Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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HIE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. kimiuv, ji ly i. ip:3.
"TR. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
just what I need. It is a splen
did laxative, mild and pleasant and acts so
quickly and easily. I wouldn't be without it,
and keep it in our home all the time."
From letter to Dr. Caldwell written bv
Mr. G. C. Murphy, 4 V!ker Street, 1
Dr. Caldwell's
yrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (2) $1.00
Recommended as a positive remedy for consti
pation, mild and gentle in its action. The
standard family remedy in countless homes.
A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to
Dr. W. R Caldwell, 458 Washington Street,
Montice'lo, Illinois.
Great Counter Offensive Was
Taken ErJrely Without ,
Artillery Preparation
fact tliat it ra iitidprtnken Without
artillery preparation. A heavy thtin
derstorm during the niftlit enabled the
allies to bring up large numbers of
troops unobserved' v
The (!ay 'broke eliar with weather
splendid for an cttaek. The Prone h
uid Americans laid down a sharp rol
ling barrage anil thou the infantry went
over the top, assisted by tanks.
Today's counter offensive was made
possible by the work of the American
and French units, en holding up the
enemy couth of" the Marne.
Roo-ovelt Death
By Fred 8. Ferguson i
With the Aniwluan Armies In France,
July IS The. advance, nf .the French
and American armies itoday is bcMevod
to imperil the whole right flank of the
lrinau arnrics along the Alamo, aud
That the (lermnns were completely
wlrikes at their reserve.
7u. prised by the attack was due to the
Washington, July 13, Lieutenant
Quentiu Kuo.icvcit wws officially re
ported raising todty ,y (leuernl Persh
ing in .the ioAiowing cable:
" Headquarters first brigade air
service reports First LU-uf-Miunt Quen
tin KoosevoK, 9.18 air squadron, first
pursuit group, missing I. as' seen cne
niv side of line in combat with Herman
p!a;i' r.bout 9:15 morning duly 14.
Ncarrot, relative Colonel Theodore
Hoosevelt, Oyster Hay, N. Y."
It isn't Necessary! Our New "Red Cross Noiseless'
Shoes in the combination last are fine fitting and
very comfortable for the Ladies.
in Kid Welts will remove the cause of the suffering
for any man and you would not be without a pair for
any money if you realized how easy they are on
the feet
Then there are the Elk Bals, the Lewis Oxfords
and any number of other foot comforts at
Facts of Interest Concerning
Weather From Record of
Twenty Years
After two mouths' drought, from May
ID to July 1!, the river guage stauds
today at one and three tenths Ivlow
the zero mark. During the past iO
years, according to the official records,
the river has been lower only two time
In the latter part of October, 1915,
wly'n there had been scarcely two and
a half inches of rain for the preceding
four mouths, the guage was 1.4 feet be
low zero. On November 3, 1917, follow
ing a month when there had been no
rainfall, th,' .guage read I S feet below
zero, the lowest since official records
have been kept iu 8alem, beginning in
I'.'biuary, 1899. '
For several days following August 31,
1911, after the 72 days of drought, the
i-iv.'r slood as it is today, one aud three
tenths feet below zero.
tor the first time during the pa.bt 20
years, June of this year was an entire
ly rainless munch. Ordiuarilv June is
good for little more than an inch ot
more of rain, although it broke the rec
ord in 1910 when the precipitation was
J.4N inches.
During the past 20 years July has
been entirelv without rain oulv threv.'
times and these were in the years 19IM1,
1910, 1914. There has been several
yeurs that were almost dry, such as
1906 with only .0.T of an inch of rain,
190S with only .02 of an inch of rain
and 1911 with but .08 of an inch.
August holds the record as dry mouth
of tho year for this part of the state.
During the past 15 yours, six times
has the month passed without a drop
of rain and these were in the years '00,
10, '11, '14, '15 and '17. Other years
that came pretty close to the diyless
record wene 1903 with only .03 of an
inch, 1909 with but .02 of an inch and
1913 with a precipitation of only .30
of an inch.
On an average, the month of Novem
ber is the wettest of the year.
Rainfalls of more than six inches for
the mouth are quite common, according
to the official neeord and only once!
hus it fallen below two inches and that
was in 1911, when the precipitation was
1.97 inches. The rainiest November for
the past 20 years was in the year 1909
when the record was 10.02 inches.
December of 1917 was the wettest
month experienced by the present gen
eration living in Salem. Th,- rainfall
for the month is officially recorded as
14.03 inches. The month also included
Can State Legally
Pay Convicts Prize;
Will it be lecju! ;0 u." state funds to
par convicts prize for winning athletic
events held in connexion wi'h Fourth
of July celebration a, the ponit.?ntUry 1
That question has beeu put up to At
torney Cencral Brown y Secretary of
State Olcott. Warden Murphy of the
penitentiary pre.-vtited a claim, which
had been approved by the governor, for
$50 to pay prizes awarded io the con
ricts. 4 - ,
"The records of the office" say, the
litter from the seeietary of state to the
attorney general, "do not show that a
similar claim has ever heretofore been
presented to-it for audit."
The penitentiary has exhausted its
maintenance appropriation, and at a re
cent meeting of the state emergency
board asked for authority to incur a
deficiency of 70.000. Th."? board auth
orized a deficiency of half that amount
but expects to meet again in the fall and
authorize a further deficit.
The claim in question is drawn upon
an appropriation for musical and liter
aty purposes, and for th.e amusements
and purchase of a moving picture ma
chiue. Kaiser was at Front
The kaiser spent Sunday nisjht in an
advance obseiva ion post east of
Kheinis, the lierlin Lokal Auzeiger de-
test t iSsIff wSlik
V 1 Ml 4J It
Ill 11 111
the heaviest rainfall for any 24 hours
during the past 20 years and that was
on December 19, when the total pre
cipitation was 4.03 iuch.es.
The old saying that it rains a uionthJ
at a time in Oregon is not confirmed
by tho official records for the past 20
years. About tho most continuous mouth
of rain was February of 1909, when the
heavens were busy for 20 out of the 28
days. The month of November of 1909
was an nil around rainy month as out
of the 30 days, it rained 26 and there
was a precipitation that mouth of 10.62
inches. For a real continuous rainy
period, February and March of 1904
hold the reiord. It was cloudy during
the entire two months and the rains
ceased only &;veu days during the 59
and there was a rainfall durnig the two
months of 18.58 inches.
The greatest flood time iu Salem for
tli. past 20 yeurs was.on November 25,
1909, when the stage of tho river was
30.7 feet above low water mark. The
r.ext highest stage w'as Fcbraury 7,
1907, when the water reached the 29.8
foot mark. Very close to this high water
record was that of January 10, 1901,
when the. stage was 29.5 "feet above
zero. The next record i- February 9
1910, with the water touching the 26.2
f et above mark. Last December when
there was such floods in Suleni the
guage of the river read 24 feet above
the low water mark.
Today, July 19, 1918, it is 1.3 feet be
low low water mark.
II U-'l
iiukSt:', tit1-!
1 f-
Tires That Stand Up
, The average car is called upon
this year to do more work and
harder work than ever before.
Load9 are bigger. Trips more
More constant service is de
manded. Time must be saved.
Now if ever, (he car owner
must select tire equipment wisely
to get the greatest use of his car.
United States Tires are built up
to the job.
They have the stuff and work
manship in them to stand up long
after they have paid for them
selves in faithful service.
Whether your car is heavy or
light, passenger car or truck, there
is a type of United States Tire sci
entifically made to fit your needs,
to give you greater freedom
from tire delays,
to give extreme mileage at
minimum cost.
Consult the nearest United
States Sales and Service Depot. It
is there for your convenience.
'Royal Onrve '.Voth'' 'r.ir'ii' 'Fjro J1ftV
United States Tires
are Good Tires
ft .wmmaummmm
rrVTW TfTTT " t T T yTTTTTTf tttttTtf Tf ttf f fTf ?Tf W"W ttTTTt fttfTfTTTTftffyftffftftffttttMft?ttttttyttMHMTMMMHHfM
fin ! Tq) y 'i am ii u il ii " ii i
I Yutiir iiJ nfllll"'11'1''11'
IJ j ... ' !
I FEET HURT? ' " rf? . ;
Hear HAY WARD Tonight
on Court Street, Opposite Postoffice
SATURDAY NIGHT: " The Mark of the Beast of Prophecy.
SUNDAY NIGHT: "Plaguing the Beast of Prophecy.