THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. Friday, jcly id, si. SEVEN DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - Gcvemmsnt Officials to Working Cvsfc How? - Bj Fisher 1 T. ' .1 T?C hstv 2fRS?Nel tTsCW .!croc think iam? . emWm17t f:K ! V " 1 """" 1 " ' - ' - Dallas Chautauqua o Opens Sessions This Week t- - (Capital Journal Special Service) Dallas) Or., July 19 The opening number of tliis year's program of al ias Chautauqua was- given, iu tha big tent -on the Court house lawn last night by" The Olil Soldiers Fiddlers", a com jiany of Civil War veterans from both the North and South. They gave a pleas ing entertainment and played to a large nudienc.", the' tent being crowded to its utmost capacity. IT, S, Grant Post, G. A. it. of this city together with thci: wives were invited guests of tho thau- tauqua and the old pieces played and Fung by the" entertainment company "brought back to their memories many of the scenes on tho camp grounds during the war. This afternoon Dr.'C. J. Bush nell gives his famous lecture on "The Meaning of the Great War" and James A. Burns who lectures on "Remaking tlw Kentucky Mountaineer." Every one who attended the performance mst evening was well pleased with the at traction and the Chautauqua this yenr promises to be the best ever held 'i this city. "Bird Man" at Chautauqua - Charles Crawford Gorst Knows Three Hundred Bird Sont fit,'!' t V , 4 -t Mountain View Picnic Saturday. The annual picnic of the Mountain View Paiont-Tenehers association and tho Industrial club will be held Saturday ( in the grovo near the school hou&o in that vicinity. A splendid program has lieen prepared by School Supervisor J'loyd D. Moots for the entertainment , of tho assembly that day niul a large' crowd ef outside visitors is expected. A big basket dinner vill bo held during tho noon hour and the afternoon will be devoted to sports of various kinds. Suicide's Body Shipped to Portland. Coroner R. L. Chapman wasr-fallcd to West Salem the first of tho w.?ek to hold an in((iiest over the remains of Al bert M. Iioemer, a former iuuiato of the (date insane hospital who disappeared from that institution last we.'k and who at. the time was supposed to have com mittcd suicide by drowning) The lly of the man had floated up from tho bot tom of tho river and lodged on the Polk county side near the old wagon liridgc, Coronor Chapman brought t,,e body to to this city where it was pre pared for shipment to Portland where tho deceased had a family Jiving. :'v is," mi,- ,i i r ii " i mm . .. jf. 4 ware igtmwt inttftf rtrnaifl Jn-i mrtrtu, nt ... Charles Crawford.. Gorst, iliu. Boston imtwalist juid '"b'nl niau" who. Is coming to Chautauqua, hus muds the study of birds and their songs his life work. He Imitate the notes of birds perfectly, having mastered three hun dred of U5(dr wicga. He will tell you thlugs of Interest ubout these little featbered crmtimt of which you never drenined. Anil so wonderfully does he Rive thdr trtll,s tind cullM that he' will transport you to the woodland. IltfcnrA of lit remarkable whistling are manufactured and featured by both tho Bdtaon M Victor Companies. Scotts Mills News (Capital Jouraal Special Service) Scotts Mills, July 19 The weatlu fiere is very warm, as we suppose it is elsewhere. Everybody is very busy and the haying is mostly finished with hay selling, readily, in the fi.'ld for $0 per tou. Tho prico in connection wita the cost, of getting it hauled makes some of the prune nie think seriously of buying tractors and auto truck3 for their work. j L. J. Whito and family have returned ifrom Salem to their prune .ranch here, j Their son Leland entrained last week for a southora camp where he will take a courao i training preparatory to go ing to tho front. Colviu Phillips is able to bo up and out again. J. B. Fisher who has leased his farm will take charge of the George W, My ers garage. Mr. Kellogg of Long Beach, Cal.: has purchased the Orley Thomas farm and will mov.o his family here iu tho near future. Mr. and Mis. Kellogg are tlie parents of Mrs. C U. Thomas of thi.j place. Mr. John Wright, wife and daugh ter, living near Sheridan now, but for merly of this place, attended church here Sunday, and wora the guests dur ing tho afternoon . of the W. II. Coin mons family. , Mrs. J. B. Mcndenhall of Newbcrg, returned to her home last Tuesday. E. W. Coulson and family moved up to their farm Monday. The Soulsijis ar,e building an addition to their prune dryer. Mrs. Dr. Newman of Seaside, Wash ington, is lie re visiting her sister, Mrs. I. 1). Worden. Mr. und Mrs. J. A Taylor motored to Newberg Inst Tuesday, and visited rela tives and friends at that place rc- tnriiing Wednesday evening. The little son of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Scott' fell from the platform of their fluiing mill Tuesday and seemed that first bo badly hurt, but at present writ ing is able to be up and play some. CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE It WHERE BUYER AND SELLER HEETWE RECOMEND OUR ADVERTISERS Telephone EVEBYTKENG ELECTRICAL Iotas Electrie Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High. Main 1200 DENTIST DE. F. L. TJTTER, DENTIST, EOOM8 413-114 Bank of Commerce bjdg. Phone 606. ' 11-4 OSTEOPATH FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security TH08. K. FORD Over Ladd A Basil bank, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 10 acres, 5 1-2 miles from Salem, for rooming house not over $4000 Equity in 17 acres, for Salem residence, not over $3000, price $4500. 640 acres millions of feet of aw timber, plenty of water, 3 miles Irom enw mill on the railroad: -good stock proposition Will take $3000 iu' trade bslance cash. Easy terms, $15 per acra. Socolofsky. 341 State street 8-17 C, B. Sundbcig, manager of the Dal las telephone company was a Shlera business visitor the first of the week. C. L. Crider was a Capital City visi for Tuesday afternoon. Miss Beatrice Springsteen and Miss Nina Farley visited with Salem friends Tuesday. Judge Harry II. Belt and family and Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Starbnck and little daughter, Mary, left Monday afternoon for a two we.?ks trip through the east ern Oregon to Crater Lake thence up the Willamette valley. The trip is toinj made in automobiles. George T. Geilinger, manager of the Willametto Valley lumber company of this city was a Salem visit nr this weik. Slight Precipitation Occured Last Night Although. Ithere was a slight precip itation tost evening in Sa!m, there was hardly enough moisture to make what officially ig known as a rain fall. Since tho present drought began there hasi been several traces of rain fcut not enough to officially break the record, according To the usa'S of the weather office hoTe. The last r,eal rain .in Salem was May 19, when there was a precipitation of only .05 of an inch after a rather dry epring. And whilo the word now stands for a drought of 60 days, the year 1014 experienced a genuine drought of 72 days when there was no -ainifaH in Salem between June 27 und September 7. Not until ithis your has there been a month of June entirely rainless. June f 1909 was armcMt a rainiest month as there was a precipitation of only .IS of an inch. June of 1911 was also a record mouth, for light precipitation, s -there was only .85 of an inch of ain that month. It is no uncommon thing in this part of Oregon for the month of July or 'August to pass without rainfall. July of 1S99 w entirely rainless and for July of 1!05 there was Only .05 of an inch of Taan. August of 1905 was also dry month with its .03 of an inch of Tain. There was no rainfall at all during tho .months of July and August of 1900 This happened again in July and Au gust of 1910 and again in the same nonths of 1914. July of 1H)3 was one Of the record1 dry months with a pre cipitation of only .02 of an ineh. An- Igust of 1909 was a record breaker with ita rainfall of onlv .02 of an inch. The wettest month knoura in fcalera once the official records have tioen ltopt was 7Vemr?r of 1917. It rained very day in the month ercepting four ond the total rainfall for thejjj. Imonth was -14.03 inches. The rainiest day Salem has seen for many a yea $ was on December 19 of last year when the rainfall was 4.05 inches within 24 )jc lours. Tho guago of the river on De- cemiber 20, 1917, following the heavy Tains was 24 feet above th low water 4c mark. Whea you use the Journal Class Ads you can depend on results. Phone 81. j(c sjc )f se ifc rfc ifc sc 3c s)e New York Celebrates New York, July 18. New York's bolls rang and it whistles shrieked 'this afternoon for the first great Am erican victory of the wa. The bell in hfl icitv hall wan firrtt to becrim nound- vmg. Church bolls all over the city took 1t up, factory whistles blew and ves- els in the harbor. Crowds clamored to S5uy newspapers. WESTERN CANADA'S LIVE STOCK TRADE INCREASING i .Grand Crsmpior &f i ' U A 'AVf" j h i ' if-,v 5 ?- ' ' ,Wh-- s:W; oKS. &' .W" . - - " , .4V mm :;,vr r-p- -1 s - $ -" ! : - -4 ' - ! t ' v ' l, ? -Si I ' . Jfrdip ' CalQory Stock Wards- TP ITS REALTY or a business, you will soli quicker, buy better, trade easier thru, our system of buying and selling without commission. Up- and-doing people everywhere use our July booklot to -save time and money uau or write uregon itealty Ex change Inv. Inc., 28 Breyman Bldg., Salem Ore., Eugene, Portland, San Francisco. 8-2 DBS. B. H. WHITE AND E. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians and serve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Office 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court Phone 2215. Dr. White Bee. Phone 469. SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men '9 eluthca, Bnoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycle gums, riflos, revolvers, suit eaBiw, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furnuuro. Capital Exchange, dJ7 Court street. Phone 403. , 8-3. SCAVENGER SALEM &CAVENOER Charles - Soot rjroprietor. Garbage and refute of all kinds removed. on monthly eontracti at reasonable rates, lard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Mail 2247. Rosidence Main 2272. THE MARKET Grain Wheat, lower grades oil sample Oats ... 8085c Barlovt toa ............... ...... $50 Bran" $36 Shorts, per ton . $28 Hay, cheat, new $23 Hay, clover, new $25 Dry whito beans 77V?o . Butterrat Bittterfut - .. 48c Creamery butter 4i)o Fork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 15 3-416,Jc Veal, fancy ..... 13 15c Steers .. 7)9e Cows 40'jc Spring lambs . lOe Ewes , 46c Lambs, yearlings 6(wle Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cawh 38c Eggs, it mile 39c Turkeys, live, No. I 2123c Hens, dressed, pound ' 30c Old roosters .".. 15(-ift Broilers, live 22(250 Hons, pound 21c Vegetable Potatoes, old . '. 75c Potatoes, new . 3 3-4lc California red onions $2 Onions, green 40 Onions, Bermuda . ... $1.75 Onions, Yellow Danver, Calif $2.40 Artichokes 75( Cabbage SVjfriie Carrots 2c The effects of tliStncrcased pro luction campgi in Western Cana da are already noticeable. All over the country iarnHri are enlarging and improving tmS lierds, while raising, but the possibilities of quick returns with the former have blind ed many to thi advantages of the latter. The movement of pure bred stock nr . r- .1 . ' J many others, desiring to emulate to Western Canada is going on con- their success, af entering mixed Farming in earneai. Besides feeling It a patriotic duty to produce as much food as possble, more and more farmers are finding that mixed farm ing pays. Of course, this is not a new realization. The most success ful fanners of the West are those who have divided their attentions be tween grain trrowintr and live stock tinually from dav to dav. from week to week. Today it is Aberdeen-Angus ar.d Shorthorns, yester day it was Jerseys and Herefords; last week all these and other breeds as well. One day dairy cattle pre dominate, another day beef cattle, and another dual purpose animals. They are brought from Eastern Can ada, from all Darts of the States, from England and Scotland and even from other parts of Europe. Al ready possessing some of the larg est ana most valuable herds of par ticular breeds of cattle, the Western Provinces of Canada bid fair to be come one of tLe greatest cattle coun tries in the world. They have every advantage for the raising of cattle economically healthy climate, low priced lands on which grow nourish ing foods, an abundance of .clear water, convenient markets, etc. And,' what is more important, these ad vantages are beginning to be fully reconi:'.3d by the settler. Tomatoes, crato Turnips .. Beets .. Cucumbers Cantaloupes Watermelons $1.50 . 2V4c 2Vio 755 $4.50 3',ic Peaches, crate $1.25 Ft alt Oranges $7.75fa)i Grape fruit, California $4.50 Lemons, box $9.5010 Bananas .: 9c Dromedary dates . .'. .. $6 Apricots $1.60 Botail Prices Creamery butter . 55c Flour, hard wheat 3(a3.10 Country butter 45 Eggs, dozen 45c Sugar sales limited to two pounds in Salem and 5 pouads to rural purchas ers. For canning purposes 23 lbs at one purcbase. POETXAND MAEEET Portland, Or.,. July 19. Butter, city creamery 49)0c Egg, selected loral ex. 4446e Hen 23 24e Broilers 27ft 28c Geese 16 Cheese triplets 2728c LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andreses, O. C. W. B. UU son, ,K. R. & 8. SECONDHAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE - Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewel. y, watches, tools, musical' instrument bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, sut eases, trunks, cameras, typewrite a and furniture. Capital Exchange, Sj7 Court street. Phone 493. THE FIXTP SHOP Let ns repair an sharpen your lawn mowers, sol Court. Phone 1022. tf WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. FOR RENT FOR RENT Business location at 168 north Commercial, will remodel t suit tenant. See E. M. KLinger, 463 State street, Salem. tf BILLIARD PARLOR for rent, with it without fixtures; will. ' remodel te ' suit tenant; best location in city. K, M. Klingor, 463 State street, Sa lem. . - , tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizos 28 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Pence and Stove Works, 151 Court street. Phone 124. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Oamp No. 5246,moet evry Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. JP. Day, V. C.j J. A. Wright, clerk. SALEM HCMASi; BOUUfiTI D. D. Keelor, president; Mrs.. Lou Tillson, secretary. All oases of cruelty or neg lect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ' "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 143GM. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No- 84, mceU first Thursday of each, imonth, at 8 p. m, in I. O. O. P. hall. Norma L. TerwUliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Ow ens street. When you use tho Journal Class Ada you can depend on Tcsuits, Tlione 81. : Daily Livestock Market Cattle Rnceiiptg 150 Tone of market 'itemdy, unchanged Prime steers $12 13 Choice to good steers $11C)12 Medium to good steers $0(ij)10 Fair to medium Kfcers $8f9 Common to fair steers $5(;8 Choice cows and heifers $8 50(ffi9 Medium to good cows and heifers $6(37.50 Fair to medium cows and heiferi $4.505.50 Canncrs $3fJ4-50 Bulls $C(fc8" Calves $8.50(5, 11. 50 Btockers and feeiierg $79 Hogs Receipts 700 Tone of market steady, luichanged Prima mixed $17.35(17.05 Medium mixed $17.15((.17.50 Rough heavies $10.35(al0 05 Pigs $1015(u,17 Bulk ....17.15 Sheep Rwc-ipfs 700 Tono oif market strong unchanged East of mountain lamb $13.50fol4 Valley lambs $i:iffil3.50 Ylfearlings, $9.5010'. Wethers, $8.509.50. Ewes Unchanged FOR SALE 250 acres. 100 in cultiva tion, be lance in pasture and timber Pine stream of water, good buildings . and good road. 3-4 mile from a live ly saw mill town, WilJ take good house and lot in Salem as part pay ment. Price $00 per acre, phone 478 Square Deal Realty Company. U. 8. Bank Building, Salem. 7-17 RAILROAD TIME TABLES (In effect Juno second) 8ALEM- GEEB. LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 3:00 p.m. BALEM, FALLS CITY ft WESTERM 161 Lv Salem, motor 7:50 a.m. 163 Lv Balem, motor 9:35 a m, 165 Lv Salom, motor 1:40 p.m. Through, car to Monmouth end Arlis 107 Lv Salem, motor 4:15 p.m. 109 Lv Salem, motor .5:58 p.m. 839 Wy frt. Lv Salem 5:00 a.m. 102 Ar at Salem ...9:10 a.m. 164 Ar. at Salem ......11:00 a.m. 168 Ar at Salem : 8:00 p.m. 168 At at Salem 5:35 p.m. 170 Ar at Salem T:20 pja. 440 Wy frt Ar Salem 2:30 p.m. Trala " Leave Arrive Arrive He, 'Portland Salem Eugene 1 . 6:30 am 8:35 am 10:50 an 6 Ltd 8:30 am 10:11am 12:25 pm . 10:45 am 12:50 pra 9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:85 pnt 13 Ltd. 4:45pm 8:40 pm 8:60 pm. 17 . ., 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only 19 , 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Balem only H 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am North Bank Btatioa (leave Jeffersoa Street 15 and 20 minutes later) Train Ho, 1 10 Ltd 14 1 16 ltd- 99 Northbound Leave Arrive Eugene Salem .12:05 am 7:35 am 11:20 sat 1:53 pm .4:10 pm J. 25 pm 4:35 am 7:15 am 9:45 am 1120 itn 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:55 pm Arrive Portland 6:50 am 9:25 am 11:30 am 1:20 pm 3:55 pm 5:45 pm 7:40 pa 10:00 ps4 rWnrth Rank Station ( Arrive Jeffersoa Street 15 minutes earlier) Leave Cor- vallis. coavAxvs CONOTSTION Leave Corvallls Arrive Sale 8:25 amN'ortr.bonnd....9:45 am 12:12 pm.Northbouni...l:;s0 am 2:41 pm..Northl)3und....4:00 pm 4:10 pm....Northbound.-5:30 pm 6:18 pm.Nortfcound 7:55 pm 8:35 am..Bouthbound....9:57 am 10:15 am.5onthbound-ll:33 am )2:50 pm Southbo md . -? pm 4:15 pm Southbound 5:40 pm- 6:40 pm Bouthbonnd.-8:00 pm