Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    )M Journal.
We have a fine line of
11 H P 0 11 Ed il, 11
for the entire family
In spite of the high price of com
modities, these war times, we
have stockings for you at very
reasonable prices. You
should come in and see
for yourself that our
prices are much
lower than you
pay else
where. Ladies Cotton Hose 15c, 25c and 29c
Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose 39c, 49c and 59c
Ladies' fibre Silk Hose 49c, 69c and 75c
Ladies' Silk Hose 98c, $125 and $1,49
Children's Stockings ...... . .15c. 25c, 29c and 35c
Men's Hose 2 pair for 25c, 25c, 35c, and 49c
All Around i
William McGilchrlst, Jr., left this
qiorning for a ten days outing at Nyo
Beach. Hi family havo boon there a
week or so.
0. E. S, Wood, promiuont lawyor of
Portland, wag In the city yesterday on
legal business.
V. Lair Thompson, former presidont
of th.3 state senate, was in Bnlem Wed
Boiriay ou legal business. He Is now
resident of Portland, '
Clarence Reams of Portland, was in
Salem on federal business Wednesday.
Mrs. John Russell and daughter of
Indinnola, Neb. are in the city as guests
of Dr. Mary Rowland. .
Charlos Wiilman, manager of the
BHgh hotel and A. II. Gage leave this
morning fur a two weeks outing on the
upper MeKeiizio river.
Captain A. 13. Duncan, stationed at
Vale, Oregon, is homo on a ehort leaviS
of absence, visiting his parents living
on the Garden road.
The following Salem, folks wero in
Portland yestordny: John Lenry, at the
Imperial; Mrs. C. Smith at the Mult
nomuhj Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Willets at
the Perkins; and Mr, and Mrs. O. T
Howe at the Cornelius
J uly 19 Band concert at Wil
son park, 8 p. m.
July 21-27 Chautauqua week.
Dr. U. P. Mendelsohn flta eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bnk Bldg. V.
Miss Eddy and Miss Jean Compton,
accompanied by their father W. E.
Compton went to Portland a few day?
ago and niodo arrangements by which
tho two girls will bo employed in the
wholesale millinery house of Lowen
gart & Co.
Irrigation Even numbers, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. and Sun. Odd numbers, Tues.
Thurs., Sat. nd Sun. Even numbers
are on the south and east side of
street. Odd numbers are on north end
west side of street. tf
-o :
A. Evans Hourton, for two years a
reporter of the Capital Journal, is now
in tho thick of the big offensive in
Prance. A letter to Col. J. H. Cradle
baugh this week stated that he was in
the trenches with the marines. Houston
went to the Mexican border with the
National Guard and shortly after re
turning here enlisted with the marines.
"The test" Is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
We have with us once again the regu
lation gypsy fortune tellers or palmists
To ply their vocation in, Salem, they
put up nt tho city hall the sum of $25
a week. According to the city ordin
ances, tlw business is legal. A fortune
teller, clairvoyant, or a medium may
open up for business on payment of the
weekly. Also an astrologer, mind
reader or a hypnotist on payment of a
like amount.
Ys ell for cBh. Commencing July
lie we will conduct our business on
strictly cash basil. Patton'i Book
Store. . tf
a '
Tho Charles R. Archerd Implement
Company is in the market for all
kinds, of hay. 7-19
R. E. Anderson, who came to Salem
about a your ago from Iowa, after mak
ing a trip or two back to his home
state, has decided to make his perman
ent home in Salem. . Last fall he bought
a fivo ncro tract at Sunnyside and now
is beginning tho erection of a $4,000
bungalow on the place. A few days ago
ho added to h's investment here in. the
purchase of a 17-acre prune and cherry
orchard four miles Bouth of Snlem on
the Jefferson road. Both transfers wero
handled by W. H. Grnbenhorst & Co.
Save 5 per cent with our csh regis-
tor cheeks. We conduct our business on
a cash basis. Perry's Drug Store, tf
"The funeral beautiful." Webb ft
Clough Co tf.
Mrs. L Bunce claims to have the cham
pion head of cabbage in the city and it
is growing at' her home 1193 South Lib
erty street. According to her measure
ments, said cabbage head is 33 inehes
Ja circumference. Then meosured from
tip to tip of the leaves on one side 1o
those on the other side over the top, the
distaued is 42 inches.
Keaizer Bottom to doing well far
as the Loganberry crop is concerned
judging from reports coming in today.
Mr. Morgan, who lives about
Believe That Paving And All
Other Work Will Be Fin
ished by August l
At a meeting to be held this even
ing at the Commercial club between the
state highway coimmssian, County En
gineer Culver and the executive com-
.: ' I mittee in t-barge of the bridge dediea-
kiuii, tuD uitio iur iue opening UI in?
Morgan, who
., . . a i. - . l 1 i . i
wcat vl uid scuyui auuse reports uuviuk l , , ... -, . 3 ,
v ., n " .. ' . ; bridge will be definitely decided,
ZVnlV Z' 3 T T, Tn f th bridge building!
one-half acres. W !th present prices, this eo;npay requirCs the pletion of the ,
nm net mui auuut uuier small hri,! ,h- Aniriwt 1 Tfco
n 11 t - ..v.
iiiot -BDhiuirn
JUd- HilliSULP
tracts report doing equally as well,
work has been
running ahead of schedule and the
ihriilcra nan ,La fi-rt in ta .Ann. I
Payments on the Third Liberty loan itv . week r ten dava Wr, Am,.-t !
are oemg promptly made at the banks 1. But there is the paving of the bridge :
today, but few asking for an .extension jfenfi the building of the cement side-i
of time. According to the best of in-iiwalks before the offkial opening day.
formation to be had , on. the subjects, At the meeting this evening the ex-!
no holder of bonds will lose should they ecutive committeo will endeavor to get '
not c au' to make this payment prom-.lfrom Mr. Culver the exact time neces
ptly. However, the government has setpary to do this paving and after ithisj
July 18 for the 35 per cent pavment. im been decided, a definite date fori
The final payment amounting to 40 per pne official opening can be announced.
cent of the loan is to be paid one mouth
from today.
The American Asiatic Association is
'Whndei Book' lZ.r
jjL.-iut1 .r,.-.r.1T.T. , . r . V; -ir.,I,l.7jll..JrrTr1Tr-irr 1 mm j MI ? n -.,1ia.nTT:r -f ff) imi-iiiiiim it jf
y i
Admission, 25c; Children Matinee, Today and Tomorrow, 15c
Portland prices were 25-35-50c .
Sergt. Arthur Guy
Supported by
the latest asking co-operation of com
mercial bodies in the country and es
pecially the west. The Salem Commer
cial club is in receipt of an invitation
to become an associate member. The
object of the association is 'to 8trenn
en the bonds of friendship and under
standing between the United States and
the Asiatic people'. Also to incidental
ly subscribe for the magazine "Azia
devoted to what is going on iu that part
of the world.
On a basis of $2.20 wheat, house
holders will soon Ue paying about two
bits more for a sack of flour. The
flour ground from the $2.20 wheat will
arrive in the city in a day .or two. On
acount of the ordor of tho state food
adnnuisration a short time ago reouir-
ing that all flour in the state be sent
to Fran.ce, thero is very little old flour
on hand. The food administration back
ed down on the flour ordor too late to
permit dealers to lay in a supply at the
oia price ana as the, situation now
stands, almast all grocers are out of
tno Hour to be sold at tho lower price.
It is now godbye to frostings on cakes
anj pies. Such things are now taboo,
according to the wishes of tho state
food aduiin'bjtratioA . Other counties
have put tho kibosh on tho fancy rim-
mings and now is i the turn of Marion
county. It seems that Polk county has
been getting along without the faucv
frostings but has been somewhat dis
turbed from the fact that the bakeries
of bulem have been shipping into the
county souio of the forbidden fruit.
Hence the bakeries will be asked to fill
their Polk county orders for pies and
cakes minus the fancy trimmings.
Joe 0. Thompson and Mrs. Eobert By
bee were married a few days auo ao-
cording to reports coming from Port
land. If is understood thov are sneild-
ing a few days nt the leach. Mrs.
Thompson's maiden nauie was Miss El
la Bturkey and she was a gradua i,m
Willamette University in 1866. Mr.
Thompson is one of Salem's pioneers,
having arrived in the city in 1862. He
built tho Bligh homo on High and Che
mekota and also the residouce just west
on Chemcketa.
Stocks Advance When
War News Pleases
JJow York, July lS.-Tha Evenim?
Sun financial review this afternoon
With advances of wo. -tlirpfi nnd
four points in the active lis of stocks
tho stock market tcrfay responded to
the favorable news from the western
Tho news appeared before the open
ing, winch waa strong in tone and high
er in price. Further disnatches show-
d that tho French and American at
tacks were Meeting with suc
cess and itle market gathered strength
ino succeeding advances being achiov
ed with only brief and temporary recessions.
All classes of stocks participated in
the upward movement, although the
rails were lea active than the indus
trials. United States Steel furnished
more than a third of the day's bulge.
The market, with odd time enthusiasm,
made further strides upward m the
late trading, many issues, including
United Stotea Steel, making now highs
for tho day. At 106 United States Steel
was 3 3-1 above Wednesday's close.
Fires of Past Year
In Marion County
There were J 19 fires, gainst which
there was t least partial insurance pro
tection, in Marion county during tho
year 1917, according to figures given
in- the annual report of State Fire Mar
shal Wells. In Polk county there were
o9 fires.
Insurance earned on the property
artected by these 119 fires in this eoun
ry totaled t-63,9l0, while losses paid
amounted to $tt,S69.67.
In Polk oounty ."i4,S70 insurance was
curried on the property involved in
the 39 fires lint year, whilo the amount
paid for losses was $20,513.32.
Of the 119 fires in Marion county,
35 were dwelUiigs, and 17 were mercan
tile buildings. The principal cause of
the fires ws overheated or defective
It is thought that under ordinary con-
'ditions, the opening will be about
Oulv 31 or August 1. -
The souvenir comnniittefl, H. W.
Meyers chairman, announce -that al-
. pready ithe souvenir flags have arrived.
Uhey are small silk flags with the
uted Cross and wording, "Souvenir of
dedication under auspices of Ked
Tho grand stand for the speakers
and band will be erected on Water
street and the decoration eemmiWce, n
raui etege cnairman, announce that
Mho bridge will be appropriately dec-
According -to present tentative plans,
the first ceremonies rf the day will be
the auctioning off of the privilege of
'driving the first automobile across the
Tjridge and the opinion seems to be
'that the bidding will start with the)
prosenit offer of Henry W, Meyers of
100. Also that the mian ,who docs
have ithe honor of driving across- the
'bridge ahead of the procession will
!pay -considerably more than $100.
I he big event down town for the
day will be either a military or indus
'trial parade and this of course will
lopend on conditions not yet decided
W. T. Eigdon is chairman of the parade
'commititoe. '
With the meeting of the executive
'ccimimittce this evening, plane will go
rapidly, forward' for the great event
when Salem expects tfen or fifteen
thousand visitors. In charge of affairs
fere 14 committees w,ith the chairmen
as follows: Concessions, Dr. H. H.
Olinger: buildings and parks, F. ,B.
Southwick; parade, W. T. Eigdon; en
tertainment, Dr. K. m. lice isteiner;
speakers, A. A. Lee; music, John W,
'Todd; souvenirs, Henry W. Meyers;
rauction, Chais. E. Archerd; program,
The latest styles in Ladies' and Misses' Waists. Cor
rectly styled and trimmed with lace .edges, fancy
embroiderings, Round and V-Neck, in materials of
Vette, Lawn and Silk MulL
Price, 98c to $1,25
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
T. WirSghbman; spefrts, 'Chauncdy
'Bishop; decorations, Paul Stege; ex
cursion publicity, Dr. H, C. Epleyj pub
Tieity, l G. Shipley; Bed Cross aux
iliary, Mrs. John H. Carson.
Frank T, Wrightman is chairman ol
Hhe executive committee amd Wm, H,
'Dancy, secretary.
Thousands of German
Prisoners Are Taken
London, July 18. The Am
erican and French attacking
between Soissons and Chateau
Thierry have so far advanced
from three to four miles, it was
learned authoritatively this af
ternoon. The greatest advance
was made in tho Aisne valley.
Thousands of German prisoners
have been taken and more than
twenty cannon have been cap
The Cherrian band Will give its usual
Friday evening concert at Willson
park, the program oeginuing nt 8
o'clock p. m. Miss Tartar is the soloist
for the evening.
Star Spangled Banner
March, On Jersey's Shore....A. Pryor
Selection, Faust Ch. Gounod
Love's Garden Waltzes Morse
Serenade, Love in Idleness.... Maiclbeth
Overture, Southern Stars (Southern
Vocal solo, Kiss Song ArditS
Miss Lena Belle Tartar
Intermezzo, The Wedding of tho
Rose. Jesscl
Selection, The Boyal Chef Jerome
March, Northiwind W. P. Chambers
America '
Automobile Owners
Notified By Assessor
Owners of automobiles who bcught
their cars before March 1 of this year
are receiving from Ben F. West, coun
ty assessor, tho following pleawint pos
tal card: "The secretary of state's au
tomobile list reports you as having per
sonal property consisting of an auto
mobile or motorcycle. I have listed
you for $ on same. If yon
think this amount is excessive, call at
'this office and I will correat same.
I You must report to this office before
August 15."
I Mr. West is busy today sending out
1500 carda notifying nuto owners of
tho, amount Ithey have been listed. In
general this is placed at about-4 two
thirds of the value of tho car, taking
into (considctaltion depreciation from
age and general use.
Am yet, tho assessments for thin
year have not been mado out and will
not until the levy has been made. How
ever, based on that of last year, a car
valued at $1000 would cost tho owner
$29.90 and others in proportion. Mr.
West says there are more large cars
in proportion to the number reported
than one year ago and a largo increase
in valuation over ono year ago.
care of J
Yick So Tong
I Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa, I
T Has medicine which will eure T
any uuwa luseasa.
Open Sundays from 10 . m.
I until 8 p. m. X
153 South. High St t
I Salem, Oregon. ' Phone 289 I
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
TJBed Furniture
Phone 941 or 608
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before you sell.
271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734
Have the Journal Job Dept.
estimate on your printing
needs you get the benefit of
cash buying. Phone 81.
Economical, Delightful, Light Place to
July Clearance Sale
Exceptional Values in
Silk Skirts $4.50
This will unquestionably be a big selling season for
Silk Skirts, and this yearthe separate skirt has
won even greater popularity than ever, offering
several silk models, in plain, colors, plaids and
stripes. Late styles. Very low price. ..... . .$4.50
W. S. S.
- PHONE 877