Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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rw.t,.J.lii-r h i m, mm .wm.w y W." 'mv ..m n,
Mi Hi 'n'nni nil 1 in ir u ."ft " r nnaaf I
.(ft ' IE
rsm c
If You Want to Sell cr Buy
Patronize ;
for your
Staple, and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Eggs, strictly fresh, none fertile, per
dozen ..40c
Hand Picked Apples, per lb. .... .2'
Raspberries, red and black, crate $1.75
Onions, 8 pounds 25c
New Potatoes, per pound 4c
Green Beans, 3 pounds for .... . .25c
Cabbage per pound 5c
Beans JDry, White, Navy, Kidney per
pound . 10c
Grape Fruit, 3 for. .....25c
Honey, pound cake 25c
a wxteWWimV:mwiW'Jtv muuM'
Is Consolidating And Make
Sure smts of Success
ful Drive
By J. VT.- T. Mason
United Press war expert)
New York, July 22. General Focli
is operating hia drive between the
Aisne and the Marne for the appaicnt
purpose of consolidating gains and pre
paring for inevitable German counter
Great caution is now necessary on
the part of the allied commanders and
.-. . -r. i . . .1 l L
ueneral rocn is spienaiuiy uimorairav
in? that he cannot be tuu off his feel,
It would serve Von Hindenburg's pur
pose admirably if General Foeh were
to extend tne 'Dattie aiong me aisuo
Marne salient into a major offensive.
A forward allied movement on so
gigantic a acale before the Americana
are fully ready .to participate would
be to accept the German terms on
which such a battle should be fought.
General Foch is now declining to be
inveigled into playing Germany 's game
under such, conditions. The Aisne
Marne thrust must be considered as a
local offensive, which, however, has al
ready had major consequences through
safeguarding Paris and driving the
Germans north of the Marne. Gcnoral
Foch must not be expected to press
forward recklessly, after having al
ready secured such highly important
General Foch, above ell, has demon
strated that he will not sacrifice his
own men on the barbarous principle
of Von Hindeiuburg and the Hohenzol-lern9.
Von Hmdenburg is unqucstiono-Diy
piling his reserves into the northern
and central areas of the Aisne-Marnf
salient, especially about Soissons and
Ferre-En-Tardenois, which are the most
important pivots of the prosent German
resistance. In this respect, General
Foch has gravely upset Von Hindeu
burg 's future offensive plan The
morale effect in Germany, of a confus
ed offensivo strategy at the kaiser's
headquarters will bo very great, com
ing no 'closely upon the dismissal of
Foreign Minister Kuohlmaun for pre-
dieting that peace cannot be won on
' the .battle field.
Von Hmdenburg, theroiore, win re
sort to desperate expedients in order
to try to wrest the initiative from
General Foch.
ake every!
m m
go tar
, It Takes More Effort to Make Things Good; a Little More Courage and it May
Cost You a little More Money, But it Pays Every One in the Long Run. That's the
Reason Why We Say ....
(Continued from page one)
It is apj.Artnr ,.fcc Germans under-es-'
ti.mitcd the available allies forces f iiJ
the (-pint wilii -vi.ih they would uw't
the assault.
tome insight into the political effect
oi et.riuany can Us gained from the
pri.'U'stations of ii pau-Gormanist officer
wli i has Itrn tukeu prisoner. Ho do
clarii'l that c.run Bavarian elements
fad-id to defend tlioir positions "ear
ncitly'' and practically accused tu-ri-el'
tr- ason.
Oil tlw other hand, there arc many vi
der.eos that iho :icvn prince used m:i..
of t'n be; ucrir.an divisions available
Among Mn'i' i.:"'it i cicd are the Sixth
division .f tlm ' 'uvinciblo -Brandon-
burirhers." who acquired that title
when Uio kaiser specially recognized
tho.ni in February. ..tHO, for the cap ."J
ef Fort lUmainont, o;ie of the pnncin
di'f.iiiffs i'f Verdun.
In the Champaei' offensivo alone, the
Germans were ( jmptlkd to throw in
f-ur new division (18,000 men) after
TliiUrrny'g figl" i'i to repair the an;r,M
in tli;ir lino, Mattering them, battal
ions by baiUii'in 'ong" various sectors,
although llicv had, been intended as a
parr of the pieeicua lescrvcs that wo'
to definitely ti.rn 'he tido of the battle
and f .r t ren.cdia..:. peace.
One of this new things introduced ii
the battle was a new German armored
truck, i ("( itre used in transpos
ing munitions ficroSu fields and alon
read? under h."avy "lull firo. The tru.'k
Lavo fix wheels wiiu a catcrpillor trac
er and t(;r ,ii moved bodies are 3 f c t
longj nine ftet h.g'i and eight feet w'J-
Isolated allied nails who were eu'
eff in the early fit tug wore supplied
with food bv ri'cajli aviators until th??
woiv) re.w.ad.
Wonderful Performance
Of Maxwell Truck
Sotting out on the most strenuous
test of durability and long distance
staying qualities that cou! be picked
from tho highways of the Unite i
States, a Maxwell truck) stock model,
rolled away from San Francisco early
Wednesday, loaded capacity and head
ed for Now York City 3400 miles to
the East.
(HI . 1 1. L '. !.!. !l!lnHw
ine xru, lni.,SporuuS iuu., 1 1, h f;nftl m mi,e nm from
suinphes enronte from Australia tOi... . . . ,
The run marks the first instance in
whiich a truck has boon started on such
a long journey with such a stiff sched
ule of daily and continual perform
ance ahead of it.
The Lincoln Highway will be fol
lowed from Han Francisco to Omaha,
the truck passing through Sacramento,
Reno Salt Lako City, Cheyenne and
Lincoln, Nebraska. At Omaha the
"Great Whito Way" will be followed
across Iowa, touching Atlantic, Dcs
Moines and Davenport. At Sterling,
111., the Lincoln way again will be tak
en up and bo followed through Chicago,
Fort Wayne. Toledo, and Cleveland,
Pittsburg, Philadelphia ana then on
$25 TO $50
$20 TO $40
They're Good; the Makers Make The Effort and Have The Courage to See That
They're Good. They Wear Longer Than Cheap Clothes; They Make Your Money
Go Farther
The only way for us to be sure of quality when you
buy is to be sure we have it before we sell. We buy
only the best merchandise and price it right. If you
aren't satisfied you get your, money back.
Men's Shoes
$5 and $6
PJiiladV'lidiia to the Hoboken ferry
landing across the Hudson from 42nit
St., Now York. Tho nm will finish at
.1.. A.n:..n i..in.nu:i
j 1 : 1 V.l '11 . ii,A mo AlllOl 1LUI1 Jlll.UlllHIUlIO D3ui;inuuu
ny aim 7 J ,,&. 42nd and Fifth Ave.
Ul'WUUllUU 11U111 OttU A' 1 UllUlBCl? iu i-iur q - T1 ; -,.
France is undertaking in its run a
transcontinental day and night grind
out of which a now jecorct tor duraou-
York is to :be striven for.
Ray F. MieNamana, the world famed
pilcit, is at the wheel, this being his
tenth trip across the continent but his
.:i:.l i:i.! - ri:..lnn.A
imuui uegUuuu . i " Lain City.the truck and its record that
tho stoerinor end of a truck. His mount i . ., ., ...,
San Francisco newspapermen started
the truck on its long grind as it left
an FranciHco. The speedometer fig
ures were sob at ero with the start
from the St. Francis Hotel. In Salt
far will be turned over to an official
observer of the Utah Automobile Club.
This observer will accompany tho car
to Cheyenne or Omaha.
Throughout the long journey tho
truck's performance is carefully and
officially to bo checked by representa
tive automobile clubs enroute.
Every mile of the trip and the
truck's performance, record thus will be
madj available for business men every
where. A complete and authoritativs
record of all repairs required and re
placements made, if any, will bo main
tained. The first day's schedule set by Mc
Namara called for the run to Sacra
mento, 127.4 miles. The second day out
ho expects to make Eeno, 272.5 miles
from San Francisco. This second days
going involved the crossing of the Sier
ra Nevada mountains, giving the truck
right off the ba't one of the hardest
days it will have enroute.
In tho deoert wastes of Nevada, from
Eeno to Salt Lake, MeNamara docs not
expect the car to toe capable of eo
much mileage and therefore his sched-
llllllIIIIIIlllllllIIIHIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllimilllllllllllllllllllll ule calls for from 60 to 80 miles daily,
wita mee expcciui'iuii 01 munuig up uiv
allowance later. In the deserts the
truck! will be in sandy wastes hub deep
for hundreds of miles and it will pass
through localities where this mileage is
a good average for passenger cars.
"Because of freight dolivery con
ditions and the need of the utmost ser
vice everywhere from truck equipment,
this Maxwell run, if it ias successful
as we have reason to believe it will bo
will result in the presentation for bus
iness men of facts
has been styled the Maxwell Military
MoNiamara will push the Maxwell to
tho utmost in an effort to finish the
run in 34 days averaging 100 miles a
"It this truck will stand up through
100 miles a day, transporting its cap
acity load of military supplies, and
reach New York with a record to that
effect it will have surpassed anything
ever put on wheels for durabilit and
reliability," MeNamara said as he left
San Fran'e.iaco. 'I expect tho truck
to do that."
The run and the results of the test
will be followed with interest by bus
iness men along the route, as the time
of its schedule for passing through the
various cities is to be made known in
advance as far as it is possible.
I War Summary of United Press I
Eiiiiimiiiiimtmmmm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiz
Soissons-Rbeims salient The allied iof Chateau-Thierry, thence southeast-
That's the woman's dread when sho
gets up in the morning to start tho
day's work. "Oh! how my back aches
GOLD MEDAL Haarlcn Oil Capsules
taken today ease the backache of to
morrowtaken every day ends the
backache for all timo. Don't delay.
What's the use of suffering! Begin
taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem On
Capsules today and be relieved tomor
row. Take throe or four every day and
h ncrmBTiontlv free from wrenching,
distressing back pain. But bo sure to
get GOLD MEDAU oince iuwo uviiu
MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been the 11a
tinnn.1 rplllP.dV of Holland, tho govern
ment of the Netherlands having grant
ed a special charier auuiorizniK n
preparation for sale. The ho'usewife of
Unilonfl wniild almost as soon bo with
out bread as she would without her
"Real Dutch Drops," as she quaintly
onlin GOLD MEDAL Maarlem Oil Cap
sules. This is the one reason why you
will find the women and cniiuren 01
TTniic,,i on xfnnlv and robust.
GOLD MEDAL are the pure, origin
al Haarlem-Oil Capsules imported di
-nf fTnm thn (IBOraiOriOS in ximir
lem, Holland- But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Look for the name on every
box. Sold by reliableo druggists in seal
ed packages, tnree sizes, mom-j
fnmled if thev do not help you. Accept
onlv the GOLD MEDAL. AH others aro
(Continued from page one)
Belief That World Series May
Be Played Within Three
Men's Hats
$3 and 5
ounter offensive ia proceeding over a
front of practically 10O miles from
Boissons to eastward of Rhoims, de
spite German counter attacka at vari
us points, notably north of Chateau
Thierry and south of Soissons.
The German high command apparent
ly is strengthening the enemy lines in
the vicinity of Soissons and Rheims, so
the retirement northward from the
Marne can be tarried out with the least
possibility of Foch closing the upper
end of the big salient.
The latest reports show the allies on
a line Tunning almcst straight south of
Soissons to Grissoles, seven miles north
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
ward toward the Marne, in the direo
tion of Jaulgonne. One Pans newspa
per declares the Germans have fallen
back to Vauvardes, five miles directly
east of Grissoles. Between the Marne
and Rheims French, Italian, and Brit
ish troojis are progressing in Courton
and Roi woods, and in the valley of
the Andre.
The French and the Americans have
turned tho Germans own canon against
them south of Soissons-
Prisoners say the Germans will make
a stand at Fere-En-Tardenois, on the
lino of the Ourcq, 12 miles north pf
Picardy front British troops made
gal0 (yesterday southeast of- Hebn
terne, north of Albert, and Franco-British
forces carried out a successful min
or enterprise last night south of Vil-lers-Bretonncux,
east of Amiens.
Flanders front The British made a
successful raid north of Bailleul. Hos
tile artillery was active in the Locre
This lilno has been the Germans'
chief reliance for supplies for the tha-teau-Tliorry
Jrcgion. Its putting ex
plains in part the retreat of the Ger
mans from Chateau-Thierry.
Twenty thousand prisoners aro now
in allied hands, according to official
estimates. Nothing official on losses
has come yet.-
Secretary Baker today confirmed
tbat crossing of tho Marne has been
accomplished by tho allied troops. Very
substantial gains of territory have
been made, he said, both in the Cha-feau-Thicrry
salient and further cast.
While the situation cnanges raiiiiuji
Hon B. F. WhittingtonHas
Gained Twenty Pounds
By Taking' Tanlac .
One of the distinguishing features of
tho introduction of Tanlac throughout
tho country is tho large number of
prominent men who have felt it their
duty to disregard precedent and come
forward with their unqualified endorse
ments of the medicine because of the
benefits they have derived from its
Tho latest addition to tho list of
prominent endorsers is the name of
Hon. Benjamin V. Whittington, judge
of tho ltolston court, South Omaha,
Neb. In relating his experience with
Tanlac Judgo Whittington said:
"Tho results of Tanlac, in ray ens
cortainly seem remarkable to me. Be
fore I fepgnn' taking it my health was
broken in many ways and I did not
know which way to turn for relief.
My liver was all out of fix, I was
habitually constipated- and bilious, I
was so frightfully dizzy most of the
time, that I could not sloop over for
fear of falling. My kidneys were in
the small of my back. My appetite seem row in Pittsburg instead of New York
By H. O. Hamilton
(United Press staff correspondent)
Now York, July 22. Guided by the
belief thatdho elimination of its draft
ago players from baseball into some
useful occupation will be a gradual
process, arrangements were being niado
today by -magnates of the two big lea
gues to go ahead with their schedules.
Hin Johnson's order directing that all
'American league parks be closed at
oiwe hns been withdrawn.
American league club owners will
nice aoday in Cleveland. It is believ
ed they will reach a decision to strug
gle along until a certain number of
games have been .played, with tho
Todd's scries to come immediately af
terward. It is entirely probable that
things, will be speeded up, 100 games
got out of the way and tho world's
series played within threo weeks.
Thn National league, it was announc
ed today, will hold its meeting tomor
Children Ory
I l.
Whan you this chap around it's
timo to do your canning and drying.
Frea book of instructions on canning
and drying may be had from tho Na
tional War Cardan Commiiaion,
Washington, D. C, for two centa to
pay pottage. J
ed to be fairly good, that is I could
eat. but my food did not seem to bo
properly assimilated. Sleep failed to
rest me, and I felt tired, languid and
wornout all the time. I was pale, and
not only felt badly but I -looked that
way. I had keen in this codition for a
year and was becoming badly worried
because nothing seemed to reach my
"I had fallen off twenty pounds in
weight as a result of my troubles, but
I have gained it all back by using
Tanlac and have never leu Deiter in
my life. I decided from what I read in
the papers about it to try it, and I
felt like a nw man before I finished
my first bottle. So I went right back
for another and so on until I took five
bottles and now I haven't an ache or
n trfiin ond am feelins ercnt. And eat,1
my gracious! I eat like a farm handj
all 1 n get l never saw buyluihi;
like it. I sleep like a log, and get up in
the mornings thoroughly refreshed and
feel brim full of vim and energy all
day long. Now thisi is just what lan
jtj. -.. . . . T
.it .k.,. rt the nast few days have ,lae has done lor me ana x gmu.y 8.
been favorable to the allies, Baker! this statement for what it may ne
Deen lavorauie w wio ftre trying t( fin3
tw hna Ticcn no recent minstantini reiier.
addition to the number of prisoners and
s and figures that will I '
bo of great value," said W. J. LaCasse, ' -vhLlw
racirio, voasi oujjervisor.
"Trucks have crossed the continent
before this, but never has a truck been
put to this extraordinary mileage n a
running schedule calling for 100 miles
a day continuously, me penormance
results of the run of the Maxwell Mil
itary Express will, I am sure, be a
splendid endorsement of Maxwell dur
ability, en endorsement earned from
the most difficult source of truck rec
commendation, the performance field."
Tanlac, la sold to Hubbard by Hub-
Wd Urug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
iflooch. in Gervais by John Kelly, in
adde Si v.ylarg nunri W , . .'
Classified Ads The Journal
kind get results. Pnone 81.
is no exact estimate of prisoner or
war material. But it seems quite clear,
r.f TriBoner and war miterial had teen
Baker was statin; that Pc
as or i tin ally announced.
Tho world s greatest series will be
practically a war benefit in its entire
ty Boston and Chicago would partici
May Finish Ball Season
Washington, July 22. Ball players
affwted by Secretary Baker's edict
that they must do essential work or
fight, may bo permitted to finish the
present scawm, it was intimated on
high authority here today. While there
K no official confirmation, it was
stated that ft conference between rep
resentatives of the major leagues and
war department officials would be held
-within tho next 48 hours, to determine
tho question.
- Association Quits
Chicago, July 22- In compliance
with Secretary Baker's work or fight
ruling there will be no more baseball
in tho American association during the
war. At a spocial meeting here yester
day the directors unanimously agreed
to President Hickey's recommendation
that the league wason bo closed fol
lowing" yesterday 's games. The pennant
wns awarded to Kansas City, the lead
ini? club,
The association was the first league
in organized baseball to take official
action on Baker's ruling.
1y Dr. 8. C Stone, in Silverton by Geo.
1'A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. 3.
IP. McCurdy and in tstayton vy v. j.
iBeauohamp. - (Adv.)
. S , jL ,X
"!rw-i ;p
Saves The Yheat
sons Chateau-Thierry lin3 is ' certainly
unavailable for the 'Jennans," Chief
of Staff March entered his office and
announced ithat part of the line is
broken and now in our hands. He ex
cluded himself from further discussion
until Wednesday when V will havo
conference with correspond;.
oia&tunea au i ub tiwu,u
kind get reult. pnone oi.
Will Finish Season
Pittuburg, Ta., July 22. National
league heads in conference hero to
morrow will agree to play out the on
tiro year's schedule, regardless of the
action of any other baseball body.
President Barney Drcyfues of the
Pittsburg clulb told tho United Press
at noon today that such an agroemcnt
has already been decided upon. His
announcement followed communication
by long distance telephone and other
wise with government officials at
Washington and with the heads of
other elivbs in tho league.
Dreyfusn indicated that he had learn
ed something of interest from Washing
ton, though he would not directly con
firm a report that the work or fight
order may bn suspended to permit com
pletion of this year's schedule,
The Original
Malted Milk
For Infants and Invalids
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Pi ice
Civ u i
."ADol!s Housar