Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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torial Page of The Capital Journa
Editor uj Publisher
July IG, 1918
i I
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
. i. BARNES,
See. and Treat.
1 .u.
I-The Vofflan Who Changed ;
Pally bj curler, per rar
iMily bj anil, per year ..
$5.00 Per Moot 4ie
S.U0 Per Muata KSe
a Ward, New Tork, Tribune Building.
llitcaKu, W. B.
Stoekvell, Peeple'i tiu Building
Tba Capital Journal carrier boya an Inatructed to pot tbe paper on the porch. If
tke carrier doe Dot do tola, mlaava joa, or neglerta getting tbe paper to you oo time,
fetidly pbooe tbe circulation manager, a tbla la tbe eiiiy way we can determine whether
aw aot the carilera are following Instruction Pbon Main HI before 1 :SO clock and a
taper will ha aent jou by auecial ueaaeager If the carrier baa misted you.
Tk'ilkS Daily OaMaL JoUUXaL
II the only newtpaper Id Salem whoae clrculatloa la guaranteed bf tbe
Audit Bureau of Circulation.
everybody else for their services or their goods.
A great many persons have never thought seriouslv
of the trying position newspapers are placed in during
the warand still the government officials sav thev could
scarcely carry out any of the great war activities without '
rVlPir ennnoiHifirin 0i
Merton Gray came early, hi violin
tucked under his arm. Mr. aud Mrs.
Babcock greeted him graciously, George
warmly. For the first time since Mer
tou told me of his love, I did not feel
The war industries board has oidered newspapers to
cut off aii free copies, and to reduce the average size of
. their newspapers. This order is tor the purpose ot con
serving both news print paper and labor.
Not many publishers will resent the order, since they
have realized for some time that the most rigid economy
in these matters must be practiced. The order of the gov
ernment will make it easier for them to do some things
that they hesitated voluntarily to do, although they be
Jieved they should be done.
In times like this the newspaper business is not a
snap. There are no war profits; instead prices of labor
and material are going up and advertising, the paper s
greatest source of revenue, is curtailed. Every industry
or business the government-grabs hold of in any manner
stops advertising immediately.
War reports cost a vast amount of money, and the
papers must carry them in order to satisfy the public
craving lor dairy lniormauon on mis suojecu r or in
stance, it costs from $1.50 to $2 a word to get cable mes
sages from Petrograd, or Salonika, in the Balkans. From
France cable tolls are 25c a word. Added to these tolls
are the high salaries of an army of correspondents and
At i;it ...i:t. .!U r,-V,
xneir excessive expense vms vvnne ,iuuuwuig uw yaw
of the war. When you read the full leased wire telegraph
report in the Capital Journal calculate what must have
been the cost of gathering it., Of course the Capital Jour
nal only pays its proportionate part of the cost, which is
shaved by all United Press papers. But its share is very
i i ji . i - p ii. i i i. -
mucn neavier tnnn it was Dei ore tne war DroKe out m
Europe. i .......... . - . . ...
Evervthing is going up that way and only circulation
receipts keep pace with rising costs. More people are
reading newspapers than ever before-but the news
paper business was not built on the theory that subscrip
. lion receipts would pay the running expenses.
Advertising, based on circulation, is relied upon by
all publishers for their profits. Advertising has in this
, wav been responsible for making it possible tor newspa
ners and magazines to be sold at a price within the reacV
of all. That is why the people generally owe a good deal
to the enterprising businessnian or manufacturer who
advertises he is paying for the reading matter they get
at only a nominal cost.
Now that war restrictions have reduced advertising
newspapers must raise subscription prices, reduce the
;ize of their publications or curtail their subscription lists
Probably they will do all these things and that is just
what the order recently issued by the war industries
board seeks to accomplish.
The Daily Capital Journal, for instance is suffering
. from too much circulation now. it is only slightly below
f)000 copies daily on the average and that is too large for
the volume of advertising carried and the rate we are
able to get for it in a field like this. We keep pruning
the list of those who are slow pay and of advertisers and
exchanges, but the list continues to grow the people evi
dently want the war news.
' The order of the government to refuse to permit
papers to go out of the office unless paid for in cash will
not work a hardship upon papers like the Capital journal.
It will only assist them in holding down rising expenses,
and is only making an official order of what business
judgment dictates they must of necessity do anyway.
What the government should do, however, is to pay
for all the advertising space it uses in the papers for war
activities. In France and England this is done. Adver
tising space is the only commodity the newspaper has to
sell and there is no reason why the government should
expect to get it free when it pays everybody else high
prices for what it wants. That is why the government
sells bonds to pay for what it requires in the conduct
of the war. ,
' And yet the government expects the newspapers to
give their advertising space free-- their only commodity
in order to sell bonds that money may be raised to pay
iainiei-5 were ingnienea lest an ineir timber be cut uplorever tIie lact lnat ae nad
of rmro Tf Wo como l,i 1 . ;ii!to.be mure- felt flattered
v v...v,. nivov, oaiut vjre tuuiu see a i ecu Baw mm j had eared, but, even so, 1 k
cutting irom nan a minion to a mil ion feet a riav. t.hpv 06 wasn ' iy "y heart
,lJf..R,.l..JI J.l.i ... ...Vi ' and that he would
wuum xauvy mc uau ueeii uver muiugmg in ausintne.
The allies have kept biting into the pocket between
tooissons and Kheims until every bit of it is under fire.
In addition to being under the allied guns the airmen are
1 .. I 111 Ml . .
aoing great worK in tne way ol dropping bombs through
out the whole area. In spite of the danger of their po-
fciuoii me uerman leaders nave evidently determined to
fight it out where they are. That there will be some
tierce fighting and this accompanied with tremendous
losses is certain, but there can be but one end. It will re.
quire generalship bordering on real genius if another Se-
1. ill It a . . 1 v , . t
aan l snot tne result. At the best the (iermans are certain
to lose many prisoners and great quantities of supplies
which will fall to the allies or be destroyed. In either case
it is a loss to the Germans just the same.
Tuesday is to be a great dav for the Willamette val
loy. Here in Salem the business houses will be' closed and
i d .nalem will loin with the visitors in celebrating the com.
pltion of the big bridge, and the record it makes in being
paid for when completed. Don't forget to take plenty of
cnange witn you ior every cent spent will go to' take care
of the boys over in France who are placing America in
the front rank of the nations and making. freedom mean
exactly wnat Americans understand by that term. Jupe,
has done splendid work and he is urired to let well enough
alone and let the sun shine undisturbed on the coming
Dig oay. .
. The Silverton Mills have met the scarcity of labor
11 . 1 a ... - f
caused oy tne war by putting a force of ten women to
work. .Thus does the pinch of war come daily closer
home. If it keeps up for two years women workers in all
kinds of factories and plants heretofore using only male
help, will be the rule rather than the exception.
Whoever else may be captured in the Soissons-Rheims
pocket ,it can safely be asserted that it will not.be one of
the Hohenzollern family. They are heavy on ordering
iiij- wove ounucia tu ute tu me lata man, DUt one ano
all of them keep out of danger.
The next thine in the vegetable line nleasin? tn most
folks is the big succulent roasting ears and the joy of
guuienng me grains witn your teeth Irom the cob. It
is not an edifying edible transaction, but there is lots nf
solid enjoyment in it it your teeth are all right.
The rain was sure "water on the water company's
wheels . Irrigation is out of style for a while at least, and
the weather indications are that there will he annhhpr
shower or two.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
The one thing that surprises our allies more than
anything else concerning the Americans, is our way of
doing things. They have never seen things done on the
America scale before, and cannot realize that such things
are possible. One example illustrates this. A pang of
Americans were operating a French sawmill which cut!embariasse4 1 had thought it u out.
7;500 feet a day, and which was considered a plant of'1 had done notoins wrong-nothing
some magnitude. The American in charge of this depart-1" tt"
J 11 11 A "
menc ordered a small American raw mi and whon thic courMed him. i wai fond of him:
got busy and turned out 75,000 feet a "day, the Txr&FZJ
that he
new that
probably marry
sometime that he had mistaken pity
for me, for love. 1 must show him
that now I did not need his pity that
1 was happy instead of miserable.
We had a delishtful eveninir. Mr.
Babcock had not brought his violin,
so he played several selections on Aur-
ton s, which ho declared superior to
Ins.. Jlerton beamed. His Strad was
tde pride of his life, he laughingly
told them. Then we sang, and were all
surprised when the grandfathers clock
in tho hall struck eleven.
James brought in a very light sup
per, over which we became quite jolly.
Mrs. Babcock declared she could not
eat another bite then ate heartily!
'lour wife is a little wizard," she
said to George. "She has found out,
in gome occult way, what niv tastes
are, and she tempts me."
1 am delighted that she has suc
ceeded in doing so'' ho returned pleas
antly, just glancing at nie. But 1
read approval in that clance, and Air.
Babcock read something more, for he
I don't wonder you look at her in
that proud way, Howard. Not many
young wives haio her knack of enter
taining especially of entertaining old
tOIKS 11KO us."
"Vou people fo'stet I am a lonely
old bachelor!" llerton said in pre
tended depression- " I really feel quite
out of the picture."
I imagine it is your own fault. Mr
liray," JUrs. Uabcoek returned in her
son, musical voice. "And you will
pardon me, because I am older than
you arc, if I toll you that you are
missing much that makes life worth
living. Of course, you arc fortunate
in having your art, and your music;
but neither can quite tako tho place of
a wife a woman who loves yen."
Mrs. Jiabcock is right, Gray," to
my surprise, George broke in, "there's
nothing like a home for a man. And
of course no one can have a real home
without a woman in it."
I flushed! happily. Did George real
ly and truly appreciate his home more
than I thought Was it true that he
eared because I was in itf
"Get married, my boy! It's the on
thinz for a young fellow to do,"
said Mr. Babcock.
But I 'm not young! ' ' Morton re
turned, making a comical grimace.
"Vou'ro not old: about thirty, I
tako itl" Then, when Merton nod-
led, he continued. "But too old to
wait any longer. Why waste the years
that might be made so lull ot joy?
the glance he gave Mrs. Babcock
seemed to enfold her, so loving was
it so full of trust and faith.
"'But I k)now soma married peo
ple " Merton raised his bauds in
mock horror, "single blessedness is in
ileed hlpsseil. romnare.l to thp life of
bickering and quarreling thev lead. 'H
"Such people aro not in the ma.ior
itv, dear Mr. Gray," again it was Mrs
Babcock 's soft voice. "We hear of
them, that is nil. The really happy
couples seldom talk of their happiness,
ft is too deep, too sacred to discuss.
But the other kind, those who are un
hanpr. mismated take the world
into their confidence so loudly that,
seemingly, it multiplies them, and they
appear more numerous than they really
ure. Is it not so, dear I" she asked
her husband.
"Indeed it is! And it is a truth
which peoplo do not often recognize.
Happiness needs no brass bands to an
nounce itself. It is ao deeply en
meshed in tho mind and soul, that if
loesn't think to rr aloud, as does the
itnhappiness of people (most of which
is surface unhappiness, anyway, which
could be easily remedied by a little
forbearance on" both sides). Marriage
s a give-and-take game with everyone.
Vouns p?ople are too apt to want it
Again I flushed- I had taken so
much as my. due, without giving it
proper consideration, when I had
found fault with other things! My
lovely home, my easy, comfortable ex
istence, my carefree days, had seemed
a nothing because I eould not have
ALL KL8B that I wanted. Merton
left saying he. had never enjoyed
himself more, and with an invitation
to visit, the- Babcock 'g if ever he was
in Chicago.
"Gray made a hit with our guests,"
George" said, when they- had gone.
"I'm glad we had him in. Ho 'a a
fascinating f elow, and remarkably en
tertaining. "Yes. I am glad we had him, tod,"
I responded.
THE purchase of food, clothing and other
necessitiesas well as indulging in luxuries
should be considered from these stand
points: ; ;.
1- Effect on YOUR bank balance
2 Effect in the community.
3 Effect on the Government's
conduct of the war.
The evergreen blackberries will hp tho TiPYt. in nrrlr
and there are unlimited Quantities of them. After that
comes the hops and the prunes and then the picking sea
son will be over unless picking up the potatoes comes un
der this head.
Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason
Horticulturists of
West to Organize Soon
The first annual meeting of west-
em horticulturists will be held at the
Oregon Agricultural college. Aumist S
to 8. Representative horticulturists
from all states west of tho Koekies
between 30 and 50 of them are exnect
ed to attend. 0. I. Lewis, professor of
nortKuiture in o. A. U., is temporary
president. The organization will ba
.perfected at tho meeting. Many ques
tions wu oe aiscusseu looKing towards
increased fruit production.
VY.ednasdtiy, l.August i7, a trip br
train to Salem will bo made where an
inspection of orchards, small fruit
plantations, canneries and fruit juice
factories will be made. The Salem
Fruit Union will, provide facilities for
seeing the various points of interest.
Thursday morning an inspection of
the experimental pots of the Oregon
experiment station will be made. Tlmrs
day at 1:30 o'clock tho visitors will
start en a trip to Mary's Peak, as
guests' of the members of the division
of h'oriticullture in the Oregon Agricul
tural college, who will provide neces
sary transportation, camp eouipmcnt
and supplies.
Washington, July 20. Latest figures
on incomes, excess profits and inherit
ances, will raiso only $4,500,000,000
from these sources in the new tevenuo
bill, tho house ways and means com
mittee found today.
This is $1,')00,000,000 less than sug
gested bv the treasury department.
WHshington Ally 20 The price fi
ing committee of the war Industrie
board today established a maximum of
14 cents f. o. b. Manila for number
current hemp. Priees of other gradu
will follow immediately. The govern
ment consumes nearly all the Manila
rope manufactured in this country ani
fcr that reason will pay a price tut
rope ba;cd on the maximum price fixe!
for horp.
Almost A Shadow;
Afraid To Eat
"My son-in-law was so bad froa
stomach trouble that he was reduced
to almost a shadow and was afraid ta
cat anything, as all food caused bloat
ing of gas which pressed against bit
heart, worrying him very much. Our
'.druggist persuaded him to try Mayr'i
VYonuerJul Homedy and in two month!
he looked fine, can eat anything and
works hard every day." It is a sim
ple, harmless preparation that removea
the catarrhal mucus from the intestin
al tract and allays the inflammatiom
which causes practically all stomaeh.
liver and intestinal ailments, includ
ing appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry,
Capital Drug Store and druggists ev
Somewhere the festive Eskimo is
through the snow, and handing out the language weird.
vwiuc i-miuuy iceuergs irom nis Deard. liis feet are froz
en in his shoes, and he has chilblains in his thews, his
breath is freezing as it flies, and iciVlPs UTrt An hie ovoe
Alas, his fate is dark and grim, I shed some nineteen
tears for him. Could he forsake thp
come down here where he'd get warm, how glad ' and
fiiauuui ne wouia De, now, ne would chortle in his glee!
bomewhere, on grim Spitzbergen's shore, the natives
thaw out nevermore. They know not what it is to sweat,
rheumatics is their one safe bet. If they go out to get
some wood, their ears are frozen up for good, and present
ly they re unawares assaulted by some polar bears, and
eaten cold, without a sauce to make them less a total loss.
Ineir wives and orphans sadly go to seek the fragments
m the snow, and meet a frightful fate, methinks; they're
gobb ed by a wolf or lynx. How thankful we should be, I
wot, th?.t all of us are smoking hot!
JSV? feTi. f)MA v4?K5rrVA r,L In i
' Head Artists Company on Second Day
When yon us the Journal
Class Ads you can depend on
results. Phone 81.
: h,' ' v; ' I
1 f 1"-- JJ I :
The Fenwlck Newell Concert Compaiiy, who will present two program!
t Cheutanqua on the second day, I or.- of the aMinr tn. I
Ptatfcn. Fenwick A. Newe... head,:,, the com pn or, Is a SS WXSSfSL
been advanclmf very rapldl, In popular favor dnrlng the pasTfew Tea
rich natural rolce. under the care and Instruction of tte two Ert t3
YVTF' Had,nn0Tlts " "'cago and Oscar Saegertf NJ
lork. ha dewloped tones of glorious warmth and color. . '
Miss Ulllan Shank, violoncellist, is an artist of highly develoned tchnlon
and deep musical nnderstandlng. with a record of nnusual SSKL S S
lorm. Mary Jane Grlgsby, accompanist, is . true artist TttJ ano! P '