Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 24, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation la Salem Gaw
anteed tj the Audit Bum f
'.0E OM Y3U1
Oregon, tonight
rkmdr; Thurs
day fair. warmer
gcntlo northerly,
winds. :
iff i f" ' - , t Jr
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Etf E f 1 V MOVING
Change la Plans of Crown
Prince Evident in Today's
foemy Losses Have Been
Heavy Including 25.000
Taken. Prisoner
By Lowell Mellett
d!nited Press staff correspondent)
With the French Annies in the Field
July 24. (4 p. m.)-r-The Germans are
violently bombarding allied positions
on the 12 miles front from Vrigny
southward to the Marrw and are also
throwing great quantities of sheila
across the Marne from Dormant east
ward. : New German divisions hare been
identified in the region cf Vrigny and
Coulommes southwest of Hhoinis)
( French and British troops held off
strong count attach west of Bheims
l'te'last night.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Preas staff correspondent)
With the American Annies in France
July 24. (8:30 a. m.) The German
movement within the salient, north of
Cha.1iau-Thieiy which had been north
ward since the .enemy retirement began
today was reported to bo southward.
It is believed there are fresh replace
ments of troops and that the Germans
are preparing to make a Etiff stand in
certain locations.
A Faris dispatch today said that
German prisoners declare the crown
prince has rescinded his order for a
retirement and hag decided to fight it
out on the present lines.
Paris, July 24. Unofficial estimates
today plao?d the total German casual
ties in the recent Champagne fighting
at 180,000. This figure is discounted in
military circles.
By Webb Miller
(I'nited Pre.s staff correspondent)
l'aris. July 24. (10:0r) The Ger
man Crown Prince has suddenly chang
ed his plans fo a strategic retreat in
!io Sjissons-Rhoims salient and has
determined to fight it out there.
This decision, indicated by stiffen
Sn; enemy resistance and increasing
reinforcements, was borne out by Go.r
Dimn prisoners today, who declared tie
withdrawal order has been counter
manded. They could offer no explana
tion, but military experts believe Ger-
(Continued on page six.)
1 War Summary of United Press
E iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
1452d Dav of the Wan 7th Dav of Counter Offensive f
crown prince, according to German pris-j
oners, has countermanded his order fori
retirement and has decided to fight- it
out on the present lines. j
This report is borne ouj by the factj
that movements within the German sal
ient are now southward, inad of'
northward, and that great numbers, ot
reinforcements are constantly btii.g
thrown' into stem the allied advance.
Despite the increasing enemy resis
taw, the allies continue to advance at
some puiuts.
The French war office reported great
ariilfcry duels all along tlie bsttle f'.onl
FIC..RIV FtfOXT British
. - - v...- . ....... . ,
mide smv.'ssful raids in the Albert
FLAXDEU3 FRONT C-rmaa a til
ie-y was aative, particularly near Vy.cf.
Informal Peace Offer
Made By Germanj
. Amsterdam, July 2b. Ger
many haa made a new "infor
mal", peace offer through
Spain, affording to the Berlin
Vorwaerts. The socialist news
paper, which declanea it ob
tained the information from re
liable sources, enumerated the
principal German terms as fol
lows: No annexations or indemni
ties in the west.
The Russian and Rumanian
peace treaties to stand unques
tioned. Belgium's future, as well as
that of other small nations, in
cluding the Balkans, to be de
termined at tlTe peace confer
ence. All colonies to be returned to
Germany. ,
Freedom of the seas to be
Gibraltar and Suez canal de
fenses to too dismantled aud
Oerinany to be permitted to es
tablish coaling stations at those
Late Cablegrams
From War-Torn Europe
Tangier," July 24. Efforts are being
made, iit is declared here, to align
tribesmen in Morroeco against - the
Abdul Malek, a rebel leader, is re
ported to have been supplied with Ger
man money coming from Spain and to
have offered to compensate the tribes
men for damages caused by French at
tacks provided they snail remain, loy
al to his cause.
Copenhagen, July 24. Count Lux
burg, former minister to Argentina,
who wrote ithe notorious "spurlos ver
senkt" notes, has arrived in Bothen
burg aboard a Swedish motorboat. in
which he left Buenos Aires. He start
ed for Germany immediately after his
- Berne, July 24. Italians living in
Russia have formed a battalion and
have joined the Czecho slovak forces
in Siberia, according to dispatches
from Petrograd to the National Zei
tung printed today.
Amsterdam, July 24. A rumor that
an attempt was made on the lives of
the kaiser and General Von Ilinden
bug is declared in copies of the Co
logne Volkes Ztitung received here to
day. Amsten'.sm, July 24. An explosion
in a German, ammunition factory at
Pluen Friday caused considerable dam-
l age and resulted in the loss ot a nuin
'bur of lives, advices from Berlin to
day stated.
Berne. July 24 Influenza is epi
demic in the Swiss army. There are
now 11,500 cases of the malady and
109 deaths have resulted.
Ottawa, Out., July 2,4. Mail carriers
today were on strike in many towns and
cities of Canada, including Toronto, Pet
erboro, Winnipeg, Brandon, Calgary aud
New Westminster. Trouble in Montreal
has been avoided through promises of
bonusis t married men.
GERMANY The Berlin Vorwaertj
announces that Germany has made new
peace offers through Spain. TIli list of
proposals contains nothing additional
in the way of concessions.
Dr. Karl Hflfferich, former vice
chancellor, has been appoited German
ambassador to Russia to succeed late
Count Von Mirbach. He will take two
battalions of German troops to guard his
RUSSIA X general mobilization of
Russian forces' under olsheviki control
began July 17; according to a Moscow
dispatch received in Amsterdam.",
c t. u u .i Luimi uuiifui, ijimui
Gerlnau lllinister t0 Argentina ,ha3 ar-
rived in Gothenberg, after traveling all
tlie wav from Buenos Aires in a Swed-
ih motorboaot.
Commander In Chief Will Not
Undertake General Of
fensive At This Time '
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press war expert)
New York, July 24. General IVh
still continues his strategy of caution
instead of adopting Von Hindeiiburg's
strategy of slaughter. The war will not
be won in the Aisne-Marno salient.
Therefore, General Freh is determined
not to be lured into major operations
to gratify the eager expectations of
spectators at home.
The doniinau,faeter in the present
situation between the Aisne and the
Mump is that the Germans are eager
to inveigle the allies into engaging in
a great major offensive before Ameri
ca 's strength is fully ready, while Gen
eral Foch is determined not to make
this mistake. It is, therefore, well with
in the limits of Von Hindcnburg's
strategy for great numbers of German
reserves to be assembled south of the
Aisne. These reserves are capable of
forcing General Foch to pay a large
death toll for moderate gains. i
Instead of accepting so crude a chal
lenge, -general Foch is ko!difr baok,
patiently waiting for America's next
million to arrive before striking with
his matured power.
Tho present operations have immense
ly improved the Franco-American lines
defending the roadways to Puris. To
persist in heavy sacrifices of life for
secondary advantages would bo spec
tacular, but would not be sound strat
egy. If the losses are to come it is far
better that they should occur next nu-
fromm rtn nart a,tiinfr rtn cTi, ti r tlia hflf-
tie front over the Lorraine border far
into Germany. The Rhine, not the
Aisue, is the plnce to end the war. Fur
thermore, on American advance toward
the Rhine would compel Von Ilindcn
burg to withdraw from the Aisne
Marne salient or elsewhere along the
west front so that by shortening his
lines he might find troops to defend
territory. General . Foch is losing no
tricks between the Aisne and the
Mame. War can't be played as fast
as baseball.
Offensives On Two Fronts
Backed By Naval And
Air Operations
By Henry Wood
(United Press Staff Correspondent.;
Rome, July 24. Austria-Hungary i
nlannir.sr a triple offensive against Italy
' according to dispatches received from
I Italian correspondents in Switzerland
j Tho program includes military driven
in the Venetian region of the Italian
front and in Albania, together with a
naval offensive along the Adriatic coast
Simultaneuosly, Austrian aviators are
to bomb Italian citites back of the linen
aud attempt to fcgain the ascendency on
both the Italian and Albanian fronts.
According to reports, Austria-Hungary
ig openly counting on German aid,
despite the fact General Von Below 's
tentative appointment as commander in
chief of the Austrian armies was re
cently reported to have cancelled, fol
lowing strenuous objection by the Au
tro Hungarian high command.
The presence of British and Ameri
can forces on the Italian front, togcthet
with the overwhelming defeat of the re
cent Austrian drive, has given the Ital
ian military officials the greatest con
fidence in their ability to withstand
any A ust re-German blow that mat fall.
In Albania, th" present drive of the
French and Italians has given them a
cui'ife of position that will be a great
handicap to tic enemy. It is doubted
that very strong German forces can be
spared from other fronts for this tuea
ter, and transportation problems would
(Continued on page two)'
Germans Compelled To Give
' Ground In Every Hard '
Contested Action
General Foch Shows Ability
As Mary Strategist
Daring Operations
By Lowell Mellett
(I'nited Press staff correspondent)
With the French Armies in the
Field, July 23. (Night) Another day
of hard fighting has gone well with
the allies. Although at one point they
threw back he advancing Americans
temporarily, the Oermans were com
pelled to give ground in many places,
the most important of which" were in
the regions of Soissons and Rheima
the two points at which they are mak
ing their most frantic resistance.
Near Soissons, the euemv felt the
piuch of the 'Franco-American shears.
Near Rheims, the Franco-British shears
jabbed its point in a little farther, add
in gto tho danger of tho German army
in the pocket below.
The Germans slight success resulted
from a heavy counter attack, which
ousted the Americans from Epieds.
But the Americans later gained the
town and advanced a bit farther.
The object of the Germans in thow
ing in strong forces here is not certain
but it is believed to be necessary to
protect the slow process of withdrawal
of supplies and troops from the. pocket.
Aviators a- Active -
Incidentally today's reports showed
that all munition depot fires aro not
the result of their destruction by the
Germans but allied aviators and .long
(Continued on page three)
1 Y T J T T T
Mrs. Tilford Moots
same plow she went
s still usin' til
t' houseloeepin'
with. Another funny thing about th'
war is that th' feller that used t' look
fer a position now looks fer a job.
Allied Offensive Forced Ger
mans To Use Fifteen Re-
serve Divisions
Washington, July24 The allicl ad
vance south of fsoissions has been prac
ti"iillv "steadied" the last two days,
Chief of Staff March stated today.
j YhU was duo apparently to tho in-Mireti'-n
f iiftccn fresh German divt
sione into th.i .'truggle.
Xttiii; an anvance of from 6ne and
'a half to two miles on the east f!diik
'of the i.iirnc-Hi.cims salient, March ad-'d-d:
j ".V'ong th.. M.'ine .itself the Ai.icr,
cans and Ff ndi have crossed the riven
at a u mber of points and now bold I
village) ti the north of the Marne.
' Ke-ipoiise f the Germans to the j
counter ofl'eisive of Foch was to throw
in at i.isnns ;.nd south of it, a large'
number of r u'.e divisions which hoi
Despite Desperate Resistance, However, Americans Ad
vance Steadily Wiping Out Troops Opposed to Them
Yankee Boys Now Fishing in Mame, Lately Held by
Boche ForcesGround Retaken Covered with Battle
Wreckage and Dead Germans.
By Fred S. Ferguson.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Armfes In France,
July 24. (8.50 p. ui. Dcspito o.'dirs to
hold to the death, the Crown Prince's
rear guard is being forced to give way
before tho? allied attack along practical
ly the whole front.
Prisoners declare the units of the tear
guard were ordered to Remain at their
posts and hold off the Americans to the
last. Before the violence of the Ameri
can assault they are U.'ing wiped out or
taken prisoners.
The advance is proceeding cautiously
at all points, however, owing to the
great of German reinforcements and
their increasing resistance. On many
sectors the battlo occasionally loses all
resemblance to a rear guard action and!
appears as though the Germuns intended
to make a permanent stand. . N.3W Ger
man reserve 'divisions are being constan
tly identified.
The bitterest fighting is proceeding
noTth or Jaulgonne, where the Ameri
cans arevt'ulniging thoir bridgehead.
Americans aro pressing northward
along the main road from Chateau
Thierry to Foro-En-Tardenois, in th.?
region of Epids (four miles northeast of
Chateau-Thierry), harrying tho enemy i
retirement toward Fere-En-Tardenois,
on.i of their principal communication j
centers. In this region our forces cap
tured Marie farm, an important strate
gic point.
Coming through a certain woods, an
American unit found the bochos had es
tablished machine guns every ten yards
and they wer,e seemingly impregnable.
The Americans massed as though for a
frontal attack. Wl.ilo the Germans-' at
tention was centered on these ,forcesr
other Americans made a wid.3, encircl
ing movement and suddenly charged the
onemy from behind flanks. They wero
taken completely by surprise and sur
rendered tu escape slaughter.
Everywhere dro the most impressive
and unusual scenos. French and Am
erican soldiers arc fishing in the Marne
at points where the Germans so recent
ly crossed the river. American troops,
wagons and guns continue to pour
across to the north bank? -
In Coverinir flptivWiftH Amor!rnn nnn.
tingenls are pressing through Toicv, 1U, 1 ""'" a anv aBalll tlie um
Boureches, Chalcau-ThWrv, Vaux aiid 'la le thoV wt'r0 concentrating Jo
other historic points, which n week ago dlvl810" v0,000 men) for the Cham
were held bv the bodies. PaS'' operation. The Flanders drive
The results of heavy artillery fire ,Jwns tu follow ,hfl Crow" ? Pll9h
sr.-n everywhere-dead bodies, dead 1 as 8U"" thl ,,ltter h&i tt'l M'
horses, smashed wagons, wrecked homes
and trees snapped off like matches.
lievnnd Chateau Thierry I saw a potato I
patch with most of the crop blown nut j
of the ground by shells. In the midst I
of tlvr patch was a hollow German dug-1
out covered over by tho foot board and
headboard of a wooden bed taken from"
a nearby house. Tho boche occupants!
had left blankets, coats and other eii-
uipment in their flight.
The villages north of the Marne are'
badly wrecked and display shell freaks
that remind one of the queer pranks
played by our American tornadoes. One
shell, hitting the side of a house, tore
off the wall that served as the back of
a cupboard. The dishes stood levcaled
ou the shelves, untouched.
Along the road near the river, which
was held by the enemy a few days back,
I saw prisoners at work filling in shell
holes and smoothing the way for the
American wagons-and guns.
The Americans are in the highest of
spirits, dispite the fact that they aro
bad no used in Ins advance across the
Marne. .
Our belief is that It; threw in there
fifteen div'sionn and the advance of the
allied at thatpoiut has been practically
steadifd for the lust tT0 1b' far 113
our official information goes."
I'.twica the Morno and Rheims the
onemy lias been pushed back on a ten
ir.ile front to a depth of from one and
a half to two miles.
The Gcnaniib have only one rail linffl
over wnich to carry out their retreat, un
less they have constructed some mmor
fld uacks, lie said.
"Jt seems that the Lord has lecome
tired of His partnership of 'me and
G.itt,' " llarcn declared during his de
scription of the great Franco-American
nffriMhe of tn; past week.
The '.erman retreat, he said, was in
respeeik similar to the Austrian
berk across the Piave. A storm
had concealed the allied movements that
n.ode possible the pushing back of the
evy. That was what March referred
(Continued on page three)
literally snatching their food and rest
on the run.
Two doughboys, bringing in two bo
erics, forced the latter to carry a cap
tured machine gun. Then they decided
their packs were getting heavy and
made the prisoners carry them. En
route to headquarters they came upon
two dead Germans.
"I think the bodies ought to, bury
their own dead, don't you?"
Sure," answered tho other.
Whereupon they sot the two prisoners
at work digging graves.
The morale of the boche prisoners is
very lowrvThey ate astounded nt the
power of the Franco-American attack.
Drive Against British In Flan
ders May Now Never Be
Carried Out As Planned
By Frank J. Taylor. y
(United Pross Staff Correspondent,)
With Tho American Armies In France,
July 24. Tho German Drive southward
between Holssona and Main' Be Masigcs
wsa one of three pushes they contend
plnted this lumracr-rtwa toward Paris
and one toward the channel ports, ac
cording to information obtuincd f.oin
prisoners. Tho recent effort, which re
sulted so disastrously aud gummed up
the whole program,. was aimed toward
Chalons and Epcrnay. The French and
Americans hav.e captured Gorman offi
cers who wero prematurely appointed
mayors of French cities to be occupied,
including the two named.
Captured bodies also declare that a
large number of divisions were massed
t0 ao8rpe.or
Many prisoners captured near dois-
sons have been identified as recently
removed from Flanders, indicating the
failuro of tho Champagno drive disrupt
ing the contemplated Flanders cam-
(Continued on page two)
From "Over There
General Pershing's Official Report
Washington, July -24 General Per
shing's casualty list today totaled 108,
as follows:
Killed in action 20; died of wounds
14: died of disease 17: died of aero-
piano accident SJ; died of accident andjC'al.
other causes) 5; wounded severely 4H;
missing 1; prisoner 1. .
The list follows:
Killed In Action
Lieutenants W, V. Fitzgerald, Wor
cester, Mass.
F. K. Ilirth, Toledo, Ohio
W. (,'. Orr, Jr., Philadelphia
Sergeant G. E. llunsacker, Dawson
Springs, Ky. .. . .
I Bell, Chicago
It. lllackwell, illuefield, W. Va.
C. frames, New Vork
(!. (McuiKcr, Chicago
II. K. Heap, 'Juliet, III.
J. F. Kennedy, 'ataaqua, Pa.
.7. Meyer, Belleville, 111.
T. Moriarity, St. Louis, Ma.
J. Papovasilupulos, Chicago
M. K. Pfahl, Brooklyn, N. Y.
S. E. Rowland, Warren, Pa.
P. A. Schmidt, East St. Louis, 111.
M. ('. Smith, Morgantown, N. C.
C. C Somerville, Raleigh. X. D.
C J. Teunones, East Chicago, Ind.
E. F. Watt, Warren, Pa.
' Died of Wounds
Sergeant E. 8. Finley, Htcelton, Pa.
B. Albert, Xew Vork City
J. Hlasius, Jr., Chicago
H. Boswell, Chicugo
W. Budzynskl, South Bend, Ind.
H Dale. Grand View, Hash.
W. Degree, Stewart, Minn.
E- H. Graham, Greensboro, Ala. ,
('. (Iiinnburg, Staunton, III.
F. V.'. Helikson, Franklin Mine, Mich
F. M. King, lA.pew, N. Y.
A. K. Lyng, Chicago.
17V ' fr5 JT If iWk
Li ilSII
Up T6 5:20 This Aftemooa
Americans Were Making
Slow But Steady Progress
Retreating Germans Sacri
fice Last Man of Rear
Guards to Delay Advance
Kaiser Witnessed Failure cf
. His Latest West Front Of
fensive. By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American Armies in France
July 24. (5:20 p. m) American
troqps, advancing north of Chateau
Thierry this afternoon, captured th
village of F.pieds (five miles northeast
of Chateau-Thierry) for the third time,'
after violent. fighting in the streets.
Epieds .previously had been taken
twice by tho Americans, only to be lost
in German counter attacks. The vil
lage is completely in Tuins.
In the Bois De Chatelet (six tnilesj
directly north of Chateau-Thiorry),
the Americans encountered stiff resist-
lance from Germaa machine guns. They
took tha wood iby storm, at the point of
rthe 'bayoiiet and are bow urouressinir
beyond its northoru borders,
American units wero delayed tempo
rarily in Bois De Barbillon (south of
Epieds) by an array of German ma- .
chine gun, posts, which were establish
ed at intervals of only ten yards. Feint
ing a frontal attack, the American
flanked the boches, taking numerous,
Between the Ourcq and the Marne,'
French and American troops aro press
ing forward with the Germans contest-
ing every foot. Prisoneis declare tha
enemy posts along tho Ourcq aro be-,
ing savrificed, to the last man, to du
lay the allied advance sufficiently for
establishment o'f German defense lines
in tho rear.
Mounted men arc rcconnoitcring
north of Chateau-Thierry, harassing
the enemy. They have in reduced a new
departure in warfare, acting as grena
diers on horseback. Several enemy do
tachments have been broken up by
grenades hurled by the cavalrymen.
Prisoners also tell stories of a fnkal
(Continued on page three)
of ' onor
O. Oberto, Springvatley, 111.
J. Reil, Wuthena, Kan.
Died of Diseaa;
Sergeant J. It. Recder, Tiijton, Iowa
Mechanic John It, Veary, Merced,
Bugler F. E. Frandie,- Philadelphia,
H. W. Bragg, Cedar Onp, Mo..
E. Bruton, ltridgdioro, Cm.
W. ('onion, Anaconda, Mont.
A. A. ttox, White Sulphur Spring!.
Norris J. Delnnd, Philadelphia
H. A. Hill, Cowgill, Mo.
H. Johnson, New Orleans, La.
H. E. Lcanelk, Fort Yute N. D.
J. J. McAvoy, Detroit, Mich.
I). J. Warren, New York City
E. J. Rcilly, Jr., East Orange. N. J.
T. Radvanski, Chicago
H. (I. NiH'ticer, Ashland, Or.
P. E. Williams, Hakorfiold, Oal.
Died of Aeroplane Accident
Lieutenant Casper M. Kielland, Buf
falo, N. Y.
Sergeant J. C. Moshler, Sun Luia
Obispo. Cal.
Died from Acddent and Other Causes
Lieutenant Edgar A. Fisher, Oriska,
X. D.
Sergeant R. E- Harlacher, Allentown
Privates L. E. Kettering, Washing
ton, D. C.
C. S. Moon, South tiend, Ind.
Louis D. Pyoner, Norfolk, Va.
Wounded Severely
Mechanic G. Stockoff, Chicago
Privates L. Gotembiewski, Chicago
vj. L. Heath, Canada
A.' E. Holgate, Corvallis, Or. I
H. L. alillcr, Hillsboro, Or. '
F. R. Parker. Woodland, Cal.
Lieutenant C. M. Young, Vallc
Junction, low.