Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 20, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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j A
a o nuasummer is Here, more and belle. Mr. and Mrs. Young and their . so has not sint much of his time ia
mviw ywp.o ausmr me can or uaugnier are troni Albany ana were
nature, some going oa camping the guest., of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop,
trips. oLhers motoring to interesting ! Mr. ami Mr. V. 1) Thiol.... at thoir
mi mil otnera rush
hi ill! off to home on Lincoln anil lijx-k. pntnrtji.n
the aeashoro for the summer or mpd p. I several frien.U At ,iinni K,fnM thm
tor a few days to forget the worries of party. Thev had as their guests Mr. and
Imaineas yor if one could hut his Mrs. Van loren, Melvin Plimpton,
- yet and forget the distancc.he would Miss Marjorio, Marvin and Harry Mc
aimosi think himself in another world Camot.
mhtn at the coast where people mere- J Other out of town guests were Mrs.
Ij enjoy themselves with never a thotjH. G. Large from Lo Angeles, who is
Hi the "work-a-day" world. Jt is a'si-ending several weeks visiting a f or-
ici.ta.uug relaxation to nve a tree nier university of Oregon friend, Mrs.
life, where the daily schedule is not W. C. Dyer. 330 North Summer strict,
constantly holding up its hands if ev- Miss Gortrudo Koltcs from Riverside,
ery detail is not piously followed. Ev- California, who is sending the summer
eryone enjoys luxury in every regard, in .Salem, also attended the party as
even the luxury of spending some of the gue.rt of Mrs. Oyer. Mr. Dyer hud
one's time in doing just the little pet as a guest, Mr. Kicketfs, a former I 'hi
things one particularly enjoys. And so Delta Thefa fraternity brother at Ore
society life is characterized by fauu-'gon Agricultural college. Lieutenant
Kes and friends going back and' forth 'McGill from Astoria was the guest of
on their vacations with few social C. T. and Dr. M. K. l'omeroy.
functions exicept the informal gather-
Sngs. Sometimes thcso' ore to celebrate ,r , c , ,
a birthday, a weddimr anniverrv. n,!..-"' FmikSt-cars entertained at a
perhaps a little party in honor of n T"-' '7 w ediies.Iay evening, when
friend who is leaving. Ia war times it " 6 "T "' hw,,f"?''2, 10 to
that weddings claim the height Tet tn coufn' Ur "'". Traeey.
Salem. Ho belonged .to the national
guards and was called out July 29,
1917. He is now in the 49th artillery
at 1'ort Stevens and expects te leave
next week for Virginia. Mrs. Brown Is
staying at Hammond while her hus
band is at Fort Stevens.
Bf attontion, for one is continually "T T .f'.t" t,.',w,"tcr "
wrorised to diwnvnr tl. .ti,., 'he coailt 80 tliat sh m'Kht be near
friend has followed Cupids allurements "fe1"' Tnaey, who
But the significant note of all these aa ee" "tioncd at Camp Lewis. He
weddings ia their simplicity which is """,..'". ' ' "
in nannony with war times. .Next week , ' Zt , , ?" VJ ,. , ,
fcewever, there will be even less of cn- mam al aboi!t a '"'!th befo.re
tcrtainiug because of the Chautauqua t0 hor kome m VVbs1ii"S,". O-
programs and lectures. The children V ., . , . , t . .
rill enjoy the playground work and Tho "np.r l'arty.wh"'l was not elab-
torieg in the morning, while the older ?,ra.to' wag l,n keeVlnS wltl wr times,
people will aj.freclate the afternoon ,Karde" fl"wora we,re usc on
nating color schemie. Those who were
nr. , . . ,, iprewui. were, me jnsses rilizacoin
air. Moody and sister. Miss K a i-n.. n!i!.,i... ,
lri. i n ur a i , ,r ii ,"r'i, iuiiwu. iuur, urie luarvin,
Moedy, Mrs. F. W. Selee, Mrs. Hellyer ; jf Prince Mvr.l 'Mr. l Vrv Tr
of Perry, Iowa, who is visiting Mrs.
Belee, have roturned from Newport af
ter spending a week at the eoatt.
nd evening entertainment
Mrs. Douuell, tm honor guest Mrs,
Frank Tralcey, and the hostess, Mrs.
Frank Bpeers.
i if WSJ;,,nB h"',h in Mem r several days as the
Ili J- TY temnen K" ot Mi Con Talkington, 391
iL , 'fJf w-Wa'n, "h8, CM stroet. of Miss I,vda
icftme the onde of IVirl Wimborlv of nu . A o .... l
. m, . , " . I iiUlltilttUH HIO 'Hit CTH(Cin UUNI1
i Z 7, w ? i , """"I Willinm, i, a Red Cross nurse and ex
n'Li Tuyl?'t?0lV1m t be ealUtl to France in the
Grace Memorul tpist-wpal chunh at ,,,-ar fu,Ure. She graduated from KaJem
L , ?f KDtf T1)' "'"V Bta left for her
Mrs. Wimberly graduated from Wil- honJ iu 3umion ,,it whm rhe wi
mnlln In?" y WV"ml yt,lrf, T" be ll,ltil is eAy the Red Oron
While m college she was very popular own;mlon.
nd took an active part in all school i
activities. She was May Queen In hor . T , ., . ,
enior ynar . Saturday .fitcrnoon, July thirteenth,
Mr. Wimberly 1 tho sou of Mr. and anotb eadin8' whwvh flame as a sur
Mrs. Ira Wtabcrly of Drain. Until ro- prlse to the nuiny friends and relatives
ii- i ... wal Holcaunizftn. when Kftriniinf T l.a
.why, mn no wwamo a SOIUier at . , ": ""..r".". rf 4h nnnwuillv lnrr number of wo-
Jwnsen Polvteclin c Jin hi. a lmnn cit "u KKuiueu iuiibs iviun rw , j r :, ,
.." 1 'yToinmi., no mis ncen city ,. .. , ., T. .k me,, who are entering the executive
-"I'll 'iiuu j in? iimiiinrj vuun i a '
Mrs. Ralph Iirown (Blanche Brown)
arrived in .Salem this week. She has
como fruni Cushing, Oklahoma, where
her home has been. !She will stay in
SaliMii about two months visiting her
mother, Mrs. A. L. Brown, 330 South
Commercial street, before leaving for
Wood Kiver, Illinois, where her fu
ture home will be.
The homo of Miss Blanche Blundell,
603 North Iiiborty was the sceneOof
a pretty surpriso party Monday even
ing, when she entertained in honor of
Mis M.xMe Jones, who is leaving for
Portland where she will be with her
mother who left some tune ago.
The evening was merrily spent with
games and music. La'er dainty refresh
ments were served. Those who enjoyed
the affair were tho Misses Kuth Need-
ham, Orela.ua Thomas, Mabel Gard
ner, Selma Bartefl, Edith Brown. Anna
Mason, Ldtth Mcrarland, Dora Isnmit
Ruth Blunk, Nina Libby, Meinrada
Faihey, Grmee MeDoJiald, Blaiwhe
Houc'k, Daisy Varley Belle O'Reilly,
Mae Varley, Hannah Hastings, Pearl
Collin Edna Blundell, Blanche Blun
dell, Laura Yantes, Mildred Earley,
Ldith, Claxton, Mrs. L. Reynolds and
the honor gueet Miss Mabel Jones.
In honor of .their twenty fifth wed
ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. A. A
Lee entertained some of their friends
at a dinner party Saturday evening at
thoir home on 1315 State street- The
living room was bright with decora
tions of wild pink sweet peas, while
delicate little Cecil Brunner roses gave
a dainty and pretty appeaaace to the
dining room. Rose tinted place cards
marked the places at the table. Those
who enjoyed the dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Swafford, Mr. and Mrs. F.
A, Legg, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. DeLong,
Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Carrier, Mrs. Franh
Francis of Camas, Washington, the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee, and
their sou, Paul Lee,
Of interest to ibusiness women Is the
National Convention of Business Wo
men which was held iu Cincinnati July
lit to 19. Many large business concerns
sent delegates from all over the conn-
try to attend this conference. Because
This afternoon at her home on 796
South High street. Miss Elitibets.
.1 . .....
ia was me Hostess at a ueughttul
informal party in honor of Miss Ellen
Ihtelsen. The affaar was m the form
of a tea, with Mra. Frank Traeey pour
ing. Mrs. Traccy is spending the sum
mer with her cousin, Mrs. Frank
Speers. The guests at the frty were
members of the knitting tlab to which
Miss Lord belongs.
Last Sunday a happy family dinner
was given by Mrs. Charles F. Elgin,
671 South Capitol street. The dinner,
which was served on the lawn at on
o clock, gave the family en opportuni
ty for ail enjoyable reunion. Those
present were Mrs. Elgin's mother, Mrs.
Sopha Freeksen aid Miss Jennie Freek-
sen of Albany. Mrs. Stena oeely and
her daughter, Alke, of Portland, Mrs.
F. E. Jackson and son, Richard, of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Mishler
of Salem Heights, Mrs. Raehel Mishler
of Albany, Otto Marshtatter of Port
land and xlorenee and Wayne Elgin,
Mrs. Sol Levy- and her daughter,
Elizabeth, have returned, home to Sa
lem after spending a short vacation at
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
VandvervoTt, 435 North Winter street,
was the scene of a merry party recent
ly when .their daughter, Jeanelle Van-
dervort, entertained a crowd of hjer
friends in honor of her fifteenth birth
day. The affair was given on the
wn, whu'h was attractive with ocean
spray and a background of bunting
and flags- Japanese lanterns added a
soft light to the party. After various
games were enjoyed, the Misses Cath
erine Vincent and Jaunett Jones as
sisted in the serving.
The guests weri the Misses Gertrude
West, Margaret Alden, Jaunett Jones,
Lola Millard, Ftorenee Young, Cather
ine Vincent, Frances Hodge, Miriam
Lovtell, G)fiievieve LnilicoUt, Letna
Wilson and Messrs. Homer Richardson,
Roland Randall, Max Moon, Hugh Do-
noy, Ralph Hamilton, irank uecke-
bach, Frank Chapman, Evan Jones,
Robert Littler. Wallace Griffith, Car
son Hunt, Richard Kreisel, John Brown
and Lestel Sparks, of BaudoH, Oregon.
attorney at Roselnirg, For the past two
years, Mrs. Wimberly has been at the
head of the English depnrtment in
Koseburg high seho.il, She will continue
her work during the war.
The event of paramount interest
which broke the monotonous lull that
has ichanaetorifced soeitVy life for the
pant few -week was the dunce at the
lllihea Country club Thursday night.
It was a gay renewal of festivities
for Kttlcun auoieity people, who huvo re
trained their merry-making impulses
for siiiio time. The panty was ileliujit
fully informal and ninny people plan
ned lit'ln dinner and ipicnie parties bo
fore which were in liurniony with tho
fare-free npirilt manifet throughout
the rest of the evening. Among those
who enjoyed a picnic, supper lit the
rlub house wins tho group, which in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Cliauneey Bistinp,
Mr. end Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Iluriihanlt, Mr. hii.1 Mrs.
P. A. young and their duugh'er, Jhm-
pluco in Astoria with the Epidemiol
nvtor officiating. After the wedding
Mr, and Mrs. Brown came to Sulem,
where .they wpe.nt Mundny and Monday
with Mr, Brown's parents, Attorney
General nnd Mrs. George M. Brown,
37.r) North Mth street.
Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Mrs.
Julia Phillips of W'silla Walla, Mrs.
Phillips has en art studio in Wnlla
Walla and Mrs. Brown has been assist
ing her mother as a tcuiehor of art
there. She iir also a fine pianist, hav
ing studied in tho Whitman Conserva
tory and is well known among the art
and musical circle of Walla Walla.
She usually spends her sum'tners at Sea
side, where it was (hut Mr, Drown met
her a year ago.
Sergeant Brown, who is tho only son
of Attorney General and Mrs. Geor;C
M. Brown is a graduate of Roseburg
high school. He was very popular in
school and has many friends there.
After finishing high school, he went
to Helikne-Wallior Bumneas college and
and managerial departments of various
business houses, there was a keen in
terest) manifested by those present
Elizabeth Seiger, who is an efficiency
expert for the Elgin Watch company,
spoke on the mtbjeet, "A Woman's
Chance in tho Industrial World." An
other interesting speaker was Mary
ft. Bellamy, who represented Wyoming.
She is a micmrber of the state legisla
ture. The ('(invention was called by the
Woman's Association of Commerce of
the V. S. A. whose president is Flor
ence King. The meeting helped to
unify women in tho business world and
to do their work more efficiently.
Tho members of the Scandinavian
Ladies Aid society met Tiiesilny after
noon at the home of Mrs. John W
Wickllierg in Snlem Heights. The after
noon wus spent h.V the women piecing
quilts. l.ttr refreshments, appropri
ate to war times were served. Martha
and Olga Wickberg assisted in serv
: ii f i t ii ii nir r-!. .y; ? -is
'Pill 1 a 1 IH S fSV MV
We Have
It for Less
You Save Money Buy
ing1 From This Store.
We Have It for Less.
Hammocks .....$1.50 to
Refrigeraiirs $12.50 to
Porch Shades, 8 feet wide $2.00 Up
Straw, fiber and Leather suit Cases $1.50 Up
Traveling Bags for your Summer Vacation . . $1.50 Up
Trunks from $2.00 to $75.00
A Bery fine Line of Wardrobe Trunks
C. S. Hamilton
340 Court Streeet
ft I
4 4-M
y 4 ----
Maxine Glover, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs- B. A. Glover, 1B94
Court street, returned this week from
Portland where she has been visiting
for several weeks. Whilo there several
parties were given in her honor.
After spending a -pleasant vacation
of five weeks, Mr. and Mrs- Clifton
Ross and two children, Doris and Milo,
have returned to their home, 2525 Ha
zel street. Amone the friends they vis
ited were Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Grahm,
friends of theirs in northern Idaho.
Later they enjoyed a delightful camp
ing trip at a summer resort where
fishing proved a pleasing divorsdon.
Before they returned homo they visit
ed at Boise and many other places ov
er Idaho. i
The Mothers' class entertained at
a lawn party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. K. Hunt,453 Court street, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Acheson
who exjiecfc to leave ISaJem in the near
future. The families were also special
guests. The lawn was gaily decorated
with blurting, while bowls of sweet
peas and Shasta daisies lent a pretty
effect. The company enjoyed games
and musk and later the dinner was
erl iitt picinic style. About titty
people were present, which included
thlet members of the Moithera class,
their, families and Miss Jennie Hoyt
and Mrs. Fannie Long of Portland, who
are the house. guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Young, and Mr. ana -urs. vv. a.
Acheson of Alliance, Nebraska, who
are visiting relatives in (5ab?m.
w w
Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson and her smnll
grandson, Boiiert Ohauncey Biahop,
are still at l'alo Alto, California. They
expect to remtiiu as long as Lieutenant
Carl Gaibrielson is there. At present
he is stationed at Caunp Fremont and
does not know when, orders will b
given to move.
ur t- T Tnlkinirton and daughter,
Coia. are entertaining as guests for
the week end, Mrs. William ihlanueT
and daughter, Jiabine. They motored
down from their home in Portland.
Mr7 and Mrs. Pflvid W. Kyre and
family returned Tuesday from a few
.lave vacation at Newport. While there
tliey were guests at the New tlitf
House at Nye Beach.
Mrs. F. J. Rupert's mother, Mis.
Robert Macnider, left this week for
a visiifc in the north. ne win
a short visit, at Vancouver, B. C, and
will go Inter to Calt:ry, Canada, where
she plans to upend the suauuier wita
her .laughter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Young are en
tertaining at their home on
Hieh strwt, Miss Jennie Hoyt and
Mrs. Fanuie Long I"'"- """"
Thev will visit in Salem lor
weeks. Mrs. Long is a sister of Mrs-Young.
Thia is desimuited as "children's
vear," because the Vnited States gov-
erimicnt uas asKe.i iu mn
anions of wo'iien to help m cteercas
inir the amount of sickness and num
ber f deaths of little children Wat me
I health cf future citizens may be pro-'tee'ed-
In Ca'ifornia the foimcil of de
'fciisA women's contiuittec has started!
the work by rcSistertng ana weigmnx.
tail children from six muntna to
veais old. Mrs. Fred O. .Vhilke of L
I Grande has charge of this work in
(re?ou. She is president of tho joint
lortaniiations of the Oreaon Coupes
of Mothers and the UUe tareni
Teachers asswiation. It will be re
membered Mrs. tVhilke sjHike iu Sa
lem this winter before the meeting of
the countv superintendents of Oregon-
A delightful jiiano re-ital was ren
dered Wednesday eveuiuif, by Miss
Gladys Anderson, one .of Professor
Harr's talented voting l!ils, in the
J Court ajpartments of Mr. and Mrs. C.
I. Kepnart. me program wus nrvtujr
enjoyed by her hosts and their guests.
Mi Andeistn was accompanied by
her sister. Esther, iu some of the selections.
The young pianist is a maid of fif-
Jt x,;
I t v.
J ' r 1 : - I I I
im t OJ: M
s &mmtos&- m!' j I 1
IV I Thoy?H. f nc? If Jfff
5&. ENID' BENNETr I - -y
Xhov?H. f nc?
(Continued from page one)
Lawrcnco L. Bourecois. Lvous Falls
Arnold Doe, Jackson, 8. C.
Raymond M. Geiglc, Waterbury, Conn,
Arthur Daniels Hill, Ntw l'ork.
Howard W. Moiteson, Parkers Trai-
rio, Minn.
Orlonzo Pearson, Gridley, Cal.
Vincent Jacob Btenger, Short Creek
W. Va.
Richard J. Wilson, Reading, Pa.
Died of aeroplane accident: '
Lieutenant William B. Preston, Oma
ha, Neb.
iied from accident and other causes:
Lieutenant Winston P. Anderson,
Birmingham, Ala.
Sergeant Willard Dealton Partly,
Marshfield, Wis.
Corporal John W. Cairns, Nobles-
town, Pa.
Cook W iiliain Guilfoyl, Cambria, Wvo.
Privates Joe Alft, Shawano, Wis.
William Tnomas Ballard, White Lake,
Gaetano Cilento, New York.
Raffa Dessotto, Renova, Pa.
Arnt Drydul, Spring Grove, Minn,
Ham Johnson, Kathwood. S. C.
Frank L. Mitchell, Livcrmonre Falls,
Hiram Kich, Northumberland, Va.
Jesse Walter, Cuthbert, Ga.
Wounded severely:
Lieutenant William Nes&elhof, Kansas
City, Mo.
Sergeant Jan Jankowski, Chicago.
Privates William T. Cunningham,
Goldfidd, Nev.
Joseph F. Holasek, San Francisco.
Joseph F. Kendisor, Chicago.
John J. McQuillian, Butte, Mont.
Fred Placliclnski, Chicago.
Earl II. Rfiddan, Culbank, Mont.
Edward F. Younger, Chicago.
Missing in action:
Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt, Oyster
Bay, N. Y.
Corporals Bertie F. Bottler, Raders
burg, Mont. '
Mitchell Houthin, Burlington, Iowa.
E. F. Forton, Mt. Clements. Mich.
E. A. Gahring, Minneapolis, Minn.
F. E. Green, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
C. A. Gutk?r, Stewartsville, Minn.
D. W. Hayes, St. Louis, Mo.
L. L. Iftisenian, St. Louis, Mo.
G. E. Henry, Cambridge. Ohio.
H. E. Higgins, Rockford, 111.
E. F. Kearins, Chicago.
G. E. Maloy, Blaine, Wash.
E. W. Moore, Yorkville, III.
R. B. Williams, Coalville, Uiuh.
Missing in action:
' Corporals J. D. Ashworth, Springfield,
C. L. Bailey. Chicago.
H. E. Bolandcr, MisvilLe, Ky.
D. O. Lantzy, Lincoln, Neb.
H. B. Wood, Elmdale, Kan.
Privates E. M. Brown, Grenola, Kans
John F. Dellaven, Conshocken, Pa.
F. W. Eltman, Maywood, 111.
W. Ii. Farnhani. Watcrville, Wash.
V. J. Kearney, 502 Sharp street, Sp
kan.3, Wash. '
W. L. Lentz, Gilliam, Mo.
P. Nicastro, Chicago.
D. J. O 'Council, Ranger, Mo, .
J. C. Placek, Chicago.
C. W. Pleisch, Anderson, Cal.
Sergeant R. X. Smith, 3127 East. Spa
gue avenue. Spokane, Wash.
Privates W. E. Nunceker, Bushncll.
L. D. Bosecrans, Auburn, Mich.
H. L. Seiiger, Danville, 111
Previously reported missing, now report-"
ed prisoners in Germany:
Privates E. C. Byrs, LaBelle, Mo.
L. Cunningham Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
Jos. H. Leonnig and Misg Cora Eeee
were married at Tacoma, Monday,
very iiimch to the surprise of the. brides
HJbbard friends. Mr. Leonnig is one
of Uncle Sara ' boys and stationed at
Taconra for some time, having visdtetl
in Huliliard recently. The young cou
ple will sipeud. the next ten days at
Tacoma, soon after which it is espect--ed
Mr. Leonnig's company will be niov-"
ed. Mr. Leonnig is from. Haines, Ore.
Ms. Leonnig is the efficient assistant
cashier of ;t!he Hubbard State bank autf
is very populnr with the patrons of
the bank and the Hubbard people gen
The young people have the best
wishes of nitiny friends here Hubbard
High Class Ladies' Tailoring
474 Court Street
Washington, July 20. Marino casual
ties today totalled 78; divided as fol
lows :
Kiiltd in action, 5: died of wounds,
1: died of disease, 1; wounded severely,
-;; wouiMled slightly, 2; prisoners. 2;
missing in action, zi
Killed in action:
Privates T T Deckers, Parkers Glen,
J. J. Harris, Houston, Ttsas.
E. M. Kriog, Detroit, Mich.
1. A. Schmitt, Chicago
Died of wounds received in aetiou
Corporal J. Vucic, Chicago.
Died. of disease:
Private John Ross, California,' Ohio.
vVouwled sevtrcly:
Sergeant Thomas Duncan. Teaman
Corporals C. II. Janies, Richmond,
Theodora Keller, Lexington, Kv.
Privates W. J. Allen, Ciippk Creek,
B. C. Ayers, Bedford, Mo.
B. L, Campbell Waco, Texas.
W. M. Coy, Odebolt, Iowa.
t-Ttt?tTttM M t vtTtttT ten, and her skill may be noted by
mention of some of the selections from
the program, such as Robin's Depar
ture by Fisher; Miirlha bv IWn:
Grobo's Aiiio;i.an Medley. Wyinan s
Silvery Waves, Waves of the Ocean by
Blake, Napoleon s Last Char.se, Edel
weiss Walts by Vanderbevk, Poet and
Peasant bv Siippe, II Trovatore. Come
Back t Erin bv Kuhe, and others.
Miss Vida Prcetor has returned to
her home in Salem. She finished the
training for nurses at the Methodist
Deaconess hospital in Spokane on June
12. She has enlisted as a Red Cross
nrse, but does not expect to leave un
til October.
Mrs. J. B. Coon and daughter, Ar
villa, are spending the week end in
' Heads ArlisU Company on Second Day ,
. T ...-r.i v....ni,v, w no win present two nroirrnmrt
at Chautauqua on the second duv. is cr.fc at th- ?tprogrnnlT
platform, renwlck. A. Kewell, h.nr,h, company, Is a lyric tenor who h
been advancing very rapidly In popular favor during the past few years HI
,.t uuu Ul. VBre BDU mstnictlon of the two greatest too.
coaches in the country. Badanovlts of Chicago and Oscar Saeger of Te
York, has developed tones of glorious warmth anrt ,w "euser r
Miss Lllllnn Shank, violoncellist is an artist of hir-hi4 a ... u... .
and deon mnsrtn.1 i,nrt..lir.. ..k -"u i.uuiqu.
' r w in a irtrrii nr nniianni an
form. Mr Jn. nrinh. . . . " " "u luK V1
-.ujiouibi, ia ii true arust at the piano.
i .