THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. Thursday, JULY 18, 1919. FIVE wuw yai a 7 iKHER CA S 111 ? ! JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING EEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THE! FOR RESULTS classified advertising bates Ete per word New Today: tck inaertioa. ' le On week (6 insertions) 5e Die month (2G insertion) , , lie T Capital Journal will not be r poiuible for more than one insertion, (or errors in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify u immediately Minimum charge 15c. HAT pitchers wanted. Phone 3F3- C. C. RusseU, Wiaconda. tf FOR SALE Fresh eow and calf. Et 7, box 42. Phone 2500W4. 7-20 Bool's reshiagled or patched and tar red. Phone C C. Kays, 1074. 7-18 FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms 694 N. Commercial. Phone 2454W. 7-19 FOB RENT Room with private bath. Inquire Vicks' Garage. 7-19 TWO month, old pigs $5. Skyline Or chards, R-t 3. Phone 30F11. SKXJOXD hand Ford for sale. 726 N. 15th St. 7-24 WANTED Veal calves. Phone 157G . W. 8-0 WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co- tf HAVE yon wood sawing t Call phone T. tf OCL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOR SALE Separator, 22-in- cylinder. F. A. Wood, Turner, Or. 7-19 FOR SALE Bicycle in good condition at bargain. Telephone 125. 7-13 FOR RENT Modern flat furnished. Call 1737W. 7.22 WANTED Pasture foT team. Address Geo. Reinochl, 2199 Broadway. 7-18 TO UNO JERSEY cow for sale 2675 Brooks end Highland. 7-18 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward- Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED To trade 3 vacant lots for hou?o and lot. Will pay cash differ ence. Phone 1576W. 7-19 FOR CANNING Late Duke cherries A at tae Imlah Fruit farm. Phone 52 ' ; Fll. --- 7-20 I HAVE several good farm mortgages for sale. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Ma sonic Mdg. Salem, Or. , 7-22 WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tt WANTED Mohair At East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St Phone 160M. tf BESTAURANT .FOR SALE Or for rent, address, R. H. care of Journal. 7-23 OAT HAY for sale in the shock ready to take away. Route 5, box 92. Clark E. Corey. , 7-18 GENERAL Repair work done, rugs cleaned, 35c per rug. Phone 1022. Fixit Shop. ' . 7-31 MORTGAGES FOR SALE H. M. Haw kins 314 Masonic bldg. Salem, Ore. - 7.02 FOB SALE Wade Drag Saw two saws guaranteed in good condition Pohle and Son. 7-18 GIRLS OR WOMEN wanted at tho Glove Factory for steady work. 7-18 FOE SALE One gelding horse, 8 yrs. old, Percheron stock; also McCor rnick binder and McCormick mow er. Phone 9F11. J-20 BED and Mack caip raspberries to pick on shares; or .pick them and pay 80c Ier crate. 3 miles from end of 12th street car line. Phone 53F15. 7-18 FOR SALE Second hand treshing out fit in first class condition. Price . very cheap. Address 1160 Gains ave nue, or phone 710-J. 7-1S LATE 1915 Ford for sale Good con dition. Call at Standard Oil plant be - tween 8 end 5 p. m. Price 325. f-20 FOR BENT Furnished house, for one who wants a first class place, hot water heat, two fire places end com pletely furnished throughout. Ad dress Box 373, Salem, Or. tf FOB SALE 40 acre farm, some of best land in. Oregon, stock and crop included, must be sold. K- F. D. box 42. Scio, Or. 7-21 FOR SALE -5 acres all under cultiva tion, new 5 room, plastered house, barn, chicken house, drilled well, garage, fine .Loganberry land, rock read, Zy, miles out. If you are look ing for 5 acres investigate this. Price 1850. $650 down, balance 6 per cent interest W. XL Grabenhorst t Co., 275 8tate atreet. 'LOST -June 6. grey hand purse, con taining aooui a.zu and door key. Re turn to Journal Office. Reward. 7-17 WANTED Place where young girl can assist' with housework. Phone 111F5. 7-:.s 160 ACRES Lake County Stock ranch for sale or trade. Inquire 666 N. Summer street. 7-17 SIX or seven room modern house want ad by permanent renter. 7-12 care Journal. 7-iy LOGANBERRY pickers wanted for one day. 2 cents per lb. Phone 373 tonight. Will call for pickers in the morning and return in evening. 7-17 WANTED House keeper; eooking ior o or 8 men; no children; no washing; box 45, Gervais, B 2. Phone 3F11. 7-19 FOR SALE About ten tons of fine cheat hay in stack. Twenty dollars ton. At Frustland. W. R. Lattin. R. 6, box 84. 7-17. WOULD lite to rent a farm, ICO acres on hair shares, or a small dairy farm with stock on shares or wages. H. Meyer. R-3. Salem. . 7-19 FuK SALE Studebaker 4, 1914, $4o0. ' Studebaker 4, 1917 $800. Both of these cars are in the best of condi tion. Highway. Garage, 1000 S. Com mercial, tf WANTED 2 Whistle Punk's or Signal " Boy. Good wages and lots of good eats. Inquire of U. G. Holt. Spauld ing Log. Co.. Front and erry Sts. Salem, Ore, 7-17 .TOR SALE Two registered Red lmrham bulls. 7 and 10 month? old One registered Holstein, 1 year old, 1 high grade white Durham, 1 year old. Phone 1251W. 347 North High. WANTED Two machinists with at leant, one year's lathe experience, (io'fce hour for eight hours- Come. Don 't write. Strike on but not both ering us. West Linn Mills, West Linn Oregon. 7-24 FOR SALE 30 acres of first class- land, 10 acres of fine bearing Lo ganberries, 3'4 acres of prunes, 0me timber and pasture, good location. Price $7500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 273 State street. 7-19 : i u u : FO RSALE 10 acres of good land, fine large house, barn, orchard, fine garden, gravel road, some stock, ma chinery and household goods locat ed just outside of the city limits. Price $3500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Coi, 275 State St. 7-19 READER Are you a Dairyman? If so, this will interest you. I have a dairy farm convenient to city; well equip ped; milk house with milk bottles and conveniences for bottling the milk which is sold on a good contract which I will transfer with sale of property. Building are good; excel lent soil and road fine; I will sell or exchange this equipment, includ ing tfn cows, one bull, and farm tools, with a lease for two or three years of the ranch and buildings, for a good home in Salem Call on Square Deal Realty Company, or Phone 470. . 7-17 NOTICE TO HOP PICKEES If you wish, to register to pick hops for us this season, please write by re turn of mail, the number of pickers in your party, families preferred, on hear ing from, you we will forward you a registry card, accommodations as usual found free. We are running all our yards Ithis season about 375 acres. We expect the main crop ready for pick ing about September 5th, according to present conditions we anticipate a fair crop. Price 50c per box. Day men also required. Wigan Richardson & Co., Wigrich Ranehe, Independence, Or. 7-18 SPECIAL NOTICE On and after August 1, . the retail business at Frys' drug store will be conducted on a cash basis. The scarcity I of help, extra work required in keep ing accounts and collecting same makes , this change necessary. We will continue to give a 5 per cent rebate for cash on all goods handled by ns, except paints and oils, Daniel J. Fry, 280 N. ' Commercial street. Madame 0!,ga Petrova hsn't much of an American sound to it, but the chanc es are that the madame uses tho old country moniker for advertising pur poses mostly, and that personally she prefers her more democratic married name of Stewart. Notice To The Public We wish to inform the public that we are running the Capital Garage Repair Shop and we guarantee all work to' be satisfactory. We do all Hindu of euto repairing and weld ings. We tighten and reset auto wheels springs made and' repaired. We take care of storage batteries. We also carry a stock of accessor ies. We have an expert from San Francisco to look after ignition and carbureters. . Ask for onr service car. Fair and courteous treatment at all times. y R, J. HEESCHBACH SON The Capital Garage 173 South. Liberty Phone 88 ; POSSESSION OF ALLTHEIRGROUND German Offensive Made No Gam on Sector Held by Yankees GENERAL PERSHING ' MAKES OFFICIAL REPORT Detail of Operations Is Given By Commander In Chief Today Parts. Julv 18 The Remmi ,- tained fully 70,000 casualties in- the two days ngnung in the "Dormans pocket" south of the Marne, the Matin declared today. London, July 18. American wound ed arriving today from the seme of heavy fighting on the French front drew cheers from crowds at the Char ing Cross station. Sympathetic girls flung flowers at the men as they were taken from trains and loaded in ambulances. Hands were waved as the American soldiers were taken away. Washington, July 18- American troops have gained entire possession of their sector on the south bank of the Marne General Pershing reported to day under dato of July 17. German thrusts against the Ameri can positions northwest t of Chateau Thierry were "completely broken up" Pershing's communique follows: "In the Marne sector our troops have entirely 'gained possession of the south bank of the river. Northwest of Chateau-Thierry the enemy yesterday repeated his attempt of the preceding day to penetrate orr lines near Vaux. His attack was completely broken up by our artillery fire before reaching our linos. "Yesterday in the region of Thia court a hostile airplane was shot down by one of our aviators." . "Northwest of Chateau-Thierry, be tween the evening of July 14 and tho evening of July 16, the enemy made de termined but entirely unsuccessful at tacks on our positions near Vaux," sec tion B. "During the night July 14 to 15, he delivered a heavy bombardment, which included the use of much gas and which in tho early morning developed into a barrage on tho Vaux area. Un der cover of this, a storming party at tacked the village. The system of in filtration by groups was used and some of these groups .passed one ot our ad vanced outposts, northeast of Vaux. Our troops delivered withering ma chine gun fire 011 the assailants and counter attacked on tho riht of the assaulting party, where- the penetra tion had taken plaice. At the bamo time our artillery dropped u barrage in this section to cut off the nnimy ietrtat.. The enemy tied but many wet- caught by our iba-ragc and IS tak'11 prisoners. The attaick vvas a conplwe failure, '.he enemy at no time penitra! lg our lines "On the evening of July 15 the at tacks in this region were, renewed. A box barrage, which again included many gas shells, was placed by the enemy on the Vaux region at 9:30 o'clock in tho evening and several large hostile groups attempted to advance, firing heavily on our positions. This attempt also collapsed. Our infant' fire and a creeping barrage from our uivn Dat tcries again broke up th assault. ' ' EFFORTS BECOME WEAKE3 By Ed L. Keen (United Press staff correspondent) London, July 18. ;'5.L' a. 111.) 1'tst dwindling efforts of tho Germans orig inally spread over a front 'nf mora than fifty miles, are now concentrated on the twenty mile front between Vrigny and Combliny, in an uttowipt to d vanco toward Bpernv. nrrj. pinch off the Khi'ims salient. (Vrigny is four miles southwest of Rhoinis. I'ombligny is eleven miles uue west of Epernay, aal ;our miles south of the Marne.) v Jt is a lagging alvancv, pt-5niig tut hourly, Utewhere, thcrj are fluctuating local attacks, decreasing in power and intensitv. East of Rheims, the French and' Am ericans havo coirvpleltcly stopped the Germans. South of tin Marne, i'tora Chateau-Thierry eastward ti llif- liii'S on with the French, tho Amnri.ians ure holding like a stone wall. 8a far, the Germans have failed to attain any of their objectives. They have engaged thirty divisions (300,000 men) and have nearly that number of reserves left, which it will be noees-. SPRAY CALENDAR, JULY From 20th to 25th of .July is the time to spray apples and pears for the second genera tion of eodlin moth. Spray with arsenate of lead, two I pounds in 50 gallon of water. I L H. VAN TRUMP, I County Fruit Inspector.. BOYS WANTED We need the services of e nwmber of Gram mar School boys for permanent part-time work. The boys we se lect will be well paid and given an opportunity to earn, learn and advance. Apply to. W. H. Burghardt, Jr., 371 State St., Salem. Or. 7-18-24 8-1 WHOLE DUidOF YIMOOPSM III GREAT DRIVE i Secretary Baker Officially States That American j Force Is Large Washington, July 18. Whole divis ions of Americans ate involved in the great counter offensive launchd today by the Americans and French on the Marne-Aisne front. Secretary of War Baker revealed this afternoon. i Official reports from General Per shing, confirming United Press details of the drive declared the on-rush is still rcntinuing. (litre are 27,500 inn to an Ameri can division.) Inn Americans f.'glitnig in the re gion of Soissn3 lave been particular ly successful, making- a decided ad vinc. the exleot ef vHch is not def- iiii'fly known us this is cabled. (This is the first intimation that Amer can troops nre engaged along the nholo 25-mile frrnt.j Pershing Reports Success. Washington, July 18. General Per shing, in dispatches to the war depart ment thiB afternoon announced pro gress of the Franco-American counter offensive on the Marno-Aisne front. Commenting on Rersliing'8 report, Secretary Baker said it was clear that ninny trfoners and much war material had been taken. Baker saii. "Official confirmation of the open ing of the eountor offensive along the linu ctMcd in the iw.ipa;ir$ has ar rived r(m General P'tvii; j, American troops! participated both as complete divisions and as units in association with the French. ''The furst objectives seem every where to have been attained and, while no actual count has been made, it is clear that many prisoners have been taken and that guns and other war ma terial have been captured. "Our official reports also confirm the fact that the American soldiers advanced with the greatest dash and gallantly and were still advancing when hst heard from.'' ' French Cormter-Attack. London, July 18. French forces, at tacking on a three mile front from the Marne northward, east of Chateau Thierry, have recaptured Nanteuil, Yen teuil and the Bois De Roi, it was learn ed from an authoritative source this afternoon. The French have' been driven from tie crest of the ridge south of. Dor mans by a German local operation. The front about Chateau-Thierry has become stabilized, p - 4 I ftl sary for thetm to throw in if they would continue their push toward Eper nay. There ie just the barest possibility that instead of using these reserves, in an apparently fruitless effort to take Epernay the Germans will attempt another gamble and attai'k the British in the Somme and Ancre regions. But the British are on the alert and in the meantime the allied reserves are grow ing. London morning newspapers are cautiously optimistic. The Express de clares there is a possibility that ' 'the failure will become a diater to the Hun." "lit is dangerous to say it is a colos sal defeat until we are more certain the German has shot his bwlt," the Mail said. GERMANS ATTACK AGAIN By John De Gandt (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, July 18. (10:35 a. .) The second phase of tho new German drive in the Champagno region Degan today wheo the allies again passed from the aggressive to the defensive, according to the latest battle front dispatches. Tho enemy is directing his heaviest blows toward the rorest ot the iloun tain of Hlieima, which he expects to penetrate through the middle and reach the imain Kheuns-Epernay highway, splitting the forest on a north and south line toilay- - Moderate estimates of the casualties inflicted by the Americans and French in the Marne fighting during the first two days placed them at sixty thous and. London Announcement London, July 18. (1:10 p. m.) A Franco-American counter offensive started this morning on the front be tween Chateau-Thierry and Soiseons, it was learned from airthontive sources this afternoon. The attack was report ed to be on a large scale and the latest news from the front tustitie the opin ion the allies are .making good progress In view of tho big Franco-American offensive, it is declared there is little likelihood of Epernay falling. There is little chwnge in the situation en eiuier side of Ehoims. Fourteen Planes Dowsed London. 'July 18. Fourteen German airplanes were brought down by Brit ish airmen and six nosiue oanoons were destroyed Tuesday, the air ministry an nounced todav. Nine British machines were lost. Suecawful bombing opera tions were carried out. Bevm Marine In List Woiihinwtnn. .Inlv 18. Seven marines were named in today's casualty list, im.lii.llna. thrnn killed iii action: one dead of wounds and three severely wounded- SYMPATHY FOB ROOSEVELT. London, July 18. The ex-president will have teh sympathy of all i-nghsh- men in the death of his gallant flying boy," the Graphic Mated today in commenting on the death of Quentin Roosevelt. A group photograph of the Roosevelt family was published with th new of Lieutenant Roosevelt's death. The Sketch also published a photo graph of Quentin. RURAL DISTRICTS RAISE JFULL QUOTAS They Will Accordingly Be Ex empt From Ssmar Cam- paigns This Year Rural school districts that have rais ed their quc.tas during the war savings stamps campaign will be exempt from future campaigns this year, according to W. M. Smith, chairman in charge of the rural d&stmlts. The quota for Marion county for this W. S. S, campaign was $972,000 and of this amount, (522,000 was pledged dur ing the campaign and f 190,0ml previ ously, making a total of $712,000. There lennains yet to be raised before the first of the year the sum of $200,000- The following is a list of the districts in the ounty that have -rawed their quotas, the chairman of the district board and the amount of W. S. S. sub scribed: Silverton, Julius Aim . $05000 Maieleav, H. E. Martin 41S0 Fern Ridge, P. C. Freres 930 Manning school, W. P. Collaril 4045 Brush Creek, C. A. Benson 2285 Fairfield, F- H. DuRette 2030 Looney school, Sam lungen 2055 lllihee, S. C. Wilson 1100 Brooks, John R. Macy 11350 Evans Vallev, O. A. holie A-io Union Hillw. H. Carter 2870 Central Howell, Fred W. Durbin 650 Independence school, B. Denny 2780 McAlpin, Arlo Humphrey 3270 Bethany, M. P. Solbcrg 4320 Hazel Green, F. E. Rape 9545 Johnston, V. H. Wells ..v 1700 Liberty, Frank Hruiuetz - iuiu Sidney, E. Todd 2200 Turner, Brazier Small 7740 iShaw, O. E. Lewis 5870 Center View, W. J. Haoerly .... -4uu Pleasant Point, E. S. Coates.... 2420 GeeJan, Frank Knapp . 1780 Davia school, B. H. itevis 1850 Sunnvside, C II. Tavlor 2095 Oak Ridge, W. A. Jones 2260 Union, A. M. VanCleave 3845 McLaughlin, J. R, Kaser 1840 Victor Point, Roy A. Jones 2575 Briar Knob, F. H. Smith 420 Mahoney school, M. W. Manoney 1560 Detroit, Almira Hoover . 2060 Porter school, J. H. Porter tfouu Redne, LeRoy Grafe ' . 2530 Quinaby, J. C .McFarlane ,.. 7085 36 districts $132,215 State House News t Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff an nounced today that the industrial wel fare commission has changed its rulig so that women employed as elevator operators may work seven days a week, but not more than 54 hours, instead of being restricted to six days a week. The minjmum wage will remain at $11.61 per week. Captain William O. MoNaught of Portland has been appointed a mem ber of the board of pilot commission' ers to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. Spierer, who has cnk tered government service. The appoint ment was made by the governor. Captain George W. Stokes, assist ant tate fire marshal, returned Wed nesday frclm Heppner, where he assist ed in organizing a volunteer fire de partment, with a salaried firo chief at the head. The cs'imated loss of tho fire, which swept foitr blocks in Hepp ner July 4, is now placed at $180,000, covered by approximately $75,000 in insurance. The directors of tho North Unit Ir rigation district came to an agreement with tho Central Oregon Irrigation company at Madras on Tuesday for the purchaso of all the company's rights in the 70,000 aero Carey act project near Redmond and Bend, according to John H. Lewis, sltatc engineer, who lias jiiwt returned from central Oregon. The price agreed uKn is $703,000. "The North unit comprises 100.000 BJcret) of land !icr Madras. Metolius and Culver, now being cultivated by dry farming methods," said Mr. Lew is. "Water for irrigation can bo had by storage in the proposed Benhani Fnlls reservoir, 16 mile south of Bend. This reservoir is capable of supplying more than 200,000 acres of 'land. The 100,000 acres in the North unit comprises a portion of this area. In addition there, is approximately 40, 000 acres on tie west side of tho Des chutes river near Tumalo, 35,000 acres in the North Canal project near Red mond and 15,000 acres of private laud near Prineville which should come un der this reservoir." $ t v-f444-H llLiWPLLIlIllli SA pi b-1b sMMal ki--HBB-Sii MHR of READY-TO-WEAR and ! SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE t. ; f I Everything conveniently displayed I for the the busy shoppers. .NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE. 38 Years the Leader and Still on Top t : Li v iloooiaoooiys hZLs j NA TION IS CHEERED BY GLORIOUS NEWS Prayer In Some Places- Cheers In Others Fol low Receipt of News Birmingham, Au., - July 18. When news of the great American drive reached the Birmingham Civic Asso ciation cafe at noon, through Even ing Ledger extras containing United Press dispatches, a prayer service wau immediately organized and htaaka re turned to God for the success of the Amrican arms. Rev. L. T. Whitten of the Metiodist church. South, who was lunching in the cafe, led in prayer. The service was brief and wag closed by the entire gathering singing "America.'' After ward they stood at attention while or chestra played 'The Star Spangled Banner.' ' Washington, July 18. The great news of the Franco-American offen sive was dispatched to the White House today as rapidly as it came into the Washington office of the United Press. President Wilson scanned the re ports eagerly upon his return from golf at noon and throughout the afternoon was kept intimately in touch by tele phone with all developments as car ried over the United Press. New York, July 18. A' cablo oper ator feverishly called "NX" (the Un ited Press' New York office) today: "NX flood newsINX good news!'' and ten seconds later the United Press had flushed throughout the country tho greatest thrill it has known since the Americans entered the trenches in France. Kxtras seeped from the presses from Boston to Ban Diego. Market operations in Wall Street sus pended as the tickers repeated the Un ited I'rss dispatch. In Birmingham an impromptu thanksgiving prayer service was held in a lading restaurant. The war depart ment in Washington and army head fuarters everywhere greeted the news joyously. Htenogrnhors at Governor's Island copid the dispatches over the telephone from tho United Press office. The whole nation was stirred and bul letin boards the country over held the attention of cheering throngs. Gnenil March, chief of staff at Washington, said the United Press brought him tho first details of the offensive. The Dow-Jones Financial service, conimentng o nthe effect on the stock exchange, said: "In the last hour the report result ed in an outburst. Htocks were bought T - O - N - t Saved by Grace" Hear DICKSON at TENT FELLOW THE CROWD v 4 freely and big gains were made on top of tho previous gains." Officials Are Eager Washington, July 18. News of the beginning of a Franco-American smash between the Aisne and the Marne was received with intense eagerness by mil itary officials at the war department today. The sweeping attack in which Am erican regulars and marines swept for ward frone one to nearly two miles be tween Foutonoy, near boissons and Bel lau, west of Chateau-Thierry, was look ed upon as intended to turn the Ger man flank. The attack apparently s iat right an gles with tho line of the recent German advance. The latest aTTiud attack is ex pected to harass the enemy and divert the Gorman thrust by an attack from behind. This move may serve to halt or delay an apparent plan of the Germans for an attack around Albert. That tho allies were on tho offensive wa particularly cheering; to American army officers, who long have chafed at a purely defensive policy. Board of Trade Goes Wild. Chicago, July 18. When United Press dispatches tolling of the Yankee victory in Franco were posld toihiy on th floor of til Chicago Board of Trude tremendous enthusiasm was loosnd. Trading stopped momentarily while men shouted and threw their hats into the air and buffeted each other n glee. News of tho Aincrcan advance, tele phoned from tho Chicago office of the United Press to the Great Laka naval training station, gave an opportunity to 25.0(H) jackies there to rip off tho lid of their enthusiasm. When Ensign Husband, attached to the conmiand iint's staff, sprad the news, the station went wild with delight. Conyeution Enthusiastic Den Moines, Iowa, July 18. The dem Wratiic state convention sessions here. Were held up for sumo time litis afti r Wirm whilo delegates and visitors choer Vd bullcitiu rexrtiiig the advance of American force's on the boissons Bel lrniu battle front. When neiws Iwiys handling News' ex ttas carryinir United Press dispatches from the front entered tho luibby of. 'the- Coliseum rules wore waved asiu. 'and they were permitted to enter. They sold out. in a hurry. Immediately tlicro was an outbursb bf cheering that made it immediately; impossible to hear one's own yelling. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL 444-4-44-4444-M-4 I - G - H - T the j COURT! STREET I 44'