TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MOXDOY, JULY 22. 1913. Keep Comfortable on the Summer Washday Use Fels-Naptha and you may avoid boiling and hard rub bing, save work and finish the wash in far less time. Summer washday Is so much more comfortable when there's no boil ins of hard rubbing. The clothes wear longer, too. Continual boil ing weakens any material and hard rubbing puts more holes in skirts and waists than daily wear. . Foil drnctionm liuidt th rest uf gnen wrapper 31 FRANCO-AMERICAN (Continued from page one) iarkt by Gorman dead. I saw Ameri can nl French, officers anil men alike, lioidinp tip th.-ir "Chow Laities'' for liot food. W t' nied by Residents. Aucrican soldiers entering Chateau Thierry with tho French were over whelmed by the greetings of the civil lat.s. More than 200, mostly old men bin women, had remained in the town during the bvrman occupation. They went lockid hi the cathedral when tins ijoehes evacuated, but liberated them selves. The boches ioolcd the town thoroughly breaking into shops and private houses and taking all valuables. There were barricades in all the principal streets lut apparently thetown had been lightly leld during 'he Inst few hours' of Ger man occupation. It was not greatly damaged by the allied artillery. Took few Prlsonersh. ' The French took five prisoners when they uulcrcil. Due of tho bodies r, iu had overslept and that other members of his -o.'unuy failed to awaken him when they withdrew. The other four wore telephone operators who volun Catarrh is a Real Enemy and Requires Vigorous Treatment Do Not Neglect It. When you use medicated sprays, atomizer and douches for your Ca tarrh, you may succeed in unstopping the clioked-up air passages for the time being, but this annoying condi tion returns, and you have to do the tame thing- over and over again. ' Catarrh has never yet been cured by theso local applications. Have rou ever experienced any rual benefit from such treatment? -t-M MAX WANTED Eapcreneed in men's furnishings and shoes. Permanent po sition fur tho right man, References, required. 1 Foulard Silks ALL GO ON THE BARGAIN TABLE This is another exceptional opportunity for those of thrifty inclinations. Foulard is simply an other word for softness, service, WEAR, when speaking of Silks. Now here is our ENTIRE line of these Foulards and they come in good patterns tooout on our bargain table divided into two groups! Regular prices up to $2.00, now, per yard. .. .$1.35 Regular prices $2.25 to $2.95, now, per yard. . .$1.95 I... mm ml tarily romai.u.u to maintain conimuni-t-ariiu wi'h their retreating comrades. Some of the German steel pontoon bridges are being used by the Americans n:.d French, while all along th.3 line up to hu'.isons German cannon have been turned crouud and are firing at the bo- lil''S. Weakening of the German artillery fire near rliu'cau-Thi.'rry was explained by prisoners to be due to lack of am munition. . AUiud artillery nlong the conimur.icut iiijl mads pievcnted the enomy from bringing up supplies. Tho French wero the first to enter Chateau-Thierry, tho American; later coming up and moving through tue village to positions well to the northward. One American unit, ad vancing northwest of Chateau-Thierry, encountered so little resistance, includ ing artillery fire, that it marched through one town in squad formation. Hare the Journal Job Dept. estimate on your printing needs yon get the benefit of cash buying. Hione 81. Throw these makeshift remedies to the winds, and get on the right treat ment. Go to your drug store to-day, get a bottle of S. S. S.. and commence a treatment that has been praised by sufferers for nearly half a century. S. S. S. gets right at the source of Catarrh, and forces from the blood the germs which cause the disease. You can obtain special medical advice regarding your own case without charge by writing to Medical Direc tor. 22 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga. t New Collars A collection of dainty new crea tions has nmdo its appearance in our Women's Neckwear Depart- ' ment. The fichues are prttty much to the fore but closely pressed by the ever-popular Organdies, Piques, lovely Georgette Crepes and artit" tic Lace Collins. Tho designs aro quite unique and very pleasing. Priced at ....25c to $2.05 t I'BETTiT ORGANDY PLEATED AND LACE TBI. MM ED COLL Aft AND CUFF SETS ...,65c Buckles We have just received "a largo assortment of UKLT lll'CKLES for which there is such a great de mand of celluloid, bone and sea .-hell, oino are metal trimmed and they come in a great variety of skaues, sizes ami colors Prices 35c. 50c, 75c, 950 Lid SOCIETY By MABEL GABBETT The many Salem friends of Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Northup, formerly a dentist of Portland, will be interested to know that since June lie has been stationed as a dental surgeon at the United states navy training taup at Great Lakes, Illinois. Among the twenty eight men in this department, he bears the rank of lieutenant, junior grade. Dt. Xorthup is taking this training as preparation for his work on the sea He left in June while Mrs. N'orthup joined him several weeks ago. They are living at Waukegan, Illinois, which Is several miles from the eamp. Mrs. N'orthup is a distinguished tennis play er having won in the past the honor of state championship. Dr. and Mrs. Xorthup are well known in Salem and have been the guests or Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger many times. Prof, and Mrs- T. 8. Roberts (Ethel Harding) have returned from a two weeks wedding trip to the coast and 1'ortland. For the present they will live at the former residence of Mr- and Mrs. Georgo Gray, 1381 Mate street while the A. L. Johnson family, who have leased the home are at the coast. Among the campers who left this week were a group, who are going near SileU for a fortnights vacation. The party included Dr. Willis Morse, Mrs. Myrtle Lawrence, Miss Jessie Holcoinb and Allen A. Hail. . Mrs. B. Munroe Gilbert went to Port land over the week end in order to be with her husband, who is employed in the shipyards there. Friday Miss Muriel Grant motored to Albany to visit friends there, while she spent Sunday with her parents at Dallas. . Miss Meryle Whitney left this week end to visit friends in Portland. She plans to be gone about a month on her vacation. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lytle left last week for a motoring trip thru Oregon and Washington. They are plunning to be gone about a mouth and to visit among other places Camp Lewis and Pendleton. Lumber Trade Recovers From Slight Depression Tacoma, Wash., July 22. Lumber trade already has begun tp recover from the temporary depression that followed the recent advairca in freight rates. Commercial buying, as reflected by the weekly barometor of the West Coast Lumbermen's association, again is normal, the aggregate volume of new business) last week being 65,989,247 feet. This figure represents a large vol ume pf orders placed by retail yards and indicates that the nulls will ex perience a healthy demand for their products through the remainder of the summer and early fall. The now government business now ia being distributed and will keep the manufacturers busy for several months to come. Orders for 83,000,001) feet of cantonment stock, 3,600,000 feet of lumfoor far the navy and 45,000,000 for eastern shipyards already have been awarded the west coast mills. Advices of tho last few days indicate that va rious government departments will re quire; immediately large additional Quantities of Douglas fir. A number of important mills in both Oregon and Washington have beeu idle or running on jrtirt time since the Fourth, of July holiday for tho purpose of making their annual -mid-summer re pairs, but. urgent government require ments will cause them to resume oper ationa as soon as tliis work is com pleto. Inactivity at these plants reflects it self in the production for tho week, which wa fl7.955,42 feet, or 20.11 per cent below normal. Although car supply ia weaker than it was a mouth ago, the mills shipped, for the week, an aggregate of 71,939, 170 feet, which was 5,97S,9i;:i feet more than they produced. This excess of shipments over production served further to accentuate the shortage of stocks which has been apparent for thn last six weeks and which must be replenished to satisfy the needs of tho fall buyers. The threatened stoci; shortage and diminishing car supply have coniibincd to oring the commercial market up to a basis of tho maximum level fixed by the government a fow weeks ago. . SOLDIER MURDERED San Francisco, July 22. The body of au American soldier, his hands tied behind his back and a rug knotted floating in Han "Francisco 'bay today. filiating ila fan Francisco buy today. rVino of his clothing bore tho initials S. I. 8. II." and a laundry mark. Otherwise there was no mark of iden tification. The soldier evidently had been dead more than a week. About six dollars was found in his pocket, indicating that ho was not murdered bv rubbers. Ihe army intelligence .bureau is co operating with the police in probing ! the mvsterv. 1 ne mjsierj. q . JOB PRINTING THAT Gives yon satisfaction and at Sates yon can afford to pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A HI fniifi ' ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists!:: refund money if it fails. 25c YANKEES ADBANCE NORTH (Cos tinned front page one British Troop Active London, July 22. British traces gained more ground yesterday seuth- " xieourtene, north of Albert; Field Marshal Haig reported today. Further ground was made b'v oar troops yesterday southeast ef Hebu trne and a hostile bombing attack in thie neighborhood was repulsed," the statement said. "We eaDturert fw prisoners." 'In conjunction with IVeaeh trooos. we carried out a successful minor en terprise last night south of Villers- Bretonneux, oaiiturins a few nrisnnnr and machine guns. Uur raiding parties entered the ene my's trenches during the night at Neu-ville-Vitasse, at Calonne-Sur-La Lys arid north of Bailleul and hrnmrht back prisoners. "A hostile raid in the last mentioned sector was repulsed. "Hostile artillery was active in the Lochre sector." Hard Counter Attacks Paris, July 22 (Xoon) Desperate German counter attacks on a five mile front north of Chateau-Thierry were completely repulsed, the war office an nounced today. Elsewhere on the front the German resistance consisted only vi anuiery nre. "North of the Ourcq and between the Maine and Rheims, especially in the Courton and Roi woods, the Germans simply employed artillery fire," the communique said. ' ' Between the Maine and the Ourcf in the Grisollcs and Bezu-St.Germain regions German counter attacks were Broken up. (Bezu St Germniii is four miles di rectly north of Chateau-Thierry. Oris oiks is five miles northwest of Bezu- St. Germain.) "On the whole front our positions wvru juuiuiaineu. Hold Manie at Places London, July 22. (1:56 v. m. The Germans are heavily counter attacking niong una Aiarne iront, but tneir as saults are unsuccessful, it was leavned authoritatively today. French and American forces are ex perieneing great difficulty in crossing tho Marne in the Dormans region, as the Germans- are shelling the bridges ana using immense- quantities of gas. American troops have completely ciearea uaromon wood of the enemy and have driven the Germans five miles north of Chateau Thierry. (Barbillon wood extends from Cha teau-Thierry eastward aloiis the north bank of the Marne and extends about five miles northward.) Fourteen Planes Downed Lonuion, July Z'i. Fourteen enemy airplanes were brought down Friday by British aviators and in addition three others were driven down out of con trol and three observation balloons were destroyed, the British air minis try stated today in its communique, Seven British machines are missing The statement said. " Eighteen tons of boiubs were drop ped by us on different targets, includ ing Courtrai and Lille railways, the Bruges docks, three largo ammunition dumps and 'hostile billets on various parts of the front. "Slightly more fighting took place on tne previous day and lourteen ene my machines were brought down. Three other hostile machines were driven down out of control and threa German I'lbservation balloons were destroyed. ,3even of our airplanes are missing. "As a result or a photographic re connaissance carried out on the twen tieth instance, extensive damage is re vealed at the hostile areodrome at Mor hange, attacked on the night of the 19th. One huge shed and three hang ars wt're destroyed." ' German Withdrawal Paris, July 22. The Germans have withdrawn through Epiede to Beau vardes, La Liibertre- declared today. Epieds is four miles northeast of Chateau-Thierrv, while- Beauvardes is seven nii'es northeast of Chateau-Thier ry and six miles north of the Marne and Fossoy. This indicates a withdraw al north of Chateau-Thierry of nearly three miles more than previously, re ported. Hie Joy Of Coding Hifcrhso j AWomWful Remedy Thetis Natural Aid end Reiiavoe the Totuioo. The expectant mcther revolves In her mln.l r," T " .,' cu 07 anlnT Ba " " 01 !. utmost Importance that her physical con- rort 01U, . . There fs a mort splendid remedy for ttili purpose, known u Mother's Friend. It li applied over the muscles of the stomach, rentljr rubbed in, and at once penetrates tc rviicio rom on nerves, cords and Hr menti. t mkct the muaclc so pliant thai tliey expand eeslly when babr arrives and w!a and danger at the criais Is naturaJli Mother's Friend Is for external nse cnlr, is abeo!ute:r aa.'e and wonderfully effective. It e-iablM the expectant mother to preserve Her health aid ttres-tA and ah remain f;n"y otfcer bjr bavlnr smlded the an nd d-nfer which would otherwise iccompa-r such as occasion. Every neire, nuecle. and teadon hi thoroughly lubricated. Mrfherls friend Is prepared by the Brad, ; " . """.ncraooa uooa.- write them ti aend it to ton, ar.d hi the aeaalin send J? tei,'. ,;;.r0irutist "" bow .ilZr. """J1" fhooM utr la bet rlorimia ok. Motber's FrUl u pueetNe for you to do r and ahould a lawd iesula:ry. without fail, lUfht Bdl im!nS, fj "XS" ,"",f """I ttMtttMtetttttTefMtti To supply your needs in Worn men's, Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Use Merchandise for Vaca tions or Outings. QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES U. G. Shipley Company WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE T MEN GAIN FLESH TO ENTffi THE ARMY Army And Navy Officials Is sue Instruction on This Subject The two Stayton boys who were told by the recruiting officer to put on a fewi pounds before they would be ac cepted for servi-ce, are not the only ones by any means, according to in formation at hand from both navy and army recruiting stations in the city. It has been such a usual thing for men under weight to go into special training to put on a few extra pounds that the navy and army-officials have taken note of the fact and have issued instructions how to gain weight, part of them on a formula given the gov ernment by Mayo Bros, of Rochester, Minn. Now if the young man is six or ten pounds short of the required weight for enlistment, there is hope for him if he will follow carefully instructions as given. While it is recognized that each man is a -case by himself, there are general rules that the army and navy recommend. : Ths first general rule is: Drink large quantities of milk or buttermilk, eat plenty of tender steak, drink cream with the milk or buttermilk and drink a plenty. This treatment -has put on as much as six pounds within 48 hours where the aspiring recruit has also eaten largely of tender steaks, and did no work. Xaw to avoid getting thin or losine weight, the prospective soldier boy advised to keep away from all sorts of -cathartics, alcohol, food with bran, seeds, skins, hulls, to use but little cof fee and the least amount of salt. For the youth who has but a few da to put on extra weiyht and will devote all his time to the job, the army and navy officials suggest the follow ing: 7 a. m. Drink one half pint of hot water. 7:30 a. 111. Take table spoonful of bis muth mixture in little water or milk. 8 a. m. Breakfast eat plain foods well cooked, such as eggs, plain cereals porridges, plenty of cooked fruit, pud- iings, coolied vegetables and -plain breads, but none made of whole wheat or tlrahain flour, drink half a pint of milk and cream, buttermilk and cream or malted milk and cream. 10 a. m. Drink half a pint of milk and cream with a cracker or two. 11.30 a. m. Same as at 7:30 a. ni. Noon: Dinner Follow the same plan as that of breakfast, drinking plenty of milk and cream. 3 p. in. Half a pint of milk and cream with cracker. 5:30 p. m. Same as 7:30 a. m., table spoonful of bismuth. 8 p. m. snipper: f ellow out the gen eral lino of bill of fare as recommend ed for breakfast and dinner. Eat es pecially large quantities of cooked vegetables, and do not forget the cream and milk. 9 o'clock p. m. Drink half a pint of hot water. Go to bed and apply hot I compresses to the stomach for one and one half hour. Weiah carefully three times a week. If there is no gain in weight, double the amount of cream and milk. The youth 1 years old who- applys for enlistment must weijh at least 115 pounds and be five feet four inches tall. If 19 years old. he must weigh 120 pounds to get in the navy and not less than five feet four inches. If 20 years old, he must fcish not less than 123 pounds and be of the required five feet four inches. If the applicant for service in the navy is over 21 year old, with a height of 64 inche h must weigh at least 12S pounds; wi'h ti.j inches. 130 pounds;; with titi inches in height, ths weight mnt be at least !3-J pounds; with 67 implies, 134 ponnds; 6S inches. ! 141 pounds; i9 inches in height, not j less then 14S pounds; with 70 inches. 1 -t j lo3 Pound; 1 inches, lb. pounds; i2 FIFTEEN HUNDRED IN CLUB WORK Members of Boys And Girls Industrial Clubs Will Compete For Prizes More than 1500 boys and girls in the state of Oregon aro in the industrial clubs and will compete for prizes to be given at the coming state fair. One of the awards for a certain number of winners will be a free trip next year to tho Oregon Agricultural college sum mer school of two weeks. One of the boys who was fortunute a year ago and who attended tho col lege summer school was Frank Egglcr, age 14 years. He won a prize for the. exhibition of a pork hog at the last fair. He is the gon of Mr, end Mrs. Peter Eggler, living on rural route i), Salem. While atteudinfr the school he hvrote the following letter: " hen 1 lett Salem for Corvallis I ii quite anu proua oi ocmg ao e 1 fu iT".- at the college know when I would ar- iivb mui so mere was u man at me sta tion with a Ford to meet me. e' fraternity "At college thev have houses where we boys lived and soror-! ity houses for the girls. These are big with many rooms and are like real homes. The first week I was there we spent most of our time in studying live stock and the different breeds. The second and last week we studied all about fruits and "garden products. Our study hours were from eight to to three in the afternoon. After that had lots of fun playing tenuis, basket ball, playing in the gymnasium island in swimming The members of the faculty look us a'l to a show one night and we had parties on several other nights. VVhila there I heard some excellent speeches 'by men from all parts of the country. Une of them was Mr. JVewbill, assist ant United istates club leader from Washington, D. C. "I enjoyed every moment of my stay there and shall surely eo back there again when I get through high school Red Cross Supplies Are Sent Into Russia Ava;fliinittcm, July i22. American Red Cross supplies are being sent into Vladivostok, the state- department re vealed today. Later it may ibe found desirable to ship there some nfle9 made on Russian account before the Slavs emit the war. On this subject however officials are maintaining silence. Kmnors said Germany and Finland had reached an agreement. This is doubted here. The Germans ere said to, have eighty thousand troops in Finland in antici pation that the Finns sooner or later will make demands upon Russia in volving the Murmansk railway and perhaps give Germany a chance to move up to the line. in-hes, li!) pounds and the limit of height for the navy, 73 inches, not less than 17ti pounds in weight. Carter's Little liver Pills You Cannot be AlRemedy That Constipated f jrglf Makes Life and Happy A Worth Living Small Pill Small Dom SoiaUPrtea A BSENCE of Iron in the many coioriea face :. lit .. Sergeant Benjamin Now On West Front Sergeant Harold Benjamin is especial ly known to the people living at rja lein Heights, as for a time he was principal of their schools. After attend ing a special course in training at the Presidio, he enlisted in the army and ia now in France. To Howard Sanders and James Wagner of rural route 3, Salem, he writes in part: "I am sorry to disappoint you as to my rank. I am not a captain nor ever liuble to le one. I am a sergeant, chief of a gun swtion of field artillery. "It is a great life if you do not weaken. I am in tho regular army. The days I spent in the national guard anil iu the Mexican affair ajid in the offi cers' training camp at San Francigco are fast .becoming dim and shadowy memories. "I am sorry I cannot tell you iC wonderful narrative of artillery duels and dashing advances and of hair rais ing episodes wherein a Colt's auto matio aiid nine inch shells mijjht fig ure prominently. But alas, there arn censors as you know and this is a time of war, as the French say. "We need young men. I am rather old, you know, but I carry my years lgntly. This war is a fight between :riffht tllinK8 nIld wrollg y0 arc y0llnK chaps and perhaps in years to come ono wiI1 te you that this was you i a rich man 's war and a poor man s tight, and that it was brought on by 'moneyed interests. If some one tries to s"""tell you that, stand up and tell ;se houses i, - w0i, kg.nJ I ,We are fiifhting tliat' me pll lIi)t9 SalelIl Heights may be safe pli aces laces tor men and for women to rear their sons and daughters. IT STOPPED Hlf BUFFERING Said Mrs. Jaynes, Speaking of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Anderson, S. C "I got into an bw ful condition with what the doctors said was an organic dis placement I would have pains so badly that they would hav to put hot clothes cn me and give me . morphine. The doc tor caid I would never be any better without an opera tion and 1 would never have any children without it. A neighbor who knew what vour medicine would do advised me to giv Lydia E. Pinkham's Vep-etahle Prim. (Mrs pound a trial. I did ' v bo and it made me well woman and the next September 1 gave birth to a healthy baby boy." Mrs. Sallib Jaynes, 37 Lyon St, Anderson, S. C. The letters which we are publishing from women in every section of this country prove beyond question the merit of this famous root and herb medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. 1 r$ & pARTER'S IRON PILLS bat VwUl greatly help mort sale-text Moota it 4t