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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. Thursday, jtlt is, ms. THREE BANKS OF SALEM The Fashion Expert of the New York Office for the McCall Patterns Is at our pattern department and will be pleased to assist you with, the latest fashion ideas. Special subscription offers Take advantage. SHOWC00DGR0VTH DURINGPAST YEAR We Always Pay the i IE IV I All the stock that we had in our CORNER STORE into the store where we formerly had our DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. The ENTRANCE at the REAR of CORNER STORE, by the office, will be OPEN at all hours of regular trade. Our many customers can find us as readily as ever and people ARE VERY ENTHU SIASTIC about our values as we will CONTINUE TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK. ALL GOODS AT CLOSING OUT PRICES Wonderful Values on' Buttons, Laces, Embroideries, Rib bons and Muslin Underwear Corner Court and Com'l Street, Salem ic jjc )jc sfc sc sjc je sc sjc 5 sfc jc sjc fr tie State House News jc )c s(c jc sc sc 4 . i Fifty patients were sent from tlw Oregon state hospital forthe insane to the Easter,, Oregon state hospital yes terday.. Superintendent Bteiner of the state hospital received word that the patients arrived at - their destination wihout mishap. They were in charge of Dr. Prince Byrd, a member of the asy lum staff of physicians. Tho patients were put aboard a special car, which had been switched onto tho asylum grounds, and they went mrniglit through without a change. It is unlawful for a school director to have pecuniary benefit in any way in connection with "the erection of school houses, or for the winning, ven tilating, furnishing or repairing the same, or to accept or receive any com pensation for his services rendered as 8 member bf the board," points out At torney General Brown ni an opinion giv en to I'red E. Schmidt, district attorney at Pendleton. District Attorney Schmidt cited two instances to tho attorney general. In one case he 14-year-old daughter of a school director was acting as janitor ef the school building and receiving a compensation for the work. The at torney general held that if the daughter retains tho money she earns and the school director receives no pecuniary benefit therefrom the law has not been violated. ' In the other instance members of the school board cleared, plowed and leveled the school grounds and were paid from tho school funds for the work. The at torney general holds that if the work was in any way connected with the con struction of a school building it would be in violation of the law. , T ' At't ".'t .t J, i J ,l - " J i4 Sergt. Arthur Guy Empey in Vitagraph's master production, ' Over the Top." GUY EMPEY 13 CAPTAIN HERO OF CANADIAN FOECES IS NOW AN AMERICAN OFFICER. Washrigton, . July 16. Arthur Guy rank of gergeatn in the Canadian army Einp.?y, who, while serving with thebefore he was invalided home home on Canadian overseas forces, took part inaccount of his wounds, teveral important battles in the first Sergeant Empey wrote for u the year's of the war, was today ommis-world famous book, "Over the Top" toned a captain, in the national arniy.aiul i now.playing in the same story in H.9 will be assigned to the adjutant-gen-pictures whieh will make its first appear ral's department. " ance in Salem at the Liberty theatre Captain Empty was promoted to thestarting today. Louis Goldsmith, who died last year in Now York, left an estate in Oregon valued at $415,906, and an estate out sido of Oregon valued at $401,473, ac cording to a report of the aduiinistra tors filed with the state treasurer, who will collect the inheritance tax in this state. It is likely, however, that tlw valua tion of th.9 real property located in this state will bo raised for the puropse of figuring the inheritance tax, as Deputy Stato Treasurer Eyan said today that tho real proporty is appraised at less tlian its assessed value and he consider ed the appraisemont too low. The pro perty is located in Portland. The real property is appraised at $2.12,700 and is assessed at $273,175, a difference 0f $20,475. A. J. Winfreo of Portland one of the administrators, is expected in Salem to conrer witu the state treasurer about the matter. The report shows that the expense oi administrating the portion of tha et tate outside of Oregon will be $61,157 while the expense of administrating the osiaio in uregon will De only $1750. Emma Goldman, erstwhile anarchist, is making overalls in the Missouri gtntc penitentiary, ,whieh seems to be just about tho best little thing Emma ever did. ii t. - rr i Du if- HATI0NALWA8 GARDEN COMMISSION .. Home-made drier suspended from swinging crane over rook stove Suggestion by the National War Garden Commission of Washington, which will send any reader a drying book free for a two-cent stamp to pay postage. For the frame use strips of wood -mch thick and 2 inches wide. The trays or shelves are made of palvanize'Lwire screen of small mesh tacked to the sup. orts. Recent Call For Reports of Condition on June 29, Show Healthy Increase Wheu the government sent ont the nil nil .Tuna 29. ISIS, tn ha hanl. r,f the country for a statement of their con dition, it fnmul nn dennsit in tho fnn. banks of Salem, the sum of $6,434,965.25 une year ago tne caiem banks bad on deposit &5. 708.335.44 and Iwn ware o a total of $4,826,701.71, an increase in ueposits witnin tne two years of $1, 608,263.54. The total resources of the Ladd 4 Bush bank are $4,228,860.38. One year apo when the call psjiia nn tn hn pth. June 20, 1917, the resources of the bank were j,.uo,aoj.o. xne loans and dis counts of the bank are now $2,138,210.29 compared to $1,607,537.08 of one year 3P0. TllP h.lllk'R inVPfltniPtlt in Vtnn.7a and warrants have increased from 1Uo,c!2j.22 of one year ago to a present investment of 304.947.91. Thn dnnnaito have increased from $3,143,675.30. the tojal resources of tho CapitaJ National bank, nccnrilinir thn 1918, were $1,168,26232. One year ago at tne time or the government's call, thej were $1,146,424.90. The loans and dis counts of the Cnnitnl $435,205.80, compared to $431,957.42 of one y.ear ago. The bank's investments in bouds and warrants are heavy, as one vear niro it wm 421 0n ss it is $490,270.94. The deposits kae increased rrom fyi,334.B0 of ouo year aeo to $916,152.60. aa slmwn hv j una ai, iia call. The total resources of tha United States National bank when (1,a .r,,i,n or. 1918, call was made were $1,714,990.45! The loana and discounts and investments or the bank on the same call were $1, 192,137.91. On tho Mnv 1. 1917 n the loans, diseniuita amounted to $1,010,256.96, showing a material increase during the past ear. The deposits of thn U. H Nntinnni i,i. on the Juno 29, 1918,..iU were $1,485,- , i V- Commerco are $429,937.37. One year ago wnen, rno can came they were $318,834. 28. Tho loans and discounts of the bank today are, according to thVJuno on imo . . iio mammenr, Ii2li),3y8.45, com pared to $187,178.22 nf nn Vno. n Tho bank's investment in, bonds and warrants have mntn ing the past year as one year ago they were $29,142.89, while th.o statement of June 29. 1918. shnw ti,vtmnnt. $S8,036.15. Tho deposits of the Salem in. in commerco nare Increased from -0jL,uJ.i ;.nr onn vpnvlifrh t ita "......o ent deposits of $372,209.00. "Fair Prices" For Flour Will Be Announced Washington, July 18. The food ail ministration soon is to announce maxi mum "fair jiricca" at whii'h .flnnr tnada from the 1918 crop may be sold throughout the country. Officials say mis win sojeguaa tne public against excess profits and at the same time- re store competition- among' the largo II1UI9, The prices are to be iletermine,! tmm tho ibasio prices of wheat in each lo cality. They will include a reasonable allowanlco for handling, milliner and marketing expenso, freight charges and prom. Tho plan of allowing a profit of 2J cents a barrel net, under which the 1917 crop was handled is to be aban- aoncd. It was tho operation of thic plan -which led to charges of profit eering by tho federal . trado commis sion. The shortage of flour provided ft" immeidilaite market (for all produced, and big mills, with a low cost of opera tion, had no difficulty in disposing of lui-ir prouuris at guoa proiits. The government price will be fixed at a point, calculated to keep all mills running at capacity. For this reason tne cost ot muling is based with refer ence to small capacity, hk'h. cost mills. The low cost, largo producing mill may pay .more to wneat or sell more cheap In determining profits, neither tho income nor excess profits taxes will be listed, as it was. ot expense. Prices Decline In Trade Market This Week North Portland, Or., July 1 8. Cat tle: Tho cattle receipts today 150 head The quality generally running strong to rair to medium ana pl'n, and in consequence prices have declined 23c to .toe. Quotations are a follows. Prime steers $11.55-12.25; good to choice steers $10.75-11.75: medium to good teer $9.50-10.75: fair to medium ateers $8.50-9.50; common to fair steers $5-50-8.50; choice cows and heifc.-s $S- u.50; medium to good rows and heifers $6-7.50; fair to medium cows and heif ers $5-6; canners $3 5; bulla $5.50-7.50 calves $8.50-11.50; etockerg and feed ers $6 8. Hogs: The receipt of hogs today Is 150 head. The market for tie week op ened slow but strengthened, develop ing a new top of $17.H5 for prime mix ed. All classes are strong at quota tions: Prime mixed $17 .65-17 '.8!5; medium mixed $1750-17.65; rough heavies $16.-65-16.85; piga 15.75 10.25; bulk $17.50 17.65. Sheep: The receipt Af sheep today is nominal, all classes of mutton are in good demand at quotations as follows: East of mountain lambs $13.50-14; valley lambs $13-13.50; yearlings $910; wethers $8-9; ewes $6-8. Every time we see headlines about Albania we're fooled for a second into thinking it means Albioa. for your PRODUCE BUY YOUR EGGS OF SCHRUNK-STRICTLY FRESH 38 CENTS PER DOZEN Hand Picked Apples, per lb 3c Cabbage, per pound 5c Raspberries, red and black, crate. .$2 Beans, Dry, White, Navy, Kidney Onions. 8. pounds 25c per pound 10c New Potatoes ,per pound ...... .4c Crape Fruit, 3 for 25c Green Beans, 2 pounds 25c Honey, pound cake 25c THE FARMER'S STORE OF QUAUTY A.W.SCHRUNK 270 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 721 EASTERN BUYERS A100F0N PRUNES Would Bear Market and Force Price Below Gov trnment Figure The eastern buyers of prunes oro not reconciled ito the prices as established by tho government, according to offers that aro being received by the packing houses in tho city. Monday, July 15, was tho first day that the government permitted tho packers to accept contracts and since then the packing houses in the city havo been deluged with telegrams of fering certain figures for prunes, but not quito up to the figures established by the government fts a maximum price In other words, while there is a. maxi mum, price established to prevent spec ulation, tho eastern buyers aro attempt ing to bear tho market. Tho Uragcr Fruit company reports that tho eastern trade is not taking freely to tho government's maximum price and that whilo the government has bought all the 50 60 prunes of this 1918 crop, tho big buyers in the east aro endeavoring to get as fur away from the maximum price as possible. While there is this maximum price, there is nothing to prevent the eastern buyers from buying bclrw tho market, providing they can scaro some packers into accepting contracts ot a low fig ure. There was some reports of a few weak kneed packers selling under tne maximum market, but it is thought these reports are untruo. The big run of prunes this year will bo 40, 50 and 60 ' and very few 30 's ns tho crop Tvas heavy, and the season was unusually dry. CAN THE CANLESS CANNERt Can her quickly and maybe she'll write for the free book of Canning and Drying instructions issued by the National War Garden Commission, of Washington, D. C. Then she'll be come a Canny Canner, 'Astouning Report For Salem The wife of a merchant had stomach troublo so bad she could oat nothing1 but tooat, fruit and hot water. Every thing else would sour and ferment.. ONB Hl'OOMFUIi buskthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i ka benefited her INSTANTLY. Because- Adler-i ka flushes tho ENTIRE alimentary tract it relieves ANVT CASE constipation, nour stomach or gn and prevents 'ap pendicitis. It has ymCKKST nation of anything we ever sold. J. C. Terry. Tho esteemed market man calls uiir attention to tho names of two stock shipper among those m no current list ings, one of them being Thrift and the other one Profit. But you know with out our telling you that the two go to gether. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY COLD PACK METHOD IN 12 SHORT STEPS No. 9 NATIONAL WAfl GARDEN COMMISSION . urn After sterilizing in hot water bath the jars are removed and the top tightened, says the National War Garden Commission of Washington, which will send any reader of this paper a free canning book for a two cent stamp to pay postage. Watch for step No. 10. The FINEST EVER TODAY COMING The Dalles Apricots $2.25 per Crate DON'T MISS THEM FOR CANNING LATE DUKE CHERRIES, in quantity, per lb 6c RED RASPBERRIES, 10c; per crate. ....... .$2.00 LOGANBERRIES ,4 for 25c; per crate U5 TABLE PEACHES, per basket. ...... .35c and 40c DONT MISS THOSE APRICOTS Roth Grocery Co.