TODAY WEATEEH 4,600 SUBSCRIBERS (23,000 READERS) DAILY Only Circulation In Salem Gor ' ante-ej by the Audit B ureas of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE T AL LEY NEWS' SERVICE To 60 To Wopy fwm o n 13: Oregon: Tonight and Friday fail; gentle northwest erly winds. ii Jilt. ClJlLl!. , K , .-5 1 vt.' V.T, FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 162 SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS OK TBADT8 AKD KEWi STANDS 1'IVK CENTS XX illiiriffll, f2! BS1BE SH CZfCtid-SLOVAKS III Official Gives Interview to Japanese Newspaper Set - ting Fojth Ideals RUSSIAN VAR FRONT TO BE RE-ESTABLISHED Ukraine In State of Country wide Revolution Against German Oppressors Tokio, July 11. Policies of the new Siberian government set up at Vladi vostok by the victorious Czecho-Slo-Taks ware outlined In an interview which a member of the Czech govern ment gave to a correspondent of the Japanese newspaper Nlchi Mchi in Vladivostok. Tho government says the interview, da a not recognize the Brest-Litovsk treaty; its purposes to effect the auto nomy of Stbeiria; to lehabilitate the army and sjnd troops to re-establish the eastern front; it will not repudiate the Russian national debts, and Siber ia will py her share of them. An official Japanese statement is sued here announces the capture of Ha barovsk by the Czechs. A considerabl force of red guards surrendered.says the statement, and the Czechs pursued the remainder of the enemy toward Nlco larevsk. Stockholm, July 11. the bolshevik war commissariat of the northern re gion of Russia, following the landing of allied troops on the Murman coast, ordered hurried war preparations, it was leirned here today. Military units hav.j been ordered forapd and the workmen and peasants of the classes of 1896-97 have been call ed into service for at least six months. Three hundred Serbian and Italian of fid a have been arrested at Arch angel upon order of Premier Lenine, it is reported. American Consul Poole and British Consul Lockhardt, visited Foreign Min ister Tchitcherin at Moscow and de nied they had published a secret state ment urging aliied intervention. By Joseph' Shaplen (United Press slalif eOrrcspondi i.t) . Stockholm, July 11. Ckrainc is in o state of country wide revolution, ac cording to dispatches received here to--lay. The German1! are pouning iu rein foreennerats, whii'h now iluave reached a, total of 35' divisions (420,000 men.) The peasants 'have goveiftl small ar niies of 15.000 to 20.000 each, all well .armed and with artillery and machine guns. These are defending the villages and whole sections, of trenches. The fight is not of a political char- (Continued on page two mm Young Man From Liberty Now In United t States Airplane Service The following leltter written from Amtth Vn rnsliHrmioh In thr pmiiits nf ' .Hants, England, is from O. L. McDon ald uf.the 806 Aero Squadron. U. S. air service aud is to Pan F. Langeu b.rg. The writer lived near Liberty and has many friends in the city. He enHs cd Dec. 6, 1917, for airplane ser vice, was sent fii-st. to Vancouver, then to Texas anl then direct to- E ,-wlieie he is now located within 11 mili.a nf I.nndin i n won Ml FM He writes in part: "We have been ; e"t front would liberate excellent road in England now for Htfveru! weeks anrtjw'a"s or the purpose. on the whole we have received rea'lv a jHendid rfcition and especially is this true of the civilian folks. Four years of war without victory has nrsde the srldiei just a Irttle sensitive and w? lave to be very guarded in our remarks t theni not to offend. The (Continued on page, four) muamsm FIGHT ON PRUSSIANS ALLIES COMPLETE IN AIRHASTERY ON WEST ERONT German Aviators Now Fight ing Mainly On Defensive and In Night Raids BOMBS ARE DROPPED Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt Fights German Flyer and Wins Victory By William Philip Simms (United Press staff correspondent) With tho British Armies in'Fiauce, July 11. . Allied aviators apparently have attained absolute mastery ot tne air. They are catrying the aerial warfare far .behind the German lines. Altho given (the beat weather 'of 'the whole war there is comparatively little bat tling, duo to the cxtreime caution of 'phe tlermian airmen. Their activities are confined to night bcaubina, while the British bomb all night and fight all day. when anything can be seen. The 'bodies conduct, their bombing operations from an altitude of about ten thousand feet, owing to the belch ing fire from our "archie." The British bombers drop down to a heiiaht of 500 fecit or even fifty feet before they let loose their high ex- (Continued on page three) ALBANIAN MOVE OF ITALY PUZZLES EXPERT OBSERVERS 'Any One Or All of Four Rea sons Are Set rorth As Ob jects for Offensive . By J. W. T. Mason (United Press War Expert) ! New York, July 11. Italian ope a-1 turns in Ainania are puzzuug irr inc niounent as to the objectives which are b"jng sought. The new offensive has coma without any warning and it is difficult lo determine what tho Italain general btnff has in mind. Uiev are four possiblo reasons for j the drive: First To supply the demand for uo.v vittorios, which have beon stimulated is Italy by the recent sucee;s?s against t lie Austio-IIungarions. Hi-cond To create a diversiou that nill -prevent the Austro-Hungaiiaus t'niiii concent rating all their forces for a new attack along the Piave. Third Tu encourage the spirit of re viit among (he Slav nationalities iu Au.-tria-Uungory. Wurtli To prepare the way for an aliied offensive in the Balkans. "."cry likely, tho first three reasons are acting co-operatively. Whether the final ami by far the most important pliability, is being seriously considered must be regarded doubtfully until there is inore evidence. For tlv. allies to at tempt a 'major advance in the Balkans 3. this time would be a serious drain! m their strength. Greek aid would lx m.'cessarv to a verv large extent and it is not probable that the Greek army is as yet supplied with, munitions of war on a sufficient scale to give reasonable sin-' tr of suceess. If, however, at a later tune, it is the intention of the allies to nttemr.t to oywrlhrow the Bulgarians, valuable ship - ping space coum be saved oy moving ng'aml.i?,ie". Gr-'ece "Y"'1"3 a"v AI"ithe Belmont Stakes and the Snburba'n t about .ban"-And advance of but a short rtu-1 Handicap, wiU earrv ton wcighl of 127 iniiee y tne Italians Deyona tneir pee - TRAITOR TO FEDERAL PRISON. Saa Francisco, July 1? i.aurence ue Lacey, convicted of plotting to effect the escape of German consular officials! from Ang.el Islond was tn route to Mc-j eighteen month sentence. ITALIANS PUSH AUSTRiANS BACK W1THVVIDESWEEP Advance Reaches Point Where Bulgarian Right Wing Is Threatened OBJECTIVE SEEMS TO BE OLD ROMAN ROAD British Troops Again Ad vance South of Semeni Improving Positions Rome, July 11. The Italians, contin uing their advance in Albania, are forc ing the Auitrians back tov'ari the SkUumba river, the Italian war office announced today. "In Albania, we are continuing our advance," the statement said. -'The Austrlans are retreating toward tho !khumba river." The Italians evi4ently. have cross ed the Semenl river, which represented an advance of 15 miles from the Vojut za, over the sixty mile front from tho Adriatic to the Devoli river. The Skhumba is 15 miles north of the Semeni. Sunning through the Skhum ba valley is the Old Roman road from Monastir to the sea, which is the main military objective of the Italians. Th important city of Elbasan also is lo cated in the valley. ON NEW DEFENSE LINE. Vienna, Via London, July 11. "We have organized our new defensive line iu Albania," the Austrian war office announced todoy. "A French company, feeling its way down the valley of the DtvoU, was re niiUed." By Ed L. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent) London, July 11. Italian forces aid ed by French and Albanians together witu British naval unita, are sweeping (Continued on page three) A BAD DREAM. Bedding, 'Cal., Julf 11. Dreaming the hotel was afire, Thomas Quinlan this morning jumped out of a third floor win dow, landing on a brick pile pile below. He fractured three ribs and sustained internal injuries.His condition is serious. ft;!? FORD CHASER SWAMPED. Detroit, Mich., July 11. Eagle number one Henry Ford's sub marine getter probably will slip into the waters of the River Rogue late today. The exact time of the launching is bein. kept secret but officials say the new typa of hoat Is ready to 1 sent on its mission. Only a few offi cials and ship workers will be permitted to witness the Eagle's glide into the water. No cere mony has been arranged. s)c sfc sc i(c sc jc jfc s(c jjs jfc sjc sjc ))c FIRST BIO RACE. New York, July 11. The first tesl i tu .,., i.r? u.n ul three year old thoroughbreds on the eostcrn tracks will come today at the AnniHupf trar-k whpn Aaic lfarn .Tr I t.'. " " .a , C. n II , Z:7, 1.' ! ra(e a mile and ow, f urlon jonren winner of the Lgtonia dcrbv 1 noun,, Th nthpr .n. ....... 12. r,nll,1a ITALIAN GENERAL KILLED- Rome, July 11. General Uniberto Fadini. com'mandinz the artillerv of , the 1 wentv Third arniv eoTips, was kill- ed br an eni-mv- shell wltile leading a" reconnaissance on the Piave, it wos announced yesterday. He was a greit er. . . TILE" DELIVERS HAIL UNDER DIFFICULTIES L.-sVw' ... UNCLE 8AM DKUVKRS MAIL CLOSK UP -TO K1R1NO LINE The U. S. marinas receive their mail at their dugout - door. This photograph shows a U. S. mianiue receiving his mail. Note- tho insignia of the marine corps on the mail bag France. ' . () Committee on Public iuforma tion, from Underwood & Underwood Thirteen Marines Killed In Action 4 Wounded Die Most of These Named In Cas ualty List Today From East-One Calif ornian Washington, July 11. Marino casual ties reported today totalJJS5, divided as follows: Killed in action, 13; d.'ed of woi.nds 4; wounded severely, 18. - The list follows: ' Killed in action: Second Lieutenant J. A., Montelair, N. J. Gunnery Sergeant A. Russell, Osh kosh, Wis. Corporal P. L. Dowle, Chicago. . ' Privates' J. F. Blaloek, Hamlet, N. 0 C. Boehm, Irvington, N. J. W. H. Coughlin, Chicago. F. 1). Fairclough, Beacon, N, Y. R. J. Ford, 'Detroit, Mich. G. O. Hainkt, Anniston, Al, P. M. Kidwell, Berkeley, Cii E. J. Labonte, York Buach, Maine C. A. O'Connor, Orlando, Fla. B. F. Schaufle, Cleveloiid, Ohioi Died of wounds received in action: First Lieutenant G. H. Yarborougli, Mullins, S. C. . Privates N-. D. Hutchinson, Easton, Colo. ' . W. B. Pickai tz, Chicago. H. A. Wendel, Chicago. WounrV'd in action severely: t Corporal J. Vucick, Chicago. Privates Jf D. Quan, Chicago. W. E. Osborne, dental, surgeon, U. S. N nttnclicd to the marines, killed in oc.tion. SE POSSE ON TRAIL 0FJ5ANDITS Three Men Were Shot During - 1 ram Robbery, But Will Recover Paola, Kan., July 11. Bandits who held up the M. K. and T. "Texas Spec ial" ot Koch, Kansas, last night, were reported today to be hiding in a wood ten miles south of Paola. Nearly 200 officers and armed citizens were trying i to surround them. A battle was expect ed. I Paola, Kan. Julv 1 1 . A second posse -started -today on the trail of 13 bandits who lielil up the "Texas Special" of the Misouri- Kansas and Texas rail road, shot thrc? persons, nibbed sever al a-wtengers and lotted the mail and express ears. Fireman R. E. Carter, Train Auditor 'E. C. Witcher ami Mrs. L. D. Williams, -. . i t it :n :- ' cover. The t'-andit boarded the train whon it stopped on a siding. Thev marched through two roaebesr firing through the windows mi l into the ceiling. The d Mrs. Williams we?c wonnaert when thev sh;t into trie floor of a day coach and compelled the pas sengers rii 'liiibl on the seats. , Lrvkia? ilnc-r-s i tho coa'-h, the .M,pr rushed the ciiliine and com- )elr.rl the crew to dismou;.'-. They un - t ounled the ,i,i! and express cars and 'ian them a mile from the siding, "where thev the registered mail Hen; tf their loot undetermined. - 1 General Pershing Says Sixty-eig h t In' Casualties Five Killed In Action-Ten Die of Wounds and Two Others of Disease Washington, July 11. General Per. shing today reported 68 casualties di viil'ju'as "ellu'fs:"' ,," y ' ' "" Killed in action, 5; died of wounds; 10; died of disease, 2; died of accident and other causes, 1; wounded severely 20;. wounded slightly, 1; missing .in ac tion, 23. Killed in action: ' Corporals W. 0. Gorncr, Harrisbuig, Pcnn. R. Haugh, Saul St. Morie, Mich. Wagoner T. J. Brewer, Finley, Tenn. Privates R- H. Lasser, Dorchester Mass. J. H. Socl, Gottysburj, Pa. Bied of wounds: Lieutenant Jouett . Fitch Singleton, New York. ' Corporal C. R. Maler, East Patchogue, N. Y. Privates R. J. Carpenter, Freedom Station, Ohio. E. Cart,er, Seminole, Okla. T. Cihocki, Jersey City, N. J. D. Gorcister, Los Angeles, Cal. G. K. Mackenzie, Concord, Mass. T. Marallo, Italy. T. F. Rhymes, Silsbee,' Texas G. Stankus, Chicago. Died of wounds: Died of disease: Cook E. W. Rupert, Saltsburg, Pa. Private C. If. H'tchel, Los Angeles, Cal. Diod from accident asd other causes: Private Frank Levine, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wounded severely! Privates G. W. Barta, Big Fork, Mont W. Legeres, Chicago. II. L. Stvalton, Dns Moines, Iowa. Correction: Tin following .previously listed as wounded severely should m listed as "missing in action": Captain J. F. Williamson, Sebasto pol, Cal. RPLANE SCATTERS FLOWERSFGR HERO Follows Over Cortege That Pays Respect to Memory . of Former Mayor New Yoik, July 11. The body of Ma jor John Puiroy Mitehel, former mayor of N."w York was borne to its grave today ait lines of silent thousands stood uneoveied along the ronte of the impres sive prcession which escorted the bronzo coffin. Tho bell in the tower of tho city hall sil.--nt since the memorable day whon Mitehel, then chief executive of the city, welcomed Marshal Joffre and Imb party, tolled slowly as the parade wound pat. The subway hummed under neath, an aeroplane droned overhead the scuff of marching feet sounded sparrows twittered, but ther3 was no 1 sound irnm tne tnrong wnicn sioou on- ,-til the last man of that long procession j hud pawed the coffin which rested on .its block (jiin caisson at the entrance to ' (Continued on page twoj STORY OF BATTLE IN THE BALLEAU WOOD OF YANK BATTALION Regulations Imposed Upon Newspapers by War Industries Board V On account of the shortage of materials the question of the supply of paper is becoming acute and the use of paper must be economised to the i .greatest jmssrble extent. It is noeessary that' all newspapers which publish a 'daily and weekly edition put I ..linn .'i;...;n... u. ! Mkies into effect July 13, 1918: . Discontinue the acceptance of the return of unsold copies Di.i'oii'tiimie the use of all samples or freo promotion cop- ies- Diacontiuuo jf'v'nS copies to nybody except for office workers or where required by atatnte law in the ease of of- fieial advertising. Discontinue giving free cop- ies to .advertisers, except not more than one otty each for checking -purposes. Discontinue the arbitrary forcing cf copies on news deal- er (i. c., compelling them to ilniy more copies than they can JegS':nitely sell in ofuer to hold certain territory.) Discontinue the buying back of papers at either wholesale- or rotalil selling price from dealers or agent, in order to c'uro preferential represent- tion. '' Discontinue the payment of selarios or conuulsion to aigents, 'dealers, or newsboys Ifor the purpose of securing the equivalent of rotiuu privileges Discontinue all free, exehnnge THOMAS E. DONNELLY, Chiof, Pulp and Paper 8e- ,tion. War Industries Board. Farmer . Tried to Get His Rival Drafted Eugene, Or., July 11. Cupid tried 'to uso Mars as a tool iu a piece of un derhanded Work, but lost out. The ap peal board for the aocond Oregon dis trict discovered the trick and set thjings right. It learned that a young farmer whoso right to occupational exemption had been questioned, had been work ing continually on the fur,in and was 'entitled to exemption. It also learned that the ono who questioned the classi fication was the young tamer's rival for the hand of a girl. FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD SAYS CONDITIONS GOOD Crop Prospects Indicate That War Demands for Food . Will Be Fully Met Washingtnn, July 11 Crop pros pecilu throughout the nation indicate Amui'ica this year will be ready to meet the war deiniands for food with out difficulty, according to the federnl reserve board's monthly wnnnary of business conditions issued here today. Confidence iu the business situation is marked in every Miction, tho sum mary 'reports. The geuuial public has apted without question tlie idea of giving precedence to. government re quirements, and government regulation of cummodities and industries has aid ed in cstahlihini au equiliVium which now is almost nation wide, the state ment says. Tremendous -cmps in the miildlo west have caused a lalhor shortage in that region which threatens to become acute Competitive bidding for the services of common labor has brought condi tions iaiiiong the land owners which so far have failed of solution, according to the suimmarry. Tho weather and temperature so far, have been the f:ir mors' allies in ham sting their great crops, the wttttement adds. General business conditions in fed eral reserve rtiicts follow: lioston Active with increase in for eign ttadc and industries running at capacity. , New York Unusual increase in gross earnings tit practically every line of trade and a wide admptiou of produc tion of war essentials. Philadelphia Extreme labor short age in both city and county, handi capping the completion of gigantic war contracts as well as harvesting bump er crops. Cleveland Excellent rerop prospects throughout the dirtst and busy in dustries. Richmond, Va. Business generally limited only by labor and supplies. Atlanta Much labor leaving for work in industries with resultant short- a!i locally. Chiiiago Industries having difficul ty in running at capacity because of How Their Line of One Thous and Men Obey Orders to Clear Wood . The following is the second and con cluding story by Lowell. Mellett, de scribing the battle of Belleau wood and the maneuvers preceding it. It is tht ' story of a battalion of American boys one thousand men. Yesterday's story concluded with the statement: "Thi night of the eighth they were told they were to attack in the morning." By Lowell Mellett (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the Americans On the Marne. June 23. (By Mail, passed by the cen sor). They did so, moving down toward Lucy and advancing on Belleau wood. (Lucy is just west or the souther point of Belleau wood now the Bois Des Americans which extends about mile and a half northward, nearly to th.. village of Belleau). They combed tho ravine in right of the road as they went and collected 3B4 prisoners. The movement was made in double wave, the first line In 'skirmish, formation; tho second echeloned ia squares carrying grenades, rifles and automatic rifles. The skirmishers fired from the hip, something new for the Germans and they fired accurately, as foiling bodies showed. Most of tha en emy machine guns, however,-weie takea in bayonet rushes. ,. "The German machine gunners shot like he'l till our bayonets wens elose up." said one member of the battalion. "Then 'kamorad' "I Thirty five German infantrymen, on tho other hund, surrendered to a pick aud shovel gang of .fifteen men. , . In tho afternoon the Germans start ed shelling tho advancing Americana, The latter 's preparatory barrage liad proven ineffective and their position was uiieomfortable. Reaching their de signated 'objective they found the bat talion with which they were expected to connect on tho, right was not there. This apparently was due to a fault In the maps on which Hlw advance waa ordered. To make tho position safe it was necessary after extending tho line on the right to occupy tho ground er roneously shown by the map to be in possession of other Americans to attack again on the left. . More prisoners and machine guns wero taken in this attack. The battalion was then ordered to withdraw on the left, leaving the ground to be taken care of by artillery. Next morning, how ever, it wns found thnt the Germans (Continued on page two) tho wliileipf,eai.l demand for labor in the district. St- Louis Kxe.cllcnt crop condition in thu dis ritt have contributed to tho gord .business of industrial centers. Minneapolis Increase in war pro duction with' no h linkage in retai' sales of any lines. Kansas Oiity I ndimatfens of tho largest crop in the hixtory of tho dis trict. Dallas Marked increase in produc tion of industrial lines in a season or dinarily dull. San IFranwiHcOu-Grain roips heavy but fruit in some sections will show a decrease. Abe Martin Mrs. Tintnn Bud's niece has postpon ed her weddin till th' ""r's over as all her friends have aireaciy given till it smarts. What's. become o' th' poor waaa earner" Vx.Mriu? for ' -v- f mi