Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 05, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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dilorial Page o
Editor ud Pablieke
July 5, 1918
I he Lapital J
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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la the only newspaper In Kalcro whose circulation I guaranteed by tbe
Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Germany officially denies the sinking of the hospital
ship Llandovery Castle, and this In the face of the state
ments of the survivors who describe the sinking, mention
the brutal treatment of some of the survivors by the of-:
ficers of the U-boat, and also tell of the statement made
by the latter that the ship was sunk because she was car
rying eight American aviator officers. The captain of
the diver accused the officers of the torpedoed ship of
this and insisted they knew what they were talking about.
As a matter of fact there were eight Canadian medical
officers. This indicates the U-boats had received notice
of the sailing of the hospital ship, and perhaps may have
been misinformed as to the character of the officers on
board. .It also indicates the German officials had reason
to believe none had been allowed to escape, that it was a
case of "Purlos versenkt," such as was advised by the
German minister at Buenos Aires in regard to the Argen
tine shipping. With no survivors Germany could set up
the defense of making the attack because the ship tech
nically, was violating the rules of war, and at least throw
doubt on the matter. If the German otticiais had Known
at the time they made the denial that a boat load of their
supposed victims had escaped they might have hesitated
about telling a deliberate lie, but not knowing this they
resorted to their most efficient weapon, a lie well told and
persistently stuck to. As it is the testimony of the sur
vivors, and their statements as to what the U-boat of
ficers did and said cannot be refuted. The fact that Ger
many took the trouble to deny the charge shows they
know the dirty character of their work, and while not
ashamed of it, still have a lingering sense of regard for
the feelings of humanity which they so often and so ter
ribly have outraged.
One of the heaviest expenses of the fruit juice business
is the cost of bottles. Most of these are made in the east,
principally as we are informed in Iidiana; though some
come from California. The freight across the continent,
and this a round trip since the great market for the juice
is in the east seems like an unnecessary expense. It seems
really worse than that and borders on the criminally
negligent. At Marshfield and along the beaches for miles
are vast sand dunes blown by the wind and washed by
the waves until the sand is absolutely pure. It has been
tested for glass making and we are told is of the very
finest quality, the glass being clear and white, the sand
being almost pure quartz. Near these vast sand dunes,
miles in extent and a hundred or more feet high, are the
;nly working coal fields in the state. With an abundance
of material for glass and the cheapest of fuel it would
seem that some hustling Oregonian would see the oppor
tunity and build up the industry. More and more each
year the Willamette valley will demand a vast quantity of
bottles for loean and other fruit juices, and besides the
demand for preserving and canning should furnish a
splendid market for Oregon made glass ware, and with
cheap materials and fuel the market should be easily held
by any wide awake concern that would undertake to
supply it.
A dispatch from Amsterdam yesterday announces the
death of Mohammed V, sultan of Turkey. He is the
second of the rulers of the Central powers to pass on since
the war began. If the kaiser would follow the sultan's
excellent example he would make a decided hit, for the
"whole civilized world would rejoice and have good reason
for doing so. We say the whole civilized world intention
ally, the course of the Central powers during the war
showing that if they ever were civilized they have for
gotten it.
It was the quietest Independence Day Salem has ever
experienced, but then Salem is waiting to celebrate an
other event in conjunction with the Fourth and that day
is now not far distant The completion of the big steel
bridge will be Salem's Independence Day this year, and
it will be appropriately celebrated too.
The king of England pitched the first ball at the Amer
ican army and navy gave in London yesterday. If he
keeps on associating with the Yankees George may be
come a regular fellow before he realizes it.
Rippling Rhymes
t by Walt Mason
a. i
. My breast is full of panics, and sore dL
traught I am, for all the good mechanics
now work for Uncle Sam. They've taken
all their wrenches and journeyed to the
iront, and somewhere near the' trench 2s
they do their loyal stunt. They fix the
martial lorry, repair the U. S. truck, and I
am sick and sorry, and sadly cuss the luck
For who will fix my motor, when valves are
out of whack, or when the gas tank's float
er is ruptured up the back? The men who
plied the spanner with more than human
skill, have gone, in war-like manner, to sew
up Kaiser Hill. Our village vet is trying
to neai our motor carts, and tonics he's applying to all
their ailing parts. He views the carburetor, and plies no
monkey wrench, but says, "It will be better when it has
had a drench." He syas, "Conditions thermic some fever
indicate; a good strong hypodermic will put your engine
straight." My troubles are titanic, my car has ceased to
chug, I yearn for a mechanic who does not use a drug. My
soul is in the shadow, my heart is steeped in woe; I've
found that C. Sagrada won't make a motor go.
t The Woman Who Changed t
All roads lead to Salem just now and all of them are
!ined with auto trucks and other vehicles loaded with
berries and cherries on their way to town and piled high
with crates on the way out to the orchards and berry
patches again.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Twenty-Five Go Under Orders
to Go On 5th and 46 On
the 22nd ofThis Month
The ninth Marion district draft board
has issued calls to tlio following to be
toady to entrain at Woodburn on July
5, for Fort McDowell, California:
J. V. Burtuik, Scotts Mills, serial No
58 1 ; order No. 356.
A. L. Wilder, Silverton, serial No. 1)73;
order No. C52.
11. 8. Paid, Silvorton, serial No. 991;
order No. 047.
J1'. A. Choquctte, Woodburn, serial No.
77; order No. !79. -
C. M. W. Will, HuMiHwd, serial No
239; order No. ,rl!.
.1. L. Schmaltz, Mt. Angel, serial No.
42! ; order No. fi-13.
1j. A. Will, Hubbard, serial No. 238;
order No. 547.
A. J. Carlson, Silverton, serial No
084; order No. f97.
T. C, Lincoln, Silverton, serial No.
938; order No. fif.
J. llwert, Woodburn, serial No. 497;
order No. 000.
Chin June, Mt. Angel, serinl No. 409
order No. 009.
V, Haiiiey. Woodburn, serial No. 109; 819; order No. 8o4.
order No. 717.
J. 0. Parrish, West Woodburn, serial
No. 812; order No. 821.
H. E. Smith, Silverton, serial No.
902; order No. 724.
A. E. C. Millti' Monitor,, serial No,
516; order No. 745. .
J. A. Keinhart, Silvorton, serial No.
887; order No. 702.
E. Fliiuky, Silverton, serial No. HU3;
order No. 758.
T. Thornley, Silverton, serial No. 903;
order No. 757.
P. E. Zurlindcn, Jr., Woodburn, sor
ial No. 210; order No. 759.
E. J. Clark, Woodburn, serial No.
787; ordor No. 780.
L. M. Connor, St. Paul, serial No. 81;
order No. 782.
C. Bowcn, Silveton, sorial No. 826;
order No. 784.
A. M. Folrich, Woodburn, serial No.
290; order No. 783.
K. C. Hansen, Silvorton, serial No.
lOOf.; order No. 787.
12. G'icr, Mt. Angel, serial No. 395;
ordor No. 789. -
L. C. Krieger, Hubbard, serial No. 27;
order No. 790.
O. W. Lindqnlst, Aurora, serial No
779; order No. 8011.
F. A. Suhwerter, Mt. Angel, serial No.
482; order No, 810.
O. Pahlen, Silverton, sorial No. 839;
order No. 814.
E. L. Cloose, Woodburn, serial No
247; order No. 820.
J. Faukald, Silverton, serial No, 849;
order io. 847.
J. H. Sthtedler, Silverton, serial No
007; order No. 849.
K. E. Anlindson, Silverton, serial No
"What in the world are you all paint
ed up like that for." George asked as
I sut down to dinner. "For goodness
sake, go to your room and wash your
face." He spoko as if I ware a child.
"I haven't been feeling very well,
George and I looked so while i thought
I had better fix up a little."
"A little! You know very well that
I don't object to a woman's doing any
thing in her power to improve her looks,
but to make yourself look like a cari
cature is another thing. Where was Ce-!
"She ursed me not to com) down to
dinner, but I insisted," I replied, anx
ious to save the maid a scolding.
George got up from the -table and,
taking his handkerchief, he rubbed it
across both cheeks, then on my lips
-Molding it up ho showed me the pink
"You have enough left on now," lie
said H3 lie returned to his place and
commenced to eat his dinner.
Tho incident, foolishly, made so much
of an impression upon me, that I could
not eat. I had tried to make myself
look well for him to hide tho wearied,
anxious looK. 1 had received nothing but
criticism lor so doing. What was the
use in attempting to make myself at
tractive to so critical a manf
Helen Refuses An Invitation.
After dinner Georgo said:
"I fcol inclined to see a show; Get
ready and we will go."
"Oh, do let's stay at home tonight
George. I really do not feel very well"
"What's the mattcrf If you are real
ly ill, why don't you say so and have
a doctor? I've no patience with women
who imagine they are ill. I hope vou
aren't going to develop into such a
The tears came into my ev.es. I tried
to hide them, but it was no use. I
"Tears againl by gad, Helen! will
you never grow old enough to learn not
to cry over everything? It makes home
a delightful pracel Go to bed or any
where you wan to- 1 hope when I re
turn you will be more agreeable," and
without a kiss or another word he left
the house.
Then I PID cry. All the tears I had
held back in tlifl afternoon fell "in tor
rents, and I did not try to hold them
I BE A "
ord,-r No. 017
W. A. Lawrence, Scotts Mills, serial
No. 698; order No. 022.
E. Puffy, Silverton, serial No. 995;
order No. 034.
E. PeGtiire, Woodburn, serial No. 790:
order No. 041.
C. O. Vinvnrd, Wneonda, serial No.
174; order No. 042.
A. M. Gotenberg, Mt. Angel, serial
No. 450; order No. 652.
L. Cndeinartori, Salem, serial No. 659;
order No. 050. i
W. E. Pusenbery, Gorvais, serial No
361 ; order No. 657.
O. K. Khaner, JVlcKce, serial No. 474;
ordor No. 857.
C. K. Aloen, Wodburn, serial No. 518;
order No. 859.
C. F. Butsrh, Mt. Angel, serial No.
38(i;.order No. 88S.
O. W. Rickets, Salem, serial No. 644;
order No. 894.
J. Nyberg, Silverton, Berial No. 1026;
order No. 897. v
J. Wilcox, Hrooks, serial No. 706; or
der No. 908.
O. V. Howard, Gorvais, serial No. 7195
order No. 911.
W, C. Lucht, Mt. Angel, serial No
J. H. Kirkwood, Gervais, serial No. 515; order No. 912
129: order No. 600.. . J. M. Eeiger, Woodburn, serial No
T. U. Karamenns, Waconua, serial No,
103; order No. 603.
0. J. Sehnee Mt. Angel, serial No.
420; order No. 673.
0. A. Rust, Gervais, serial No. 731;
order No. 670.
H. J. Leis, Hrooks, serial No. 682; or
iler No. 077.
A. R. Gibbons, Woodburn, serial No
351; order No. 084. .
B. C. Bateson, Silverton, serial No
821; order No. 688.
C. J. Harris, Silverton, serial No.
855; order No. 691.
Fred Laclmppello was to be in the
above call, but the board was informed
by the Washington State Reformatory
that he was in that instituion from 1
to 20 years for forgery.
uan or Juiy ra.
Fortv-six registrants will be called
to entrain here on tho 22ud for Camp
Lewis. Tho list has been changed since
last issue and the number will be se
lected from the following:
L. Gemennra, Suwm, serial No. 609;
order No. 694.
E. A. Pecker, Woodburn, serial No.
510; order No. 097.
B. C. Tavlor, Silverton, serial No. 901
order No. 711.
O. C Erben, Silverton, aerial No. 1000
508; order No. 914,
P. J. Semolke, Scotts Mills, serial No
610; order No. 929.
C. IT. Lewis, Seotts Mills, serial No
599; order No. 943.
M. A. W. Westendorf, Mt. Angel, sor
ial No. 535, order No. 958.
F. It. Griffiths, West Woodburn, serial
No. 794; order No. 900.
W. Sclilittenhart, Hubbard, serial No
235; order No. 901.
R. Harrison, Gervais, serial No. 330;
order No. 903,
J. L. Snyder, Aurora, Rsrlal No. 39;
order No. 965.
C. G. Pavis, Silverton, serial No. 917;
order No. 970.
T. Cronen, Aurorn, serial No. 47; or
der No. 973.
H. L. Raymond, St. Paul, serial No
111; order No. 975.
H. W. Houghman, Mt. Angel, serial
No. 400; order No. 979.
W. R, Jones, Scots Mills, serial No
591; order No. 982.
B. W. Nnsom, Gervaia, serial No. 167;
order No. 9S7.
K. K. Warnoclt. Silverton, serial No
908; order No. 991.
I. B. Lyons, Silverton, serial No. 1019
order No. 993.
order No. 995.
W. F. J. Fritzke, Gervais, sorial No
718; ordor No. 1002.
Left on the 30th.
Those who entrained here on Sunday
last for the spruce division at Vancou
ver wero:
W. 8. Kisclinick, Gervais.
J. L. Scliindler, St. Benedict.
H. Wetzel, Mt. Angel.
Anthony J. Becker, Woodburn.
A. Villing, Mt. Angel.
W. H. L. Paniels, Hubbard.
A. N. Larson, Silverton.
W. C. Campbell was to have gone
but was continued for good reasons.
E. J. Holt, Brooks, another called upon
has tho smallpox. Ray Wilson did not
appenr from Koseburg and was marked
delinquent. Joo Evans, Hubbard, was
called to take Campbell 's place, but did
not show ui) and went on th.3 delinquent
list. L. J. Smith went to Vancouver from
Portland and 8. 8. Lekas from Seattle
Charles T. Wolfard, Silverton, goes
out Mondav in placej of Holt.
Three to California.
Three registrants called departed Sun
day for the California School of Mech
anical ArU at Berkeley, for two mouths'
F. E. McCarroll, Gervais, serial No
724; order No. 598. ,
J. B. Christie, Woodburn, serial No.
240; order No. 675.
Bruno L. Schmidt, Mt. Angel order
Noi 680'a. Independent.
You have your own life to live. .Don't per
mit "appearances sake" to lead to expendi
tures you cannot afford.
Thrift is not so much in earning moneyas
A Checking or Savings Account at
the United States National Bank
will help you THINK BEFORE
;-ezF""nr - SaIem Oregon, ;:
back. I just cried and cried. Perhaps
I could wash away some of my uuhap
pincss, some of my fears for the future.
It was elevon o'clock when I bathed
my swollen eyes and crawled into bed
I would pretend to bo asleep when
George came in; he mustn't see 1 had
bocn crying so hard.
I need not havo worried. It was two
o'clock when he came in; and he did
ono of those kind acts I always found
so unaccountable, especially after he
had been angry with me. He want quiet
ly to bed, undressing in the dark so not
to waken me.
"Thank God, he didn't turn on the
light," I whispered to myself. He had
spoken, softly calling my name, ask
ing if I w,ere awake. But I had made
no answer.
Weary as I was, I mado myself rise
at the usual timo and take breakfast
with George. He hated to eat alone, and
I seldom failed to b.3 down when .he was.
An Uncomfortable Meal,
My eyes wero still slightly swollen
and my face showed traces of the storm
through which I had passed, the night
before. I had dabbed it with powder
but aftor what he had said the night
before I did not dare to rouge for fear
ho would again find fault.
'what's the matter, Helen, What in
the world have you bfien weeping about
now? It surely wasn't because I went
out, last night? Yqu could have gone
with me, had you cared enough abou
it to give up crying. If I were to gad
married again, the first thing I ghouls!
do would be to find out if the girl X
intended to ask to be my wife had out
grown tho crying stage. It is absolutely
disgusting in a woman grown, especially
one who has nothing to cry about!"
"How do you know I have nothing t
weep "over?" I asked, thinking of my
secret and somehow gaining courage
to answer.
"It doesn't make any difference
what you THINK you have to cry about
you have dono enough weeping sine I
married you to account for all you im
aginary woes. Gad, Helen! how many
girls have anything like what you dot
How many wives would be happy as
tho day is long if they had one third
what you havo to make you happy. N
cares, no worios, everything you want
go where you please, no children to
keep you tied up at homo. What in the
world von find to weep over, is abso
lutely beyond me, Bo make op your
mind to stop it. if you don't I-shaB
hato to como home at all." ... .
"I will stop crying from, now on.
George, no matter what cause I hav
no matter how badly I feel," I meant
it too. All suddenly, as he talked, I felt
cold and hard. I would not let him see
me cry again, as long as I lived.
"I'l believe that when it is proved,
not before," he said as he rose from
the table.
(Tomorow Working in Secret)
By Charles B. Driscoll
"To do this gives my soul a pain".
Qi.oth, on a time, a Mr. Cain,
"i ivich to be a man of peace,
1 want to see all quarrels cease,
But kultur and my destiny,
I'oiiit out my way unerringly;
My brother Ail is a man
Who cannot see the things I ean,
He won't believe that only Might
Can ever moke an action right,
So here is whore and now is when
I show what Might can do for men!"
The while he spaka this primal Hun
With skillful motions had begun
To fashion from a tree a stick
S.x cubats long and two feet thick,
Which being finished, loud he cried,
"Forward with God! And woe betide
T!wi man or woman in tho path
ur Cain and kultur, might and wrath!"
He found his brother mowing hay,
Kiled him, and grandly marched away
Proclaiming: "God wiil further aidl
Men, look at me and be afraid!"
There ds no more reason to eondemn
all advertised medicines than there- Is
49 condemn all physician or all drug-
'gists. Fakes there are In every pro-
tesaioe n4 in every trule,- but taey
ito not last long. Take a medicine like
kydia E- Pinkham's "Vegetable Com
pound, tho true test of its merit is the
Pfact that for forty years it has been
relieving women of America from the
'worst forms of female ailment con
stantly growing in popularity and
favor, until it ifl now recognized from
ocean to oecam as the standard remedy
II. E. Dale, Silverton, serial No, T92: for female ills.
The larynx, or "Adam's Apple,"
Is a kind of box on the front of the
neck at the entrance to the wind
Its structure is complicated but
It is well to know that its essential
feature is the vocal cords or bands
passing from front to back, with
out vocal sounds cannot be mado.
When any portion of the mucouB
membrane lining the larynx, is In
flamed, we have laryngitis, which
may be acute and last only a few
days, or be prolonged and chronic,
lasting indefinitely.
It may be associated with spasm
of the larynx or croup (dreaded
and common in little children), or
with oedema or swelling of the tis
sues under the mucous membrane,
in which the passage of air to and
from the lungs is obstructed and
cut off and causes suffocation or
choking unless promptly relieved.
It may be a simple Inflammation
or be associated with Infectious ele
ments; it is often associated with
syphilis or tuberculosis, a compli
cation both painful and serious.
I am. speaking now only of the
ordinary form of laryngitis com
mon among singers, minister!, pub
llr speakers, and others who use
the voice much and with violent
It may came after such a period
of strain, or after exposure to
dust, smoke, irritant gases or va
pors, draughts of air, especially
cold air after getting "wet
through," or In connection with a
change In the weather.
It may be an extension of a cold
In the head or a catarrhal condi
tion of the nose and throat. '
The mncons membrane of the
larynx and the vocal cords becomes
red and swollen and there is Invari
ably a deepening cf the voice.
In any case, there Is difficulty in
using the voice and In swallowing,
and perhaps soreness and pain.
It mar come suddenly or gradu
ally, with or without chilliness,
with tickling and soreness and
then with hoarseness, lasting as
long as the Inflammation lasts.
At first, the throat Is dry and
harsh, then there Is a collection of
annoying mucus, coughing and ex.
peetoratlon, and even expectoration
of blood.
Those who have rheumatism or
adenoids, or who are mouth breath
ers, often have laryngitis; alse
those who are hard drinkers or
who use spices freely, or very hot
food and drink, or anything which i
ourns or irritates the throat.
The first consideration in treat
ment is rest: slncera musf stni.
singing, public speakers, preachers
and street peddlers must stop
shouting. It Is best to remain in a'
warm but well ventilated room I
with an even temperature, and;
cracked ice may be taken by!
mouth, and cold cloths applied to
the neck. , j
Inhalation of steam containing,
an antiseptic like nenzoin, guaiac,
or eucalyptus, is often comforting,
or the throat may be sprayed and
gargled with an antiseptic ' solo-i
tion. j
It Is also very Important to lree
the boivols freely open, Just as It!
Is In all Inflammatory conditions. I
and, if there are no complications, '
the Inflammation will soon passi
off and the individual may be as1
wuu as ue ever was.
Questions and Answers.
. t. 8. What are ulcers r TPM
ore the tymptoms of ulceration of
the stomach Can one have ulcers',
H any part of the systemt What,
causes them, and how can they It
gotten rid oft
Answer It yon will send stamp
ed, self-addressed envelope, short
article on nlcersand ulcer of the
stomach will be sent yon.
' i
A. B. C.What can 1 do to im .
prove the condition of my skint
It is shiny, cracks easily, and rubs
off like powder. It is also Quite
sensitive to pressure. -
Ansicer Sometimes troubles of
this kind are due to exzema, and
sometimes to insufficient care In
bathing. If you would take a hot
bath every night before going to'
bed and rub yourself vigorously j
afterward, it would probably hel'
you. .