THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORE. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1918. TiTE - $25,000 FOR PRISON $5000 IE BOARD VICK RETURIiS EROH PERSHING CALLS LLOYD BUSINESS TRIP TO EASTiGEORCE OU TELEPHONE NEW TODAY BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEETTSTNO RATES Sato per word New Today: etacfc insertion le Ou week (6 insertions) Se Om moot. (36 insertions) 17e Tie Capital Journal will not be re poaaible for more than one insertion, far error in Classified Advertisement Head your advertisement the first day It appears and notify" ua immediately Minimum charge 15c WANTED Man to help log. Phone 2381 R. 7-5 FOR 8 ALB Binder, $75. Phone 96F 12. 7-6 FOB KENT Apartments and sleeping rooms, 152 S- Church. Phone 248. 7-t BOY, aged 15, wants work on farm. Phono evenings, 1167W. 6-5 GRAIN hay for sale. M- H. Zenteinann Kt. 2, box HI. 7-11 AUTO for sale or trade. Address A. A. tare Journal. 7-6 FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. Rt. 7. box 42. Phone 2500 W-t. 7-6 WANTED ' Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf HATE you wood sawing t Call phone T. tf OCL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer Tamer, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FURNIBHED house for rent, close in, during summer months, reasonable to right party. Phone 1351. Address 695 N. Liberty, 7-6 FOR RENT Nicely furnistoed ono and two room housekeeping apartments. 645 Forry St. tf FOR SALE Gentle riding- pony and saddle. II. O. Lovdand, Ht. 4, box 8A. 7-6 ELTON" canning cherries 6c per lb. 220i N. 5th. Mrs. Q. W. Thompson. 7-8 HOIKS for trade for Portland prop erty: Address 82 Grand Ave, Order lcisb. Apartments, Rooms 31, 7-6 FOR SALE Quart, pint and half gal lon Mason fruit jars, and almost new snirsery chair. Call 1136R. 6-5 WANTED Experienced sales lttdy for dry goods, domestics, etc. 48 care Journal 1 TRAY heifer came to my place, own er can have same by paying expense. Phone 3F4. 7-8 WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Tumor. tf FOB SALE One single-horse wagon and harness, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 271 N. Com'l. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments .and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and ihree room furnished apart ments. 491 N. ' Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED Mohair at East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak Ht. Phone 160M. tf FOB 8 ALB Some fresh milch cows and farm horses," also want to buy a second hand binder. Geo. Swegle.' tf FOB SALE Studebaker 1 spring wagon, will sell cheap. Phone 734) 271 N. Com'l. tf IiOST On Jefftrson road of Judson street, roll of automobile side cur tains. Reward of $1 if returned to Journal office. ( 7-5 9 ACRES cheat and 5 acres oat hay, in the field for $23 and $25 an acre; one mile east fairground. Phono 91 F32. 7-5 FOR RENT Furnished, house, for one who wants a first class place, hot -filter heat, two fire places and com pletely furnished throughout. Ad- ' Jfixeaa Box 373, Salem, Or. tf K A. all In cultivation and crop, on Pacific highway, close to O. E. and 8 P. stations, a bargain at $90 per aero. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst, 275 Statt St - tf PRUNE orchard, close in, sacrifice sale, crop goes, trees loaded with prunes; investigate this. Uerau. Pric ed right. W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co., 275 State St. tf WANTED Loganberry pickers, wood and camp close in, Salem Heights, end of car line S. Com. St. M. F. Woodward, Rt. 3, box 111- Phone 112 F4. - ' tf BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good camp ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move yon out to yard and back to town. Pieking begins about June 25tii. Register now, we pay one cent with eent bonus per pound. L. H. Roberts, Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or., Phone, 41F24- tf OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn 't scatter if broken. We pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to n and receive cash by return mail. If price if not satisfactory, we will return tseth promptly upon request. Inter national Teeth Co., 30. West 42nd t, New York. tf rOR SALE 6 room house and lot, $150. Inquire at 404 S. 16th St., fca lem. 7-8 RED, white, and Mack currants deliv ered to any part of the city. Phone 250OJ2. 7-H FOB SALE 40 aero farm, some of best land in Oregon, stock and crop included, must be sold. R. F. D. 1, box 42. Scio. Or. 7-21 ABOUT DO or 60 tons of loose oat !iay cheat hay. Price $18 in field. Phone 26F12 before 7 a. m. or after 6 p. m. ' 7 4 FOR SALE or exchange, a beautiful summer home at Newport, Oregon. Valley Real Estate Co., Carlton, Ore. 7-15 FARMERS RE WAKE 200 grain sacks stolen from my barn last Monday nighit. $15 reward for conviction of thieves. W. Schuott, Rt. 2. 7-5 WANTED To relnt, by responsible couple, a modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Must bo reasonable. Address R. S. care Journal. 7-5 WANTED Experienced farm hand, $3 per day and beard steady work. In quire at Avenue l,arber shop 17th and Center St. Saturday or Phone 5HF24. ' 7-5 WANTED General experienced black smith helper. Strike on. Eight hours 53 hour. Continuous . employment right man. Address B. T. McBain, West Linn, Or. 7-5 FOR SALE 44 acre tnuot, 30 acres un der cultivation, balance timber .and pasture, spring water to house and barn, family orchard, 8 acres of four year old prune orchard, 5 miles from Salem. Price $3500. W. H. Graben horat & Co., 275 State street. 6-5 FOR SALE 5 acres all under cultiva tion, new 5 room, plastered cottage; good barn, chicken house, garage, drilled well, macadam road, 3 miles from Salem. Price $1800. $000 dotwn, balance 6 per cent interest W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 6-6 FOR SALE 10 stores all jn bearing fruit, house, bam, well; located 2 miles from Salem street earline on main marad&m road, east frontage. This land is below value and must be sold in the next few days. If yon are looking for 10 acres you cannot beat it. Price $2200. $1000 down, bal- ance to suit at 7 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street. 6-5 YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. 170 NORTH LIBERTY tf SPECIAL NOTICE On and after AUGUST 1st the RE TAIL BUSINESS at FRY'S DRUG Store will be conducted on a CASH BASIS. The scarcity of help, extra work required dn keeping accounts and collecting same makes this change necessary. We will continue to give a 5 per cent REBATE FOR CASH on all goods handled by us, except PAINTS and OILS. DANTj J. FRY, eod-tf 280 N. Commercial St. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up till 5 o'clock p. m. July 15, 1918, for the con struction of a cement sidewalk to be laid in front of the east 120 ft. of lot 4, block 54, Salem, Oregon, on Divis ion istrecit. Plans and specifications may be had at recorder's office. EARL RACE, 7-10 City Recorder. .Allowance of Meat Is Being Considered A limit on the amount of meat serv ed is one of the possibilities within the coming few months, according to in formation issued by the fool adminis tration. Already hotels have been re quested not to place on their menus or serve boiled beef more than two meats weekly afid Ibeef steak more than one meal weekly and roast beef more than one meal weekly. The food administration asks housekeepers to buy under no circumstances more than one and one fourth pound of dear beef weekly or one and one half pounds including the bouo, weekly per person in the household. The iood administra tion asks for economy in meat con sumption until at least September 15. The now meat program has been issued to Fred W. Seusloff, county food ad ministrator. - Hive the Journal Job Dept. . estimate on your printing needs yoa get the benefit of cash baying. Phone 8I Emergency Board Makes Ap- propnahons at Todays Sessions The state emergency board, which met here today, authorized a deficiency appropriation of $35,000 for the state penitentiary and $5,000 for the state lime board. These appropriations are just one half of the amounts requested, and in both instances they were cut down as a result of the opposition of Senator Gus C. Moser, president of the senate, who refused to vote for the full sums asked for without the presence of Sen ator W. D. Wood of Washington coun ty, chairman of the senate ways and means committee, and who was absent from today 's meeting. R. N. Stanfield, speaker of the house of representatives, was also absent, so the members present besides Senator Moser were Governor Withycombe, Scretary of State Olcott, State Treas urer Kay and Representative K. K. Kubli of Portland, chairman of the house ways and means committee. When the $35,000 expenditure by the penitentiary was authoriied, it was understood that this sum would tako care of the institution for three months and by that time it probably would be necessary to eall a meeting of the emergency board again to consider the needs of other institutions. The peni tentiary will then ask for more funds to run it the balance of the year. An effort will be made to have a full at tendance of the board members at that meeting. Warden Murphy asked for $70,000 at this time for six months' maintenance. This is about $10,000 more than it cost to maintain the prison during the last six months, but the warden pointed out that everything was costing more now. He also said he had told his guards he would ask the governor for another raise in salaries for them, which would add about $3,000 to his payroll during the next six months. Frank Davey, bookkeeper at. the pen itentiary, read a financial statement, showing that the operation of the prison wood cutting camp, the main tenance of a gang of prisoners at the state lime plant, the increase in cost of supplies, and the increase in wages, all had contributed to exhausting the $180,000 appropriated by the last legis lature for the maintenance' of the in stitution. He said only $900 was left in the maintenance fund. After Chairman Cordley of the limo board asked for a deficiency appropria tion of $10,000, Governor Withycombe made a motion that this sum be al lowed. All the members present voted for the motion, except Moser.. As it requires five votes to authorize an ap propriation, the motion lost. The ailure of this motion, provoked some heated remarks from the gover nor, who declared that the money should be allowed or patriotic reasons, as the farms are badly in need of lime and the state should complete its pro, ject to provide it for them. Senator Moser then made a motion to allow $5,000, and later if - is shown that the farmers really want the limo and will purchase it and use it more funds can be allowed. This motion carried. Chairman Cordley' said the $10,000 he requested was needed to build termin als, elevators and bunkers. With but $5,000 he said the bunkers could not bo built. He said the lime plant is nearly com pleted, end that it could not be dunli- cated under present war conditions for $35,000, while it has cost $20,000. The plant will be ready to deliver lime by neptcmoer l at l.3U a ton f. o. b. Gold Hill, he said. The plant still has a capacity of 100 tons daily, running an eight-hour shift, and he estimated that the demand will consume all the plant can turn out. The state will pay 8 cents a ton royalty for the lime, and beginning with June (he minimum amount of royalty is $100 a month. Governor Withycombe, replying to a question from Representative Kubli told the board members that he was considering the advisability of calling a special session of the legislature t' navo an emergoncy war tax bill sub mitted to the people at the November election. The measure of this naturo council of dof itm not ilod in time which was being initiated by the sttitt to go on the ballot. Middle West Cheers Secretary of War Chicago, July 5. The middle west to day had a message of cheer from Sec retary of War Baker. Reiteration of fig urcs showing the growth of America 'i army in Europe, assurance that all waj going wtu in supplying ana transport ing Vns.ce fighters and confidence that final victory will rest with the allies were contained in the secretary 'g speech neru today. Secretary Baker's address here wai the climax of Chicago's greatest holiday whun sesnty five nationalities cele brated independence Day under one fag. w rr Wy. J tiwViTv. ySafe J Milk ( X iFor Infant.,.utte. 1 "?r,'T v.-a ? Cort YOU SuaePrica A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office, Lands Oregon Tractor Agen cy by Personal Inteniew with Henry Ford Georg F. Vick is home from his bus iness trij to Detroit, Mich., and a call on Henry Ford and he now is more than ever convinced that business is for the maa who goes after it When he arrived in Detroit he scat his card to Henry Ford, but was po litely told by the secretary in the front office that he could not see Ford and anyhow, they had derided not to ship any Ford tractors to Oregon this year. Mr. Vick, having made a trip more than half way aeross the continent es pecially to talk tractors to Mr. Ford, was nonplussed when this bit of infor mation was placidly handed him by the cold blooded clerk in the front office. However, before leaving, he handed in his references and credentials. Just as he had returned to his hotel, he received a telephone call from Mr. Ford's private secretary asking him to come back to the plant. There he met Mr. Ford wro inquired as to business conditions in Oregon. Ford said he had changed his mind about cutting out Oregon, especially bs Mr. Vick had como so far to sce'hiiu and said, that a man on the ground was entitled to some consideration. Mr. Ford said he had received hundreds of letters from Oregon men asking for the agency of the Fordson tractor, but he made the deal with Mr. vick just the same. It was the day for launching ships at Detroit and Mr. Vifk saw Secretary Daniols and other Washington naval of ficials, a French Ace 'with several not ed American airplane men, and other war officials. Vick Bros, are now the only authorJ ized agents of the Ford tractors in Oregon and will soon begin establish ing agenMios. Three carloads of sam pica are now on the way and after September 1. the ono thousand order will be filled at the rate of one car every other day. Ford touring car? will be scarce this winter, Mr. Vick says. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES i American R. H. E. Boston 4 7-1 Philadelphia . 3 7 2 Ruth and Agnew; Geary and Me Avoy. (10 innings.) Now York 1 6 1 Washington 2 9 4 Mogridga and Walters; Shaw and Picinioi. Moderately Firm Quick Market Today New York, July 5 The New Tork Evening Sun financial review today said: In a moderately firm but dull and uninteresting session, the market in the New York stock exchange contin ued to refliect an attitude of waiting. The declaration of a large cash divi dend ou Royal Dutch MKk, together witih the recommendlati'xn of a 25 per cent stock dividend as a bonus caused a wide adtvance in the American shares representing Royal Dutch stock. The opening was fractionally higher. In the later trading, which was in active, the tone was firm and United States Steel anado its best price for tihe day. The motor issues shared in the display of strength. The rails were neglected. Non-Partisan League In Idaho Politics Boise, Idaho, July 5. After demand ing interment for the period of the war of the chairman and vice chair man of the Idaho county council of de fense who wore active in preventing A. C. Towulcy from speaking here, the Idaho convention of the Non-Partisan League adjourned last night. They charged the chairman and members of the defense council with attempts to stir up class hatred. The league de cided to enter the democratic primaries and indorsed a full state ticket, includ ing Borah (Rep.) and Nugent (dem.), for United States senators. WORLD RECORD RACING Chicago, July 5. Horsemen here today credited Lillian T., 2:02 3-4 with equalling the world's record for pacing marcs ' over a half mile track In an Independence Day meet here, Lillian T. circled the oval twice in 2:04l. The record was made by Alcyfraa at Terre Haute, 1ml., in 1911. NON PARTISANS WIN St. Paul, Minn., July 5. The state Bupreme court today held that the in dictments brought in Martin county against A. C. Townley, president, and Joseph Gilbert, manager of the Nation al Non-Partisan league, did not con stitute a cause for action. The state supreme court holds that the demurrers entered in the Martin county court by the defendants against the indictments should have been sustained and the su preme eourt sends the case baok tc Martin county for action accordingly. . AMERICANS DECORATED iRonie, July 5. Twenty American veterans who had boen wounded and , doeoratcd in fighting on the French front participated in the Fourth of I July celebration here. They were under , command of Captain Brothers. Most J at them were of Italian origin and j brief speeches by them in tha Italian , language delighted the people. Notable Convention of Yester day Is Gren to News 1 papers Today London, July 5. A telephone con versation between General Pershing and Premier Lloyd-George, which took piace y-swruay rei-u ve io oeservance of American Independence Day was made public today by the official press bureau. "I have learned with great pleasure of the people of England joining our soldiers and sailors in celebrating the Fourth in an unprecedented manner, making together a demonstration of international sympathy and union of spirit and marking a memorable place in the history of the two nations,' Pershing said. Lloyd George replied: '"We joined with our whole heart in your Fourth of July celebration. Once a bitter memory we now know that the event which you dedicate this rejoic ing forced the British empire hack intf the path of freedom from which, in a moment of evil counsel, it departed. "The entry of the United States army into the great struggle for human liberty, side by side with the allies, is a sure proof that the mistakes and un derstandings which formerly estranged the two countries, are being trans formed into a genuine friendship in the fiery furnace of common sacrifice." " GENERAL WHITE'S BATH. Portland, Or., July 5. The one great drawback to army life in France is lack of bathing facili- ties, wrote Major G. A. White who is on the Marne front, in a letter received here today. "I bad my first bath in a month in the Marne last night," wrote the major, who formerly was a Portland newspaperman. Total Fourth of July Launchings Ninety-Five Washington July 5. Total Fourth of July launchings were ninety .five, the Emergency Fleet Corporation an nounced this afternoon. Tho total ton' naff- was 474,464. Fifty three wooden ship were launch ei 12 in the Atlantic coast, 27 on the Pacific and 14 on tho Gulf. Steel ships: Atlantic) coast, 12; Pacific, 18; Great Lakes, 11, and Gulf, 1, a total of 42 steel ships. Oregon Stands Third In War Stamp Drive Portland, Or., July 5. Oregon's of, ficial ranking in the war saving stamp campaign is third, according to a mes sage received hera today. Oregon, how ever, was second of the states which competed in the campaign started last week, being beaten only by Utah. Nebraska was the first state ovel the top, but this state comploted its quota some time before the general cam paign started. It was Nebraska 'r achievement which awakened the other states and resulted in the general cam paign to gain the W, S. S. quotas in short period. CADDOCK WILL WRESTLE. Casper, Wyo., July 5. Sergeant Earl Caddock, world champion wrestler, left today for Camp Dodge, Iowa, victor in, his Independence Day match here with Yussif Hussano. Caddock who two straight falls with a head lock in one hour and two minutes and a head scis sors m 18 minutes. RED CROSS GOLF MATCH. Colorado Springs, Co',o., July 5. Jim Barnes and Jock Hutchinson defeated Chick Evans and Warren Wood,, two up in the dedicator match on the new Broadmoor hotel golf courso here yes terday. The Red frost netted $12,230. MOTOR RACER KILLED Keokuk, Iowt , July 5. Alva L. Ford, one of the contestants in a Fourth of July motor race a. Carthage, III., was instantly killed when the steering knuckle on his cjr broke. Ferd was thrown against a fence post and his life crushed out, only a few feet from hi wife, son and daughter. CARDINAL IS DEAD Rome, July 5 Cardinal Martinclli, former apostolic delegate to the Unit ed! States, 1 dead. Saturday Special VAUDEVILLE SANDY Mcpherson The Versatile Scot One of the original "LADIES OF HELL" Just returned from France. See Him, Here Him In Person Listen for the Bag-Pipe S THEATRE Phone HI! FOR RBD envoi Miss Inez Goltra Will Have Charge at Garfield Begin; ning Next Week Mixx Inez Goltra has returned from Portland and beginning next Wednes day the kindergarten school will once again be organized for women who have chiidrep betwleen tho ages of four and eigiht years and who would like to help tho Red Cross surgical dressing work. Many women have given as their icuso for not working-the fact that the children cannot be properly taken Care of during their absence, and to care for the children, this kindergarten has been established. All the kindergarten materials of Miss Goltra will be taken to the Gar field school, including sand tables, and knitting machines and Wednesday morning everything will be in readi ness. Mothers who would really like to put in a few hours each week in pa triotic work are asked to bring their children to the post office between 9 and 10 o'clock and in the afternoon be tween 1:30 and '2 o'clock. A convey ance will take tha children to the Gar field (school. The schedula for teachers is as fol low Wednesday mornings, Mrs. A. T Woolipert and afternoons, Miss Lena Dotson. Thursday in mornings, Mrs. A. R. Wallace land afternoon, Miss Beryl Holt. Friday for mornings, Miss Etta White and afternoons, Miss Inez Goltra. Mliss Goltra as an experienced kindergarten teacher, will be in gen eral charge. There is need of much more help at the surgical dressing department at tihe post office and it is hoped by this arrangement, many mothers will offer their assistance. ONE MINUTE FOR PRATER Washington July 5. The sen ate today gave offiiiial sana- tion to tho 4'ungelus" Ameri- ca's noon prayer for victory, by adojHinig a resolution intro- duced by Senator Myers, Mon- tana, asking the, president id announce hy proHuimnltiun tho setting aside ot one minute at noon for prayer. GASSING COCKROCHES. .Tul v 5. Tom Winir Ciiiaca?, returned from his Fourth of July celebration to find his wife, Mrs Daisy Wing, catching cockroaches and gassing them over a burner in tho gas rango. The room was full of gas, Wing lighted a cigarette to waicn tno sport. Ni.itlmr Tviia spriouslv ill 'lured, but till kitchen was damaged by explosion a'd fire. ARMENIANS IN ERVIAN. Amsterdam, July 5.-Twenty five thousand Armenians have occupied Er Vian, according to a Vienna dispatch received today. Ervian, a city of about 25,000 popu lation is situated in Russian Armenia about 100 miles south of Tiflis. JEANETTE WILL RUN Washington, July 5. npresntativc Jeanrtte Rankin, Montana, today an nounced she will make the race for United States senator this fall. Her announcement read: "I shall run for the United States senate Jeanctte Rankin." REEL OF A REAL J fVlBOTO Pi ?! -11 Pi 1 1 lai 1 1 4, Complete instructions for bom canning and drying will be sent to tha readers of this paper upon application to the National War Garden Comaut ion, Washington, D. C, aclosing a two-cent stamp for pottage. WHY NOT BUY THAT - GOODYEAR TIKE TODAY . It means more mSeageThey give better service You will he better satisfied. UHSAHP AMMUNITION 363 - 126 South Commercial ru9 WOODMAN, CARTOONIST AT CHAUTAUQUA ; Prominent Conti-: jicr to Papers and Magazines -Ort Summer Tour. Nad Woodman. Ned Woodman first cause Into public prominence as a cartoonist through his many contributions to "life," "Judge," f'Cbicngo Inter-Ocean," "Chicago Bec ord Herald" and other papers and mog azlnes ot national reputation. How lever, Ned Woodman was more than n, cartoonist. He was a born lecturer,' humorist and entertainer as well, and from the moment of his first sppeur-! 'ance before Chautauqua audiences lie was a decided "hit." Now he Is one! of the most sought-after men of the platform. 1 His ability to present the humor ot every day events or of public incidents Is remarkable, doing It all with fresh-j ness, vigor end a splendid touch of artj Not la any sense Is Woodman a corj-f 1st his pictures and speech are charac-j tcrlzed by originality, CHAUTAUQUA WEEK JULY 21-27 HAIG PRAISES YANKEES Loudon, July 5 Field Marshal Haig today telcgrtiphcd congratulations to tho Fourth army, including American, troops, for their "skill and gallant ry" in conducting yesterday' ad vance wlong tho Poiimie. CHOWDER DECLINES IT Washington, July 3. Provost Mar shal General Crowdcr today declined promotion to lieutenant general which tho senate recommended. ONE GOOD REASON FOR HOME CANNING Your winter stipply of vegetable! and fruits will (ill hungry moutht. Get the book of instructions iuued by the National War Garden Com mission, Washington, D. C, by tend, in 2 cents for BOitaare. BEAN on CUT AND DRIED. gobs irt AH OLD WORM ! 551 V ..wwz. &. 4 ,..c 3 -ft f A lt , I ! i ilp, "1 iB ....... jt. j-j. ; I 1, t Igobs i f r ft , Stum i waiHinlilOK, CC Vr