THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, JULY .TO, 1918. SEVEN 00 YOU Iff 0W WHY -Ti Is la ae 01 Socialists? -1 tF I OONT Er THIS CAR-BONC LE . UW CEO I'LL BE IN THET obituarX Column Briti for this paper Ej fiSuBf OH,05rt,OC i sorrA kl CAHT- (M I f "those: I SPECIALIST If J Pin. 1 (tM SoRRM. ) ETrHi4 I -BtT- I'M A ( J ) THR.OPTT ' OH , DOC TOR- I YE" ME RELieFFROM TUT-TUT ? specialist we'll Hfwe ) (yve. himH TO CfM-L j I AIR. Boys ft eftR6uNcte( v prTl 5PFClfM-lST.rJ-2 s"f-kw Willamette Valley News I IMIIHtm M(W ' Independence News (Capital Journal Special Service) Independence, July 30 K. C. Eld ridge, president of the Independence creamery, hns returned from a months vaction spent in San 'Francisco and t roat Island with his son, Shalar, who J a yeoman in the U. S. navy. Shalor Jia been in the hospital for some time but ia very much better now. Lyman Daman went to Bend last Fii day to visit his daughter, Mrs. Donald Etuart. He will also visit friends in Jturns and look offer fanning interests in tho old reservation. Ho expects to l)e away about ono month. Tho dedication of the service flag at the Christian church last Sunday was Jargely attended and the address de livered by Rev. Luttle, pastoV of tho church,1' was considered excellent. Miss Orotchen Kraemer played a program of patriotic music. V hen the ring was re day to visit the Jim Hannas. also to meet Miss Gladys Iraino who came over from Astoria to pass the week end Mis. Arthur Mooro went to Eugene this week to visit, friends. Mrs. Sherman Hays has returned from Seaside, where she has been com fortably located with her daughter, Mrs. Roy MeFadden. at the MeFadden cottage for the past siv weeks. Mrs. Louise Girfin and family of Portland are visiting Mrs. Girfin 's mother, Mrs. J. M. Kirkland. Major Rose and Mrs. Rose have re turned from a vacation spent at New port. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Robbi visited fiends in Portland Inst week end. Mrs- K. E. Paddock is visiting hor sister in Portland. Grover Harris has returned to Seat tle after visiting friends in this city. Mrs. Hattie Townsend and daughter vealcd it contained seven stars which have returned to Portland after a few loprosentied' Dean. Baughman, Marvin Jtichnrdson, Cyril Richardson, 1'coy Go lie!, Guy Newton, Carl Bingham and tilen Smilh. . ...... . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson. Miss Henkle, Sam Grain and Roland (Johnson, motored to Portland Inst Sun- weks visit) with the former's mother, Mrs. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A.' G. Williams have moved to the Homer Wood bungalow on 7th street. Miss ftencvievo Cooper spent last we?k with he sister, Mrs. John' ICrause a' NILSON TRACTORS. Built up to ' standard, not .own to a price. Lisht weight Strong pull Superior quality. Automatic Traction by "pull" Instead ot dead weight. Stunds up to hard service with mini mum expense. Nilson Senior, 24-38 H. P.; Nilson Junior, 15-26 H. P. See our local agent, or send for catalog. NILSON TRACTOR SALES COMPANY, East Morrison and East Third 6ts. Portland, Oregon. at Aurora. The E. E. Hewitt family will move to Ashland soon. Mr. Hewitt formerly owned the Hewitt's Pharmacy here. Recently he has been traveling for a drug house. Mrs. Grover Mattison is spending a few days at Newport. Dr. and Mrs. 0. D. Butler spent last week end in Portland. Miss Irene Eddy and littlo sister, Margaret, have returned from a vaca tion at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. C. O- Sloper motored to American Lake last Saturday. They will spend week visiting there and at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Phillips have re- ROSES In yoti Home All Yeaff fdi 25 Cents .... f1 . n .,r" & , i .if?- - V Beautiful climbing roses of brilliant color, fragrant ros es of upright grow th, and trailing ro ses with delicate tints; all yielding most delicious per fume.Our New Col lection of Native American and Jap anese Roses is ' 3K. Eh W JP' -f H -v. Grown From Seed The seed germinates quickly, and the plants make rapid growth, bearing liundred3 of beautiful roses. If grown in the house, they will bloom all the year around. They ca nbe grown out-doors during the summer, and if taken inside for the winter, will continue to hlnnm NnHiinrr io nrpHor than tno fVcinn'anf . f -Fri j u : ( ii,. vri- n "T5 vait n I v tt I lrn trrifci tti 4 TTmTTTiTTT iitiit v JT We will send you-a Big Packet of the seed of Our iNew ivose uoueciion, togemer witn iuu instruc tions for planting and for making a Window-Box, as shown in the picture. If you take advantage NOW of our Liberal Offer, and plant the Big Packet of Native American and Japanese Rose Seeds, you will have hundreds of beautiful roses blooming in your home the,, year around. They require very little attention, except for an occasional wat ering. ' - PLANT NOW! Roses in 8 Weeks! Just write your name and address on the lines below, cut this ad out and send to us with only 25 cents and we will send you the Big Packet of Rose Seed Postpaid, with full instruction. Send today to PHILIP S. BATES, 315 Oregonian Bldg Portland Ore Send me Postpaid, your Big Packet of Native American and Japanese Rose Seed, .with instructions for planting and for making the Window-Box; I en close 25c. ' - .1 turned from an outing spent in the Alsea ounrry. Mrs. J. J. SFenton and children are visiting in California. Mrs. Crosby Davis is spending the week with friends in Corvallis. Mra. Al Spratley and sister, Mrs. Me- Cready of St. Louis havo been visiting friends in Portland this week. Clifford Wells, who has been home from Jersey City on a sixty day fur lough, returned to duty at that place this week. He is in the aviation branch of tho service. Mrs. C. S. MciDevitt returned this week from a visit with relatives in San FrancW-o. Mr. McDevitt and Miss Opal have been- making their home with, Mrs. Geo. Conkey during Mrs. Mc Devitt s absence. Mr. end Mrs. Roy Duvall are rejoic ing over the advent of an eight pound girl which made her appearance last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mattison of As toria visited the Henry Mattisons here last Sunday. Ms, P. U. Hewitt returned last Wed nesday from a visit with relatives in Jacksonville. J. C. Henderson was hero from Camp Lewis last week end visiting his sister, Mrs. B. B. Wolfe, O. A. Kraemer, who was operated on last week at the Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland, is recovering nicoly and is expected home in a short time. Mrs". Kraemer is with her husband. Miss Gretclien Kraemer visited friends in Portland this week. Marshal Huntley has gone to Tuco ma and Seattle for a visit before re turning ho will visit Camp Lewis and Bremerton, Wash. Miss Mary Whitman, a former teach er in the grade schools here but now of Corvallis, is visiting friends in the city. Miss Emma Henkle hag ggne to Rose burg to spend a month with friends; while thoro she will visit all the adja cent placos of interest. Miss Bertha Collins has returned from a vacation spent at the const. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson have returned from visit with friends Jn Portland. Mrs. B. F. Swopoand daughter, Miss Bessie, have returned from a several woeks visit in Portland and Oregon Cjty. While away they attended the Chautauqua at Gladstone park. Mrs. Ward has returned from a fort night's visit with Iict daughter at Aiug Valley. ' SHyertonNews (Capital Journal Special Service) Silviton, July 30. Miss Blanche Stevenson left yesterday for a two weftks visit with her uncle, Capt. C. L Webb and family at Camp Lewis. Bliss Jones of Houiamr Wash., a for mer Sivertuiiiaii, was visiting with old friends here last week. While hero he jnirchasod a new Chevrolet car and in tends to motor back to his homo in Washington. John Karstetten of Portland visited wiith homo folks over Sunday. . Jt ia authentically reported that Rob ert Wray of Fort Stevens was married one day last weok.The bride is an old school mate of Mr. Wray's, formerly known as Miss Mary "Morgan. The Misses Helen and Pearl Wolcott of the Good Samaritan hospital, Port land, spent a few days nt the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wol cott. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Davis, accom panied by Mrs. George Davis, went to Portland Saturday to meet George W. Davis, who pawed through that city with several other navy boys from Goat Island. Tha monitors of Company II voted to place an -assessment of twenty cents a month on each member. This will net the company - about twenty four dollars each- month. Thia fund is for buying a flag and other necessary r ticles. Harrison Jones of Portland visited with his parents hero over Sunday. VV. L. Cunningham, .who works in the 'Portland ship yards, was home for the iweek end. j . Mrs. H. E. Smith and two children jand MisH Grace Wolcott visited in Mt. i Angel Sunday. CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. 1 QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS - ETEBTTHINQ ELECTRICAL litem Electria Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North Bigk , . Telephone Mala 1200 DENTIST DB. T. I UTTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-411 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 606. 114 DR. CARL MILLER, Dentist, Boom 414 Bunk of Commerce bldg. Phone 606. tf FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN Om Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD Over Ladd & Bnsh bank, Balem, Oregon OSTEOPATH DBS. B, L. WHITE AND B. TC. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and - serve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican ecacol of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 U. 8. Nat Bank liidg. Phone 859. Bosidence, 1620 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. ; Phone 469. SECOND-HAND GOODS REAL ESTATE IF ITS REALTY or a business, you -will sell quicker, buy better, trade easier thru our system of buying and selling without commission, lip-nd-doing people everywhere nse our July booklet to save time and money Call or write Oregon Kenlty Ex change In v. Co., Inc., 3 Breyman Bldg., Salcjm Ore., Eugene, Portland, San Francisco. 8-8 IMPROVED 10 acres, 5 1-2 miles from Salem, for rooming house not over $4000 Equity in 17 acres, for Salem residence, not ' over $3000, price $4500. 640 acres millions of feet of saw-timber, plenty of water, 3 miles from nw mill on the railroad; good stock proposition Will take $3000 in trade belance cash.. Easy terms, $15 per ncrj. Socolofsky. 841 Stato street 8-17 Watch for s"bme oily tongued peace palaver when old Wilhelm can't get awav from the fact t.lmt he !s beaten. j THE MARKET Name . Address SEE HOW SHE SEALS :;r;il y r N"-'- 1 - o Grain Wheat, soft wliito $22.03 Wheat, loner grades on sample Oats . 8085c Bran $36 Shorts, per, ton . $38 Hay, cheat, new . $23(a'23 Hay, clover, new $25 Hay, oat $25 Dry white beans. 77ie Buttexm Buttorfat 48c Creamery butter 4Uc . Fork, veal and Mutton Pork, on foot ... lGUfoJUc Veal, fancy I315c Stews 7e Cows . 4(iVjc Spring lambs 11c Ewes 4(S)flc Lambs, yearlings 67c Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 38c kggs, trade 3Uc liens, dressed, pound 32c Old roosters .. 12(ffil.'lc Frys '25c Broilers, live 2225c 1 Hens, pound 22c j Vegetable Potatoes, old , 1S( j Potatoes icw 44!ai i Onions, green 40 Onions, Bermuda . $1.73 Onions, Yellow Danver, Calif $2.35 Artichokes 75f Cabbage 4(w5c Carrots ..: 2e Tomntocs, lug .. $3 Turnips , - 25 Beets 2c Cucumbers 50(Si75c Cantaloupes . $4&4.50 Watermelons . ..... 3'&c Ptachcs, ciato .. ........ $1 BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's -clothes, shoes hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycBcs gums, .rifles, revolvers, suit easos, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. 8-3. , SCAVENGER SALEM ECAVENGER Charles ' Bool froprietor. Garbage and refuse of all iuds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 247. Residence Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY ' KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, O. C. W. B. UU- on, K. R. A S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Oamp No. 6246.meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High atroets. B. V. Day, V. C.j J. A. Wright, clerk. SALEM HflilANB wuciETY D, D. Keelir, president: Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All oases of cruelty or neg lect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. BOYAIi NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ' "Oregon Grape Camp" Ho. 1300, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St-, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, rocor- dor, 1413 N. 4th Et. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No 84, meets first Thursday of each month, at 6 p. m. in I. O. 0. F. hall. Norma h. Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 840 Ow ens street. fro; Oranges 7.75a)S Panfiima oa tie top goes well with gUs. Free book of tnstrnc- j. ttons on canning ana drying may do had from the National War Cardan Commiuion, Washington, D. C.f for tvra cmt to pay posUae. Graio fruit, California $4 Lemons, box $9.50(?t10 Bananas . 8MiC Dromedary dates . $6 Apricots .. $2 Retail Prices Creamery butter 60c nour, hard wheat . $3(a,3.20 Country butter 85c Egg3, dozen . 45 : Sugar sales limited to two pounds in Salem and 5 pounds to rural purchas ers. For canning purposes 25 lbs at one purchase. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., July 30. Butter, city creamery 51(52e Egs, selected local ex. 4750e Hens 22(ii24c Broilers 20(0-280 Geeso lCc Cheese triplets 27(S28e Daily Livestock Market Cattle Receipts 150 Tone of market steady, unchanged Prime'steers $1213 Choice to good steers $11(5)12 Minliura to good steers $910 Fair to medium s'eers Common to fair steers $58 Choiee cows and heifers $8 509 Medium to good cows ssd heifers $6(750 Fair to medium cows nd haiferi $4.50(a3,50 Canners $3(34 50 BulU $6rj8"' Calves $'8.5011.50 Stockers and feeders 79 Wt Rex-eipls 250 Tone of market firmer Prime mixed $18.40 Medium mixed $17.8!5(u18 Rough heavies $16.60fel6.8o Pigs 6(10.50 Bbeep Receipts 200 Tone of market steady, unchanged Enut monntain lambs $13.50(014 Valley lambs-$13fol3.50 Yearlings $9.50(&U Wethers, $8.509.00. Ewes Unchangod SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE - Men's clothes, shoe, haU, jewel y, ' watches, tools, -.inuaical instrumenr bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, ut eases, trunks, cameras, - typewrite a aad furniture. Capital xcaange, 3u7. Court street Phone 493. THE FIXIT SHOP Let na repair so 4 "sharpen your lawn mwers. IKsl Oourt. Phone 1022. tt ', WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office, cornor Commercial and Trade street Bills payable monthly in advance. FOR RENT FOR RENT Business location at 168 north Commercial, will remodel te suit tenant. See E. M. Klinger, . 461 State street, Salem. tt BILUARD PARLOR for rent, witl it without fixtures; will remodol te suit tenant best location in city. E, M. Klinger, 463 Siato street, Sa-1-eiO- ' til STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAXBEB 50 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sises 0 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, tot Court street. Phone .124. FOR SALE 950 acres. 100 in cultiva tion, balance in pasture and timber Pino stieam of water, good buildings and good road. 3-4 mile from a live ly saw mill town. Will take gool bouse and lot in Salem as part pay ment. Price $00 per acre. Phone 47$ Square Deal Realty Company, U. S. Bank Building, Salem. 7-17. RAILROAD TIME TABLES (In effect June second) BALEM- GEEB LINE No. 13 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m. No.' 74 Leave Salem .. .-..3:00p.m. SALEM, FALLS CITY fc WE STEM 161 Lv Salem, motor ,...7:50 a an, 163 Lv Salem, motor 0:35 a-m. 165 Lr Ralcm, motor ....1:40 p.m. Throagh ear to Monmouth and Arlie 167 Lv Salem, motor ..4;15 p.m. 169 Lv Salem, motor ..5:58 p.m. 839 Wy frt. Lv Salem. 5:00 a.m. 162 Ar at Salem .. ...9:10 a.m. 164 Ar. at Salem 11:00 a.m. 166 Ar at Salem ..8:00 p.m. 168 Ar at Salem ,..8:35 p.m. 170 Ar at Balem 7:20 p.m. MO Wy frt Ar Salem 2:30 pjn. OREGON ELECTRIC Southbound Trsia Leave Arrive Arrive B. ''Portland Salem Eugene 1 . 8:30 am 8:35 am 10:50 an 5 Ltd 8:30 am 10:11 am 12:25 p f 10:45 am 12:50 pm 9 8:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:3Spm. 13 Ltd....- 4:45pm 6:40 pm 8:50 pm 17 , - , 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only 19 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only pi 11:43 pm 1:55 am 0:50 am 'North Bank Station (leave Jefferson Btreet 15 and 20 minutes later) Train Ho. 8 Northbound Ler Arrive Kugene Salem 12 :05 am 4:35 am 7:15 am 9:45 am 1120 tm 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 pm 7:55 pm 10 Ltd 7:35 am 18 Arrive Portland 6:60 in 9:25 am 11:30 am 1:20 pa 3:55 pm 5:49 pm 7:40 pm 10:00 pal 14 11:20 am i ltd 1:55 pm $0 - 4;inrm 22 5.25 pm xNorth Bank Station (Arrlvi Jefferson Street 15 minutes earlier) Leave Cor vallis. C0BVALLJ3 CONNSflTIONo Leave Corvallis Arrive Salens 8:25 am..Northbound.9:45 am 12:12 pnu-.Northbound..l:50 am ; 8:41 pia.Northb3und.4:00 pm . 4:10 pm Northbound.5:30 pm 1 8:18 pmNorbbound.7:55 pm ? 8:35 m....Sonthbonnd....9:57 am 10:15 am.-.8onthboand..ll:83 am ' 32:50 pm.Southbo ihC pm I 4:15 pm Southbound.-.5:40 pm , 6:40 pnJSouthbound8:00 pm