Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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FRIDAY, JULY 26, 191S.
HOW CAN you SELL THEM 50 CHEAP? 1 All Around Town
This is a question that is asked every little while by our customers as they
Inspect Our
And see what good quality, style, and comfortable shoes we sell so much below
the price asked for like stock elsewhere. .The reason is because we buy for
cash, sell for cash, do not deliver, and buy so much cheaper on account of buy
ing in such large quantities for our 197 busy stores.
For Ladies. A new one which is ex
ceptionally stylish, has good toe, mil
itary heel with rubber tip. Goodyear
welt sole $4.50
Ladies' wing tipped calf leather
shoe. They are winners for fall,
have good military heel and Good
year welt sole. Just think, only $5 5Q
July 26. Cherrian Band
eoneert, Willson Park, 8 p.m.
Ladies' and Misses' Black Shoe
Of fine soft durable leather, has good Neolin sole. It is a "Common Sense"
shoe, which combines good looks and comfort $4 50
July 30 Tuesday. Dedica
tion of new Willamette Kiver
Aug. 8-9-10 "Pershing's cru
saders" at Libertr Theater.
Aug. 7. Annual Meeting of
Wisconsin Society.
Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society.
"The funeral beautiful,
donga Oo.
"The best" Is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
c J
I A meeting of the parade committee for
me ueuication of the urif-a tx..'rciBes
j has boon called for this evening at the
lariivory to complete details end decido
. definitely on thu line of march. It b
probable tlm the parade will bo formed
. at the armory, and tho line of march
Ivan O. Mi'.Danicls of Portland Was 'to South Comiiiorcinl street, thence to
-i imlj jtoiciuu, xie 19 in mo sig- omie, vuax, on cuttle ro w insonparK,
nal sorvke. north on Cottage to Court street, west
the city. on Court to Liberty at the Meyers coi-
vwra, a. swan aau j. A. wian Doth iner, thcn?o north on Liberty to Center
vl jyuiu viiy. are rcirimereu at, rne
State House News
W. O. Hill of Mill City is in the city.
J. D. Wright of Marshfiold was a
Baleiii visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mre. H. W. Smith were in
Salnin Thursday, frouv Eugene.
Mng. J. Doak of Coquille was a 8a
' lem .visitor yesterday,
or Union and thence to Marion square,
Tho parade committee is composed of
W. T. Kigdon, chairman, W. Connel
Dyer, W. I. Staley, A. A. Miekel, lieut
enant colonel, A, T. Woolport and Major
A. A. Hall.
Saturday Night 'THE UNITED STATES"
The destiny of this nation is clearly
outlined in prophecy. Also the work
of some of its enemies is exposed. .
We have Bargain day six days in
tho week, other stores have to make
Kpccinl days in order to compete with
us on a few special articles.
Come in and get our prices, if there
is any one that will undersell us wo
will take our hat' off for tlioui.
Our goods are going fast, we will not
replace them, bo sure and get your
share before they are sold out.
Opposite Court House
on High Street
Articles of incorporation were filed
today by the Willamette Brass found
ry of Portland, which has a capital
stock of $ol)00 The incorporators are
Robert Cray, P. C. Howell and Cora
K. York.
enaie .treasurer r. u. Jay was in
lortlaiid yesterday, and says he was
kept busy explaining to. his friends
how ho got out of jail. They had read
in tho papers of the state treasurer be
ing held in contempt of court and or
deied imprisoned until he issued cer
tuiu cerilii'kates of stock iu the Kay
Woolen Mill company. Mr. Kay, how
ovor, is jstill enjoying his freedom, as
the case is being appealed,
Karl Wiithycombe, accompanied by
his sister, Miss Mabel Withycombe, re
turned to Sulem lust night from a gov
ernment hospital at Washington, 1). C,
where he had 'been ill for nearly six
months. Ho is a eon of Governor ami
Mrs. Withyeomibe. He was taken ill
with measles whilo ait a cantonment in
Virginia with a company of army en
gineers. Ho was taken to the govern
ment hoapiitnl end pleurisy and pneu
monia developed.
Superintendent of public instruc
tion, J. A. Churchill, has just compiled
tho last annual census reports of the
county superintendents. The reports
show 'that thero are 205,81 children
in tho eltato who are over four and un
der 20 yoarB of ago. This is a gain of
171)5 children uver the census of the
previous year. The increase is" found
principally in Multnomah, Clatsop,
Coo,s and Wasco counties. Several coun
ties show a decided less of children,
lieu Ludlow, investigator for the Pa
cific Oottmt Automobile Underwiters
conference, with headquarters in Seat
tle, recently iunpedtcd the automobile
registration department of tho secre
tary of state' office and has written
to Mr. Olcutt that he found the best
kept records in thi8 trtate of nay state
in tho northwest.
"Wo found," he says in his letter,
"theft your "records of automobiles are
the best kept of any records in any of
tho offices of the different secretaries
of stiiltc. dn the northwest. We intend
at the next legislature iu this state to
have tho same system installed here,
if possible."
H. P. Cleveland, who has been under
treatment some time at the Salem hos
pitai nas so lar recovered that he was
able to return to his homo yesterday.
Dance at Brooks Saturday night.
We sell for cash. Commencing July
lo wS will conduct our business em
strictly cash basis. Pat ton's Book
Store. tf
William Curtis, fireman of the first
c'ass ou the battleship North Dakota, is
liOTi'o on a short leave of absence. The
battleship is off the Atlantic cost and
Ins address in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dr. If. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bank Bldg. if.
Benefit dance at Macleay Saturday
Two home talent plays will be given
Saturday evening of this week at the
Central Howell school house by the Red
Cross auxiliary of Central Howell. Af
ter the plays, ico cream and cake will be
Irrigation Even numbers, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. end Sun. Odd numbers. Tues.
Thurs., Sat. and Sun. Even numbers
are on the south and east - side of
street. Odd numbers ore on north end
west side of street. tf
A young people's union meeting will
bo held at Willson park next Sunday
evening, July 29. beginning at 7:3U
o'clock. Tho meetings will be held'iu
tho park each Sunday evening during
Big dnce Frank Doerfler's' barn
Sat. night. Benefit McAlpia Knitting
club. - 7-20'
A limited supply of sweater and sock
yarn has been received at Red Cross
headquarters in the United States Na
tional bank building.
Save 5 per cent with our cash regis
ter checks. We conduct business on a
cash basis. Porry'e Drug Store. tf
J. i. uoppock, propnetor of the Laim
County Creamcrf, died suddenlf in
Eugene Wednesday night. He leaves
several children, one of them, Miss Noll
Loppock, residing in Salem.
Rayii.oiul X. Roberts .enlisted yester-
:iy in tho navy, going into service in
what is termed the K-aman branch. He
is IS years old and gave as his next of
kin, Ins mother,, Mrs. Mmkler Roberts,
of fe.ilem, rural route 3.
The first arrests for defacing the new
Salem bridge wero mado Wednesday
night when two bovs were caught cut
ting their initials in tk,e painted surface.
fliey wero severely reprimanded and
turned loose, but it is is tbe intention to
stop that sort of vandalism and the au
thorities will not show much leinoncy
Following the example set by Presi
dent Wilson in Red Cross and patriotic
parades in the east, the big paraito of
next Tuesday afternoon will be entirely
a parade ou foot and not uy 'ie automo
bile route. All officials who have been
invited to participate iu the parado will
walk vim the possible exception of the
governor and it is understood ho ri.l
lent the parade on foot 01 horseback,
whitl.cvir ho elects.
other two bridges have hecn.for the past
ii years.
The nine rural routes out of Salem
are not only receiving more mail but
are sending out much more than one
year ago, according to Postmaster
Huckestein, who is making his annual
trips of inspectioaover all the rural
routes. This is due, Mr. liurkstcin
states, to the fact that so many men
from the country are in the service. The
men are writing home ifhd the home
folks are doing their best to keep the
boys posted about home affairs. ,The in
terest in letters is so great, that the
mail man is now becoming the rnojt
popular man on the road, many of his
patrons waiting for him each morning
at-the mail box.
be!i for the past 32 years.
Big dance tomorrow night at Brooks
Seven men will be inducted Into the
limited service from Salem next Mom.uy
Julv 29. Thev will leave the city on the
l:oJ Southern Pacific train Monday and
be sent first to Vancouver barracks ln
cl.ided in the call are the following:
Calvin C Tost, Jefferson, Lee U. Chris-
tofrr Spitzbart, Salem, Lester Baldwin,
Staytou, Sam LaBranche, rural route B,
Salem. Neal Littler, Portland, Prank
Cronn, Saiera rural route 4, Herbert
Smith, Eastside, Oregon, Joe McLcar,
Silverton, route 3, Albert Harmon
wuorley, 1694 Broadway, Salom. The-
call of Aueust 5, is for 12 men to be
S'.nr for regular service at Camp Pre
mont, California.
Special Notice On and after Au
gust 1, the retail business at Fry's
drug store, will be conducted on a cash
basis. The scarcity of help, extra work
required in keeping accounts and col
lecting same makes ithla change neces
sary. We will continue ti give a 5
per cent rebate for cash on ell goods
handled by us, except paints and oils,
Daniel J. Fry, 280 N. Commercial
A marriage license was Issued to i
soldier yesterday. His name is Edwarf
li, rV.'id, occupation druggist, but at
present stationed at Vancouver barraCki
and tho license was to his and Marion L.
Ward, tigi 18 of Sulem.
The Kaiser's Shadow
Is Coming.
Tne Fixtt Shop is leaving for Astoria
Saturday night and all persons ore re
quested ta call for anything which
bns been left for repair.
To correct an Impression, especially
in Polk county, the executive committee
uf biidge dedication dayj Tuesday, July
S'l. wish it to be known that at no time
during the day will there be any charge
for rn ssing the ucw bridira or will it be
j necessary for one to buy a souvenir flfi.
,'lhe official opening of the bridge is
scheduled for about 9:45 or 10 o'clock
Tuesday morninsr and until that time,
1 tlw old bridge will remain open for traf-
'fic. After the official opening all the
I travel will be across the new bridge and I
lit will be as free to tho public as tho'
Here are a few of the rea
sons that we are doing
the business. We are in
dependent of any other
market in the city . The
quality of our goods is
unexcelled. Our prices
speak for themselves.
Pure Lard, Guaranteed,
Per Pail $1.35
Best shortening, per pail
Round Loin or T-Bone
Steak, 20c per lb
Beef to Boil 10c per lb.
Roasts of Beef 15c per lb
Sausage and Liberty
Steak, 2 lbs for 35c
Fresh Bread 10c per loaf
In stripes and plaids
also black taffetas
New models just received
$4.75 - $7.45
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
A special feature of the exercises for About 25 or 30 young girls are want
next lutftdny wh,en the new bridge is: ed to offer a few hours' time for the
:o b dedicated, is the address to be ! ent of tne tied cross. A. u wal
Originators of Low Prices
351 State St.
given ;it the Armory at 1 o 'clock in the
afternoon. At that time the 2nd battal
ion will be assembled, prepared to take
part in the big parade. Adjutant Gen
eral Williams and Colonel North, iu
command of tho Oregon Guard will each
deliver an address to the soldiers. Those
who aiv; interested in military affairs
are invited to attend as the balconies
will bo opened for spectators.
The company to be organized at the
armory this evening by A. B. Poolo and
others will become part of the Oregon
Guard and cannot be federalized. Thj
company will havo the same standing
with the Oregon Guard as other state
organizations and be subject to duty
only in tho stato. Its uniforms and eq
uipment W'U come from the stato, the
same as other companies of the Orceon
Guard. The company for the Oregon
National Guard, which will have the
same federal, standing as old Company
M, will not he organized until some
time next month.
t Oi
John W. Todd, chairman of tbe music
committee foi the big bridge opening
dedication nc.xt Tuesday has issud in
vitations to 50 male singers to assist in
leading the community sing. In order
that the 150 men may brush up a little
on the French national hymn and other
songs, Mr. Todd has issued a call for a
rehearsal to be lucid next Monday even
ing at the Commercial club, beginning
at 7; JO o clock. The Cheman band will
accompany for the community sing
which will bo held in Marion square be
ginning 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening,
the uig day.
Salem is fortunate in having an oppor
tunity to sco the famous moving piituve
film "Pershing's Crusaders" now at
tho Heilig theatre in Portland for one
week. This is the authentic war de
partmciit film of what is going on
among soldiers beth in this country and
r'rnncc. It pictures especially tho tr.
mendous activities of the United btatcs
in the great war and tho pictures were
taken by special order of the war de
partmcnt. The date has been fixed for
August 8, 9 and 10 and they will be
shown at the Liberty theatre. Hereto
fore, the film of Pershing's Crusaders
has been shown only in tho largest ci
ties of tho country, coming to Portland
direct from San Francisco.
The local exemption board, consisting
of W. I. Needhnm, chairman, U. G.
lioyer and Dr. W. II. Byrd, and tho sec
w.'tary of the board, Mrs. Frank H.
Iirown, feel under deep obligations for
tcu many courtesies that have boon ex
tjndcd them in the work of the board.
And especially is this true for the ef
forts made Thursday when the board
sent away 103 men for Camp Lewis, to
make things ns pleasant as possible for
the boys. Among those helping were
Chief Justice T. A. McBride, Mr. Gob-
hart who spoke at the depot and to the
Chcrrian band and Miss Lena Belle Pa;
tar for music. Also to thoaa offering
assistance during the rush hours, in
cluding Prof. J. C. Nelson, Dr. Prank
E. Brown, Dr. C. E. Cashatt, Mrs. K.
L. Simeral Mrs. Merlin Harding and
Miss Mildred Bradbury.
The state military police, formerly
uniformed in blue has now received
new uniforms which are of rather an
olive drab color. It is thought that
abowt1 100 will come to Salem next
Tuesday. I
cliairmian ot the souvenir com
mittee would like to havo this num
ber of girls sell tho Red Cross souve
nir flags in the business district Mon
day and again at Marion square end
anywhere Tuesday. The decoration mm
niiititee ordered 5000 of these silk sou
venirs and it is hoped that enough
girls will volunteer in the work to
canvass tihe business district Monday
and to help in the work, especially ou
the bridge, during Tuesday.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell.
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
eare of '
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea C,
Has medicine which, will eure
any known disease.
Opn Sundays from 10 a, m.
until 8 p. m.
153 Sourt High St
Salem, Oregon. Phone ISS
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 508
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Foil Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before you sell.
271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734
4- PIECES - 4
o u