THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1913. SUNDAY Triple Show w&mm 1 C orsfnifi 1 1 Dealers Are Warned w m it . . i i ' ? dr - - - ... TOMORROW 7 Joes L.Letsky PfMfST19 --A A TT A. VTr47L !f mem I ID! A Ration foltt Sor!o y thtoUJ fa VM Angaltotti fflwt.1Ufnlutl cft14ffy f , A A vV J -a. Va Same Prices VAUDEVILLE Howatson and SwaybeH Singing and Talking GO FATTY ARBliCKLE In His Latest "Good Night Nurse" FjTV o Portland, Ore., July 8 The United States district attorney's of fie issued a warning to California; liquor (jealeis yesterday. I Such, dealers responsible for aetivi ; ties of bootleggers in Oregon will be j prosecuted under the Eecd law. This law eoTers conspiracy to erport liquor into dry territory, and prosecution will follow such offenses in the future. The effort to oring a San Francise.e dealer named Lapsic, owner of the Bohemian liquor company, San Fran cisco, to Portland for trial on such a conspiracy trial, will be renewed. Lapsic successfully resisted such an ef fort recently. The district attorney intends to Ml bootlegging at the source of the evil, and he says San Franciseo is the chief source, Oswald West Would Merge Telephone Lines Portland, Or., July 6.0swald West today asked the city council to approve tho proposed merger of the Home Tele phone company with the Pacific Tele phone and Toelgraph company. West is rect Ivor for tha Home.- He wishes to go to Washington immediately to get gov ernment sanction of the merger. The couueil will .act on his request within tho next two 'days. . The Home company has sold bonds valued at $3,000,000. If the merger is effected the bond holders will get sev enty cents on the dollar. Jf it is not effected foreclosure proceedings will coma soon. California investors own $1,000,000 ef tho bond. West urges the merger to protect the iwestors and as a war econ omy moa&ure Tor Portland. COLD 'PACK METHOD IN 12 SHORT STEPS No. 1 NATIONAL WAR OARDCN COMMISSION The. first step in canning by the single period cold pack method, after washing and grading, is paring and coring with a sharp knife, says the National War Garden Commission, Washington, D. C, which will send the readers of this paper a free can ning book for a two-cent stamp to pay postage. Watch for No. 2. J V T , I vl , x V - . v h if 1 III : Latest Fashion HintTulle, that soft material of cool and pleasant memories, has come to the ball room once more, but in straighter line and larger rosettes. The girdle is of rainbow coler satin. 1 PARAI4SE FOB PLIES. London, June 21. (By Mail) England has becomo a para dise for flics. There is no manufacturing of fly paper in this country owing to tho shortago of paper. Slacks of paper, cut to tho right size and ready for the sticky bird lime, have boon confiscated and will ba turned, over to butchers for wrappers-without the sticky stuff. WANTED, JIM And All Binds of 2nd Hand Goods, Pull Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Get our prices before you aelL THE rEOFLE'S JTJNK ft 2ND 4c HAND STOBE 271 H. Com1 St, Phono 734 ill mtttnnttttt i l;m.hum YickSoTong I Chinese Medicine and Tea C. I f Has medicine which will sure f I any known disease. T f Open Sundays from 10 a, m. X I until 8 p. m. 153 Soutn High Bt . I Salem, Oregon. Phona 283 X uttitum . t Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cask Prices Paid for Used Furniture E. Ik STIFF BON Phone 941 or 508 I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give yon a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. ' I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you sell THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 Classified Ads Tho Journal kind got results. Phone 8U Brainy Bowers Proves That White Brains Are Superior iffy y I : s