rHK DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918. & 1 . mi EVERY nation has her holiday with ti special significance at tached to each. In America ire lave a holiday when people exchange tfifts, another when each individual etops to revere past heroes, and a day, when everyone expresses a feeling of gratitude. There are other days with different but special meaning at tached to them. Society Is moody and what pleases her at one time fails to appeal at another. But instinctively she lets fcer affairs bo influenced by the season of, the year. If tiere is religious anniversary or a day of festivity, she responds ac cordingly by a celebration in harmony Wilis, the spirit of the occasion. So it is that the mature of festivities of any particular holiday depends upon the reason for that day being especially recognized. The Fourth of July is day that baa its individual meaning and hence, its individual celebration. lUsually it suggests a display of noise fend brilliant fire works. This year the Irclcbnationa were more refined and Iquiot, revealing a d'eep sense of patriot Ssci, that was sensed throughout the (country. Many families motored out to coun try ipkiceg for a day of recreution and informal parties of all kinds were iu vogue. But owing to people's patriotic cnsa money was not so lavishly spent rfor the sensational Fourth of July fire works. Thero were many picnic parties, family gatherings and some wandered Mp the river or to the woods to spend the day. The; functions were not elab orate, but were suitable to war times, by having tit) element of pleasure to relieve the tense feeling of strained conditions, without involving undue ex Iwmse. The Columbia Highway, Silver Xok falls, Giirverton nnd Ltveslcy were among the places Wiat attracted toeople. Mrs. Oscar B. Gingrich, who has ap Ipeared in various program's of the Sa Jem Woman's club as well as in music al' recitals, left for Portland Wednes Uy evening on her way to Pendleton. Blie plans ibo visit an Indian reserva tion ncr Pendleton with the .purpose of studying the Indians in their native songs ahd religious ceremonies. Mrs. Gingrich is making an intens- lve study of Indian music and has ung , nuuijn juumu miuK!, n ni, n nun nun-1 yrew iy in wn t jMMHiiMine. nui. expects to olbservo the Indians for sev eral days and thus to caW the true piritl cif Indian ideas and life that she may cxjuess it better to others. One of the most delightful parties nf the wepJi wus the one K'v' yester day afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Hofer on 765 South Corn-mere inl street. It was in honor of Mis. R. II, Houston, who has been visiting friends in Salem for some time. As Mrs. Houston form erly lived an Salem, she has been -tho save ( GREATEST PICTURE OF ITS KIND EVER MADE j Mystery--Rorancc--Thrills Blende 1 fo: Young and Old C LIBERTY 2 Days Only Sunday and Monday - Ey MABEL GARRETT inspiration of many happy affairs. Dur ing the past week she has been the houso guest of Mrs. Hofer. The house was prettily decorated with gladiolus and the womea enjoyed the afternoon with knitting. Miss Florence McKinnie and Mrs. Allan Bynon assisted Mrs. Hofer in serving. The invited guests were, Mrs. Doug las Minto,"Mrs. William Galloway, Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs. Cooke Patton, Mrs Charles Fisher, Mrs. C P. Bishop, Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. George1 M. 'Brown, Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh, Mrs. 8. A. Turner. Mrs. A. Steiner, Mrs. Will Bab- cock, Mrs. Thomas L. Williams, Mrs.! J. A. Carson, Mrs. George Shaw, Mrs- Roy Burton, Mrs. L. T. Harris, Mrs. William MeGiicbrist, Sr., Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs. B. B. Houston, the guest of a!j,0nor and Mrs. E. Hofer. A pretty porch party was given Fourth of July by Mrs. Albert Stein er at her home on the Wallace road. Her spacious porch assumed quite a pa triotic air with the flags of the allied nations waving from its sides. Ocean spray was also appropriately used throughout the veranda. Besido many neighlors who enjoyed this delightful occasion were Col. and Mrs, J. M. Poornian of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Poorman and two children from Port land, Mr. Marshall and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson from Salem. About ten girl who have been en joying a jolly house party at Nye Bench, Newport, returned yesterday. They sjent tho time in a happy man ner with swimming, hiking ami beach jMirtics. For five days Mrs. Hal Patton was special guest. The girls were gone nbouit fifteen days and they aro plun ninir to reiturn for another vacation about the first of August. While there they stayed at the George Dunsford cottage. Those who went were the Misses Ru by Welsh, Mildred Reed, Lillian Olson, Gertrude Walling, Esther Baily, Nell Myites and Miss Bienstien of Portland. Mrs. Horace Sykes and little daugh ter. Jenetto, also accompanied them. Lieutenant 11. B. McGill from Astor ia is spending the week end In Salem an a truest of U. T. and JJr. M. to. rom- mr Ht their home, 498 iNorthWinter Lieutenant JMcUill is in tne signal corps. Tho group of people who attended the conforeaice of the Y, Vf. C. A. at Scabeck, returned this week. The con ference was held in a most beautiful spot .on Hood's canal whero the scen ery which includes the Olympic moun tains was wonderful. The lagoon was quito an attraction ;fr swimming mid rowing. Miss Florcnco Shnms, secretary of the national bonrd for industrial work wa leader of the conference. One of the special features was the im pressive pageant, "Columbia Calls," jtiven Saturday afternoon by the en listed girls working in the civil ser vice department of the Bremerton navy yards. About sixty girls took jMirt in this pageant, which was under tho di ration of Mies E. Sutherland Griffith of the Bremerton Y. W, C. A. club. The delegates from Willamette Uni versity, Washington Wmtm eoJlege, Whitworth and Whitman colleges had a happy tune living in tho same cot taire. Tlie e he gates from the university and city associations of Salem were. Mrs. C. A. Parks, the Misses Juaaita Chrysinger, Gertrude takin, sHelen Pcarce, Mar.it Boberts, Glenna Teeters, Ruth Pennger, Kuta Winters, Uiauyi Juchols, Sibyl Smith, ivdyn VeLoa and Mary Parouuagian Among those who have been visiting in Salem, recently, being called here ait this tune especially, because oi tne home-connne held test week, are M and Mrs. 1). W. Bass. Accompanied oy Miss Jessie Bass. Mrs. Fortson an Mrs. Brown, they motored 'down from Seattle. Before coming to Salem they enjoyed the wondertul trip up tne Co lumbia, highway. Mr. and Mrs. Bass are cousins of G. G. Brown an 1 wen yuesis of XV Browns at their home on 605 North Summer street, during a part of their stav in Salem. Miss Bass is a sister of D. W. Bass who is a former rcsi dent of the Capital eity. One of the families who motored ou of town to spend the Fourth was Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Liyesley and family. They loft Tuesday afternoon and plan ned to spend the Fourth in Seattle. From there they will go 10 critisn w liuiibia. They iplan to spend two ween on tHeir trip-before returning to Sa lem. Many Salom people spent the Fourth in Portland where the Fourth of July was characterized by a magnificent citv Tiaaeant. One of the iniportan fratiirea was an immressive parade of hations representing by its banners and floats about twenty live nauunau-uc Among those who enjoyed the festiv al were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conrp ton. Mr. Cormpton returned home while Mrs. Compton went on north to visit relatives in Seattle and f-verett. A Tmntv nf motorists, who had plan ned to tour tho northwestern part of Waahinmtnn atate including a visit to Rainier Punk in the Rainier forest re serve, left Wednesday morning. When rhev reahodl Olvmpia they were called back on account cf the sudden death of Mrs. Ml.'Nary, and so left Olympia ...in Thurailnv mnrnimr reaching Sa lcm n tho evening. The motoring nantv included Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs, W. H. Kldridgo, little Chandler Brown son of Clifford urawn, ana Jirs. m- liam Brown. Mrs. Ida Nile's of 425 North Winter street is entertaining as her house Buest. her daughter, Mrs. C. IeRoy lirnwn mi two children. Mary Louise nd Bottr Ann." Mrs. Brown arrived Friday evening and expects to stay here about two weeks before returning to her homo in Portland, Acconnnonvinff the Cherrian band which took part in the Fourth of July celebration at Eugene wero many ba lem folk. Some motored down Wednes day evening and pent the night in Eugene, whilo .others rode down early Thursday morning. Among those who enjoyed the Fourth there were Mr. and I)r. M. K. Pomeroy and daughter-in-law Mrs. A. E. Pomierny, Mr. and Mrs. An dorson, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fullorton and Mr. and Mrs. William Kaerth. Eight Reel Gigantic Spectacle Beautifies tott aaotrtb tvraanatat jouth. nam an instant uiil sum svcaKut wmlinti Gouraud's Oriental Cream 1 &W 10c for Trial SIM fc FERD. T. HOWUWS SOW.NwYfc Miss Ruth Rosebrangh, daughter of Mrs- W. AV. Hosebraugh of loo Che rueketa street, is attending the sum mer sc-hool session of Berkeley. Word has been received that she is enjoying her work very much and that tae weather is very pleasant. She was accompanied by Mrs. Olive Metealf Hand, who is instructor in the Teachers' Trainiug department at Sa lem tbigfa. school. .Miss Rosebraugh is specializing in English and history as well as taking an active interest in such sports as swimming and tennis. Mrs. Allan Bynon has been entertain ing as her guest, Miss Alice Dabney of (Portland. Miss Daaey formerly lived here and so has many friends here whom she enjoved meeting again. She was accompanied, by her grandmother. Mrs. Crane. They were here to participate in the hooio coming events at Willson Park. After a ten davs visit in Portland Mrs. W. C. Knighton, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. E. E. Waters, has re turned to Salem. Mrs. finignton ior- merly lived here and has been the in spiration of many delightful affairs durintr her visit. She plans to prolon; her stay until the last of July when she will return to her home in Okla homa. Of interest to the students of the Oreiron Normal school is the announce meat of the marriage of Mis Carol Hogue and Julius Krebs which was sol emnized recently in Portland. The wed din a took place in the Miepah Presby terian church betoro a large numoer of friend's and relatives. It was a mag nificent affair with every detail work ed out in an elaborate fashion. Miss Lvda Bell, a Sal-em girl who has been teacbinir in the Salem scnoois lor sev eral years, was one of the brides-maids. Miss Bell and Mrs. creDS were inu mate friends and clasvimatcs at the Or gon Normal and graduated together in tho class of 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Krebs will make their homo in Portland where hi is in bus iness as an engraver. w Tho patriotic relief division of the Oregon W. C. T- u. provifieo ice cream for the 3UO soldiers in tne Vancouver hospital as a special Fourth of July treat. Mrs. W. F. Honey is the chair man of the cantonment hospital de- uartmient of tB,. Oregon patriotic re lief division, tfhti'h organization has chareo of the relief work for ' th state of Oregon under the council of defense. Each week Mrs. Honey and members of her committee" visit the 'boys in- the Vancouver hospital and tako books, flowers, leuiea ana nonie mnde candy and fruit. Mrs. Honey and her cflnuiuttee served the cream to the boys. www A quiet home wedding occurred last Sunday morning when Miss Louanna m. Brown became the bride of Joseph K. Whitby at the bride's home. The affair was simple in every respect and me impressive eeranony was perform ed by Rev. Richard N. Avison. Be sides tho immediate family the only guesw were the Jlwses Olca Monson anu ueiia Kansoni friends of the bride Mr. Whitby, a former Willamette university student, is a civil engineer is oir worsuijr. lor tne -povern- mcnit in the building of roads in the tpruce country. Mr. and Mrs. Whitbv left immrdi atwy for Portland and La Gmnrle. they will moke theiir home in Salem W Much interest is beinir ninnifViW in th prospective visit to Portland of Miss Lena Madison Phillips, attorney, i u-xiBgion, ny., wno has been nosen to direct the work. of nerfnet ng the national nroeiam of war er- vice ror business and professional wo men," gays the Oreconian. r.very business and nrofessionaJ woinian reels that because of her trnin mg and experience she owes a sixvinl and POrtiftilar dutv to her cnnntrv in uua critical tune ana every woman is iiiuu.i io una tne nwne where her 'services will be most i-ffective in fur. thering tho great object of winning nu r ami win je interested in meet- K , J mi 1 1 IKS. cne tu-i mewui.ra r . . . . ur uiina ana sue niim n an n it i from tho women of the west snBes- itions that will be of value in the de velopment of the- plans for war scrv- Member of Chi fVinilw, ,,r,i,- ;u uu inierented to know that she is a member of that sorority, when in Port land all of the (Oii Omega girls are 'planning to attend her le.ture and to stive her a special welcome. Today a luncheon was given in her honor by a few of the prominent and nrofewwon- i. , al men of Portland. She will probably visit other cities a'ong the coast in her work of perfecting the national program of war service for busiaess women of the eonntrv. w Mrs. W. C. Dyer is entertaining as her house guest, Mr. II. G. Large and her little daughter, Harriet. Mrs. Large formerly lived in Portland but is now residing in Lo Angeles, California. Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Large were for merly colk friends when they were tudput at the University of Oregon Mrs. Large experts to be 'in Salem for some time visitin-g friends. Mrs. D. B. Jafman of rW3 North Lib erty irtt recently for a visit iu east eru Washington and Oregon. She will visit hrr mother in Wfaton and other relatives ami friends In Athena and Walla Waits. Xorilisn T.nilflmin l..ft. Tlmrw.lv fnr 1 lem Alltl tttmtoi) ft tilth Stfllm exhort) HEN'S ID BOYS' Our All-wool Clothing being sold at CLOS ING OUT PRICES-You will NEVER BUY clothing at these prices again until after the WAR is OVER. Men's Porus Knit Underskirts and Drawers, per garment .... 45c B. V. D.'s Under shirts and Draw ers, per garment 45c Men's Mesh Athletic Un derbills and Drawers, per garment ..... 25c Boys' Summer Weight Shirts and Drawers, per garment 25c has been visiting for a brief time; www Mrs. David! Hill, who has been the guest for soinei time of Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Lytle) at their home iu tho Court apartments, left recently for Seattle. She: will go from there with her husband to the Y. M. C. A. train ing camp at Scabeck, Washington-Mr.- Hill .plans to prepare for Y. M. C. A. -work. As women are permitted to take the courses offered to men, when they go with their husbands, Mrs. Hill also ex pects to attend the classes, so that she may be prepared to do the work if an opportunity is presented later. Atter the conference Mr. and Mrs. Hill will return to their home in Pen dleton, Oregon. www Mrs. Edward Fleury, who has -been the guest of Mrs. George Pearce, at her home 2t37 North Winter treet, left recently for Portland, where she will remain a week visiting relatives. Mrs. Fleury who is a cousin of Mrs. Peareo, uves in baa .Francisco. Mr Ralph Glover and little daugh ter, Maxine, of I&94 Court street, are passing the week in Portland. Mjss Teresa Schaab has returned to Salem after staying in Donald for some time. Whilo there &he was at tne, uome of Mrs. C. J. Epsey. WWW Amonp those who plan to pend their vacation at the coast i9 Miss Ju lia Iverson. She left tho middle of the week for Portland on her way to Sea side. WW Felicitations are being received by Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. MeKe upon the Getting (31 Till? T1?T 1 4 IT Children's Straw Hats, value to $2, now 75c Gordon Hats, $3.50 values now ......... $2.45 birth this morning of a little daughter, Alta May. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Erausse have left Salcmi after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs Krausse formerly made their home in Salem. WWW Mrs. A. N. Cannon and daughter, Sal lie, spent Tuesday night with Mrs. J. D. Sutherland. Mrs. Cannon was on her way home iu Portland' from a visit with her father at Labish Meadows. EX-MAYOR MITCHELL (Continued from page one) 1913, and held that office until Decern, bcr of the same year. Mitchcl was elected mayor for tme term, holding office from Jaauary , I'JU to December 31, 1917. The former mayor, who had the rauk of major, was transferred two weeks ago from San Diego to Gerstncr field, Lake Charles, La. Mayor Hylan Regrets Mayor Hylan issued tho following statement: 'The news of the death of John Flir toy Mitchel, is a great porsonal shock to me. My sincere sympathy coes out to Mrs. Mitchel in this, her crcat bereave ment. "Proper steps will be taken, by tho J officials of the city and public jrenerai- ly to pay every respect to the late ma. yor." Mayor Hylan sent tlie following mes sage to tne five Dorough president?-: ' am profoundly sorry to hoar of the i death of Major Mitchel. He came of fignmg stock and did not fear to die. them in Just received the Fourth Carload of Pianos, all delivered within Six weeks and just before the 25 raise in freit fates; and you can save the raise in freight charges if you hy now from Geo. C CLOTHING All Men's Dress Straw Hats be- ' low cost prices. -A line of Straw Sailors, values to $3.00, now . . 35c Corner Court and Com'I Street, Salem T differed with hiln as to the manner of administering jublic affairs, but I (.ctainly admired his fighting proeHvii tie). Flags &t Half Mast. ,''As a mark of respect to him, I di l'cct all flags for which he gave his life, bo half masted on every public pijilding in tho city." Vayor Hylan this afternoon sent the f'lilcwbg telegram to Mrs. Mitchel at Hid aviation grounds where her husband; was killed: .- : ''In this hour of your great bereave .ucrt permit mo to extend to you in il-e nanw of the peopie of the city ovex which your husband presided, ana in my t-rt'ji name, tho sincere sympathy we all feel for you. Mayor Mitchel 's life was sacrificed in tho most hallowed cause, one for which his forcbearcrs fought with the valor of their race. His coun trymen will not forget him." Intimate friends of Major Mitchel her today expressed the belief that his death may have been the result of a sudden severe attack of headache, to which ho was sulbject. These aittaeka were attributed, to a fever from Which, he suffered twelve years ago. During nhe attaokis he was compelled to remain in a dark room and his suffering was des.-ri-bed -as most intense, SHOULD HAVE MEDALS. Last Thursday afternoon 'smoke was noticed by J. H. Osborn arising from the S. P. bridge north of town. In com pany with Ii. D. Gray an investigation was mado and a sure fire was discover ed blazing fiercely, some planking hav- . put out. Medals" should bo conferred. Turner Tribune UlTOin nn . w Wil lie has many friend, here, whom he '