Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 24, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from page one)
man politicians, fearing the internal
-t'feets of a luuc retirement, forced the
elmngo in plan.
'The frown p;inre tonti iiiior to order
new divisions into tlu pocket, drawing
those reinforcement from a. far north
as tho liiiiiii British front.
German low ill thin region aro now
oslimated at from I.I.OOU to 1.10,000
Bun, including 2".0lHJ prisoners-
By John De Ganrtt
(t'nited 1'resn staff correspondent)
Paris, July 24. (4 p, m.) The Ger
mans n;par determined to avoid a
iirolougcd rot riv.it ami arc reported to
lio ipreparinq; for a desperate , stand
along the present battle front.
Further allied successes under these
conditions will thus Imperil more thai
4(10,000 Germans in the SoissonsKlieitiis
pocket, as their forces within tho sal
ient have grown to flint figure.
French and 'American troops, over
.ruining bitter' resistance, are progress
ing northeast of Chateau Thierry aud
Huulh of the Ourcq.
Tho enemy position at Oulchy-I.c-Chateau
(which already is reported to
liavi' been tendered iinteiia'de by the
allien), is outflanked.
Fouh Is Careful
Loudon, July 24. General Focli is
li i a U i 1 1 the iuo'; of his opportunity in
Children Cry
Boys Wool Clothing:, the Best to Be had, Fast Colors
Neat Patterns, Will Wear Well, Sure to Please and
Satisfy. Look Them Over, No Store Has Any Belter.
Minerva Yarns, all1 WooL Beautiful Colors. Knit
ting Yarns and Silk Mixes. Now is the time to get
Enough for That Sweater, and Your Winter Supply.
These Yarns Will Be Scarce by Winter.
Washington Shoe Co.'s Guaranteed Shoes
For Men and Beys, Either for Dress or Work Shoes
All Leather, No Compositions of any Kind. The
Kind that Give Real Satisfaction. Martha Wash
ington House Shoes for Ladies. The Real Ones, not
Imitations.- Soft, Pliable, and Will Wear Well.
Millinery Department, Reduced Prices on All Sum
mer Millinery. Flowers, Frames, and Ready to Wear
Hats. . .
77 77 Tr
" r
the iSoisiuiiH-Khciins pocket, without
playing into Germany's hands by a
feckless expenditure of men. He is ad
vnucing wherever possiblo without a
targe toll of casualties and is content
ing hiniHelf- with consolidating his
gains elsewhere under tho stiffening
enemy resistuuee. . ,
At the same time the allied general
issimo is keeping (the Germans guess
ing and iutciferiug with their with
drawal of reinforcements from other
parts, of the line by splendidly timed
operations. The attack north of Mont
didier yesterday, while relatively de
void of gcogiaphicnl importance, was
a great tactical success. In addition to
vapturiug three villages and IJ500 pris
oners, he showed the Uerman high com
niand the danger of weakening their
lines to aid the crown jinnee iu the
The most notivlile advance iu tho
main buttle front recently is that re
ported on the west side of the salient.
Fnofficinl dispatches report tho' allies
occupying the railway from Troesues
to Fere lOii-Tardenois at a point within
five miles of the latter city, southeast
of- Oiili liy-Ie-Cirnteau.
This operation, and the pounding of
tho British In the Art! re valley, on the
opposite side of tho salient, has result
ed in an appreciable narrowing of the
Artillery is Active
Taris, July 24. (12:35 p. m.) Ar
tillery fighting is proceeding violently
between the A'imio and the Mnrne and
between ithe Mnrne and Hheims, the
French war ofl'i'ce reported today, Oor
man counter attacks west of lflieinu
were repulsed.
"Between the Mnrne and the Aisne
and in I'ourton and Koi woods both ar-
T7 In
Richard And Robert Torpe
doed JJy Submarine Oft
Coast Of Maine
London. July 21. Three torpedoes
struck the White Star liner Justicia
bit ore she went down, it was learned
today. The big steamer fought eight
German .submarines from Friday after
noon until she stink Saturday morning.
Eight U-boats attacked the Justicia
at 2:40 Friday afternoon. Two torpe
doct of seven fired, struck the snip,
but she kept on her course.
The attack was renewed Saturday
morning. Three more torpedoes were
fired. One of them struck her at 9:30,
and she want down.
Portland, Me., July 24. All members
of the crew of the schooner Richard
and Robert, sunk by a German submai
ine off the Maine coast were account
ed for today.
A dory containing eight men was
landed here, while another with four
n.en v.-was taken into Boston. Captain
h'clert Wharton and eighteen of the
crew have arrived at the naval coast
patrol headquarters at this port.
Th iiicliard and Knbr.rt was sunk
by a 'ioin1) placed on her by the crew
of the submarine after a shell had halt
ed the little vessel.
An officer of the submersible took
an American flag from Captain Whar
ton of tho schooner nd H3 he did so
declared lie had nnother in his "sum
mer homo in Muiue, "
When lust seen the U-boat, wliioh
vn said to be about i0 feet long,
was tr-.i )!i!ij.t.ou; ivaw.vl cn tho su -face.
Liner Diver Victim.
I New York, July 24. Tho White
! Star line received word here today that
tho 32,100 ton liner Justicia has been
I - .
tilleriej were greatly active," the com
j muniiie' said.
"West of Rheiins the Germans coun
ter aWacked at t p. m. In the Vrigny
! region, the French broke the enemy as-
'satills and maintained their positions."
i Jaulgonne Captured
' Washington, July 24. Capture of
Jaulgonne by American troops was con
firmed today by General Pershing.
; ".South of tho Ourcq, our troops
have continued to .press the retroating
enemy," the communique said.
I "Ou units crossing the Mnrne have
aintd possession of Jaulgonne and the
wends to the west.
"hi Lorraine a hostile raiding par
ty was repulsed by our troops during
the mailt of July 22 to 2:1," section B
' "In the Thann sector on July 20 our
troops carried out a successful raid on
Ithe enemy's lines, capturing several
pris.ineis. On the same ilay one of ouf
patrols iu the St. Die sector entered
a German trench and killed several of
the enemy."
! Raiding Operations
! London, July 24. Raiding operations
'aud cannonading on various sector of
th British front were, reported by
Field Marshal lhaig today.
."South of ltucquoy, we made success
ful raids, taking IS prisoners." the
statement said. "Our casualties were
"In another raid, northwest of Al
bert, we s vurod prisoners.
"An attempted enemy raid north
east of Kethune was ropulsed.
" Host i to artillery was active on thf
northern portion of the front, partici?
larly in the neighborhood of Locre. "
F3 T7 V
torpedoed and sunk while en its way
to tho t'nited iStates.
The Justicia was the newest of the
crack White Htnr ships. She was com
pleted only a year ago and had been in
service as a freight ship, he also had
done transport duty for the United
Htates and Canada. Mie made her first
trip to this country loaded with inva
lided I'aiindiau soldiers, who were sent
to New York ami taken overland to
Canada when the port of Halifax was
closed hy the ' x-vos'. 1 ..'i:
The Justicia wiir equipped with triple
screws and was registered at Liverpool.
Pleases Germans.
Herlin, Via Copenhagen, July 21.
The British steamer Justicia has been
torpedoed and sunk, the German admir
alty officially announced today.
German newspapers express great
satisfaction that the steamer was sunk
while under American control.
Submarine commanders, in their of
ficial reports, tated the Justicia wa
equipped with large, steel anti-torpedo
nets, ''rendering her destruction dif
ficult.'' The mention of ..nbmnrine "com
manders" indicates that several U
boats probably attacked the big steam-
Survivors Landed.
London duly 24 Four hundred sur
vivors of the torpedoed liner Justicia
have been landed at an Irish port, it
was announced here.
Survivors reported that only one of
ten torpedoes fired at the vessel was
effective and that it wrecked the en
gine room, Hopping the ship.
The Justicia was sunk off the coast
Tri'sh coast Saturday morning. Kleven
o." her crew were killed, but uo passen
gers were lost. ' s .
Tne 8tMiner fought the submarines
l heurs. A n ember of tbe crew stated
that ten torpedoes were fired, four of
which were exploded by the ship's
Milan, July 24. Prince Osman Fund
has been given command of Turkish
troops operating in Tripoli, dispatches
reaching here today from Zurish re
port. This is believed to indicate a re
sumption of hostilities against Italy
in this district.
Copenhagen, Julv 21. General Alex
ieff, commander in chief of the Russian
counter revolutionists in Siberia and
many prominent Russian politicians
have arrived in the city ot samara,
the present) headquarters ot the nnti-
bolshevik forces.
Simple drier made at home. This
U merely a tray hung over cook
tove and illustrates one of the man;
good suggestions made in the free
drying book the National War Car
den Commission of Washington will
send any reader of this paper for
two-cent stamp to pay postage.
:-t$ Jl). (ft s rA 4-..
X NATlCrUL WAR GARDEN g " "" ' (kA. ' fl'ZkbJ A
v commission - 1 fiMmk U Xt
British Air Ministry Officially
Reports Several Success
ful Raids
Londau, Julv 24. Destruction of one
enemy airplane during raiding opera
tions was reported today by the British
air ministry. All British machines re
turned sateiy. The statement follows:
' In a raid, carried out on the after
noon ol the 22nd instant the main sta
tion of Offenhurg was hit and bursts
were seen on the sidings. One machine
was destroyed. All our machines re
turned. On the night of the 22n;t 23rd re
peattd attacks, attended with good re
sults, were carried out against tho ene
my's acrdromes. Fires ind explosions
were observed. Other targets were en
gaged with bombs and machine gun
Thirty-Seven Shot Down.
Paris, July M. Thirty wven German
airplaues wtre shot down and four bal
loons destroyed by allied aviators Mon
day, the official air ministry commun
ique issued today declared.
"Franco-British aviators shot down
thirty sevcu German airpinnes and fir
ed four balloons," the conimunipue said
"Twenty nine tons of bombs were drop
ped on enemy coneontiatiotn uiid com
munications centers. America aviator
collaborated with characteristic pluck
of the I'ited States. They pt.i-ticipatoil
in the preceding days' victories. " '
Chautauqua Brings "An Evening jn Hawaii"
""" - ' i . .- i .id.
Singers and Players from the Islands with Mildred Leo Clemens, Travel Lecturer
The last night of Chautauqua will be truly "An Evening in Hawaii," with a travel lecture by Mildred Leo Cler
ms, accompanied by moving pictures of this land of enchantment and a concert by the Royal Hawaiian Quintet.
No better group of Hawaiian singers and players has been presented Iu this country than this Q-'n'et Includ
ing as one of its members Kckuku, originator of the steel method of guitar playing. They will bring to you the
amt plaintive, haunting melodies that are sung, string-picked, crooned and chanted In the native huts of HtwaU,
Loss Of Great Liner Justicia
Was Not Promptly Given
To Public
New York, July 24. The manner in
whifii cable dispatches, telling of the
torpedoing of the great liner Justicia,
arrived here toauy, made it evident that
the news had been held up by the Brit
ish censor. It was noted in this con
nection that the attack was announced
in Berlin at the same tife that it be
Cume known hero. From this, it is as
sumed that the news was circulated by
the German official wireless, a:er
which dispatches were released by the
Ttritish censor. Reports received iu the
financial district indicate that the at
tack occurred iast Saturday. The ca
bb'S icceivcd here were - fragmentary
in form.
The Justicia was the largest ship that
has i'Miea victim to the submarine war
fare, fche was larger than the Ltisi
tania by nearlv two himdr,?d tons dis
placement, but was neither so long nor
so broad.
-rk'rft are stiii large ships in the
ivansport and fieight service, notablt
among these being the Olympic, of more
thau 40,000 tons, and tho Aquitann of
more than 45,000 tons. The Justicia
also wa3 exceeded in siz1; by the L: i-
nt hia:, iormerly the Hamburg-Ameri
can linei Vaterland which displaces
moie than 54,000 tons. She was larg--er
than the Maurctanin, which is a bis
ter ship to tho Lusitania. The Paris,
hug,.1 liner of the French line, displaces
nil even i!0,0uU tons. The Justicia was
a trimly built craft, of lines resembling
those of the Vutevland. She had a high
superstructure which made hor extreme
ly roomy abov,e decks. She was fitted
wi'h luxurious staterooms, which were
ripped out and cots added when she
weMt. into service as a transport
She had thrive funnels. Sho was 74d
fjet long, 80 feot iu width and was 43
feet deep.
State Department Has
Yet Received No word on
Subject From Spain
Washington; July 24. The state de
partment has not yet received the re
ported informal peace suggestions
launched by Germany through the
Spanish government.
Preliminary examination of the
terms outlined in cable reports indicate
that Germany is offering nothing new
or interesting, if the outline is correct.
The allies, it has been repeatedly stat
ed, must see the Hun ready to relin
quish Belgium and Serbia beforo nego
tiations ure possioie.
These nations cannot bo used as
fawns, allied diplomats have stated re
cently. So far as the Rumanian and
Hussian peace treaties are concerned.
both the United States and Britain
have emphatically declared thew treat
ies would not be recognized by tho al
lies. Officials see in the reports th! usual
German tactics of wiling nut. peace
feelers during a military venture de
signed to distract tho allier from thu
real business of whining the battle anrl
the war.