Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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An Economical, Delightful. Lieht Place to Trade
Specially Priced
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25c
Models that lend their fullest share of charm to
their wearers, pronounced the most attractive new
styles of 1918. All wool worsted. Colors, Copen,
Blue, Rose Maise, Prunelle, Green, Claret and Navy
, also Combination trimmed. Priced $5, $5.90, $6.50,
$7.50 and $9.50
Cotton Suits 50c to $2.50
Caps 25c, 33c, 50c
Shoes 35c and 50c
Bags 50c
416 State St., Salem, Or.
Phone 877
Plunged In Despair
(hrer News From Front
Brne, Aug. 5. "The Maine
$ defeat has produced unspeakable at
scenes of despair in Berlin," the
4c Tageblatt declares. "Such out
breaks of otter discouragement
ami downhfartedoess never be-
fore were witnessed."
Ihe Frackisehe Tage Post de
piores the wild rumors that the
kaiser and Von Hindenburg
have been assassinated and that
Von Hindeuburg.was killed in a
duel with the crown prince as
betraying the most dangerous 4c
The government threatens se-
vere penalties for the ones re-
sponsible for spreading these ru
sr mors.
Ed Omar, Member Of Honor
Gang, Latest To Escape,
Saturday Night
(Continued from page one)
tions north of Toul this morning, cap
turing a great quantity of small arms,
materials and machine guus. One of
the latter was taken while In action,
the doughboys killing the entire crew.
The number of Ooi-.mans killed during
the raid was considerable.
In tho Lorraino area American artil
lery frustrated a naid by a patrol of
peially trained troops, cutting off
several, which were captured. Tho
prisoners explained that patrols of
specially picked and trained troops are
now enuring the "quiet" sector of
the lines in companies of 20 to 5(1 for
the purpose of capturing outposts and
obtaining information.
The fact that the Hermans are o
bliged to form special units enough to
conduct the usual information-gathering
Br John De Gaudt.
(United l'ress staff carresitondent)
raris, Aug. 5 (10:50 a, m.) Allied
troops havo established two stronfl
bridgeheads on the north bank of the
Vesle at Hnzut-Jieft three miles west of
Fismos, and at Jonchcrry, six miles
east of Fimnes.
The German losses in the Fismos re
gion have been as severe as at any
point in the retreat, it is reported.
Included in the material captured by
the allies aro 1,5011,000 shells of 77-
Madam: The Boy
and the Child-all hav their
innings here.
We have just received a large
shipment and our lines are com
plete. We are headquarters for
these wonderful corsets, with
which Salem's knowing women
every day of the year enjoy
srrace, beauty and supreme com
fort. The materials vary, from
Brocades to simple Batiste, the
lines vary from those of the
plumpest to those of the slim
mest of women. But the quality
the style the fit are always
the same. Prices range from
$1.00 upward. 1 1 , i
' . Mm
Four convicts captured and one more
to escape that was tho record for tba
state penitentiary yesterday. Vonv.'n
played an important part jn the captures
Ed Omar, a member of tho convict hon
or ga-.g employed in the flax fields, is
the coiuict who escaped by slipping
a.vny irom tno camp during Saturday
night He is still at large.
The lour convicts who were captured
aro l'r,"d Thurber, who escaped last
Monday night with Bennett Thompson,
the murderer, and James Kelly. II. Arm
strong and C. I). Jones, three trusties
who escaped Wednesday night.
Thurber was first seen Satimlnv hv
Mrs. James Ditson, who' was travilins
on the Powell Valley road between Port
land and urcshatn with k)r husband.
Thry notified the constable at (iiesh-
nm and with n deputy' sheriff they re
turned und found Thurber and made the
canting without difficulty.
Hie other three convicts were captur
ed near Tualatin. Thev
houao and asked fur soniethinu tn enf
The woman suspected them 'as hoiiie
" iiiniiuu oi giving tnem a
handout sho poked a shotgun into their
races and held them until the .'.enrf' .
office could be notified and a deputy
sheriff arrive and take the men in cus
tody. Tho officials at tlm uenifenitinr
did not have the woman's name.
All four of the convicts nm ni t,
hind the bars at the penitentiary onco
Kelly is serving for buarglary com
mitted in Multnomah, Armstrong for
larceny committed in Lane and Jones
for burglary committed in Hood Itiver.
A group of Portland people came up
to Salem Saturday ' evening to spend
Sunday with ir- and 3Irs. Colonel J.
Olmstead, 476 Marioa street Their trip
was a surprise as they came up to cel
ebrate Mrs. Oimsteaas birthday with
her yesterday. The families were for
mer friends in Michjf.an, where they
use4 to live.
The party included Mr." and Mrs.
Archie Mason and daughter Esther. Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Williams and three chil
dren Clyde, Genevieve and Robert. All
of the party returned to Portland ex
cept Mrs. Williams and little son Rob
ert, who will remain for several days.
A party of four women left this af
ternoon for an extended motoring trip
into Washington state. They plan to
go 10 Ait. itainier to visit various
places including Seattle, Tacoma and
Cnmp Lewis. They will return in about
ten days. Those who went were Mrs
C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Walter L. Spauld
ing, Miss Ha Spaulding and Miss Mill
er, who is a sister of Mrs. Walter
Spaulding, from Oregon City.
Accompanying her husband. Mrs.
John McXary has left for the east.
They are planning to be gone for about
a month and will visit in 'New York
and Washington, though the larger part
of the time will be spent with Senator
Charles McXary, in Washington. Sen
ator Charles McXarv and John Mc
Xary aro brothers.
A quiet wedding took place at tho
Leslie Methodist church Saturday morn
ing when Morris William Welch of Sa
lem claimed Miss Myrtle -Lucille Goe
bel of Pratum as his bride. Rev. H. N.
Aldrich performed the ring ceremony,
which was used. Miss Grace Sherwood
sang "O Promise Me," and -the couple
unattended entered to the strains of I
the wedding march played by Miss
Ruth (Fields. The church was artistical
ly decorated with Shasta Daisies and
hanging baskets appropriately placed
The bride was dressed in a tailored
suit of brown broadcloth and wore a
hat to match.
Only the immediate families were
present. After the ceremony the couple
left for a motoring trip to the coast.
Mrs. Helena Yannke and daughter.
Genevieve. 555 Cheonekcta street, have whenever anyone Comes to my stand
returned from a vacation of several lBIlu- lalKS OI saving lmugesuon ami
we.eks at Newport- ' i stomach trouble, f always tell them to
' take Tanlae, and I know several peo-
Several families that are related are.P'O who taking it because they know
Mrs- Ms Health Failed
Completely Tanlac Re
stores Her
'I regret now that I did not take
Tanlae -sooner as I would not have had
to sell out my business," said Mrs. Min
nie Hall, proprietor of the lunch stan-i
known as "Mother's Lunch" in the
Farmers Market at Seattle, Washing
ton, recently. Mrs. Hall has lived in
Seattle for eighteen years and resides
at 330 39tk Ave., North. West. Contin
uing her statement Mrs. Hall said:
"I had suffered from stomach trou
ble and nervousness for several years.
My system got in a terribly rundown
condition and kept getting worse until
it resulted ia nervoas prostration. I
sold out my business because I just
could not hold out any longer. I was
then taken to the hospital, where I lay
for nearly two weeks, and when they
carried me home I was no better off
than before. My head ached so badly 1
felt like my eyes were weighted down
with lead, and my back hurt so it felt
like it would break, my stomach got
in such a bad condition I could hardly
eat anything, and what little I man
aged to force down would ferment, and
the pain caused by it would almost
draw me double. Gas would form and
bloat me up so I could not wear mv
corset, and I was so nervous and mis
erable that I never knew what a good
nights sleep was. I lost weight all the
time, and had gotten in such a bad fix
that I really thought mv time bad
about come.
"Then as a last resort, I began tak
ing Tanlac, as I had read and heard so
much about it, and the first bottle
made a big change in my feelings.
have taken four bottles now, and it has
made such a wonderful improvement
in my condition, that I have bought
my business back, and am working
everyday without the least bit of trou
ble. I have- already gotten back fif
teen pounds of my Host weight, and
am not bothered any more with head
aches or backache. My appetite is fine
and my stomach is in such a good con
dition that I can. eat just anything 1
want and never feel a sign of indiges
tion. I think so much of Tanlac, that
Special Values
Waists in crepe de chine and Georgette models of
fine quality, complete range of sizes. White, flesh,
maize, coral, beige, tea, rose. Embroidered and bead
ed,, tucked and hem stitched High and low neck
models $4.9,
LINGERIE WAISTS in sheer voiles, dainty lawns
and organdies, many novel trimmings. Latest col
lars, two special lots $198 anc$4'98
DRESSES of Voiles, Organdies and Ginghams.
Wonderfully attractive dresses for summer wear. X
Special offerings at...'. .$695 and $975 f
SILK DRESSES, the styles in excellent taste, de- ::
veloped in the most wanted colors and trimmings.
I sPialsat $14.75, $19-75 ,$22.48 f
SEPARATE SKIRTS. Silk in checks and stripes. f
Whiter Wash Skirts with novelty belts and pockets, X
. 1 1' J A. J J i.1 . .1' 1 . 1 I
spienuia assortments, most attractively priced.
miliiuctor caliber.
.Since July 15, Von Hindenburg has
fnagp,l 87 divisions (1.044,000 men),
uicluiliirg 47 divisions ("ti-l,000 men) in
the Mnrno pocket.
til1 - T fc m
5 I- . - i -1 -'- 4
60c to $200
It doesn't necessarily take a
swimming hole to separate a
buy from his pants. But, what
; ever. may, we have about 600
pairs of boys Knickerbockers
1 iu mixed fabrics, khaki and
corduroys for his' majesty.
This affords ample assortment
for good selections,' Sir.cs 6 lo
18 years.
The Child's Test
Your child wants shoes that are easy
to wear that don't pinch or bind
the foot.
l!ut the shoe musf fit snnggly in or
der to be comfortable.
f For Boy l"
For 6 Mi
fit the child's foot properly, because
they are made upon tln Drown Simp
ing Lusts, which reproduce N'aiHie's
perfect lines of grace and beauty,
They are easy to wear and hard to
outwear. They are good-looking
French Meet Resistance,
Paris, Aug. 5. (Noon) French
troops have met German resistance
everywhere north of the Vesle, the
rVench war office reported today.
"Ught French elements that crossed
the Vcsle met tiermau resistance every
where," the communique saiid.
"There is iiothinir new tn rennrt (mm
itho battlo frout."
Port and Italian Girl
.Murdered By Lover
Portland, Aug. 5. Mary Kspina, 13,
nn Italian girl, was murdered earlv
today tin. I the police re searching for
John Monoeeo, 24, as the murderer,
Seven bullets were fired into tho
girl's body from a revolver- Eugenio
Kspina, the e-irl's father, said Monocco
first killed the girl and then escaped
after beating the father.
Monocco had been paying attention
to the girl for some time but her father
ordered him away. When Monoeeo re
fuse! to leave the girl, Esina swore
out a warrant against him and a court
order was issued forcing him to leave
Portland. He went to Seattle but re
turned to Portland Sundav,
enjoying a pleasant vacation together
at the coast. Some of them have left
for Newport, which is their destination
and others will leave tomorrow. Mr,
and Mrs. A. A. Underbill, J. B. Lit
tler, accompanied by. his son, Robert,
and mother left Thursday, whilo Mrs.
Littler left, yesterday. Tomorrow Mr,
and Mrs. H. D. Hendnicks will leave to
join the party. The families have tak
en several cottages and are planning
an outing of several weeks, though Mr.
Littler will probably return Friday.
Among those having guests over Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewing,
JJJl state street, when they entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Huggins and
daughter, Eloise, of Portland.
Another family who are newcomers
in Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Scott. They are from Portland a nl are
at the Godfrey home; 405 JJorth Liber
ty street. Mr. Scott is with, the Witten
berg King company.
Mrs- Harry Hill of Miller street is
entertuining as her house guests, Mrs.
George Shaw (Maud Munson) and son,
Harry, of Ogdcn, Utuh. They will visit
in Salem about a week.
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
church will meet tomorrow afternoon
at two thirty at the homo of Mrs. L.
S. Geer, 765 Marion street.
l - . .ve--
i "I . . " : : V
- - - - - - r- 4 r
h J r j
. .
Starting tomorrow at
the Liberty
Walk Erect At Eighty
Because a man or woman is old does
not mean that they must walk along
bent over and supported with a cane.
A man can be as vigorous and healthy
at eighty as at. twenty if he aids the
organs of tho body in performing their
functions. All diseases whether of a
malignant or weak character tend to
tear away our vitality. We must coun
teract disease in its incipient stage if
vou would live a happy and useful long
GOLD M EDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
a 2D0 year old preparation that is used
all over the world, contains soothing
oils combined with strength giving and
system cleaning "lierba. These capsules
are a prescription and have been and
are still being used by physiciuns in
daily practice. They have proven their
merit in relieving" backache, kidney
and bladder ctmplaint and all ail
ments arising from an excess of uric
acid in the system.
GOLD MK1UL Haarlem Oil Capsules
are sold at all reliable druggists. They
aro guaranteed to do everything as
claimed or money refunded- Don't be
misled by false imitations. Look for
GOLD MEDAL on every box.
London, Aug. 5. A successful raid
near Arraj and German artillery ac
tivity in Flanders were reported by
Field Marshal Haig today.
"We captured a few prisoners last
night at Neuville- Vitassc, eouthcast of
Arras." the statement sain.
"There was enemv artillery firing
along the La Kassee canal at Hethune
and at different points between Maze-
brouck and Ypres.'
what it has done for me."
Tanlac is sold in Hubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
Gooch, in Gervais by John Kellv, in
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood-
burn by Lyman H. Sborey, in Salem
by Dr. 8. C. Stone, in Silveiton by Geo,
A. Steelhammer, in Gates bv Mrs. J.
P. MuCurdy and in Stayton by C. A.
Jieauchamp. (Adv.)
Jealousy Leads To
Tragedy In Seattls
Seattle, Aug. a. Bet tie Searwen, 24
stenographer, is in the eity hospital
here today with a bullet jvound in her
leg and two others are dead as the re
sult oi a shooting affair Saturday
(Jlco Winborne, wife of Robert L
Winborn, 50 a barber, shot herself
through the head after wounding tho
stenographer and killing the young
girl's mother, who ran into the room
where sho heard a scuffle.
Insane jealousy was giveu as the mo
tive by Miss Searwen at the hospital
today where she sat with Robert Win
born at her side. She denied that Win-
born had been faithless to his wife,
but explained that they had lunched
together and walked home together for
years, having been acquainted in Che
ago. .
Los Angeles, Aug. 5. Four men and
one woman were held hy the police to
day charged with robbing the Westlake
branch of the Home Savings bank three
days. ago.
Those under arrest are Robert E.
Hayes, aged J-'O; Jack Walters, aired 21
Frank Damaraski, aged 25; F P. Mc-
Uermott aged 25; Mrs. Nettie Walters,
young bride of Jack Walters.
Iowa City, a., Aug. 5. Prof. Fred
erick Saiios Eastman, head of the Lat
in department of the Iowa State uni
versity is dead hero today the result
of an automobile smash near here ves
tordny. Eastman lost control of the machine
and it overturned, going down an em
bankment He suffered a fractured
skull, and died almost instantlv. His
widow, a daughter and another
were painfully injured.
U. G. Shipley Co.
"Where Shopping Is a Pleasure"
' - fx
K " ll 'll I III
ger was killed and four others slight
ly injured wien an automobile driven
by Mrs. A. Borland of Tacoma, in
which the party was riding, plunged
from Fourth avenue to Western avenue;
on Madison street Saturday evening.
The car's brakes were faultv.
How They Can Find Relief
From Periodic Sufferings.
Naehua, N. H. " m nineteen years
old and every month for two years I '
had sum pains that.
& 11
II " " - '
NUBSE Her royal highness has com
menced her duties as a Red Cross nurse
and is serviiiir as probationer at the
Hospital for Hick Children, London.
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood.
Seattle, Aug. 5. Edward I. Imhoff,
1ft. Postal Telegraph eonmanv messen-
I would often faint
and have to leave
Bchool. I had such '
pain I did not know '
what to do with my
self and tried so
many remedies that
were cf no use. I
read about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
in the newspapers
and decided to try it,
and that is how 1
found relief from pain and feel so much :
better than I use to. When I hear of
any jrirl suffering as I did I tell them
how Lydic, E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound helped me." Delina !
Martin, 29 Bowers St. Nashua, N.H.
Lyiiia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from native roots end -herbs,
contains l.o narcotic or harmful ,
drugs, thereiore is a perfectly safe rem
edy to give your daughter, who suffers
from such painful periods as did Miss
ihe reason
bo many girls write
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co..Lvnn.
Macs., for advice, iz becauoc from their
40 years experience tliey h&ve a store of
knowledge which is invariably helpful
The Original
lasted IVSilk
For Infant and Invalids'
l l HI I itmini
I ffl
Jb a a-Wr Ml
'Somawher in the
Co tsn.
taould be
cannaciKMi mean ikt ik:. .
verywher in tle cwmtrr. Cn whd
7ou can. Frw book of instruction,
n cannuc and dry in, mmy be bad
from Ih. N.ti WV Crd.n Com
uwion, Wwhintton. D. C, for two
cants to pay dosUm
We have put in some iron working machinery,
With the Steel Furnace Company, and we want a
name for the machine shop. We eive everyone a
chance to submit a name. The rules are that the 1
ones sending a name should write their name and I
address plain, and the person sending the name that X
we later adopt will receive $3.00 in Thrift Stamps. X
contest is open to all free of charge. Contest will
close two weeks from date of first publication of this
notice. Mr. Rosebraugh and Mr. Lamb will be the
committee to decide on the name. We repair any
thing from a sewing machine to a sawmill.
Address all communications to
Lamb Co.
W5 South 17th Street : Salem, Or.