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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1918)
r THE DAILY CAPTTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. WEDSESDAT, APRIL 17, 1918. TWO , ! ' , I STUART' Mr Is a remarkable photo play of Love and War based on the successful novel of Mrs. Hum phrey Ward. AN ALL-STAR CAST Beginning Thursday OregoN "UAUTOGO" No Heat Here Classified Ads The Journal kind got rosulta. I'hone 81. , LOVE WAR FFCvv .Fi Safe 7MteinFiTSaiinvftUDS icv rnn Ligellbi . , , ... ForInf.nts,Invallds.dGrowlngChlldr.n.Rlchlvm The Orlrinal Food-Drlnk For All Apes. Substitutes Cost YOU Sm f no. New Georgettes I Here arc several piece of tlio loveliest fancy figured (leorgettos that the exacting denuinds of our silk deparlmenl ever succeeded in bring ing tn Saleir.. These are Indeed exquisite! The texture of these flenrg- I cites is exceedingly fine, the piirtei'iis very mlusivc, bordering en the I original rich bovond description. They caine'in White nml liiglit Tan grounds with vnrieolored figuns and Are 42 Inches wide. $2.65 The Yard Our line of Crepe IV Chine in Iid meet almost, every desire :; Chiffon Cloth, plain I; Chiffon Cloth, printed LUGGAGE Tion't forget that we carry a splendid lino of Ihind Bans and Suit Cuse.i. We e:m supply your traveling and vacation needs at very reasonable figures Cases from !...$1.25 Up I Men! A Real Shoe AO SOCIETY By MABEL GAEEETT Among the week end visitors were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tarpl-y, of Portland who wore the guests of Mr. Tarpley's nareuts. Mr. iiid Mrs-, Ilcnry C. Tarp- ley, at their home on 739 North liberty. Mr. Tarpley left Sunday, but Mrs. Tarp ley will stay her.? for the remainder of the week. f. ft Mrs. C. W. Beckett is entertaining at her home on the Wallace Koatt hor niece t;.. it..,inruh Kkirvin. Miss Skirvin is from Portlund and expects to spend a few weeks visiting in auieuu One of the motoring parties going north Sunday jnciuuea v. Ki.Mt. nmt Miss Eva fccott. who went to visit their ton Harry W. Scott, who is stationed there In tne spruce uivis inn Thi-v wore accompanied home by the Misses Mena and Beulah Scott who arriiod in Portland Friday from Ann Harbor. Michigan. . ft ' JHISS JIONUIIUU viumvn: i.uw w v. lis spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. II. i Smith. Among those leaving this week for Mr. and Mrs. J. i iloik- at. They expect to spend a week at the coast. Mr. aftd Mrs. 8, N. Rotzicn, 0. V. Rotzien and Miss yiolet Hotzien have gone to Black Hock for a few days camping trip. , Mrs. Sol Levy accompanied by her dau ,ri,t..p Kliznbuth. have ifoue to Seaside To enjoy the const for a vacation, ft Aft.'r several weeks vacation at ''eir summer homo in Riverdale, Mr. and Mrs. J. (). (loltra and daughters Inez and Helen, returned homo Saturday evening Mrs. W. H. Adrian (Hazel E. Scott) of Springfield, has been spending a fcw days in Salem on her way home from Portland, where sho has been visiting Mr. Adriun, who Is taking the mechani cal course at tho Beuaon Polytechnic school. ft Wilhoit Springs' was Uw attraction for a group of Salem people Saturday night, when thoy motored out for a picnic. Tho party included Dr. mid Mrs. H. II. Win ger, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Diiiiey. Mr. and Mrs. Mil Mn. T)nn Ytv. Jr.. fRitn Hloiiior), Mr. mid Mrs. Frank W. Dur liin, Mr. and Mis. John Caughell. Culo - s is so large and varied as to $1.65 to $2.-15 7Cc to $1.25 $1-25 to $2.00 A $4.65 The price of this shoe was $5.85 when Shoes T.ere considerably cheaper. It's .splendid Velours Calf with solid leather soles, both in. and out, made by the (loodyear welt process. The last is a good one medium full toe snd were H a lnce, $0.00 wouldn 'I touch it even at this' store where values are always the first consideration. Willamette Valley News t t Successful Red Cross Benefit At Independence (Capital Journal Special Serv ce). Independence, Oregon, July 16-Onc of the largest R.ed Cross benefits ever held her staged at the Wigrich hop ranch Thursday evening. The spa cious lawn was decorated with hund reds of flags and Japanese lanterns. The Polk countv Home Guard band fur nished pl-nty of mu.sie , and ladies gown ed in the official Red Cross costume dispensed a variety of refreshments from several attractive uootns. inde pendence speakers and musicians con tributed to the program. A Japanese operetta and a minstrel troupe added to Mie evening's pleasures. Little Miss Minnie Plant of Salem, of fered a dance song and some aesthetic dancing which were received with a burst of applause. . Net receipts for the Red Cross amounted to $lo0. Independence is highly pleased with the patriotism of the Carmach family. There are five in the family and each member has joined the W. S. 8. limit club. Besides purchasing $1000 worth of W. S. S. they each own Liberty bonds. Thev are S. K. Carmach, Mrs H. E. Carmnck, Mrs. Elizabeth Stew art (Mr. Cm mack's mother)' Ethel Car uiaik and Millv Caruiack. I'nder the direction of the Woman's Couucil of National Defense a move ment is well under wav for tho special care of the vouth of our city and tho community. .The town was divided into four districts and children between the acs of six moHths and six years were listed for a medical examination which will follow. The following committees have canvassed the town: District 1, Mrs. E. N. Johnson, Mrs. A. C. Moore; District 2, Mrs. Geo. Canbey, Mrs. H. Matteson; District 3, Mrs. S. E. Owen, lUiss Genevieve Cooper; District1!, Mrs. K. C. Eldridge, Mrs. O. D. Butler; at Parker, Highland, and Oak Point, Mrs Jesse Walker, Mrs. Will Mori son and TODAY ONLY M Si BART In "THE APOSTLE OF VENGEANCE" THE- REGO "UAUTOCO" YOUR HEALTH By ANDREW F. CURRIER, M.D. Locomotor Ataxia, No. 1. C. D.'Th'ase let me. know the cause, symptoms, and means of pre venting lumomotor utajia," Progressive locomotor ataxia, as this dlseaso Is ofton called, baa been recognized and Investigated ojfly within recent years, particularly by the Freuch neurologist, l)u chonno, from whom it la sometimes called Duchenno's paralysis. It Is not a raro disease and tfie reason we do not see It oftoner on the streets, is doubtless because Us victims have so much trouble In getting about and are so awkward In their movements that they are unpleasantly conspicuous objects. The contractions of the muscles of tho body by which motion Is pro duced, nrel controlled by norves pro- cecdlng from the spinal cord, sprouting In pairs from the oppo site sides, and distributed to por tions of the body which are near them, thoir branches ever growing smaller and smaller ss they are distributed over the body. Each nerve has two roots In the spinal cord: the posterior ono con trolling the norva branches along which Impressions travel which are received upon tho skin; while the anterior one controls the Impres sions which come from the brain down the nerva strands of tho spinal cord, then passing out upon the spinal nerve to the muscle or muscles which are to be supplied. This eausoa the muscle to con tract, and the contraction Is trans lated into motion. Thus, a dog bites your hand, the Impression travels along a sensory nerve up your arm to the spinal column, from this point It Is con veyed to tho upper end of the cord , where it crosses to the opposite side and enters the proper track In the brain, then along this track to the proper center where you be come conscious of being bitten and of palu. Immediately an Impulse Is sent out which goes down the brain track, crosses to tho opposite side of the spinal cord, descends tha spinal cord to the anterior root of the ii'Tve which goes to the mus- HtMttttHHtHH tttMm Miss Irene 'Williams have had charge of the movement. Mareellua Ilubbard Is here fom Port land. - G. A. Well and family motored to Portland Saturday. Mig Tholma Williams has returned from a visit with Airlie relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Virgen visited relatives in Portland this week. Mrs. B. F. Coffey of Portland is visit ing Independence friends. II. F. WUHains of Corvalis is here aud iting the city treasurer's books. H. Hirschbcrg and Dr. II. C. Duns more were Portand visitors Sunday. Mrs. K. C. Eldridge, Jr., of Portland visited at the Eldridge home here this week. U'.'orge Alsaari is in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conkey have mov ed into the Merwin 'resideuct on South Sixth street. Mrs. B. F. Swope ana daughter Miss tessie, are attending Chautauqua at Gladstone his week. L. C. Hell of Baker visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baglcy and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunckle motored to the Siletz, Sunday. Orin Dcadman, U. S. army, visited relatives here Tuesday. Miss Lydia Laynes of Forest Grove visited friends hero last week. Miss Gladys went to Astoria last Sat urday to begin her duties as postal clerk. Miss Evelyn Tobey and aunt, Miss Lena Tobey have gone to San Francis Co to enter a conservatory. Mrs. G. Gordon of Pasadena, Cal., ar rived last week to spend the summer with her son, E. M. Lichty. Mrs. Ethel McGee and family are visiting her father J. McLcod. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Howe were hero from Corvallis Mondny visiting their friend3. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L Pomeroy, Monday afternoon. The young man has ben christened Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Siuipson visited relatives in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brotfa of Aber deen, Wash., visited Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs Fred Young last week Mr. and Mrs. Clauds Hubbard of Portland vUitcd tho J. E. Hubbard's Thursday. Mrs. W. B. Barnett and Mrs. F. O. Parker spout last week in Salem. Mrs. Nellie Milhauser and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Todd visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Reeves Sunday. A delegation of Independence Home Guards went to Salem Wednesday night to drill with the Guards of that city. J. S. Cooper has returned from a fish ing trip on the Luekianiuto, Mrs. Mabel Quick who has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Collins left last Wednesday for lwer homo in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher of Port land are visiting nt the homo of Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F Black. Mrs. Mnrjorie Cummings has returned to her home in Tcoma, after a month s visit with Miss Florence Thurston. Mrs. Mabel Williams has returned to her lioino in Centralia. W. E. Craven, M. C. Williams and lVarl Hedges left last night for a three days outing on tho Mckenzie. Mrs. Lucy Smith, Mrs. Geo. Wood Misses Carrie Quarsdorf and Serepta Richardson attended the state conven tion of the Christian church, held at Turner this week, Mr. and Mrs.. MeHenry Smith and son Herbert, left lnsf Monday for Kifer clos ot the leg, proceeds -along th branches of this nerve, causing th muscle to contract, and finally r suits In a kick aimed at the dog that bit you. All this happens in much lost time than it takes to describe It. In locomotor ataxia there Is pro gressivc hardening of the postorioi roots of more, or fowbr, of ths spinal norves, of tho posterior strands of nerve fibers in ths spinal cord, and of the ends of the af fected nerves as they are distri buted in the skin. These nerves are no longer good conductors of Impressions, but are like a tolograph wire In which has been Inserted some non-conducting material which obstructs the pas sage of the current. ' The result Is ataxia that Is, want ot harmony between your will to make certain movements and the way In wbjch the movements are mado; for instance, you Intend to mttke a motion upward, and a motion downward comes, Instead. Qatstiona and Answers. P.H.8.1 hart bren rejected three times, tchen trying to enlist, and am classed in B'i on account of knock knee and flat foot. If 1 could act the chance to enlist, I know the trouble would be drilled out. Do yon thin anything could be done to straighten my legt Answer I am always anxious t do anything I can to help and en courage those who wish to serve; and I hope that by having an oper ation done upon your knees and fast, you can get yourself Into con dition that wl!l enabla you to en list What yon should do is to go to a good orthopedic surgeon (il not In Winnipeg, then In Montreal), and tell him you want to be open ted upon. Anxious TVie Answer If you will send stamped and self ad dressed envelope, I will be glad to mail you my article on tuberculous, which contains Information that may be helpful to you. repare THERE'S one thing we believe in and that is to prepare in advance; it's the best way to protect your interests, which is another way of saying "it's the best way to protect our interests." So we're ready now with large stocks of : BISHOP ALL WOOL SUITS $20 TO $40 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $25 TO $50 . ., . . ., . . . . . . ... . Styles for men least one-third more if we tried to buy them at pre sent market prices. l You get remarkable values now and as we think you B. V. D. Summer X Underwear MMMMMMMMM 6 Bell-ans - i Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Idaho, where they will make their homo Mr. and Mrs. M. Morwin len day for Portland, where they will reside fermanenty. Joseph Obersan, Armine Cooper and Jesse Ford left for Fort McDowell, Cal.. last Friday. At a mooting of tho Needlecraftcrs of th0 Presbyterian church, which was held nt Rod Cross headquarters Inst Thursday, Mrs. J. N. Jones and Mrs. C. A. McLaughlin were elected to fill vacancies mado by resignation of other other officers. Mrs. C. A. Lackridgo has returned from a visit with relatives in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. B. It. Wolfe lias returned from visit in Portland. tr niul. Mrs. D. A. Hodge anil dnu- irlite- Frances nf Salem, were guests at the O. A. Kracmer home lust eumuny. Mrs. M. Towns of Gardner, Ore., i visiting here. Sunnyside News (Capital Journal Special Servce). D. 8. Hildurbrnnd of Riverside, Cal who reccntlv purchased the Gillv.rt nince from C. O, Constable, arrived a few ilavs ami to take linH-ession. ira me Balance asbetweenPOSTUM and other table beverages is in favor of the Wholesome, ffealtifU drink. 'OSTUM is all this and more. It's most delicious. Besides there's no waste, and these are days when one should Save. Try INSTANT POSTUM Right and young men that would cost at if are, you'll "prepare SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE family will arrive soon. Miss Winnifrcd Reynolds of Wacon da, spent the week end with her par ents. Mrs. Sam Chandler, who has been at La Grande for some time, is at Sun nyside again. - Rev. C. A. Hadley and family took Sunday dinner at tho' Raymond Titus home. Walter Koynolds, who was recently appointed presiding elder of tho United urcthren church in the Oregon Confer once, held a quarterly meeting at Plain view, Oregon, Saturday and Sunday. O. T. Heckart.'s mother from Wnsh- v r " 1 J ' v - . , to. f s I m , 49. - 1 4 ty". ' v 2 a lV ; -Jl Sergt. Arthur Guy Eutpey in Vitasraph'a master production, "Over the fop." C0M1XQ TO THE LIBEBTT T3EATBE FOB THBEE DATS BTABTESQ TOMOaBOW. t Now if you're as wise ! in advance" too. Get Your I Light Underwear i Ohildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A ington, is visitintr at his home. Mrs. Milb.a Tucker and grandson of Salem, are visiting Mrs. Tucker's son, C. A. Tucker and family. jc sjc st )c sc jfc sc sfc jc sji jfc s)c 4 jc Have the Journal Job Dent sk estimate on your printing "ijc needs you get the benefit of cash buying. Phone 81. "BLUE BONNETS"-. Ne Fahrlc ulth Neu Fealurts. Blue Bonnets" mecti the neerJi of the woman who wants a beautiful, cJurabie fabric that wean without wtinklinfl, raped duct and Uunderi perfectly. Admirably adapted for tailor-made dream, iport roib and tkirto, children gurmtnb, pettiroata, etc Awodrap cries, furniture etc. Cuar&utccd dye fait and durable. Wide nuiety of ci quuite palccms. If your dealer doesn't carry "Blue Brmneh" tend ui this ad with Dante of dealer and we will tend h.a tamplei and notify him U your icquett LESiiER WHITMAN & CO. Inc., A81.B.-o.dw.r. New York A " 1 v , - , . 4. V f