Ol)C Ilaihijt Journal PAOJl EIGHT KALEM, OKEOQB TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1918. LOOK THEM OVER WE HAVE A GOOD LINE OF DRESS And you Will Find it to Your Advantage to Call On Us for Your Fall Supply. Storm Serges 49c, 69c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.98 Fine French Serge (45 inch) $2.25 yd TV 1Xr1 r 1 If ! 1 , on in i a ixic vvuui rupuu o Kim).. $ZA) yu Wool plaids (40 and 42 inch) . . .$1.15, $1.49 and $1.98 Check Dress Goods 49c Yd Silk Poplins (36 and 40 inch) . . . .$1.25 and $2.25 Yd Crepe de Chine (40 inch) $1.49 Yd Georgette Crepe (40 inch) $1.49 and $1.79 Yd Taffeta . $1.75 Yd W0NCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER Incorporated j i iiTnnn i i'iL I. a . i nr. ilWlAME All Around 1 own I . j COMING EVENTS J.-6.5 " Mi TOXIGHT. C'hefrian Band Concert and community si eg at Marion square. 7:30 p. m. Aug. 8 010 "Pershing's cru- sadora" at Liberty Theater. Aug. 7. Annual Meeting of Wisconsin Society. Aug. 15 Membership meeting of Salem Commercial club. Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of Iowa Society. Christian Eudeavor, with offices at Bos ton, Mass. The funeral services for Mrs. Poling were held today at Boston. Burial will be at Columbus, Ohio. Dance at Moose hail tonight. o "The funeral beautiful." Webb donga Co, tf. PERSONALS , T PAY ES Mss Caslin Christenson is home from visit of tuo days at Njwport. F. H. Hlianks is in tho city on his way to his home at Arlington. Ho hus been pending some time at Newport. Mrs. Carrie Howard of Eugene was a :SiX dent of Will Double Tax On Amuse- Baloin, was in the city yesterday attend ing to business matters. Miss Hazel Blake, who is employed In tho Supremo court building is spend ing her vacation in Portland. .. 1'rof. E .C. Richards and wif0 re turned yesterday from a visit of several day at Eugene. meni AdmissionsSport ing Goods Must Pay leave for the east tomoriw. ' BORN GLYNN To Mr. and Mrs. M, F. Glynn, at their home 807 Mill street, Mon day, July 29, 1918, a daughter. Hia hus been named Margaret Joy. CONFISCATING CLOTHING. Amsterdam, July 80. Volun tary donations of clothing for war needs having failed in Ger many the government" haa de cided upon confiscation, dis patches received hero today stated. Disobedience of the o der, it was slnted, will bo pun ishable by a fine of $2,rt00 and a term of Imprisonment. Washington, July 30. Doubling of tho tax on admission to amuse ments and the tax on club dues W. W. Zinn. who was vinUlmr' here the new-revenue bill was decided up- over Sunday, returnod yesterday to his 011 bF t1l hou'B wuys and ,m'nns tom hoii'o at Columbia Beach. jmittee today. Thfl proscnt admission Airs. Warren Brown, of Portland, is tBX is 10 l)ur ccl,t 811,1 tho ta,'on club visiting at tho home of her father, B. L. uuo is 10 Per cl'Dt of the uucs ,n Beall, 143 Court straet. re-,s of ia Pur yir- J. A. Simpson, formerly of Salem, but ' Tho committee went on record in fa llow a broker in New York City, will vor of moro tlian """Idling the rato on viia, luuavtw uuu i:iui unua m pros- cut $170,000,000 is raised by the tobacco I tax. The committee today decided that. I a bail billion Uolnirs should come from this source. This would mean nearly trowing tuo tonacco taxes. The ways and means committee also requested the treasury department for an opinion on an ad valoiwm tax in stead of a specific tax on tobacco. Un der the present lnw tobacco and cigar cttcs are taxed without regard to snlo price. Present rates nro 13 conls a pound on tobacco and snuff; $1 to $10 per 1,000 on cigars; sa.ua and $4.N0 per 1,000 on cigaieltes and half a cent to two cents a po .kago on cigarette papers. l'ovision for stopping tobacco manu facturers and dealers from ,?xcessivelv lioosting prices ou the plea of new tax es will tiso be brought before tho com niitiee. Btvcrngj taxes, which the committee originally planned to consider in con- nectiin with tobacco, will bo put off un til the last, I This Is due to tho present uncertainty of tho prohibition question mid also to provout great, quantities of liquor be ing withdrawn from bond In anticipa tion of the tax. Tin committee iu Its afternoon ses sion docided to lay a 10 per cent tax on tho groas sales of automobiles, pianos, players, phonographs, sporting goods, cosmetics, proprietary medicines and cameras. Tho tax on motor trucks will be only five per cent, tho committee agreed. Half Billion Receipts From War Stamp Sales Washington, July 30. Cash receipts from tho sale of war savings and thrift stamps have passed the half billion mark, amounting since the inauguration of the campaign is $501,191,38.50. the treasury department announced todav. Five records have fallen In fivo sue- ceisive wrfeks in the sales of war savings stamps ana thrift stamps. The nation's savings last week totalled $58,055,015.29 the treasury department reported todav. bringing In the largest sum yet received from that aource. The nalions's stamp savings in June, are expected to exceed $200,000,000. On ly one we.'k In July, the first, has fall- on below $50,000,000. 1000 AIE PLANTS FOB SALE Two young mares 4 end 5 years old. Phone 2142K. 7-31 "The beet" is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb ft Clough Co. Phone 120. tf Captain Jessie Miller of the Salva tion army in Salem is showing a pic turcNpf tho big Salvation Army build ing at Camp Lewis, There is need of a Victicla for the building and it is the ombilion of Captain Miller to raise at, least fL'O in Salem to contribute but she dees not feel like soliciting. Henco any contributions sent to Salvation headquarters will be appreciated bv iapiain Miner. Bare 5 per cent with our cash regis ter checks. We conduct business on a cash basis. Perry ' Drug Store. tf FeO Half a Mile And Landed Unhurt Portland, Ore., July 30. Al Tice, government photographer, was plan ning another balloon ascension today. die wasn't quite satisfied with the photographs he took late y.estordny of two shipbuilding companies. Tieo went up naif a mllo. .lust e ho arrived at the end of the 2700 cable, tho balloon for seme unknown reason started down. Jut before the end of the buloon's 700 foot fll the cable struck a wire of high roll age end was burned in two. Tien Tice landed in a tree unhurt. On the way down lie took a photograph of tho shipbuilding plants, but didn't get quite the view he wanted. Army Men Exempted From Railroad Tax Washington, Jrilv SO. Railroad tick ets to men in uniform will bo exempted from th transportation tax, the house way) and means committee decided to day. This applies both to men on furloughs nit men on official business. TTndcr present regulations only men on official business ar exempted from the tax. Tho committee today also took up the transportation both freight and pnssen gor taxes and Insurance taxes. While tio derision was reached it was the opin ii n ct the majority of tlvo committee that these taxes should remain uncliang d. Big dance at Moose hall tonight, 5 I'iucu vrcutmra. Shipping cream by parcel post is not practiced to any extent in this part of the valley but the farmers living near uoseioope, utis and Taft find the tiost man is their only means of jrettine cream to the market. Harley O. White, who is just in from that section, says lubi couecimg cans nnett with cream is part of the regular routine of tho postman. The cream is carried to Willa mina and shipped from that point to me creameries, niostiv to Portland, Vo sell for csh. Commancine July lei we will conduct our business on strictly cash basis. Fatton'i Book Store. tf Fine floor to dance on tonight at Moose hall. The northwest and especially the roitland district leads when it comes to accepting recruits for the nnvy, to cording to recent figures published in navy bulletins. The northwest leads and Portland leads the northwest. The Portland district includes Portland, 8a loin, Spokano, Ashland and Pendleton, Since April 12, this district has accepj- cq my recruits for. the navy and this in n.lUin- i IV. (1! - l in ,11 nuumwu IU me u WCCK laKCU in as a regular quota. o- Dayton, July 30. Tho 1000th aero- piano manufactured by the Wilbur right company was eomi)leted today and it will bo knocked down for ship ment "somewhere in France." Moose hall dance tonight Will ship live stock about the mid dle of next week. Highest market pric es. G. W. Eyre, phono 2206M. 7-29 Irrigation Even numbcrg, Mon., Wed., Fri. end Sun. Odd numbers, Tues. Thurs., Sat, and Sun. Even numbers are on the south and east side of street. Odd numbers ore oa north end west eide of street. tf The Cherrians are out today with their whito woolen suits end full eouin- nient, having charge of the jitney dunce this afternoon and evening. The dunce is to be given at Marion square and of course is a Red Cross benefit. Tho different auxiliaries figured they were too busy serving refreshments and hence tho jitney dance was placed in charge of Salem's boosting organization Special meeting of Pacific lodgo No. 50 A. P. & A. M., Wednesday morning 9:30 a. m. To attend the funeral of our lato Bro. A. E. Strang. Mem bers havinir autos will tilease 'bring them. Visiting brethren wol- come. Buy guaranteed corn at your gro ceryevery ear cood or returned. Cnm- hiings. 7-31 A Ford automobile was stolen last evening while standing near the Spauld 8 hogging Co.'s office. It belonged to Elmer Stokes who is recently here from California and has a California license tag on it, Mr. Stokes is on the Spaiildinjc night shift and when he quit worn ai ijmu o'clock nis csr had dis appeared. There is a suspicion that it might have been taken by tho bov who escaped from the reform school but up to a late hour this afternoon, the car hid not been recovered. Music and floor the very best at Moose hall tonight. .......... o While the cast n suffering with an unusually hot spell, th Willamette val ley, especially that part around Salem. is enjoying a fine refreshing summer climate. Last evening, according to the government's official thermometer, the minimum temperature was 45, with a temperature of 60 at 8 o'clock this morning. The river is falling and is now at a guage of one foot and two tenths below zero. o Higher milk for city of Salem. Ow ing to the rising east of feed the pric es of milk will be as follows beginning Aug. 1: Pints $2: quarts $3.75: 3 pints $5.50; 2 quarts $7.25; 3 quarts $10; 4 quarts $12.50 per month. Cream 40c and 30o per pint- Milk $35c per gallon in bulk or $40e in bottle. 7-30 Fairmouut Dairy, Salem Sanitary Milk Co. Pinckney Bros Dairy. An auto bringing a party of four, three of th,em women, from Dallas to at tend the celebration here turned turtle mar the water tank in Eola this morn ing pinning all the occupants under it Help was at hand at once and the auto beiiiir lifted off them it was found none were hurt seriously. Dr. Stitrbuck who was also on his way to Salem took the party home. As the auto turned ovor in a"niudholo the appearance of the par ty did not justify their continuing the trip. The names of the unlucky ones could not be learned. Mrs. Mary Hensel, who died July 27. was buried this afternoon. Tho serviced were hild at the chapel of the Rigdon company and wena conducted by Pev. T. i'ortor. Burial was in the City View cemetery. o There has been considerable criticism rrora various sources on account of the no."se made by children and fairly weH gruwn-up boys during the band concerts tnu summer. It seems the childron or boys are making ju-st enough noise dur- ng tho playing to take away the pleas ure of attending the concert to manv, yet at the same time do not conduct thcr.iselves in such a way that would call for the police. Hence it has been asked that an appeal bo mado to moth ers to keep their children quiet during the playing. If the bigger boys contin- na to miikii themselves a nuisance, it is probablo that the police will be call ed to take charge of them. . "W. E. Newell, assistant of the state federal food administration is in the city looking after bakeries who have not been complying with the law. Tn regard to the sugar situation, he says that all sugar .in tho country is now n the hands of the United States Su- gur Corporation and that tho chances are there will be no free and unlimited u-jo of sugar until after the war. Here after, tho consumption of sugar will ba fixed at two pounds to each perso'i per month, and the refineries will not bii t-.llowcd by the government to 8hir only a certain amounf into the state, 'iibvu ou pupuiuuon. , . , 0 18 ! Ui BECAUSE ! OF "INSTRUCTIONS"! Company Alleged Fraud In Connection With Renew al OfPoHcy The supreme court today reversed the case of Pansy Beebee Davidson vs Se curity Lifo Insurance company of Am erica ,apipellant. and remanded tho case to the circuit eourt of Lane county for retrial. In en opinion written by Jus tice Benson, the court holds that Cir cuit Judge Skipworth made errors in his instructions to the jury. Tho suit was brought by Mrs- Dav idson to collect $1000 insurance policy J left by her husband, who died in 1915. The company refused payment on the I grounds that Davidson had practiced j fraud upon the company in connection with Having the policy revived after j it had lapsed. The ltirv which heard the case awarded the plaintiff the verdict she sought, and the insurance company aippealed- - Other opinions were handed down as follows: Ella J. McLennan, appellant vs Evan McLennan; appealed from Multnomah suit for modification of divorce de cree; opinion by Justice Benson; de cree of Circuit Judge Davis modified. Feeney & Bremer company appellant vs G. F. Stone; appealed from Tilla mook; suit submitted on reargument; opinion by Justice Burnett; former opinion sustained. Town of Gaston, appellant vs T. W. Thompson; appealed from Multnomah; suit to enjoin defendant from operat ing mill -race in Uaston without being covered; opinion 'by Justice Burnett; Circuit Judgo Littlefield reversed ano case remanded. S. B. Cathcart, appellant vs City of Marshfield and Port of Coos Bav: ap pealed from Coos; suit for damages for appropriation of certain city lots and destruction of trees thereon; opinion by Justice Johns; Circuit Judge Coke affirmed. MERCHANDISE Arriving Every Day i tlllf New Silk and Woolen Dress Goods, Taffetas, Crepe De Chine, Silk and Wool Poplins, Serges, Gabardines Also Ladies Ready-to-Wear- Coats, Suits, Dres ses, Waists, Millinery, etc. Our Prices Always the Lowest. GALE & COMPANY COMMERCIAL and COUET STREETS, FORMERLY CHICAGO 8TOEB PHONE 1072 Word was received in the city yes terday of the death of Mrs. Daniel A. Poling at Boston, Mass. She had been ill several months. Mr. Poling who is n.,ll !,.,-., ;., .1,;. -...,.......:... . : JUUKhAL iY Art! AJJj rAY -nt ot 4,10 Vnitod s,ates Soc!c,y of s0 o,her ' John E. Brophy and Howard Rex were arrested early this morning in an at tempt to cross the new bridgo but as no hai-gc was placed against them, they were released. Th,ey thought to cro3S the bridge about 4 o'clock this morning out were brought to police headquaiters by men placed ou guard during the night several parties had boasted yesterday of their intentions to cross the bridge Uetoro the otficial openini? and guards wore placed at both tads last evening. One of tho parties who tried to cross is understood to have offered tb guards a drink. o i W. K. Newell of Portland, assistant ederal food administrator for Oregon and C. A .Jewell, bakery inspector with tho federal food administration, wore ailed to the city to day to investigate a complaint against certain bakeries. Tho complaints were against J. W. Hast ings of Salem, and Henry Schinitzbauer of Silverton. They wsre charged with not using enough substitutes and making improper reports to the stato food com mission. Mr. Hastings was fined $50 which was turned over to the Hed Cross and Jr. Schinitzbauer $25 which was al so placed to tlw credit of the Red Cross. Harley O. White is home from an out ing on Salmon river and tho Siletz country. Ho says it is a great dairy j ing country and that as soon as the In dians got title to their lands and can sull, it will bo a great country for the white man who wants in on fino land lvi'oro tho prices go too high. Mr. White thiaKs tho rolling hills of the Si letz country will make some of tho fin est farms in the state, fully equal to those of the Coos bay country. Many of tlifl Indians will get title to their lands within a year. There is heavy pasture tiie year around and Mr. White regards tho Siletz as one of the' coming dairy sections of this northwest. The Spauldlng Logging company is now dredging the rivor just opposite wes Salem. Recently the channel of i ue river at tnat point had becouie-i barely three feet deep and in ord.?r to secure tnc required depth for tho float ing of logs to th niill, permission was se from tho government to dredge. Tho channel will be made about six feet in depth mid the dredger will be on tho work Bcv.'i-al days. As the greater part of the speaking tiino of the morning exercises at the bridge was taken up in the addresses rf r'rank Dnwey and Dr. Esther Lovejoy; Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, who had bee'n asked to deliver tho patriotic address of the day, spoke but briefly just giving as outline of his prepared address. 25 TJSIAH MEN DESERT. Tncomn, Wash, Julv 30. Polic in sev eral California cities and the adjutant general t,f thnt state have been notified by wire of the desertion of 25 draft men from I'kinh, Mendocino county while curouto to Camp Lewis on a troop train which arrived here Sunday. Tlw nen dropped off one by ono at different stops in California ami Oregon accord- State Engineer Lewis Will Resign Office; Cupper May Succeed State Engineer John H. Lewis tirob- ably will resign his office within a few days to accept a position in connection with a big irrigation project, ifis act ion depends on whether a certain deal now pending in connection with ' the project goes through, ,' Report has it that Harvey Wells, in surance commissioner and state fire 'marshal, also contemplates resigning in tho near future to accept a position with an ins irance company. His name has boen co.incjjtcd with this position in insurance circles for aome time, but he said today tho position has not been tendered hinr, so there is nothing defi nite aibout it. If the offer is made he will accept. TRAITORS and SPIES Will not Like This Photoplay, Neither Will OUR FRIENDS Who refer to it as cheap melo-drama in .order to preserve their own little show I of fiction. They will be smoked out by this tremen dous expose of ThtBeasi of Berlin The Private Life of the man who made the war laid bare Taken From Facts As History Has Printed Them STARTS TODAY Regular 10c-20c Prices - In tho event that State Engineer Lewis resigns it is considered a fore gone conclusion that Percy A. Cupper, assistant state engineer, will be ap pointed to succeed him, as Cupper is the republican- nominoo for water su perintendent of the western Oregon district end he says he can handle the duties) of the state engineer and the water superintendent for the aalarv of the state engineer, which is $3000 a year. This would result in saving the salary of water superintendent, which is $2400 a year. Mr. Lewis wa first appointed state engineer by Governor Chamberlain in j1905, when the office wag created. He was reappointed, and after the office became elective, was twico elected. The law was again changed and the offieo becomes appointive tho first of next January. Will Manage Affairs Of Willamette Chapter Without Salaries The annual election of Willamette chapter, American Red Cross officers and directors will tako place early in October of this year. In order that the 12,000 members of this chapter be 'giv en a voice in the selection of officers and directors, a meeting will be called in oepioui'oor to select a nominating 'committee of five and this committee will sulbmit names to bo voted on at the October 1 election. The officers of Willamette chnptet include a chairman, vice chairman, see retary nd treasurer. The directors num ber about 14, as there is this number of separato departments working un der this chapter. The nominating com mittee will submit names for each of fice and for directors of each depart ment and at a mass meeting to be call ed at tho armory October 1, the election will bo held. Mrs. A. S. Benson has volunteered her services to take charge of the bus iness management of the chapter be ginning August lo. sno has been giving much of her time to the Red Cross work and will take a rest for the com ing two weeks. Until Mrs. Benson goes on me worn, jvirs. cnestor JU. Cox will bo in charge, having volunteered her services free until that time. ' The business of Willamette chapter is such that it requires one of practic al business experience to keep all rec ords and transactions of the chapter in proper shape. Every dollar sub scribed, and every yard of material re ceived or sent out to the hundred or more auxiliaries, must he accounted for and the business details necessary to do this work is vastly greater than an average business. No more Indemnities For Diseased Stock "Tim Mooney's at the Fightin' " sung this morning during the bridgo exercises by Ralph Zerchor so pleased the crowd that Mr Zerchcr was called on for an encore. Ho responded with the -singing of "Yesterday and Today'' by gpross. Dr. Esther Lovejoy, although accus tomed o public speaking, found herself, with unusual competition this morniiiir when she began her talk during the bridge opening exercises. The speaker's stand is under the bridgo and she came into competition n(ot only with the Fordson tractor and other vehicles crossing the bridge but also with a merry-go-round that had the usual amount of music and blowing of whist les. However the merry-go-round wasr silenced and Dr. Lovejoy succeeded in making herself heard throughout tho big crowd that gavo her the closest of attention as she portrayed the suffer ings of the French women. I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give yon a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you selL THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 ' (muGnm V2 THEATRE 2J No more indemnities will be paid by the state for cattle condemned and killed on account of tuberculosis and horses condemned and killed on ac count of glanders, according to an an nouncement made by Dr. W. H. Lytic, state veterinarian, who has just return ed from attending a meeting of the state livestock sanitary board at Klam ath Falls. The board passed an order to this effect, making it effective July 15. The order was jiecessary as the state funds for this purpose have be come exhausted. Anoth-r order passed by the board provides that all sheep offered at dis- posal sales in the Willamette valley must be dipped before the sale, while all sheep which have been scabby at any time during the year must be held four months before being sold. 4c The board appointed Dr. Julius Sor- onsen of Hillsboro as assistant state 4 veterinarian to succeed Dr. C. M. Car- dner, of Tortland, who has entered military service. 4c w. ss.. lay lor or Corvalus was elected I president ct the board, 4c L.M.HUM eare of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine end Te Co, Has medicine which will euro any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 Bout Hirh fit Saleny S"8, Phone 2SS J . $ Used Furniture Wanted J Highest Cash Price Paid for ' i Used Furniture 41 E. L. STITP ft BON . 41 Phone 911 or 508 ' 4t4 . . m WANTED, JUNK And All Kindt of 2nd Hand Goods. , run Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Get our prices fcefore yoa eeU. THE rEOPLE'S JUNK ft 2ND HAND STOBE 271 It. Conn St. Phone 734 m 41