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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1918)
(l)t Baibiol Ilournal iXLEM, OSZOOJI UEI'XKSPAY, APRIL IT, 1918. i PAt IX We have a fine line of "37 p SLA Jl 11 for the entire family In spite of the high price of com modities, these war times, we have stockings for you at very reasonable prices. You should come in and see for yourself that our prices are. much lower than you pay else where. Ladies ton Hose 15c, 25c and 29c Ladies Silk Lisle Hose 39c, 49c and 59c Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose .49c, 69c and 75c Ladies' SI Hose 98c, $1.25 and $1,49 Children's Stockings ........ 15c. 25c, 29c and 35c Men's Hose ...... .2 pair for 25c, 25c, 35c, and 49c 1 All Around Town German Submarine XI Sunk Norwegian Bark ! ALWAYS AT YOUR COMINGEVENTS July 21-27 Chautauqua wek. For those who would like to set or buy a Pord tractor, it may be said that the first carload left Detroit July 9. and that with ordinary traveling the car will WE GIVE YOU MORE FOB LESS t i iTaSi r 1 ii 1 1 m trf- r--in"Ti irJ--r-i rrin-n ' BATTLE PROCEEDS FURIOUSLY. Jiris, July 17 The battle is proceed ing 'furioualy on various nectors along the whole fifty mile battle front in hp Chiuiijn!iii,) the French war office sported todluy. Tho fixhtiiirf Is pnrticiirlarly violent Mouth of the Mi-rne (where Americans, tt'ler cleariiyf their own Hector of the iorniana, aro (aiding the French to ttieir ntfl't) v. urd. (Mb, Ajfnan is nino miles east aud south of Chateau Thierry). FIVE ATTACKS REPULSED Dr. II. T. Mendelsohn fit eyes cor rectly. C. S. National Bank Bldg. tf. Wm. Gahlsdorf and C. E. Knowland will leave tomorrow for a two weeks' outing on Murphy Lake about 14 mies beyoud the Breitenbush. Irrigation Even numbers, Mon., Wed., Fri. aud Sun. Odd numbers, Tues. Thurs., Sat. and Sua. Even numbers are on the south and east side of street. Old numbers are on north and west side of street. tf 0 : A. H. Gage, who for some time been in charge of the office of the IVid ential Insurant'.-1 in Salem, has been pro united to the Portland office. He bo succeeded here by E. B. Oriffin of Newark, N, J. It is Announced Washington. July It. A German submaiuc appearing .Li" miles off the lAtlanti; coast sank the Norwegian tbark Marosa July 7, the navy depart-. t ...... l.!ur ! reach Salem about the last week of July ( n( ,,av ,he vioin. or August first, just in time for the big, ,n,nship 'MagI KKKing was' bridge owning ceremonies. i , . , 0 . I held up by a U-boat and bombs were The Charles- R. Archerd Implement j put aboard, but w hether she was sunk Company is in the market for all ; or not had not been learned, kinds, of hay. 7-191 PERSONALS J a Chief of Police Foland suggests that when anyone discovers he has a bicy cle, motorcycL? or even an automobile stoen, the next thiug is to at once noti fy the police station. It has often oc curred that a bicycle has bv?u stolen, the police not notifi.'d until the follow ing day or too late to get On the im mediate trail of the thief. ! 0 "The best" is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. Phone 121). tf Earl Race, city recorder, is wearing his old hat and patiently waiting- for the man who swapped hats with him a ... few days ago. It skeins that Mr. Race 1" t l t.1 : Tl. T Ot.i uus ueen stoning a new uouu x. oici- son but in a niixup of hats, some friend walked off with the John B. and left a hat that had seen several seasons of wrar. Bankers are calling, attention to ths fact that tomorrow, June 18, is the last day for the third payment on the Thinl Although flour prices have advanced based on the n.ow quotation of $.20 a bushel, dealers here say thero will be no change in the retail pric.-' as SERVICE E. Prestou was in the city yesterday j registered at the Bligh from Dallas. j (Jco. H. Clancey of Siarshf ieid was a Salem visitor Tuesday. j v. V. Stniulisli of Silwrton was in; the city vesterdav. C. W. Irvine, president of the Far-1 mer s .-state naiiK or inuepenueiice ai a Salem visitor Tuesaa., T. G. Albert of the Barnes Cash store has returned from a business trip to Portland. Garden or Work Hats... : 15c Men's Work Shirts, each 79c Men's Dress Shirts 98c and $1.49 Men's Khaki Pants ,per pair .$1.50 and $1.98 Men's Work, Shoes, per pair $2.69 Men's Dress Shoes, button or lace, per pair ' $2.98 and $3.45 8 Iidies' Hose per pair 15c, 19c and 39c U AllflA I lUAAAAA A A AN LAUK9 11UU5C CO.U1 . .JUL ttliU Pl,tJ Ladies' Voile Waists .a new shipment just received each 98c WARNER CORSETS AND BRASSIERES Liberty Loa bonds. The payment i3 as stocks on hand last. After pres Lwidort, July 17. The GermuiiH de- iliveied five severe ntitnckg on tho six I ten mile front between the Suippo val lev rut Main Do Massif's yeete-rday ; evening, imt were repulsed with the hoiivid-tt louse, it was Varned from Other battle are proec'iling between iail authoritative source today. the Marne 0.111 lfheims, and eiiHt of prl.n,.,i. and American lost no Kheinus, At no .paint have the Germans .gtlIM ftnd their casualties were extreme tnade any conn'uerall)le gains. j y iit. South of tl" Marne, t,ho-Uermnus i tiu (lerman ewt'inmte cf K1,000 pris kro pwbiug lWvvard new fircc ami in onWM declared to bo grimly exagger- tlie evening attacReii tun niignm noun a,(Vt, if St, Aguaini na lat'luipoiie moiitiio nerie. Thft bnt.lhi is preceding furiout v' on tho lAntoded slopes to the south- JOURNAL WANT . ADS SELL 5 p.-r cent of the face of the bond and is to bo made at the bank designated when the bond wag subscribed for.. V" 0ell for cash. Commencing July lei we will conduct our business on a strictly cash basis. Patton's Book Store. tf Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will fill the pit of the Fir.-t Methodist church in Portland next Sunday for th.? morning services, speaking on his experiences iu riuiKC. la the evening he will address a mass meeting at the auditorium. Or. the following Sunday li will address meeting of the Epworilt league insti tute at Jefferson. Sav 5 per cent with our csh regis ter checks. We conduct our business on a cash basis. Porry's Drug Store, tf Elmer Lundeen is about to make a record for getting into -the service in France in a short time. About six weeks ao he enlisted at Portland and two woc: later was ordered to Fort Win field Scott. One week ago he received instructions to entrain for Virginia and wirtes his friends here that lie soon will be on Uu way to France. "The funeral beautiful." Webb It Clongh Co tf. An attempt to catch fiBh is just the same'ns really catching fish when there is a question of whetluva the fishing or attempt at fishing is lawful, according to an opinion of Attorney General Brown. Last, week William Baltimoi' was brought before the court fo ji'M lice, Daniel Webster and the case was dismissM by the prosecution when it was fhown that he had caught no fish while fishing with n hook and line with in 200 feet of a f ishway. cut holdings of flour uie sold, the chan ces arc the price will be advanced from 25 to 30 cent. a sack. At least, this i' the opinion of several grocers. Those who buy tholr War Savings Stamp? during July will pay $4.18, and the price will increase one ceut a mouth. Those who subscribed in the ru ral districts will find their cards at the bank or postoffice designated within a f.'w days. There is nothing to pre vent a subscriber from taking the full amount subscribed all in one payment. Three recruits were added to t&e navy Mr. aud Mrs. O. L Terwilliger, grad uate morticians and funeral directors 770 .?icinekt'ta Stieet. Phine 724. The local Elks' lodge is in receipt of a telegram from the Klamath Falls lodge stntiua that the Klamath FallS boys are after the stato convention of Elks, for 1919, as they want a lot of the good brothers there to assist in the opcuiug of their $20,000 home, to be completed in 1919. The first state con vention of Oregon Elks will be held in Portland in August, and it is at this convention that Klamath Falls will put in its claim for the 1919 meeting. o- Our Prices Always the Lowest. G ALE & COMPANY COMMERCIAL and COUET STREETS, FORMERLY CHICAGO 8TOEB 1 PEONS 1072 According to reports, loganberries are ripening slowly and pickers are getting tlv crop pretty well in hand, paying one and one-half cents. Also that the. erot) has been cut fhort about one-tltiit today by the enlistment of the follow-! 01l ncount of the dry weather. From ing: Johu H. Hoppes, 21, seaman of the another section comes the report that second class. His nexf of kin is bis; the crop is ripening too fast and that mother, Mrs. Octavia A. Hoppes, of i nickers ar.e nuittins. havinir mude enough money to meet their immertiate 2031 Center stre.'t, Salem; Aron Darling 21, radio electrician, next-of kin, father Tallman Dealing of 1427 Fairmoiint avenue, Salem; Kdward E. Standish, 21 senniau second class, next of kin, father John C. Htaudish of Halsev. All meinbors of tne Grand Army of the Republic and their wives ltd well as widows of Civil War veterans will be admitted fvc.- to the old fiddlers' pat riotic concert to be uiven next Suiidav jeveniiig ns the opening number oi the Kllison-White rhniitniiqun. The OKI Fiddlers' will make a specialty of pay ing the old tin).? tunes familiar to the old time soldiers. At all places, it has been the custom of the Chautauqua to Bros, admit veterans and their wives to tins entertainment free of any charge whatever. wants. Another report is .to tho effect that the crop is not large enough as there was no second blooming. ft BORN GILBERT To Mr. and Mrs. B. Gil bert, nt their home 544 Cheineketa St., Salem, July 17, 1918, a daughter 8he has been named Roberta Mae. Mr. Gilbert is a mechanic with Vick k hi. . )V 4f 4 I 1 I I T p T 1 T Court House News An Economical, Delightful, Light Dace to Trade tt n tt MORE FRESH BARGAINS AND MORE UNUSUALLY IMPORTANT CLEARANCE OF SILK DRESSES At big reductions, Silk Taffeta, Mes saline and Poplins. Tlain and Fancy Colors, Latest Styles at Prices $7.50, $10,90, $12,50, $13,90, $14.50, $16,90, $19,50, and $25. They are bargains. CLEARANCE SALE OF HOUSE AND OUT DOOR DRESSES At much less than material value, made of good quality percales and gingham, prices 98c, $1.50, $1.75, $1.98, $2,25, $2,50, $2.93, $:.5.75. A NEW ARRIVAL A beautiful line of Silk Slip-on Jack ets in all wool and fibre silk, in all of the leading shades, prices $:i.65, $:5.95 $4.50, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 and $7.50. Al so Sweater Wool and Silk Fibre, price $4.50 to $19.50. FANCY WASH WAISTINO r6 in. Lace Cloth, per yard .39c 116 in. sport cloth, per yard 25c 40 in. fancy printed voiles, per yd 39c H6 in. plain colored voiles, per yd 39c 27 in. fancy and fine tissue gingham, per yard 25c tt HOSIERY IN ALL COLORS Silk Fibre Hose, Black and White, Perpair Silk Fibre Hose, extra good quality in all colors, par pair , Children's Silk Lisle Sox, assortment fancy tops, perpair . . , BUY w: s. s. .35c ...75c .29c 110 STATE STREET SALEM. OREGON PHONE 877 BORN McMILLEX. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. McMillen, at SSchneetady, N. Y., Julv 14, 1918, a son. He Uas been named Fred Russell. Mrs. McMillan will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth Denny. sit A complaint wat filed in the circuit court July Hi, by B. L. Swarts against Mark S. Hkiff and J. M. Crahaue, in which Mwarts alleges that a co-partner ship was entered into between him and Skiff and Crahaue, in April of this year for the purpose of .sowing and the manu facturing of lumber, ti.'s and bridge (imber. He alleges that the sawmill is near Orville, Oregon, and that tho com pany has on hand machinery to tho val ue of lL'flll and a loase on 4(10 acres of timber. That on July 10, 1018, Skiff uud Cra haue serv.'d notice on him of their in tention to dissolve the partnership and that they have been destroying the mill and alempiug to take possession of the assets to form a uew business. 11.1 prays that the partnership be dis solved and an account taken and that iho property of the firm be sold nnd its liabilities paid off. Also, asks that the defendants be enjoined from disposing of the partnership debs or money or pro perty. Ho asks $3,000 dauiag,?s aiid for the appointment of K. J. Hoover as receiver. DIED The court approved of the final account of Kiln Watt as administratrix of tho estate of Charles L. Watt and relieved L.'r from further trust as executrix. Fred Fphoff as guardian was givun the right to sell eight acres of land, aj guardian for Nellie and Celia Stroha'itei and Lena t'phoff, minor heirs. The tract is in the Samuel Tucker donation land laim. A marriage liconse was issued to Eatl T. Cone, SI, farmer of loiinld, and Vera Mae Lamb, lit, a teacher of Donald. Also to lieorge It. Schnetzer. 41 of Port land, to Lavina Linville, 46 of Salem. GOODE At her home 1204 North Win ter street, July 16, 1918. Mrs. 1). A. Goode, at the age of 94 years. She is survived by two sons, the Rev. G. H. Goode, who lives in Cal ifornia and the Rev. D. J. Goodo of this city. Also a grandson, I). S. Goode of Salem. She has been a resident of the city for the past 28 years. The funeral services will bo held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning from the Free Methodist church and will bo eon- ducted by the Rev, Johnston, pastor of the church. Burial will be in the City Vw!W cemetery. .TANSEN In the city, July lfi, 191ft, Herman Jansen at the age of 48 years. The body was sent by Webb & Clough to Portland where services will be held tomorrow. Resources of the Portland banks and trust ertoipnnies on June 29, the date) of the last bank call, totaled 129.07 1,345, which is a gain of 18.222,802 in iho lart year, according t. a statement issued today by Super intendent of Banks Will Benettt. These resources how an increase of $2,7!;,112 since May 10 of this year, this being an increase of over $1,000, 000 a mouth. Deposits subject to ehbel; in the Portland banks total $53,796,215, an increase of $16,468,068 in the last vear. and an increase of $181,116 inec Mav 10. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL Second Battalion Drill Last Night The 2ud battalion, Oregon Guard, nt the battalion drill held last evening at the High school athletic field was given a most enthusiastic reception by the thousands who went to the grounds to see tlij maneuvres of the battalion be sides hearing a band concert. The gen eral opinion is that the boys have won derfully improved iu drilling und dis cipline during the past month or so aud that "01V t'10' appear as veterans. ! The movements of the battalion were especially pleasing. One was when the march was in battalion- front towards' tho grand stand and the other wa9 when they appeared in formal review as the bund played T'he Star 'Spangled Ban ner." The presence of the band aided great ly in giving general pep to the move ments of th,? company, especially in the battalion parade. Perhaps the most .im-' pressive moment was when the band played the national anthem and the bat talion came to "present arm's," all officers standing at salute and the spec tators with uncovered heads. Tho Silverton boys, company H, com manded by Captain Ernest M. Smith, won their full share of applause. About 80 of the company were present and the boys made a fir,? military showing. Opinion In State Supreme Court Yesterday Clayton S. Andrews, who was con victed of, larceny by ibailee iu Port land aa a 'result of his connection with a real estate deal, won his appeal to tho supreme court yesterday and the indictment against him was or dered dismised. In an opinion written by Justice Bean, the lower court was reversed. The supreme court held that Andrews could have ben guilty of noth ing more than a 'breach of contract at most. Other opinions were handed down as folows: I). Malagamba, appallant vs. Ireua C. McLean, cit. al-: apealed from Clat sop; creditor's suit to collect nioncv. due in conectiCTi with dissolution of partnership; opinion by Justice Ben son; Circuit Judge Eiikin affirmed. 1. Malagamba appellant, vs. Arch McLean, et. al.; appealed from Clatsop; suit for temporary rcstrninging order and mandatory injunction compelling McLean to apply his interest as heir of two estates to payment of plain tiff ' judgment against McLean; opin ion by Justice Benson; Circuit Judge Kakin affirmed. Jens Thomsen vs. Anton Giobisch, et. ial., appellants; (appealed from Multnomah; motion to s'rike out bill off exceptions; opinion per curiam; motion overruled. Respondent's petition for reheahing denied in J. W. Quackenbush, et. al. vs. Leroy F. Straight, and David Auld. 'et. al. vs. F. S. Stnrbrd, both of Lane county. Case of Marion C. G"arin vs. Chris tina Flei'kenstein, a,ppelants, was dis mised on stipulation. Registrants of June 5, 1918, may vol unteer for general military service on the call of August 5, which is for 12 men froni this part of Marion coun ty. The call for seven men or ser vice in tho spruce sections to aid in getting cut airplane lumber has result ed in tho ollowing volunteers: Herman Smith, Eastside; Frank W. Cronn, Ba lm, route 4; Neal Littler, 879 South 12th street, Salem; Joseph Susbauev. Jr., 1324 Highland avenue, Salem; Les ter Baldwin Stayton; Joe. Mack Lear, Silverton and Sam LaBranche, route 2, Salem. f " " H In I i has three members you should know if you desire to I ujoy life. 1. The popular liquid .orm of Peruna the reliable tonic of the American household, with a loos BiMory of tuocea ia treating all catarrhal difficulties. , 2. The tablet form, which is made after the same farmularr and ia more convenient (or maar. 3. Manalin. the Ideal laxative, by the regular use of WHICH constipation ma be overcom and Batural action restored. Maaaba has do habit tormina drug, but ts an aid to nature. Your druggUt haa all three. So many thousanda have received benefit from tha uaeofooaor both these remediea that the re a recotinized part of tha equipment of every carelul household. THI mUNA COMPAJIT CaraaW.Oai I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you sell THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine "and Tea C. Has medicine which will eure any known disease. Optn Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p, m. 133 South High St. Salem, Oregon. Phone ISS Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cash Prices Paid for Used Furniture E. L. STIFF tt SON Phone 941 or 508 WANTED, JUNK And All Kinds of 2nd Hand -Goods. Full Marfcet Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Get cur prices before yon sell THE I'EOPLE'S JUNE ft 2ND HAND STOEE 271 N. Com'l st. Phone 734 The Penalty of Eye Neglect m. There is always a penalty where law of nature has been dL-obeyed or " -"- disregarded. There is no escape. There- T J . ., I .. .. -,.. iiV,. t. Tjrr..M 4 -iT rV-.N ngs ""id Signals" as shown by symp- toma of eve strain, be prepared to pay ttfr4$$it your pound of flesh". - - BETTER PROVIDE YOURSELF WITH THE PROPER GLASSES. DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building X t t 0 -nfU