Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 20, 1918, Page TEN, Image 10

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What They Stand For
V Stands for Willard, also for war.
IFor Inimitable, all Willards are.
L Stands for Live Long, all of them do.
AIs for Ampere, a wise little man.
R Is for Rubber,beat this if you can.
D--Stands for Duty, ours is plain, to help squelch
the Kaiser, that peace may reign.
B Stands for Better, than Willard there's none.
A Is for all cars under the sun.
TIs for Threaded, that is the word.
T's also for Thomas, of whom you have heard.
E-Is for Excellence, that means worth.
R Is Results, of these there's no dearth.
I-'s for Inspection, and this is free.
E Is for Every two weeks, don't you see?
S Means Service, we are here to extend our very
best service. Please call again.
Hints for the Motorist
J By Albert L. Clough
Editor Motor Service,
Beview of Eeviewi
! -H
Auto Electric Shop
418 Court Street Phone 203
Detecting Tire Overloading.
P A. MOTORIST is convinced, that he U using tire of ordinarily good
quality, mat He Is giving them proper care and is not subjecting them
10 unusually severe usage and still he 1 falling to obtain from them as
'iod mileage as the experience of other motorists would lead him rea-
Jiiably to expect there is s strong presumption that his tires are overloaded,
ll Is a very simple matter to take n car to a platform scales and obtain its
total weight, and then to obtain the weight borne by the front'and rear
axtea respectively if the whole car Is setting level when one pair of wheel
only Is on-the scales, the sum of the weights carried by the two axles should
jual the total car weight By consulting the table of allowable loading
Ji6 permissible load for a tire of the size In question, when used in front
and when used In rear Is readily obtainable and these figures should be'
compared respectively with one-half the front axle weigh', and one-half
the rear axle weight If It be found that the actual weight on either pair of
tires exceeds the permissible load, the tires of that pair are overloaded and
even if the actual loading is not actually above the allowable, it may be that
the duty imposed upon the tires Is above that which would lead to the best
economy. Over-size fires are required in cases of overloading.
New Books Received
At Public Library
"The ful tar cf a soldier" is writtct
liy tho father of Couingsbv Dawson, tic
author of "Carey on." With crowing
patriotism ho has watched three sort
leave for tlio front.
"M. 75; reminiscences of a gum:ei
of a .75 mm battery in 1914" reveal)
llic French spirit In tlio war. Paul Lin
tier pictures vividly tlio patieno, the
good humor, tta patriotic devotion and
simple couiugo of tho heroes who saw
tlio mobilization, the ndvnnco into Bel
gium, tho retreat beforo tho oncoming
foe, and then the horoic stand and be
fore Pari Ho fell in March 1910.
"Best short Ert ories of 1917, and the
Yearbook of tlio American short Btory'
in the continuation of the yearly com
filiation by Edward O'Brien.
"How to Teach" by Btrayer and Nor
sworthy, is one of tho T.uachers' read
ing circle books and also tio basin for
The boys who inroduccd
Free Tire Service io
Your City
Their SERVICE is now
with Uncle Sam, but
their shop is still at 279
N. Commercial, where
you can get the best in
Yukanizing, Retreading
Great Italian Air Squadron
Raids Austrian Harbor
London, July 20. Activity of enemy
destroyers, continual patrol duty over
the North sea and some combats were
reported today by the British antnin
istry for tlio period from July 11 to 17.
"Tlio royal air forcer... working with
(ho navy in home waters, have main-'
tnined anti-submarine and escort pat
rol," the comnuiuiquo Btated.
"Bombing raids hnvo beve-n carried out
when tlio weather was favorable with
good results.
"Enemy destroyers have boon sighted
off the Flanders coast on sowral occas
ions and attacked with bombs. A di
rect hit was obtained ou ono largo des
stroyer Our formations have also at
tacked desr.'nyers with machine gunfire.
On one of those occasions fivo enemy
seaplanes approached at the beginning
of action but immediately withdrew.
"Enemy aircraft have been active
and have attacked our bombing and pa
t.rnl formations. Tliroo hostile machines
linvo biv.'n destroyed and four driven
down out of control. Two of our ma
chines nro missing mid two collided and
crashed down.
"One of our machines on nnti'submnr
ine patrol observed nn enemy seaplane
upside, down in tho sen, but saw no oc-
Phone 1400
state examination.
j "Tree of heaven " is May Sinclair's
now book.
For the Children.
"IT mle Rum's boy nt war" tells how
an American boy sucg the war. Oseai
Austin Is the author.
"World's greatest military spies anil
spies and sterol service agents," Is a
group of stories of tho spies of all times
written by George Barton
! "The (!npp encyclopedia," containing
,voiy child's fault, is the newest' of
Burgess' books for tho children.
j The library is putUig out new copies
of the old ones as well, and borrowing
more copies of all So that for onc.0 every
child wh wishes may have a Goop book
to read
i The Langwortliy charts are on exhibi
tion at tho Library this weeli and iv.'xt.
They picture In color the different food
content of our most common foods. Now
that housewives ores expected to talk
intelligently in terms of calories, every
one will find them Intorosttug.
. I-:. C. II. u.-ks: Can "Poco" alcohol
bo successfully used In decarboniz
ing an engine? Is this method as
good as scraping the cylindersT How
much alcohol should be used in each
Answer: No method Is so sure as
scraping. We do not know this
brJnd of alcohol but, as the name
you give Is quite similar to that of a
well-known brand of denatured al
cohol, wo assume that it is this kind
of alcohol that you refer to. Alco
hol, like a number of other liquids,
exerts some solvent action upon the
compounds which bind together the
particles of carbon doposits and Is
thus cnpablo of softening and loosen
ing thorn to some extent and thus of
hastening their expulsion from the
cylinders. To treat a cylinder, r
moo rhe spark-plug, and turn the
engine until the piston Is at the top
ol compression. Then ml the whole
jmprtsion space with alcohol from
a se,ulrt can or oil gun, put back the
plug and let It stand over night,
in the morning, suck out the alcohol
with tho oil gun, through the plug
opening, replace the spark-plug and
run the engine briskly. One cylin
der can be treated each night lit ll
all have been operated upon. If tho
piston la tight the alcohol is kept
In contact with most of the carhou
iied surface and wy little enters!
the crunk mat TM treatment, like I
other similar ones. Is more effective
on newly formed deposits than on
ones of long standing.
I. A. B. asks: what Is the "con
denser," that is a part of a mag
neto or battery Ignition system, and
what is it for?
Answer: Its object is to Increase
the Intensity of the Igniting spark
and to prevent sparking at and burn
ing of the contacts of the Interrupter
or make-and-break device In the
primary or low tension circuit It
consists of a small bundle of tinfoil
sheets, each one separated from its
neighbor by a large sheet of mica.
Every other tinfoil Is connected to
one side of tho interrupter and the
remaining tinfoils are connected to
the other side of the Interrupter.
i Uie property of
and of later re.
stom K to the circuit. If it wera
not for the condenser when the in
terrupter points separate the current
would momentarily continue to pass
between them aa an arc or spark,
burning them and preventing the
sudden cessation of the current (the
prime condition of good spark pro
duction), with the condenser in
eircult the electricity, which would
otherwise burn the points Is absorbed
by it and an instantaneous break of
the circuit, the prompt doinagnaMst-
uon oi we iron ,core and a
Igniting spark araswund.
'jwirvini gf general interest to motoric tnll be anncxm in thit
column, ipact permitting. Addreu Albert U Ohoigh, care of thit office.
"Enemy attempts to salvage tho do-
stroyer recently sunk closo to Zoebruggo
by & bomb from oDe of our machines
have been greatly hinuered by our
bombing formations."
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.
Allied Advisory Council Ac
cepts President's Busi
ness Intervention Policy
Tokio, July 18. The allied advisory
council 1ms decided to accept the Am
erican council's proposal for tho land-
i ii rr ltt tvr,nr.a 1; a.
to das., to .lie assignee of the bombiug
forces slun Id any help lv.. re;!ii.rcd. to th suggestions from Washing on
Tho raid was prepared lor Tuesday I 6
night when two airplanes uiude. an ex- L.. Wifh 4,iw u ...
pcdilion oyer tho city and dropped some wisttmu of uyis mw ; apparent,
bombs, this was for tho purpose of j Not only does ouch a move save nion-
mrowing n screen nnout tnc real attack ,.y for the .man who ants promptly, but
iiuicu ,io iii buiuu ii.'.t'i. ri'uiicsuav b
raid, therefore, completely upset the
atrial defenses.
Tho bombing was in reprisal for at
tacks ou towns behind the Italian front.
Italian JPlanan Bald.
Iiumo, Julv 19, Fifty four Italinu
planes whicii were accompanied by
speedy hydroplanes, all under the com
mand of tho famous poet, Gabriel 0'
Annunxio, nind,!! a successful raid on the
Austrian harbor of I'ola at dawn Wed
nesday, it wus announced heio today.
live tons of bombs weie dropped on
military establishments as workers ar
rived to begin their days labors. Italian
wnohips were stand.' ng out to sea reiidj
Enemy riar.e Downed.
London, July ID. Three enemy ma-'
eliinp were destroyed by the Briii'sli av
iators and a fourth was shot down out
of control Wednesday, the official Brit
ish air miuistry communique today said
In addition, tho communique claimed do
ntructiou of six hostile balloons.
Motor Cars Increased
Creatly In Value
"The nUan who bought his motor car
a year go and expected it now to be
worth one third less is getting one of
the ibiggest surprises of his life," nays
Lee L. OiUwt, Klin Six distributor,
"For iustwid of ohuwing tlio t'ustoin
ary ,'10 or 40 per .cent depreciation, one
year old autoinobilia are commanding
their original prices, or very close to
"In other words, tlie owner hag got
yenr of service, is able to turn in
his used far on a new one, and gets a
hundred per cent ollmvanco en his old
"This m tho first time in automo
bile history when sin-h a condition ob
tained. It as destined to continue. The
shortage in notor cars, constantly be
coming moro acute, and the higher
prices, steadily mounting, simply mean
that the nutoinobila bought today is
pretty certain o bo worth 100 cents
on the dollar next year, instead of
showing depreciation as in the past.
"Both now far and iwed cars bts
-rce, and the cffw.t of curtailed pro
duction is being felt in all ewtions.
"Tlio attitude of the owner of an
aut'imobilo is no logger that of being
willing to sacrifice it for almost any
"This is the time to buy motor
the owner knows for a certainty that
ho will be able to get a high resale or
trade-in price next year.
"One of tho biggest services Elgin
dealers aio rendering today is in
bringing these fiufits beforo the peo
plo of ithoir communities and thus aid
ing them to guard against rising prices
by prompt action in buying now.1?
nri is t
me vaiiev
Motor Company
Still have 3 tractors left that will be sold at the present price without the in
creased raise of freight We expect the
Fordson Tractors
Watch for notice of Demonstrations that will be held upon their arrival.
The Va
Hey M
Front and State Streets Elbert Thompson, Mgr.
will be drafted tomorrow. investment that depreciates very lit-
The newspaper Hochi savs a declar-!tlc in vaUl th:M.u years of efficient
ation of war will not bo necessary.
The Boxers of China will not oppose
the landing of troops in Siberia, it
was said.
American proposals for Japanese
Amercan intervention in Siberia have
been made, according to reports from
foreign sources, although Washington
officials remain silent on the subject.
Plans Move Forward.
Washington, July 19. American
plans for a "business nrmy" in Kussia
with a considerable military protective
force are moving forward rapidly. .
Despatches from Tokio today indicat
ed that Japan has approved tho nlnii
and the other allies already had done
so. ine original proposition, outlined
by the United Press recently still
stands. The aid to Russia will be eco
nomic, while American, Japanese and
a few British and French troops will
constitute a force to join with the
Caecho-Slovaks already in Siberia.
These' forces will not be combative
but merely protective. It is believed
that the Hussians will rally quickiy
about allied forces and actually will re
sume a strong stand in battling Ger
man influence and military oppression.
That there may be no misunderstand
ing of the allied purposes, a corps of
''educators" will bo sent into Siberia
ahead of the expedition.
s rvicc. lliu is b:ta::S3 Chevrolet con
i fti'uciV'on remands that consistent high
quality istcindanh 'beJ nyiintained in
tho manufaitu c and assembly of every
nwchnnkal nnit. Chevrolet cars are
lui't, not to a pric?, but to serve well
and lasl long in any capacity where
a motor car can possibly be used. An
automobile will earn ita initial cost
many times over in .the money, timo
and energy it raves one."
Miss Beatrice Thurman, only child
of Mr. and Mrs. George Thurman, and
Mr. Walter Kufom, both of Waconda,
wero united by marriage at the home
of the bride's parents Wednesday July
10, 1918. by Kev. Scott, of Bethel.
The ceremony was performed on the
lawn under the shade of the walnut
trees. Miss Nellie Porter, cousin of tha
bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Francis
Nusoin, was best man.
Many guests were present, coniiruj
from Portland, Silverton, Salem, Me
Minnville, and other places. They wera
tho recipients of many presents.
A bountiful dinner was served by
the bride's mother, the table being
100 feet long.
The young couple have hosts of
friends who wish them happiness and
prosperity. Gervais Star.
sc s5 sc sc sjc sc sc sc ( s(
When you use the Journal
Class Ads you can depend on 4c
results. Phone 81.
sff s)c sfc sfc i)t sft jjc jc sft jft sfc
"An automobile should be selected
with exactly the same care as any
other pieco of labor saving equip
ment," says 1 G. Delano, local dealer
in Chevrolet automobiles.
"The same durable quality of con
strucition should be looked for and the
certainty rf a practical, efficient de
sign which will insure tho greatest
measure of utiility, should be sought us
diligently when selecting a motor car
as when choosing a machine for man
ufacturing purposes.
"To bo profitable as a business in
vestment, both must operato with de
pendable efficiency. Both must, render.
scrvLco for years with the lowest pos
silWo ecist for upkeep.
"Tho Chevrolet 'Four-Ninety,' or
any Chevrolet model, is just such nn
automobile. Because of this, it is the
fhoico of thousands of. keen business
meu who demand from their motor car
investments, as aizcablo dividends as
they secure from other investments.
Its staunch construction, powerful
vulve-in-head motor and light weight
insures the maximum of auolor car life
with a niimimura of operating cost-
"While the purchase of a Choviolet
calls for a very modest outlay, it is an
Of Interest to Women
The far seeing people are providing for the fu
ture and we are extremely busy busier than we
have ever been before making suits and coats for
both Women and men.
The new fashion plates show many attractive
innovations and we have a stock of suitings that can
not fail to please your fancy. These materials are of
superb quality. They were purchased some time
ago and we can make them up for you for much less
than we would have to charge you if the materials
were to be bought at present prices.
Prices are sure to advance. It is the part of wis
dom to order your suit now.
Come in and look over the new Fashion Plates
and allow us the opportunity of showing you our
stock of materials.
Court Street Salem, Oregon.
J , V-W J -MMr
' I v j oHl ST (GULF J
nm),1 5ANTt V He m-'oosSm vVv--
BKIT1SI1 MONITORS OFF SHORE hav pressed forward on a fifty mile front in, Albania, making the greatest advance between the sea and tht important
town of Berat. They have coptured several hundred prisoners and destroyed an enemy aviation base, capturing a large quantity of war supplies.