Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Tl'ESDAY, JULY 1.1, 191S.
(Dje 33oilBil Bournal
Can alwajs be purchased at die J. C. Penney Co, at prices far below the usual
prices asked most places. It is to your interest to investigate how much we
save you.
Good quality Percale and Madras
Shirts with stiff or soft cuffs. Colors
the best We have them at
........... $125,$1.49 and $1.98
"We have the best at the lowest prices.
Men's Balbriggan Union Suits
98c and $1.49
Men's Balbriggan two-piece suits . .
49c and 79c a Garment
We have several of the best makes of
Overalls. Note the prices
$1.19, $1.39 and $1.69
Due to our buying for 197 Busy
Stores in such large quanities we are
able to, and do, make you great
savings in this department. You
can not afford to overlook our stock
of Suits before buying, you will find
them at from .... $12.50 to $24.00
We have splendid Hose for you at
prices you will appreciate, in black,1
white, tan or grey.
Cotton Hose J5c
LisleHose . 25c, 29c and 35c
Fibre Silk Hose 49c
Tfcs program for the first evening of
the Ohauiauu,iia beginning next Sunday,
will- be in the way of a patriotic nus
ileal program, kowu a he "014
Subtler 1'UldUrs." They have been on
he Chautauqua circuit for seven or
years years and their program wilMn
clude the playing especially dear to G.
A. R. veterans and those who remember
the good old days of fiddling.
The police department makes the sug
gestion that many people are violating
tie ordinance i regard to obstructing
the street in permitting wood to remain
'( i long on the streets and alleys and
also ia not cleaning up after the wood
has bee removed. This is especially
true of the alleys down town. Accord
ing to the reading of the ordinances, no
one ha a right to obstruct a street or
MVy in piling up wood although it has
became something of a custom.
ti o
Interstate connection between the
Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric at
Salem has been ordered by K. H. Aieh
ton, regional direetoi of railroads. In
lorrnation to this effect was received to
day by the public service eoimuissiot
from Mr. Aiehton. Commissioner Corey
b.iid the connection between the two
railroads will be made on Front street
between Ferry and Court. It will be of
benefit to shippers on both roads, as un
der past conditions an industry located
on one line could not get his prouuets
to a market on the other line without
voii'-daboiit, expensive hauls.
m m m
AH Around Town
B. F. Fleger of Dallas, wail cauglit
exceeding the spood limit yesterday and
fitwd $5 as this was his first offense.
Bund Concert and 2nd Bnttnl-
' ion drill at High School Athletic. I
July 1-27 Chautauqua week.
Or. H. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. V. 8. national Bank Bldg. t.
Next Sunday the young men who reg
istered Juuo 5, 1918, will be given their
jhyisal examinations at the court
house. The exemption board announces
tli ill examination will begin at 9
o'clock in the morning.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TAirwllliger, grad
uate mortician. and funeral directors,
770 Chcwoketa (St. i'liono 724,
Irrigation Even numbfrs, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. and Sun. Odd numbers, Tuos.
1Miurs., Sat, and Sun. Even numbers
mo on the south and east side of
lilroet. Oild mimlbars oro on north and
wost side Oif street. , tf
J. M. Heady formerly pastor of the
l.'iiitiiriiin church in in the city on his
way to St. Helena where ho will be as
H;ii;ited with the McCormick Lumber
c impnity, as employment supervisor. For
the past few months he has been with
Jiu Bethlehem Shipbuilding company
of Oakland, California.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
1 buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
"The best" is all you can do when
death comes. Cull Webb &'Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
Leonard Collins, a logger of Black
Bock, imbibed too freely of extracts
Satuidny evening and was picked up by
the police when showing the eifocts of
too much medicine for his health. He
left $10 with the lity treasury and his
friends took him itOAie,
, o
fo aell for csh. Commencing July
!; we will conduct our business on 8
strictly cash basis. Patton's Book
Store. tf
A telegram was received yesterday
giving news of the death of Mrs.'Min
orva Todd, Saturday evening at Toua
wanda, Now York, at the ago of 80
years, Slio was the mother of John W
Todd, superintendent of the Salem pub
lic schools. She is survived by two
other sons, both clergymen, and two
daughters. Tlw funeral services wen
hold today at Wintersot, Iowa.
Save 5 par cent with our csh regis
ter cheeks. We conduct our business on
a csuh basis. Perry 's Drug Store, tf
...Emercon Flther, fonner owner of
Fisher's Laundry, which was destroyed
by fire some time ago, has accepted the
position of manager of a laundry in Sa
lem. After completing their vacation
which they are now taking at Foley
Springs, Mr, and Mrs, Fisher will move
to Salem. Etigeiw Guard.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb &
Clough Co tf.
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock there will be
a drill of the 2ml Hattnlion nt the High
school athletic field, combined with a
Chorrian baud concert. Insend of giv
ing the concert at Willsou Park t ho
bund will piny during tlto drill of tlM
heme soldiers. For those going in au
tomobiles, it is suggested that the best
way is to drive iu from Fourteenth
street. There is plenty of room tor par
king within the athletic field.
After Jun 1, my mends and pa
trons will find mo in Moore building
on Court street, up first stairway east
of Brewer's drug store, Phone 6!'5.
Mary C. liowlaud, M. D. M3
Far those who have subscribed for
thrift si .'imps, the suggestion is made
that it i.- not necessary to wait
any crain date to buy. In fact, it
would greatly facilitate matters both
at the bunks and postoffice if purchas
ers would come in any timo and buy to
avoid the rush. Tlw same may be said
regarding the think payment on Liberty
bond, due July 18. To avoid the rush
.Wont that date it is suggested that pay
ments be made beforo that date. On a
V0 baud, he payment this time is 117.50
Class 1 of the men r.'ho registered
June 5, 1918, is being called on for
special enlistments. One of the drafts
is for four men to go to Spokun.?, men
who are skilL'd in mechanical nils
Another call is for men who Imve had
experience in logging. They are wanted
to work in getting out airplane tinilvr.
Willfovd W. Williams of 809 South High
has already volunteered for this service.
Twelve me,, from this classl are called
to entrain for Camp Fremont on Aug
ust 0. .
The Charles R. Archcrd Implement
Company is in the market for all
kinds, of hay. 7-19
Eat Less Meat If You Feel
Backachy or Have Bladder
Trouble Take Glass
of Saks
No man or woman who eats meat reg
ularlv can make a mistake by flushing
the kiduevs oeiasionallv, savs a well
known authority. Ment forms uric acid
which excites the kidneys, they betonis
overworked from the strain, get slug
gish and fail to filter the waste ami
poisons from the blood, then we get
sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headache.
liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness,
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts or if
tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full' of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
outing ment and get nbout four ounces
of .lad Stilts from any pharmacy; take
a tablesiioonful in n glass of water be
fore breakfast, and in a foiv days your
kidneys will act fine- This famous salts
is made from the acid of crapes ana
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
has been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to neu
tralize the acids in urine so it no long
er causes irritation, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Sails is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep tka
kidneys clean and active and the blood
pure, 'thereby avoiding serious kidney
for Women, Misses and Children
You rill fed here a goodly supply of quality merchandise at popular prices
in anticipation o fyour needs for the summer vacation or outings.
Cool, Charming Dresses, Pn ttily De
signed, Attractively Priced.
In Claver Models in Gaberdines and
Piques, Novel Pockets, Belts and
Regulation Smock Styles
Wearing I abnc in
of Well
the Popular
Full Regulation Styles
White, also White with
in Plain
Blue Wcol
New Hour-Glass Models, Sleeveless
Slip-ons and Regular Full Size
Plain and Novelty Styles in Good
Sensible Colors and Qualities. Caps
in Good Assortment.
Another big shipment of Phoenix Silk Hose, Just Received. Colors Havana
Brown, Dark Tan, Khaki, Champagne, Black, White, All sizes.
U. G. Shipley Company
sfc sc sjc s 5s s(c fa sjc sc sjc sjc Jc
Now is the crust of the canniug sea
son god of courM there is the federal
restrictions as to the amount of su,sar a
person may use. The regulation as it
now stands is that each grocer may sell
his customer 25 pounds of suyai' for can
ning purposes by the signing of a card
staling the sugar is to be used exclu
sively for canning. Those who nctfd
move tlinn 8." pounds must apply to the
county food administrator and this is
attended to at the Commercial club.
Bpeciul meeting of Salem
lodge, A. F. & A. M, this even
. iug. Work in the M. M. degree
Visiting brethren Welcome.
T&3 city alderman went on record
last evening as opposed to playgrounds
for childien. A bill was before the conn
til for appropriating $300 for maintain
in the playgrounds in Albert Park, the
tame as last year but it was killed by
a ote of five to four. An ordinance
vis introduced by Alderman Moore pro
viding tha it shall be unlnwful for ve
hicles to stand or be driven abreast
on the streets of Sajom. It is pro
vided that this i no manner should re
fer to the passing of vehicles. City Re
cutter Itnce was authorized to buy 50
(orila of wood on tho open market.
No. 7
Jill M
After partially sealing jars place
them in hot water bath, says the
National War Garden Commission,
Waslungton, D. C. The picture
shows jars on wire rack being placed
in ordinary household wash boiler
for sterilizing. Send the Commis
sion a two-cent stamp for free book.
Watch for (teo No. 8.
Catarrh is a Real Enemy
and Requires Vigorous Treatment
Read the Sandwich nd follow the
advice. Write for free book of
Canning and Drying instructions,
sending two cents for pottage to the
Nitionat War Garden Commission,
Wathington, D. C.
care of
Yick'So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Cm.
Has medicine which will enre
any known disease.
Ojn Sundays from 10 . m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
The Kev. R. N," Avison left this morn
ing for lledondo Reach to attend the
Epworth League institute. He will re
turn the latter part of the week.
Frank Deckabaeh left this morning
for Tacoma, going over the Oregon Elec
tric. Mrs. Boy Parkhurst of Portland is
spending tin? week iu the city the guest
of friends.
Those who are ambitious to serve as
railway ' mail clerks may be examined
in Salem August 10. The pay is $1100
aud the pplicaut will be graded on spel
ling, arithmetic, letter writing, geog
raphy of the United States and that ser
vice is anywhere in the country. The
government also will hold an examina
tion for power plant foreman on August
10. His services ar,?, pua on a basis of
$8 a day by the government. The rating
is ten per cent on physical ability and
90 per cent On education and experi
ence. Oregon Postmaster have received from
the postoffice department a notice that
on the night of May 30 a -mail car in
France was sruck by an incendiary
bomb and he entire contents destroyed
The following mail sacks from the Unj
it."d States were lost: Four sacks tor the
28th division; one sack for the 412th
telegraph battalion; one sack for the
13th general hospital; ono sack for the
35th division. A. K. F., for British-army
postoffice No. 3. No information; is ob
tainable to the amount of letters lost,
where originated or the approximate
posting paces.
! Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 508
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand t
Goods. 4
Full Market Prices 8pecil
Prices paid foT Backs. 4
Get our prices beore yon sell. 4
271 N. Cord St. Phone 731 4
Do Not Neglect It.
When you usa medicated sprays,
atomizers and douches for your Ca
tarrh, you may succeed in unstopping
the choked-up air passages for the
time being, but this annoying condi
tion returns, and you have to do the
same thing over and over again.
Catarrh has never yet been cured
by these local applications. Have
?ou ever experienced any real benefit
rom such treatment?
Throw these makeshift remedies to
the winds, and get on the right treat
ment. Go to your drug store to-day.
get a bottle of S. S. S., and commence '
a treatment that has been praised by
sufferers for nearly half a century.
S. S. S. gets right at the source of
Catarrh,- and forces from the blood
the germs which cause the disease.
You can obtain special medical advice,
regarding your own case without
charge by writing to Medical Direc--tar.
22 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga-
Brush This Through Faded,
Streaked Locks and They
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streak
ed or gray. Years ago the only way to
get this mixture was to make it at
home, which is mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays by asking at any drug store
for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," you will got a large bottle of
this famous old recipe, improved by
tho addition of other ingredients, for
about 50 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try if! N one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as it does it bo naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with it, draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at
a time; by morning the gray hair. dis
appears, and after another application
w two, your hair becomes beautifully
dark , glossv and attractive.
Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Com-i
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire dark hair and a,
youthful appearance; It is not intnd-1
tion of disease. I
Hive the Journal Job Dept.
estimate on your printing
needs yoa get the benefit of
cash buying. Phoae 81.
jr- - y
To Close Out the Lines
Fine Patent Pump Cloth Top, French Heels, $6
grade ...$3.65
Fine Patent Pump All Patent, French Heels, $5
grade $3.45
Fine Patent Pump Dull Top, French Heels, $5
grade $3.15
Fine Patent Pump Cloth Top, French Heels
$4.50 grade $2.95
Fine Kid Pump Cloth Top, French Heels, $4.50
grade $2.95
Fine Patent Pump Turn Sole, new est last . . . .$5.00
White Canvas Strap or Plain, $2.95 down to. .$1.65
1 1. MIH.II11 ss MM
in the Newest Designs
Fine Black Kid or Patent French Heels . . . . .$4.50
Fine Black Kid Turn Soles, French Heels . , . .$5.00
Red Cross Black Kid, Turn Soles, Extra .
Quality . . $6.06
'Red Cross Brown Kid, Turn Soles, Extra
Quality $7.01