defeated Samuel
Hardy for the singles title, 6-2, 9-7. -
Both are Chicago men. Hayes and
Ralph Burdick won the sectional doub
les title from Edward O. Eisner end
V. S. Miller, Chicago, 6-1, 6-1, 6 3.
Dempsey and Fulton,
Chicago, Aug. 5. Jack Dempsey and
Fred Fulton, heavyweights, who faced
each other for-twenty-three seconds a
week ago, will be scheduled for a six
round exhibition - here Saturday if
Dempsey agrees tQ donate his services
The show is planned as part of sal
vation arany benefit- Fulton is said
to havo agreed.
Shooters Eaise Money.
Chicago, Aug. 5. Trapshooters here
for the grand American handicap bee-main?
today raised $1,H5 in a Red
Morass nrnlnmift. The monev was raised
largely through bidding for places as
omciais tor tne meet wmcn euus -rn-dav.
A team shoot resulted in a victory
for a team captained by "Frank Troeh,
Washington state champion, 490 to 48S.
Tfc3 Perfect Baby
Of Th3 Fcfcra
Infrrmrt opoa The Futara Infant.
important ;x-J. 1 . WOT
To KEEP etc WW ' J-tf
air-tiqmt-Lu. C"$ w
TT-i f I...-. Sotttt malr.n. as
XI ill IS I Ul iiumv jwx.jr .i," , --
well as home canners are contained
in the free book on canning and
drying issued by the National War
Garden Commission, Washington,
D. C. Write for a copy, enclosing
wo cents for postage.
24 actual working davs after the laying
of her keel on July 4, the 12.000-ton
iinmuii Tnvinpihlp wns rirtintr at anchor
today in the estuary off the Bethlehem
alnltiiililinar TlllUlt..
f Officials of the Bethlehem plant
claimed a, beat of tlirce aays over mo
record of the TuckaTioe. The Invin
cible 's steel was laid July 4. four
Sundays and a two-day strike length
ened the elapsed time.
Children Cry
Journal Want Ads Pay
Before the arrival of baby knowfttf womrs
'or over half a century have uard witk
t-Fiilur.ty the time-honored preparation,
Uother'l Fricnd,.
Here it a nKwt wonderful application for;
l.e abik-ir.ca and braasU. It penetrate
Jib muscles, lifaraenta and ttssnea, render.
::g them pliant to readily yield tu nature'!
leuiand fcr expansion.
By its use the anxious weeks or pregnancy
ire made comfortable. The usual wrench-hi-
strain, be.irinfKlown and at retching pains
ire counteracted. The system la prepared
'or the coming event, and Its use bring
est, repose aud happy anticipation.
By the regular Use of Mother's Friend dur
jv the period the muscles expand easier when
tabjr arrives, and naturally the pain and
langer at the crtsU is less.
Mother's Friend Is prepared after the for
mula of n. ted family doctor by the Brad
Held Regulator Co., Lamar Bid., At
lanta, (ia. It ia for external use onlyi la
absolutely and entirely safe and wonder
fully effective. Write them for their Instruc
tive aud Interesting "Motherhood Book."1
There 1 a wealth of instruction and com
fort to be derived tn reading tills little
book.' It Is plainly written Just what every
woman wants to know and will be a splen
did little text book of guidance, not only
for vnurolf hut will make vou helofui to
others, and in the nieantlme obtain a bottle
of Mother's Friend from the druggist, and
thus fortify yourself against pain and di
, (Continued from pnge one)
Ladles9 White
Eisa m "a iim.i " ia mji ' u, in in mm
-'V,,'.'--''-i. - I-
There will be Many More Hot
Comfortable Cool White Shoes
to you af Lower Prices.
Sultry Days Before Fall And You Will Want the
and Slipvers . We Have Them and Will Sell Them
White Canvass Laco French $2.95
Heels, a $4.00 grade for. ; . .
Fine White Canvas Lace, $3 85
$4.50 value for
Fine White Canvas Lace, --$369
$4.50 value for'
Finest White Fabric Lace, J4-65
best grade .
Fine White Nubuck $4,95
French heels, $7 grade .
White Canvas, Two-Strap $245
Slippers .
White Canvas, 1-Button, . .$2.85
Twin Strap Pump ;
White Canvas, 1-Strap $235
low heels .
White Canvas, 1-Strap $1-(J5
low heels . ................
White Canvas Plain Pumps $2-g5
low! heels
These are wonderful Array Shoes, are just as good for service at home- While
The first Cost is Greater ,The Ultimate Cost Is Much Less Because of The Great
Length of Time of Wear. Come Look at it
i An Elegant
Brown ' Shoe,
new last $6.50
Black Calf
English last at
. $6.50
Black ' .Calf
Broadway last
$8 grade at
Black Gun Met
al Button $7.00
grade at $5.50
Women's Laces Silk Floss Embroidery
Waists ' Values to 10c . Richardson Values to 20c
50c EACH Now 5c and Carlson Now 10c
CiWaistsddy 0tesat2for5c Curriers' thrs5c
50c EACH and lc yar sks for 10c And lc Yard
Boys' Shirts Soft Collars Women's Sleeve
10c For Boys and Handkerchiefs Protectors
Boys' And Men's 2for5c Of Black oilcloth
Neckties Me" fclOc 15cE.ch- whuiioTh
15c 10c Each Fancy or Plain 15c Each
any one of a dozen good excuses for
zooming off home and leaving you to do
the same if you could get away, he'd be
a gimpcr all right. A gunpsr is a scout
who does everything just a. little better
than he has to.
," We call this tho gimpcr squadron be
cause every man has to prove himself a
gimp?r by his actions. When a chap ar
rives, he 's an egg. All good eggs foon
become vultures and they're promoted
to goopher standing. Then, is when
they have to prove themselves gimpers,
and they'll bo gimpers just as long as
they mako good. A man who isn't a
gimpvr can't stay with tho squadron
its zoomTror him back to the woods.
"Oimper means a lot to us. It means
more than good scout, or old pal or
comrade. I got tlw word from a mo
chauic I hud when X was in tho racing
game. Ho was a gimpcr, and I kuew
wheu he finished with a motor shu
would run. In this man's life there
were two kinds of people, gimpers and
bums. There were mighty few gimpers
iu tho world and lots of bums, as this
mechanic put it and it took a good man
to be a gtuipor.
"The pursuit, and fighting part of
aviation requires a typo of aviator who
wjll stick, .'specially tho way wo fly in
groups. To do your best work, yol
must have a mutual feeling of confi
dence in tho 'gimpetf' flying besido you
that is unequalled anywh.'re else. If
u have a gimpor with you, you know
he wont mako a mistake in judgment ot
lose his nerve at tho critical time. A
gimpor couldn't do that if ho lost his
nerve just one.?, ho d never bo a gim
per again. Wo all know that, and 110
gimpcr ever loses his nerve.
"I don't mean a gimper will always
piquo into a crowd of Huns, no matter
their number. A good gimper knows
when to fight and when not to tight. If
ho hasn't a chance, ho draws off, flics
around until he getg. his altitude mid
then drops on tho Heinies. A gimpor
doesn't need to be foolhardy. Ho watch
es his chances, but never gives up when
another giuipor is being strafed.
" When you ro flying around up there,
over Germany, and being followed by a
strinii nf black pufts from tho German
Avf liieH. nnd lieni tliem xt)ndiTiir nrniiiwl
you, aud then sec some German planes
off to ono side of you, it is the easiest
thing in the world to pretend you don't
s,?e them, and keep straight ahead until
you pass them. Usually, the Germans
aro willing to do that, too, unless you
attack them. But a gimper never lets
himself fail to seo them. He maneu
vers around until vs can piquo on them
and let them have it until they run
home. Then he's satisfied he's a gim
per. "
Standard Brands
, 5c Each
Many Late Styles Only
5c each
Comer Court and
Coml Street, Salem
on hjs Uelly, threw bombs down through
tho openings.
Thus he killed eight Germans and took
two prisoners who were hiding in a clo
set aud shouting: "Eameradl"
Sergeant Hallwood, who came up
about then, was for bayoivjtting tho
prisoners, but O'Kourko says no; ho had
work for them to do. ,
Ho turned the pill box into a hospital
to which ho mado tli prisoners bring
the wounded. -.
He's Tender, Too.
One queer thing about O'Eourke X do
not understand. Ilo'd kill a boche as
soon as look at him. But when he finds
a wounded man he's all tenderness and
nothing'll do but h,o must be carried
away to a hospital to havo his hurts
mended. Comrade or boche, it's tha
same to O 'Uourke,
I'd hesitate to tell you how many
German's O'Bourke has killed hund
reds! And how many scores of wounded
men ho hag succored, and how many
times he has risked his life, and how
many times he has used his wits to good
Is Thrice Honored.
' Twould take a book to t.'.'ll the whole
I'vo told you enough the rest '8 "1'
to sample. For Vrivnto O'Kourko is tht
only liian iu tho Canadian army who has
all three of tho British honor medals,
including tho Victoria Cross.
80 you'll not b,o wasting your time
at tho Armory tonight, even i' tho spea
ker is a private in tho ranks,
Twelve Men To Have . "
For Camp Fremont
Tuesday evening on. tho 9:24 even
ing Southern I'ueific train twelve men
from tho local exemption board mid
two from other boards will entrain for
Camp Frcemont, Culifornia. They will
go into tho regular training service,
similar to that at Camp Lewis, The or
der number and names are as follows'
299 James Robert Parks.
49 Wilford W. Williams.
619 Calvin Clark Post.
1S82. Loyd Haberly.
822. Enmldio. Bollo.
1935. Vornon P. Barnes.
1521. Fortunnto Montele'ono.
1438 , John Ferdinand l'olanski.
3818. Artio Kay Newton.
981. Chester Manning Wilcox.
1955. Chester Raymond Ridgewny.
1952. Jim Dick. .
1938. William Allen Duuignn.
; K124, Clifford Waltea Wolty,.
Journal Want' Ads Pay
(Continued from page one)
the sleeve of O 'Rourlte 'g tunie into his
palm. A cautious finger and thumb pul
led the uin that starts thi mechanism.
The Alills grenade dropped noiselessly
on the soft ground between tho feet of
the Germans who were puff-puffing.
A .Mills grenado explodes three sec
onds after the pin is pulled.
Private' O'Eourke turned casually
away and kicked the seated Hun
squarely on the point of the chin I
Then he grabbed the officer and ran.
One second later three super-men went
to heaven. You see I am charitable.
Another time them was a German pill
box thai annoyed O'Kourke.
A pill box is a cement fort that stands
about six inches above the surface of
the ground. There are openings from the
end which those inside can direct enfi
lading fire.
You'll agree with me that the thing
O'Kourke did was not sporting. Hp.
didn't even give the Germans inside the
pill box a chance.
Behind tho gmoko screen of his own
making ho reached the pill box.
Outwitted Them.
Did he charge thru one of the open
ings? He did nott He climbed on the
roof, which wag easy to do, and, flat
For Infants find Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Bond Values are Determined by The Security Back of Them Gothing Val
ues by the Integrity of the Makers- Look for The Label When vou buy Your
Next Suit of Clothes.
$20 TO $40
$25 TO
When It Comes to Wear. These Clothes Are Unequalled; They Give More Service
For Your Money Than Any Clothes You Can Buy and We Back That Up With
A Guarantee of Satisfaction or Your Money Back-
Ail Wool
All Wool
" t
Always bears
Signature of