Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The Capital Journal will not be re
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fer errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge 15e.
GOOD binder for sale. Phone 8F23 ev
enings. . 7-29
WANTED Girl for general housework
Apply 645 S. 12th. 7-26
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
694 N. Coin! Phone 2-to4V. 7-31
FORD trailer for sale. Inquire at 271
D St. 7-31
IiADY wishes work cy day. Phone
I549J. 7 !
WANTED Veal calves. Thone 1576
W. 86
SO CORDS first grow th fir, R. 8, box
121. Call Sunday. 7-26
WANTED Strained honey in bulk.
Cherry City Bakery to- W
OCL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer
"Turner. Oregon. Phone 59 tf
FOR SALE-iaree cow, heavy niilr
er. Rt. 4, box 19, Jefferson road. 7-26
FOR SALE A piano in first elass con
ditinn. Itane 1676 or call 1244 Cen
tr. 7-27
FOR SALE Second hand Ford in fine
condition. Inquiro E. E. Cooley, Wool
en Mills Store. 7-26
FOR RENT The Ryan building, oppo
site Marion hotel. P. J. Kuntz, re
ceiver, 309 Bank of Commerce. ,. 7-29
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upwai'd. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. , tf
WANTED Man and team, can make
from $8 to $9.50, $er day. Call phone
4X51 Turner. . tf
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
single rooms, nicely furnished, at
33 Ferry street. tf
TWO and three Toom furnished apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203-
GENERAL Bepair work dote, rugs
cleaned, 35c per rug. Phone 1022.
FUit Shop. 7-31
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, heavy
milker; will sell reasonable. 1925
Slate. 7-27
WANT to secure $3000 loan at 7 per
cent on first class security- Soeolof
sky, 341 State St. 7-27
TO TRADE 8 kits in a live southern
Oregon town for a Ford, must be in
good condition- Address Box 81, Mill
City, Or. 7-27
PERSON who was seen picking up a
purse on the 7.30 Dallas motor Wed
nesday evening; kindly return to S
P. depot. 7-26
(FOR SALE Logging outfit, teams,
wagons, harness, all complete; good
job; good money. Rt. 3, Siddall and
Eaton, Salem, Or. 7-27
FOR SALE 20 acre prune orchard
with good crop, very reasonable;
jiaiit cash. Call at 339 Chemeketa St.
er phone 929 in day time. 7 27
FOR KENT To -permanent rentor on
ly, furnished or unfurnished, mod
ern 7 room house and garage. Call
at place Sunday a. m. 1705 S. Com.
St. 7-27
FOR SALE Studebaker 4, 1914, $430.
Studebaker 4, 1917 $800. Both of
these cars are in the best of condi
tion. Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com
mercial, tf
PIGS FOR SALE Will sell at Wood
ry's auction Saturtlay six 6-week j
old pigs, purebred cress, Duroc Jer
sey and Poland China. H- R. Jones.
Phone 49F2. . 7-26
WANTED A woman assistant to the
matron at the Old People's home.
A permanent position. Apply to Mrs.
J. H. Baker, 545 Court St. 7-26
WANTED To lease for 3 years, a
fruit farm near Salem, with machin
ery included; must have good build
ings; with, or near pasture. Write
Et. 3,. box 143. O. W. Brown- tf
FOR RENT Furnished house, for one
who wants a first elass place, hot
water heat, two fire places and com
pletely furnished throughout. Address-
Box 873, Salem, Or. tf
WANTED To meet some working girl
that would consider cooking meals
and keeping up room for man who
works all day, for her board and
room. Address 7-26 18 care Journal,
i . 7-27
FOR EENT For cash, 734 acres, well
improved farm, 3-4 mile from Falls
City on main road to Dallas, or will
trade for a smaller place or timber
near Salem. Address box 182, Falls
City. Or. . - 7-27
men clerks at Washington. Examina
tions everywhere in August. Experi
ence nnneeessary. Women desiring
government positions write for free
particulars to J- C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1059 Keiois
Wdg., Washington. D. C, 7-29
WANTED Body for Ford, 3 jiassenger
ztna raemc tugnway. i-.b
LOGANBERRIES for canning. Will de
livered. Phone 34F13 after 6 p. m.
FOUND 2 auto tires on MoMinaville
road. Owner may have same by vail
ing L. B. Versteeg, B. 1, box 66. 7-26
3 HORSES, 2 wagons, set of harness
and other toots, will sell cheap.
Phone 2373B or call at 595 Marion.
REWAED Lost bull pup about 3 mos
old, 1 brown ear, side bead brown
Answers to. name of " Jiggs." Phone
1341R, 143 Court street tf
MONEY WANTED I have several
good applications for loaus, ranging
from $050 to $2500, these properties
are all good values, parties will pay
7 per cent for 3 years. W. A. Liston,
agent. 7-27
M C8T SELL my modern 6 room house
at once, located on graveled street,
one block from paved street, 2 blocks
from ear line, 4 block from school,
large lot and garage, terms if desir
ed. Act at once if you want a good
home cheap. Address J 24 care Jour
nal, tf
WANT to lease for cash, 80to 160
acres of good land, god improve
ments, for a period of two to three
years, will purchase at expiration of
lease if property is satisfactory. R.
A. S., Rt 7, box 11. 7-26
It will be worth while a trip to Sa
lem next Tuesday just to see the battle
gon ship flag of the famous Orcvon,
float to the breeze trom a ou foot pole,
and to see the Oregon battleship pen
nant, made entirely of silk and 700 feet
long. Both the flag and the pennant
are part of the historical archives of the
state of Oregon.
A. L. Wallace, P. E. Fullerton and
Paul Siege drove to Independence, Sit
vertou and Dallas yesterday evening to
distribute with Rod Cross auxiliaries th.3
souvenir flag for bridge day. Every
where the committee found an unusual
interest in the ceremonies attendant on
the official opening of the bridge. They
were given a most cordial reception aV
all thrue towns and feel sure the people
of these communities will be on hand to
witness the big event.
Otig O. Compton of Scio, age 19, to
day enlisted at the army recruiting sta
tion on State street. He will go into
the foast artilleiy corps. His next of
kin is his father C. D. Comptonj of
. o
Walt,ir E. Keyes, mayor of Salem.
has formed a law partnership with Me
Nary and McNary and the firm will
hereafter be known as MiftNary, Mc-
JNary and Keyes. Mr. Keyes is today
moving his law books and office into
the Mt-Nary office In the U. 8. Na
tional bank building.
Next Draft Call
Fpr Twelve Registrants
After the call for limited service
men for July 20, the next call to be is
sued by the local exemption board is
tor August 6 when twelve men will be
called to entrain for Camp Fremont,
California, for national rmy service.
The exemption hoard tins already
sent the call to the following men
trom which twelve will be sent:
No- 822 Emiddio Bello
No. 1882 Lloyd Hnberly
No. 1935 Vernon P. Barnes
No. 1521 Fur.tuiiato Jloiuteleoiie
No. I45814 Ferdinand J. Polanaki
No. 1818 Artie B. Newton
Nov 981 Chester M. Wilcox
No. 1955 Chester R. Bidgeway
No. 1952 Jim Dick
No. 1938 William A. Dunnigan
No. 1024 Clifford W. Welty
No. 299 James E; Parks
No. 1148 Albert H. Chamberlain
No. 493T-Sevcr Northness
By using the ideas yon will
find in The Advertising World
magazine you can keep ahead
of the other fellow.
Sample copy 10 eents, in
Columbus, O. 7-31
Notice To The Public
We wish to inform the public that
we are running the Capital Garage
Ljlepair Shop and we guarantee all
work to be satisfactory. We do all
kinds of auto repairing and weldings-
We tighten and reset auto
wheelfl springs made and repaired.
We take care of storage batteries.
We also carry a stock of accessor
ies. We have an expert from San
Francisco to look after ignition and
Ask. for our service car. Fair and
courteous treatment at all times.
The Capital Garage
173 South Liberty Phone 88
The Kaiser's Shadow
Is Coming
Red Cross Work And Work- ,
ers Will Be Feature In
Day's Big Program.
The following proclamation has been , ceremonies of the dedication is exclu
ded by Walter E. Keyes, mayor of ' sively a Red Cross affair.
Salem: - - I Of" unusual interest will be the old
Whereas, on Tuesday, the 30th day battle ship Oregon flag, to float from
of July, 1918, the counties ex Marion 1
and Folk will dedicate the bridge re
cently constructed between said coun
ties, and. -
Whereas, the construction of this
bridge fills a long felt need which re
dounds especially to the benefit of the
City of Salem, and,
Whereas, an elaborate celebration
has been arranged in conjunction with
said dedication, the entire proceeds
from which art to be donated to the
Bed Cross.
Now, Therefore, I. Walter E. Keyn
mayor of the City of Salem, hereby pro
claim Tuesday, July 30th, 1918, as a
day when the. citizens of said city
should welcome with unanimity the con
struction of said bridge, and still more
especially a day when all loyal and
patriotic citizens should join in the fes
tivities the proceeds from which will
go directly to relieve the suffering of
our boys in France.
Respectfully submitted,
. Mayor.
Judge Bushey of Marion county and
Judge Kirkpatrick of Polk county have
been invited to intet at the center of
the Marion-Polk county bridge about
10 o'clock next Tuesday morning, raise
the two semaphores bearing the official
Red Cross emblems and officially de
clare the opening of the quarter of a
million dollar bridge across the -Willamette
at Salem.
At the same time an immense horn
of plenty, filled with flowers will
strew the bridge with bouquets and the
flag that flew so proudly from the mast
of the old- battle ship Oregon will be
flown to .the breeze from a high flag
pole to be erected at the center of the
Immediately following this official
opening, there will pass over to the
Polk county -side and return, an auto
mobile driven by th'e party that bids
the highest for the privilege of first
crossing the bridge, the sum bid to go
into the Bed Cross treasury.
After the official ear has crossed
and returned, the bridge-will be thrown
open to the public. While many will
be solicited to buy the silk souvenir,
to be sold at 25 cents as a Red Cross
benefit, it will not be necessary to
possess this souvenir for the privilege
of crossing.
After the official ear has returned
from the Polk county side, the first
address will be delivered by Justice
George II. Burnett, as a dedicatory ad
dress. Or. Esther Lovejoy of Portland,
a Bed Cross nurse just home from
France, will deliver the Bed Cross ad
dress and Dr. Cart Gregg Doney,- the
patriotic address. All speaking will be
from the platform to be erected under
the bridge on Water street.
The exercises of the afternoon will
begin with the pnradi), with formation
at the aimory. The 2d battalion has
been ordered to report at the armory
in full uniform and to take part in
the parade. Govornor Withycombe will
probably lead on horseback, but follow
ing the custom of patriotic parades in
the east, no automobiles will be per
mitted to take part.
Those to participate in the pnrade
will include the county judges of Mar
ion and Folk counties, the mayor and
city council, of Salem and the mayors
of all towns in both counties. Colonel
North of the Oregon Guard and Adju
tant General WUiam's will march with
the military contingent of which there
will be about 500.
Tho evening program will include a
band concei t .by the Cherrian band and
tho singing of songs, led by 50 male
voices, to be accompanied by the Cher
rian band. The various Red ' Cross
booths and cafeterias will serve from
10:30 in the morning until afternoon
and again from 5 o'clock in the even
ing until 7:30 or 8 o'clock.
The dci:cing, both afternoon and
Planters take advantage of the ram. We can supply
turnip seed and seed rye. Also, cabbage and broo
coli plants. Buy vetch seed now, while we still have
251-261 State Street Salem, Ore.
rians, the net receipts of course to swell
the treasury of the Red Cross. In fact
every dollar received from any source,
will go into the Bed Cross funds. All
services of all kinds have been donat
ed, as it is well understood that the
a flag pole on the center of the bridge
and the Oregon pennant, seven hundred
feet in length is made of silk and can
be swung from the new bridge to the
tance of 800 feet. The pennant is 700
feet in length is made of islk and can
be swung from the ne wbridge to the
towers ot the railroad bridge.
F. T. Wrightman, chairman of the
executive committee announces that
Mayor Walter E. Keyes will issue a
proclamation ealling on all patriotic
citizens to take part in the festivities
of the day.
Court House News
A brief covering 92 pages of legal
size was filed yesterday in the circuit
court in the case of J- I. Morris against
.the Gates Mill Co. and others- The
plaintiff ask for a judgment against
John J. Sperry and Pete KaUum, each
for $1930.17 and $365 attorneys fees
and a lien on the property of the de
fendants with a foreclosure of prop
erty. Also a judprment against the de
fendants should the property not pay
the amount of the judgment. Notice is
given of liens against the property al
so for labor performed. The lien is
asked again; 30,000 feet of logs and
57,000 feet of lumber. The Hates l.um
1 : i..,j -
northeast of Gates, 'Or,
The administrator of the estate of
Silas Reynolds has filed with the coun
tv court notice of application to sell
lolls 5 and 6 and 12 and 13 of the Sun
nyside Tract .farms iu Marion county,
In the matter of the estalte of A.
Wilson, a petition is filed by K. T.
Tuv askimr that the administrator be
required to file areport of the estate,
particularly the moneys and mortgages
from property in Nebraska. The admin
istator is G. E. Unruh. The court is
sued an order requirine a report An
In the matter of the estate of Geo,
Weinrich. deceased. Ithe executor wasi
ordered to sell real property. George
A. Smith is executor and he has been
offered $200 for some property in Stay
The inventory of the estate of Dar
ius F. Bright, who was killed in a mo
torcycle accident las Sunday, showed
that the estate consisted of a deposit
in the Salem' Bank of Commerce,
amounting to $91.25.
Nellie Darling, as executor of the
estato of John H. Halferty, deceased,
reported receipts of $8500 in bank cer-'
tificates. Her disbursements amounted
ta $6109.45. The executrix filed no
tice that she was unable to find Wil
liam E. Halferty and James Halferty,
mentioned in the will, and that the will
provided if they were not found by
July 4, 1919, the amount bequeathed
should bo divided among tihe children
of the deceased-
The county court y,Tterday appoint
ed Reuben P. Boise as adminiHtrator
of the estate cf Jessie Brcyman Mc
Nary and as appraisers of the estate,
E. M. LaFore, Jos. H. Baker and Jas
per N. Skaife. The real estate in Mult
nomah, Lincoln and Marion counties is
estimated at a value of $00,000 and the
personal property in Marion county at
Charles R, Archer d,. who will auction
off the privilege of fir crossing the
bridge, wishes it understood that the
successful bidder need not cross in an
auto. He may walk if he soi desires, or
he may drive a tractor. The auction
will be held promptly at 9:30 o'clock
at the speaker's stand under the bridge
on Water street.
Bring Your Tire Work to a Man
Who Knows
Let us look over your tires
Vulcaiiizmg Retreading
Goodyear Tires
pVf HirW PLFWlfiG TO alrgg-
363 126 South Commercial ,
Net Profits of Lines la Oregon
(her Two Million Dollars
Last Year
The Southern Fajeifie company did
very profitable business in 1917, ac
cording to the company's annual re
port filed with the public service com
mission. Jts net prams last vear
amounted to $30,094,351, an increase of
$26,309,274 over the profits of the pre
ceding year. The company 's surplus at
the end of the year was $14,5o3,620.
The operating revenues of the com
pany in Oregon for 1917 were $11,-
4.801, as against $9,087,772 ftr the
preceding year. The operating expens
es in this state in 1917 were N.36,3t6,
so the company made more than $2,-
000,000 profit last year on its business
in Oregon. .
For its entire system, the company's
operating revenues, last year totaled
$141,053,380 and its operating expenses
were $90,961,278. It paid taxes amount
ing to sy,oa4,ioi.
The company s groesi lncomie for the
year wa-t 7s,biW, J7, from which de
ductions to the amounit or $4S,a!i,;)!!b
were made for interest and rentals and
other items, leaving a net income of
$30,099,351. From thia another $5000
was deducted and the balance was
transferred ta the profit account-
The Oregon Trunk Railway company
which operates a branch line up the
Deschutes river, sustained a deficit of
$402,701 last year, according to its
annual report filed with the public
service commission.
Its operating revenues were $429,o24
and its oiwraitdn? expenses were $387,
703. In addition it had heavy interest
charges to pay on its funded debt.
There will -be no band concert to
night on acicount of rain.
If any Salem trucks or busses are to
be driven into the state of Washing
ton, the driver thereof i playing for
trouble. It seems "that Portland driv
ers of trucks have been arreeted in
Vancouver for not carryins Washing
ton licenses and now Portland is retali
ating and the Vancouver car without
an Oregon license that happens to find
its way intoi Portland is taking a
cihance. The same applies should any
Stolem truck or buss happen to have a
load to deliver across the river into
The Woodmen of the World will in
stall the following officers at tho moot
ing to be held this evening in tho Der
by building.
Saturday is Bargain Day-The Remnant Store cwi K
New arrival in $11.95 ladies silk Odd lot small 19c linen and cot
plaid and fancy dress skirts, spec- size shirts ton towe'ing
silk2e14yards iai for Saturday Waist ?aturi iy SpecWJor Sat-
3M to $4.98 ?8-69 - Price ' 15c
a skirt each 39c yard
39c Imported Jap . 100 JIKN"S ATn" 35 to 39 ladle $1.50 Extra large
lettc union sin hose. Special
creton in stripes sr.ECUL F0l HAT. Saturday ' Cotton Batting
and plaid. Special day 29c
for Saturday 59c or 2 suits for
0, ei An black and white a ro11
c6C ifrl.Ou Buster Brown
yard Size 35 to 44 Quality $1.19
$1.50 Ladies Un- $3.00 men's felt Boys odds and 79c Pongee Silk
deftsatur5eayal hats- Sial to plaThatVol
tfi iq Saturday to 50c. Saturday mQ
clean up price ,
Cretons and $2.29 15c yard
-sabien qualities Each' ' Each M j Some Bargain
Ladies Monarch The Mostly all shades
pair 254 N. Commercial St. S1.G0
Foulards, Taffetas, MessaKnes, Gingham Silks, etc.,
36 to 40 inches wide, comes in Stripes, Plaids and
Figures. A Wide Range to Select From.
VALUES FROM $1.75 to $2.50.
PRICE, Per Yard
Remember we must close out a Great Many Differ
ent lines and to do so in the Shortest Possible Time
have Marked These Lines at .Radical. Reductions.
Don't fail to see our Bargain Tables.
38 Years the Leaders and Still On Top
E. C. Crawford, consul commander.
V, Brooks, adviser.
Lee Atchison, banker.
C. D. Ross, escort.
George Walker, manager.
John Printz. watchman.
E. P. Donaldson, sentry.
O. L Daring, past council commander
was the installing officer. At the meet
ing this evening there will be an auc
tion of several packages of candy and
at the
figs and such that were sent by the
I lodge to the soldiers and returned when
the order was issued that no parcels
would be forwarded to soldiers except
ing on the consent of their superior of
ficers. The kaiser is a fakir and a fraud of
long standing. For example, his "solid
gold" yachting trophy that has turn
ed out to be anything but solid gold.