I y ' ' " J s t " ' m - ' - " - - TODAY HEATHER Oregon: Tonight and Friday, sliow ersjeoolcr tonight except near the coast ;gent!e soctk westerly winds. HELP THE Ni 4,600 SUBSCRIBERS (23,000 HEADERS) DAILY Only Circulation In Salem Guar anteed 1)7 the Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS BEBVIOB IV.AV.C.fcf i,, 'l :ti 1 id ;:it f ON TRAINS AND NEW! STANDS FIVB CENTS FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 181. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1,1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ini ft v. ..v JiiJLlJll) mix IU UUL U UL FRENCH AM FORWARD HA GENERAL MANGiN'S .DMVvMAEtTG HIU'II I'lHIVLO IN ROAD Cermans Are Now Using Heavy ArtiDery In Attempt To Stem Advance-Attempt To Surprise Allies At Various Points In Order To Feel Out Lines-New German Army Under General Yon Eben Has Been Thrown Into Soissons Rheims Pocket According To Today's Advices. ' By John De Gandt (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Aug. 1. New advances by the Americans and French were reported over a Soissons battle front todav. The allies went forward tween Olchy-Le- Chateau and Fere-En-Tardenois. m the Arcy wood district near Cierges, and made fairly consid erable progress toward the Rheims road in the neighbor hood of Bligny. South of the Courmont-Fismes road the Americans hurled back the Germans into the woods near Gousson court. On the right flank of the salient the Americans are making progress toward the Ardre valley, in the region of Ville-En-Tardenois. GENERAL MANGIN'S By Lowell Mellett (United Press Staff Correspondent) With The French Armies In the Field, Aug. 1. Gen eral Mangin's army attacked between Fere-En-Tardenois and Plessier-Huleu this morning (a front of nearly 10 miles), taking Hill 205, east,of Grand Rozoy, from where Fismes is visible, and capturing Cramorselle (four miles northwest of Fere-En-Tardenois). At the hour of cab ling the attack was still progressing. Other troops took Meuinere wood in the salient south east of Cierges. . Throughout the French front the Germans are again using the artillery heavily, especially in the neighborhood of Rheims and Montdidier. xney also unsuccessiuuy at tempted surprise attacks along the right bank of the (Verdun front) and the Chaume wood, seeking to feel out the allied front. " 1 (I S-, i , ' ' Loudon, Aug. 1. For the first time this year the allies' fresh reserves are now stronger numerically than those of the Germans, although the German ar mies as a whole are still stronger in numbers, it was learned today. London, Aug. 1. (3:45 p. m.) A new German army, under General Von Eben, Americans Capture Thousands of Germans Washington, Aug. 1. Americans had taken about 800 German prisoner pre vious to the present drive, according to information at the war department - today. i How many we have as a result of the present offensive is unknown, as tabling of constant prisoner reports has been superseded by mail or courier reports. Several thousand must be in Ameri can hands, however. GBOVEB, CLEVELAND'S SON ' PRIVATE IN TJ. a MARINE New York, Aug. 1. Richard Fol som Cleveland, has enlisted in the ma- Tine corps as a private. Announcement of the Princeton student's enlistment comes from Dr. Thomas J. Preston, Jr. who married Mrs. Cleveland a few Tears after the former president's death. Both Dr. and Mrs. Preston have been active in war work with the Na tional Security league. AMERICANS TEN - MILE FRONT HACK THIS MORNING GAINS FISMES TO large part of the Kheims in the Saponay region be ATTACKS STRONGLY has been thrown Into the Soissons-Rhlem pocket, it was learned this afternoon. By Frank J. Taylor. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With The. Americans In France Aug. . (Noon.) The Germans in an affort to hold their present line are reported to be attmeptaing to dig in. These op orations are being greatly harried by the allied artillery. The enemy has undertaken no infant ry action since yestcraay axwrnoon their artillery fire is lighter and their aerial activity is lessening. A boche force, attempting a consolida tion of shell holes in the outskirts of Scringes, was wiped out by American mortcrs. . The American artillery continues to batter the German machine guns. In tense hand to hand fighting is reported in the wooded region where the Ameri cans are attacking. A German airplane which was straf ing American infantry was brought to earth and its pilot and observer capt ured. American troops struck again last night at the apex of the allied advance on the lower portion of the Soissons Rheims salient, storming the heights be tween Seringes and Sergy. They gained their objectives. The doughboys drove forward behind an American-made smoke cloud. They were preceded by a series of heavy holl in? barrages. The advance was made possible by an allied attack in the sector directly east of the Americans, which cleared out a small German pocket. D RIVING BRITISH AIRPLANES IN BOMB RAIDS Air Ministry Reports Loss Of Seven Machines During Recent Raids London, Aug. 1. Destruction of sev- en British airplanes in bitter fighting while on bombing expeditions was re ported to day by the British air minist ry, which stated that only one German machines was shot down in these com bats. Sixteen other German planes, howev er, were destroyed, one of them by in fantry fire, while the additional British losses amounted to only six. One Ger man plane was reported driven down out of control. The communique was as follows: "On July 30th haze- and ground niist again interfered with observation but novorthelo38 a large number of success ful photographs were taken by us and over eleven tons of bombs dropped on enemy sidings and dumps. "Enemy -.machines were encountered fifteen boing brought down and six driv en down put of control, Six, of our ma chines are missing. "During the night three and a naif tons of bombs were dropped by us without loss. In addition to those al ready reported, a hostile machine was shot down by infantry fire on the 29th. 'In addition to attacks already re ported, on the thirtieth the station at Lahr was bombed. "On the night of the 30-31st our air planes again proceeded to Stuttgart and dropped nearly, two tons of bombs on the Bosch magneto works and the Daimler works and the railway station. A fire broke out in the station. Several bombs were dropped on (he Hagnau station and railroad tracts, causing . a heavy ex plosion. "Eemilly junction and two hostile (Continued on page four) EXPERT FOCH IS CAUTIOUS IN HIS ADVANCE Kaiser Has Been Forced At Last to Acknowledge Am ericanStrength By J. W. T. Mason, United Press War Expert. New York, Aug. 1. General Foch's cautious tactics are again being brought into play north of the Ourcq. The in tense eagerness of the Americans is once more held in check and it is ap parent that Von Hindonburg will not succeed in atempting General Foch to develop an inopportune offensive be fore America is ready. There is no longer reason to doubt that the extraordinary valor and effi ciency of the American troops is becom ing generally known throughout Ger many. Despite the efforts of the Ber lin war office to conceal the participa tion of the Americans in the present fighting the news has spread among the kaiser's subjects. This is the rca- (Continued on page three) Germany Calling Every Man To Colors The Hague, Aug. 1 Germany is calling up every man that dan bo spared, according )to information obtained from that icountry through various sourc es. Of two hundred thousand employes at -Krupps between 30,000 and 40,000 are said to have been called to the colors. German press comment on the west front defeat continues to be dictated by officialdom. "Foch' 'break (through' theory has not yet been real ized," the Tageblatt says. "One is justified in speaking of German success.". ON GERMAl RUSSIAN TROUBLES LOOM ONCE IRE SAYSGERHANPRESS Assassination Of General Yon Eichorn Brings Forth Angry Comment " Amsterdam, Ang. 1 General Von f alkenhausen, governor general of Bel gium, has been summoned to imperial headquarters by the kaiser, it was learn ed today... It is probable that this indi cates he will be appointed to succeed the late General Von Eichorn at Kieff. London, Aug. 1. Assassination of Field Marshal Von Eichorn, morning newspapers believe, means a renewed awakening in Russia against German ty ranny. The Daily Express declares: "It is just a wisp of the heavy storm clouds that are gathering in Russia against the Gormans." The Graphic statesr "It is an unmistakable sign -that the Russians are not prepared to indefi nitely endure the tyranny imposed with the aid of tho bolshviki." The Chronicle believes the assa3sinai tion resulted from the misery and dis content which are felt by tho largest social class in Russia. The German press is seizing upon the assassination as the spark which will set ablase again the feeling for a renewed war against Rus3ia. Newspapers say an ti-bolshevik elements committed the deed ar.d charge that the entente's hand can be seen. Thoy declare tho bolstio vik government is tottering. Tho annexationist press, led by Count Von Eevontlow, is demanding venge ance, declaring British agents ar,e re sponsible. ', Vorwaerts says: ' "The deed will lead fo -complications with the bolshvik. We fear peace with Russia will still give us much trouble.' Tho Lokal Anwiger comments: "The same elements which wore re sponsible for Amwtssador Von Mit bach's death may be attributed with Von Eichorn 's assassination. It may, (Continued on page four) RESER VES ARE HELD INTACT BY ALLIES IN PRESENT FIG HI French General De Goutte Pays High Tribute To Fighting Qualities of Americans-Says Allied Reserves Not Called Upon While Hindenburg Is Forced To Use His In Order To Stem Attack-Yankees Have Advanced Nearly Eight een lies Since Beginning Of Offensive. By Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With The American Armies In Franco July 31. (Night.) Paying high tribute to the Americans fighting between the Ourcq and the Marne, General De Goutte, commander of the 1 ronch army in this region, declared that tho offen sive is beinjf carried out in such a man ner as to spare allied reserves. The general, who roccived the Ameri can correspondents at his headquarters, said the Americans had fought and are now fighting admirably and that he is proud to command such troops. He saul he used the Americans tne same as no ABE MARTIN ume , )SVHHK STOCK v V I Dudley Moots has given up his trip 't Tippecanoe Lake an' 'H go t' Camp .Tavlor instead. Even young onions don't like some folks. BILL FOR AIRCRAFT DEPARTMENT IS FRAHEDBY NEW Indiana Senator Believes He Has Found Solution Of Vexatious Problem , Washington, Aug. 1. Senator New of Indiana, member of the committee in vestigating the aircraft situation, today introduced a bill providing for creation of an executive department of the gov ernment to be known ns the Department of Areonautics. The bill further provides that the head of th department shall be a mem ber of the cabinet and have the title of secretary of aeronautics with a sal ary of $12,000 a year. The secretary shall hav9 complete control of all mat ters peftaimng to the designing, pur chase, manufacture, producing of air craft and equipment for the use of. the army, navy and marine corps. Att as sistant secretary, who shall receive $a 000, and such other employes as may be necessary, also are authorized. "I am satisfied," said tcw, "tins is tho solution of the aircraft difficulty and it is borrue out by the opinions of every army olficer of high command and every member of the aircraft board, both of the old and new regimes. The bill is based on the testimony of those appearing before the committee. Big Semi-Pro Ball League Is Planned Cleveland, Aug. 1. A big semi-pro baseball league is now planned to re nlaee temporarily tho big leagues. It has tho backing of tho war department and is being boosted by the National Baseball federation. Tentative plans call for two teams for each city. Tho games will be played in professional ptjrks Saturdays and Sundays. The league is to include Oleve land, Cincinnati, ' Pirtaburgj Detroia, Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis and Louis ville. Akron also may be included. A meoHng is called for Cleveland, September 15 to take up the plan. did the French troops, a fact of highest importance to the allies. Tho Germans, ho said, aro endeavor ing to destroy allied reserves beforo Am erica is able to throw a serious weight into tho battle, but with American as sistance, movements which have com pletely upset Hindenburg 's plans for a drivo on Paris are being carried out solely with, troops already in the line. In the meantime, Hindenburg is being forced to throw German reserves di visions into the line to check the Franco- American push. It is estimated that at least nine divisions (108,000 men) havel been withdrawn from other parts of the.1 front and between Soissons and Rhiems.i Standing before a great map, Generul i Du Goutte explained apparent Gorman; plan of the last Marne attack, which I was to widen the front south of tha river, thus preparing a wider avenue for the advance upon Paris. French and Americans prevented a serious advance beyond thc Marne, then completely scrambled Hindenburg 's plans by coun ter attacking ' between Hoissons and Chateau-Thierry. German resistance has stiffened north of the Ourcq and bitter fighting is under way on the pla teau in that region. In Menmerc wood (southeast of Cierges) the bochos held strong positions which were difficult to take by direct attack. Thc effort since crossing the Ourcq has been to squeeze them out of thero by flanking movements. The Franco-American troops have ad vanced thirty kilometers (18 3-4 miles since the start of the counter offen- Greek Army Ready To Fight With Allies London, Aug. I. A Greek ar my of 150,000 Is ready to take the field, according to a dispatch received from Raloniki this af ternoon. Four divisions are be ing formed. KAISER NOT OF YANKEE TROOPS IN SPITE OF NUMBER THREEHORECONViCTS LAST NIGHT FROM STATE PRISON Five Of Most Desperate Crim inals Are Now At Large InState With three more convicts escaping from the state penitentiary last night, making five to get awav this week and four others who attempted to get away but were caught, the prison offi cials are today taking extra precautions to hold the prisoners who are still on hand. The privilege of going outside the' prison yard has been withdrawn from eoine of the trustees, while greater vigilance is being exercised over the other convicts inside the walls. James Carroll, Herbert Merithcw, Jack Mono han and Frank Smith, the four who were caught as they were escaping Tuos- day night, aro contined in tho prison "bull pen" whero they can be closely guarded- . The three who escaped last nigh were trusties! They were: James Kelly, serving a term of two to five years for burglary committed in Multnomah county, lie had also served time in California and New York prisons. C. D. Jones, sent up from Hood River for two to five years for burglary. This is the second time ho has oscuped. He esAipcd before whilo employed in flax mills. He was recaptured at Med- fiord, whore an automobile he had sto len broke down. , JI. Armstrong, who was j-.oiniuitted from Lano eounLy for (larceny. He was received in 11108 with a sontonco of ono to seven years. Ho was paroled and went to California, where ho was convicted or another crimo ami sont to San Quenten. When he was released from there he was returned to tho Oregon penitentiary. . Jones and Kelly were employed in the dining room of tho guards' quar ters, which are outside the prison walls, and Armstrong also was outaido the walls. ' Jones and Kelly woro white waiters' clothes, but these they soon discarded as they were found today a few hundred yards southeast of the prison. That they filled thoir shoes with red pepper is also 'indicated by tho fact that the prison bloodhounds, which were following the trail about midnight, run into red pepper. Warden Murphy is personally lead ing the posse which is on the trail of the three. It is believed thoy aro mak ing their way Houth. , The hunt for Bennett Thompson and Fred Thurbor, who escaped Monday night, is being conducted by Major Diech of the stuto police and Sheriff Hulburt of Multnomah county- No ro port'was received at the prison this forenoon from them. , Germany Agrees Amsterdam, Aug. 1. Germany has re plied favorably to the American invita tion for a conference regarding cx chaugr. of military and civil prisoners according to dispatches today from Berlin. lull "From Over. There" General Pershing's Ufficial Report Washington. Aug. 1. Genernl Vef shing's casualty list today still failed to reflect the certain heavy losses of tho SoLssns-Kheinis fighting of the lust week, and only 120 names were re ported. They were divided as follows: Killed in action 12; died of wounds 23: died of disease 11: died of aero plane accident 2; died of accident and other causes 5; wounded severely 61; wounded, degree undetermined, 2; miss ing in action 3; prisoner 1. Killed in Action Lieutenants W. C. Biasctt, Newborn, W. Wallrich, Shawnee, Wis. Corporals G.- V Reese, Mahony City, Pa. J. C. St. Lawrence, South Braintree, Mass, Wagoner E. Zlndler, Oshkosh, Wis. Privates J. L. Dalbey, Philadelphia, Pa. G. D'Avolio, Chicago A. A. Drummond, Portugal. D. Gcceleak, South River, N. J. H. E. Little, Maiden, Mass. R. W. Shirley, Fryeburg, Maine A. Smith, Millville, N. J. Died of Wounds Major C. W. Williams, Earner, Ala, Lieutenants T. R- Bradley, Waxahachie, Texas W. W. Craig, New Bethlehem, Pft. H. Haddix, Evenwood, W. Va. IN FEAR Exhorts His Annies to Fight On And Expresses FailS InU-Boats Amsterdam, Aug. 1. The American armies' numerical superiority does, not frighten us," thc kaiser declared in proclamation addressed to the German army and navy today. "Despite the efforts of the world's greatest naval powers, our U-boats euro tf success, are attacking the vital liu'eca which are streaming across the ecu to the aid of our euemies." The text of the proclamation, so far as received reads: 'Seiious years of tho war lio behind you. Jn the first voar your victorious- spirit earned the war into the enemy 'a country, preserving tho homo lunQ from . its horrui's and devastation. In tho sec ond and third years of the war yon broke the strength. of the enemy in tho east. Moanv;;iiie your comrades in tiio west fiffered a bravo and victorious trout to enormously superior forces. -"As the fruit of those victories tho fourth year of tho war has brought up peace in the east. In the west thc ene my was l.iaviiy iat by the force of your attack. Ths battles won in reconfc months aro among tho highest deeds of fame in G-vmrai history, ' ' Vou aio in tno midst of the hardest Struggle. The desperate efforts of the enemy will lo foiled, as heretofore, by your bravery, I aud with me the en tire fatlierlufid, am certain of this. "Tho American armies' numerical su-' poriority does not frighten us. It Is the spirit which brings decision, ns well as the course the campaign has hitherto taken. Despito the efforts of the world 's greatost naval powers, our U-boats, sure of success, are attacking tho vital forces which are. streaming across the sea to the aid of our enemies. "We mjist, and shall continue to fight' until the enemy's will to des truction is broken. 'We will make every aacnfico to attain that ond." i Pastor Russellites Sent To Prison Los Angeles, Aug 1. Two followers of Pastor Russell today were sentenc ed to three years in federal peniten tiary and one to two years, as a re sult of their conviction of charges of circulating the "Finished Mystery". Tho sentences were: Mrs. J. Emma Martin, three years at Canyon City, Colo., penitentiary. Edward Ilnnun, three years at Mc Neill's Islund penitentiary. E. J. Sonuenburg, two years at Mc Neill's Island penitentiary. All are of San Bernardino. Judgo Tripplett, in passing sentence declared "The Finished Mystery" is ; "camouflaged German propaganda,' and quoted the Bible lo refute the claim of the defendants that the Biblo teaches non-resistance. POWDER BLOWS UP. Philadelphia, Aug. 1. More than 300, 000 pounds of cannon powder were blown up early today when fire des troyed one of thc storago housccs of tha Du Pont Towdor company at Carney's Point, New Jersey. None were injured. Tho firo was caused by a spark from an automobile. uf ifimtm' E. E. Haglcr, Springfield, 111. J. W. Unnberry, Pittsburg, Kans, H. R. Huston, Dcering, N. D. - W. E. Leconte, Atlanta, Ga. A. T. McAllister, Boonvillo, Mo. O. B. McCoy, District of Columbia- L. F. Koemer, Philadelphia H, C. Waggett, Everett, Mass. Sergeants G. B. Coonce, Evansvillo, Ind. W. T. Mann, Plains, Pa. C. M. Sullivan, Sparta, Wis. Corporals P. E. Mason, Sioux Falls, S. D. R. W. Watson, Fon du Lac, Wis. . Privates J. W. Fondren, Coleman, Texas P. D. Kelley, Milton Junction, Wis. !F. Mattern, Mobridge, S. D. and Ab erdeen, S. D. G. Polaio, Italy. L. Shoemaker, Alviu, 111. ' M. A. Straub, Herndon, Pa Died of Disease Captain J. D. Irving, New York . Lieutenant M. J. Trook, Milwiiike0t Wis. Sergeant H, P. Keith, Filliam, Mo. Privates T. H. AgaT, Kilduff, Iowa ' " L. Bird, Mattern, Ga. E. C. Case, Churchill, N. Y. L, Cotyi Worcester, Mass. (Coatinuca on. rg three)