Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 13, 1918, Image 1

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Mope ( 6Er
Oregon: Tonight
and Sunday fair;
moderate - wester
ly winds.
Only Circulation la Ealem Guar
anteed by the Andit Bureau el
& A.-:y r p
mmmm mm
troops operate
on balkan fron t
Population of Berat Hails Al
lied Invaders Willi Real
Victorious General Diaz Is
Now Most Popular Idol of
Man People
Borne, July 13.A military bulletin
decrees the retirement with loss of rank
and pay of Generals Cadorna, Parro
and Capello,
General Diaz, commander in chief of
t'.M Italian armies, hw been decorated
'with the Grand Cordon of the Military
Older of Savoy... . .
General ladorm was commander In
tiiief of thu Ita.'ivu armies last year
waau the stro-Owman drive forced
liv-m back i the Have river, follow
ing the Capon Ho .lis later.
ivoane, July 3.--'The Albanian ad
vauce is continuing rapidly," a semi
official statemU'it dec'ared today.
"The enemy U ranking1 only spoiadlc
rnrir guard resistance, lie bas abandon-
el snd failed to destroy abundant war
materials, which hai 4 ir. captured by
our forced.
"The population JElMst hailed our
talis as liberators. '
(Continued on page six)
Words Are Not Taken In Good
Faith and Will Be Given
No Consideration ,
By Carl D. Groat
(I'nited Press stnff correspondent)
Washington, July 13. German Chan
cellor Hoi'tling's ipearo ibolloon is use
less at this tinie, American authorities
declared emphatically today.
WheMier or no he is serious in try
ing to draw a pea.ee offer from the
V lilted State and the entente, his ef-
Abe Martin
Ki.at's become o' th feller that used
' alius want t' bet you tli' oysters?
Think before you applaud.
Airplanes Were Lost
By Frank J. Taylor .
(United Press Correspondent)
With the American Armies in
France, July 13. Exhaustion of
lh."ir gasoline supply and heavy
winds are believed to have forc
ed the American bombing planes
which failed to return after a
raid Wednesday, to laud on Ger
man territory.
An official statement issued
by tlu? German war office Thurs
day night said that five or six
American planes that tried Cob
lenz "were brought down." An
other statement .issued last
night said that Ihe sixth ma
chine also was captured.
Vote On Prohibition
Will Come This Month
- Washington, July 13 r-- The
senate today agreed that the em
ergency food act containing the
prohibition amendment will" be
kvjpt before the senate contin
uously after August 20 until v(
ted upon. This assures tho taking
of three day recesses between
now and August 26. The fir it of
these recesses will begin .to
r.ight if th.9 senate passes tho
telegraph resolution today.
President's Veto
of $2.40 Wheat Stands
Washington, July 13. The
lions.'1 today declined to pass the
agricultural appropriation bill
over President Wilson's veto by
a vote of 72 to 172.
Chairman Lever of the house
agricultural committee at oice
prepared to reintroduce tho bill
without the $2.40 wheat amend
ment which caused the president
to veto it.
forts are vain. The authorities declar
ed that never were the nation 's fight
ing Teuton autocracy firmer in their
unity ami in their determination to
press on to victory.
Some Vd ii see the possibility that
the Austrian and German internal sit
uations may bo crowing worse, ravine
an influence upon Hertling 's remarks.
But in that case, it wv argued there
L all the more reason V press on to
References to Russia were evidently
intended as a amp to that nation, in
line with the known. German policy of
getting control in that country, even
at the sacrifice of holdings in the west.
It was recalled that Germany more
than once has preceded a military ef
fort by a peace offensive.
London Press View
London. July 13. London newspa
pers agreed toilav that the principal
point in -Chance'lor Hertling's address
in the rei'Chstag Thursday was his hope
of an allied peace offer. They pointed
out thttt this is impossible following
nig reaffirmation of the Brest-Litovsk
"The allies will not sanation a trea
ty which is considered one of the jnost
serious violations of public, right, Ger
many has committed," the News said.
"We are impenitently ungrateful
for any offer of Hertlig's kind of
peace," said tho Chronicle.
The Express d 'Tared that "the al
lies' watchword is 'no compromise'."
With the first announrement of Brit
ish operation on the Murman coast,
fjord Northcaffe Mail and Times ed
itorially urged allied action in Siberia,
According to a German official wire
less message, the imperial chancellor
"I maintain the standpoint of the
imperial reply ito the Jieace of Pope
Benedict. The paomst spin: which in
spired this reply has also inspired me.
"At the time I added that this spir
it must not give our enemies free con-
(Continued on page three)
Today3 s War
Albanian Front French troops, on
tlii) Italian right, are continuing their
advance between the Tonioraca river
and Lake Okhrida, while tho 'taliaus
apparently have slowed up their drive to
n.rmit the French to draw abreast
There is increasing activity along the
a nolo Balkan front.
Oise Front, Striking between Oise
and Montdidier, the French advanced
moie than a quarter of a mile west of
.Vvtiieuil. '
Flanders Front Australian and Eng
lish troops took 96 prisoners in a minor
operation between Mams and Vicux-
P.c-rquin. .
Lorraine Front. General Pmhiug
jer ouuliy decorated officers and men
if the New England division and cou
gtsitulalcd the entire unit on tho work
on its front.
' Germany An Amsterdam report said
th.it Viee Chancellor Von Paper had re-
t'r-ed, contingent on Von Hintze's at
tempt to carry out pan-Gorman policies
Russia "Considerable" British fore
's are reported to haw been sent to the
Murium eoast.
"Washington; '"July 13. The fcdor.il
farm board loaned 8,343,000 to the
farmers of the I'nited States during
June, it was announced today. This will
make he loan of tho farm loan board
to ().te total $109,517,000.
Th largest sum placed in aay dis
trict went through the Spokane bank
where farmers borrowed 41,262,000.
Oregon Must Send
2,509 Men to Camp Lewis
Camp Lewis, Wash., July 13.
Beginning July 22, nearly
12,000 men will report here
from five states, Oregon send
ing 2500, according to figures
given out here today.
Washington and California
each will send four thousand
while. Idaho will end one thou
sand selects and Utah 500.
Nevada. Montana and Wy
oming who hitherto have had
their men report here, will send
thnin to Fort Riley and Camp
Dodge, Iowa- Nevada will send
300 and Wyoming 800 to Fort
Riley and Montana four hun
dred to Camp Dodge. .
Oregon arrivals here by days
July 22, 325; July 23, 830;
July 24, 170; July 25, 1159.
Call Made Today
Washington. July 13. Pro
vost Marshal General Crowder
today issued the first of the
August draft calls, summoning
li,143 men for special tech
nical education to start for
schools between August 1 and
Of the men called, 11,989
are white and 154 negroes.
It is contemplated to call
approximately 300,000 men dur
.'.ng August.
Th? quotas include:
Colorado, 500 to Texas Uni
versity; Iowa, 500 to Iowa
Agricultural College; Montana,
200 to Montana College; Ne
braska, 427 to Nebraska Uni
versity; Oregon, 103 to Mon
dern Auto Hchool, Spokane;
Washington, 3C9 to Washington
Collegf; Wisconsin, 165 to Iowa
Stale University and 515 to
Iowa State Agricultural Col
lege. The men entrain at different
times between August 1 and
August 28.
Street Car Accident
Claims Nke Victims
San Francisco, July 13.
viere killed, and nine otli
eleven mpf
rs severely
huit when a Visiaccion Valley .street
i-ar jumped th. track on a curve and
(,vertuvned early today,
Georg.- W. Sweetman, motorman, was
O! rested immcdialelv aftet the acciitent.
Four of the dead have not vet bv?en
identified. E. J. Batcher died al a bos-
I iM. Herbert Perasso and William
Richardson were believed to be dying,
American Prisoner
Tells About Rough
Usage By Captors
James Donahue, of Newark,
Captured In Balkan Wood,
Makes Escape Back to
American LfeesTells of
Experiences During Several
Days In German Lines
Kicked, Cuffed and Forced
to Work Without Proper
Food , and Little Sleep
Escaped From Sentry
By Lowell Mellett '
(I'nited Press Stff Correspondent)
With the Aihericans On the Marne,
June 20. (By Mail). James A. Doiia-
hiv?, of Newark, N. J., felt around n
the dark till he go hold of a broken
pick. Then ht hit ) sleepy German
guard over the headend two days later
vesterdav he made the following re
port to Second Division headquaitrs
on' what it is like to be a prisoner 'in
the German army:
"I went- down in the woods (Bel-
leau) and joined my command what
there was left of it. They were all split
up. and mixed up. I lieard a whistle
blow and went forward. Every time a
flare would go up, I would drop down..
There was a lot of rifle firing. Just
ahead I saw four or five men and
thought they were our fellows. I ran
right into them and' when I got there
one of them hit me on tho head with
something. When I came to, they took
me up Ivforo an officer. Ho eaiu: .'How
uiaiiyAmerieaus are there over there?
I taid' thirtv two divisions of Amer-
. ' icaiis (780,000 men) and forty divisions
' J, T.T .1- Tl I i.t..l
or reiicu, xic miu 'ictt. ociiwciui
sciiw.'in! '
"Then they booted me and shoved me
away. Going out I got a couple more
kicks. They took me down the road a
piece. Uetaciiinents coming along would
give me the once ovier and say, ach,
American Hchwein! ' I don't know how
long I walked,' bur it was a long time.
I didn't sleep all night.
"Next morning I got an axe about
the size of this helmet handed me and
without anything to eat th.y put me to
work cutting with them. They had ma
chine gnus all through the woods. Then
they took me across an open field and
(Continued on page three)
M. Alexandrovitch One of
Men Charged, Has Been
Caught, Other at Large
By Joseph Shaplen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Stockholm, July 13. M. Alexandro
vitch, one of the assassin? of German
Ambassador Mirbach, has been executed
according to dispatches received today
from Moscow. Th, other assassin, M
l'.lcomkiii, has not been captured.
It is reported that Germany will a'so
rV wtnd the executii.u of M. Kamkoff
and Madame Sparidonova, two of the
social revolutionaries arrested in the
Moscow revolt which followed Mir
bach's death.
I'nwngcrs arriving here on a boat
from Petrograd brought news of riots
in that city. They said that several
hi.rrdted soldiers and workmen, led by
l.efters, seized the Parsliasky arsenal
and fought the Bed Guard for hours.
They wcr,? mbducd only after an ar
tiilcry bombardment of tht arsenal.
Cholera is reported to be sweeping
( ver Petrograd.
Provisional Buler.
I.ondin:, July 13. General Horvath
proclaimed as provisional ruler of Si
1 cria, t-'craphed from his headquarters
at' Por iniiza, that treaties with the al
lies v.ill ')t Knewed. that bolshevik de
crees will be repealed; that the army
will be re-established and that property
will be restored, a Harbiu dispatch f.
the Mail declared today.
Counter Revolution,
Coin-iiiidgcn, July 13, Couiili r iev
luticiiisl.s surrounded and captured two
thou:iaiiii bolshevik red guards who had
just fn-iived on tb Murman coast, il
ns l.uined here today. All were dis
arm.'d and then allowed to return to
Rome, Julv 13. Monsignor Ettiger,
abbot t of the Benedictine abbey of
Cava and cousin of tne kaiser, is dead
at Mondcassiuo-
Hopes For Peace Proposals
From Allies Which Will
Save Military Power
By J. W. T. Mason
(United .Press war expert)
New York July 13 Germany' an
ticipated ipeae offensive has been
clumsily beguu by Chancellor Hertling
Hig puipose is to throw the initiative
for. making detailed offers for ending
the war upon the allies, hoping thus
to bury .the principal allied demand
that German militarism be crushed be
fore a ipeace treaty can bo signed.
,V,on IlortHng interpret America's
resolve that the. Gomijm Inilitarists
be made iuipdtent as meaning America
is dcitenniiuon upon tho destruction or
German statesmanship. Von HertKng
is seeking to fool the German people
into consenting to further Wood sac
rifices for the Hohcnizollcrn megalo
maniacs who demand that the world
shall bow to tho divine right of kings.
The last hopo of the kaiser to con
tinue the destruction of German man
hood is that his suibjocts will full to
differentiate "between tho overthrow
of. Germany' war lords and the over
throw of Germany as a soverign state.
Von Hertling has now been set to work
to confuse the Germans over this issue
and to clear tho ground for new Gei
' If is ififficult to believe' the Get
man' peoj.'lo; can long bo deceived by
the despairing effort of the kaiser to
aft.ix the wlifish ambitions of his blood
slained royal house upon . Germany
future. If ho succeeds in doing Mm,
Germany will have no
future. Von
Hertling's camouflage means the kais
er's diplomats are now retiring to de
fensive positions. They are begging
the cruelly maltreated German people
tn ua.i-a .thni Aurn fniak mnfttnrH froiin
the rruuishinent Which an outraged
world is preparing to inflict.
Nothing, however, can prevent that
punishment. America 'a wonderful pro-
(Contlnued on page three)
Lands More Troops On Mur
man Coast to Repel Ger
man Advance
London, July 13 The British gov
ern mcTi't'iis sending considerable forces
into the Murman region in Russia, as
the result of an appeal 'from the Mur
man local governments, it was learned
from an authori'ativo source today.
Comparatively small forces of Brit
ish, French and1 American were re
ported to have be-n guarding a huge
amount of valuable supplies on the
Murman coast originally intended for
the RufUian armies.
Genrany recently announced her in
tention of "driving the English from
the north Of Russia," Finland covets
tho Murman region. For some time the
Finns and Germans have been prepar
ing for a joint campaign against that
.Recently the .population of the Mur
man region declared their indend
ence from Russia and aligned them
selves with tho allies. The bohthovik
government then threatened also to
proceed against the Murman region.
Thus facing the possibility of having
to fiijht the Germans, Finns and bob
shviki, the ISritiMi evidently are
greatly strengthening their forces in
northern Ruswia.
With tin American Armies in France
July 13. General Pershing personally
decoiatcrt seventeen of 32 officers and
men of the Xew England division who
were awarded the distinguished ser
vice cross. Ho then congratulated the
division as a wholo for its excellent
wo;k in the Lorraine line.
Rains and heavy winds swept the
battle fie'd yesterday end last night.
London, July 13. The morning
i)er today printed a notice fiom
thc American consul general requesting all
I Americans of military age in Great
'tt'taia to register.
Washington Officials, How
ever, Are Not Inclined to
Credit These Reports
Bad Weather Conditions In
terfere With Air Oper
ations, Haig Reports
London, July 13 British casualties
"published in official lists durtr.g the
week totalled 14,871. They were divlrl
Cil as follows.
. Killed Wounded Miss. Total
Oflicers 125 329 42 496
Men .. ...1,934 10,912 1.532 14,378
Totals 2,059 11,241 1,54 14,874
Washington, July 13. On the heels
of reports emanating from Dutch sourc
es yesterday that Fld Marshal Htn
denburg was ill, stock tickers hers to
day circulated a rumor that he was
dead. As Von Hinden burg's death has
Teen repeatedly reported In recent
woeks, officials hers were inclined to
be skeptical in the absence of any of
ficial reports. Yenorday'g report of
Von Hindenburg's illness said that
General Von Ludondorff had assumed
temporary command of sll the German
Paris. July 13. Making another
rapier-like thrust, French advanced
moro than a quarter ef a milo near
Porte Farm, 'between Montdidier end
the Oise, the war office anuounced to
Prisoners were taken in raids north
of the Avre, between the Oise and the
Marne and in the Champagne region.
"Between Montdidier and the Oise,
i'.Fronc.h posts iprogrossed 500 meters in
ltU9 region of Porte farm (11 miles
north west of Cammiegne and 18 miles
Wittowcst of Montdidier)," tho com
munique said.
"North of the Avre, between the
'Oise and the Marne and in the Cham-
;PK we took . ipnsone.m in raids
I n h I'lrdy front, the rrench ad-
i'venaed amnio and a quarter on a front
,r ro man inree nm yesLenruy
'tel and sevenal strong enemy positions
The advance was made between Cas
tel and Mailly-Raineval and gave the
'French possession of the heights dom
inating the Avre river.
The French attack on the Picardy
front wais made three miles north of
'Ainvil, which is reported to bo the
northern extremity of the American
Cantiny sector, Oilier Americans
'were rejKiried several weeks ago to be
'brigaded with the French along the
Mice river, between Hiingawl-l-.n-san-
(Continued on page six.)
General Pershing Reports
Seventy-One Casualties
Marines Thirty-Three
Washington, July 13. The marine
asualty list totalling 33 today was di
vided as follows:
Killed in action, 11: died of wounds,
received in action, 5; severely wounded,
Killed in action:
Sergeants I). A. Moskovich, Jersey
City, V. J.
B. T. Strain, Oreensourg, Jnff. -Corporal
E. H. Coldwcll, Medway,
Privates F. A. Cummings, California,
R. Ehrahardt, Cincinnati, Ohio.
11. G. Luhman, Oukfield, N. Y.
8. A. Nelson, Fife Lake, Mich.
F. K. Prosser, Fresno, Cal.
J. F. Reynolds. Clare, Ohio.
L. F. Richardson, Salt Lako City,
II. Waldron, Prummoml, T,enn.
Wed of wounds:
Gunnery Sergeant C. H. Norton,
Macy, Ind.
Corporal I). W. Keffer, Clairton, pa.
Privalos B. R. Fames, Blue Island,
W. B. Flanagan, Conception Junction
E. W. Mattlmore, Classon, Mich.
Wounded severely in action inc1iideU
Sergeant E. Runqtiist, Warren, Pa. .
Corporals B. C. Sler, Mayfield, Ky.
H. H. Thode, Orland, Cal.
Privates E. Blais, Duluth, Mirn.
Three Hundred and Thirty
Thousand Already 0a
: Fighting Line
General Make-Up of Various
rightm? Units Told by
Chief of Staff '
Washington. Julv 13. Three armv
corps of from 223,000 to 250,000 in each,
have been organized in France, "Chief
of Staff March revealed today.
United States troops in France now
number 1,100,000 General March tojd
the senate military committee 'today.
Of these, 331,000 are in the fighting
line and the others General March said
have reached a stage of training which
which would make them available in
an extreme emergency.
More than 250 American airplanes
have been shipped to France up to July
5, March said.
The organization of three corps is
follows: . -
The first corps Is composed of two
regular divisions and four national
guard divisions as follows: '
First division regulars under Major
General Billiard.
Beeoud division regulars Including
marines, under Major General Bundy.
Twenty Bixth (New England) divis
ion, snt to France, many of whose
members saw Mexican border service
mirier Major General Edwards, .' .,,
Forty Second, the Riiinbow division
from many states, Major General Meno-
hrr, commanding.
Forty First (Sunset) division, front
Pacific coast states, trained at Camp
Greene and which was oriirfually under
Major General Hunter Liggett now
temporary corps commander,
Thirty Second (Michigan and Wiscon
sin), teained at Camp MacArthur Major
General Hnan, commanding,
The Second corps consists of two na-
tioitnl armv. one regunont, ana tnrco na
tional guards divisions as follows:
Seventy Seventh rational army, tie
Xew York division, first national army
outfit sent to France and to the fir
ing lino. Major General George B. Pun
can fommanding. Originally trained by
Mnior Goneral Franklin Boll.
Thirty Fifth national guard divis
ion, Missouri troons, trained at Camp.
Donhihnn, Major General Wright com
manding. El.ghtv fWond national army divis
ion, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia
Mnior General Burnhnin commanding.
Thirtieth national guard division,
troops from District of Columbia, South
(Continued on page six)
C. F. Degrange, Berkeley Springs, W.
A. G. Giles, Oak Park, 111.
O. Harris, Grantvillc, Va.
J. II. Whited, Gay, W. Va.
L. Schettler, St. Louis, Mo.
E. G. Strubbe, Cincinnati, Ohio,
It. W. Wcittz, Itockton, 111...
L. Zak, Cleveland, Ohio. -
Previously reported severely wound
ed, now leported sick;
Private f. W. Gordon, Oquawka, III
Previously reported severely wound
ed, now reported pre'ent for duty:
Private V. V. Ingham, Hopkins, Mich.
Washington, July 13, Seventy one
casualties reported by General Pershing
today were divided as follows:
Kill,.,! in ni-tion. 14: died of wounds.
1; died of accident and other causes, 2;
wounded severely, 40; missing in action.
Killed in action:
Licutcnnnt H. A. Bucrineyer, Brook
lyn, X. Y.
Corporal E. Hayek, St. Paul, Minn.
Teamster J. J. Geisert, Chicago.
Privates W. W. Cole, Rapid River,
A. M. Duffy, Hoboken, N. J.
It, J. Howard, New.'ll, W, Va.
Z. Kryvoy, Russia.
D. Furray, Forest ville, Wis. .
F. W. Nenneman, Noble, Ohio. '
W. Orwick, Stculiciiville, Ohio.
V. Plowman, Gloinuwr, Ky. ,
(Continued on page six)