Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 11, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918.
J. C. Penney Co. Store at the
Lowest Prices
Ladies' Black Kid Vamp with cloth
top; has a good sensible toe, and a
militaryjieel J2.98
Ladies' Field Mouse Grey Kid Vamp
with khaki cloth top, welt sole and
half Louis heel; a very popular
shoe $4.98
White Canvas Oxford with Good
year Welt Sola and Military heel.
This is a very good, stylish oxford
that will please at $3 98
Ladies' Black Kid Vamp with khaki
cloth top. Has a very neat toe, and
Military heel; u winner at . . . . $49$
All Around Town
- Incorporated
3c )(c sc jc (t sfc jc sjc i( sc jJc sic 3(c
The Bflv. R. 8. Gill, manager of the
Commercial club 1b Hume from a busi
aogg trip to Portland.
Miss Ethel Iliilcs loft this morning
over the Oregon Electric for Seattle.
J. L. Bamsdcll of Detroit wan in the
eity yesterday registered at the Bligh.
E. 8. llawkos of Albany was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
Hagh C. McCammon and Ilarvo W.
Hoselton enlisted in the marine corps
Tuesday at the local recruiting of
fice McCammon is from Balein and
enlisted in aviation. Hoselton ig from
this city and will leave for. Portland
toon. Jiugone Guard,
.Odd Fellows Installed
New Officers Last Night
District Deputy Orund Master, H. W
Bimeral and suito, at tho regular meet
ing of C'hemckota Lodgo No. 1, I. 0, 0.
1'., last evening installed the following
officers: Noble Urand, P. h. Waters;
vice grand, Fillmore Tyrrell; secretary
Prank K. Churchill; treasurer, L. C.
Zimmerman; warden, W. M, Persons;
conductor, ti. J. Mineral; chnpliiin, J.
A. Patterson; It. sup. N. "0., H. W. Hini
eral; L. gup. N 0., C, K Albin; right
ceiw sup., Geo. Winchell; left scene
up., Jas. Carico; right sup. V. 0., A.
Kerb; inside guardian, J. A. (Josser;
eutside Guardian, V. A. Cummings.
The installing officers were us fol
lows: . District Deputy Grand Master H. W,
District Deputy Grand Marshal, C.
K. Albin.
District Deputy Grand Warden, E. G.
District Deputy Grand Secretary, H.
G. Henderson,
District lvputy Grand Treasurer, IV.
A. Cummings.
District Deputy Grand Chaplain. II.
K. Hell.
District Deputy Grand Herald, 0. 0.
District Deputy Grnnd Outsido Guard
ian, W. M. Kiegmund.
Washington, July 11. Brigadier Gen
ral W. 8 .Grave has been chosen to
lmad the Kigbth division, now in train
Snjr at Caanp Fremont, Cat., it was an
ounced at the war department today.
General Graves succeeds Major Goner-
et Jac.rnson.
t State House News J
Instead of BOlldintr nil fmtiirA
iHiitmentsj from iliultnoimnh county to
iuo nuwn uregon nospital tor tue
Snsano a numlber of luitientg will bo
transferred from .thn On. (run ut.oto hn..
Ifitol to tho eastern Oregon hospital,
ha a means of relieving tho crowded
t-ondition atithe Balelni institution. This
vhange in the plans of the etato board
lias been made at the request of Dr.
,"W. D. At&Nary, superintendent of the
'eastern Oregon hospituJ, who said that
'ha thought less disaatisfiuctioii would
result if the cthango were made. The
Aulmibor of porsons committed to the
fcsylum boa greatly increased in tho
man year, nn vc, rateiner atuouueg it
'to war conditions.
Mrs. H. K. Donnelly, stenographer
for the desert kind board, and Miss
'draco Dabcaek, atenogrcuphor for, the
tate water ibrtnrd, left lat night for
I'Oamip Lewis wheno Mrs. Donnelly will
IVisit her husband, who is expected to
'he ordered awny within tho next few
Mays. They will also visit Mrs. Harvey
tM. Slater, wife of Captain Slater, who
Is a physician at tho 'base hosipitnl at
Xtainnp Lewis. Mr, Water was formerly
'Miss Murgarcib Mers, who served sev
ernl yrn-rs as gecrntary of tho state
'woitor iboard,
i Two 17 year old boya psenped yes
tordy afternoon from tho Oregon
ntto training choil. One was John
t'ollins, went to the school from Port
'land, and the othor wns Prank Can
non, sent from Enterprise, in Malheur
county. They were driving teanns in
"'tho bean fild when they drove over a
'hill, out -of sight of the institution,
Vind loft their tennis and ran. Collin
"is diwribed a being fivo fecit, six
finches tall; weiglm 1110 pounds, has
,1)hto eyes end light hair, and is erect,
'while (Jnnnon is described as boing the
Isamo height weigli 135 pounds, has
lilua eyes which are wassod, is eroct
and has rugged pliygique.
I n
Tlio Southern IHu'afie today filed
"ft-ith tho public ecrvieo conumiission an
application fur authority to close the
fetation at" Midland, on the Klamath
Vall branch. The cmuptiny giivg it is
jBhorb of men and tho agent thoro is
needed "at a amoro important plaeo dur-
'mg the period of the war.
ASHBY. At the family home six milei
east of Cauby, July 10, 1918, Mrs
Sarah Ida Ash by, at the ago of 57
. y.earg. :
" Besides her husband, Grant Afhby
ha is survived by a li year old son and
a daughter, Mrs. Henry BicMer 'of Can-
The funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home
of ler mother, Mrs. W, J. Humphreys
Burial will be in the Simpson cemetery
near Eochy Point.
Tho Northwest iWiety of Highway
'Engineers will meet at the Benson ho
tol in Portland Saturday, which ig the
aime t'mo that the Commonwealth
conference is achoduled to lie held at
tho Imjwrial hotel. Herbert Nunn, pres
iileat of wo giH'iety of ongtneern, re
volves! an invitation todny for his go
ioty to moot with t'i Oimnnonweallh
conference, et least during Saturday
forenoon when road niattejrg wiU hg
undor consideration.
Electric Cars Loaded With
Wood FaD Thirty Feet With
Broken Bridge
Portland, Or., July 11 Two men wore
killed and ono seriously injured today
whon a four car efectrie freight .train
of the Portland Hallway fell eighty
feet into tho- Clackamas river in Cluck
amas county,
Tho cars were heavily loaded with
wood. Wh,?ntliey had reached a mid
point of tho high trestle bridgo over the
Clackamas, the bridgo collapsed. With
a great roar the entire train crashed
down into twonty feet of water. Only
the chJoof,3 now can bo 'seen.
The dead nro:
Engineer William Murray, Portland.
Conductor, A. U. Kinder Oak Grove.
Injured: K. L. Kearney, Portland, re
ported serious.
The Portland head officials said it
had not received any neports to the ef
fect the bridgo was in bad condition.
Stocks Active and Weak
In Wall Street Today
Now York, July 11. The Evening
Sun financial review today said:
Hoth throughout the first hour of
trading before and generally after the
recess between 11 o'clock and noon in
tho New York stock exchange out of
respect to the Into Mayor John Purroy
Mitchell, the market was activo and
weak, with a largo expansion ia tho
volume of trading. Tho declines in the
active list ranged from two to four
points before they wore checked and
concentrated selling from a few firms in
Tho market ruled steady in the Into
trading, but became les active and
fluctuated narrowly as the profession
al selling subsided. Nevertheless, the
sales for tho day wow in excess of 000.-
mm stmres. The advances in price from
the lows of the day were generally frac
tional. Net losses of from one to three
points prevailed in the industrial list,
while tho rail net losses were incon
Address at Commercial club,
by Colonel John Hibbard and
John H. Kollock.
July 11. Address at armory
by Colonel John Hibbard.
July 11, Address on hygiene
at Commercial club for soldiers
8 p. m.
July 21-27 Chautauqua week.
Dr. U. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. ti.
"The funeral beautiful"
Clougn Co
Webb ft
Lloyd E. Hewett elisted in the nary
this morning going in as seaman ' the
second class. His next of kin is. his
mother, Mrs. Clara Hewett ol Hubbard.
He is 20 years old.
After June 1, my mends and pa
trons will find me in Moore building
on Court street, up first stairway east
of Brewer's drug Btore. Phone 695.
Mary C. Kowland, M. D. 7-13
Articlos of incorporation were filed
Winy by three eainnaiiies, as follows:
Portland Inside Investment com
pany, Portland; capital stork $fiU00;
ineorpomtcHr, O, A. Neal, D. Dovor
eaiix and M. H. David.
Apl'liiby-Hyrnes-KogerS contpahiy,
Portland; lumber commission business;
capital stock $12,000; incorporators. H
V. Appleby, O. E. Hjtm, '. K. Kog
rs. Hatem.in Machinery company, Tort-
land; capital stock $20,000; incorpora
tors, John J. Katcman, J. H. Middle--ton
and M. H. Cterk.
Fifty boys from the Oregon state
training scliool are now employed in
the loganberry fields, according to 8u
peinitendent Gil'bert. Thirty boys arc
l&ckin lerrie oln , ,thi L'unningliam
faun, nine milie from Salem- Mr. Cun
ningham tukea the boys to and from
the evhool in an auto truck each day.
Twenty Iniys from the school are camp
ed at Hollywood, east of the state fair
grounds and are picking berries.
Tho Dewhihtcs Mutual Telephono com
pnny of Itend has applied to the pub
lic service commission for authority
to lihTcaso rate.
We sell for cash. Commencing July
1st we will conduct our business on a
strictly cash basis. Pat ton's Book
Store. tf
Auy members of a Bed Cross auxiliary
who have yarn from the chapter may re
turn finished articles any Friday or Sat
urday afternoons to headquarters at tho
United States national bank building.
"The best" Is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb ft dough Co.
Phone 120. tf
F. K. DuEette, of Fairfield, left a four-
pound box of . cherries at the Capital
Journal office yesterday with his re
gards and they were duly appreciated
The cherries were of the Lambert var
iety and the finest we have seen this
Irrigation Even numbers, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. and Sun. Odd numbers. Tues.
Thurs., Sat. and Sun. Even numbers
are on the south and east side of
street. Odd numbers are on north and
west side o street. , tf
o r-
On orders from John K. Kullock, the
talk to soldijrs and men of Class 1, will
not be given' at the court house tonight
as first announced. After the address
of Colonel John Hibbard at the Com
mercial club, soldiers and prospective
soldiers will be asked to remain to hear
tho address on hygiene by Captain C
E. Cullison of Camp Lewis.
Auto tires of quality The Miller
1 per cent perfodt, and the well
known Revere. Every wre makes a sat
isfied! custonftr. I save your Tim cut
and sideiblowout tires. Clark's Tire
House. 819 N. Com'l. 7-13
Hear Rev. Hart of ef Plainview,
Or., at the First United Brethren
church in Yew Park next Sunday at
11 a. in. audi at 8 p. m.
Artisans . attention
Eeigular meeting tonight.
There is one man who failed to npet
to the local exemption board for tk-j
last call and the matter was dropped by
the board. It just happens that he has
a year or so to servo in the Oregon
state penitentiary, and under the ' cir
cumstances, while willing, found it in-
convcuiejit to report.
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to nil who extended their a
sistance and words of aynuiethy to us
in (this, our sad .ncrenvemiont, and for
tho beautiful floral offerings. F. P.
Farrington, Mr. and Mrs. C. Van
Patten and family.
Woodry the auctioneer, will operate
two auction houses, one in Salem and
Portland, ho will continue to make Sa
lem his headquarters and is iprctparod
to handle all the furniture, etc., the
public, has fr slo. Phono 510 or 511
The local exemption board has receiv
ed ' instruction regarding the entrain'
ment of the 88 men for Camp Lewis on
Thursday July 23. The men aro to meet
at tho court house at 9 o'clock on that
&if for their final instructions. They
will entrain at the Southern Pacific, de
pot for the 1:35 p. m. train. As this is
th,e largest number thar has been call
ed at any ono time, efforts will be
made to give them an appropriate farewell.
Big dance at Macleay Sat. night.
Lunch served iby ladies of Macleay
auxiliary. 7-12
Phone 610 or 611, Woodry the auc
tioneer, if you want ito sell your furn
iture, rugs, ranges, office furniture,
0 .
S. S. Howard on trial before Justice
Webster's court on a charge of assault
and battery on warrant sworn out by
Klmer Todd was yesterday found guilty
as charged and fined $2o and costs, and
released on $10 bonds as he filed notiSe
of appeal to the circuit court. As th.e
jury on tile first trial Tuesday failed
tit &eree on a ballot of 3 to 3, it was
fomm necessary to hold a second trial
when thg jury convicted on the nst
ballot. The costs in the trial will amount
to nioro than $100.
The army enlistments during the past
ten days from the Portland district arc
are follows: Baker, 10; The Dalles, 5;
Salem, 7; Eugene, 3; Grants l'asi, 1;
Portland, 23 and Aberdeen, 3.
The report of the condition of the
United States National Bank, showing
total resources of $l,714,990.4o, at the
close of business June 29, is printed in
today's Capital Journal.
The river is now one foot below sv?ro
the lowest since November 30, 1917. On
that day and the following there waf
heavy rains and the water came up
about six fe,t in two days aid again
six leej on Decembor 1, 1917, making
a rise of 12 feet in the river for the
three days. One year ago today the
riv,er wag throe feot auove the xcro
mark. ,
The Spaulding Logging company has
completed arrangements to go on a two
shift basis of eight hours .?ach. The first
shirt will begin work at 6 o'clock in
the morning and get off at 2:30 in the
afternoon. The second shift will go on
at 2:30 in the afternoon and quit work
at 11 o'clock at night. About 73 extra
men will be given work on the two shift
plan. The company has war orders and
other business already booked to guar
anteo its employes steady work.
o :
Restaurants report but few patrons
kicking on the new order not permitting
any one the privilcgo of using as much
sugar as in the past. Those who have
belonged to the two or three spoonsful
class for each cup of coffee appear to
bo resigned and taking tho new order
cheerfully. Tluo one pound of sugar to
every meals also includes the amount
tho restaurant uses in pies, cakes and
sucn, ana not merely that used with
tea or corfee.
The next payment col the Third Lib
erty loan will be due Thursday, July
, one wcck rrom today. Xhe payment
is for SB per cent of the bond, which
ligmea ot course J17.50 for one bond
cf $30 and $35 for a ono-hundred dol
lar bond. Tufise are to be taken up at
the bank obsignated when the bond was
subscribed for. However, it is not nec
essary is hold off until the 18th to malte
this payment as it would facilitate mat
ters if payments were made any dav
and not wait until the big rush on tho
itn. me Iinal payment of the Third
Liberty loan bonds will be August 13
T-r a
William Baltimore of Mill City was
brought befora Justice Webster's court
this afternoon charged with angling
within 200 feet of a fishery. The case
was dismissed on motion of the district
attorney as the charge did not consti
tute a crime. The law provides that fish
must hot bo takon from the water wi fa
in 600 feet of a fishway and that ang
ling with 'a fish line within 20Q feet
of a fishway is unlawful. It seems that
Baltimore wos fishintr but caueht. nn
fish and that as the law read, he had
committed no misdemeanor.
. -
When William F. Woodward address
ed the Commercial club recently, he said
Large Assortment of Knit
and Muslin Underwear and
Summer Lingerie
Women's Vests and Combinations in extra fine t
vests at 13c, 18c, 25c and 49ci;
union suits 59c, 75c and 98c
muslin gowns 75c to $1.45
Warner's Brassieres made of heavy muslin and t
wen stayed 59c, 65c and 75c
Complete Showing ef
CORSETS FROM $1.00 to $3.50
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
PHONE 1072
Albany Couple Couldn't
Be Married at lapital
Aceording to the experiences of the
officials of the county clerk's olfice,
whore marriage licenses are obtained,
the average prospective husband cannot
underhand why the law pays no atten
tion to where he lives, but that the
license must be tahcn out in the county
where the prospective bride lives.
This morning Fred D. Hukell a.id
Pearl Thrasher, both of Albany thought
they would be married in the capital
of the state and came to Salem just
on purpose to celebrate that event. Ia
that a dwiggist had very little chance (aPP'"? for thcir warmge license.
vvviy uiuig nciib ncn uuiu uiq usuiu
question was asked as to the future
bride's residence. When told that her
home was at Albany, the proceedings
at once stopped. Before they may mar
ry, it will be necessary to apply to
the county clerk of Linn county.
After the license is once issued, the
parties may have the ceremony perform
ed in any part of the stato, was the
information given. But application for
the marriage certificate must be made
in the county in' which tho future bride
lives. And to make the marriage entirely
legal the marriage certificate must bo
signed by the official performing tho
ceremony and signed by two witnesses
and then returned to the county clerk
where the license was issued to be for
mally recorded. There) is a fine for min
isters as well as other officals who per
form a marriage ceremony, yet do not
make the official returns to the coun
ty clerk.
Our idea of patriotic agriculture is
landing a haymaker on the kaiser
cf becoming acquainted with his fam
ily us ha had such long hours and work
ed seven days a week. If the druggists
adopt tho resolution which was intro
duced yesterday in Portland at the Ore
gon Pharmaceutical Association, the Sa
lem drug stores will hereafter all close
at 9 o'clock in tho evening. At the ses
sion yesterday. J. C. Perry was elect
ed first vice president of the associa
Mike Rasmussen, a member of the
Elks' lodgo, writes secretary II. J.
Wiedmer from San Francisco. He is
liow doing sorvico in the mechanical arts
school in the machine shops. He writes
that for the first few days, the recruits
wre drilled pretty steadily but after
being assigned work for instructions in
tho machine shops, there was but two
hours a day drilling. The first hour's
drill is from 7 until 8 o'clock in the
morning and the second hour from 5
until 6.o 'clock in tho evening. They
begin shop work at. 8:30, have ono and
one-half hours for lunch, and on Again
for instruction and work from 1:15 to
4:30 p. in. Ho likes the meals Uncle
Sain servos and says that "Doc" Lewis
is looking fino and that Orin La Course
is in tho mechnnical shops with him.
This evening at the Commercial club
addresses will be made by Colonel John
Hibbard of the Oregon Guard and John
K. Kullock, secretary of the state coun
cil of defeuR?. Their talks will be mostly
on what tho state council of defense is
doing and tho necessity of sueh work
during the war. The address by Captain
C. E. Cullison, which wns to have been
delivered at tho Court house, to Clnss
I men and other soldiers, will also take
place at tho Commercial club, follow
ing the talk of Colonel Hibbard and Mr.
Kullock. A letter was received today
from Mr. Kullock stating that as the
two meetings had been called for the
samo evening, it would be better to have
both take place at the auditorium of
the Commercial club. The address of
Captain Cullison is for men only and
especially thtso who expect to be call
ed into the service.
New York, July 11, Ichiya Kuma
gae, the sensational Japanese tennis
player who holds fifth place among the.
ranking tennis players of the United
States, may return this summer to this
country, according to an announcement
today by the United States . National
Lawu Tennis association. .
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Fall Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before yon sell.
271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734
New York, Judy 10. The unfilled
tonnage of the United States Steel cor
poration increased 581,243 tons, the
monthly statement issued today enid.
The unfilled tonnage totalled 8,916t6
July 29, against 8,337,023 Mav 31, 8.
741,882 Apidl 30, and 11,387,287 tons
June 30 last year.
Klamath Falls fishermen are quoted
by the Herald as loudly touting Dia
mond lake, in northern Klamath, as tin
excelled for fishing. They get 'em a!
tig as eight pounds, and all they want
Ferry and Liberty Streets
Every Saturday
10:30a.m., 1:30 p m.
10;30 a. m.
10 Berk and Poland China Pigs
6 weeks eld; 1 Jersey Bull 6
months old "fat'; 1 nearly new
Corn Cultivator.
Horses, wagon, tools, etc.
1:30 p.m.
Household Furniture of all kinds.
Note: I have opened an auction
house in Portland and am pre
pared to handle -all the second
hand Furniture the public may
have to sell. I will hold sales at
the Portland store each Monday
and sales here in Salem each
Saturday. Store open at all
times for private sales.
Respectfully vours,
The Auctioneer.
Phone 510 or 611
care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea C.
Has medicine which will enre
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, m.
until 8 p. m. '
153 South High St
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid ot
Used Furniture
E. L. STIFF & SON -Phone
941 or 508
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398