Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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FRIDAY, JrLT 19, 1918.
FA', ft
(0;c HaUjafeUgl Ifonrnal
We will always make you
Great Savings in
Just note the low prices on the few following items,
which will give you an idea how our Domestic De
partment will save you money:
Ginghams 20c, 23c and 29c
Percales 17c, 20c, 25c and 29c Yard
Bath Towels 12 l-2c, 20c, 25c and 30c each
Face Towels 10c, 12 l-2c, 18c, and 23c each
Sheets (72x90 inches).. 69c, 79c, 98c, and $1.19 each
Scalloped Sheets (81x90 inches) $1.59 each
Pillow Cases . . .25c, 29c and 35c each
We Keep the Quality Up and the
Prices Down the Lowest
The Foresters of America of Salem
will bo honored with a visit, August 16,
from the supreme chi.'f ranger of Ameri
ca, l'hillip J. Schotland, of New Jersey.
Thin announcement was made at. a re
1917 MAXWELL; Repainted and in the Very Best
of Shape.
1914 Reo Touring Car, Good Tires and the Motor
in A-l Condition.
Both the Above Cars are priced right for quick sale
Lee L.
State Distributor
156 S. Commercial St
7o Savan laundry soap Oo
7o White laundry soap 5o
25o Peanut butter 18c
It pnys to itrado ot tho
Opposite Court House
on High Street
On that Fine
cent meeting of the Forresters and com
mittees appointed for his reception and
entorutinmcnt. This will be the firsf
visit of .tlw supreme chief ranger to
this part of Oregon.
for the Elgin Six
. Phone 361
All Around Town
July 19 Band concert at Wil
son park, 8 p. m.
July 21-27 Chautavqua week.
July 30 Tuesday. Dedica
tiou of the new Willamette Kiv
Another big benefit dance at Mac
leay Sat. eve.
Dr. U. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. TJ. 8. National Bank Bldg. tf,
GIRLS or -women wanted at the Glove
factory for steady work. 7-23
The Valley Motor company on State
street has received a carload of Oliver
No. 7 plows. This plow is built especial
ly for the Fordson tractor.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb &
Clougn Co. F if.
Vs ell for cash. Commencing July
lii we will conduct our business on
strictly cash basis. Fatton's Book
Store. tf
The Maccabees have changed their
I lodge headquarters. Instead of meoting
in the Derby building, tiuy will occupy
hereafter their former quarters in the
McCornack buiiting.
The Charles B. Archerd Implement
n i j .1 . 1. t t -11
vompuny is in me uittr&ui wr nn i
kinds, of hay.
"The best" is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
One of the events of the coming week
of iutcrest to many in the city is the
Oregon Epworth Leugue Institute to be
W.-ld at Jefferson beginning July 22 and
continuing for the week.
Irrigation Even numbers, Mon.,
Wed., Frl. and Sun. Odd numbers, Tnes.
Thurs., Sat. and Sun. Even numbers
are on tlie south and east side of
street. Odd numbers ore on north end
west side of street. , tf
I will ship lambs and hogs Tuesday,
paying the highest price. Phone even
ings 2357 J. G. D. Burdick. 7-22
O. A. Colby and wife of Portland are
registered at the Bligh hotel. Mr. Col
by will have general supervision of the
American Express company hero and in
the county, while tho two old companies
are being consolidated. He will make
his headquarters at the Bligh.
Woodry, the auctioned has bought
in the lattt few days the furniture and
furnishing of the Cottle apartments,
the Oregon hotel and eight private
homies. Who ia next! Phone 510 or
511. 7-20
Remenibtff there will be an auction
sale at the samo time and place every
Sat. lait Woodry 's auction market, cor
Ferry and Liberty. Private sales daily.
I want your used furniture and will
pay you all it da worth. Phono 510 or
511. 7-20
Dr. C. B. O'Nlel, with offices in the
Lndd & Bush bank building, has ans
wered the call of his country and will
iug ,hwh" w. v .,! w ' -
eisco, to niter the navy hospital. Dur
ing his absence his practice win &e
taken caro of by Dr. L. II. Wilson an
experienced optician off Portland.
Woodry, the auctioneer, Is shipping
another car of second hnd furniture
for his Portland etore on Monday
have you any for sale, if so phone 510
or 511. 7-20
o -
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn will leave for
his vacation Aug. 3d and wilyl be ab
his vantion Aug. 3rd and will be ab
sent 30 days. If you want to see the
doctor about your eyes pr glasses, do
so at once. tf
The Apricot season is about over or
will be within a week or so and it be
hooves the good housekeeper to can
while the canning is good. Wholesale
fruit men say that the supply is short.
No mora apricots are to be had from
California and The Dalles crop will bs
cleaned up within a week. The crop
was short everywhere.
As the close of the best part of the
Loganberry season approaches . scvoral
yards iu this part of the county arcs
offering as high as two cents for pick
ers. The V. H. Labor Employment bu
reau office ou State street hud an order
this morning to secure as many pickers
as possible for Saturday with the pro
mise of two cents a pound and those
who would like to do a special day's
picking at this advanced figure will b
given information at tho labor bureau
Automobile licence No. 39,981, Ore
gon, was found on the street by a boy
yesterday and brought to the police
station. The licensed car belongs to J.
H. C'orbctt of Grants Pass and the sup
position Is that Corbett had passed
through Salem unaware that he had left
his automobile license in the city.
Dr. B. L. Steeves of Salem, was elect
ed president of the Oregon State Medi
cal soeiety for the year 1319, at the
meeting of the Tri-State Medical asso
ciation now in session in Seattle.
The Liberty theatre was artistically
decorated with the flags of tha allies
for the special showing of ''Over the
Top" w'ith Captain Arthur Guy Einpey
taking the leading role hims.'lf. The
general opinion is that Empey has the
projecting under jaw that is so charac
teristic of a natural fighter. This is
especially noticeable when he appears
in 13 military uniform.
- The man who can make good on a
ram will find all kinds of jobs waiting
for him at $3 a day and board, accord
ing to notices posted on the bulletin
board of the U. S. Labor Employment
bureau. For those who prefer work on
the railroads, good wages are promised
and when the workers board and room
in cars, it will cost them but a
month for living expenses.
Under the auspices of the Pacific
Coast Rescue and Protective society, in
terdenominational, a camp meeting will
be held from August 1 until August 11,
at 14th and A streets iu Salem. Workers
from Pasadona, Cal., and from Platts-
burg, JM. x. will have charge of the
meetings. A. Wells, of 506 North 21st
street is the local superintendent- it)
The grain trade of the state will re
ceive lettors from M. H. Houscr of the
food administration gluin corporation,
naming the price for tho various grades
of wheat delivered at Portland or As
toria. A list of the approved eleva
tors or warehouses will be sent on appli
cation. The pricos for wheat delivered
as above are as follows: Hard winter,
2.20; white club, 2.16; soft white,
$2.18; red winter 2.20. No. 1 wheat will
bo purchasved by the corporation at three
cents undor No. 1 wheat and No. 3
whclat at seven cents under No. l.With
in a few days the retail market for
flour will bo based on those new prices.
It is estimated that about 20,000 men
from Murion county hava gone into the
service during the past year or two. The
Commercial club has tho names of 1,600
but not the home or service address.
Somo time ago the club started in on
the preparation of a list of every man
from this county who is now in the ser
vice, showing home and service address.
This list cannot be completed unless
friends or relatives furnish the informa
tion necessary. Hence the call is mads
for tho third time, asking for the hone
and service address of Marion county
men m the sorvico.
The Home Service department of the
Red Cross, with offices owir the Ship
ley dry goods store is now handling, for
this mouth alone 72 cases where there
has been some delay in securing the al
lotment from the soldier now in service.
There has been much trouble experienc
ed by many families who really need
tne allotment in securing the monthly
check from tha government and in sev
eral cases in not receiving it at all
through some negligence in making the
correct allotment. It is through this
nome Service swetion that tho families
of soldiers cu get the quickest action,
as the war department has thrown open
its books in Washington, D. C to tho
Red Cross officials.
The peach crop is short this year, and
from present indications the retail
price will ruu from $1.25 to $1.50 a box
tor tho better canning varieties.
Elmer D. DeMar enlisted yesterday
in tho navy and will take up work in
the Radio electrical school at San Fran
ciscJ. He is 10 years old and gave as
his ii.'.'xt of kiny his cousin Eva L. Can
dido, of Snn Francisco. Clayton W.
Jones, age 21, has made his application
for navy enlistment. He has named his
next of kin his wife, Charlotte G. Jones.
They hvo on rural route 3, Salem.
Donald Stiekney age 13 and Gordon
Sohacffer, ago It, are in the hands of
the police, awaiting proper disposition.
Tho police hnve been looking for thesa
boys for some time and this morning at
6 o'clock officer E, R. Smith found
them sleeping In an old houso in the
south part of town. Constable Varuey
has a warrant for the Stiekney boy. It
seems that the boy had forged a $3
cheek somo time ago and had got into
other trouble. According to the police
a foster mother of the Stiekney boy had
brought him here with her from Colora
do where sho had tuken him out of a re
form school.
City of Paris Bonds
Bioaed By Victory
Now York, July 19. Bonds 1
of the city of Paris sold on the j
stock exchange here today at
en advance of 4 1-8 over the j
previous closing, following news j
of the Franco-American sue-
British liner Sunk
By German Divei
London, July 19. The British stear
er Carpathia of 13,000 tons, has beeq I
torpedoed and sunk, it was officially
announced today. Her passengerg and
orew were landed.
The Carpathia was a steej sere
steamship of 13.603 gross tons. She
was built in 1908 at Newcastle, regis;
tored at Liverpool and was owned bj
the Cunard line.
The Carpathia was the vessel which
picked np tho survivors of the giant
steamship Titanic when she struck an
iceberg and sank on her maiden voyage
8vea-ai years ago.
Sho has been in British admiralty
service since the war began.
-New York, July 19. The Cunard
liner Carpathia, sunk by a German tor
npilrv -KAa in thia nnrt last on Juno 4
and departed a few days later with
. a ai. .
louu Aiiwaican iroopa lur uie aim-u
front in France: She was in command
if Pnntaln PrrtthnrR. wh commanded
her when she .picked "P Titanic surviv
ors, and carried a crew oi aou mei.
Paris, July 19. "We are sink
ing submarines faster than Ger
many can build thorn,"
Georgce Leygues, French min
ister of marine, deplored in an
interview published here today.
"During somo months wo de
stroy three times the output."
: died :
rtUENZLi At the Salem hospital
July 18, 1918, S. E. Kuenzli, at the
ago of 70 years. His home is at
North Santiam, Oregon.
. He is survived by Mrs. Fred Svvartz
of Salem, Byron Kuonzli of .North can
tiam, Italph Kuuezli of Oakland, Ore.,
and three other sons living in Ohio.
The body will be sent by Webb &
Clough to Upper Sandusky, Ohio, for
WILLARD To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wil
lard of 5722 Forty-second street, Port
land, July 19,1918, a son.
Before her marriage Mrs. Willard was
Miss Myrtle Lennon.
ARMSTRONG. To Mr. and Mrs. Rol
lin S. Armstrong, at the Deaconess
hospital, July 19, 1918, a son.
He has been named Maxwell Rollin.
Before her marriage, the mother was
Miss Ruth Ingersoll.
Corner Ferry and Liberty Sts.
Every Saturday 10:30 a. m. and
1:30- p. m.
8 live 6-wceks old pige, Horse
wagons, tools, furniture, etc.
The Auctioneer Thone 510 or 511
NOTE: I conduct farm stock
sales anywhere in the state.
Household furniture bought for
cash. Once a customer, always
a customer. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
PHONE 1072
: " personals :
Omer Digerness of Silvcrton was in
the city yesterday Tegistored at the
Mrs. G. T. Edgerton of Portland and
mother, Mrs. J. A. Moncrieff of Denver
are guests at the homo of Mrs. R. D.
F. E. Grindard of Camp Lewis is iu
the city.
Mrs. E. G. Everett of Wo4bum was
in the city yesterday.
W.- E. Johnson of Madras, Oregon, is
in the city.
' L. E., West, heat! of the Oregon
Breeders' association is registered at
the' Bligh.
J. Wayne Baker, who has been en
gaged in, ' building elevators in the
eastern part of the state for several
months has returned to the city In a
Pew days he will leave for Oil City, Pa.
where hs wife has been visiting. They
will make Oil City their home.
W. H. Dalrymple, formerly proprietor
of tho pool room in the basement of
the Hubbard building, is now in Tort
land working in the finishing depart
ment of one of the wood Bhip building
A mother of five minor children was
left a widow by an industrial accident
and the industrial accident commission
was paying her the maximum compen
sation of $50 a month, which was ifSO
for herself and $4 for each child. She
has remarried and the commission ask
ed the attorney general for an opinion
as to whether the commission should
continue to pay $4 for each child of
$6 for each child, which is the sum they
are entitled to under the law when it
does not exceed the maximum of $50.
The attorney general held they should
be paid $6 a month each.
Russia Premier Lenine refused a
request by Germany to permit a Ger
man battalion to guard the German era-
m Moscow.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you selL
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
Now Go at Close Out Prices. You
Can Make Genuine Savings by
Buj tog now for Your Future
$9.90 to $17.50
Closing Out Ladies' Suits
$10.00 to $19.00
Stop at
"A Heme Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Eooms of Solid Ounfort
Only Hotel in Business District
4 sc
speciSl notice
On and after AUGUST 1st the RE
Store wiii be conducted on a CASH
BASIS.- The scarcity of help, extra
yvork required in keeping accounts and
collecting same makes this change
necessary. We will continue to give a
5 per cent REBATE FOR CASH on all
goods handled by us, except PAINTS
and OILS.
BOYS WANTED We need tho '
services of a number of Gram-
niar School boys for permanent
part-time work.. Tho boys wo se-
lect will be well paid and given
an opportunity to earn, learn
and advance. Apply to W, H.
Burghardt, Jr., 371 state Bt.,
Salem. Or. 7-18-24 8-1
eare of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea C.
Has medicine which will enre
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, m,
until 8 p. m.
153 Sout'i High St
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
Ussd Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Pnces Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 508
)t 3C )Jc jc s( j(c 3( It
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices beore yon sell. M
271 N. Com'l St. Phong 734
Have the Journal Job Dept.
estimate on your printing
needs you get the benefit of
cash buying. Phone 81.
The Very
W. L. Bryant, Mgr.