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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1918)
t. VHE tjatTjY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. Wednesday, april 17. 191s. FIVE : NEW. TOD AY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINQ BATES Sate per word New Today: afh insertion I le 5c lTo Obi week (6 insertions) Da month (36 insertion) The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more thaa one insertion, for errort in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day tt appears and notify us immediately- Minimum charge 15e. Hong Bells Noodles today. 7-16 HAT pitchers wanted. Phone 3F3. C. C. Russell. Waconda. tf FOB SALE Fresh cow and calf. Rt. 7, box 42. Phone 2500W4. 7-20 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 758 N. Commercial. 7-15 BOOFS reshingled ot patched and tar red. Phone C. C. Kays, 1074. 7-18 MATERNITY nUTse wants private nnrs ing, $20 per week. Phone 2273R. 7.1S WANTED. Dining room girl. Call Mrs. Dorsey at Hubbard building. 7- FlIRNISHED Housekeeping rooms 694 N. Commercial. Phone 2454W. 7-19 FOR RENT Room with private bath. Inquire Vicks' Garage. 7-19 BED raspberries for sale, .for canning. . Phone 37F21, noon or evening. 7-16 5VANTED Veal calves. Phone 1570 W. 8-6 WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf HAVE yon wood sawing I Call phone T. tl ODL. W. P. WR;GHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOR SALE Separator, 22-dn. cylinder. F. A. Wood, Turner, Or. 7-19 FOR SALE Bicyclo in good condition at bargain. Telephone 125. 7-1S FOR RENT Modern flat furnished. Call 1737W. 7.22 WANTED Pasture for team. Address Ceo. Reinochl, 2199 Broadway. 7-18 YOUNG JERSEY cow for sale 2675 . Brooks and Highland. - 7-18 "WALL PAPER 15 cents "per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 ; Commercial. tf WANTED Man and team, can make from 8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tr WANTED Mohair at East Ealem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone 8160M. tf RESTAURANT FOR SALE Or for rent, address, R. R. care of Journal, . 7-23 OAT HAY for sale in the shock ready to tnke flvvav. Route 5, box 91'. Clark E. Corey. . 7-18 GENERAL Repair work dune, rugs cleaned, 03c per rug.- Phono 1022. Fixit fthop. 7-31 MORTGAGES FOR SALE IT. M. Haw kins 3M- Masonic bldg. Salem, Ore. 7-22 CLIMATED HAVANA tobacco plan!? for sale. 3 blocks from end of 12tn street car line. Route 5, box 31. FOR SALE Wade Drag Saw two saws guaranteed in good condition Pohle and Son. 7-18 TRUSTY WOMAN who will assume responsibility of light housework, small place, or assist, Phone 19G7W. GIRLS OR WOMEN" wanted at the Clove Factory for steady work. 718 FOR SALE Second hand treshing out fit in first elass condition. Price very cheap. Address 1160 Gains ave nue, or phone 710-J. 7-18 LATH 1915 Ford for sale Good con dition. Call at Standard Oil plant be tween 8 and 5 p. m. Price 323. m LOST In Salem or between Salem and Turner, silk bag with toilet articles and purse. Notify Mrs. A. B. Serf- ling, 908 Adams St. Eugene, Or. 7-16 FOB BENT Furnished house, for one who wants a first elass place, hot water heat, two fire places and com pletely furnished throughout. Ad dress Box 373, Salem, Or. tf FOB SALE 40 acre farm, some of best land in Oregon, gtoek and crop included, must be told. B F. D. 1, box 42. 8cio, Or. . 7-21 WANTED Machinist 6oc, with lathe experience. Electrician, 56MiC, - with motor winding experience. Blacksmith helper 53c, with general experience. Working eight hours " daily, in shop where many men are employed. Strike on isn't bothering us. West Linn mills producing full Address B. T. McBain, Wen Linn- M6 WANTED 2 tons clover hay. IT Z care Journal. 7-16 LOST June 26, grey hand purse, con taining about $5.23 and door key. Re turn to Journal Office. Reward. 7-17 WANTED Place where young girl can assist with housework. Phone 111F5. 7-1S 160 ACRES Lake County Stock ranch for sale or trade. Inquire 666 N. Bummer street. 7-17 FOR TRADE iA house and two lots and 10 acres of land, fy houso in . city. Enquire at 2075 Mill St. 7-16 SIX or seven room modern house want ed by permanent renter. 7-12 tare Journal. 7-19 WANTED Competent stenographer, now employed, who has time to do outside work in own office. S. J. care Journal. 7-16 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted for one day. 2 cents per lb. Phone 373 tonight. Wilt call for pickers in the morning and return in evening. 7-17 WANTED House keeper; cooking for 6 or 8 men; no children; no washing; box 45, Gervais, R 2. Phone 3F11. 7-19 FOR SALE About ten tons of fine cheat hay in stack. Twenty dollars ton. At Fruitland. W. B. Lattin. R. 6, box 84. 7-17. WOULD like to rent a farm, 160 acres on half shares, or a small dairy farm with stock on shares or wages. H. Meyer. K-3. Salem. 7-19 WANTED 2 Whistle Punk's or Signal Boy. Good wages and lots of good eats. Inquire of U. G. Holt. Spauld ing Log. Co. Front and Terry Sts. Salem, Ore,' 7-17 FOR SALE Two registered Bed Durham bulls. 7 and 1( month) old. One registered Holstein, 1 year old, "1 high grade white Durham, 1 year old. Phone 1251W. 347 North liigh. 7-22 FOR SALE 250 acres. 100 in cultiva tion, bp lance in pasture and timber Fine stieam of water, good buildings and good road. 3-4 mile from a live ly saw mill town. Will take good house and lot in Salem as part pay ment. Price $00 per acre. Phone 470 Square Deal Realty Company; U. 8. Bank Building, Salem. 7-17 IMPROVED 10 acres, 5 1-2 miles from Salem, for rooming house not over $4000 Equity in 17 acres, for Salem residence, not over $3000, price $4500. 640 acres millions of feet of saw timber, plenty of water, 3 miles from sow mill on the railroad; good stock proposition Will take $3000 in trade bslance cash. Easy terms, $15 per acr?. Socolofsky. 341 State street 8-17 READER Arc you a Dairyman f If so, this will interest you. I have a dairy farm convenient to city; well equip ped"; n.illi house with milk bottles and conveniences for bottling the milk which is sold On a good contract which I will transfer with sale of property. Building aro good; excel lent soil and road fine; I will sell or exchange this equipment, includ ing t.'n cows, one bull, and farm tools, with a lease for two or throe years of the ranch and buildings, for a good home in Salem Call on Square Deal Really Company, or Phone 470.- 7-1 THE MARKET $ Grain Wheat, soft white $1.851.87 Wheat, red $1.85 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats ..... 80(385c Barley, ton .. . . . $56 Shorts, per ton . $38 Hay, cheat, new $20 Hay, vetch, new, .. . $20 Hay clover, new ; $20 Dry white beans 77c Butterrat Butterfat 48c Creamery butter 49e Fork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 15 3-416c Veal, fancy j. 13 15c Steers 79 Cows 46M;e Spring lambs 10c Ewes - 46c Lambs, yearlings 67t Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 36c Eggs, tratlo 37c Turkeys, live, No. 1 2123 Hens, dressed, pound . 30c Old roosters . 15(?i16 Broilers, live 2225 Hens, pound ..- . . 21e Vegetable Potatoes, old - . . 75c Potatoes, new 3 3-4 4c California red onions $2 Onions, gTen 40i Onions, Bermuda ..... 2 Onions, Yellow Danver, Calif. .$2.50 Artichokes 75c Cabbage 3(wie Carrots 2e Tomatoes, erate .". $1-65 Turnips 2e Beets , 2e Cucumbers 7595 Cantaloupes $4 Watermelons 3c Peaches, crate $1.25 PrtM Oranges $7.758 Grape fruit, California $4.50 ITALIAN CAVALRY COriTINUOUS TO DRIVE FLEDNGAUSTR1ANS Desperate Battle In Small Y3 lage Near Coast Is Re ported. Borne, July 17. Kalian cavalry con tinues to harass the Austktns in Al bania, it was reported in dispatches from Italian headquarters today. A small vihtge near the coast was en tirely cleared of the enemy by a cav alry squadron, operating alone. A number of prisdoncrg, were taken and great quantities of inatei&l captured. , The southern edge of the town was defended by machine guns and a few field guns- Cavalry rushed the guns, captured all of them, although many of the Italians had to fight on foot after their horses had been shot. The cavalry men pushed on into the town. There they all dismounted and fought from houso to house, the Aus- triana using machine guns and gren ades. The whole staff of the Italian squadron was killed, but the others cap tured the Austrian commander and his staff. Tho remnants of the enemy fled northward, leaving the streets liittored with dead and wounded. An entire trainload of baggage was captured and a number of prisioners taken. Among tne totter were lour Viennese cafe waitresses who were in cluded in the retinue of ithe Austrian staff. Lemons, box . . i $1011 Bananas -. c Dromedary .dates - $6 Apricots fi.w Eetall price Creamery butter 55c Flour, hard wheat Country butter - 45fl Jvggs, dozen -.. oc Sugar sales limited to two pounds in Salem and C pounds to rural purchas ers. For canning purpose sa IDS at one purchase. PORTLAND MARKET Butter City Creamery . ....49c50 Eggs Selected Local Ex 4dc Hens .. 26c27 Broilers 30c33 Geese -i ...16c Cheese Triplets 25c26 Dally Livestock Market Cattle Receipts, 183. Tono of Market Steady, unchanged. Prime steers $1213 Choice to good steers $1112 ' .Medium to good steers $910 Fair to medium steers $89 Common to fair steers $58 Choice cows and heifers $8-509 Medium to good cows and heifers $67-50 Fair to medium cows ana neaieri $4.505.50 Oanners $34-50 Bulls $68 Calves $8.5011.50 Stackers and feeders $7(59 H Receipts 190. Tone of Market Strong, unchanged. Prima mixed $17.3517.65 Medium mixed' $17.15(17.50 Rough heavies $16.3u(u;16.63 Pigs $18.15(5:17 Bulk ....17.15 Sheep Receipts, 239. ' Tone of Market Unchanged East of mountain tombs $13.u0( 11 Valley tombs $13 13.50 V'foarlings, $9.5010. - -Wethers, $8.509.50. Ewes Unchanged FOR RENT FOR RENT Business location at 162 north Commercial, will remodel to suit tenant. See E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Sulcm. tf BILLIARD PARLOR for rent, witk jr without fixtures; will remodel to suit tenant; best location in city. E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Sa lem, tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 350 Court street. Phone 124. 308 ACRES 1 mile from station, 290 cultivated, 18 pasture, modern, new 7 room house, 2 barns, silo, 60 acres clover, annual income $8500. Price $100 per acre. 280 acres, 235 cultivated, 80 pas ture, 1H miles from station, fair im provements; price $75 per acre. 6 acre bottom, 30 cultivated, 80 stump pasture, 2 miles of town, ex change for valley farm elsewhere; price $9000. . 90 acres, 60 cultivated, 25 in fruit, 30 timber and stump pasture, fair improvements, 5 miles from Salem, will exchange for southern Oregon, will assume; price $13,000. 290 acres, 250 cultivated, 40 pas ture, well watered, good improve ments, want unincumbered ranek close to Salem not over $13,000; price $20,000. 320 acres Alt, Canada, exchange for valley -ranch er Salem residence not over $6000. 339 acre Lake eonnty, Oregon, in proved, exchange for valley ranek, not over $5000. 10 acre with modern 7 room house 4 blocks of Salem car line, exchange for $2000 residence and morteaae ! for difference; price $4650. SoeolorV t sky, 341 State St. 7?lfl CLASSIFIED DENTIST 38. T. I UTTER, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 06. 11-4 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN Oa Good Seal Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Jrer Ladd tt Bash bank, Salem, Oregon OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physician and ierv specialist. Graduate of Amer ican eheol of Osteopathy, Eirkville, Ho Post graduate and specialised in aerrous diseases at Los Angelea Col lege. Office 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Resideace, 1620 Court Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 469. REAL ESTATE A SACRIFICE SALE Strictly mod ern, five room bungalow, gas, elec tricity, half cement basement, sta tionary tubs, roomy lot, paved street, all paid, and garage. Oce block from street car line. Price $1600; $800 will handle it. Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. Nat. Bank bldg. Phone 470. IF ITS REALTY or a business, you will sell quicker, buy better, trade easier thru, our system of buying and selling without commission. Up-and-doing people everywhere use our July booklet to save time and money Call or write Oregon Realty Ex change Inv. Co., Inc., 28 Breyman Bldg., Salem Ore, Eugene, Portland, San Francisco. 8-2 SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycle guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, -cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. 8-3. SCAVENGER SALEM BCAVENGERj diarle Boo proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kind removed on monthly contract! at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Mail 2247. Residence Main 2272. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade street " Bills payable monthly in advance. f " , ' -n, mi. . ''"' , tax $ ' I; . 1 - - - - 1 ? "II b-u. T 'V .H B E 11 I I i 4 5S' tj J : t r j il I SUMM for Women, Misses and it You will find here a goodly supply of quality merchandise at popular srices it m anticipation o fyour GINGHAM AND VOILE DRESSES Cool, Charming Dresses, Prt ttily De signed, Attractively Priced. SMOCKS Regulation Smock Styles of Well Wearing Fabric in the Popular Colors SWEATERS ' New Hour-Glass Models, Sleeveless Slip-ons and Regular Full Size Sweaters. I Another big shipment . urown, mrK. lan, ivnaKi, unampagne, Black, White, All sizes. U. G. Shipley Company WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE tttttttt.,,i?it?iitti?i!i,it, SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men' clothes, ehoea, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifle, revolvers, suit . cases, trunk, cameras, typewriter and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. THE FIXIT SHOP Let us repair an sharpen your lawn mower. 281 Court. Phone 1022. tt LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack nail on every Tuesday . at 8. tr. Anuresen, u. u. v. is. uu e lw aim Supported by LOIS MEREDITH, JAMES MORRISON and an ALL-STAR VITAGRAPH CAST A MARVELOUS PICTURIZATION OF EMPEY'S WORLD-FAMOUS BOOK THE GREATEST PRODUCTION IN THE HISTORY OF MOTION PICTURES sesee f444-4Ttfieesseseee4eee4S444 ER WEARABLES needs for the summer yacation JUST RECEIVED HOSE of Phoenix Silk Hose, Just eon, ET. R, 4 8. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Oregon Cedar Oamp No. S246,meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High, street. B. .T. Day, V. C.j J. A Wright, clerk. SALEM HOMANjs BuciJfiTr V. D. Keelor, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All ease of cruelty or nog lect of dumb animal should be re ported to the secretary for investi gation. BOTAL NEIGHB0R3 OF AMERICA r-" Oregon. Orap Camp" No. 1300. meet every Thursday evening . in sJ MWi A. a jtfb . ' Fit 3 t AJ ... Vl L I I "It l 1 l til 1' (Himself ) A1 Children or outings. WHITE WASH SKIRTS In Claver Models in Gaberdines and Piques, Novel Pockets, Belts and .' Buttons MIDDIES Full Regulation Styles in Plain White, also White with Blue Wool' ' Collars BATHING SUITS Plain and Novelty Style's in Coed Sensible Colors and Qualities. Caps in Good Assortment. ' Received. Colors Havana Derby building, Conrt and High JSt. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St , oracle; Mr. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISAN8-pital Assem bly No, 84, meets first Thursday of each month, at 8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, -M. A.; C. A. Vibbort, secretary, 840 Ow ens street. . Have the Journal Job Dept. estimate 011 your printing needs you get the benefit of cash buying. Phone 81. LIBERTY THEATRE Starts Tomorrow MATINEE AND EVENING 25c SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY 15c A J i: 1 n P"l i..BJlI,l fli 0a