Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 30, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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One Type Of Machine, Back
bone of Program, Not
Washington, July '30. Success of the
aircraft program was again called into
question when it was made known that
the "de Haviland four," backbone of
the whole program, is not yet wholly
9f Qualify
A continuous.unifona
" chain of boiling points
makes "Red Crown"
, dependable. No "mix
ture" can give the
same satisfactory re
sults. Look for the
Red Crown sign be
fore you fill.
m iWiitii iif 1 irr-'- -"irniTf mil mm rm
E. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agent of
fie Gasoline
ave a good time bridge day
EVEN in war-times it is no sign
of a lack of patriotism to have
a good time; the fighting men in
France played baseball, in the
intervals of fighting, and of pre
paration. We're all a little more "fit
for our war service, whatever
it may he, if we find occasional
time for relaxation.
All Wool
Interesting Figures Gleaned
From Superintendent
Smith's Report
For the year ending June 17, 1918,
there are 132 less school children in the
county than for the previous year, end
ing June 17, 1917, according to the an
nual report of W. M. Smith, county sup
erintendent. This is based on a census
of all children between the ages of four
and twenty years.
Just at present, there are 6,545 males
of this census age and 4,415 females, iu
The female teacher is doing a little
better now but durine the past her sal
ary has gained on an averago only $2.46
dicating pretty well that this part of
General Pershing, it became known,
in a cable to the war department re
cently recommended that further ship
ments of the do Haviland plane be
naitca until, a numDer of detects were
Some of these have been corrected
and the shipment of planes has been
going forward. Members of the
senato aircraft investigating commit
tee are thoroughly investigating con
struction of the de Haviland and a
large part of the forthcoming report
probably will be devoted to it.
. With present information it is the
intention of the committee simply to
point out defects of the de Havilr-nd
and not to brand it as a total failure.
Further investigation, howover, may
cause a change in tho committee's plans
-The do Haviland plane a fighting
machine carries a liberty motor. Fol
lowing the failure of the aircraft pro
duction board to adapt the Bristol to
the liberty motor, the do Haviland bc
camo the foremost. United States ma
chine. Seven hundred and sixty three
of them have been produced and moro
than 500 sent abroad.
In addition to these the only planes
that have been produced, according to
niomlbers of the senate aircraft commit
tee, ae one Caproni, que Handley-Page
and a large number of training planes.
The Bristol piano has been definite
ly abandoned and the 8. E.-5 is being
built to take the plne-e of the Bristol.
But remember that this store is the place
where you will find just the things to wear
$25 TO $50
$20 TO $40
Ilia country has a large male population
in prospect for the coming school years.
The army is taking a few of the male
school teachers in the county. One year
ago 73 men were employed teaching, but
now only 63 men are in the teaching
work. For the y-jar ending June 17
1917, the women teachers numbered 286.
During the past year, the number has
been 296 showing that the women are
gradually. taking up the work of men as
educators. 1
The districts in Marion county number
127, one less than for the preceeding
year. Thcro are now 136 school houses
in the county, an increase of three for
tho past year, but there has been only
126 in operation. This record shows that
while for the year ending Juno 17, 1918,
there were 154 school ho.i m opera
tion, during the past year 28 were closed
and but 126 in active use the past wn
tcr and spring.
. In the county, 20 districts had their
school open for nine months and one dis
trict for ten months.
Private schools in the county number
eight, a falling off of two during the
year. In these eight private sciioois, zz
male teachers and 36 female teachers
wora employed and ths attendance num
bered 632. That is, there are 632 child
ren between four and twenty years in
the county who are not receiving tlioir
education at the public schools.
While the percentage of attendance
ranks with the highest in the country it
has fallen off a little during tho past
v.oar. or the year onuing june 11, mil
the average attendance was 95 per cent.
For tho past year the-averago is 94 per
cent. This is thought to be due to the
fact that the war has taken many work
ers from farms and children of school
ago wore called out of school to keep up
the work. .
The estimated value of school property
has increased $13,411, during the past
year. For the year ending Juno 17, 19 17
it was $u94,7u0 for tho entire county
and for the year ending June 17, 1918,
the estimated value was $708,161.
From the standpoint of- salary, the
male teachers, has averaged a little high
er the past year compared to the year
.ending June 17, 1917. Now the average
for a man teacher in the county is $8S.
05, while during tho preceeding year the
averago was $81.37. He has mado a gain
of an average of $6.68 a month,
a month. During the year proceeding
Juno 17, 1917, she was paid an average
of $60 a month while the past year the
average salary for a woman teacher in
Marion county has been only .$62.40.Thi
figuro does not show the average of the
rural teacher ,as there an; many teachers
in Salem who receive more than $100 a
month, and this of course brings up tin
general average. -
You can t tell, either, by the
clothes he wears, just how much
war service a man is giving his
country. The man in civilian
clothes may be doing as much
as the man in khaki Each man
must be his own iudge of his
duty- -
All Wool
Good Roads Bring Many Fam
iliesBall Game Series
For Sundays
Newnort, Or., July 30. Motorists
have been reveling in tho firm, well
packed roads, which have followed in
the wake of the recent light storms,
which were prevalent over the moun
tain during the last week. Jn a few
cases, where chains were sot used, some
inconvenience wis caused by skidding
but generally the drive has been made
by all without mishap. Weather condi
tions continue favorablo here, blight
mists appear in the early mornings but
by noon all moisture has disappeared
and the bright, cloudless afternoons
are passed on" the beach, in bathing,
hiking or more phlegmatic diversions.
The tides have been so low at certain
hours this week that autoists have' been
able to drive their cars to Agate beach
on the hard sand. It is possible to make
record Speeding along the shore without
experiencing the usual discomfort of
fast driving along the imperfect roads.
Not to be outdone in originality of
sports for the doloctation of the spruce
soldiers, Professor Robert Krohn, plry
rieal director of the camps around
Newport, staged a romilar prize fight
at the Soldiers and Sailors club Satur
day night. Besides the series of rounds
fought by outside talent, several bouts
wero engaged in by somo of the local
boys, which because of their amateur,
ishness created no . inconsidorablo
snort. Professor Krohn is gottincr the ro-
creation work so well organized in the
camps, that one soldonV'visitB the bar
racks at leisure tim-s when games of
some kind oro not. being indulged in
At tho South Beach camp, where about
4fin men are under the command of
Lieutenant HosUins, volley ball has be
come one of the most popular games
and there is plenty of good natured
rivalry between the opposing sides. A
series of ball games have been arranged
between the various camps and each
Sunday finds the grand stand at tho
city ball park crowded to tne limit. .
Several hiking parties have arrived
in Newport during tho week, having
made the trip over thd mountain "on
foot. A Salem party, consisting of the
Misses Bessie Wilron, Tna Proctor, Vida
Proctor, and K. McClelland, arrived this
week end, having made the trip in lit
tle less than three days. As in nil well
remilnted hikes, the usual ludicrous
happenings took place, although but
ono of these slipped past the censor.
One evening at dusk, when it wan no
cessary to find a lodging place for th
night, the only available covering prov
ed to be an abandoned barber shop. Not
to be daunted by any misgivings of the
location, beds wero made down and a
dreamless sleep was indulged in y the
party. These young women are occupy
ing a cottage at Agate beach for the
week. , , .
Mr. and Mrs: E. T. Barnes and (laugh
tcr, Miss Euth, of Salem, are located
Ht the Bullerica cottage. Mr. Barnes
will motor home this week, leaving his
family to pass tho summer here
Mr. F. Powers ona aaurnter, f ior
ence of Salem, are among tho latest
cottagers to arrive at Nye Beach.
Louis and Michael isonmann, or an
by, are listed among the latest arri
val at the Saunders.
Mrs. John Ferguson, who has been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ferguson, of Salem, returned to
Newport the last of tho week.
Mrs. Edna White and daughter, Vel
ma. And M rs. Wh ite"'s sifter, Mrs. Mar
ion Putnam and aaugiuer, neieii, ui
Salem, arrived at Newport recently to
pass th month of August at this re
HOTt. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan and
son. of Silverton, ore enjoying their
vocation encamped at Tent City,
Mrs. J. A. Hulifson and daughter,
Miss Ruth, of Salem, are listed among
the latest Cherry City arrivals.
Mrs. Ci-rl 6. Doney, Mrs. (i. Ebsen
of Salem and Mrs. Martha Evans of
C'oliT.ibus, Ohio, are at the Damon ,this
week. Mrs. Evans suffered an unpleas
ant but not serious fall Sunday, when
she stepped off an elevated sidewalk
at Nye beach. Dr. Major Whiting was
called and it was found that no bones
were broken and but a slight strain
ins of the lieiments.
,1. P.Allison of Sal, recently regis
ter.tfl at the Concland ho-HO.
Mr. Benry Miller, of Wocdburn, who
h'j bi-cn visitin in Newport for some
timo. motored home 8undd7.
Mrs. M. C. S'-.tii and daughters, of
are etmttagcd at Toit Oily for
a day's o"i if
V. and Mrs. (. L. Dinettl .urn'
familv of Falls City are among the
recent arrival at Whittens.
Miss Kathryn Grady.i of Kalem, is at
the Buliffon cottage at Cherry City
this week. .
Mrs. A. L. Johnson and attractive
family, have opened their Nye beach
TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1918.
cottage for the balance of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Houck, of Mc-
Miunville, are domiciled at Sea Crest
for a two months' stay.
Roy C. Ferguson of Salem, arrived
during the week and is located at Sun
nyside Lodge.
Mrs.- Ray Weston and -family, of
Falls City and Mrs. Weston 's sister,
Mrs. Emily Wage, of Topeka, Kansas,
are among the latest cottagers to ar
rive at Nye Beach.
Mrs. Rov H. Rice and sons, of Sa-
ilem, are domiciled at the Sunset eot-
tage for a fortnight.
At tho Old Playground a cottage has,
been opened this ween by Mrs. L. M.
Thompson and daughter, Dorothy and
W. H. McAlvin, of Salem, who will re
main here two weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Ouiss, of Wood-
burn, are encottaged at Nye beach, for
the balance of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Roma Hunter and
daughter, Mnycle, of Salem, who have
been at Red Fern for a ten days outing,
departed for homo tho firt of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry and son,
of Salem, are among the many Marion
county cottagers at JNve beach.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Horn, of Falls
City are enjoying, a brief sojourn at
the New Cliff House at Nye beach.
Mrs. Myrtle Lawrence, Miss Jessie
Holcomb, Dr. Willis Moore, and Allen
Hall, of Salani, recently motored into
the Silet for a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Chamberlain, of
Falls City, are passing a week at Nye
beach as guests of the New Clitf House
. Processor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts
nee Ethel Harding, of Snlem, who re
cently passed a portion of their honey
moon at Newport, returned home the
first of the week. v
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Simmons of Sa
lem are numbered among the latest ho
tel arrivals of tho week.
Miss Irene Eddy and sister, Margar
et, of Independence, who have been vis
iting in Newport, returned homo re
cently. Bessie Foster of Monmouth is enjoy
ing a vacation at Nye beach as a guest
of the Nieolai.
Mr. and-Mrs. G. W, Honkle of Inde
pendence are domiciled at Nye beach
for a ten days outing.
Mrs. Roy O. Vincent and family, and
Mis. Vincent's mother, Mrs. A. P, Vin
cent, of Amity are sojourning at Sea
Crest for an indefinite stny.
Mrs. U. O. Heff ley of Monmouth and
Miss Marian Hendrick of McMinnville
are at Sea Crest for tho summer.
Tho Misses Sadie Richards and Ale-
tho, Bitney of Woodburn, who havd
been at Tent city for ten days, motor
ed homo the first of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams and
family, and Mis Murie Height of Sil
verton are among tho lutost campers to
arive at Tent city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ilibbsr of Inde
pendence ara occupying the Hibbs cot
tage at Nye beach for the balance of
tho season. .
Mrs. Edna Whito and daughter, of
Salem, are encottaged at Nye- beach for
an indefinite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Mellinger of Sa
lem aro among the latest guests to ar
rive at tho McAllister.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison and
two daughters of Dalian are encottaged
at Tent city for a week's outing.
11 r. and Mis. E. 1". Brown and fam
ily of Falb City are encamped at Whit
tens for a week's stay.
Anioni tho latest arrivals at New
port was R. D. Cooper of Salem.
Only One Thing Now
Lacking Money
'I have doctored nine years for
stomach and liver trouble and spent
thousands of dollars, but instead of
becoming cured of these ailments, my
bloating and pains and attacks became
worse. I was persuaded a year ago to
take Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and
have never suffered since taking the
first dose. I wish I had the money back
spent for other medicine." Jt id a
simple, harmless preparation that re
moves tho catarrhal mucus from the in
testinal tract and allays the inflamma
tion which causes practically all stom
ach, liver and intestinal ailments, in-
luding appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded. J. C. Pcry,
Capital Drug Store aud druggists ev
Agate Cutter and Manufactur
ing Jeweler
Open the year round.
Nye Beach, Newport
Gives yon satisfaction and at
Bates yon can afford to pay
Situated on 22 acres 2 blocks from Nye Beach,
with Nye Creek running through place.
Good Beds
Home Cooking
and Sea Food a
Under Chicago Management.
' Geo. II. Wilcox, Nye Beach, Oregon.
L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. .
Newport Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Newport, Ore.
It. S. Van Clcve, Toledo, Oregon. "
E. R. Saxton & Co. Yaquina, Oregon.
Morris & Hallmark, Waldport, Oregon. .
DeVaney Bros., Lapidaries
Hot Sea Baths Bldg., opp. Cliff House
Procious and Semi-Precious Stones Cut
and Mounted
, All work guaranteed
Mail Orders a Specialty
Dr. R .P , Bradford and Wife
Chiropractic Nerve Specialists
Offices Mbithora Bath IIouco.
Hours 9 a. m, to 5 p. m. Newport, Ore,
Paramount Artcraft
Fox Standard and Goldwyn
Photo Plays
One block west of Postofficc
Newport, Oregon
Formerly Tourist Inn
Major and Minor Operations
Massage and Hydro
therapy .
Write For Rates
tv-i ri"
Nye Beach, Overlooking the Ocean
Under Management of
Mrs. Katherine George
Formerly Manager of Agate Beach Inn
Two rooms each; completely
furnished; electric lights and
water. By week or month. Nye
Beach at Newport, Oregon.
P. O. Box 323.
A. L
Agates Cut and Mounted
Watch Repairing
23 Tears in Business
Strictly Cash. City Delivery, C. 0.
White House Restaurant
To right of Boat Landing
Good Eats, Good Beds at Good Prices,
and Sea View.
Sanitary Meat Market
Dealer in
Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters,
Clams, Crabs, Butter, Eggs
Front Street, Newport, Oregon