THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 26.' 1918. THREE 4'i7'E are never without Dr. Cald- ' well's Syrup Pepsin in our home and never will be as long as we can get it. We have used it for the past four years and it has saved us many a doctor's bill. It is fine for the children and they love to take it" ( From a letter to Dr. Ctldwell written by' Mr. and Mrs. Harry A St., tlwood, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (S3 $1.00 Constipation makes children uncomfortable, cross an irritable, just as it does older people. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin acts easily and . naturally and promotes normal regularity. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton St., Monticello, 111. Saturday NightTHE UNITED STATES" The destiny of this nation is clearly outlined in prophecy. Also the work of some of its enemies is exposed. THE HAYWARD-DICKSON MEETINGS NAVY EVER ON THE ALERT Case of Carelessness at Sea la a Thing That Commanders Punish With Necessary Severity. With not a light showing the trans ports plowed the Atlnntlc, bringing. Amerler.n soldiers to France, writes a naval officer In the Saturday Evening Post. Lookout high and low, tinder navy distpllne, searched the seas for hostile periscopes. The convoy, the apex of which was a big cruiser, was Invisible In the black night. The vig ilance of the navy training protected the soldiers, sleeping with their life belts on. Suddenly out shot a bright light- on the leading transport ; a mtxchnnt sail or, one Jesus Fernandez Mendoza, a Spnnlsh fireman, flashed nn electric torch, fumbling about the deck. The light could be seen for miles. Instant ly a navy lookout reported the occur rence to the navy officer In charge of the ship. A sharp command, a scuf fle on deck, a bluejncket kicking the torch overboard stayed the Spaniard's desire to fondle an electric flashlight In the submarine zone. Five days' sol itary confinement ended the lesson. .Showing a light on a man-o'-wnr nt night In time of war Is a court-martial offense; even lighting a cigarette or having matches. . The navy command er, in absolute charge, enforces mili tary discipline on a merchant vessel carrying troops and punishes the guilty. Because of the navy, criminal care lessness and conduct Involving the safety of thousands of then came to naught and a possible catastrophe was averted. The navy was In command. "Damn The Kaiser" Says Judge On Bench Chicago, July 2G. Eighteen men representing eight nations wearing tho lfliki of Uncle Sam's army, stocd before Fed- oral Judge Landis and took the final oath that made them citi- zens of the United States. Con- eluding the ceremony, Judge Landis addressed the men. "I hope it falls to the lot of one of you men," Baid the judge, "to puncture the line of the army that is defending the kaiser's sens. I hope it will fall ' to the lot of one of you to kill one of the kaiser's sons and then the kaiser himself. "amn the kaiser," the the juilgo concluded, and the new citizens echoed enthusiast- ically. PUT THEM TOGETHER Community canning proves tht two heads are better than one and three are better than two. Join force with your neighbors. Free book of instructions on canning and drying may be had from the National War Garden Commission, Washington, D. C. for two cents to pay postage. ) Robbins, 2207 So. Ind. Barge Whistle" Calls Birds. A striking example of wildblrd In telligence has been observed on the Panama canal In connection with the underwater blasting that Is carried on there. A barge has been especially equipped for drilling blast holes below the water and depositing charges in them. When a blast is ready the craft moves off to a safe distnnce, and be fore setting off the dynamite the barge whistle Is blown several times to warn all vessels In the vicinity. Instantly numbers of wild birds may be seen coming from all directions, says Popu lar Mechanics Magazine, the reason being they have learned that many dead and stunned fish rise to the stir- face of the water following each ex plosion. To them this particular whistle Is like a dinner gong. More remarkable still, they readily distin guish between this whistle and others. Canal workmen and natives also share In the harvest. Don't Get Tired So Easy. In American Magazine an author "The thing that makes the 'tired business man' tired Is his belief that he Is tired. Believe the contrary. There have been times when you work ed all day and all night on a stretch, It did not kill you. "Work Itself, as the modern busi ness world Is organized, cannot pos sibly 'tire out' the man of average nor mal health. If It could, Edison would have been dead at the age of thirty five, Bell would never have produced the telephone. Henry Ford would not be now a king of the automobile busi ness, Herbert C. Hoover would not bo controlling and directing the nation's food supply today, Woodrow Wilson would be In a sanitarium, and Gen eral Pershing would be taking a 'rest cure Instead of commanding Ameri can soldiers in France." Effect of French Language. A writer In Scribner's Magazine speculates at some length on the ef fect the French language will have on our own when the soldiers come back. He says: "One of the most prolific sources of new words In a language Is an attempt to name new Ideas. Amer ican soldiers In France will absorb many new Ideas from their contact with the French and British; there will be many new shades of meanings for Ideas denoted by old words. To express these the men will inevitably adopt French words or use English words with a new shade of meaning. I have not ret collected any examples of this; but It must take place, and oue who watches the literature that follows the war will see many exam ples, if they are not observed before." Secretary McAdoo Congratulates Pershing With the American Armies in France July 26- General Pershing received the following cablegram from. Secretary MeAdoo: "America glories in the achievement of your gallant army end our French Comrades. "The country is thrilled with the valorous deeds of our heroic soldiers." Pershinz replied: "In the name of the American expe ditionary forces, I thank you for your cordial message. Our officers and men YANKEE FOUGHT HARD TO CAPTURE EPIEDS Village Changes Hands Sever al Times War Devas tates Whole Area By Frwk J. Taylor. (Fnitol Tress Staff Correspondent.) With The American Armies In France ju'iv 25. (Xight.) Americans continue to sit the ; nee in the fighting north c:nr of h.-mau-fhierry. Ouo Vankce outfit advanced several kiiometers through villages, woods and grain fields, changing from stseet fight ing to open battling or the Indian war fare of the forests without any change i:i efficiency. German resistance is stiffening aj the enemy exerts every effort to protect the removal of his supplies and guns. Villiages, ehateaus and crops are shat tered as attack and counter attack rages back and forth across the country side. I rode past fields pitted with shell holes, uptorn trees and congested, dug up roads into Kpieds this afternoon where five hand to hand fights had fin ally resulted in tho Americans holding tho town. It was lost twics but the al lied artillery raked the buildings and streets alternately, after which machine gunners and infantry charged and took the place. Epicds 1ij?s in a secluded valley. Its WHAT SALEM FOR BRIDGES Interest Paid On Money Bor rowed to Build First Bridge Large Sum Tho city of Salem is paying this year tho sum of $19U0 for interest aloi.e on bonds issued for the first and second bridges across the Willamette river. Of this amount $901) is for interest on the first bridge, erected in 1886 and flOUO for interest on bonds for the building of tho second bridge, built in 1890. Tho first bridge across the river at Salein was completed in October of 1880 and the city issued $30,000 bonds with which to pay its share of the cost. Un til April, 1915, not a dollar had been paid of this indebtedness of $30,000 in curred in 1886. For more than 28 years, tho city had been an annual interest of $1500. This interest amounting to $42,750 is not very far from the original cost of the bridge. In October of 191-1 it was voted by tho city council to convert this $30,000 bridge indebtedness into serial refund ing bonds, to be paid af" the rate of $3,000 a year. The first payment was made April 1, 1915, reducing the indeb tedness to $27,000. Each succeeding year since then, a $3000 bond has been paid off, until now the indebtedness ot the city on the 1886 bridge is $18,000. Bytho paying of $3,000 a year, the in terest account on this first bridge has been reduced $150 a year. Hence for the year beginning with April of 1918, with $18,000 still due, the city will pay $900 interest, as tho bonds draw, five per cent per annum. The last payment on the 1886 bridge ONE EXHAUSTED y Enlistment From One In Navy And Marines Ordered Suspended Washington, July 20. Unpid exhaus tion of class one fo the extent that some local draft boards may be unable to fill tihe August call, was indicated by instructions issued to the boards by Provost Marshal General Crowder to day. Crowder declared that he" will be unable to place further August calls until the men who registered June 5 are finally examined and classified He ordered boards to halt Immediate ly all releases of clasi cne men to the navy and marine coi-ps and emergency fleet corporation until enough men are in sight to fill the calls to be made in August.. Crowder 's instructions bear out statements by members of the house military committee that there will be only 100,000 men left in class one by September 1.. . Draft executives Jiavc bcon notified by Provost Marshal General Crowder to scrutinize carefully any local board which fails to classify at least 50 per cent of tho 1918 registrants in class one. The studies of the prior operation of the draft, Crowder said, indicate that 50 per cent had been minimum. The only exception which ran be rec ognized by him, he said, is where an unusually large number of registrants of this class are aliens. ae filled with the national spirit of determination W win. They are superb soldiers." - Have theJournal Job Dept. Jt estimate on your printing needs yon get the benefit of easa buying. Phone 81. cathedral, is on a hillside. Its tower ami "front 'walls of medieval Xornian architecture are pierced with shell holes. Boclie guns, helmets and .?quipnieut are scattered about in profusion, testifying io the losses suffered by the enemy It. attempting to delay the Americans, the the moppers-up already have buried the bodies. One big minewerfer attracts attention on the main street, whero it was hastily deserted by fleeing bodies, Every building testifies to war's presence with battered down walls and c-aved-iu roofs. Th.? Germans are trying that old Bel leau wood trick of theirs in trying to delay the Yankee advance. Thev are placing machine guns in trees. This does not worry our men, v who like to test their sharpshooting ability on ev ery occasion. "We enjoy seeing the bodies drop," said one. "The higher they are, the harder they fall." . Pay and night German aviators are trying to keep track of the advancing Americans and bomb them. At night they use parachute flares, which bright lv light tho roads, but allied planes and anti-aircraft guns are effectively pre venting any serious Berman air warfare. From prisoners it is learned that the German uiflts are greatly weakened, soir.3 of them being cut to less than half their original strength. They have lost heavily in machine gunners. HAS PAID ACROSS RIVER will be on April 1. 1924, provided the city redeems annually a $3000 bond However, by that time the city will have paid on tho first bridge in interest alone, the sum of $49,300. including in terest and principal, the city of Salem has paid, or will have paid "by April 1, 1924, the sum of $79,500. The total cost of Jhe original bridge was $19,901.11, of which Balum was jn for $30,000, Polk county $j,000 and Marion county, $1j, 000. On the sceond bridgo built across the Willamette at Salem, the city owes $20. 000. The bridgo was completed October 1, 1890, and bonds for $20,000 were is sued bearing fivo per cout interest. On that bridgo the city has not Pa'd a dol lar. It lias, however, paid annually for 28 years, the interest amounting to $1, 000 a pear. Tho bonds woro originally for ten years and in October of 1910 were refunded for another ten, The"y are due October 1, 1920, and by that time tho city will have paid $30,000 interest on its original issue of $20,000 bonds. If tho second bridgd bonds are paid in 1920, tho city will then have paid in principal and interest the sum of $50, 000 on tho bridgo, which is now doing temporary' duty. If tho city continues to pay off tho first bridgo bonds nt the rate of $3,000 a year, by April 1, 1924, when the last payment is made, the city will have paid in principal and interest $79,500 for the bridge which after standing littlo over four years was cash ed away in tho big flood el February, 1890. Fortunately for Salem, tho third bridgo will be paid for by Marion county, excepting tho sum of $41, 270.79 to be paid by Polk county. The cost the Ilcw bridge is about $250,000. IS Hundreds Of Thousands of Workers Are Now Idle In War Factories London, July 26. Striking muni tion workers now number 200,000, not including tens of thousands of persons who have been forced into idleness by the strike. Unless difteences are ad justed by Tuesday, it is believed here" that half a million workers will be out. Tho situation is the, result of an act ion taken at Leeds, when delegates representing 300,000 workers in fifty districts throughout the united king dom voted to strike unless tho cmbar-. go on labor was withdawn. Stikers and tho government are dead locked. The government is refusing to withdraw tho embargo, offering in-, stead an inquiry into conditions if the strikers will return to work. Delegates of the strikers at Birmingham have re jected this proposal. The situation is plainly up to the government, which must offer a fur ther compromise or carry out its threat to force idle army eligibles into the war. Japan Fuly Agrees To American Plan London, July 26. Japan has decided to accept the Amer ican proposal to assist the Czechs in Siberia, aji agency dispatch eaid today. The Kaiser's Shadow Is Coming CUPID NOT IN THIS DEALfflgEfJCy FLEET One Case of Courtship That Was Con ducted Along the Strictest of Business Lines. Everything was strictly business with August Rinnlek. A sign on his Jesk said : This is my busy day," and a sign above his desk said : "There are a quarter of a million words in the English language. Be brief." He regarded his office force merely as machines of varying degrees of ef ficiency, and it was therefore several months before he realized the luscious physiognomy and many virtues of Miss Perch, his stenographer. But, with August Rlnnlck, to think was to act, and, the very afternoon on which he dually realized, he summoned Miss Perch into his office. "Miss Perch," he said, "take let ter." And he dictated as follows : "My deaf Miss Perch: It has lately come to mv attention that vnn are A young woniun of exceptional facial em-1 bellishments, mental endowment and moral efficiency. The limited time at j k'url acckreJ thflt the t emcr. my command will not permit me many !Kency Ice.t now tllred out is details, but I may mention that since . dedicated to freedom; that after it has you have been In my employ I have j served its immediate purpose ct de never yet seen you masticating chicle feating the common enemy it will be commonly known as gum or apply-(equally effective as an instrument of lng powder to your nose (an organ an enduring peace. It should bring whose extreme delicacy of contour a(Td pleasing abbreviation much impressed me). In short, my dear Miss Perch, the idea has come to me to endeavor to in duce you to have your surname legally changed to Itlnnlck in brief, to be come my wife. I will cheerfully give you a day to think this matter over, and shall be pleased to hear from you at your leisure. Very truly, A. Einnick." In the next day's mall be received the following reply: "Mr. August Rln nlck: Dear Sir: In reply to yours of the 30th Inst., would say that I era oth erwise engaged. Very truly, Therly Terch." Exchange. QUAINT OLD INDIAN COINS So Adulterated That They Were Not Even Accepted In England as Value In Metal. In 1908 the Independent state of Hy derabad, India, obtained a modern mint and called in the coins that had been current up till that time. Tfie old mint of Hyderabad was little more than a coppersmith's shop In which scrap cop per of all sorts was melted up, bar rnered Into plates, cut up into very rough approximations of one tola In weight, and stamped between dies, one . .. .. ... .. oiwnicn was in tneanvaanu tne oin. er in a toll held in tongs. A blow from a sledge hammer mnde the Impression. There was no regularity in shape, weight or stamping, nor was the metal uniform in quality. The mint could not furnish supdIIcs fast enough, and licenses were Issued to coppersmiths to assist In production. Naturally, - the Scientific American states, nonllcensed persons began to manufacture, and adulteration with lead was so flagrant that when several tons of these coins were sent to Eng Jand as old metal they were returned on account of their impurity and wer finally worked up Into brass for locul consumption. A "dub," If held In the flame of a spirit lamp, would before It reached red heat begin to discharge very fine jets resembling mercury ; the lead, having reached Its fusing point, burst from the copper with a force In dicating a very high internal pressure. Guard Your Breath. "A man's breath," says Popular Scl ence Monthly, "is often a betrayer of secrets. He may have been out late, sitting up with a sick friend, but when he reaches home his loving wife at once opens up her battery of re proaches. "Now conies the news that two In ventors In Osceola, Ark., have joint ly invented a breath-guard of a new pattern. It is said to be efficient, but not In the manner you were thinking of. It Is Intended to protect dentists, barbers and physicians from Inhal ing the germ-laden breath of their pa tients or patrons. It consists of a small curved shield of glass placed so as to cover the nostrils and held In position by. a spring clip gripping tho partition wall of the nose on tho In side. Many diseases are directly com municated through the Inhalation of tainted nlr, and a device of this kind should be a boon to professional peo ple who are compelled, by the nature of their duties, to be In close proxlm-, lty to those whom they serve." Suttee. The English government, after long discouraging suttees, by the agency of Lord Wllllan Bentlnck formally abol ished them In December, 1829, but they have since occasionally taken place. The wife of the son of the Itajah of Beygoon thus perished in June, 1804, and several wives of Sir Tung Bahadoor, minister of Nepaul, on March 1, 1877. One voluntary sut tee occurred nt Poena, In November, 1800, and It has continued to the pres ent time In Isolated parts of India, for even as late as 1005 several per sons who took part In a suttee In Be har were condemned to penal servitude. lnglng Makes Work Easy. Singing mukes the dally work easier of accomplishment. Sailors were among the first to recognize this and they sung as they stored away the car go, keeping time with the music as they pulled on ropes and windlass, changing to presto when the work do manded It ncre Is a favorite ditty i A Tankee ship sad Tanks craw, Tally bi ho, you know. FREEDOM'S CAUSE CHAIRMAN HURLEY Commercial Freedom of Small . Nations Must .Be For ever Assured Philadelphia, July 26. America de mands commercial,, as well as politic al froedom for sniah, nations. To this end, she will continue her struggle for world wide democracy even after Ger man militarism has been qrushed and the after-the-war trade competition be gins. This message of Chairman E, N. Hur ley of tho United States shipping board was given to Latin-American diplomats tm W'"'00 at he vast loS Is' H'b"ildmg yards near here to 6- to '! 'he Americas, he held, President Wilson has demonstrat ed to tho world that tho people of the United States are fighting for the per manency of their own liberties alone, but for the liberties of civilisation ev erywhere," he said. "The unselfish purpose of this coun try in the present war is recognized, I think by peoples of tho nations. The United States, mobilizing all its strength against the German govern ment, is fighting for its own protection and for jour protection. Even Germany recognizes tho' fact that Mie United Oittie mis no ucsire iu caiciju u uhu dominion- "America stands squarely in the path of world conquerors. Tho weald's greatetit shipyards, established hero, was part of our answer to the chal lenge of tho Gorman government, which sot out to sink our ships and our cargoes, and American citizens traveling tho ocean highways. It was intended primarily to serve civilization in the creat war emergent, but it Will servo civilization, as well as thoJ ondurjiiif peace that will be born out of the victory of the allies and Amori ca. "You may send back to your own peoples the word that theso ships will not be used exclusively lor tins na tion's aggrandizement in peace, any nic-ro than they are used for such ag grandizement in the war that is now Iwairin?. hag ,llia flown a rulo -of comlu(.t at home during tUo progress f 4i;a w nn .nsivn nrnfit i shall bo mado out oi tho struggle of humanity. That nils will not be lifted when peace comes. It is tho' exploits- ! tion cf weaker nations by those that aro stronger that has lea to most or tho wars of the past, and the peace for whicJh. America Is fighting with all her gathering strength will mark tho end of feudal corporate greed, as well an feudal military rapacity. "If our ship do not bring prosper ity to our neighbors as well as to our selves, our own pride in tho achieve ment will be diminished. The great fleet that this country is building will be operated after tho war upon princi ples which recognize human and na tional rights and equities. Thnt fleet will serve tho Americas. It will serve Latin-Amorica as it sorves the people of the United States. It will servo the 'world as America is now serving the 'world in fighting for the causo of lib 'ertyV' KIIXE0 HER ASSAILANT. 8t. Louis, Mr., July 2(5. Bernicc Jen nings, 17 year old night telegrapher at tho lonely Eureka, Mo., station of the Fresno road, early today shot and kill ed James Mctlraw, aged 18, who, -she said, attempted to attack hnr. In the course of a struggle she reached her key and called for help. Before aid ar rived she found her revolver and kill ed her tis'nilant. mmm "THE KAISER'S SHADOW" IS DOROTHY DALOTS . NEWEST PHOTOPLAY Story Deals with Machinations of German Spies In This Country and Every Scene is Filled With Mystery and Suspense "THE KAISER'S SHADOW" CAST Paula Harris, a French Secret Service agent posing as. a maid DOROTHY DALTON Hugo Wagner, a Secret Service agent, posing as a German spy Thurston Hall Clement Boyd, an American inventor. .Edw. Cecil Dorothy (Robinson) Boyd, his wife Leota Lorraine Frederick Fischer, a German chemist Otto Hoffman William Kremlin, a German spy. .Charles French Produced by Thos. II. Ince SUNDAY o THE REGO TODAY f ' 1 l" LMDIt'NfCTT ES BENNETT in A DESERT WOOING Mack Sennett Comedy HER SCREEN IDOL WEEKLY OregoN gawnanHnHnH Chini Contracts To Build Ships For U. S. Washington, July 26.r-Blazing th way for bigger things in China, Chair man Hurley of tho United Sta-.cs ship pi:;g hoard Into today signed a contract . wilh Minister Wellington Koo cf China, by which the Cliinesu government agrees to build eight 10,000 ton ships for the United States. Chairman liiniey remarked when af fixing his namo to the contract that ships built by China were built nt '' for this government, but for hr neigh burs and commercial friends as well. Ho assured the Chinci-o ambassador that America eagerly awaits opportunity to aid (Vina and this ship contract is only one of many concrete expressions of the frl.-ndliness which this government mi linprs li' givu. ;Cafa lit J kM w jm Mi!k Infants Jl Br Invftlifl Ml IUI HUUf VH. Co.l YOU - - SunsPrice A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 11 and MONDAY mm fmiTim N Children Cry FOR FLETCHtR'S CASTORI A THE OREGON JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY (HZ! i