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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1918)
THRE73 t hk DAILY DAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. Tuesday, jvlt ns, isiis. NEW TODAY JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Kate per word New Today: !ach insertion , lo On week (6 insertions) 5e Ob month (26 insertions) , , ,,. 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, far error in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day tt appears and notify ui immediately. Minimum charge 15e. Hong Sells Noodles today. 7-16 HAY ptt-ehere wanted. Phone 3F3. C. C. Russell, Waeonda. tf FOB SALE Fresh cow and calf. Bt. 7, box 42, Phone 2500W4. 7-20 BRISCOE ear for sale, 1917 model. In quire W. N. Ash, 260 X. 15. 7-15 OOW FOB SALE Inquire W. N. Ash, 260 N. 15th. 7-15 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 758 N. Commercial. 7-15 EOOFS reshingled ot patched and tar red. Phone C C. Kays, 1074. 7-18 MATEBKITY nurse wants private nurs ing, $20 per week. Phone 2273R. 7.1S WANTED To buy large calves or yearlings. Phone 1570W. 7-15 BED raspberries for sole, for cauning. Phone 37F21, noon or evening. 7-16 WANTED Veal calves. Phone 1570 ' W. 8 6 WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf HAVE you wood sawing! Call phone 7. ti W ANTED 2 tons clover hay. care Journal. XX z 7-16 LOST June 26, grey hand purse, con taining about $5.25 and door key. Re turn to Journal Off ice.. Reward. 7-17 WANTED Place where young girl can assist with housework. Phone 111F5. 7-1S 160 ACRES Lake County Stock ranch lor sale or trade. Inquire 666 N. Summer street. 7-17 FOR TRADE A house and two lots and 10 acres of land, for house in city. Enquire at 2075 Mill St. 7-16 SIX or seven room modern house want ed by permanent renter. 7-12 ftire Journal. 7-19 FOR quick sale, one refrigerator, porch seat, antique hall chair, small oak stand, mahogany dresser. Call at 384 N. Summer. 7-13 WANTED Competent stenographer, now employed, who has time to do outside work in own office. S. J. care Journal. 7-16 FURNISHED house for rent, close in, during summer months, reasonable to right party. Phone 1351. Address 695 N. Liberty. ' 7-15 FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows, good milkers; cream separator, all house hold goods. Come this week. H. G. Cox, Salem, Rt. 4, box 18A, Jeffer son road. 7-13 OCL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOR SALE Separator, 22in. cylinder. F. A. Wood, Turner, Or. 7-19 FOB SALE Bicycle in good condition at bargain. Telephone 125. 7-13 FOR RENT Modern flat furnished. Call 1737W, 7.22 JVANTED Pasture for tetim. Address Geo. Reinochl, 2199 Broadway. 7-1 S FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms 694 N. Commercial. Phone 2454 M. 7-18 YOUNG JERSEY cow for sale 2675 Broolts and Highland. 7-18 WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WANTED Man and team, ean make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf HOUSEKEEPING . apartments and eincrln rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED Mohair at East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone 8160M. tf CLIMATED HAVANA tobacco plant? for sale. 3 blocks from end of 12tU street car line. Route 5, box 31. FOR SALE Wade Drag Saw two saws guaranteed in good condition Pohle and Son. 7-18 TRUSTY WOMAN who will assume TespoTisflnlity of light housework, small place, or assist, rnone imi GIRLS OR WOMEN wanted at tho Glove Factory for steady work. MS FOR SALE Second hand treshing out fit in first class condition. Price very cheap. Address 1160 Gains ave nue. or t)hone 710-J. 7-1 S liATE 1913 Ford for sale Good con dition. Call at Standard Oil plant be tween 8 and 5 p. m. Price 3"o. V 7-20 WANTED Girl or woman for house work oh farm, all adults, treated as member of family. Apply 695 S. Com. St. 7-13 FOR RENT Modern five room flat, desirable location, close in, 256 N. Cottaso street. Inquire Capital ia tional bank. Phono 71. 7-15 LOST In Salem or between Salem and Turner, silk bag with toilet articles and purse. iNotufy Airs A. a. Peri ling, 908 Adams St. Eugene, Or. 7-16 FOB SALE Young team horses, 7 and 8 rears old, .weight 1000 each Phone 637 or inquire at Standard Oil Co. plant, 15th and Oak St. 7-15 FOR RENT--Furnished house, for one who wan la a first elass place, hot water heat, two fire places end com pletely furnished throughout. Ad dress Box 373, Salem, Or. tf WANTED 2 Whistle Punk's or Signal Boy. Good wages and lots of good eats. Inquire of U. G. Holt. Spauld- ing Log. Co. Front and Ferry Sts. Salem, Ore, 7-17 FOR SALE Two registered Red Durham bulls, 7 and 10 monthi old. One registered Holsteiu, 1 year old, 1 high grade white Durham, 1 year old. Phone 1251W. 347 North High. SPECIAL NOTICE On and after August 1, the retail business at Frys' drug store will be conducted on a cash basis. The scarcity of help, extra work required in keep ing accounts and collecting same makes this change necessary. We will continue to give a 5 per cent rebate for cash on all goods handled by us, except paints and oils, Daniel J. Fry, 280 N. Commercial street. Have the Journal Job Dept. estimate on your printing needs you get the benefit of cash buying. Phone 81. Ccurt House News In the divorce procedings of Dora Whitamaa against A. L. Whiteman, the court awarded her a divorce and the euatody of the four children. The father was ordered to pay $20 a month for the support of tie children and a lien placed on his real estate to com pel the payment or the award. Mrs. Whiteman was given a one-half inter est in ten-acre tract Suit for $2000 and foreclosure of mortgage was ordered by circuit court yesterday id the case of the board of foreign nusong of the Methodist .Epis copal church, a corporation, against A. A. Englebart and others. EH Watt, as executrix of the will of Charles L. Watt, has filed suit aginst F- H. Reeves and otheg. She alleges that Reeves mae false statements as to the value of a $1500 note and mot gags And that Charles L. Watt had sold the same to hint far below its real value, all based on Reeves' statements. Cecelia Fiddler as executrix of the will of Sarah Ann Petty john filed cotmplnaint against D. D. Soeolofsky asking judgment for $2o0. She alleges that she placed a piece of prop erty for sale with Soeolofsky for $1800, and that he sold it for $1600 and then du dueted $150 for his commmissior;, leav ing her only $1450. Also that Soeolof sky, iby previous arrangement, sold the property to T. Bannsen ror ?luu. F. R. Reynolds has filed notice of an appeal to the supremo court of the case entitled F. R. Reynolds against Edith M. Reynolds. Property rights are in volved Ephrian Shepherd was appointed by Judge Bushay administrator of tho es tate of James B. Leigh, who died July ID. The estate is valued at $750. Isabel M. White and Cora L. Pres cott made application to the county court for their appointment as execu tors of the last will and testament of Mrs. Matilda Prescott, who died June 15, 1918. By tho wild of Mrs. Pres cott, Wrs, White and Miss Prescott were named as executors. Tho estate is valued at about $20,000. Classified Ads The Journal kind get results. Phone 81, Jt fc ss eft NATONALWAR GARDEN COMMISSION Carrots cut lengthwise for drying make a dandy dish. This and other pointers on drying food are given in the free book the National War Gar den Commission of Washington will send any reader of this paper for a two-cent stamp to pay postage. July 22ml to 27th Inclusive Fenwick Newel! Sings at Chautauqua ' Heads Artists Company on Second Day FOB SALE i0 acre farm, some of best land in Oregon, stock and crop included, must be sold. R. F. D. 1. box 42. Scio, Or. 7-21 WANTED Machinist 65c, with lathe experience. Electrician, 56' jc, with motor winding experience. Blacksmith helper 53c, with general experience. Working eight hours daily, in shop where many men are employed. Strike on isn't bothering us. West Linn mills producing full. Address B. T. MeBain, West IiM- t , d '-y'3 Mold. Of ff-Wd For One Week Only-Lifetime Gifts 1C1 See Offer Below-Also Coupon Save Suffar Save Flour Yet Serve Luscious Fruit Desserts Facts to Know In ties times every housewife should know Jiffy-JelL It means rich, fruity des serts, instantly made, without the addi tion of sugar. . It means supreme desserts, without the use of flour or sugar, at half the cost of pastry. It means a way to serve fresh fruit, mixed in jell, to save many ounces of .sugar. It means restful salads made with vege table left-overs, and jellied meat loaves made with scraps. All delightful products. Sugar is needed now for canning. Your supply is restricted. Wastes, must be utilized, flour must be conserved. So we make these offers to let every woman see how Jiffy-Jell can serve her. We urge you, for your own sake, to learn how folks enjoy it. JiJyJeE For Quick, Fruity Desserts and Salads Fruit -Juice Flavors Sealed in Glass No Sugar Need Be Added Pure Aluminum Molds Vtgttabl, SalaJ MaU-Style D Molds a salad for six, made with one package of Lime Jlfly-Jell with TCgettblca mixed in. Indented In six divisions. Valus JOc. ' 1 e 1 Assorted styles. 60c for six. . Individaal Dttrt MeUt Six of them serve a full package of Jiffy-Jell. Value Mold Offers Buy from your grocer two packages of Jiffy-Jell, then send this coupon to us. Enclose 10c cost of mailing only and we will send you the Vegetable Salad Mold as pictured above, in size to serve sis people. The value is 50c Or enclose 10c cost of mailing only and we will mail you three Individual Dessert Molds in assorted styles as pictured. Or enclose 20c and we will mail you six Individual Dessert Molds assorted enough to serve a full package of Jiffy-Jell. The value is 60c per set. 10 Flavors in Vials A Bottle in Each Padu i Strawberry Raspberry Loganberry Pineapple Cherry Lemon Lime Orange Coffee Mint Economical Desserts Salads From Left-Overs Meat or Chicken Scraps in Aspic Jelly Jiffy-Jell is the only product whicll serves these uses well. It is the only gel. atine dainty with true-fruit flavors, highly concentrated, sealed in glass vials. These bottled flavors do not lose their fresh ness. They give to Jiffy-Jell a wealth of fresh fruit taste. Thus Jiffy-Jell desserts and aaladi taste like fruit-made dainties. You make Jiffy-Jell by simply adding boil, ing water, then the flavor from the vial. One package makes dessert for six. If you whip th jell it serves twelve. To serve fresh fruit, preserved fruit or pastry for six requires 8 to 12 ounces of sugar. Pastry requires flour in addition. The average cost ii at least twice the cost of Jiffy -Jell. Or you can mix fresh fruit in Jiffy-JeH without adding tugar, and have a double. Iruit dessert With Lime or Mint Jiffy-Jell you can make delicious salads, sestful and greea Use left-overs in cooked vegetables. Oi use fresh vegetables. Mix in meat scraps with these flavors and you have a jellied meat loaf. This u a delightful way to save waste. Millions now use Jiffy-Jell as con ervation dainty. They ret fruity des serts and salads of the finest sort, al trifling cost, without using sugar or flour, We want you to know what h mean to you. See how it differs from old-etyU gelatine products. Buy two packages to try, then send us the coupon, and we will send you molds worth more than yoc pay for Jiffy-Jell. Accept this offer, for it mean a test at really no cost at alL Your Mammm. .. iAJJr. 1 Mail Us This Coupon Weta Ioa Day JaTy-MI baa Tear Knew 1 have tadav JlSy-JtU putand her faa New I buS thU eonpos wfta Q hr VasetekW Setae MoM Q lot fct I teaMdiul MoUs, of SX far t toelvUeal Moles, , (Uh eajakj B rare ren t Jl(rr-Jll, with peek Uke ektare.tir fruit Savon to vtala. Mail coapea te Waukesha Pure Food Co, WaulcH&a, Wluonsm I; J LSTHER JANE CLARK PAGEANT DIRECTOR Mew Acquisition to Chautauqua Forces This Year. The Junior Chnutiiuqua Is one of the most, important branches of the entire Chautauqua movement. This Is recog nized mure thim ever this year by the idditlon to the Chautauqua force of a traveling pugcniit director. She will lave general supervision over the chll Ircn's work as well as complete charge The Fenwick Newell Concert Company, who will present two programs at Chautauqua on the second day, is ot.e of the stellar trios of the concert platform. Fenwick A. Newell, heading the company, Is a lyric tenor who has been advancing very rapidly In popular favor during the past few years. His rich natural voice, under the care and Instruction of the two greatest vocal coaches In the country, Kadanovlts of Chicago and Oscar Saenger of New Tork, has developed tones of glorious warmth and .color. Miss Lillian Shank, violoncellist, Is an artist of hfghly developed technique and deep musical understanding, with a record of unusual success on the plab form. Marjr Jane Grfgsby, accompanist, Is a true artist at the piano. -1 SOUTHERN PINE HOME WITHSTANDS NEARLY CENTURY'S USE i " -4 , Jj Esther Jane Clark, of the Mother Goose Festival on the closing nlglit of ChuutnuquQ. Esther Jane Clark has been selected for this Important position and Is em inently qualified for the work. She has had years of experience as on ex pert playground worker and pageant director. ; In addition to the Mother (loose1 Festival there will be s story hour with games far the children each day of the week under the dlrartlna of Los Junior SupenlMb Eczema ?ash A tnerh of D. T). I). to any enema anre or Itching eruption mud you'll te able to imt anil sleep once more. Think just a tow-tit In tt worth trvijiet Ot trial bottle torlny. . . - ' l ow wm U 0 ant bottle does not rclje yon. Bo ED. Bo J. O. Perry. K S . ' ,-.' f t -V, . "$Ws 1 Hi no i - 'f - 1 Mr JEM i 'H 1 sp- :;:mms?9m m r 7 i f2 j? k fr - 'v A-'-nW:.,aiev)X':'vx ' , TT ( A ' .1 Is I ill J if itv ! lit I till ii:. K L-i It t i I r . h ',! r ! im1 1 w 1 ii f : - "i -.-.-1- .14. 1 mf rf --liulll 1 ! ('Si t r I i I 1 t 4 i'tf 33'. ( I j.. . JL 1 ' ' m W At- .4 !l ,-f " ai at J " Old Trptrtrer' Home - - , .- ver- .- .- . I - By P. H. King. H ft. One. of the Livinc?' Rcorns- Numerous examples of the last Lnir qualities of frame construction are to be found in the early Colonial houses which atiU occasionally greet fie sight of the traveler in New ngland, the Virginias and else where along the Atlantic seaboard. Many of these houses, which are even now as a rule in an excellent state of preservation, were built years before the Revolutionary War. What is said to be the oldest struc ture in America today is the Barker house, built of wood, at Pembroke, Mass. This house was commenced in 1628 and is still rendering good service as a residence. As the Central South began to be developed in the early part of the nineteenth century a type of resi dence somewhat different from the early Colonial was evolved, more suited to the long summers preva lent in that part of the country. Such houses were built with an abund ance of windows, wide porches and hallways. A typical residence of the wealthier class of Southerner of that period is to be found standing today in the town of Quitman, Miss. This house, pictured above, was built by General A. W, Trotter in 18,j4, and occupied by him until 1876. It is at present the home of Kugene E. Smith. All lumber used in the construc tion of the house was hand sawn and hewn Southern pine. The house was painted three times, first in 1834, then in 1891, and again in 1916. t The shingles are made of pine, amt are the original ones put on tha. house. The trees appearing in the picture! were all planted since the building! of the house. ' Fifteen miles south of Quitman! there is a house several years older1 than the Trotter residence. It isi also built of Southern pine lumber,, and in days gone by Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt, who was a Mobile girl,' was fond of driving from Mobile to thjs home to attend dances. J -