Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Bat per ward New Today: GIRLS or women wanted at the Glove
afech insertion Is factory for ateady work. 7-23
On week (6 ineertions) , 5e ..
One month (26 insertions) 17e P1?, R- 8, bo
v -i i i ..... v 121. Call Sunday. 7-26,
The Capital Journal will not be re- J
Sponsible for more than one insertion, WANTED 50 tons of hay baled,
far errors in Classified Advertisements Phone 254 or 6 7 23
Bead your advertisement the first day "
it appeara and notify ns immediately, for SALE One Lisley hop press, 20-
Minimum charge I5e. Geo. Sweegle. . 7-23
HAY pitchers wanted. Phone 3F3. 0. WASTED A farm of 50 to 80 acres
C. Russell Waconda. tf on shares. Address J 20 tare Jour-
" rial 7-23
liADY wishea work l)y day. Phone
l"9j- 7-27 WASTED Middle aged woman for
housekeeping, no children, 3 in fam-
FOR SALE Loganberries for canning. ily. Phone 1437. 7-23
Call after p. m. Phone 34F13. 7-22 -
- FOUND 2 auto tires on McMinnville
BOOPS reshingled oi patched and tar- rond. Owner may have same by call
red. Phone 1074, C. C. Kay. 7-25 ing L. B. Verstecg, B. 1, box 66.-7-26
SECOND hand Ford for sale. 726N. I WANT to hear from owner of acre-
latb St. 7-24 age firoperty for sale near Salem.
- ' Box 2G1 care Journal. 7-22
WANTED Veal calves. Phone 1570
' W. 8 6 WANTED House keeper; cooking
for 6 or 8 men; no children; no
STARTED 'Strained honey in bulk. washing; boi 45, Gervais, R 2. Phone
Cherry City Bakery Co. tf 3F11. 7-19
HAVE you wood sawing! Call phone WAST Young man who can write
."show card and do sign painting.
" , " Must have initiative. Manager, Ore-
CCL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer gon heater. 7-20
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf , '
FOR SALE 40x110 tent in excellent
FOR RENT Modern flat furnished. condition. Worth $7- to $800 new will
Call 1737 W. i.2L sejj a bargain, gee manager Oro-
gon theater. 7-23
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll .
npward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 3 HORSES, 2 wagons, net of harness
Commercial. tf and n,ther tooiSi will gell cheap.
" ; " Phone 2273B or call at 595 Marion.
I HAE several good farm mortgages j.gg
for sale. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Ma-
eonic bldg. Salem, Or. 7-22 REWARD Lost bull pup about 3 mos
. , . old, 1 brown ear, side head brown.
WANTED Man and team, can make Answers to name of " Jiggs." Phone
from $8 to $90 per day. Call phone 134iE 143 c rt t tf
4X51 Turner. tf
HOUSEKEEPING- apartment, and WANTED-Bookkeeper for general of-
nngle rooms, .leely fantiihed. at must have thorough
633 Ferry atreet. tf know.edge of double entry book-
7 keeping. Address H. S. care Journ-
' a 7.02
TWO and three room furnished apart-
rent, address, R. R. care of Journal.
EXPERIENCED driver of auto trucks
and ploasuro cars, wants position;
steady, or trips. Phone 2210R. 7-2
GIRL WANTED Call at 7:30 tonight,
room 7. Patton block, Pacific Photo
Co. 7-22
WANTED 1 room cottage furnished.
Give full particulars. O. A. Capital
Journal. 7-23
FOR SALE Oat and wheat hay in
shock, also 1 acre flax pulled. Ad
dress Box 47B, Turner, Or. 7-24
GENERAL Repair, work done, rugs
cleaned, 35c per rug. Phone 1022.
' Fixitfihop. 7-31
kins 314 Masonic bldg. Salem, Ore.
FOR SALE 40 acre farm, some of
best land in Oregon, stock and crop
included, must be sold. B- F. D. 1,
box 42. Scio, Or. 7-21
130 WHITE Leghorn hens, 1 year old,
for sale; also 3 Belgian hares. Call
' morning 2C97J. Mils. H. P. Hummell,
2340 Laurel Ave. 7-23
STENOGRAPHER wishes position to
assist in office, some experience,
willing to s'art in with small salary.
Phono 282. 7-24
FOR SALE A beautiful modern six
Toom home in excellent condition.
Call 335 Richmond Ave., after 6 p.
m. or Sundays. 7-24
WANTED Loganborry pickers, igood
berries and cataping, 2c per lb. until
j.sch is finished. Phone 96F3, J. W.
Woodruff. 7-22
FOR SALE Four room cottage, furn
ished, furnace, electric range, paved
street, close to car line, sacrifice
price. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
' State St. Phone 2315. 7-22
WANTED To lease for 3 years, a
fruit farm near Salem, with machin
ery included; must have good build
ings; with, or near pasture. Write
Rt. 3, box 143. O. W. Brown. tf
FOR RENT Furnished or Unfurnished
modern 5 room bungalow, within 15
minutes wlk from state street, near
car line; furnishings are first class,
rent reasonable to the right parties,
garage and garden. No children. Ad
dross P 20 are Journal. 7-23
WANTED Girl 14 to 16 years old.
who needs a good home, in the coun
try. Win be treated as a daughter,
receive kind treatment and some
wagea. One with no home preferred
Refined people. Phone 19F13. 7-22
FOR RENT Furnished house, for one
who want a first class place, hot
water heat, two fire place and com
pletely furnished thsoughont. Ad
dress Box 375, Salem,' Or. tf
men clerks at Washington. Examina
tions everywhere in August. Experi
nc unnecessary. Women desnring
government positions, write for free
particulars to J- C. Leonard, (former
civil aervice examiner,) 1059 KeU
bldg., Washington, D. C. 7-29
FOR SALE Studebaker 4, 1914, $450.
Studebaker 4, 1917 . $800. Both of
these cars are in the best of condi
tion. Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com
mercial, tf
WAITED Young girl 12 to 15 years
of age to make good home with us
in town, light work in exchange for
her care. Address E. P. care Journ
al.. . .. , 7-22
rvs OAuri norse, eigw years oia(
1300 lbs. Mitchell wagon, rubber tire
buggy, harness, DeJJaval separator
Jo. 15. Address A. JS. Peterson, Kt
9, box 160, Silvertion road, or phone
15F3. 7-23
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
ladv with 3 small girls, want to. keep
children with her, good home and
small wage expected. JMra. Marshall,
919 Mill St. 7-22
FOR SALE Two registered Red
Durham bulls. 7 and 10 month) old.
- One registered Holsteiu, 1 year old,
1 high grade white Durham, 1 year
old. Phone 1251W. 347 North High,
MUST SELL my modern 6 room house
at once, located on graveled street,
one block from paved street, 2 blocks
from car line, 4 blocks from school,
large lot and garage, terms if desir
ed. Act at once if you want a good
home cheap. Address J 24 care Jour
nal, tf
IF Mrs. Dora Gesner will communi
cate with Mr. Dunham, New Perkins
Hotel, Hoorii 408, Portland, Or., she
will receive information to her ben
efit, or any one who knows of her
wherealiouts will confer a favor by
writing me. 7-24
FOR SALE 20 acre farm, al cleared,
family orchard, 8 acreg wheat, 9 tons
of hay in barn, 4 acres planted to
corn, beans and potatoes, good team,
caw, chickens, farming implements
and household goods, well, spring,
running water in pasture, price $5000
one half cash, terms on balance, 6
per cent, interest. W. H. Grabenhorst
& Co.,' 275 State St. Phone 2315. 7-22
Notice To The Public
We wish to inform the public that
wo are running the Capital Garage
Repair Shop and we pun ran t oe all
work to be satisfactory. We do all
kinds of auto repairing and! weld
ings. We tighten and reset auto
wheols springs made and repaired.
We take care of storage batteries.
We also carry a stock of accessor
ies. We have an expert from San
Francisco to look after ignition and
Ask for enr service, ear. Fair and
courteous treatment at all times.
The Capital Garage
173 South Liberty . Phone 88
OurWarrt Ads oro
Wbrth GncfwirJxnjiBecaLa
tboyarebound tobrmths
Results jou want
Try Otiq loMorrow
Motorcycle Overturned In'
Attempt To Avoid Col-
hsioa WSi Street Car
Darius O. Bright, age 23, of Salem,
received injuries from which he died
two hours later at the Salem hospital
wb.on he ran his motorcycle into a mov
ing street car Sunday evening at Hood
and Fifth streets.
The street car was traveling at its
usual speed of 13 miles an hour east on
Hood street. Bright was going north on
Fifth street at a pr.?ttv rapid rate and
evidently did not ste the street car un
til within a distance of 30 feet.
According to those who saw the tia
gedy, he attempted to turn his motor
cycle cast on Hood as soon as he sa-v
the street car. But his speed was so
great that the motorcycle fell with
the rider and slid .distance of 26 feet
on the paved road, striking the street
car exactly in the center, between the
two trucks.
He slid feet first under the moving
car, but, the motorcycle wedged in be
tween him and the front break beam
of the rear truck. This prevented the
car from running over him as the mo
torcycle along with Bright was dragged
a distance of 50 feet before the street
car was stopped.
It is understood that ho had bocn try
ing out a motorcycle and had been rid
ing up and down Fifth street about
two hours. For some time he had been
employed with the firm of Scott &
Piper and since this firm closed out
their business, has been employed by
Ciydo Ramsden on South High street.
He had bees married about thnee months
and his home , was. 1705 Nort Fifth
Court House News
vvuii iiuudc ncno
)t 5jc 8 5C )c )C jsjt )t c 3fc 3C dc )C
M. 8. Lange and wife have filed a
complaint against Clifford Taylor and
wife in the circuit court. They allege
that Taylor and wife are unlawfully
in possession of aJtxmt 21 acres of land
and also that they have wasted and
destroyed valuable timber to the value
of $500. The land in question ig val
ued at $1500 and the plaintiffs sue for
$2000 and possession of the land.
John H. Porter guardian ad litem of
the minor heirs in the case of Josie
M. Moe versus Clarence A. Porter, An
nis R. Porter, Frank M. Porter, Geo
W. Porter and Fay J. Porter suggests
that the motion be granted in which
it was 3ked that three disinterested
persons be appointed to administer the
dower rights in the case. He suggested
the appointment of 1 . Callister, Ed
ward S. Porter and Chas. H. Long.
A marriage certificate was issued
Saturday to Merlo Putnam, 20, a can
dy maker W Salem and Cleda MciFar-
lane, 17, of Salem. Also to Miklo
Brooks, 28 of Salem, a laborer, and
Lena Mae Tauguay, 22, of Salem.
F. E. Oaliser, Ed R- Adams and M,
G. Gunderson were appointed apprais
ers by tlio county court of the estate
of Lillian A. Dixon, a minor. They
found $1000 in the Soolidge & McLain
bank of Silverton. The appraisement
was made in order that the bond of tne
guardian to be appointed by the court
should be properly tixeu.
Market Reactionary
In Wa3 Sireet Today
New York. July 22. The Evening
bun financial review today said:
In a narrow, quiet and moderately
reactionary market today, the profes
sionals, who monopolized trading, con
tinued to express disappointment over
the failure of the public to respond to
the successes achieved by the allies in
their counter offensive.
The opening was strong, but the trad
ers soon found that buying orders were
conspicuous by their absence and the
early trading was a quiet atrair. au
vances were shown in Brooklyn Rapid
Transit, Atchison, St. Paul, New Hav.
en, Western Marylasd and a few oth
er stocks, such as American Sumatra,
Hide and Leather preferred, Interna
tional NicWe and Marine Preferred.
On the cither hand, early losses of a
Ipoint or more were made by united
States Steel, Corn Products, Industrial
Alcohol, Anaconda, Baldwin Locomo
tive, Republic Steel and Inspiration
and a number of the less active inuus
For the Tuesday evening band con
cert at Willson -park, Misg Pauline
Li ska witt Ibe the soloist. The program
'as usual will open with, the playing of
the national anthem and closing with
The program is as follows:
Star Spangled Banner ..
March, Caesar mumpnal Mrtcncu
Selection, Algeria Victor Herbert
Waltz, An Autumn Reverie Rolfa
Whispering Flowerg "
Overture, Superba Dalbey
Vocal solo, elected ....
Mies Pauline Liska '
Intermezzo, The Rose
Selection, The Royal Chef Jerome
March, Garland Entree Kin?
Children Cry
Speakers' Stand And Seats
VYill Be Built On Water
Street North of Bndse
Plana for the great bridge dedication
are going forward rapidly and the var
ious committees are holding meetings,
each doin their special line of prepar
ation. The building committee, with F. B.
Southwick as chairman, has arranged
to build the speakers' grand Mand and
seats on Water street on the north
side of th approach to the bridge. The
committee on decoration with Paul
Stege as chairman has practically com
pleted an outline of their plans for
the decoration of the new bridge and
Marion square.
Mrs. John H. Carson, in charge of
the Red Cross auxiliaries, has notified
all Polk and Marion county auxiliar
ies and explained that whatever each
shall make from their booth on that
day, shall go into the treasury of the
separate auriliaries.
Tuesday evening of this week the ex
ecutive committee will meet at the
Commercial club and practically com
plete plans for the great event of
Tuesday July 30, when it is expected
more than 15,000 people will come to
Salem to assist in the dedication cere
monies. German Defeat Was
"Magnificent Feat"
Washington, July 22. Gener-
al Ludendorff has accomplish-
ed a magnificent feat of arms,
according to the Herman press,
and the original passage over
the Marne was only a diversion,
Zurich cables received today
stated. x
Commenting upon the Franco
American successes, the Berlin-
er Tageblatt declares that ''the
French plan aimtd at the de-
struetion of the German army
and consequently it has failed.
"The passflge cf the Marne
by our troops was only a diver-
si on, in the plans' of the Ger-
man command, and in with-
drawing these Ludtndorff has
accomplished ' a magnificent
feat of arms."
During the past 24 hours,
numerous reports, preparing the
German public, for the disap-
pointing news , awaiting them,
have appeared. '
J! v a
V. 4
K- & $ J. , it b s f
1 ) ! t
If f J -
THIS VBAB Conwidnrable comment
ha been made over the attractive ap
pearance of the wrap. Vivid amathyst
and Australian racoon eomrjine to mane
this long waiated evening or afternoon
wrap. '
Copyright, Underwood t Underwood.
1 . i,. 1
if 1 '
C , I
!!i!!!!!!!!An ttconomical, Delightful, Light Place
Marvels of Daintiness and Skerness That Give Assurance of the Prettiest Sum
mer Frocks You Have Ever Owned
Whether You Make Your Summer Garments and those for your Children Through
the Inspiration of Patriotic Economy or Through Preference, You will Find Un
limited Satisfaction in Choosing From This Assortment, Clearance Sale Prices,
per Yard 12, 15c, 19c 25c 29cc, 35c, 39c, 45c, 50c, 69c, and 75c
W. S. S.
i at t t t t titTTTTTT,T,,,,,,TTTTTTTTTTTT
Large Crowd Present-Richard
Her Draws First En
velope Portland, Or., July 22. Before a
crowd which tared the United States
land office, drawings of the Oregon
and California grant lands were made
The first envelope drawn bore the
name of Robert Richard Oscar Muller
of Colton, Or., and was for tract num
ber 21. His serial number was 58J5.
On a total of about 240 tracts there
were 2027 applications, or an average
of more than four applications for a
tract. Fifty or more application were
filed on somo tracts, as some of the
lands are near Portland and suitable
for farming.
Appications may be received on the
remainder of the tracts up to August
1, after which time the applications
will be acted upon according to the
time filed.
The following were drawn in their
order: Amund Munson, Jr., unit 241;
Robert Abraham, 500; Eustace B. Scott
610; Crccencentia Wright, 592; Oliver
Champagne, 41)0; Anna Wilkins, 598;
Merton Mack, 021 Emma H. Shipley,
Jellies For Soldiers
In National Camps
Soldiers in the hospital of the near
by cantonments will have plenty of
jellies and canned fruit this fall and it
will all be due to the iratnotic efforts
of the women of the north weKt.
Under the direction of the National
League for Women's Service a branch
has been urbanized in Halem and active
canning will begin next Thursday in
the domestic science roonts of the High
school building.
No expenses will be incurred in this
patriotic work, as it is felt that truit
will be donated and that the women of
Salem interested will give their time
for the canning. Those who have fruit
which they feel disposed to give, should
telephone Mrs. F. U. Bowersox, 2.r)02Jl
during the moruing hours and it will
be her duty tc see tnat either pickers
are furnished or the fruit collected.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts is in charge of the
committee to collect the fruit. Mrs. I.L.
Patterson is generul chairman for Mar
ion and Polk counties.
Canned fruits, jams and jellies of all
kinds will be acceptable as a gift for
these hospitals and any housekeeper
who cannot give for this special cun
ning work may send a few cans to the
high school or notify, the collection
committee in charge of Mrs. J. J. Rob
erts. Volunteers are asked to help prepare
the fruit for canning and to report
at the high school Thursday morning.
Directors Rave Authority
To Construct Building
Attorney General Brown has issued
an opinion to J. A. Churchill superin
tendent ef public instruction, holding
that tho directors of a ychool district
have authority to construct an addi
tion to a high school building for the
purpose of housing machinery to be
used in connection with industrial
training, without a vote of the electors
of the district.
The opinion applies to the contro
versy which haa been going on in the
Salem school board over the establish
ment of an industrial training course.
According to the opinion, of the attor
nep general, the board may proceed
with the construction of the building
which has been approved by majority
of the members of the board. The bud
get adopted at the recent annual meet
ing of the school board made provision
for the building, and it is because of
the fact that the attorney general
I holds the board has ample authority t
U O too atq ' ' ' aoo I
BOL8HEVIKI WAR ON ZCKCHO-HLOVAKS The two heavy black lines oh
the map indicate the fronts on which the. boMieviki cluiin to be making
gains. Northeast of Moscow the bolshcviki, probably moving in the direction
of the small arrow, are approaching Yaroslav and Rybinsk. Kast of Moscow,
along the line of the Trans-Siberian railroad, the bolshevik!, pushing toward
nd Bugulma, are approaching Btavro-tha southeast, have captured Syzran a
pol, and are forcing the CzechoS-lovaks to fall Iwwk across the Volga river
All Salem Boys
On San Diego Saved
All of tlio Sulom boys who were on
the cruiser Pun Diego when it ank
just outaide. of Now York harbor Fri
day mornig, have been accounted fur.
Clifford Smart wired hie parents,
Mr. and Mrs, II. A. Smiirt of his safe
ty. Hnlph Hitchcock wired that he was
safo and it is understood that his
brother, Murk, was among those res
cued. Heino Kadcliffo was the first
of the Salem lioys to wire of his safe
ty, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Hadclifie re
ceiving their -message Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. NiederliRiiser, living on
rural route 4, Salem, today received a
wire from a New York family that her
sun, D. L. Niedcrhauscr,- was safe and
in their care.
Governor Alone
Can Save Mooney
Ran Francisco, July 22. The case of
Daililfil Ifournal
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove thqt our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing,
..ill iim'j inwn.iiiiiiiuJ-iii-iiiiaJ.ili P" m i.,. I ll. L W TITS
to Trade
wW T
cd from the slates of California courts
today when tlio supreme court affirmed
its denial of un nppeal from Superior
Judge Uril'fin's refusal to vacate the
conviction of Mooney.
Unless Governor Stiiben intervenes
Mooney will Ibo banged at San Qucnlin
penitent in ry Aunut 23.
Thomas J. Mooney was finally remov-
Claim Allies' Gain
Only Tacital Advantage
Amsterdam, July 22. "The entente
offensive o far has gained only tac
tical results," di-c'nrcd the war corre
spondent, of tho Berlin Vurwacrts. ' ,
"Foch'a object is not. to gain ground
but to njHtct the (lernrn nplans. I
piti all tier victories, Uennaiiy is stilt
fiithtintf against a superiority in mater
ial and trooips-
"The Gorman initiative must t:
win to cut off the entente's hydra