Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 02, 1918, Image 1

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    4,600 SUBSCRIBER
Only Circulation in (talent Guar
anteed by the. Audit Bureau of
Drive Ahead Oa Fifteen Mile
Front But Extent of Ad
vance Not ReportedGer
mans Are Destroying Sup
plies As They Retire Before
Alljed PressureThree
Mile Advance Made On
Five Mile FrontFighting
Continued Throughout Last
By Lowell Mellett,
(United Pre gtaff correspondent)
With the French Annies in the Field,
Aug. 2. (2:25 p. m.) The battle with
in the Marne pocket, which began grow
ing in violence again yesterday, is still
laging as this is cabled. .
Loss onhe Important heights of the
Grand Rozoy is causing the enemy to
fail back with too French and British
in hot pursuit, .
After fierce combats, the allies occu
pied Hartonnes-Et-Taux village and
wood (seven miles south of aoisnonsj
anri Coiitremin (a mile south of Han
enues-Et-Taux), Saponay (seven miles
endeavored to do for them," declared
uule and a half northwest of Fere-en
Tardenois) is still violently confuted
but the French hold Rape'rio, just north
or Sapouay.
South of the Ourcq the enemy resist
once is becoming more feeble. French
and American troops have conquered the
thickets and woods north of the Gous-Hanconrt-Coulonges
On fjie eastern portion of the battle
field, the poilus have arrived at the
outskirts nt' Villers-Agron and have
captured Forzy (a mile northeast of
Villers Agron) and the wood a mile
east of Romigny (two miles northeast
nr Forzy.) . ,
The French also have occupied the
hill ai:d small wood northeast and north
qf Ttpjfligny.
By John Do Gaut.
nin,tA Pioaa Stn f t Pnri-ixmi.iwli.tlt 1
.... v.... f
Paris, Aug. 2. (4 p. m.) New allied :ll"s vo mm me ngnt man. iney
progress on the 15-tnile front between arfs follow':
Fere-en-Tardenois and Ville-en-Tarde . L - J- Rai'e of the Minneapolis
nois, was reported today. Teachers agency says that manual
How extensive this was could not aetra""ni? teachers are scarce and that he
ascertained at the hour of cabling. ; J?"! 'ot "l"? njr on f or lea8 than
Between the Ardre and the Velse rivV .Ti i , . ,
ers, a number of fires have been observ- Tpn J, pra" 0"f 'er 1 ,atrnat
ed, evidently the remit of destruction oMf.'VtTf i:nrtonj l' says'
of'ntatoriaby the Germans at several J
places, including Fismeg. whether we can furnish you with the
. ' .... . man you desire. We have calls for
jjouoon, aug. a. ,i:io p. auibq
1mm.. L.it. ii.nli.MJ n.iinini,ri
of Meuniere wood and are advancing.
steadily north-of Clerges (three miles'cago says: "The deniaiicT for manual
west 01 jueumere) it was tearuea au
thoritatively this afternoon.
Loudon, Aug. 2. 2.I8 p. m. The al
lies, advancing three miles on a Itve
mile front captured all of tJie water shed
commanding the territory north of tW
Crist river, it was learned this ai'ter
' (The Crise flows from the vicinity of
Lanoy northwestward into the Aisnc, at
Capture of this ridge between the
Ourcq and the Aisne endangers the Ger
man retirement in the center as well as
on the entire west flank.
. o .-!..!.. i i i organization. The first efforts in this'
u, ..-..i p """jline aimed to include only the fathers
forty-four enemy airplanes were brought but when the nl0VPment was or3anized
down by the all.es during July while t wa9 ,ho ,,t hfat u
allied machines were . lost d"ng ( the home folkg anc!now it seems prob
the same period. ,Jab!e that the idea will develop into a
British aviators accounted f r 410, hg aud broad association of patriotic
planes; French 2VJ; Italians 100; Bel-' ef fort9,
gians 4; Americans 3. In addition. 2(1 j The executive committee of the local
Tilanes were 'brought down in the Bal- society will present an attractive pro
lans and five in Palestine. Igram next Wednesday evening and the
The Germans destroyed 31(5 allied reading of the letters from the bovwill
planes and the Bulgarians and Austrians bo included in the evening's exercises,
four. I Frank Davey, president of the Sol-
- , '
, Dial to Pershing.
Rome, Aug. 2. General D!az, com
mauder in chief of the Italian avniies
following King Victor Emmanuel's re-
i (Continued on page three)
Enemy Has Small Use Heavy
Artillery During Their
By Lowell Mellett.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The French Armies In The Field
Aug. 2.-(2:30 a. m.)-General Mangin 's '
., , ,
army was srm advancing carry rouay,
utilizing every advantage gained in yes
terday's impetuous assault along a ten
mile front.
Beating down stubborn German re
sistance, the allied troops had the satis
faction of seeing .the enemy wildly
fleeing at come points.
The completeness of the allied suc
cess is evidenced by the fact that Franco-British
batteries were installed short
ly before 8 a. in. on ground from which
we had only begun to drive the German
at 4 a. m.
The Germans were able to us? their
own artillery only on the smallest scale,
being compelled to. rely upon machine
guns. These were taken one by one,
notwithstanding the boches' dogged re
sistance. The enemy's casualties during the daj
were extremely high. The bravery of
their defense could not be questioned,
up to tlic poinj where it seemed hope
less. If they disobeyed their orders to
resist- to the death, their cunnades
know why. .
Hill 205 (four miles northeast of Oul-chy-le-Chateau)
was conquered at 6
o'elock. Courdoux (a mile west of Uill
203), Servenay (two miles east of Cour
doux) and Crainoiselle, (a mile south ef
Servenay) fell soon after giving up
many prisoners.
The Germans violently counter attack
ed from Buzancv (eight miles north of
Oulcky le-Chateau) and L'Eveqne wood,
(just south of Buzancv) French infant
ry broke up their efofrts.
uy evening t,ranuiie.-(a mtlo and a
half south of Uamoiselle) and the hills
to. the northward had len oeupied. -
As a result of the allied success, Ger-j
man positions up to and including Pis-
Superintedent Todd Finds
Teachers Very Scarce
x And High Priced
Du.-ing these strenuous war times,
finding a man for the teaching of prac
tical and mechanical drawing for the
manual training vacancy in the high
school is no eRsy job, according to
superintendent John W, Todd.
At the last meeting of tho school
board of directors, Mr. Todd' submitted
some of his efforts in this line and the
general information he hail collected io
i i . , .. .. ,
that type offering
J. . . 1 &
from $2000 to
"The Fist Teachers' aunncv nt cm.
(Continued on. page two)
Want Soldier Letters
To Read At Club
Mothers and fathers of boys in the
service are asked to bring letters from
the soldier and sailor 'boys to be read
at the meeting of tho Soldiers' and
bailors' Parents Club to be held Wed-
nesday evening, Aug
at the Com-
mercial club.
Salem was a pioneer in the broaden
ing of the title and scope of this or-
diers 'and Sailors' Parents club, says
that at one time it was thought that
Will G. ilc-Rac, the well-known news-
paper correspondent could be secured
for Wednesday evening but word. was
received that he was engaged the en-1
tire week in Washington.
mes (12 miles northeast of Cramille) are
menaced. Road lines and other com
uiunications radiating from that tity,
are subject to dir.?ct fire from. our ar
tillery. Fismes has been a great store
house for German supplies. The extent
to which the enemy has been able to
evacuate this, if at all, is not known.
The Germans yesterday began a
heavy bombardment of Mucins which
S?',U oustitut-.-s a thorn in the enemy's
1 stood on a spur of the Montague de
Rhiems and watched hundreds of shells
exploding in the ruined towns between
the mountain and city.
Every now and then, one would drop
in Kliiems. Twice great clouds ol dust
rose up in front of the cathedral obscur
ing the structure for several minutes.
When the clouds cleared away, the build
ing apparently was unscathed. The ca
thedral as a wholo appears intact, but
thoso who have visited it recently say
it is only a hollow shell which rises in
ghostly magnificence, mocking the
Huns' efforts.
To the right of the city, shells fell
regularly on Fort 'De La Pompelle, from
winch the U?rmaus have sought since
1914 to oust the 'French. To the left
tho village of Couloimnes wes being
re-shattered while the forest of Vrigny,
ori a low hog-back hill, s?emed fairly
heaving and rocking under the bom
Further to the left Bligny, three kilo
meters distant, was erupting smoke lik.e
a volcano.
Persistauce of the bombardment eli
minatcd the theory that this might be
only the usual "evening hiito" suggest
iiig instead a coming attack. This idea
was supported by several hundred shells
falling from that town almost to our
The attack came soon after, the Ger
mans attempting to re-take lii.-ny, nut
t rench colonials drove them otf,
The amount of metal the boches are
expending hereabouts proves the rest
lessness with which thev view the al-
lies' possession of strong positions eu
feroaching - upon their., lin.es, which the
enemy must hold td avoid complete ev
aeuation of the pocket.
Due To Damage By Insects
And Bad Weather Con
ditions, Says Report.
San Francisco, Cal.; Aug. 2. Unusu
ally heavy damage by inBects and bad
weather conditions have been unfavor
able .to proper developments of grain
crops on the Pacfic coast, says the
review of general business conditions
in the twelfth fedeal reserve district,
issued today.
Government estimates of crop condi
tions show the- probable product a
mouth ago.
Despito this wheat production will
bo 20,000,000 bushels above the 1017
"Greatly reduced acreages of pota
toes and sugar beets is shown," says
tho bulletin. "The farmers having
planted other crops which promised lar
ger financial returns. Tho estimated
production, of potatoes is 32,147,000
bushels compared with 47,156,000 bush
els in 1917.
"Deciduous fruits are in good con
dition, but the total production will
probably be somewhet less than lst
year, although earload shipments from
California this season to July 13 have
beon 2,152 cars compared with 2,112
cars iu 1917. It is estimaed that the
apple crop of the Pacific northwest
will, be less than 20,000 cars, about 10
per cent below the 1917 yield.
"Prices of all farm products arc in
excess of those cf last year."
Orange and lemon groves are in goad
condition, says the bulletin, and all
indications are for a normal yield.
Cotton acreage in Arizona and I al-
ifornia has materially iiicreasec
ised this
This vear's salmon pack will probably
amennt to M.'iQiJ.OOO cases, compared
with 10.124,85S cases last year, anrt
7,O.'!2,082 for an eight year average.
"It is estimated that the value of
the production of all shipyards building
steel and wooden ships on this coast
is over $300,000,000 per year. Of 53
constructors- of steel ships and 7S con-
(Continued on page two)
Ban Francisco, Aug. 2. So great is
the need of platinum by the government
that orders have been issued T. W. H.
Shanahan. superintendent of the mint
to receive from the public platirflmi,
metals of the platinum group and plat-
inum jewelry for forwarding to the
(New York ssay office, where its value
i will be determined. Mianahan issued
a request yesterday, that all persons
possessing platinum turn it over to
j thc government.
Yankee Forces Have Advanc
ed Tw And Half Miles
Beyond Gergny
By Fred & Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Annies in France
Aug. 2. (Noon) The German with
drawal has been resumed.
Woody- sacrifices Tat Scringes, Sergy
aitd Cierges were in vain, in the face of
the- steady Franco-American pressure.
. The advance of the Americans since
the rupture of Ciergny has reached a
depth of four kilometers (2 14 miles)
at some piaces.
Steady pressure is pushing the boches
back nnd has gives the French and
Americans control of the plateau beyond
the Fere-en-Tardonois line, -which com
mands the country 10 the northward.
The neitt Gevman defensive line is
likely to be the Tesle, river.
The Americans are persistently fol
hnving up the retreating enemy.
A heavy rain fell , throughout .the
night and was continuing today, turning
hiilittry roads into quagmires and stop
ping all aerial activity.
The break in air fighting is noticeable
is more than a dozen boche planes were
brought down in flames, Thursday.
Steals March On Herrmann
And Calls Meeting of
League leaders .
By H. O. Hamilton,
(United. Press gtaff correspondent)
New York, Aug. 2. Governor John
K. Teuer. president of the National
league, stolo a march on Garry Horr-
man'n's plana to split the National
league meeting called for tomorrow,
when he hastily summoned club owners
here today and went into session wits
.them at National league headquarters.
It was believed probable that the
league would hurry through with What
business it has to wind up, discuss par
ticipation in the world's series and the
subject cf abandoning tho season on
September 1, and then adjourn in plenty
of time for those club owners who so
desire to go to Cleveland and attend
the National commission meeting to
morrow. Tener will not attend .the Cleveland
In the city when the meetiug was
called were President William F. Baker
of the Philadelphia club; President
Ebbets of the Brooklyn club; President
Hempstead of the New t nrk clut
President Dreyfuss of the Pittsburg
club and Arthur ;. Wise, representing
the Boston club owners, in the absence
of Percy Houghton.
This group is considered the loyal
faction which will fight efforts ot
Herrmann to discredit and humiliate
Governor Tener. Charles Wceghman,
president of the ( hii ago club, was to
have attended tomorrow's meeting
here, but was obviously unable to reach
the city toilay.
real patriots, Oabe Craw
lone without meat t'day an' thinned
out a row 0' carrots. We notice when
. . ... ..
a mnrrie. linn, c i.itn HKi t i ress iner
a long time gittiu a planner.
2, 1918.
Endeavors Mainly To Compel
Allies To Continue Pure
ly Frontal Attacks
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press war expert)
New York, Aug. 2, Von Hinaemmrg
is. conducting his slow retreat toward
the Vesle in Biich a manner as to avoid
the dangerous pockets which the Amori
cans were creating by their advance
along the main railway to Fismes. The
German west flank, south of Soissons,
is at the same time slowly bending be
fore the allies' blows and is tending to
form a diagonally straight line with the
southern front, By rectifying his defens
ive positions in this manner, Von Ilin
denburg is trying to eliminate all sal
ients and to compel the allies to con
tinuethrNi pressure by means of front
al attacks. These tactics are only tempo
rarily of advantage to the Germans anrt
are in the nature of an expedient to gain
time for the further retirement of e-r-man
heavy artillery and munitions. The
present position of the allies-west of
the Fismes railway is seriously' threaten
ing the German communications ulong
the Criso river, and the important rail
way which runs along the bank of that
stream. This is the only defensive po
sition remaining in Von Hindcnburg's
hands south of the Vesle and in the
western arc of the Soissons-Rheims Sal
ient. Today's fighting, however, is pro
ceeding less heavily on the western
flank and is tending to shift to the cen
tral area, directly touth of Fismes. Got
cral Foch's. purpose in bringing' re
newed pressure to bear here is due to
the horror Von Ilindenburg.is showing
of salients. Every small advance by
the Americans in the central sector
tends to create a pocket and causes the
Germans to retreat elsewhere so aj to
try to keep their entire line straight.
Minimum losses are thus falling tohc
allies for the gaiiiB they are making.
Henceforth General FoCh may be ex
pected to shift "'s assaults from one lo'
cal, area to another, when new condi
tions creat; themselves for forming pock
ets. i ., ' ..
Congressman Connelly Thinks
He Acted Like Mayor Of
Small Town
London, Aug. 2. King George act
ed like the mayor of a small Kansas
town, in the opinion of Representative
John B. Connelly of Colby, Kan., editor
of the Colby Free Press, who today
wrote his impressions of British royalty
on the occasion of the reception of a
congressional committee as follows;
By John B. Connelly
Kansas Congressman
- We Americans are not used to ni'iet
ing royalty and nuturnlly had sonic
feeling when we met the king anil
ipiecn of England and their daughter.
The lung, queen and the princess ii.i
mediately removed this embarrassment.
Their greeting was most cordial.
The king gave us a regular Kansas
hand shake and then we talked for
half an hour. The fact that he spent
four years in the navy while a boy, per
haps made him nt onie find the sub
ject upon which we were both best in
formed. He discussed the subject with
much interest and understanding.
The committee came away with the
impression that the king is a most hu
man follow. He knew how to meet the
committee as just ordinary American"
and make them feel ea3y. lie treated us
fine jiist as if he were the mayor of
a small Kansas town.
The king is rather small of stature,
not so tall s tin Tpieen He enjoys a
good story. He expressed tho hope to us
that after the war the Americans will
not think the Briton stuck up and that
the Briton will be more tolerant to
ward the American disposition toboast.
Th queen is fine appearing. She
talked interestingly about the work to
be done for wounded soldiers. She is
most active in this work, going person
ally to various hospitals. She inquired
about the interest of American women.
She had read of their activities in the
Red Cross and along other lines of re
lief. Princess -Mary, the only daughter of
tlift king and queen, has four or five
brothers in military service.
Havinz heard that it may be
neccs -
sary from a standpoint of conservation
to cut down on the supply of gas and
electricity our pessimistic friend is wor-
. . . ' .. .. 1 .... .1 . ..4
rviuc 11 1111 sen h k anoui tne mirs. uiu-
Now Hold Cierges and All of Meunieres WoodAttack
Was Sudden and Followed Closely Behind Dense Smoke
Cloud Germans Facing Americans Now Largely Young
Troops Who Have Been Well Trained In Handling Ma
chine Guns . . -
By Frank J. Taylor.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The American Armies In France
Aug. 2 )8:45 a. ni.) American
troops advanced their entire right wing
during the night as far as Bompley.
They hold Cierges and all of Meun
ieres wood. Intense fighting is pro
ceeding beyond Cierges, whore the Am
ericans gained dominating heights from
the Germans by a sudden heavy attack
The 'American gains were made in the
race or stiffening opposition. ester-
day morning our left wing attacked nor
theast of Scringes (a mile and a half
east and north of Fere-on-Tardenois)
following a smoke cloud which partially
concealed their advance from enemy
machine gunners, which were planted
tliKiKiy in the fields.
me nougiiDoys went forward in
groups, filtering through the German
positions and gaining all their first oh
jectives without pause. Fighting cen
tered in JNesles forest (northeast of Scr
inges and north of Sergy). Our inXant
ryquickly dispersed the outer line of
Gorman machine guns in a hand to hand
combat. The advance was discontinued
here during the afternoon,owing to the
sharp salient created.
The American right wing, advancing
simultaneously, moved eastward iu a
flanking movement around Meuniere
wood, (southeast of Cierges.) French
troops cooperated in this assault. By
evening the German resistance had
been wiped out aud tho wood cleared,
tho allied .troops progressing almost to
GouNsaucourt (three miles east of Cier
gef.) Fighting in Meuinore wood was iu-
teiflto, artillery raking the boches while
infantry charged up, a steep Jn 11 into Jt
row of machine guns, driving out the
defenders with the bayonet.
American artillery continues to pound
German strongholds along roads lead
ing northward, exacting heavy casual
ties. Latest indications are that the bo
dies are massing in increasing numbers
to opposo further' advances, although no
additional defonscs have been encoun
tered other than widely scattered sec
tions of half dug trenches and increas
ed barbed wire entanglements.
The wire is not continuous, but is used
as barriers for machine gun posts.
The Germans now opposite tho Ameri
cans are mostly young troops and good
machine gun fighters. They show in
creased courage in hand to hand combats
but no German yet encountered has
proven the equal of the Yankees in tnc
style of "iu-fi'ghting" that goes wiiii
the bayonet.
Our'mcn are exceptionally equipped
now, having in addition to their usual
outfit, field glasses and daggers taken
from captured German officers and their
shock troops.
While lying inside the American lines
iu Nestles wood yesterduy morning a
sergeant remarked that he needed a pair
of field glastes. He walked into the
wood and encountered a German officer
and three men. He killed the officer,
chased the men and returned with the
former's glasses and revolver.
milium mm ihmii iiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiuiiiiiii iiiinniiiiiiiiimiiNj
1 War Summary of United Press
I iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiii
1 1460ih Day of the War; 16th Day of Counter Offensive
ii mimimiiiiimiiiimiiiiimiiimimmimimiiiiiiiiiiiiimii mimiimma
Soi.-sons-Kheims Front Allied tioops
continuing their advances on the south-
Ifwcstern portion arid center of the Suis-
sons Hhenus salient over a double trout
totalling nearly 20 miles, have occupied
a high ridge southeast of Soissons which
dominates thu whole center and western
part of the pocket.
Starting at daybreak yesterday the
allies fought their way forward all
day and at some points battled through
tile mgni ami were sun urnuig mo
Germans before them today.
The principal allied attack was made
. r.f A,,t 111 milfia hit'0rn
"ill a Hunt uu nui "
Hartennes and FcrcEn-Tardenois.
Progress was made on this whole sec
tor but the allies overcame tho enemy
resistance in about half of the front
and surged forward three miles, cap
turing the watershed between the Ourcq
and the Aisne on which the Crise rises.
Southeast of Fere-En-Tardenois Ameri
cans and i rench atacKing Detwcen
cringes ami v tilers-Agron capture.
Goussancoiirt, north of Meuniere wood
and pushed farther north of Cierges,
They also took Bomplery.
P'nardy Front British troops made
:a successful raid north of Aiix'rt- -uer-
mnn artillery was active south
of the
t L-l.l.. V.,..,- (.;.. ..rU n-nn Inln
.il"1 - ".-
in a
British raid near Fesiuhert. Hos-
Oregon: '
Tonight and Sat
urday fair; gentle
westerly winds.
American Captured
His Own Father
With the American Ar
mies in France,- Aug. 2. A
doughboy, bringing in a squad of
prisoners, was startled to find
his own father among them.
The young American doubted
the German's identity - until
enough confidential information
was disclosed to convince, him
the man was his father who had
returned to German Poland sev
eral years beforo and had been
forced into the army. -
The son immediately loosed a
tirade of good advice against te
ing a German. Then he threw
his arm about his father's
shoulder and promised him the
'best in the house." '
All roads behind the American lines
arc thickly dotted with vehicles' carry--ing
quantities of German ammunition
and supplies. Much of it is uncounted,
owing to all Mention being conterod on
the advance. In numbers of canes Am- :
uricans are now using German machine
guns. . '
Somo of the prisoners brought in yes
terday and last night are extremely
young. Several are above the averaga
intelligence. AU repeat the substancu
of one's remark "only the German ru
lers expect to win; we don't cam wh
governs, so long as the war ends. Tood
is so scarce and the people are sic unit
suffering." " -v : ' ' '
A group of prisoners from a new unit '
said the Germans are not attenniptiug;
to erect any permanent defense tnts
side of tho old Fismos line.
Along the Ourcq, whro the American
right wing was in action, it was reported
that many Germans wor0 found chained
to their machine guns. Tho bochos
attempted to utilize an aero circus to
hamper American infantry, but out
"Archies" put up an effective barrage.
On the othor hand, prisoners tell of tins .
havoc wrouglit by our airplanos iu straf
ing their troops.
Twenty-five doughboys rescued the
civilians of Sergy who hailed the Am
ericans as saviors when the latter di
vided their mengro pack 0f rarions, the
first food the French villagers had had
iu davs. . '
Far in the rear yesterday, while on my
wav to the front lines, I saw a pretty
picture of Chateau-Thierry. Refugees
were still returning to their ruined
homes, and men, women, children and
bubies were eating doughboys' food
rolling kitchens.
But in contrast to this picture were
the hundreds of graves ull about, with
earth roughly heaped above and a hel
met atop. The fallen men's names are
stencilled on the crosses above the Am
erican graves; the Germans are marked
only by boche-helmets.
tile artillery bombarded British posi
tioiis south of Yprcs, north of Bethniu
und east of Hazcbrouck,
Russia WiMtcrn Siberia lias been
practically cleared of the bolsheviki
torces and in eastern Siberia they hold
only Irkutsk.
"Hetman" Skorpoduski informed the
kaiser he would bo able to put down
the revolt in Ukraine without we am
0j German troops
L.. u iy 11 1
f flVSICallV I1SD1U
For Ordnance Work
Washington, Aug. 2. In order to
swell the ranks of America's army, tho
ordnance department here today issued
an order restricting service in the ord
nance department to men who are phys
ically disqualified for active military
.-.; ... ..,., . , wlll
no longer ue euiisieu ur iiiii,
the ordnance department in Washington
or al the various ordnance depots. Snclj
men now on duty ut headquarters and
depots, with the exception of those
nected with ars"iials and proving-
grounds, will relieve for actUe field
dutv overseas, where they will supply
ami'niuiition mid fighting equipment for
the army.