Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 23, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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tnifMM i.tnotti ;
Bate pr word New Today:
.Csa's. insertion - lc
On week (6 insertions) . 5c
One month (20 insertions) lie
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisement
Bead your advertisement the first day
It appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge 15c.
FOB KENT Sleeping room, for work
ing men at 650 N. Winter. 7-23
WANTED To rent 5 room modern
houap rlose in. Phone 203. 7-2 1
POUND Small leather purse. Call at
Journal office. 7-23
IADY wishes work by dav. Phone
154J. ' 7-27
EOOFS reshingled oi patched and tar
red. 1'houe 1074, C. 0. Kay. 7-23
SECOND hand Ford for sale. 726 N.
15th St. 7-24
WANTED Veal calves. Phone 1576
W. 8-6
WANTED Strained honey in bulk.
Cherry City Bakery Co. tf
HAVE you wood sawing I Call phone
f. tf
OCX W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf
FOB SALE Young canarys -50e young
singers guaranteed $1. 31)0 E. Wash
ington Bt 7-23
FOB SALE -9 stands of bees, one blaek
driving horse, sprayer, single buggy
harness. Phone 8F23. 7-25
GIRLS or women wanted at the Glove
factory for steady work. 7-23
50 CORDS first growth fir, R. 8, box
121. Call Sunday. 7-26
WANTED 50 tons of hay baled.
Phone 254 or l22. - 7-23
FOB SALE One Lisley hop. press, $20
Geo. Sweeglc. 7-23
WANTED A farm of 50 to. SO acres
on shares. Address J 20 care Jour
nal. . 7.23
FOUND 2 auto tires on McMinnville
road. Owner may have same by call
ing L. B. Versteeg, R. 1, box 06. 7-26
FOR SALE 10x110 tent in excellent
condition. Worth $7 to $800 new will
sell at a bargain. See' manager Ore
gon theater. 7.23
3 HORSES, 2 wagons, eet of harness
and other tools, will sell cheap.
Phono 2273R or call at 51)5 Marion.
REWARD Lost bull pup about 3 mos
old, 1 brown ear, side head brown.
Answers to, name of "Jiggs." Thone
1341R, 143 Court street tf
FOB SALE Studebaker 4, 11)14, $450.
Studebaker 4, 1917 $800. Both of
these cars are in the best of condi
tion. Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com
mercial, tf
FOB RENT The Ryan building, oppo
site Marion hotel. P. J. Kuutz. re
ceiver, 309 Bank of Commerce. 7-29
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double Toll
npwai'd- Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
WANTED Man and team, can make
from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone
4X51 Turner. tf
HOUSEKEEPING- apartment! and
ingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
(133 Ferry street. tf
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
rent, address, B. R. care of Journal.
EXPERIENCED driver of auto trucks
and pleasure cars, wants position;
steady, or trips. Phone 2210R. 7-27
WANTED 4 room cottage furnished.
Give full particulars. O. A. Capital
Journal. 7-23
FOB SALE Oat and wheat hay in
shock, also 1 aero flax pulled. Ad
dress Box 47B, Turner, Or. 7-24
GENERAL Repair work done, rugs
cleaned, 35c per rug. Phone 1022.
Fixit Shop. 7-31
FOB SALE 40 acre farm, some of
best land in Oregon, stock and crop
includod, must be sold. R. F. D. 1,
hox 42. Scio, Or. 7-21
HEAVY 4 year old work horse for sale
at a bargain. Works single or double
extra line horse, must be sold .at
once. Phone G1F13, Rt. 2, box 56. 7-24
AUTOMOBILE Chalmers touring,
model IS, 6 cylinder, cosj, 1913, $2300
Good condition. Two now cord tires.
Price $500.. Phone 79. 7-23
J30 WHITE Leghorn hens, 1 year old,
for salo; also 3 Belgian hares. Call
morning 2097J. Mm. H. P. Hummell,
2340 Telnet Ave. 7-23
FOR SALE Horse, eight years old,
1300 lbs. Mitchell wagion, rubber tire
buggy, harness, DelJaval separator
No. 15. Address A. E. Peterson, Rt.
9, box 160, Silverton road, or phone
15F3. 7-23
WANTED 25 cords 2nd growth fir
wood delivered at the Frescott or
chards 2Vj miles on Oak Grove road.
Phono 58F24, Eugene T. Prescott.
MONEY WANTED I have several
goo-l applications for loans, ranging
from $550 to $2500, these properties
are all good values, parties will pay
7 per cent for 3 years. W. A. Liston,
agent. 7-27
FOB SALE Chevrolet auto, 5 passen
ger, 1918 model, run about 1200
miles, good os new except little tire
wear, has extra tire and other extras.
No. 7 Oliver typewriter, good as
new and also 1 high grade Jersey
milk cow, all for sale cheap. See or
write Ross Condit, Aumsvillc, Or. 7-23.
M UST SELL my mo dern 6 room house
at once, located on graveled street,
" one block from paved street, 2 blocks
from car line, 4 blocks from school,
large lot and garage, terms if desir
ed. Act at once if you want a good
home cheap. Address J 24 care Jour
nal, tf
IF Mrs. Dora Gesner will communi
cate with Mr. Dunham, New Perkins
Hotel, Room 408,, Portland, Or., she
will receive information to her ben
efit, or any one who knows of her
whereabouts will confer a favor by
writing me. 7-24
FOR SALE Or trade, one acre land
and. 5 room houss, small barn with
other out buildings located in small
town with standard high school, flour
ing mill, saw mill, 2 stores and 2
churches, Also 10 acres 1 mile out of
same place with 4 room house, barn
and other small bmlcUngs. Will sell
cheap for icash or will trado both
for a small farm, or will trade for
city property. Address R. C. ear
Journal- 7-23
STENOGRAPHER wishes position to
assist in office, some experience,
willina to start in with smali salary.
Phone 282. 7-24
FOB SALE A beautiful modern six
room home in excellent condition.
Call 33.? Richmond Ave., after 6 p.
in. or Sundavs. 7-24
WANTED To lease for 3 years, a
fruit farm near Salem, with machin
ery included; must have good build
ings: with, or near pasture. Write
Bt. 3. box 143. O. W. Brown. tf
WANT to sell half interest in modern
apartment house to single lady or
gentleman, who can manage same, it
is full of good tenants, or will trade
half interest for real estate; 40
rooms, building and lot. Box 333, Sa
lem, Or. 7-23
FOB BENT Furnished or unfurnished
modern 5 room bungalow, within 15
minutes walk from state street, near
ear line; furnishings are first class,
rent reasonable to the right parties,
garage and garden. No children. Ad
dress P 20 care Journal. 7-23
FOB BENT Furnished house, for one
who wants first elas place, hot
water beat, two fire places and com
pletely furnished throughout. Ad
dress Box 373, Salem, Or. tf
men, elerkg at Washington. Examina
tions everywhere in August. Experi
ence unnecessary. Women desiring
government positions writs for free
particulars to J. C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1059 Keaou
Mdg., Washington, D. C. 7-29
Professional Market
In WaHStreet Today
New' York, July 23. The Evening
Sun financial review today said:
The stock market today degenerated
for the most part into a professional
scalping affair. Fluctuations, outside
of a few stocks subject to special in
fluences, were meaningless.
The outstanding ifeiaturV.. if there
was any, was the thin iDnying power,
a natural development, in view of the
tightness of the money market and
the apprehension regarding taxation
Dealings throughout the late trading
lacked significance and the market con
tinned dull. United States Steel at
104 5-8 made a new low for the day at
that figure was 1 points below Mon
day's clostf.
There was no new factor, large or
smali, to influence the course of the
N. Berkeley, federal employment
agtnt at Pendleton, states that last
week he placed something over 100
farm workers, and fully 25 men a day
are being placed in the harvest fields
through the Pendleton agency. ,
Notice To The Public
We wish to inform the public that
we are running the Capital Garage
Repair Shop and we guarantee all
work to be satisfactory. We do all
kinds of auto repairing and weld
ings. We tighten and reset anto
wheels springs made and repaired.
We take care of storage batteries.
We also carry a stock of accessor
ies. We have an expert from San
Francisco to look after ignition and
Ask for our service car. Fair and
courteous treatment at all times.
The Capital Garage
173 South Liberty Phone 88
Supreme Court Affirms Legal
ity of Action of Public
. Service Commission
Portland 's six -cent street car fare was
upheld today by an opinion handed
down, by the supreme court. , The opin
ion was written by Justice Burnett.
The court held that the power once
possessed by the city of Portland to
fix rates in franchises was given the
city by the state, and since then it has
been withdrawn by the sate and placed
in the public service commission. As a
consequence the commission has author
ity to change the rates in a franchise
and the question of impairment of a
contract is noj involved.
The decision affects every town or
city iu the state which may he at
tempting to hold public service utili
ties to the rates fixed in their franch
ises. In a synopsis of the court's decision,
Justice Burnett says:
"The contention of the city in tho
main is that the franchise granted by
its ordinance to the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company constituted a
contract between it and the company,
the obligation of which coud not be im
paired by the action of the'public ser
vice commission. The court holds in
substance that the city could not h;re
granted such a franchise unless the pow
er to do so had been delegated to it by
the riuht to maintain tho railway in the
city the municipality acted as a gov
ernmental agency of the state and real
ly entered into the arrangement on be
half of the state; that the latter, hav
ing delegated authority to the city and
and inado an agent of the city for the
purpose in question, could rightfully re
voke that agency and establish another;
that by the enactment of the public ser
vice law it had created such a new
agency in the form of the publie ser
vie oinmission, giving it plenary pow
er in all such matters.
'So far as it affects tho Portland
charter, it is true that the constitution
denies to tho legislative assembly the
power to enact or amend any particular
charter oy a special law, but, as held
in tha case of Rose against tho Port of
Portland, it is competent for that body
to pass a general law which is para
mount in authority over all city char
ers, and this is what happened when it
passed the general public service law
which was approved by the people on
tne referendum.
"Tho case of the city is not aided
by the fast that it sought to amend its
charter by the initiative process after
tho passage of the publie service legis
lation so as to assume for itself within
the territory substantially all tho pow
ers of the publie service comnii3sion.
Tho reason for this is that the light
to fix fares and and freights is a branch
of the state's legislative prerogative
and is not merely a local issue affecting
any particular city or town and that
the initiative and referendum powers
aro reserved to legal voters of cities and
towns only as to local, special and mu
nicipal legislation. The icntiro question
of regulating publie service corporations
in their charges for their services to
the puulic is referable to the authority
of the state on such Bubjeets. The
wholo public, and not any local munici
pality, is affected by this power and no
city or town can so amend its charter
as to arrogate to itself powers primari
ly resident in the state, without the
consent of the latter. Whatever may
be said of the franchiso of tho com
pany, whether it bo an agreement be
tween contracting parties or a piece of
legislation, it exists suhiect to the ever
present police power of the state so to
regulate it that iu its relation to the pub
Kc the company shall render reasonable
services and be entitled to a reasonable
remuneration therefor.
"The conclusion is that by the gener
al law relating to public service cor
porations the state had a right to, and
did, in effect, withdraw from tho city
of Portland the agency authorizing it to
grant a franchise to, or enter into a con
tract with the company for a five-cent
fare, and appointed another agency, the
public service commission, with full pow
er to act for the state, and that to this
new agency the company had amilied
for a change in the agreement, with the
result tnat the parties to the contract
the company on one side and the state,
represented by its public service com
mission, on the other, mutually agreed
to change thefranchise or contract so
as to allow tha company to charge six
cents instead of five. Without regard
to what might be "aid if either party
to the contract or franchise, without
the consent of the other, should attempt
to change it, cither by legislation or
otherwise, the impairment of the obliga
tion of the agreement is not involved.
it is a case where those who made the
contract had mutually agreed to its
Other Opinions.
Other opinions wera handed down as
W. W. Green vs. Harold Smith et al.
apeilauts; appealed from Linn; suit for
foreclosure of mortgage;; opinion by
Justice Benson; Circuit Judge Galloway
C. W. Horst vs. Columbia Contract
company, appellant; appealed from
Multnomah; suit for damages resulting
from eollission of steamboat with fish-
By using the ideas you will
find in The Advertising W01U
magazine you can keep ahead
of the other fellow.
Sample copy 10 cents, ia
Columbus, O.
Great Red Cross Benefit Cele
bration Will Be History
1 Making Event
One week from today, Tuesday, July
30, Sulcni will be observing with appro
priate ceremonies, the dedication of the
new bridge across the Willamette river.
Built at a cost of a quarter of a mil
lion dollars ,the bridge will be entirely
paid for at the time of dedication.
The chairmen of the several commit
tees are already aerivo m preparing
their special parts of the progVam, and
the indications are that when the day
arrives Salem will be ready to entertain
a crowd that will rival m numbers the
big event when the Liberty bell stop
ped for a few hours in the city.
Charles R. Archerd, chairman of the
committee on auctions, says: "The
privilege of being the first person to
drive across the new bridge will be auo
tioned off at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing from the grand stand. Those who
anticipate bidding are requested to have
their autos convenient in order that tho
highest bidder may be ready at once to
head the procession.
John W. Todd, chairman of the com
mitteo on music, savs: "We a.ra al
ready in correspondence with several
bands for the big day. The songs for
the community sing in the evening- have
already been selected. Tha Cherrian
band will accompany the singers for tha
most popular songs"
Dr H. E. Lee Steincr, chairman of H19
committee on entertainment, says:-" The
entertainment committee will see that
something is doing from the time the
early morning auction begins until the
close of the day 'a program at Marion
square. We expect a big crowd for the
occasion and the entertainment commit
tee will see that It is properly taken
care of."
A.. A. Lee, chairman of the committee
on speakers, says: "The dedicatory ad
dress of the moning will be delivereti
by Justice George H. Burnett. The two
other speakers of the day will be men
of prominence, befitting such an occa
sion, but the committee is not as yet
ready to announce their names."
Dr. H. II. Olingcr, chairman of the
committee on concessions, says: "Our
committee has already nudo arrange
moms for a merry-go-round in order
that the children may enjoy the day.
There will bo a dancing pavillion, for
which a concession has been granted
and several concessions for the serv
ing of ice cream. "
W. T. Rigdon, chairman of the parade
committee, is in conference with the
military men and those who will be
asked to take part in the parade. With
in a day or so, the eommittee will be
able to make its final arrangements, llw
souvenir committee, with Henry W. My
ers, chairman, has been busy for sevcrtl
weeks and already has on hand the sou
venir flags, and has everything in readi
ness for the big event
While there has been some discussion
as to closing hours for the day, there
has been no definite rlan arranged
However, the general opinion is that at
least all stores in the. city Bhould close
at noon. This matter will come before
tha Business Men's league, C. 8. Ham
ilton, director.
sc j)( jjc st )c j( ijc sc sjc )(c sjs
State House News
Wynter Willis, who was sent to the
penitentiary from Multnomah county,
esca.ed yesterday afternoon while en
joying the privileges of a trusty. He is
2-t years old and twice has been sen
tenced to prison. He was first sentenc
ed for larceny, and was paroled in
1916. Then he." was convicted of steal
ing an automobile and was given a
sentence of one year. He bad complet
ed that sentence last April, and was
now serving the balance of his first
xmtenee- Prison officials say . they
think he made his escape on a motor
cycle furnished him by a boy who was
formerly in the state training school.
Negative arguments against two of
the measures which will be voted on
next Novemfber were filed today with
Secretary of State Olcott. One is
aaainst tha bill closing the Willam
ette river to commercial 'fishing below
Oregon City to near Oswego. The argu
ment was f ilel by the UJacaamas coun
ty Fishermen's Union. The other is
against the bill appropriating $200,000
for'a home for dependent, delinquent
and defective children. It was filed by
the Taxpayers League of Portland, L.
J. Goldsmith secretary.
Vipon his return from Medford, State
Engineer Lewis reports having receiv
ed an offer in writing from the Bogmj
River Valley Canal company to ns-
ing boat; opinion by Justice Bean; Cir
cuit Judges Davis affirmed.
First Savings Bank of Albany vs. Ly-
dia L. Mycr, et al., appellants; appealed
from Linn; suit for foreclosure of mort
gage; opinion by Justice Judge etaoino
gage, opinion uy tfusucv jvjau, vucun
Judge Galloway affrmed.
II. H. Howitt, as trustee, ys. Bernard
Arndt, et al., appellants; appealed from
Linn; suit to foreclose three trust deeds
given as mortgages; opinion by Justice
Bean; decree of Circuit Judge Galloway
H. L. fitudley vs. City of Eugene;
appealed from Lane; suit to foreclose
the certificate of delinquency on blocks
in city of Eugene; opinion by Justice
Johns; Circuit Judge Hamilton affirmed.
State of Oregon vs. t'hong Bon, ap
pellant; appealed from Union; Chong
Bon was convieted of murder for will
ing another Chinaman; petition for re-
Female BelUHops Latest War Contribution
A '-.- f I t ill
i ' ---- i - !
TlarmeTCttes, chauffcrettes, conductorettes what next you ask. Why, tenia ! bell-hops, to be sure! "Call for Sen
ator Smith" will now be trilled by sweet soprano voices instead of the deep, raucous bass which will soon be a
thing of the past. This is a group picture of the pa.go girls at the Waldorf-Astoria hotd, Mew York, who aro con
tributing their mite to woman power so as to release man power. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood.
Hearst Is Candidate
For Primary Nomination
Saratoga, N. Y., July 23. William
Randolph Hearst, New York publisher,
reiterated today through his represent
ative, Lawrence J. O'Reilly, that he is
in the lace for the democratic nomina
tion for governor. This wa3 stated to
day aa democats prepared to open their
state convention here.
A canvass of delegates from the up
state counties showed only one, Albany
for tho New York publisher.
The New York City delegation was
almost solid'for Hearst,
Both Mayor Harry C Walker ot
Binghamton and Alfred E. Smith ot
New York have many supporters Smith
as yet had notj announced his inten
tions. Many delegates believed James W.
Gerard, former ambassador to Germany
had been definitely removed from con
sideration with the avowed intention
of Hearst to run.
William Church Osborn is still in the
race, his managers declared, but his
name will not be before the conven
tion. Ho will depend on the primaries,
without endorsement.
Indications early today were that a
plank would be inserted in- tho plat
form calling for a referendum on tho
question of ratifying tho federal pro
hibition amendment. It also is probable
there will .be a plank favoring either
government or municipal ownership of
public utilities.
The upstate delegates will meet to
night and endeavor to agree on somo
man they aH will endorse.
I .W. W, Recommended
As Liquor Cure
Chicago, July 23. The I. W. W. to
day was recommended as a liquor cure,
an ediiffltor and a power for good. Wal
lace. Smilk, Spokane. Wash., logger and
one of the I. W. W. leaders on trial
here, gave his " testimonial" from tho
witness stand in federal court,
and Innriicd to read their literature.
Smith declared he was illiterate until
he became interested in the f. W. V.
"It cured me of booze, too," he
said. "I know other fellows it cured,
Smith was one of the defenw wit
nesses intended to prove the I. W.- W.
had not planned a "strike offensive"
to prevent conscription. Tho lumber
strike of last year, he, said, was an ef
fort to win the first vugo increase
since J907.
Three automobile wheels and tires
were stolen lust evening from machines
at the Chautauqua grounds. Dr. E. E.
Fisher reported to the police his loss.
Later Ralph Bailey, living on rural
route 2, Salem, reported his'extra tire
and wheel had been stolen while be
attended the Chautauqua lecture and
Mrs. Fred Lamport the loss of the
extra wheel and tire carried on her
car. All wheel were of the standard
3'i by 30 iwhes. Up to late this af
ternoon the thieves had not born lo
cated. There is just a suspicion that a
Arings Honor To Princeton
pose of Fish Lake and Four Mile Lake
reservoirs, and its canal and water
rights to tho Medford Irrigation dis
trict aft $250,000, -reiHwving only 10
peeond feet of water for use on the
company lands.
Tho former offer was $400,000. This
was not given serious consideration by
the directors of the irrigation district.
They are disposed, however, to analyse
the new offer and ascertain the value
of existing canals and works to the
proposed project, according to Mr.
j hearing denied; opinion by Chief Justice
Dr. Steiner, superintendent of the
Oregon state hospital, reports that the
earth beneath the big water tank at
the asylum has ounk eight or 10 feet,
and he was in today, to get the state
engineer to make an investigation to
see what should be done to protect the
tank. It may be, he says, that the pump
lias drained a lake about SO feet be
neath the surface and that is tne
cause of the earth's settling.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the Commercial Hotel com
pany of Lakeview. It has a capital
stock of $50,000. The incorporators are
C. E. Sherlock, Harry Bailey, E. H.
Smith, S. V. Hehart and John C. Flynn
- - I j
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Who was an ahltie star at Prinrtton, has won tho cross in France. Through
bursting shell and shrieking shrupm'! ho carried the necessary ammunition to
his iiurd pressed marine comrades. Gen. Pershing awurdi'd him tho Disting
uislied Scrviio Cross for this bravery
gang of Portland auto thieves are fot- j air raid destroyed two torpedo boat
lowing the ChautawuaK, stealing- the I and important military works at
tires during the evening performance , brug-re, aiwoiding to advices from th
and well on their way to Portland be- fr"",il'r '"' . ,
fore the loss is discovered. I l accordance with a recent order
r, I (I,,, (,jty (.01M.il 0f T4ikoview, pool, bil-
Damag) From Air Baid ! Hards and ull card plnying have beeo.
Amstedam, July 23 The last allied .taboo sim-e midnight ef July 7.
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.