Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 10, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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-Oa pj all )
J. C. Penney Co. Store at the-
st r
sons why we SAYE YOU MONEY.
Ladies' Black Kid Vamp with cloth
top; has a good sensible toe, and a
military heel $2 98
Ladies' Field Mouse Grey Kid Vamp
with khaki cloth top, welt sole and
half Louis heel ; a very popular
shoe QQ
White Canvas Oxford with Good
year Welt Sola and Military heel.
This is a very good, stylish oxford
t that will please at .' . ; . . 7 QQ
:: Ladies' Black Rid Vamp with khaki
; ; cloth top. Has a very neat toe, and
Military heel; a winner at . . . . $4.9S
MM tHtt)), rHtt t liiiinillllHUI
All Around Town
Chautauqua meeting at Com
mercial club, 8 p. ni.
July 11. Address at armory
by Colonel John Hibbard.
July 11, Address on hygiene
at Court house for soldiers 8 p.
July 21-27 Chautauqua frock.
Dr. 14. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bank Bldg. it.
"The funeral beautiful. '
Cloogh Co.
Webb ft
The Rev. John Ovall arrived home
yesterday from a trip around his circuit.
Ho will prcaeh in tWb Methodist church
next Sunday morning and in the Scan
dinavian church of Salem in the afternoon.
. -',.
B. 1. Pomeroy anl wife of Iloskins
are restored at the Bligh.
A. liurr Black of Corvallis is in the
Prof. J. C. Nolson lias again volunteer
ed his services to the local exemption
board'aSBistin'g in the clerical work. He
is just home from a few days botanizing
en tlio coast.
J. C. Perry is in Portland attending
a mooting of the State Pharmaceutical
' R. II. E.
Now York 9 1-4 3
1'iWsburg 4 9 8
Dciuaree ami Mefterty; Slupnika,
Comstock and Schmidt, Shaw,
Hirst gamo
Brook Ifn 0 8 3
Cuiclnimti 7 14 0
(offcnbs, llormuii and Miller j Ring
ftnd Wing.
Moeond game
Brooklyn : 0 2 4
Cincinnati , 5 10 0
Crimea and Miller; Regan and Win
Bietton .. ..-..-.. I ID
t'tiicngo 1 (J S
Rudolph and Wilson: Carter and
' American
Cleveland 0 5 1
B'on 2 4 0
Cintmltn and1 O'Neill; Under and Ag-
Claims Championship
as Cherry Picker
Tq ,tho Editor: I have, been
picking cherries in the 11. M.
Webb orchard which in located
two miles west oi Salem; I
earned tHAO (for several days,
and never less than $5.40, tho
,' the crop wasn't extra heavy.
Besides myself there wore
wyiny others working in the
eaime yard, including doctors,
dishwashers, plunubers, law-
J'erg, dressmakers, etc. But none
of itheBo quite duplicated my
Iperforonance, as I am, I think,
tho fastest (picker in the state.
(-Sincerely voum,
new. (Galled end 5th, rain.)
St. Louis at Washington postponed,
TMtroit 1
Philadelphia B
Kallio, Bailey and Sitanage;
and Perkins.
0 0
9 1
Chicago 5 8 2
New York 4 5 4
Russcill, Seholleribach nnd Sehalk;
Mugridgo and Walters, Hannah.
State House News
Articlea of incorporation were filed
today by the Coos- Wholesale company
of Marshfield, wkdeh will engage in
tho wholesale mercantile business. The
company has a capital tock of $10,000
Tho Incorporator) are George AV. Shel
ley, Frank E. Allen and Henry I. Sau
ers,, The Wliito Clover Ice Cream com
pany of Portland filed its articles of
incorporation. The company has a cap
ital stock of $35,000. The incorporat
or aro J. W. Shearer, R. E. Cavet't and
Elton Watkina
Ohio hundred and Iten residents of
Hubbard and vicinity today petition
ed the publio service commission to or
der tho southern Pacific to make flag
stops at Hubbard of trains Nos. 13
anil l(i, for tho accommodation of the
business interests of tho town.
London, 'July 10. King Albert and
Queen Elizabeth of Belgium flow to
England an a eenplnno to attend tho
silver woihhftyr anniversary of King
George and yueoa Mary, it was offi
cially announced itiwlsy.
For ton days we oro going to' sell
our ono ipound steel cut "Reliance"
for 30c. This coffee 3a superior to any
coffee in flavor and strength sold in
Salem for 40 and 50c. One trial will
convince you.
Lay in a good supply, you will never
see the day again thuit this quality
will bo sold for 30c.
Opposite Court House
on High Street
Herbert Nunn, stuto highway engin
eer, returned tiwlay after making a
trip of inspection over all tho highway
work underway on the coast roads. He
reports that tho work is progressing in
excellent shape.
After June. 1, my friends and pa
trons will find me in Moore building
on Court street, up first stairway east
or .Brewer 'a drug store. Phone 695,
Mary C. Rowland, M. D. 7-13
We sell for cash. Commencing July
1st we will conduct our business on a
strictly cash basis. Pattern's Book
Store. . tf
Junior and senior Red Cross quilts,
ice cr,?am and wioners, sold at Roscdale
on the evening of July 5, netted the
Roseuale Red Cross auxiliary $50. Be
sides the other attractions, there was
an evening program put on by home
"The best" Is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
My office will not be opened before
9 a- ni. except by special appointment.
Dr. M. P, Mendelsohn, 210-211 U. S.
Xat'l Bank Bldg.
Two young men enlisted In the army
late yesterday afternoon and are now
on their way to Fort Lawton, near Scat
tie, for their preliminary training before
being assigned to the U. S. regular army.
William Suniinervillo, 18, of Salem,
chose the medical corps and JacK C
King, of Concordia, . Kansas, chose the
infantry. , -,t,i
Attention: Members Hodson Council
No. 1. Sjpoeial meeting of council at
6 p. .m. tomorrow, Thursday, in honor
of John K. Kollock, Illustrious Master,
Multnomah council No. 11., All mem
bers who can attend, pleas phono G.
G. Brown 136, or E. F. Carlctom 76, be
fore noon totniorrow. By order of the
acting Illustrious Master.
Hear Dr. Lucas Grand Theater to
Since war was declared 39 parole
convicts from tho Oregon penitentiary
havo enlisted in military service, ac
cording to Parole Officer Joe Keller.
If Dr. Joseph G. Bcuittie of North
Portland' will aecqt, he will be recom
mended by Dr. W. H. Lytic, stato vet
erinarian, to the Mult'nomali county
cmumisttioner for appointment as
county veterinarian. Dr. Lytlo has
written toj Dr. Bcattio about tho mat
tor, as he says there is a demand for
a county veterinarian in Multnomah
Judgo Percy R. Kelly, who lost out
in ki race for the republican nomina
tion for justiico af the supreme court
but was given the deinocriutie nomina
tion, has informed Scvrotary of State
Oleortt that ho cannot accept tho .deuio
catic nomination.
"I cannort sign this acceptance," he
say, "nor in any other way accept
this nomination, despite the feeling of
gratitude and appreciation I eutertin
toward my democratic friends who so
kindly and generously Bujuported mo,
ini tor the very good reason that in a
contest ethically, honorably and cour
teously conducted, my own party ex
pressed a 'preference for Judgo Johns
wno thervsuy Became entitled to my
loyal and unswerving support at the)
polls and to the office in question."
Yesterday was the last day for the
return of the questionaireg by the 1918
class of registrants. The men am now
being called in rapidly for the physical
examinations, Registrants of this clafs
must be released by local boards for ser
vice in the marines or navy-when re
quested to do so, according to a new
ruling of General Crowdor. This ruling
will affect the 1918 slass buj a short
time as they will be within the current
quaria call probably in August and after
onee being called, there is no selecting
of aervice. Prom the time a call is re
ceived, the registrant is regarded as be
ing in the service.
Special meeting of Pacific
lodgo No. 50t A. P. & A. M.(
this evening. Work in the F
E. degree. Visiting brethren
0 I
Bananas may be cheap living down in
Central America where the cost is mere
ly that of free-picking, but in the TJn-fl
ited States, the story is different. In
fact, they are higher in price now than
ver betore known to the grocery trade.
From a wholesale price of four cents a
pound, they have advanced to a whole
sale of nine cents a pound and the re
tail price is about 50 cents a dozen. That
is, in Salem, Some grocers m Portland
.'.'11 bananas by the pound.
' Irrigation Even numbers, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. and Sun. Odd numbers, Tues.
Thurs., Sat. and- Sun. Even numbers
are on the south and east aide of
street Odd numbers are on north end
west side of street. tf
Hear Dr. Lucas, Grand Theater, to
night 7-10
Two young men just of age enlisted
in the navy last evening. John Frank
Kron is from Salem route 1, and gave
as his next of kin his mother, Mrs.
Frank Kron. He was born in Hungary,
but his father had taken out natural
ization papers. Frank James Tooley of
Silverton enlisted as second class sea
man. He gave as his next of kin his
mother, Mrs. Ida Tooley of Sublimity
route 1.
Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas will solve
your problem in life about .Health, Do
mestic, Love, Business or Social af
fairs; treat Nervous, Mental or Phys
ical diseases, and tell you your natur
al vocation in life. Office Room 37,
Bligh hotel, July 9 10-11 from 10 a. m.
to6:30 p. in. Dr. Lucas will see only
those who phone or call, for an ap
pointment. 7-10
Hbar Dr. Lucas, Grand Theater to
night. , 7-10
The funeral services of Anion Sargent
were h,?ld this morning from the chapel
of Webb & Clough. A few days ago Mrs.
Sargent was sent to the Oregon State
hospital. Although the old people had
seven children, none coma be located
to attend tlw funeral. One son was liv
ing near Linnton, but had recently left
The other children are scattered to all
parts of the country and their addres
ses could not be learned.
Hear Dr. Lucas, Grand Theater to
night. 7-10
Auto tires of quality The Miller
99 per cent perfedt, and the well
known Revere. Every tire makes a sat
isfied customer. I save your rim cut
and side-blowout tires, dark's Tiro
House, 319 N. Com'l. 7-13
Hear Dr. Lucas, Grand Theater to-
Ben F. West, county assessor, will go
to Turner tomorrow to look over the
valuations and make any changes neces
sary. An election will soon be held in
Turner and the citizens are desirous of
having an absolutely correct valuation
put on their property and requested Mr.
West to come and personally attend
to Mie placing of values.
Doug Fairbanks surely does some tall
stopping in the "Matrimoniac." Gets
married atop a telephone pole. Has
some high ideas of getting married.
Wanted Household furniture, rang
es, heaters, gas ranges, gas platos, of
fice furnitune, rugs, carpets, etc. Phone
510 or 511. Woodry, the auctioneer.
A ten year old girl, Lena Trembetes,
is missing from the Roberts fruit farm
and although she disappeared yesteiday
for August
are now here
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
ready three car loads of samples are
rolling westward, according to the an
nouncement made this morning by the
Valley Motor company. Yick Bros, are
now busy placing sub-agencies and al
ready ag.snts have been appointed in the
counties of Washington, Lin Clack
amas and Douglas. The price of the
"Fordson" will be $960.00 in Salem and
the Special plow, $150,000. This plow is
being manufactured for the Ford agen
cies, by the Oliver Plow company. It is
understood that tractors will be soltf
practically on a cash basis and also
that banks will look with favor on
tractor paper. .
The American Proportional Represen
tation League of Philadelphia has a rep
resentative in town in the person of
Walter J. Millard. He is field secretary
of the league and is here to talk about
city government, telling why tho pre
sent system of electing city officers
does not fill the bill, and why tho man
ager system for titles and tho conmus
kin, home address and service address,
The jury in Justice Webster's court in
tho case of an assault and battery
charge against S. S. Howard on a war
rant sworn out by E. C. Ford, yester
day afternoon failed to agree. After
staying out several hours and doing
considerable discussing, the jury stood
three to three and finally had to give
t up ami reported to the court they
could come to no agreement. Hence it
was necessary to call another jury and
the trial is on again this afternoon. The
case caused considerable comment from
the fact that the assault was made on
Ford when ho was serving on a commit
tee soliciting War Savings Stamps.
o, 1
Frank Ford, a well known and weal
thy citizen of Salem was bound over to
the grand jury in Justice of the Peace
Webster's court yesterday under bonds
of $250 on a charge of grand larceny.
According to the testimony, durine his
illness, Ford was waited on by Mrs.
Maude Campbell and although he paid
afternoon, no word has buen heard from. "Vr "W" re given
her. Tba girl came with her mother from1 '"V gav.e hM a c.ow- after
t.h. i - she bad been in possession of the cow
for one ear, that Ford demanded she
return the animal and if, was alleged
that he sent a manto get the cow.
- v ' ,v. W .
Heaven, Hell,
at the
Court Street opposite
Post Oi&ce
Portland and the supposition is that
is trying to work her way back
home. When last seen she was wearing a
grey coat, blue dress, black shoes with
white tops and las black hair.
Mr. and Mrs, Q. E. TerwiUiger. grad
uate miorticians and funeral directors,
770 Chemeketa t. Phone 724.
Nazimova, as Joiine, a daughter of
joy, in tho Revelation, will be shown
at ithe Oregon beginning next Sunday.
Revelation has given Nazimova a
splendid ojuportunity to shew her var
ied emotions of a Bacchante.
Mail and parcel post packages will
not be accepted at the post office for
provinces in the northern part of Italy
now occupied by the Austrians and Ger
mans. This includes the provinces of
1'ndino and Belluno nor for places in
tho provinces of Treviso and Venidia
which are east of the Piave river, now
occupied by the enemy.
Wm. H? Hrt in Truthful Toliver
and a clever comedy. ''Some Profes
sor," is offered at the Oregcn today
and tomorrow.
The Meyers department store is mak
ing extensive changes In the re-model
ing of their store. The upper floor will
be vacated and the business brought
all on one floor, all working for effi
ciency nnd quicker service. The depart
mentB for draperies, blankets and bed
ding will occupy that par of the sore
formerly used for shoes. The office
will bo in ffio an:ex.
An error was made yesterday in stat
ing that purchases of War Savings
Stamps to the amount of $2500 would
bt the limit instead of $1000. It should
have been that Postal Savings accounts
are now permitted to the amount of
$2u00 instead of $1000. As very few peo
ple are buying fzaOO worth of War Sav
ing Stamps in amourts of 12500, there
was no rush on the postoffice this morning.
WALLING, To Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Walling, 526 Belmont street, July 0,
1918, a daughter.
She has been named Margaret Jane.
HUTTO To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold nut
to, of Twin Falls, Idaho, July 8,
1918, a son.
The mother was Miss Bernice Sauter
before her marriage and was well known
as a pianist.
ELDRIDGE. At her home four miles
west of Gervais, July 10, 1918, Mrs.
Hugh 13. Eldridge.
Besides her husband she is survived
by a number of relatives living in Ore
gon and threo sisters in Salem: Mrs.
Teresa Savage, Mrs. J. M, Skaifo and
Mrs. Maria Harding. She was a twin
sister of Mrs. Skaife.
The funeral services will be hold at
10 o'clock Friday morning from St. Jo
seph's Catholic church and burial will
bo in tho Catholic eemetery. '
Stop at
"A Heme Away from Home." V
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Rooms of Solid C.iinfort
Only Hotel in Business District
At the meeting held last evening of
a special committee appointed to con
sider proposed amendments to the con
stitution and by -laws of the Commer
cial club, action was taken on the pro
posed changes suggested by Fred W.
Steusloff, president, at tho recent an
naul meeting, and this action will be
referred to a monthly meeting of the
club. The committee favored the elec
tion of directors of most of the depart
ments by the membership at large. Also
that the Cherrians should be represent
ed in the directorate, by their officer,
King Bing. The Chenians have hereto
fore had no representative on. the board!
of directors. It will also be rocommended
that the Business Men's league, known
as tho Mercantile department, elect its
own diroctor.
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Goods. .
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices beore yon sell.
271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734
Lieutenant Colonel Woolpert is in
Stavton todav inspecting the Slayton
members of tho Oregon Guard. The Stay-
ton soldiers will now be known as sep
arate Company A and for technical pur
poses, the company has been attached to
the 2nd battalion. The company is now
the largest in the battalion and from
a physical standpoint, has more six
footers and averages heavier in weight
than any of the other four companies.
It is probable that an effort will be
made to have the Stavton company on
hand at the big bridge celubration the
latter part of this month.
The restaurant fan who is in the habit
of using three or four spoonsful of sugar
tor every cup ox oortce or tea will soon
play iu hard luck as the order has gone
out from the state food commission than
there is a limit on sugar that even res
taurants may use. Hereafter, it will be
at the rato of three pounds of sugar for
every 00 meals served. The restaurant
miyst purchase through the county food
administrator and make out a state
ment showing how many meals were
rwrved one year ago and how many they
are serving this month. Hence the gen
erous sugar bowl has disappeared from
the rejt.mrant tables, or will withiu a
few days.
o .
Some people wh have boys in the ser
vice are not to any extent interested
the plans of the Coii.mwcial club to c
euro a complete list of nil men iu the
service. Some time ago announcement
was made of the club's interims and
an invitation given to all i-jteresid in
soldiers to send in the nitme, next of
kin, home address ad service aUdress.
Whilo there has been a gencrour, re
sponse, yet there is not ai yet tho inter
est taken that will eventually give the
club a complete and reliable list. There
is as yet no exact list of members of
Company M, showing next of kin, home
and service address. All that is asked, is
that families who have boys in any U.
8. service, send to the Commercial club
the name of the soldier, next of kin.
service address and home address. This
is for Marion co'nnty only.
' 0
Rochester, Minn., July 10. Billv
Sunday, evangelist underwent a minor
operation for simple hernia at the Mayo
sanitarium here today. "Ma" Sundav
care of
Yick So Toog
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ct.
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
upeu ounaays irom 10 a,
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283 I
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 911 or 508
In about two weeks the Ford tractor also here, said that "there is nothing
rill be on exhibition in Salem as al- serious in Pa's condition." j
Your Junk and give you
a square business deaL
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you selL
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
. Phone 398