Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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ne is an
5 V .".,jlvfc.V
' j v ? - . t 3os&. TStV
&D)Muy iviaxweii motor uars
11 nT
Now In Session at Turner
Tabernacle, Closing Sun
day, July 14
c '. J
The 28th annual eonventioa of the
Chureh of Christ wilr be hold at Turner
in the tabernacle beginning July 6, and
n . aw '. t r it
Are Now In 0 wners' Service
"More Miles Per Gallon"
?More Miks on Tires"
V Cars .
S.Paasnffer Car 825
Roadster ..... 825
3-Paesnger, with
All-We.thar Toe . WJ
5- Paaa. Sedan ...-.. I27J
6- Paca. Town Car . 1271
ill ptla I. o. b. Ddn .
WtM KmIi nf ulr tuipMM(
mth Mm toil tow CM
Vaey Motor
.That fact alone is sufficient testimony to the
excellence of this product
For the Maxwell clientele is composed of that
class of buyers who select (efully and who
demand full value for their money in quality
-and in service. - v .
Nor do they accept mere promises being
careful buyers they demand proofs.
. Perhaps the very fact that we never have
made a claim for this car that has not been
backed up by proof in the form of official
records, accounts in part at least, for the pre
dominance of Maxwells.
Another reason and unquestionably a potent
one is the fact that there are no freak feat
ures, no inventions, no radical innovations in
this product
We do not attempt to invent new devices or
to supplant tried and proven units' with others
of our own discovery.
Every unit in this Maxwell motor, clutch,
transmission, axles, steering gear, etc. is of
standard type though designed and made
a little better, we believe, by the Maxwell
For five years this model has remained prac
tically unchanged ...
Refined in details, body design changed from
time to time to , keep pace , with changing
fashions for Maxwell buyers demand stylo
as well as efficiency;
But in all essentials of chassis design the
present model is identical with that of five
years agcH-because that first Maxwell was
right at every point
250,000 owners endorse your judgment when
you select a Maxwell Motor Car for yours.
(Continued from paga one)
ticrin. It'jnsian townspeople in and nenr
(Vladivostok decorated their houses with
allied flays and staged enthusiastic eel
eliration, the ci'bles say.
This reception., coupled with demands
f the anti-boUhcvik factions and the
interallied council, led dipljmats here
today to tnko the position that America
nuist rield.
" The majority has decided," one of
ficial said. I ho pitsident has its de
cision. lie ma couic in or" stay out
Hut 'ho majority must rule."
De tails oi I ho bcIshcvik-Czccho bat
tlo at Vladivostok indicato that the 6a-
font of the. Reds was decisive. A fort
night ago the Czechs, acting at the
behest of the nl..is, issued-an ultima
tum to the. rod vuuds to cease arming
Oerwiau pruenprs ol war. The demand
was unheeded. At 10:30 o'clock on the
dim" js
W 9
I nwn- -a
i - ", ... - .--fit
i rrtrn finr-nn immiwhIM
Keep Righton Driving
Battery repairs may be a necessity.
But they're not an excuse for letting your car
lie idle. - JJ" , t
Because as soon ss the battery comes out of
your car a Willard Rental Battery can go in,
to continue the starting, lighting and ignition
service that your own battery provided.
So Willard Rental Battery Service means more than just
to much wood and lead and acid. It means ability to go
into the city, or out to the country. It means ability to
tour to make the fullest possible use of your car.
Come in and talk batteries with us Well tell you
how to take care of your battery, and why your next one
should be a Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber
Insulation. The long life more than balance the alight
increase In cost over the ordinary battery. It's the only
battery with the "Bone Dry" principle that i your ab
solute assusance of getting battery as new as the day it
left the factory.
Auto Electric Shop
418 Court Street Phone 203
morning of Juno 30 the Czechs attack
ed. Bis hundred bolshevik sailor? im
mediately surrendered. Tho rest the
garrison took refuge in a blockhouse.
Two house' bombardment forced thorn
to capitulate,. those not surrendering re
treating to the westward along tho
Trnns-3ibcrian railroad. Most of those
who escaped are believed to have been
According to advices received hero,
totli iiieat liritain and France expect
to laud u-verul thousand troops in Si
beria, Italy tor the present, will be
icpresentcd by the Dalmatians, while
tin Czechoslovaks will represent' the
Balkans. Just what part Japan and
(lima will play has not been learned.
This will be announced after the prcsi
d?t gives his decision as to the atti
tude of the Waited States.
Ihp.omatic olliciala, however, are In
clined to l:t!iee that Japan's army of
Si'ifi'i') and Mima's potential army of
nearly a m;l!ion will be used to the
host a! vantage.
D.plomals here not advised of tho
inter-allied council plans, now sea why
President Wilson failed to mention Bus
sia in his Mount Vernon speech. Know
ing that the address. would be prepared
before the arrival of the council's de
cision, friends of the president urged
him to say nothing that would in any
way commit this country to a definito
capture or Vladivostok.
Tokio, July D. The Czechoslovak
forces which Saturday captured Vladi
vostok have established there a com
misKariat for Siberia.
fifteen thousand Czechs entered
Vladivostok Saturday, capturing soviet
headquarters and occupying the nation
al batik, municipal offices, tho railway
station, and seizing, a quantity of am
munition. Kesistance was slight. The
Czechs lost three killed and 155 wound
ed. Casualties of the soviet forces were
51 killed and 159 wounded.
British, Japanese, Chinese troops and
American mariues were lauded to main
tain ordor.
Just enough Americans were landed
to guard the American consulate.
(Continued from page one)
of cherries in barrels to Saa Francis
co by the Salem Fruit Union has
brought into the community from $40,
uuu to jatywu which might not have
been siaved, as it is well known that
the canneries have not been able to
care for tho large qnantitiea brought
in every day. By sending this amount
of rnernes out of the city, the Salem
Fruit t'nion has not found it necessary
to tmiploy the labor that would have
beeu uscil in stemming and pitting
here. In fact, knowing that the labor
conditions were bad, the Union pur
posely arranged to ship these cherries
out of tha city in order to uso all
available lalbor harvesting the therry
and Loganberry crop.
Growers of 'Cherries this year have
netted the highest pries over paid in
the United States and especially is this
true of those growing the Boyal Anne,
For Lamberts and Dings tho price has
'been six cents a pound and tor Boyal
Anne, ' cdkht cents. This is from 12
to 25 per cent higher than ever paid.
Another unusual condition that has
confronted the growers of cherries and
Logan'berries is the fact that both
crops have to bo practically ared for
at tho same time ,overtaxing tho ca
pacities of the canneries here. Ordi
narily the directors of tho Salem Fruit
Union would have held tho cherries
and had the stemming and pitting done
hero to kep the money in circulation
at home. Forseeing labor conditions,
the Union had arranged to ship to tho
San Framcigco" house.
Cherriois aro put up in. barrels in
what m cullcU brine, a preparation that
pickles and! holds thorn for manufac
turing later in the fall. And it is in
this work, that the masks are worn as
in tha preparation of tho brine, weak
solution of sulphuric acid is used.
The more miawer of securing Bar
rels was a biir proposition and Kobcrt
O. Paulus hag been searching the coun
try I1 the way from California up the
coast and over to Montana for barrels
of 50 gallon capacity. Tho prico per
barrel runs from J.ao to 4.
The largest car load of barrelled
cherries ever loaded in the United
States will leave Salem for San Fran
cisco this evening. Tho cur contains
ltl barrels, weighing about 0,00O
ipounds. Tho value thereof, including
barrels, solution, laoor and cherries is
close to t)0UU. An agent from the Cal
ifornia house is here taking charge of
the shipment.
Anticipating a large Jjoganoorry
crop, the Malcm HTuit Union nas just
finished making 100,01)0 bullocks and
the greater part is now in tho hands of
the grower. -
Last fall B. C. Paulua. manager of
the Salem Fruit Union, gathered in
formation that led him to believe the
price of prune Boxes would advance
pretty rapidly when tho demand was
on about this time of year- As a re
sult of his investigations, he ordered
135,000 boxes and already almost all
of the order has been delivered and
stored at the Salem Frnit Union ware
house. The boxes are now worth on
tho market four cents each more ihan
Mr. Paulus and bis associates paid for
- Yes, tho gas mask really are worn
in Salem, they look like gas masks
and are as effective as the larger ones
woiu by our soldier boys in trance-
closing July H.
Anutig the prominent speakers are
H. O. Breedon of Fresno, California, W.
F. Turner of Spokane; S. G. Buckner, of
Yakima; and Boy K. Boadruok of Spo
kane. The Bcv. F. T. Porter of the First
Christian church of this city is on the
program as one of the speakers but at
the present time Mr. Porter is in Franca
in the Y. M. C. A. work. .
The program for tomorrow, July 7, is
as follows:
ii a. ni. Bible school.
11 a. m. sermon and song service with
sfctirofc by H. O. Breedon.
;20 p. m. song service.
o p. m. communion sermon by S. M.
Connor of Portland.
3:30 celebration of the Lord's supper.
7:?0 p. in. song service.
S T. m. sermon, "What Thinw J of
Chiist," by H. O. Breedon of Fresno.
The Monday, July 8, program is as fol
lows: Morning
- N Institute
8:30 Devotional, Mrs. M. B. Madden,
9:00 Bible'study (to be supplied).
9:50 Recess. '
10 "Pastoral Problems" H. II. Hub
bell, Pendleton.
10:50 Kecess.
11:00 Lecture, "Savonarola", II. O.
Breedon. .
12:00 Adjournment.
Ministerial Association,
1 :30 DcvotionaL
1:45 Book Beview, Orchard's "Out
look for Beligion" H. H. Hubboll, Pen
dleton. SiSOi-Open Discussion.
3;00 Business Period. ,
3:15 Address, "Biblo Teaching on
the Millennium and Second Coming of
Christ," E. C. Sanderson, Eugene.
. 4:00 Opieu Discussion.
. Evening
7:30 Song service.
8:00 Sermon, "We would Sea Jesus"
II. O. Breedon.
8:45 Stereoptican exhibit.
Stayton Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Or., July 6.-Mig Olive Bas
sett, of Ncwberg, a formor teacher in
the Stayton schools, is a guest of Miss
June Kearns.
Mrs, Harry Humphreys will leave soon
for Snn Francisco, to he with her hus
band, who is at the Presidio, until he
is called for service abroad. She will
have charge of the 3rd and 4th grades
of our schools tho coming year.
The John Mack home, at North .San
tiain, was burned to the ground abont
midnight Tuesday, and tho 14-year-old
son. Claude, was badly burned about
the head, shoulders and aims. The
house and contents were valued at $3000
'with $1000 insmanco in tho Farmers'
File Eeli'f Association of Sublimity.
Mr. and Mrs. Trout and Mrs. Ldn'swny
mofctrcd to Molalla Thursday evening
taking Mr. Kramer home.
Stayton was deserted Thursday, near
ly all of the inhabitants leaving to eele
brnto tho Fourth In some manner. A
iarj;9 portion ef tho community wore
at Mohnma, where there was a large
crowd from many parts of tho county,
Walter L. Tooze delivered tho address,
and the exercises were otherwiso en
tertaining. TW'tc was a big sale of re
ficshnvnts, and it is expected that the
Mebama and Lyons Bed Cross auxil
iaries will reap quite a benefit from
tho occasion.
Verio Poyelson, of Portland, js visit
ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. C.
E. Daughcrty.
1 C. Pecry and wifc, of Scio, were
E. ft fail W
and it will give "punch
and "pep" to your start
ing system. The snaee
saving "Unit SeaF' con
struction gives extra plate surface
hence greater capacity per unit
of weight and volume. This means
built-in durability and.power. Let
US ShOW YOU VOUr "TPvt." Rat.
xery ana expiatn us special leatures.
For battery testing, filling or expert
battery advice come to our
"BxibC" Service Station
This service isffee fo all battery users.
Repairs, the prompt and satisfactory
kind, on anv make of hattprv t th
pl right price,"
?gj) STA R.TI N G 07
148 South Commercial Street
Phone 318
The Boys who are "Over There" with their shop
"Over Here"
Tires and Tire Service. All kinds of Tire and
Tube Repairs
279 North Commercial Street
Phone 1400
guests of Mis. Pcerys' parents, '.Hon.
aid Mi'h. W. II, Hobsoa the Fourth.
Jos, Picser and Nicholas Kolley were
tw of those from this place who left
Fiiday to' join the last draft of men
from this county.
Chas. Culdwell, of Idaho, was visit
ing relatives here tha past fw days.
K. IS. Walters came down from Do-:
troit, tho Fourth, and will tomorrow
move household goods to that place.
He and Mrs. Wattera will go the first
of the week.
C. A. Luthy is now located with his
jewelry store in the Merrificld building,
opposite tho city hall,
Mius iSora Ciabtree came homo tho
first of the week from Black Hock, and
U-f t a few days later for a visit with
frinndp at The Dalles. .
Miss Mario Ilcnkel spent the Fourth
at home. Miss Ilenkel is the postmis
tress at tho new town of Itedue, near
Detroit, and abo is manager of a store
fur Potter & Hill.. .
Mis. Creech is at Monmouth attend
ing summer school.
Mis. Bchow, of Portland, is visiting
at J. P. Wilbur's.
WfiBhiiigloii, July 6. Senator Lewis,
Illinois, today introduced a bill creat
ing a department of transportation and
tel 'graph to nmnngor railroads and tola
graph or telephone lines owned, oper
ated or controlled by the government.
Levis' bill also creates a new cabinet
;osrior. wcretary of , transportation,
and teli graph, who is to have supervis
ion of rail und water transportation anj
of tt'L.'graphs and tolephonos.
Los Angeled, Cal., July 6. Returning
homo to retire early today, George K.
8ir.it h pr.uscd with his shirt half off
to note ihe unusual appearance of his
bed t wiling down the-eovers he fonni
It occupied hy a fully drosstd man, wha
ne'd a bag containing all the family
silver and jtwehy. Tying the intruder
w.li a sheet, binith summoned officers.
Hay, Ariz., July 6.- Agents of th
department ' of 'Justice) today arrestej
Rev, E. L. Filch, pastor of the Metho
d'tt church, hero on a charge of violat
ing tho (hpionago act. He is charged
v.iih preaohmg against the war ant
niiust sHtuuul of wheat to the en
tente nations.
itch has a Mti in the army.
Cast Vz As Much
Millionaires don't WASTE Tires-
The millionaire appreciates quality and appearance in his
car and in his tires. This is not pride but a trained sense
of value.
The neglected car deteriorates quicklyso docs tk neg
lected tire.
Gates Half-Sole Tires make your worn tires better and
stronger than any standard tire you can buy-and there
is no better looking tire made. Yet they cost only half
as much.
177 South Commercial Street.
. ' ' tar ! ' w m&
Phone 428 if