HF, DAILY CAPITAL JOITHNAL. SALEM. OKE. WEDNESDAY. JTTLY 3. 1918. FIVE " NEW TODAY I . JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CTLASSITTEP ADVERTISING BATES Kate per word New Today: afc4 insertion - lc . Se 17e Oa week (6 insertions) so month (26 insertions) The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, far errors in Classified Advertisement! Head your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately- Minimum charge loe. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 694 N. Com'L Phone 2454 W. 7-3 iXR SALB Ford runabout. Call phone 2484 Res. Office 371. 74 WANTED Man to help log. Phone 2381B. - 7-5 Must sell, Ford. Am drafted- Call 420 S. Commercial- 7-3 FOR SALE Binder, $75- Phone 9GF 12. 7-6 PIGS for sale at weaning time. B. K. Tracy, Turner, Or. 7-3 FOR SALE 30 nice largo young hens price reasonable. 1679 Court St. 7-4 HOUSEKEEPING suite, 3 rooms nice ly furnished at 633 Ferry street. 7-4 FOR KENT 5 room bungalow, with barn if desired. Phone 1204. 7-4 FOR SALE Fr&sh cow and calf. Rt. 7. box 42. Phone 2300W4. 7-6 WANTED Strained noney in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf HAVE you wood sawing I Call phone 1. tf OOL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOR RENT Pasture, ean handle about 15 more eattle. See Davis Hces, Salem, Rt. 4, Jefferson road. 7-3 FRESH Jersey cow for sole, reason able, heavy milker. 1!)25 State St. ' 7-3 FURNISHED house for rent, close in, during summer months, reasonable . to right party. Phone 1351. Address 6D5 N. Liberty. 7-6 FOR RENT Nicely furnished one and '. two room housekeeping apartments. 645 Ferry St. tf WANTED Boy wants work. High . school graduate. Phone G74M or 1512 . . 7-6 FOR SALE 6 room house and lot, on 16tu and Mill, $430. Inquire 404 S. 16tj. 7-3 ELTON canning cherries 6c per lb. 2266 N. 5th. Mrs. O. W. Thompson. 7-8 HEIFER taken up; owner can have same by .paying expense. Phono 39 F21. , 7-4 HOUSE for trade for Portland prop erty. Address 82 Grand Ave, Order leish Apartments, Rooms 31. 7-6 WANTED At once man to work on farm, principally team work. Phone 622. 7-3 BED, white and black currants deliv- erect to any pari oi civ. xuuuu er.on.T2 7-4 LOST Dark bay horse, with halter, on Wallace road. Finder notify 362 N. Church. tf WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.30 per day. Cull phone 4X51 Turner. tf FOR SALE One single-horse wagon and harness, will sell cheap. Phone ' 734, 271 N. Com'l. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tl WANTED Mohair at East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone M60M. tf FOR SALS Some fresh milch cows and farm horses, also want to buy a second hand binder. Geo. Swegle. tf FOR SALE Studebaker 1 spring wagon, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 871 N. Com - tf LOST On Jefftrson road or Judson street, roll of automobile side cur tains. Reward of $1 if returned to Journal office. 7-5 WANT to buy for cash, six room mod ern house, in east Salem or north east Salem. Write full description and value of house or call at 753 N. 16th evenings. 7-3 X5 A. all in cultivation and crop, on Pacific highway, close to O. E. and B P. stations, a bargain at $90 per awe. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst, 275 Stat St. tf FOR SALE or trade, JO acres, new house, orchard, main road, for un incumbered city property; 2 young work horses and harness for sale. Write Mrs. B. M. Woods, 455 Court 8t. 7-3 HELP WANTED Lathe hand, inereas ing machine shop crew. Strike on West Linn mills. Wages 65e for eight hours. Can work ten hours if desired- Address B. T. McBain, West I Ann. Advancement assured right 7-8 FOB SALE I have several mortgages xur sale, irom ouu to 13000, first e ass farm security. H. M. "Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg. . tf FOR SALE 40 acre farm, some of oest land in Oregon, stock and crop included, must be sold. B. F. D. 1, box 42. Scio, Or. 7-21 ABOUT 50 or 60 tons of loose oat hay cheat hay. Price 18 in field. Phone 2GF12 before 7 a. in. or after 6 p. m. 7.4 FOR SALE or exchange, a beautiful summer home at Newport, Oregon. Valley Real Estate Co., Carlton, Ore. 7-15 BARGAIN Residence, 3 blocks Bush bank, suitable for business property, sale or trade- F. I Wood, Bayne bldg 7-3 FARMERS BEWARE 200 grain sacks stolen from my barn last Monday night. $15 reward for conviction of thieves. W. Schuott, Rt. 2. 7-5 FOR SALE Forced to sell practically new furniture tapestry davenport, dining room set, rockers, etc. Am leaving city. Call Miss Miller bo tween 8:30 and 5:30 p. m. Phone 83. 7-3 LOST On Liberty road, near end of south Commercial car line, gold -watch. Reward for return to G. E. Farnsworth, 325 state house, or Box 31A, Rt. 4. . 7-3 WANTED General experienced black smith helper. Strike on. Eight hours 53c hour. Continuous employment right man. Address B. T. McBain, West Linn, Or. , 7-5 PRUNE orchard, close in, sacrifice sale, crop goes, trees loaded with prunes; investigate this. Uerms. Pric- ' ed right. W. II. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. tf WANTED Loganberry pickers, wood and camp close in, Salem Heights, end of car line S. Com. St. M. F. Woodward, Rt. 3, box 111- Phone 112 F4. tf BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good camp ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move you out to yard end back to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now, we pay one cent with cent bonus per pound- L. H. Roberts, Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn't matter if broken. We pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to us and reoeive .cash by return mail. If price is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon request. Inter national Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd St., New York. tf YOUNG LADIES WANTED. . PERMANENT POSITIONS. . NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID INCREASE' IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. 170 NORTH LIBERTY tf Americans Are Detained In Palestine Washington, July 3. About 200 Americans are dejairied in Palestine by the Turks. scconTinotn tho tntn rlo- partnient's best available information. Tl. - ; i - . i iuo Americans uveu in Jerusalem and were removed mninlv tn TkniBMiiB when the British moved forward and occupied the city. American missionaries are still re maining in Turkey, but most of the Americans wno aeciinea to leave the country had an opportunity to do so more than a year ago. If a declaration nl yurar ia marln nn Turkey the 200 at Damascus probably will be interned and there is some ap- iireminsion as io ine sarety of other Americans. CROSS IS AWARDED Wiashino, July 3. Sixty three more soldiers have been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gal lantry in action, General Pershing re ported today in section B of Tuesday's communique. This it the lime for work. Rai II tha food yon can and what yon can't cat can. The National War Gar den Commission, Washington, will and yon a free canning- book for a two-cent stamp for postage. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL MORE PROPAGANDA FORTY-THF AIRPLANES DAYS, BRITISH RECORD Fighting Day and Night Con tinual and Eight British Planes Are Missing London, July 3. Forty three Ger man airplanes and "three observation balloons were accounted for Monday, Monday night and Tuesday, according to the official aviation communique. E ght British planes a.? missing. More (than 35 tons of bon.bg were dropped on enemy positions. "Ou July 1, our aeroplanes were very active," the statement said. "Twenty five German machines and three German balloons were destroyed during t';3 day and fifteen other hos tile Heroplaucs were dr:vn down out of control. In addition, two large hostile night flying machines landed by our lines. Eight of our machines are miss ing. "Twenty two tons of bombs wore dropped during the day and 13 tons during the night. All our night flying machines returned safely. "During the night of July 1-2, the enemy's airdrome at Boulay was suc cessfully attacked, bursts being observ ed on tho airdrome and hutments-. The Oppau works and the railway line at Mannheim were bombed with good ef fect as were also tho railway works at Thi-mville. "On July 2 bombs were dropped on railway station at Treves. Our forma tion was attacked over their objective toy twelve enemy machines one of which was shot down. The railway sid ings and Bheds at Coblenz were bomb ed with good results. All our machdues returned safely." Sale of Tickets Will Begin Next Week and City Will Be Canvassed A meeting of the guarantors of the Ellisou-Whito Chautauqua was held last evening at the Commercial club and they were given some information on the merits of the coming Chautauqua by a representative of Ellison-White. The program will include a Chautau qua of seven days beginning Sunday July 25. For the opening evening the program will includo tho "Old Timi Fiddlers" all veterans of the Civil wa and from 73 to 83 years old. Their can cei t will be of special interest to sol d ".'s. Monday, tho leading numbers will bo given by the Fcnwell Newell Concert company, and. a lecture by Capt. J. M ddienufurt of tlw Belgian, artillery. Tuesday the big attraction will be the Morrison Smith Company and Wed nesday Uc Zedeler Symphonic quartet ami r'ne man who lectures on and imi tales birds. Thursday is the big day for those wlic like band music, as it is on this day both afternoon and evening, that Tha vin's Exposition band will play. Thero will also .be several grand opera sin gors. l i'day will be given to lectures and a concert by the Theble Clef club. The Intl. day lias been reserved for the Royal Hawaiian singers and the assurance if given that these are the genuine Ha) waiian musicians. For thoso who signed up for a cer tain number of tickets, the sale will be' gin July 8, at Patton's bookstore anfi continue to the 13th. The canvas to th r.uldic Aili be on during the week be gimi'ng July 15. Tho Chautauqua tent will be pitched as usual on the Willam ette VJuiversity athletic field. Tho oilieers of the Chautauqua tliit year are: Dr. H. C. Epley, president; Rev. R. 8. Gill, secretary; ticket commit tee, chairman," W. I. Staley; committee on publicity, E. Cooke Patton and C E. Knowland. Business Curtailed In Wall Street Today New York, July 3. The New York Evening Sun financial review itoday said: Many of those who contributed to the volume of trading in the securi ties market were absent from Wall Street today and business in stocks was accordingly much curtailed. The co,ppnr shares set the pace, which the remainder of the market followed with more or less animation. The beans were a bit hard pressed and had some difficulty in getting stocks for covering purposes. The rail road lists was lightly dealt in. New Haven was a strong feature. The oth ers were firm. There wore strong and weak spots among the specialities in the later trad ing, while the standard shares yielded but slightly. American Sumatra Tobac co turned reactionary, and previous gains in Crucible were icanfelled. Unit ed Btatn" iSteel ruled fractionally around 106. OREGON MAN KILLED Portland, Or., July 3. Elvia A. Frost, named in Friday's casualty list as killed in action, enlisted in the old Third Oregon here, it was learned to day. Frsst formerly lived at Linnton and was assriisftant engineer at a lum ber plant. His parents live at Clare mont, Wyo., whuh address was given in the casualty bat. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL FORTY-TWO RECRUITS ORDERED TO REPORT 0.1 FRIDAY EVENING Marion County's Next Draft Contingent wifl Entrain at 10 oTIodut Night Th 43 men who are to entrain for Port McDowell July S are ordered to report at the Marion county court house at 8 o 'clock in the evening to re ceive their final papers and instruc tion From the court house they will march to the Southern Pacific, depot at 10 o'clock where there will be a short address and some singing. John Carson and Maxwell Page have been chosen as captains in charge of the ooys on taeir way to it. McDowell. Tho following is the complete list in cluding the two alternates; 1076 William J. Hcinze 1122 Oakliff Herman HarTey 1174 Jamea Clair O'Reilly 1288 Claude Byron Ames 1201 James Mitchell Ingram 1294 Mauley J. Stone 1305 Henry Martin Shaveland 1347 Claus William Bruckman 1359 Arthur Ueorgo Stenstrom 1308 Wayne McVengh Price 1367 Lawrence Leo Short 1370 Lawrence H. Henningsen ' 1332 George Eoseeu Taylor 1385 Albert Charles Vester ' 1412 Frederick Muller 1416 Otto Herman Timni 1422 Karl Otto Winzer 1423 Ray Brown 1427 Thomas M. Curry 1430 John Hargraves Carson 1433 Walter Brown 1446 John Ben Henberger 1451 Lake Winifred Price 1455 Kveril Harwell Page 1460 ('has. Raymond Hufsh 1462 James Cripps 1404 Bud Verno Dryden 1465 William Nobel 1474 Albert Mathews Frank 1475 Fred William Lang 1476 Joseph Pieser 1477 John Wendfield Robinson 1491 Grant G. Ross 1521 Funtunato Monteleone 1522 Clyde A. Kelly 1526 Edwin Everett Loftisj 1552 Albin Christian Johnson 1602-A Walker Jence 1617 James Wiliam Wood 1385& Edward A. Bailey Alternates 1561 Conrad Bruno Spenner 1613 Franklin Glenn Rogers. TAX LIEN SHARKS ALONE FILE PETITIONS Jackson Delinquent Tax and Legal Advertising Measures Have Been Filed Unless those who have out initiative petitions comnlete thcif work in time to file them with thesecrctary of stato today the ballot at the next general election will bo a short affair, com pared with former ballots. This is the last day for filing initiative petitions. So far only two completed initiative petitions have been filed, two laws passed by tho last legislature have been referended. and two measures were re ferred to tho people by the legislature. These make a total of six measures which will be on the ballot if no more initiative petitions are filed today. Eight initiative petitions are out, the most niportaut of which is tho petition for the bill making a levy of one mill eacn" year to provide a fund for emerg ency war purposes. This levy would raise approximately $1,000,000 a year'. Tho bill was being initiated by the state council ot defense. Another bill for which the petition has not been filed amends the constitu tion to give absent soldiers and sailors the right to vote. It was being initi ated by Ralph E. Williams and S. B. Huston of Portland. Market regulations of farm and food products and supplies and machinery were provided in a bill being initiated by Hector Maeprerson of Corvallis, who has not yet filed the petition, while free text books for the public schools were provided in a bill being initiated by W. B. McKinney of Portland. Petitions have not been filed for the bill granting power to cities to regulate public service corporations, which meas ures was being initiated by Josephine R. Sharp, Sleanor Baldwin and C, W. Barzee of Portland. Another of the bills abolishes the public service commission. It was be ing initiated by Josephine R. Sharp, Eleanor Florence Baldwin, C. W. Bar zee and Joseph H,. Whalen, all of Port land. Of the other two bills, one prohibits the use of fish-wheels, traps and seines in Oregon streams, and the other pro poses a constitutional amendment mak ing the terms -of all county officials four years. Ho far the only completed initiative petitions which have been filed are the two presented by (.'. 8. Jacksen and R, W. Hagood, one abolinhing the publi cation of delinquent 16 x lists, and the other regulating the price which may be newspapers for publishing legal notices. These two measures will he on the ballot at the general election in Nov ember. In addition to these, four other measures will be on the ballot. Two of them were referred to the people by the legislature. Tbcy are the bills providing for two more normal schools, one at Ashland and the other in east ern Oregon, and providing for the es tablishment of a state home for de pendent children. The other two bills which will be on the ballot are the fish bills passed by the last legislature and against which. m 3 . CLOSED J1 PRINCIPAL WORK Of CITYCOUNCIL Fred Steusloff Resigns as Member of Park Board ' Miss Beatty Succeeds Securing a quorum to transact the necessary business is the principal troub' les of the uty council during these summer months. Monday evening tho session was adjourned as no quorum wai present, but last night when it looked as if another adjournment was neces 3ury. Otto J. Wilson rounded up Alder man Buckner to secure the necessary .eight members and theso with Otto J Wilson, serving as mayor duriiu; tho ab- sonce of Mayor Keycs proceeded to business. After the approving of the June pay roll, tho str.et department was given permission to buy 35 to 40 tons of hay a'i;l the fire department, five tons of hay and four tons of .straw. Mr. Buck-m-.r didn't approve of cheat hay, but ta that was what the street department wonted, the motion to buy was carried, and Recorder Race ordered to advertise for bids. The councilmen then were giv en, opportunity to discuss cheat hay and oats and vetch niixd and other kinds Fred W. Steusloff presented his res ignation as a member of the Salem Parli board. He is pretty busy as president of th Commercial club and as county food administrator and asked to be relieved of the pury duty, A. H. Moore nomin ated Miss Mattie Beatty as a memboi of the board to succeed Mr, Steusloff and tho aldermen approved. Willamette chapter American Red Cross presented a petition asking per mission to use the east approach of the new bridge and Water and Front street) for the big celebration. Also to uso Mar ion square and adjoining streets for booths, and the use of the city street for a comic parade. The right to the east approach of the bridge and tho streets and Marion square was granted after Alderman Buckuer was assured there was no merry-go-round or carnival show intended. The Halem Sand and Gravel company notified the council in writing that it could not sell gravel at 00 cents a yard and that the city would have to pay 6.r, cents, the same as paid by the county There was ome thought of trying t buy from the other gravel company but Alderman Ward assured the council that if one company had raised the price, the other wag also in line. In tho petition to the council present ed by Frank T. Wrightman, chairman of the executive board of the Red Cross it was stated that all mon.ey received from the dedication of the bridge would go into th Red Cross treasury. By the action of the council, the Red Crosi; will bo given entire control of Center street at the cast end of the bridge and of Water and Front streets, besides .r ; .!!! . jFiariuu squar tutu aujuinirig streets. A nominal fee will bo charged for con cessions in the way of booths. It is the the referendum was invoked. One re lates to fishing in the Willamette below the falls at Oregon City and the other to Rogue river. "I, Tomorrow Is July 4th Let us all consecrate the day as the GREAT DAY OF LIBERTY, not only for OURSELVES, but our ALLIES, and also those nations bound with the charms of military oppression, fed on falsehood and treachery. Let us each resolve to face the crisis and do our part in supporting our government and helping the "Boys Over There" to "carry on." ALL DAY. FOR SALEM FIRM Vick Brothers Have Closed Record Order for Salem Territory One thousand Ford tractors have boen orderod by Vkk Bros, for ship ment to Snlem and surrounding ageu cies, according to a tolegram receiv ed today by Charles II. Vick. A carload of samples are already enroute and tho larger shipments will begin coming in about September 1. Albout ten days ago (leorge F. Vick left for B-etroit to confer with Henry Ford regarding the shipment of Ford trartors. The Ford pooplo had offered tho governor 100 tractors to be sold at cont by tho state of Oregon but it seems, that no. money wis available to intentions of tho execulivo commit ten that only auxiliaries shall be given con cessions in order that the net prot'ils of the day will swell the treasuries of thai various auxiliaries. REroRT OK TUB CONDITION OF " SALEM BANK OF COMMERCE at Salem, in the. fitate of Oregon, at the close of business, June, 20. 1918V KliSOCIJCKS Loans and discounts , , , $ 2 1 5 3!)8.4-T Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 244.0- Bonds and warrants a............... S8,0:'b'.l.r.;.. Banking house , , .'Z.'.'."..... 3!),U00.(i(i Furniture and fixtures 3,400.00 Due from approved reserve banks (i.'t,4(0.2.'t Checks and other cash items 2,2ti0.IIS Exchanges for clearing house 3,717.1.1 Cash on hand 2S.420..41' Total k 420,037.37 IIABILITI ICS Capital stock paid in $ DO 000.00 Surplus fund 5,000.0U Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 2,718.95 Individual deposits subject to check 251,047.07 Cashier checks outstanding ..., 3,477.5.1 Certified checks , 2.27H.03 Time and Havings Deposits ;. 14,.'i0ii,37 Other liabilities ..j..." 94 Total $ 420,1)37.37. STATE OF OREGON". ) )ss. County of Marion. ) I, H. V. Compton, cashier of the nbuve nnnied bank, do solemnly swrar that the above statement is true to tho best of niv knowledge and bidief. II. V. COMPTON, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: . ; J. C. PERRY, B. L. RTEEVE8, S. B. ELLIOTT, Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 101 S. ROVT F. SHIELDS; Notary TuMie. My Commimssion expires June 17. 1020j TOTAI; RESOURCES: June 29, 1017 s:ll!),01!).Kl June 20, 1018 : 420,037.37 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS B. L. fiteeves, S. B. Elliott, W. W. Moore, II. O. White, S. H. East, If. V. Compter), Geo. F. Vick, J. C. Terry Capital Journal Want Ads Will accept the offer. As the tractors were being shipped to the state of Washing ton on the Ford offer, Mr. Vick folt the farmers of the valley should be given a chaneo ito buy them for the fall plowing, and tho result of his trip to Detroit will be the shipment of one thousand tractors this fall. The tractor is to bo known ma the "Fordson'' as Mr. Ford and his son hold tho stoick of ithe factory. For several years tho .Ford experts have been working on a satisfactory trac tor and albout a year aijjo, thy were put into pramtioiia service in England, Ford supplying the needs of that coun try first ou account of war condi tions. The "Fordson" tractor is of 32 horse power, with an engine mado especially for heavy work. It is guaranteed to null two idowa of fourteen inch nmlpr ordinary conditions. It has throe speeds almud and ono reverse, and- has tha worm drive. Aiurther valuable feature is the fm t that iit is made whereby coal oil can be used for fuel, reducing the operating expense. .Mr. Vick thinks lli car load of MimplcK will arrive in K'alem about Augiwt 1. JOURNALWANT ADS SELL JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL Get Yea What Yea Want