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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1918)
J TODAY , WEATHER Sx 4 '. H 4,600 SUBSCRIBERS (23.000 HEADERS) DAILY Only Circulation in Salem Soar auteed by the A adit Bureu ot Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE . DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS 8EBTICB FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. CAPTURE OF PRISONERS EXCEEDS HOPES FRENCH PREMIER-STATES FTER WATCHING BAHLE AT FRONT ALLIES DRUG AIL MC LINE STEADILY .GAIN Great Prtssure Being Brought toBe?j On Important Salient PRISONERS NOT COUNTED RUN INTO THOUSANDS Germans May Be Forced to Retire From,- Entire Rheims Front at Once Paris, July 19. (4 p. m.) The al lies havia taken the Initiative and the Germans are on the defensive every where, an official statement issued by the allied high command declared this afternoon. "Wis are taking the initiative and the enemy is on the defensive every where," the statement said. "Franoo-AuMrtean forces are exert ing great pressure on the enemy salient between Montdidior and Rheims. West of the latter the most interesting movement is happening. "South of the Ourctj, American troops, occupying Courchamps and Prlez, seem able to envelop Neullly St. Front. "The number of prisoners and guns surpasses our fondest hopes. "Premier Clemaiceau watched the battle near Soissons" Little Gwendolyn Moots kin name all til near beers. Of all tli' losin' games, tn-in' t' initiate th' rich is th' worst. - (Continued on page throe) I A Rs. M A DTI W ! E3- A ML WijKW n JOT OISSONS AND Washington, July 19. Soissons has fallen to the Americans and French. This fact reached here officially late today along with tidings that 30,000 Germans have been captured. While no details of the fall of Soissons were made Secretary of War Baker indicated previously that his messages showed the fall of the city to be imminent. Later the announcement was made offficial. 169 KEY-NOTE ADDRESS Speech Made Today Before State Republicans of New York Saratoga, N. Y., July 13. Paler of fans, woaker in rxtion at tunes, but bearing u? wonderfully well, Colonel Boosovclt today was a pithetic and dramatic figure as ho addrcsed the re publican convention. The colonel arrived in town shortly after or.e o'clock but did not reach the had until about 3 o'clock, going direct ly to his hot J and resting, , the Jour ney fom Oyster Bay havir.g fatigued him. Convention Hall was filed to capac ity, It being' estimated' that fully six thousand persons were crowded within the building. A3 the colonel waUcid to the plat; form, i:o was given a tremendous ova tion, xne crowd came to its feet as one man nd the cheers were deafening To many itemed the greatest ovation the colonel Las over received. Sjratoga, S. Y, July IS. American ism, the cry of Colonel Theodore Roose velt for years, was his slogan today as he addressed the New York state re publicans, in session here, l'retacing his keynote speech with a demand for full fledged allegiance to the American flag, with the assertion 'that" there can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country" he pointed out what the re publican party has stood for since the j war. began ami what it will stand for in time to come "The events of the last year and a half have shown the neeeswity for elect ing a republican congress," he said, 'to support the administration at every paint where it acta vigorously in pros-m-uting ithe war and in the carrying out of a proper world ipolicy." Ho claimed fo these repuulicans new jju congress a ibetter record of support ifor the E,iimiiiis:ru:ioii, tuuu run ue rats. He declared for equal sufraga, 'but advised against government ow- 1 ership, He urged that businessmen i'be pennUted to coopetc.te and combine, ! under pi oner government supervision. "Profiteering out of the war should I h strmnpil " hn "lnt it in mere vu,...i.u m. ,17 ooj 1.101, Fii jimakiiig should 'be encouraged." added, should have the right to cooperate and combine, with public supervision. Ho tavored better hous ing anil living condition, ettorts to see that work is made interesting, insur ance against old age, sickness and in voluntary unemployment, and a share iu the money reward for increased bu-iiness success. Tlio colonel .bitterly attayked the war department tor what ne termed Uirocrastination in carving on the war. Achievements! which have bwn niaile ho laid at the door of the senate com mittee on military affairs and not to the department. "We have played a poor part the early taa;es of the war," ,e said, re- fering ito the nation t keeping out "Let ns make its finishing an Auieican task." He called for an army as large as the combined forces of 'France and Great Britain iby this time next year. 1 'T! OF HONOR TODAY Washington, July 19. General I'cr shing today reported oasualti, div id'd as follows: Killed in action, 0; died of wound.", 1; died of -disease, 7; died of accident and other causes, 1; wounded severely 58; missing in action, 1. 'Killed in action: Bergeant R. Barker, Mount Voruou, Ind. - Privates L. O. Charter, Manchester, X. II. A. E. Diall, Seward, Kan. V. Duffy, Minerrille, Pa. E, Martinson, Anchor. 111. Died of wounds: Sergeant E. Cunningham", Crand. Rap ids, Mich. Died of disease: Cook O. E. Amundson, Grovor, la. " " Privates W. J. . Breekonridge, Nev Richmond, Wis. C. A. Eupor, Woodland, Mich. W. Harris, Augusta, Oa. ' ' H. E. Hill, Reading, Pa. R. Jones, Parrott, Oa. , J. J. Krenk, Ellingr, Texas. Died of accident and other causes: Sergeant L. D. Valentine, Miuneau polis, Minn.'-' Wounded severely: Privates L. F. Jilair, Burtley, Neb. P. Breen, Sau Di"go, Cal. P. H. Costas, Chicago. G. W. Godfrey, Luveme, Iowa. W. Joseph, Chicago. V. L. Olson, Minden, Neb. A. A. Tack, Brooklyn, Iowa. O. P. Thayer, Opportunity, Wash. TWENTY-SEVEN MARINES. Washington, July 39. Twenty-seven marine casualties were reported today, divided as follows: , " Serg'.ants J. E. Kilgellon, Canton, (Continued on page two) CR USER SAN DIEG 0 IS SUNK FROM CAUSE YET UNDETERMINED Full Details Are Not Available But Aid Was Close At Hand. vvasnington, July IV. The -armore cruiser San Diego was sunk off Fire Island, it was learned by the navy de partment today. Fire Island is near New York har bor. , The navy department issued the fol- lowing slatepieati j noon. With news of the fall of Hois- "Thc U. H. S. Han Diego was siink:ons the city hall bell was rung. Whis ten miles southeast of Fire Island light , ties and bells all over the city took it at 11:30 this morning. j up. "One offker and two boat crews j San Francisco. July 19. When news were landed at lifesaving station nuin- of the capture of Soissons by Franeo ber 82 on Long Island. Other survivors ' American troops was telephoned to the are in boats and four steamers are ! city hall today, Mayor Rolph ordered standing by. j a roof-raising demonstration with whis- 'Ho far as can be ascertained there '. tics and bells at S p. m. THIRTY THOUSAND ARE CAPTURED r : . - - SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 111 ST II III W Inl Inl 3 Japanese Astonished At American War Work i i Washington, Ju 19. Ameri- can efficiency at revealed to the world by the country's accom- pluhuient3 of the last yvat has attracted to the prof ouud Atlmir- if ation of Japan and in fact has 4c proved to be a basis for a fuller $ understanding between the two countries, according to Prtnco 4c Tokngawa, head of the Japanese 41 Red Cross mission here, on its way to Europe. '. Prince Tukogawa admits the feeling for the Vnited States am- $ $ ong the Japanese has undergone a chang.? and says he was sur- ft prised as well as highly pleased at the warmth of his reception by America The Princv! asserted that .Jap- an always has looked to Am- $ ic erica as her teacher in education K $ industries and business and that ije now she can turn to the i'nited States for guidance in military M matters ' - 4c "Oiv of the most 4-ngiiificent He events in the history of the world is the sudden transforma- 4c tiou 'of America from -a pacifist 4; nation to a greaj military pow- $ er," declared Prince Tokugawa. "Till part which America is playing iu this world war is not only great but noble. It is des- ic tiued to mark'the dawn of a ije new era in the history of na- Hons." 4c 4: , Tlio prince carries the greet- nigs of the Japanese Red Cross 4e 4c to the United States, Great Bri- 41 tain, France, Italy, and Bel- 4c .gium. It was Indicated that the" 4t Japanese Red Cross desires to 4c extend Ms activities in France. 4t 4, 4t 4c 4 4 Dr. Steeves President v ; Of Oregon Doctors Seattle, Wash.. July 19. Tn sepa rate session on Thursday, Oregon del egates to the North west Medical asso ciation elected Dr. C. M. Barbee of Portland, president of the Oregon State association; president for next year, Dr. B. L. Steeves of Salem; first vice president, Dr. C. J. Boyden, Pendleton; sc.cond vice president, Dr. Louis Buck, Portland; third vice president, Dr. A. J. Cathey, Condon; secretary, Dr. A. J. Browning, Portland; treasurer, Dr Jossio MjcGavin, Portland; delegate to the American Medical association, Dr. W. T. Willianison, Portland. "The Oregon association adopted a resolution urging all .physicians -who are able, financially and physically to offer itheir services to the army and navy. appeared to have been no loss of life. "The cause of the sinking ha3 not yet been determined "The San Diego Was an armored cruiser of 13,000 tons displacement and carried 1,114 officers and men. Thw ' report was received at the third naval d i district." 1 NATION REJOICES New York, July 19. New York's victory bells pealed again this after- n jj f n il 1918 LATEST REPORTS SEND NEW THRILL TiOIHCOlMffl Offensive Resumed This . Morning Winning Success " At Every Point GENERAL PERSHING TtLLS OF AMERICAN PART Ensmy Right Flank Menaced And Retirement May Be Forced Washington, July 19. News of resum ption of the Ainoriean-Fi'onch drive on the Marnc-Aisr.e sent another thrill through the nation today. Overnight dispatches to the war de partment indicate that the allies are seriously menacing the German right flank, which beuds southward from the AisiM to Chatcau-Thiewy. Possibility of forcing the enemy to withdraw from the salient and fall back from the Marno or endanger thousands of his troops is seen by military experts hete. Officials were at their desks ,;nrly seeking the latest news of the often, sivc. The White House called the Un ited Press office before 8 o'clock that President Wilson might have the news boforo leaving for his golf game. Secretary Tumulty had previously telephoned from his home ' to learn whether the onrush of the Americans continued. He was elated at the news. Manv do partincnts of congress asked to bo kept in touch with developments. On every hand buoyant effect of t!v? drive is shown. There is marked en thusiasm that at last thero is evidence of unusual offensive action on the part of the allies. - Americans military men have long been chafing at letting the enemy do the offensivo activity. More and more as tjie Americans get into the fray tlio tide will turn,they ay,for greater acti vity by the allies and the Germans will see whether or not tho Americans are "merely cannon fodder. " Shelling of Soissons by French and American big guns gave hopes that the city will soon fall. With this would come snapping of German railroad's feeding the Rhiems rector, where the Teuton is pressing hard to encircle the city. That the Americans and French wcra able to pick up the drivo after a night's rest indicated to officials thut there is perfect organization in the al lied advance. General Pershing's Report. Washington, July 19. Penetration ot tho German linelS by American troops, together with 'he capture of many pris oners and guns Thursday, was reported by General Pershing today. "American troops cooperating with the French, in an attack on tho enemy's positions between the Aisne and the Manic, penetrated his lines to the depth of several miles, capturing many prison ers and guns," the communique said. "On the night of July 15 to 16 a pla toon of our troops operating east of Rhiems was attacked by a raiding party of twenty-one Germans," said section II. "Our bovs went over the top to meet I thein and killed th,1 entire party with the bayonet without loss to themenlvM.' "One of ur regiments in this same re gion reports that a party of Germans with French helmets and coats, attempt ed tc penetrate one of our trenches. The leader sun-coded in approaching our machine gunner posted at this point, saying that he was French. When within a short distance of the (Coutiaud on page two) y u y is u u u Li u Lis PRICE TWO CENTS 0K TSAIN3 ltv VXJ STANDS riVB CENTS lis Franco-American Off ensive Sweeps . Clean As It Goes How French Tricked Attacking Hun Hordes 4c With .the French Armies iu 4c the Field, July 19 An hour be- 4e 4c , fore tho Germans attacked 4c Monday morning between Fort Do La Pompelle and Main Do -ttlaasiges, Ithe French secretly 4e withdrew from their , front 4c trenr'liOs, isimultaiiNuisly bom- 4e 4 'barding the German lines, it is 4c permissible to state, 4c For four hours the Germans iboinibarded the eaupty trenches- 4c 4c when tho enemy advanced 4 across the vaeated ground the French poured such a withering 4c fire 'into their ranka that a 4c single division lost 50 per cent 4c of its effectives. - 4c 4c The Germans retired in con- 4c fusion and the poilus returned 4c to their front lino positions, 4c where they held out for sev; 4 enteen hours. One battalion 4c 4c which was surrounded near 41 4c Mont Sansnom cut it way thru 4t with ibayoneta, and returned to 4 4c the French lines with prisoners. sjc sc Jc sfc sc s( ac sc sjt jc sc jjc sc AMERICAN SAVED Hoover Reports That People of Nation Have Respond ed to Duty Nobly Washington, July 19. When Amer ica tightened up her belt June 1. 1917, she made it possHhle for the United Staten to ship to the allies 841,000,000 more pounds of meats and fats, and SO, 900,000 more bushels of cereals during tho ensuing twelve months than was possible the year previous. In a letter to President Wilson out lining this nation's grocery deliveries' Ito her associates in arms, Food Admin istrator Hoover said that "all the mil lions of our people who have contrib uted to these results should feel a very definite satisfaction that in a year of universal food shortage in the northern hominphere all of those people joined together against Geninany, havo come through into night of the coming har vest not only with health fully main tained but with only temporary per iods of hardships." All food shipments to the allies, the Belgian relief and the Red Cross to talled; 4 1,400,000,000 during the fiscal year, represented in 8,011.1000,000 pounds of meat and fats (including nina. and dairy products, vegetable oils, tc.) aud'34O.K00,OO0 bushels of cereals. (In addition, some 10,000,000 bushels of grain have been shipped to neutrals.) Without trying to distinguish where the greatest credit belongs, Hoover says: "So ono Will deny the dominate part of tne American women." Qusntin Roosevelt's Fate Is Uncertain London, July 19. Whether Lieutenant yuentin Roosevelt was killed in ombat or wheth- or he was shot down and taken prisoner is not known, dis- patches received T'rom the French front state. Oregon: Ton-giit 35S ' J V a a a oajuruay .., showers v;st if if ',' showers rer sad Mj&l eoo.ereast portioa Drive Continued Today With Franco-Italian Attack on OppcsiteSide. By Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With The American Army In The Champagne, July 19. (1:45 a. m.)- American troops co-operating With the , I'vi nch in the driva between tho Marno and the Aisne already are within sight of Soissons. .. '.alest reports received at headquar ters indicated that the Franco-American attack is progressing satisfactorily al- ong tht dhole front. . Fr.'iich Cavalry is said to havo passed the main highway from Soinsons to Chnt.'au-Tliierry. . s . '"he number of prisoners is not yet '.iiiown. Ono American unit alons has taken 3,300 prisoner. Many more have not been counted. More than fifty . winy cannon have been raptured. , The advanco has been so rapid that various regimental headquarters have bicn moved forward as many as throe timet, uud ouriert have had great dif ficulty in keeping in touch with the cinnnanders' migrations. ''ilic (invu already is seriously threat eiiir.g tli, German right lank In the Mni'iie salient and holds posibilltios ot forcing a great enemy withdrawal. Suc cess of the present operations has been the intdiis of averting any immediate dangtr tq Paris. The attack is rapidly exposing a great concentration of enemy reserves and artillery, which were held iu leanness to be thrown into the bat tle Uj tiie southwestward. I is a ques tion whether the Germans will be able to organize tluese, or will have to with- draw hem. The clement of surpriso was the great factor in the Franco-American success. Ability of tho French and the Americans to hold tho enemy along tha Murne line also contributed. The American reserves received or ders to move to the battle line at 5 p iu. Hushing forward in trucks and camions, they arrived within marching distance about midnight. They began their hike without delay and reached the front only a shprt time before tho Z' in hour, yet when they advanced and started chasing the bodies they appar ently were as fresh ns ever. There was no artillery preparation. 1 he i.vt.liery suddenly began rolling a barrage and the tanks and infantry moved forward. That was all. A heavy tVindi i storm had helped to conceal the troop movemenls but the day broke blight; and clear. It was great fighting wenthiir. Many of the German soldiers were at In- iilvfiut, o were seeking shelter from the ritin win 'ft the allies ivent forward. Tho Americans had "breakfasted" th.s nilil. biloro and were without tho handi ii I , of observing meal time, I u advance was maintained without interruption up to noon, when From..! ni.d Ahif iicans halted briefly to rest and noigniiizc. Then they swept ahead uguiii. advancing farther than in their fir-t uih. French cavalry swung nhrud rtith the m fun try in the after nui n ami aided the Americans in clean ii, up l.ic captured villages. An-.rn.ans and French surounded anrd captured entire German butteries includ the artillery of an entire division. The Americans carried their full pacis r,l ti' pounds on their backs. Most of (iir Hints did not bother with machine guns. It was a straight job of rifles, bavr.nets and grenades. 'i he Americans worked their way tlir'uigh fields and woods and into vih jl;ii'4, Jii'i'g tiie bodies befora them. iT hey took prisoners so rnpidly that the 1-iH :r l -.'i mm a hindrance and wero sent (Continued on pag) two1 11