Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 24, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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A man may get tired of ordi
nary tobacco but never of "
Heal Gravely Chewing Plug,
with its pure, clean taste
and lasting quality.
P. B.
; A study in Eddyiysm, Russellism, and
! a great horde of ailments. ,
h T!
By Prank J. Taylor.
(Uuited Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The American Army In France,
Juno 16. (By Mail.)-He was one of
thoso quiet, likeable sort of chaps who
says littlo and does a lot. He nev,.-r
talked enough about himself so that you
could know him, yet you liked him and
trusted him because you couldn't help
JXe used to come in from the trenches
during the day and do anything he
could do to be useful around the Salva
tion army hut run by the Mclntyre Sis
ters, of Mount Vernon, New York. He
would stand watch at night and come
back to help tho girls in the daytime.
They couldn't persuade him to sleep.
Other fellows came and worked and
told their Btories and got their words of
cheer from the girls and went. But this
chap was always on the job, ever work
ing and never saying anything.
He Disappears.
Then his company moved, and the
gills missed their chief doughnut dipper.
They often inquired what had happened
to him. But no one knaw anything
about him, and they heard from him on
ly through an occasional brief noto from
the trenches a few miles to the north.
One morning Miss Irene wa9 rolling
doughnut dough, and Miss Gladys was
dipping them in the boiling grease, wlisn
the former chief doughnut dipper stumb
led into the hut. He looked tired and
footsore, and he was dusty. .
"Oca, it's good to sea you," he said
after the girls had given a drink and fed
him somctloughnuts, which he ate siltn
tly. They waited for hu story, which he
did not begin.
"Well, how are you?" the girls ask
ed. "All right, thanks," he smiled meek
ly. " 'Bout Ten Miles."
"Where is your company!" they
"Up the line in some woods."
"How far is it?"
" 'Bout ten miles."
"Did you walk all the way in the dust
and sun?"
"Most of it. Sometinves I was in the
"We're you on watch last night?"
Your Liver is
ftS ft! Orft
You know the signs a
neavy head, sick stomach,
bad .taste in the mouth,
latent dyspepsia. Pay strict
attention to these symptoms
and get prompt relief by
using Beecham's Pills. A
few doses will stimulate the
liver, help the stomach, reg
ulate the bowels and make
a great difference in your
general feeling. Nothing
will put you on yuv feet so
quickly as a dose or two of
tan art Sal of Any Mecina m tk WatM,
$U narjrwbore. la bom 10c 25c .
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch and worth it
no mart to chew than ordinary plug
Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
"Then you didn't have any sleep?"
"Why did you come clear over hore
"I wanted to seo you."
Just Wanted to Look.
"Well, we're glad to see you, surely.
What can w do for you?"
"Just let me look at you and "
"And what?"
"And cook some doughnuts."
"All right, but you'd better lie down
and get soma sleep first."
"I don't want to lie down. It would
b.9 time wasted."
' ' Wasted ? It 's just what you need. ' '
"No, it isn't what I need. I want to
look at you."
Loved Ones at. Home.
"I've got a wifo and a litle baby
back home, and I love them. I like to be
here because seeing you takes me back
to them. This.morning I know I ought
to sleep, but . I just couldn't go over the
top tonight without Becing you again
That'B why I want to look at you and
fry a few doughnuts for you. It takes
me back to them," he finished. with a
far-away look in his face.
Ho worked around for acouple of
He worked around for a couple of
seemingly as satisfied as he could bo,
Finally, he looked at his watch and
said, "Guess I'll have to go. It's quite
a walk bfick to the company."
Two Salvation Army girls did not
sleep much that night, thinking of the
"chief doughnut dipper" faithfully go
lag over the top and if the wife and
baby back in JNew England.
y Next day about noon they were busy
at work, when the ''chief doughnut dip
per stumbled in at the door. He was
dirty and dusty and his face was worn,
but his eyes sparkled brightly.
Coming Up Smiling.
"'Just thought I ought to come baek
and tell you I'm all right," he said
"I was afraid you'd be worried. My
wife and baby would worry."
"You go out thero under that tree
and go to sleep," one of the girls or
dorcd. " All right, I will," he said. "I feel
lite sleeping. You don't think I'm
crazy do you? I just had to see you.
It takes me baek to them."
(Continued from page one) -
to when he declared that the self niad.3
partnership of tho kaiser and his
"Gott" had gone awry.
Taking the situation as a whole,
.March pointed out that the Germans
had mado bold decision for retirement
relying on the cove, jf, night and the
ssclusion of smoke clouds to hids their
This decision had-been taken when
tho important communication line from
Soispons to Chateau-Thierry was appar
ent destined to fall into allied hands.
Between the Marne and Hheims, on
the cast flank, the enemy has been push
ed back from one and one half to two
miles, along a ten mile front, he said.
Mong trie Marno itself, tho Americans
and French have crossed the river at a
uunib.T of points and now hold posses
sion there.
The response of the Germans to
Foch'g counter offensive was to throw
a largo number of reserve divisions,
which had not been used when the Gor
man drive for Bheims started.
Jt i& the belief of General March
that iiftcen reserve divisions were thus
The advance of the allies for the last
few Jays has been practically steady.
March pointed out there is- only one
rail line over which the Germans can
retreat, thuugh they may have con
structed in addition some small, tem
porary, field railroads.
The enemy's retreat was necessary if
he did not wish to be caught in a pock
i t at the mercy of the allies, March de
clared. The ground gained 5a the Franco
American counter drive is about equal
to the territory the allies lost in Flan
ders last April, March revealed.
At for the Montdidier attack, Marca
said it was not of essential importance
to the whole game except that it keeps
Free Ccpies Must Absolutely
Be Discontinued by
Washington, July 234 Because of
confusion growing out of its order of
July 5, bearing on paper conservation,
the war Industries board today issued
the following interpretations of the or
der for newspaper publishers:
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ling newspapers wholesale to retail dea
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"(b) Copies may be sent free to
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vice and copies may be sent to camp
libraries who will agree to bind or other
wise permanently preserve the file of
the paper.
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valent service to the newspapers.
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list to facilitate handling in the mail
ing room.
"(b) Copies must not e sent as a
means of advertising the newspaper
itself to advertising agencies from
whom the publisher does not regularly
receive business."
(Continued from page one)
attack which Germany was reported to
be making against the British, the
newspapers recounting daily successes,
in order to counteract any loss of pub
lie morale through the reverses in this
The Franco-American artillery is
rendering the most important assist
ance while tho German artillery fire
in some sectors is hardly noticeable.
It is reported that the Germans are
concentrating their resistance near
Soissons and Bheims, leaving only the
shell of a defense protruding toward
By William Philip Simms
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the British Annies in France,
July 24. The kaiser saw the German
offensive falter boforo the Franco-American
defense in the Champagne, then
break up and fall back before the al
lied counter offensive, according to in
formation received hero today.
According to the reports, tho kaiser
planned to see son Fritz well off on
his trip to Paris. What he did see was
the crown prince getting the , worst
licking he has received since Verdun
and more Americans than he ever
wanted to believe were in France.
Latest reports from the Maine coun
try show the British have reached all
their objectives, taking 10-44 prisoners
including 18 officers.
Navy Enlistment
Above Half Million
Washington, July 24 The enlisted
personnel of the navy has passed the
half million mark, Secretary of the
Navy Daniels has announced.
The total strength of the navy's
armed forces is 503,792. The national
naval volunteers comprising nearly 13,
000 men 'have been combined with the
naval reserve forces. In addition to the
armed forces there are more than 80,
000 mechanics end laborers employed
at navy yards and about 10,000 per
sons employed in navy department bu
reaus. This makes the total strength of the
entire naval establishment approii
mately 594,000.
Ban Francisco, July 24. Police de
clared today they know who were the
companions of Private Willis O. Gish,
of Camp Fremont, who was murdered
here more than a week ago. Gish's
body was found Monday floating it the
bay. Detectives say they havo estab
lished that Gish was strangled to un
consciousness in a water front hotel
room before his hands were tied and he
was dragged to the bay.
the boohe guessing.
lhe American units noted last week
as in the thick of the fighting still con
tinue there. Asked as to specific loca
tion of the 28th (Pennsylvania) nation
al guaid division, March said they wers
at the commanding general's disposal
and the posilii-n is not yet known here.
Two Bottles of Tanlac Did
More Good Haa Treat
ment Costing $300.
Remarkable, indeed, was the state
ment made by Arthur Albro, a well
known carpenter, living at 3!K)3 Mead
street, SeatitW, Wash., recently. Mr
Albro declares that he has received
more real, genuine benefit from two
bottles - of Tanlae than from other
treatment and medicines that have cost
him nearly three hundred dollars. His
complete statement follows:
"I have suffered terribly with my
stomach for fifteea years. My food
wouui not digest, ana tnc ga8 formed
by it caused me untold misery. The
gas would get all up around my heart,
ana cause it to tnuup until 1 felt like
a hammer was beating airainst mv
side. I had to be very careful about my
eating, ana got so tired of eating the
few things that half way agreed with
me that I would sometimes get reck
less and eat meats, pie and such things
but I ahvavs paid dearly for it in
suffering. Finally I just had to give
up eating any supper at all, for when
1 did eat anything for supper I would
suffer all night so. I couldn't sleep. I
was constipated all the time and also
suffered for years with my back. When
I stooped over my back would cramp
me so ibad that I could hardly stright-
en up. My Kidneys were all out of or
der and disturbed me so often at night
that I couldn't get any rent scarcely.
I paid out nearly three hundred dollars
for treatment and medicines of vari
ous kinds, but kept gotting worse. I
even tried dieting and almost starved
myself out. and sometimes felt a little
relief, but just as I said, whenever I
ventured to eat a fairly good meal it
would knock me completely out. I lost
two solid months from my work last
winter and it had begun to look like
my condition was hopeless.
"I had .been kaeping up with what
the papers published about Tanlac, and
while I had my doubts about it being
as good as some said it was, I was in
such a bad shape that I was willing to
try anything. So I bought a bottle, and
soon found that it was just the very
thing I needed. I havo hardly finished
my second bottle yet, but I havo al
ready ibeen benefitted so much that I
will never doubt anything good I rend
or hear about Tanlac from now on. My
appetite is fine and I can eat most
anything I want without feeling the
least 'bit uncomfortable afterwards.
Why, just last night I ato a hearty
supper and topped it off with a big
piece of mince pic something I have
not ventured to eat for years then
went to bed and slept all night like a
log. I'm not constipated, my kidneys
don't bother me like they did, and so
I eet eood rest every night. I have
gained all of five pounds already and
feel that I' am still gaining, not only
in weight, but also in strength and! en
CTgy. I'm beginning to feel like a new
man and consider myself lucky to be
aible to get such a .medicine as Tan
lac." Tanlac is sold in Hubbard by Hub-
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Een
Gooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, ia
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, In Wood-
burn by Lyman a. ssnorey, in eaiera
iby Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo.
I A. Sfoclhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J.
iP. McCurdy and in Stayton by O. A.
iBeauahamp. (Adv.)
Unresricted Submarine
Warfare Is Failure
Amsterdam July 24. On tho
occasion of the eighteenth
month of unrestricted subma-
Tine warfare Captain Persius,
writing ia the Berlin Tageblatt
We must admit that the fan-
tastic hopes entertained by
have fallen disappointingly
short of realization. It is fool-
ish to think our U-boats can
starve England. Wo murt tell
the German people the truth."
Im ig V k Je lie 4t J lt sfe sic
r" T i T I t T tjk T j T
Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys,
we'll rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
We will rally from tho hillside, we'll
gather from tho plain,
Shouting the battlo cry of freedom.
The Union forever; hurrah, boys, hur
rah! Down with the traitor; up with the
Whilo-we rally round tho flag, boys,
rally once anin
Shouting the battlo cry of freedom.
We are springing to the call of our
brothers gone before,
Shouting tho battle cry of freedom.
And we'll fill the vacant ranks wit"i a
million freemen more,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
We will wekome to our numibert the
loyal, true and brave,
Shonting the' battle cry of freedom.
And altho they may be poor, not a man
shall be a slave.
Shouting tlio battle cry of freedom.
j is a vigorous
-full bodied cereal
c drink that meccs
ifa th? demand fcp
a economy anuriftht
. living
EXTREMEY GOOD BARGAINS and besides you will find this basement is decid
edly interesting and attractive place to visit -v
Choice of many
Standard Brands
Each 5c
Children's Underwear
10c Garment
Boys' Shirts 10c
Soft Collars for Boys and
Men 10c Collar
Grand Duke Alexis
Dies Of "Exposure"
London, July 24. The Ber-
lin Ijkal Anseigcr publishes a
Moscow dispatch declaring
Grand Duke Alexis, the former
czarevitch died of "exposure"
a few days after his father's sj
execution. jjt
)C sc jjc s(c 9(c sc )(c 9c S(( jje jf( )(())())(
five New Divisions
Of National Army
Washington, July 24 Six new divis
ions of the national army, with regu
lars a a nucleus, have been ordered
by Chief of Staff March io be formed
during thig month at the following
camps: 5
Devens, Mass; Custer, Mich; Meade,
Md; I'unston, Kansas; Sheridan, Ala
bama and Lewis, Washington.
These will be numbered nine to four
teen innd will have two regular infan
try regiments each as a nucleus. These
regulars are gathered from guard duty
about tho country, having been. replac
ed quietly during tho past two months
by home guards. All but theso are na
tional army men.
Successor Found
For Austrian Premier
Amsterdam, July 24 Former Minis
tor of Public Instruction Hussauer has
succeeded Von Seydler as head of the
Austrian cabinet, dispatches from Vi
enna today declared.
It had been reported that Count
Czernin, former Austro-Hungarinn for
eign minister was trying to iorm a cab
inet, of which he would have licen the
prime minister.
Dcs Moines, Iowa, July 24. All phy
sicians registered in class one C will be
colled into the service August 11, ac
cording to au order received by Adju
tant General Logan today. The rien
will report to Jefferson barracks. This
takes practically all tlio young doctors
in the state. They have been classi
fied as special seiwiee men.
Amsterdam, July 21. A serious out
break of typhoid has occurred in Ber
lin, according to advices received here.
It is believed to have resulted from
poisoned milk.
tf&P iues
jrm ;
h A hoti
8 d?jj-
MjJce this your routin (or weeb
iays and holidays until your shelve!
ure filled. Free book of instructions
on canning and dryinf may ba had
From the National War Garden Com
oiitoion, Washington, D. C., for twa
cent) to pay pottage. , . .
Large Boxes
Each 5c
Sold Elsewhere
2 for 15c
White Linen
Have the Journal Job Dept. .
estimate on your printing
needs yon get the benefit of
cash buying. Phone 81.
Wants Constantine
King Of Finland
Paris, July 14. Germany
wants to place Former King;
Constantino of Greece on tho
throne of Finland, according to
advices received from Slock-
holm today and already has
sounded Finland regarding the
4? J 4t 4t le 1p tie
J- X p T rk
Chicago, July 24. nopos of claimants
for damages growing out of tlio East
land steamship disaster here were shat
tered today with the announcement that
a salvage concern had a prior cluim
against the $10,000 realized in selling
the ship. The salvngo claim practically
wipes out available cash.
The Eastland sank in the Chicago riv
er thr,?e years ago today.
London1, July 24. Malcolm Cotton
Brown, Chicago, an American aviator,
was hilled yesterday wlwn his machine
fell from a great hieght, accordin? to
dispatches received hern totday.
(Continued from page oae)
range artillery have been particularly
successful in hitting these dumps.
Iho French today attacked astride
the Ourcq, crossing the Parc-Et-Tgny
road, toward Villermontoiro, south of
North of the Alarne, the Americans
advanced to the Barbillon wood line,
pn-xmng tho region of La Censedeaux.
Between Mont St. Pierro and Chnr-
teves, tho bridgehead wag cnlurged
anil several farms taken despite stub-
bon enemy defense.
Possibly the day's most important
success was tho i runco-lirilixh 8i-
vanco in tlio Ardro valley, southwest
of Khfinis, whore they took VriRny, a
part of Ardro wood, all of tho iiheimg
wood and passed HI. Hupliraise.
Watching the Battle
I watched tho progress of the battle
from tho heights of Montaimo De
Hhcimg this afternoon. In the beech
and oak covered hillx, directly below
to the west, heavy forces of British
trori.s were engaged. From tho forests
arose thn crackle of machine gun fire,
while (the TiiavicT note of artillery
sounded moro remote.
Both artilleries1 at the time were en
gaged sokly in bombarding tho rear
areas, as the fighting was mostly hand
to hand and the canopy of trees pre
vented accurate observation from the
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears . f
Signature of
5c and 10c
They Contain
Many More
Sheets and are
far Better Qual
ity than Sold
Corner Court and 1
Coml Street, Salem
battery positions. The gunners wct
afraid of hitting their own infantry.
German prisoners admitted their sur
prise at finding themselves opposed by
orman soldiers. Many of tne German,
officers declared they did not know
the allied counter offensive had begun
on the other sido of the salient.
General Focn's Strategy
The experience of,the British in this
battle, illustrates rtho versatility of
General SFoch's strategy. They wcra
uioved from, their previous positions,
itome distance away, expecting to go
to the defense of the Marno line. Sud
denly, they were diverted to their
present positions, arriving on tho night
of the lilth. They were ordered to at
tack tho next morning, at the same
time relieving the Italians, who had
Veen holding the Germans successful
ly, but who .needed rest.
The German lith division already
had lost heavily at the hands of the
Italians. The British attack completed
tho work, almost annihilating it. Only
about 5(10 men were left. Other divis
ions badly mauled were the 8titb, 103d
and 22d.
Girl Drive Ambulance
On tho road to EpernayJorries and
ambulances of all tho allies passed each
other in continuous Hues. One ambu
lance was driven by a young woman in
dust covered khaki. Italian soldiers
resting by the roadside waved to her
and smiled briuhtly. iato I k-arned
she is Miss Italia Garibaldi, attached
to the remarkable Italian Alpini hos
pital. It is operated for all nationali
ties, including Americans.'
Children Ory
Vivian Martin
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