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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1918)
?K DAILY (JVFITal jOUKNAl. jaLEM, ORE. Wednesday, apeil it, i9is. TURKS 1 NETS AND BOYS CLOTHING ' H ' " I tNMHtiMtai flMMI OUR ALL-WOOL CLOTHING BEING SOLD AT CLOSING OUT PRICES -YOU WILL NEVER BUY CLOTHING AT THESE PRICES AGAIN UNTIL AFTER THE WAR IS OVER. Men's Porus Knit All Men's Dress Der"r- tHW Straw Hat, be- todonHato meut ....... 45. straw Hats " y b. v. d;8 under- Vallle to M A hne of Straw shirts and Draw- Sailors, values to J9 45 ers, per garment nw 7C. '",,' 45c no" ,x $3.00, now 35c camped at Tent city for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. E. T. Clarko anS laaiiiy, of Me Miunville, are enjoying tn. month at Payuca Kest . i Atr. and Mrs. Kichard Erickson, of Salem, are cneottnged at Cherry City cauip gruund this week. Mr .and Mrs. Lavalksur, popular Sa- j iiuuw.auiru, are enjoying tneir outing at the Now Cliff houao tkl week. M.i. and Mr3. D. W. Eyre and family of SuL.'in, arrived at Newport during the week and are guests of the New Cliff uouse at y Beach. . Mr. and Mrs. Van bears, of Ballston, arrived recently and are at the Sauude1"' at Nye Beach. Mrs. W. Selce ana Miss Ella Moody, of Salem, are cozily cstabished in a eottago at Cozy Camp. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Orr and dau ghter, Charlotte, of Dallas, are num bered auiong the latest cottagers to ar rive at Cherry City during the week. Mr. Orr is sheriff of Polk county, Mrs. J. C. Ellis, son and daughter, and Miss Goorgia Ellis, of Dallas, aro en camped at Tent City for a fortn glit. Mrs. William McOilchrist ana family, of Saloin, are at Newport for the bal ance of the season. Tom Stockwell, of Dallas, arrived re- i Men's Mesh Athletic Un dershirts and Drawers, per garment ..... 25c Boys' Summer Weight Shirts and Drawers, per garment 25c Corner Court and Com! Street, Salem Children Cry for fletu;;:r'S CASTOR I A State House News . Education Association,, The tiino of the convention, he said, was largely devojed to a discussion of what the schools can do most effectively to help in connection with war work and preparo foi tho reconstruction period which is to follow the war. G. Ed Eoss, who lias been secre tary of the Oregon state klgUway com mission for the last thrco and a half years, will leave Wednesday morning for Washington, D. C, to accept a po- J. W. Church, who has been registrar with tfle war department as a P. L Klein will serve as acting secre- for the state grain department, was Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A looay appoimeu oy ine puuiio service tary unt;i the commission makes a new commission as chief grain inspector to appointment, Mr. Boss installed the fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- accounting system now being used by tion of Charles E. Porter. Mr. Church h8 Wgfc-V department and winch has been connected with tho grain in- has bee" Pronounced one of the best spection department eince its Srga iin b "7 8 ,ate- Ue was forme ly tion and his appointment a .chief , employed with the government recla- inspector is said to be a recognition of efficiency. Professor Hyslop of. the O, A. (J. grain department had recom mended M. Arnold of Portland for the place. J. A. Churchill, superintendent of of publicV instruction returned Mon day from Pittsburg, where he attend ed the annual meeting of the National Whenever you sense a side headache, or feel a bilious attack coming on, ward it of v the tforely use cf r 'S mation service. NATIONAL MAR GARDEN 1 flcOMM15510NM A jar lifter is use ful in home canning work aays the Na tional War Garden Commission of Washington, which will aend any reader of this paper a can ning book free for a two-cent stamp to pay postage. Get it now. and follow these daily hints. jc t j)c )c jfa st 3fc Classified Ads The Journal kind get results. Phone 81. CHARLIE CHAPLIN "By the Sea' TODAY THEATRE OHfs Cloverdale Notes (Capital Journal 8ccial Service) Cloverdale, Or., July 17. One day last week whiTe working on a timber platform at the Martin Saw Mill, Mr. Charlie Cummings fell from the plat form and broke his hip. He is at the hospital in Salem, where he was taken at once under care of Dr, JIassey of Turner, Mr. J. Stroud and family of Chico California, are visiting at the home of his lii.cle. F. A. Wood. Mr. Strode motored up from Chico. Frank 1'arris and family of Dallas spent tho week end here with his par ents, Mr and Mrs. G. Farris. Clifford Hadley who has been at Camp Lewis, training for so long, is now on is way to a camp in Florida. He came home Thursday morning to visit his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J, Hadley, leaving again on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitehead were Salem visitors on Saturday. Mrs. Miller and son, Fred, motored to Portland one day last week on busi ness. NEWPORT DRAWS . CROWD OF VISIFffitS Each Succeeding Soaon Adds io ropuiamy oi Kesort (Capital Jouvnul Special Service) Newport, Oro., July 10. Newport is drawing its uhikI crowd of sumuv.'r visi tors, it is nut at range that each season seeks an adUC ',.opularity for this old est Oregon S'imuer resect, since nature has been sj bountiful in her disburse ments of beauty roundabout. Generally tho native in a much heralded vicinity is wont to make profuse apologies and explanations when a constaut drizzling rain or like handicap casts its gloomy reflections upon the vacationist. It iB an u .i usual svasonl But such frail sub terfuges ar..' unnecessary for tho New portito this year. Gorgeous, sparkling, e'oax days, tempered by a delicious breeze,- aro all to the taste of even the most outrageous pessimist. The , ,i .,,i .,,,. ,..,: ..... tf-. . " ... f. cently and is stuaying at the Abbey, tj l j .., T. . , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Carl hordes of autoists and hikers. Hotels t i j .i. i. j ,, ,, . .:,,i ,, ton, are numbered among the Wioek and and cottages aro rapidly filling and In -rri' u t thig resort " spite of the gloom attendant upon the SP"0 1' , , omo . cataclysm of war into which we are M"-. 4?a Sale,, came m , , . , , , . , .. recently aud is at the Grand, plunged, considerable gaiety prevails. c u stetinger, of Salem, arrived tho i mi j . ii r rst of the week for a brief stay in .t .. r ... ..... r. Knwnort. TOURIST INN Situated on 2l2 acres 2 blocks from Nye Beach, with Nye Creek running through place. Good Beds Home Cooking and Sea Food a Specialty Under Chicago Management I Nowport. Mrs. Ashcl Bush and sons, Ashel, Jr. coast days for the trip, and have returned with a goooly catch of deep eea ftsh. At Md Btcward aad Mrs- Bus'hs, mo'thor almost any hour of the day one may see M,. ai ... the bay dotted I with , small row boat, and lislied or y, sum' j charmi launches, fi '?d with enthusiastic ftshor- n,lah nttaoB . a ...'. Ra,h nien-enti. , astio because they are ai- j Mr and Mrg- A of Eickre. 'I lia nvHt.m hoHcr hnlii tha ,ami. nnnn. ! . larityaser. Carl D. Shoemaker state , Mrg. ,;dia St;ars of BaUst0Ili is on. Ku nurueu, wu in Newport me iasi j ; Ucr vacatioIl ftt at tUu week, looking after tve oyster situa- gaul,ders tion in the districts in and around New- j Mra jri Hel f Balom j, vU. V " :;r; i tun witb mends at c0Zy camP. ammammmmmmmMmtmrnmrnmummmmmmmmmmmammmmt which have the spawn by which oysters are produced, were not being properly cared for and. hence the oyster beds around here wcra constantly deteriorat ing aud that in a short time they will be entirely unproductive. He has or dered the fishjrmen to return a cortain large per cent of the shells to, their na tive beds for future propagation and nopes through this medium to preserve tne JNowport oyster beds indefinitely, Mrs. Grovcr Simmons, of Silverton, is amonjr the Marion county visitors so journing at Newport. Mrs. H. C. Marvin and daughter, of Salem, are enjoying their vacation at JNye Ucaeh at the New Cliff house. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson. Claude and Lclia Richardson, of Dallas, aro en- White House Restaurant To.right of Boat Landing Good Eats, Good Beds at Good Prices, and Sea View. C. E. WAIT Agate Cuttsr and Mamif actor- in Jeweler Open the year round. Nye Beach, Newport COLD PACK METHOD IN 12 SHORT STEPS No. S KATIONAL WAR GARDEN COMMISSION To fill jars with vegetables or fruits, after blanching and cold dip ping, a fruit f'innel is useful, says the National War Garden Commis sion. The process is shown above. Watch for step No. 6. Send a two cent stamp to Commission at Wash ington for a free primer. Fred Dawson Drug Co. NEWPOBT, OREGON Drugs, Stationery, Paints, Wall Paper, Kodaks, Ice Cream Pishing Goods Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wendroth and family of Sakim cauio in Sunday and are occupying a cottage at Cherry City for a two weeks stay. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, of Dal las, aro numbered among the iatost campers at Nye Beach. The Misees Maud and Mary Savage, of Salem, arrived the first of the week for a short sojourn at Cherry City. Mias Maud Savage is acting as private secre tary to Govfcrnor Withyconibe. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Marcy aud family of Dayton, are encottagod at Tent City for an extouded visit. Mr. and Mrs. Soth Fawk, of Rickreall, aro enjoying their vacation at Nye Beach, U. J. Moody, of Salem, arrived recent ly and is visiting with friends at Nye Beach. Mr. aud Mrs. Clarence Hunt, of Carl ton, are listed among the week end visi tors at the Abboy. Municipal League Organized at Silverton (Capital Journal Special Snrv cc). Silverton, Or., July IB. When the Muuicipul Lcnguo was organized here a few dnys ago Rev. B. M. Smith, pa3tor of tho Methodist chuicli, was made pics ident, find R)v. Geo. Ilenriksen, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church, was mad' secretary and treasurer. The league, it is understood, will father tho initiative petition to havo placed upon the ballot this fall at the municipal election tho question of prohibiting pool halls in tho city of HUverton. There is strong genu mont against the pool halls hero and it is believed that tuo peoplo will put on tho lid when it comes to a voto. The purpose of the league is to enforce tho laws in other matters also. WHILE YOU ARE ON YOUR VACATION, BUY CHERRY CITY BAKING CO'S ' HOLSUM PRODUCTS FROM THE FOLLOWING DEALERS Geo. H. Wilcox, Nye Beach, Oregon. L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. Newport Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Newport, Ore R.S. Van Cleve, Toledo, Oregon! E. R. Saxton & Co. Yaquina, Oregon. Morris & Hallmark, Waldport, Oregon. Sanitary Meat Market Dealer In Fresh Meats, Fish, Ojsters, Hams, Crabs, Eater, Eggs front Street, Newport, Or jregou IT IS IMfOMANT ' TO KNOW THE H K OC&R6.E O HEAT lJj! IN THE DRIER.. r T 0 o j 1 o I I NAVlON' .l. WAM tOi-UtliwJV Ccrciplcis inttru.t!or. for hom canning tnd drying will K sent to the reader of this paper upon appli cation to National Wr Garden ConimUaion, Wiihington, D. C, en cloting a two-cent stamp for pottage. Your Summer Outing For health resort and mountain outings: Bieitenbush Hot Springs, Mt. Jefferson, Marion and Famclia Lakes. Wo have now established a daily pack train and Baddlo horses. Also havo a mountain outfitting and general merchandise 8ti;re, at' Detroit, Oregon. . - For furthor information, Eoy Newport, S. I. Luuch Counter, Albany, Oregon; or Detroit, Oregon. DeVaney Bros., Lapidaries NEWPOET, OREGON Ilot Sea Baths Bldg., opp. Cliff House Precious and Semi-Prccious Stones Cut end Mounted All woik guaranteed Mail Orders a Specialty Dr.R P . Bradford and Wife Chiropractic Nerve Specialists Offices Miutiiom Bath Ilouce. Hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. Newport, Ore, N1C0LAI HOTEL Nye Beach, Overlooking the Ocean Under Management of Mis. Katherioe George Formerly Manager of Agato Beach Inn CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean -Up Signature of MIDWAY THEATRE Serving Paramount Artcraft Fox Standard and Goldwyn Photo Plays One block west of Postofficc Newport, Oregon REDFERN COTTAGES Two rooms each; completely furnished; electric lights aud wuter. By week or month. Nye Beaith at Newport, Oregon, 1. O. Box 323. , jft A. L THOMAS NEWPOET, OEEGON Agates Cut and Mounted , Watch Repairing 23 Years tn Business L.C.SMITH WONT BTEEET Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables Strictly Cash. City Delivery, C. O.