Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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titifl efa::ltilllliillililm!f llStHIIIS8i
Make every Monday
Thrift Monday. Use
Fels-Naptha soap. It
enables you to be
thrifty with fuel; and
it saves wear and tear
on clothes by cutting
down washboard rub
bing. 'At your own grocer's
: society :
After spending a days visiting
friends in Portland, Mr. anif Mrs. (). J.
ltaacy, accompanied iby Mrs. E. 0. Moll,
motored twek to fuiem Tues'lay. On
Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. J.' Basey en
joyed an automobile trip up the Co
lumbia highway.
Mrjfiad Mr Arthur E. Bulgin, ac
companied by Rev. and Mrs. Bulgin
and (An, William, have arrived in town
alitor touring the country from New
Xor. Kev. JJulgm and lus wife will
spend itko ti minor on their ranch whk'h
is near Salara on the JeCfcson road.
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Bulgin expect to
stay in Salem, about two weeks and
whila here they will Ibe the guests o(
Mr. and Mrs. Tj. O. Bulgin at their
homo on South High street. Later thoy
will motor hte,k to New York talcing
the southern routo through California.
Mrs. Wayne Price (Annette Graber)
a recenit ibrido of Salem, whoso husband
is now a'.ationed at Bun Pedro, Califor
nia, has bofa. extensively entertained
in Portland for ithe 'past week. On Sat
urday ni'lit he was a guest at the
Dtuightem of .the Confederacy dance,
at tho Irvington club, on Sunday at a
picnic, on the Columbia highway. Hun
day niglrt, Mrs. Hugh Knipe, the
britto's rtmsiu, and Mrs, K. Jl. Kilt
entortoinod at dinner, covers being laid
for eighteen.
Among the out of town guests were
Mr. end Mrs. L. It, MrFarland of Do
troit, Miichigjan, Mr. and Mr. Kurl An
derson and Mr. and Mrs. John (Jin her
of Bnlem. TI19 bide received many nso
of Halem. The Ibrido received many uso
Mr LeRoy Brown, who ha been
htm for aaveral weeks visiting hor
mother, Mrs. Ida Niles, 4o5 North Win
ter, left this week for hor home,
la order to njny a fortnight's vaca
tion at Belknap .Springs, Professor and
Mrs. Merrit Davis, accompanied by
Mr. ami Mr B. H. Draper, left Sa
lem yesterday,
Mr. ond Mm. Alnn Thompson and
Hear this great
Big Gospel Ser
mon by Evangel- '
ist Dickson at
Court Street
daughter, Margaret, ara visiting Dr.
and Mrs. Fred Thompson for a short
ti-ne at their home on "65 North 21st
street. Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs.
Alpheue Gillette, is alxo here as the
house gnes' of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson.
Mrs. J. MisKinney on North Church
street, has hail as her house guest,
Mrs. Lee Hurst and daughter, Margar
et, from Albany. Mrs. McKinney and
Mrs. Hutu ara sisiters. Miss Huth Cor
nish, a tearber from Valparaiso, Indi
ana, is also visiting Mrs. McKinney.
Mrs. A. X. Thompson and! three chil
dren, Vigiuia, Margaret and Newton,
are visiting Mrs. Uarr on Kansas
street, Mrs. Thompson is a daughter
of Mrs. Burr. Her home is in Seattle,
but sho expects to visit in Salem for
several weeks.-
(Continued from page one;
pnnioiis left him to "got somo more
Huns," and he started his prisoners
along a shell-pitted road toward Hue
rear, still clutching his trusty automa
tic. Arriving nt headquarters Brown made
an accurate count of his bag for the
first time. Theft were 159 of them
including a major, a captain and two
lieutenants. Tho sargennt assured the
commander he had a "receipt" uud
turned over a pistol and a pair of wire,
cutters ho had taken from the major.
Brown had narrowly escaped denth a
number of times, as his uniform was
torn with bullets. Early in the fighting
his pack had been shot from his back
liy shrapnel.
Brown's fear was the climax of doz-
ons of similar episodes. Kight Ameri
cans, captured by tho bodies, wera ta
ke., to the north sido of the river.
They overpowered their guards took val
uable maps from a German officer and
grabbed a boat nnd pnddkd back.
A single machine gunner saw two run-
tooiii of Huns advancing. The gun had
been injured and ha was unable to
swerve it to bring them into the lino of
fire. -Whipping out his automatic pistol
he fired several shots, picking off the
Germans on one sido and causing them
to a.ter their course. This brought them
within rnngo of the maehino gun. He
then wliied them out:.
Small groups of Germans filtered
through the American lines near Mezy,
but our line was not withdrawn. In
stead, tho Americans hunted down and
kiLh'd or captured every bodies.
One American trumpeter took com
miiiid of his company when the cnptaii1
became separated from them.
(Continued from page one)
must still rnttle lii shield, even though
the rattle comes from fright. So, the
fighting is continuing, but in desultory
fashion, and with growing despondency.
General Foch lias not Ven compelled to
call upon his reserves to atom the Gor
man rush. This all important twi is
known definitely, because the Germans
were checked loinr hnfni-u ti, .,n;,i
serves could possibly l,ave been transfer
tarn.! .1.. .1 .
ii u in eastern sine or tho Aisne
Mnrue salient.
To use reserves In nn ,!, .,,. .,,.
ward nwav from Paris and tha ehannrr
ports would be tho gravest blunder Von
Hinilenbnrir now can commit Ti,n,,i,.
to American reinforcenv-nts, the allies
are in a position where they can give
Von nindenburg all the time he wants
to kill off German power, .
Six Thousand Strikers
Return to Work Toilav
Oaklnd. Ch1 July 17,-Six thousand
striking1 shipyard workers returned ta
work itoilay, ending a two day strike
which started Monday morning when
3,300 Boilermaker refused to go to
work. They claimed hack pay was due
some of the'it becnuso of reclassifica
tion under tho Mas-y wage scale agree
ment. More than 10,000 men wen? out of
work yesterday ns result of the
strike. Twenty five Jiundred shipyard
laborers struck yexterday in sympathy
with tho boilermakers. They also re
turned to work today Carpenters,
eltvtriuMMis nnd either workers were
thrown out of employment temporarily
by the strike.
Tho 'boilermakers voted unanimously
yesterday aitcrnoon to return to work
Officials of the Bethlehem corpora
tion, the largest yard affected by the
4trike, said the total back pay claims
filed Iby the men was not more than
The French darted out to take Corey
and they took it, of course.
Each Has Accomplished
Work Entitling Them to
Achievement Pin
la the following Jist is the names of
the girls whe have finished ten lessons
in the industrial work and each ara
entitled 0 receive an Achievement pia.
It is probable the state will not distri
bute the pins until after the state fair
when will be known the exact number in
the state who have finished the course.
At present, 017 boys and girls are at
work on tha different eourses. Tha
werk in Marion county is in charge of
Joh W. L. Smith, rural school super
The following list includes but three
of the courses:
Nellie Anderson, Jefferson.
Alice Schutz. Macleay.
liortha Schutz, Macleay.
Huth Lattin, Salem.
Klma Lattin, Stayton.
Elma Apple, Stayton.
Gladys Davenport, Silverton.
, Jessij King, Silverton.
Vinuie . Moe, Salem.
Blanch Johnson, Macleay.
Goldie Todd, Jefferson.
Esther Bed, Silverton.
Alice Horsch, Madcay.
Helen King, Silverton.
Mas Peterson, Silverton,
Elinor Dorance. Salem.
Opal Lnmbrecht, Stayton.
Frances Neitling, Stayton.
Louisa Schmidt, Salem.
Freila Schmidt, Salem.
Marguerite Schultobcin, Stayton.
Elvn Titus, Salem.
Mildred Habcrly, Silverton.
Myrtle Me,?, Salem.
Iva Mao Roth, Salem.
Ruth Rue, Silverton.
Veda Scott, Sublimity.
Cecilia Hchotthoefer, Salem.
Lillio Schutz, Macleay.
Mabel Titze. Stayton.
Food Preparation.
Elma Schutz, Macleay.
. Ida Ii. Frank, Shaw.
Eilen Pcmherton Salem.
Laura Cnmmnck, Salem.
German Intelligence Work
Responsible For Lack of
By 1-d L. Keen.
(Xi'nitud Tkw Htnff Correspondent.)
London. July 18. One of the chief
causes in tho lack of success in the
Germans' fifth and most ambitioui
drive this year, is the great improve
ment in the allied intelligence work
since the previous enemy effort. This
is due largely to our Btcadily growing
aerial superiority, which renders even
partial surprises at 1 11 1.1 time impossi
ble. Not only was the general locality, but
ulmost the exact front-jo of the pros
pective attack long known, enabling
the most effoctivo counter preparations
among, which was tho massing of suf
ficient reserves without denuding the
lines to tho north.
In these preparations, the cxtont of
tho American participation cannot now
bo entirely revealed.
Even if tho present offensive is mere
ly checked, instead of definitely held,
it must so far bo considered an inglor
ious defeat, inasmuch as despite the
lengthiest and must elaborate prepara
tions none of the Germaa objectives
were obtained.
The net lesulj lias been only isolated
penetrations on comparatively lightly
held front positions without even dent
ing the mni battle line nnd this at
the heaviest cost.
The early supposition that this drivo
was probably a "side buow" now
seems errneeous. British and Freach
military authorities generally agree that
developments show the Gorman concen
tration on both side of Rlieims was too
great to allow effective operations any
where elso until later.
By John Da Oandt
(t'nited l'ress Staff Correspondent.)
Faris, July 18.As a whole, the new
German drivo ig a costly failure so far.
Tli.3 battle is continuing, but it con
sists of comparatively local operations
along tho new fronts crca'ed by the
eiu-my 'g initial rush. Fighting on. these
scattered sectors is violent, but latest
reports indicate that the allies are safe
ly holitiiiff.
Degeneration of the German effoit in
to a series of limited operations proves
the failure of the Ludendorff style of
attack, which necessitates ar. immedi
ate advance of tha troops of at least
eight kilometera (five miles) to be ef
fective. Nowhere has such an advance
biyn accomplished. Even the allied
rich nourishment-
easy digestion-'
"There's a Reason!
Mold Of
P Fnr On pWppIr Onlv I if etime Gifts
See Offer Belcrw-AIso Coupon
Save Sugar Save Flour
Yet Serve Luscious Fruit Desserts
Facts to Know
In these times every housewife should
. know Jiffy-JelL It means rich, fruity des-.
serts, instantly made, without the addi
tion of sugar.
It means supreme desserts, without the
use of flour or sugar, at half the cost of
It means a way to serve fresh fruit,
mixed in jell, to save many ounces of
It means restful salads made with vegetable-
left-overs, ' and jellied meat loaves
made with scraps. All delightful products.
Sugar is needed now for canning. Your
supply is restricted. Wastes must be
utilized, flour must be conserved. So we
make these offers to let every woman see
how Jiffy-Jell can serve her.
We urge you, for your own sake, to
learn how folks enjoy it.
For Quick, Fruity Desserts
and Salads
Fruit -Juice Flavors
Sealed in Glass
No Sugar Need Be Added
Pure Aluminum Molds
Vtg.tabt, SalaJ MoU-Siyh D
Molds a taltd for six, made with one package of Lime Jiffy-Jell with
vegetables mixed in. Indented In six divisions. Value SOc.
IndieiJaa! Danrt MolJ$
Assorted style. Six of them serve a full package of Jiffy-Jell, Value
Mold Offers
Buy from your grocer two packages of Jiffy-Jell, then tend this
coupon to ug.
Enclose 10c cost of mailing only and we will send you the
Vegetable Salad Mold ai pictured above, in size to serve tine people.
The value is SOc.
Or enclose 10c cost of mailing only and we will mail you
three Individual Dessert Molds in assorted styles as pictured.
Or enclose 20c and wc will mail you six Individual Dessert
Molds assorted enough to serve a full package of JifCy-JclL The
value is 60c per set
10 Flavors in
- Vials
A Bottle in Each Pack
Strawberry jeBi
Raspberry tJ
Loganberry I l W
Cherry fiNblT
Lemon rP?
ii-. urn
Writ. " ijfT
Economical Desserts
Salads From Left-Overs
Meat or Chicken Scraps in
Aspic Jelly
Jiffy-Jell is the only product whict
serves- these uses well. It is the only gel
atine dainty with true-fruit flavors, highly
concentrated, sealed in. glass vials.
These bottled flavors do not lose their fresh,
ness. They pve to Jiffy-Jell a wealth of fresh-
fruit taste. Thus Jiffy-Jell desserts and saladi
taste like, fruit-made dainties. -
Vou make Jiffy-Jell by simply adding boil
ing water, then the flavor from the vial. One
package makes dessert for six. If you whip thi
jell it serves twelve.
To serve fresh fruit, preserved fruit or pastry
for six requires 8 to 12 ounces of sugar. Pastry
requires flour in addition. The average cost it
at least twice the cost of Jiffy-Jell.
Or you can mix fresh fruit in Jiffy-JeU
without adding sugar, and have a double.
fruit dessert.
With Lime or Mint Jiffy-Jell you can
make delicious salads, xestful and green,
Use left-overs in cooked vegetables. Oi
use fresh vegetables.
Mix in meat scraps with these fiavort
and you have a jellied meat loaf. This it
a delightful way to save waste.
Millions now use Jiffy-Jell aa a co
servation dainty. They ret fruity des
serts and salads of the finest sort, at
trifling cost, without using sugar or floor.
We want you to know what it means
to you. See how it differs from old-style
gelatine products. Buy two package to
try, then send us the coupon, and we win
send you molds worth more than yov
pay for Jiffy-JelL
Accept this offer, for h means a test
at really no cost at all.
Mail Us This Coupon
Vkea Tm Bay Mtj-itU fraa Tsr Graear
1 km today reeatrcd tw acka(M af
IlSy-Jtll u pictiued her torn
Mow I null this c
f K fcn VesatableSmUdllaU
Q He fart ImUtMoiI MMl,ar
so lor t tedhrktaal Molds.
B mi yea st .lfly-JU, with PMkaaa ttta tartan, far
rait aavon 10 viaia, hui eoapaa la
Waukesha. Pure Food Co, W&okiwLa, Witcoouk '!
first positions have been passed only
with difficulty.
Tho Germans, balked in their original
intentions, aro now seeking to pinch off
Hheiras, while their right wing is strugg
ling to hold its meager gains on the
tabto lands south' of he Maine.
The enemy either must continue his
apparently hopeless venur in tho Cham
pagne or must cease abruptly and be
gin immediately preparations for a (hive
elsewher,?. This loss of time is afford
ing the alilea an advantage of whicb
they are taking full measure.
Peace Chatter Drowned.
Washington, July 18. Austro-IIun-garian
Foreign Minister Burian't peace
chatter was drowned out today by tha
roar of the big guns.
Officials paid no attention to it, con
sidering it only more Teuton propagan
da and said that, it contained nothing
of interest to America or her allies.
Amcrk-a is propared to fight on for
peace and is in no mood to harken to
Teuton propaganda now, it was stated
emphatically. Incidentally, British cab
les told of troubles between Turkey and
Bulgaria, which ore embarrassing the
Central powers, and perhaps, in a meas
ure explain the Austrian peace talk.
Tho new Mulinoy ministry in Bulgaria
has fuilcd to compose differences over
Turkey, and there is growing suspicion
of Turkey's aims in Europe.
(Continued from page one)
era war taken.
v By Fred S. Ferguson.
(United Tress Staff Corespondent.)
With The American. Army In Tha
Champagne, July 18. (2:10 p. m.)
The Americans are advancing with the
French on the 40 kilometer (25 miles)
between Hoissons and Chateau-Thierry.
The Americans sad captured more
than a dozen villages and towns, taken
nuiiv.'rous prisoner and advanced more
thau three kilometers (nearly three
miles) up to noon.
Up to the hour of cabling, the Ameri
cans had captured the following towns
west of Chateau Thierry:
Viller-Hclilon, Dammard, Courrhamps,
Licy-Clignon, Mou.thiers, Torcy, B.-lleau,
Givray, -St. Ucngoulph, Uautesveneg and
other small villages, farms, heights and
woods, including Uivery wood.
The advance reached depth of three
kilometers within thre hours after it
began. Many towns within that depth
northward clear to Fontenoy were taken
by the Americans and the French,
The American commander at Uivray,
reporting the eaptuns of the town to
headquarters, sent 'oe following mes
sajjet "Met boche on his line of insistence.
Sharp fighting. Boone turned tail and
ra like hell, pursued by our troops.
Hop- to have more prisoners."
At headquarters, messages were com
ing in from everywhere, asking permis
sion to push on farther.
It was essential that the line should
be kept straght and in some instances it
was necessary to order the troops to
hold back until adjoining units could
come up.
It is the greatest pursuit of bodies the
Americans have yet engaged in. En
ormous numbers of prisoner have been
taken. It is impossible to estimate how
American airplanes, flying over the
lines, fought the bodies above, while
tli.'! doughboys and machine gunners
fought them below. Aerial observers
dashed through the clouds and others
carried back messages.
The surprise not only was complete,
but tho concentration for tlje attack
was unusually rapid. Field guns wen
loaded on trucks and these dashed tip
to the lines. The horses were carried up
the same way.
Lines of trucks carrying six and eight
torse apiece have been hurried up for
the past 21 hours.
The German artillery resistance was
feeble until 7 o'clock. Then their guns
opened up, but the Americans had ad
vanced too far for the enemy guns to
stop them.
Torcy was captured in fifteen min
utes. Beileau fell at 8:20 and Givray
half an hour later.
The greatest force of Americans
which have yet participated in a single
engagement is advancing with tlio
Freuch in this offensive which was laun
ched at 4:30 this morning.
Eight German cannon, were capti'red
by the French and Americans at Cuur
champs. Latest reports say that tha advance
continues everywhere.
The towns named in the dispatch cov
er a front of more than seven miles.
Bellcau is five miles northwest of Chateau-Thierry.
Torcy is half a mile west
of Belleau. Licy-Clignon is a mile north
of Torcy. Vinly is three miles west '
Torcy. Hautesvenes is two miles north
west; Courchamps is a mile an J a half
north, and Givrny is a mile oust. Dam
mard is two miles and a half north and
west of St. Gengoulp.
tjc aJ)t)(tJJtC)jE3S )( 4t -j( SjC 1
ire n
K .IV ilil W
Improve Your
Know the m nt a
bri tr c ookp-ui on.
You can instantly
rendc to yourskte
a beautiful tolt,
peniy-while anpr
act that will be
toe amorr of vour
lnendt U you wiUo
QmM Cream
Stndint. AirfVW Sbe
"Sm T.'HOPKffiS ft SON. New York
Mrs. B. B. Byne is in a very serious
condition as on Saturday the 6th eho
ha a paralytic stroke and on the 9th
she had another, which left her entirely
helpless and speechless.
Mrs. J. Bossman has been enjoying a
visit from a niece who lives ia Califar
nia. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Larshan spent
last Sundav with Mrs. Lnshan 's parents
on the Jefferson road.
This is an ideal corn year as E. P.
Mills has very fine prospects as his corn
is higher than the hordes' backs. - All of
his crop and garden is hiking fine con
sidering the dry weather and they will
soon have ripe tomatoes and roasting
E. P. Mills has had for their guests
the past week his brother David Mills
of Bend, Oregon, and also, his niece
Mm. Audrey Boper and two Ruler child
ren, Alma and Clarence Sopor, who are
also from Bead, Oregon, and they ass at
present visiting friends af, Shaw.
The eherry harvest it just about ever
in this part of the country. Tha apple
and pear crop is looking fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, MeAllistM ani
baby Louis of Shaw, spent last Wednes
day with Mrs. Allister'a uncle, E. P.
Mills and family.
Aiane-Marne front French aad "Am
erican troops began an ptffeneive this
morning on the 35 mile front between
the Marne and the Aisne. The Paris
comitnunique reported initial gains, of
from one to two miles. Semi-official dis
patches said the allies were making
"gooil progress." The attack is report- '
cd to have been made on a large alc.
with treason, in connection with thei
Bolo Paisha defeatist activities, began.
Classified Ads Tha Journal ;
I kind get result Phone 81.
W'-vMw a, I
- M
"MlcJiSlMG "
By All Means
It Brings "Over Therew
Over Here
Champagne front The German ef
fort now aeoms to be limited to taking
Epernav on the south bank of the 1
Marne, 14 miles south of Rneiius and
to jpinching off the Bheima salient.
Freneh war office reported "no
change" on tha entire battle front.
Picardy front Aus'ralian troops ad
vanced on a mile front east of Villers-
"Bretonneui last night. East of Hebu-
terne the British improved their positions.
Flanders front German artillery
active north of Bailleul during tlie
England American wounded arriv
ing from the French front were cheer
e.l by great "crowds at the railway sta
tion. France Trial oi Louis Malvy, fortn
er minister of the interior, charged
Na Heat Here
Elsie Ferguson
"A Doll's House"
Begins Sunday .