Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 24, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Catarrh of
Mrs. Mary FenoeH, R. F. D. , Po
mona. Missouri, writes:
"I wish to say a few words In tht
praise of Peruna. I have used it
with rood results for cramps in the
stomach. Also found it the very
thing for' catarrh of ths head. My
sister was cured of catarrh of stom
ach by the use of Peruna.'
Mrs. E. T. Chomer, 69 East 42nd
St, Chicago, 111, says: "Manilla
best laxative on the market for liver
and bowels, very good for indigestion
and heart bum.
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can secure Peruna tablets.
"BLUE BONNETS" Nets Fabric with Nag Ftaium.
Btoe Boos sMfli tK ftectk ol tfw wocmbI whs) wiata ft beawtjful, tkr&U (stria
t wem wdhoot wrakljn, rvpd-s dust uk! UuntWt petiecdy,. AdaunUw adapted (
H year draier AWt owtt "Hoa BotMi" aaad m tU -d wt& ftaM W dtafcr aed
ivfj wk tend Kan aawfsWt and notify turn of your request.
(Continued from page one)
licrmau officers say the third drive.
toward, Paris, was to be uniVrUken
late tins suminer ur early iu the autumn,
in the event that the one just stopped
did not carry clear through to the cov
eted territory.
Prisouers aro doubtful as to whether
these other two drives will be carried
out as plan nod, sinco a great number
of extra divisions were used on this
front last week and many of them were
so badly shattered they will not bo fit
for use as storm troops inside of four
months. v
The majority of intelligent Herman
prisoners bolievj the kaiser will start
another offensive this summer on ew
en a larger scale to regain the confi-
dnce of the German people, which is
admitted to be at low ebb. Many prison
ers frankly say they are sick of the war.
During the enemy retirement, German
officers say the allied artillery fire com--polled
them to fall bark so fast they
were unable to maintain an effective
counter barrage. While tk? allies were
"bombarding boche positions, prepniiiloij
to some local attacks, the German out
posts were forced to take cover and
many were captured before Hi?y coul.l
eonie out of their hiding places. In some
You Can't Rub It Away;
Rheumatism is in the Blood
Liniments Will Never Cure.
If you are afflicted with Rheuma
tism, why waste time with liniments,
lotions and other local applications
that never did cure Rheumatism, and
never will 7
Do not try to rub the pain awny,
for you will never succeed. Try the
sensible plan of finding the cause of
the pain, and go after that. Remove
the cause, and there can be no pain.
You will never be rid of Rheuma
MAN WANTED Expcronced in men's
furnishings and shoes. Permanent po
uition for tho right man. References
Foulard Silks
This is another exceptional opportunity for l
those of thrifty inclinations. Foulard is simply an-
ocnerwora lor softness, service, WEAK, when
speaking of Silks. Now here is our ENTIRE line
of these Foulards-and they come in good patterns
too--out on our bargain table divided into two
groups I
Regular prices up to $2.00, now, per yard.
Regular prices $2.23 to $2.95, now, per yard
Made Well J
By Peruna. r
My Sister U
Also Cured
MHlc drum apeat com ml tku, ctutdicw tafmato. mbcoas, c AaMdraa
htnyian con clc. Gtianatccd iya fa m! dsty. U nil vwiaty at
instances the fighting was carried on
almost entirely by artillery and ma
chine gun fire, the Germans being so far
ahead of tho Americans that rifles and
grenades could not be used effectively.
Allied aviators and German prisoners
testify to th.3 destruction wrought by
our heavy guns on railways, roads and
important junctions, which were necos
sarv to the enemy's retirement.
The German .plan of retreat left the
machine gun squads to fight rear guard
actions at many points. On several oc
casions when these guns and their
crews were captured the boshe gunners
did not know that their comrades had
already fallen back.
(Continued from page one)
be most difficult for the enemy to ov
ercome. As for an Austrian naval offensive,
n comparison of the morale of the two
fleet can bo seen in the recent Italian
exploits and off the Dalmatian coast,
when three of Austria s greatest war
ships were destroyed by tiny Italian
To win an advantage in th air, Aus
trii must overcomo a' combined forct
of Italian, British and American avia-
tism until you cleanse your blood of
the germs that cause the disease.
S. S. S. has never had an equal as a
blood purifier and scores of sufferers
say that it has cleansed their blood of
Rheur,i'!m, and removed all trace
of the Urease from their system.
Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your
drug Btore, and get on (the right
treatment to-day. If you want spe
cial medical advice, you can obtain it
free by addressing Medical Director,
23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
4444444 4 444444
A collection of dainty new crea
tions has mado its appearance in
our Women's Neckwear Depart
ment, Tho fichues are prttty much
to the fore but closely pressed by
the ever-popular Organdies, Piques,
lovely- Georgette Crepes and artis
tic Lace Collars. The designs are
quite uuique and very pleasing.
Priced at
..25c to $2.95
AND CUFF 8ETS ...65c 1
We have just received a large
assortment of BELT BUCKLES
for which there is such u great de
mand of celluloid, bone and sea
fhell, some are metal trimmed and
they' come in a great variety of
khanes, si.es and colors
35c 50c, 75c, 95c
As Saturdar, July 27, is the Saint's
day for whom, Elizabeth, (jueen of the
Belgians, was named the society for the
relief of Belgians is planning to co'm
plimejnt her by selling nosegays of
forget-me-nots on the streets snd ia
the stores. Portland people are carrying
out this plan oa Thursday, the birth
day of tho queen, but Salem has select
ed toe oaiut a day which is usually
celebrated the most. The idea. is also
quite unique because it is rumored that
forget-me-nots are the queen's favor
ite flower.
Tho town will be divided into dis
trict and prominent women will have
charge of the sale of the ten cent bouquets-
The work is very important for
upon. be efforts depends toe future
of Belgian children. Because of mal
nutrition, the children are starving
and many diseases are prevalent so that
toe noe of the nation rests with tne
aid Americans give. One woman has
given $100 for the cause and some peo
ple have promised monthly subscrip
tions but- in is hoped that many more
can bo secured. Milk bottles have been
placed in Ladd and Bush's bank in
which one may droo his dimes and
pennies for the cause. Others will be
put in the different stores and build
ings. The officers of this organization are
president, Mrs. William P. Lord; vice
president, Mrs. Alice H. Lord; secre
tary, Mrs. John Albert; treasurer, Mrs.
0. S. Hamilton; auditor, 8. B. Elliott.
Following is the personnel of the
board of directors, Mrs. R. 8. Wallace,
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Ms. James Withy-
combe, Miss Cornelia Marvin, Mrs. D.
J. Fry, Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs. R. J.
Hendricks, Mrs. Herbert Nunn, Mrs
William E. Kirk, Mrs. R. Cartwright,
Mrs. Irwin Griffith, Miss Sallio Bush,
Rev. Robert 8. Gill and Rev. R. N.
The patriotic committee is, Mrs.
George Pearce, Mrs. F. S. Stewart and
Mrs. Chauneey P. Bishop.
Professor and1 Mrs. Morton E. Peck
have returned from a month's trip ia
southern Oregon. They traveled over
Josephine county gathering many spe
cimens for the biological department
(Though they spend a large part of each
summer ia this kind of research work
they had, nevor been in this part of
Oregon before and so they fouud many
new and interesting specimens.
Mrs. Emily Moir, accompanied by
her niece, Miss Dons Kyan, have lett
Salem .to enjoy a ten days visit in Se
attle. While there they plan to visit
Bremerton and lamp .Lewis.
John McCarthy of Council Bluffs.
fowa, who has been tho guest of his
brother, Frank Schuneman and sister,
Mrs. G. E. Schuneman, for the past two
weeks, left for his home last evening!
Ho was accompanied as far as i'ou-
land bv his sister, Mrs. Schuneman. He
plana to enter the sevice about August
Miss Beth Brians, who has been -do-
inn snecial summer school work at Wil
tame. to university, lins leu tor ncr
homo in northern Idaho. She will return
in the fall to pursue her collcgo work
as a senior.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Marvin of 725
North Church treot iare spending their
vacation at Sea Crest.
Miss Kaite Barton of Deer Island is
spending several days i" Salem.
You can eat what you like if you
take Bi-nesis. Mako this test: Eat a
hearty hhmiI of tho good things that
usually disagree with you, then take
two or three Bi-nesi Tablets If you
aren't astonished and delighted you
an have your money back for the ask
ing. Uet a otic DOttie louay irom anj
good ilruggiat; use as directed, and
you will soon ibo telling your friends
how you got rid of indigestion. Remem
ber tho niinio Bl-nesia the indigei
tion remedy that costs nothing if it
Spruce Production at
High Work Mark Now
Portland, Ore., Jul 24. Spruco pro
duction for airplanes in the northwest
reached a new high mark Monday when
forty one carloads of dressed and Kiln
dried spruce were shipped from an
conver, Wash.
This was Vearned today at headquar
ters of tho spruce division of the signal
corps. ,
The shipments totalled approximately
900,000 feet, snfficieut for 1)00 ordinary
airplanes. ,
Colonel Disque, commanding' the
spruce division, cautioned (hut this
not h- interpreted to mean tho spruce
division already was approaching the SO,
000,000 feet monthly average output
which has been requested, of it.
Shipments on the few days prior to
Monday averaged about 17 rarloads.
This, it was said, was a big iiuircaA1
over the ten million feet monthly aver
age in April. Monday was an excep
tional day, said Colonel Disque.
Turkey Promises
To Make Amends
Washington, Julv 24. Turkev has
T promised to do her "full duty" toward
lithe Cnited Mates, should it develop
that her troops are responsible for
American outrages against Tabris.
1 tr ... 1, ... ...
mis means ine woutii attempt t0
avoid war throurh the nleilae of rena-
"jration damages. The Swedish foreign
...office has notified the otato depart-
' mcnt that Turkev is still investigating
VUl 19 nKtlllK 1111 lU'UlllCs nun poor
Hot water
Sure Relief
Prospects of One Hundred
Thousand Workers Go
ing Out This Week .
. London, July 24. In an effort to
reach au amicable agreement with mu
nition workers who are threatening to
strike, conferences will be held tomor
row between representatives of the gov
ernment and the unions, which have
named advisory committees. If these
effqrts fail, it was declared today,
there will be more than 100,000 strik
ing, before the end of the week, with
a possibility that this number will reach
200,000 next week.
Already 12,00 have left work at Cov
entry and 3,000 at Leicester. Today
00,000 men and five thousand women
am scheduled to walk out at Binning
ham. At Lincoln thousands were sche
duled to strike. Manchester workmen
are expected to go out tomorrow. There
has been no action yet at Glasgow.
Morning newspapers are urging worn
men against haste, pointing ont the
danger of such a strike. The allies.
they declare will suffer greatly if the
striKe is permitted to be called.
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, .be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali- This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is
very harmful. Just plain mulsified co
coanut oil (whivh is pure and entirely
greaseless), is much better than the
most expensive soap or anything else
you can use forsliampooing, as this
can't possibly injure tho hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls
will make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses tho hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out easi
ly, and removes every particle of dust,
dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. Tho
hair dries, quickly and evenly, and. it
leaves it fine and silky, bight, fluffy
and easy to manage.
You en get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very cheap
and a few ounces is enough to lasS ev
eryone in tho family for months.
Penitentiary Convicts
Cannot Supply Wood
The ponitentiory has fallen down
worso on its agreement to cut and de
liver oiiOO eords of wood for the Oregon
'stut hospital than was at first sup
posed as shown by a visit ef State
Treasurer Kay and Secretary of Statu
Olcott to the convict wood camp en the
Pratum road Friday.
Instead of delivering 5000 cords it is
now estimated that the hospital will re
ceive about 2000 cords from the prison
wood eamp, while the penitentiary will
receive probably 1000 cords, making a
total of 3000 eords.
In order to protect the hospital froml('oncllt"n that the Antichrist be
a fuel fainino iiext winter, the state
board of control is now (endeavoring to
make arrangements to obtain enough
fuel oil to run the institution at least
during the fore part of the winter.
Estimates made by Warden Murphy
and those connected with the peniten
tiary wood camp have been away off,
it. is now revealed. At that between
lOOt) and 1500 cords of wood were
burued, and that he had 300 or or 6000
cords remaining.
It is now estimated by State Treas
urer Kay aud Superintendent Steiacr of
tho state hospital andothers who have
visited the wood camp that no more
than 40O or oOO cords were burned and
there was nowlteve near 5000- cords left
ou hand.
Cost of getting out wood witB con
visit labor will rim in the neighborhood
of $S.30 to $d a cord delivered, while
Superintendent Sleiner cut 1000 cords
for his institution at a cost of approxi
mately 13.50 a .or, delivered. Patients
from the asylum did tho cutting, wiiilo
the hauling was montly done by hired
President Wilson Against
Growing Mob Rule
Washincton, July 24. President
Wilwa is .preparing a strong statement
to the country warning a;mt the ap
parent growth of mob spirit in many
I'nder the guise of patriotism, some
people and organizations art bringing
about a disturbing increase of actual
lawlessness, reports to the white house
This - situation, the president will
point out. not only effect the morale
ef the American people, but is a dan
gerous weapon in the hands of Ger-
anti-p"an. l-ropagandists in every country,
pvi-Mij mi uftporuuuiies ro ie ick Am
erica's faith in the war,.
Children Cry
Prediction Credited to "Bro
ther Johannes" Is Again
Since tka outbreak of tie war in En
rope, considerable interest has been tak
n throughout the country m the pro
phecy made some 300 years ago by
Brother Johannes, and since the United
States has become involved in the eon-
tlK't, local people are watehing devel
opments with keen interest, and om-
ifiaring events with those as foretold
ia the prophecy, a, eopy of which has
been presented to the Capital Journal
with a request for its publication. We
know nothing about its suthentieity,
or where it originated. The prophecy
Part of an extraordinary Latin pre-
phecy made by Brother Johannes in the
year lbOO is quoted in a recent issue
of the Figaro Evening Standard. In
deciphering the allegorv, it must be
(rememiic-redi that
Prance is represented by a Cock;
England by a Leopard;
Russia by a White Eagle;
Germany by a Black Eagle; and
Austria by the "other Eagle;"
while the Lamb- s'ands for Justice,
Jercv and Truth.
"Towards the year 2000 the 'Anti
christ will manifest himself. His army
will surpass in numbers ell that can
be imagined.
"There will be Christians among his
legions, audi there will be Miohanime
imns and savage soldiers among the
defenders of itheLamb.
"iFor tho first time the Lainb will
be all red. There will not be a single
spot in- the Christian world that will
not be red, and red will be the Heavens,
tho Earth, the Waters, and even the
Air, for blood will flow in the domains
of the four elements at owce.
"The Blaiek Eagle will throw him
self on the Cock, who will lose many
feathers, but will strike back heroically
with his ipurs. He soon would be
crushed were it not for ithe help of
the Leopard and his claws-
"Tho Black Eaglo will come from
the country of Luther, will surprise
the Cock from another side, and will
invade tho country of the Cock up
to the middle of it..
"The White Eogle, c-oiuin? from tho
north, will surprise the Black Eagle
and the 'other Eagle', and will invado
the country of the Anti-christ from
one end to another.
""The Black Eagle will see himself
forced to liberate tho Cock in order
to fieht the White Eatsle, and the Cock
will mirsuo the Black Eagle into the
eountry of the Auti-cttrist to help tne
White Eagle. " " ' ' '-'
"The battles fought up to then will
be as nothing compared to those which
will take placo in the country of Lu
ther, for the seven Angels will together
pour in the fire of their censors on the
impious Earth, whi'ch signifies that the
Lamrt will order the extermination of
the race of the Aroti-christ.
"When the Beast sees that he is lost,
he will become furious, and for ninny
monthu the beak of the White Eagle,
tho elaws of the Leopard, and the spurs
of the. Cock -will furiously strike a,t
Thev will icross rivers over the
bodies of tho slain, and these, in places,
will chaiiEO the course of the waters.
They will bury only the men of noble
families, tha leading commandants, and
tha princes, because to tho carnage
ads by the armies will bo joined the
wholesale death of those who will dia
of hunger or tho pest.
lhe Anti-chr.st will ask many
times. for peace, but the seven Angels
who will walk in front of the 3 animals
defending the L-iimb have declared that
victory will only be granted on the
rushed im gtraw on the barn tloor,
' "Thft pxfMMitora at trm iimticA of
the I.amh cannot stop fighting'as long
as the Anti-rhrist possesses soldiers to
tight against them.
"That which makes the decrees of
the Lamb so implacable is that the
Aoti-christ has pretended to be a fol
lower of Christ, and to act in His
Xante and if he does not perish, the
fruit of the Redeemer would be lost,
Mrs. Well of Petersburg
Tell How.
Petersburg; Va. "For two years
Icy daughter suffered from a weakness
and pains in her
right side; at times
she was so bad she
could not do any
work. For two
years she was at
tended by the best
physiciansnere.and '
be in agreec that I
she would have to 1 7
be operated on. I j
suggested Lydia E. !
Pink ham's Vegeta- ' T
ble Compound, and !
at first she refused ;
to take it, but finally consented. From j t
the very beginning it helped her, and i
now she is entirely well, and tellins; :
everybody how much (rood it has done T
I ft it 11 n ur.. . . o-v vti. It
i-i. una, if. vi r,t ,1 in, Awim .
A asms street, Petersburg, Va.
If every girl who suffers as Miss 1
Wells did, or from irregularities, painful
periods, backache, sweache, dragging
down pains, inflammation or ulceration
would only give this famous root and ,
herb remedy a trial they would soon t
find relief from such suffering. i
r or special aavice women are asKed to
write the Lrdia . Pink ham Medicine
Pa I.vnn Xf Th Mail) nf frrt-m 4
years experience is at your service.
.? - ... -
To Supply Your Needs In
I Quality Merchandise
I U. G. Shipley Co.
. "Where Shopping
and the doos of Hades would prevail
against the Saviour.
"The fight whwh will take place
where the Anti-christ forges his arms
will not be in any way a human fight.
(This may nave reference to bsscn
where the Krtifp works are, aud many
authorities 'believe that the decisive
battle may take place in Westphalia.)
"The three animals defending the
Lamb will exterminate the last army
of the Anti-christ, but they will be
forced to erevtt on tho battlefield a
pyre as large as a city, for the bodies
of the dead will change the aspect of
the countryside as there will be mounds
of the slain.
"The Anti-christ will lose his crown,
and will die in solitudo and madness.
His empire will be divided1 into twen
tyntwo states, but none of them will
any longer possess fortresses, armies
SdJfe 7CforlEFAElTSandi:tVALIDS
and GET
The Original
For Infnts,InaUdsiilGrowingChildren.RichMilk,Malted Grain EitrsetinPowdefc
The Orieioal Food-Drink For All Ages. Substitutes Cost YOU Sun Price.
Food Is Ammunition
A food demonstrator direct from Mr. Hoover's
department will be at Chautauqua on the morning
of the last day to illustrate new ways of conserving
food and new recipes worked out in the government
.kitchens. No admission charge.
Chautauqua week will have twenty-six big at
tractions, including Thaviu's Exposit'on Band, Ze
deler Symphonic Quintet, Treble Clef Club, "An
Evening in Hawaii," Morrison-Snvth Company and
many other music, lecture and entertainment num
bers. .
July 21-27,
Popular Prices
Is a Pleasure"
or vejsels.
f uriously onough, this number co
incides with tho number of German:
"Tho White Eagle, by the order of
St. .Michael, will drive the Crescent
from Europe, and will install himself
at Constantinople. Then will begin an
era of peaco aud prosperity for tho
earth, and there will,be no more wars
each nation being governed according
to its desires, and living according to
the rules of justice.
"Tliero will no longer be Lutherans
or Schismatics. The Lamb will reign.'
and the supreme happiness ofl humanity
will beia. Happy will be those who,
escaping the perils of that period, wilt
be able to enjoy tho fruit of the reign
of tha Spirit and of the purging of
Humanity, which ean only come after
the defeat of 'the Anti-christ."; v