Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 03, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau oi
rlNt 7
Oregon: Tonight
and Thursday
fair, moderate
westi'rl ywinds.
Entire German Column Was
AnnMatcd by Yankee
American Aviators Defeat
German Airplane Offensive
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the Americans on the Marno
July 3. (Evening). The American?
utterly demolished an attempted coun
ter attack on their new positions west
of Chateau-Thierry this morning taking
97 additional prisoners.
Our artillery laid down a terrific bar
rage that entirely cut off the attack
ing force, while tit? American machine
gun and rifle fire annihilated them.
A number of light machine guns
were captured in this fighting, raising
xne torai tasen since last night to more
than sixty. Final clieckine ud of the
boche prisoners taken in last night's
and today's operations is expected to
now more than ouu.
Last night's advance progressed far
ther at some points man was first re
ported. It is now "stablished that the
minimum penetration was about a kilo
. meter and a half, or nearly a mile.
While the German counter attack was
under way this morning, eight Ameri
can flyers attacked nine boche direct
ly above the scene of last night's bat
tle. The fight lasted 35 minutes.
Two Germans, from a height" of 13,000
feet, dove through an American patrol
hoping to draw th,e latter down into an
anibusoade. The Americans saw the trap
mid attacked in battle formation- at
WHO!) feet. A free for all resulted in
which four boche planes were sent
spinning. The French later reported
these were destroyed.
John MeArthur of Buffalo is cred
ited with two of the enemy victims;
wiiiU Albert Grant of Denton, Texas,
(Continued on page six)
General Foch Mil Probably
Continue to Hold Pershing's
Men In Reserve
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press War Expert)
New York, July 3. The arrival of
America's first million troops in Franoj
noes not mean the time has come when
America's major offensive should begiu.
0!d Indian War Claims
May FinaDy Be Settled
Washington, July 3. After more
than a quarter of a century of litiga
tion" the present session of the court
of claims will see the passing of the
last of the "claims of property of cit
izens of the United States taken or
destroyed by the Indians without just
cause or iprovoeation," Assistant At
torney General Hasten Thompson an
nounced today.
A total of more than 10.000 claims
were filed "under the Indian depreda
tion act passed on March 31, 1891, to
talling nearly $44,000,000. More than
6,iOO,000 have been awarded these
claimants which' came from" every
state west of the Mississippi and many
states east of that line. The largest
Jaim was $1,381,230 and was filed by
Charles I). Poston, a prominent figure
in the early history of Arizona.
His Losses were at the hands of toe
Apache Indians. - .
Every Iidian .war is recorded in the
f i es of these ases from that with Te
cumseh in 1813 to that with Sitting
Bull in 190-91.
SH m
3ce To Observe
America's Great Day
By Andre Tardeau
.Commissioner of Franco-Am-
erican iMstinnslrp) sf.
C. (Written for United Press)
j? fans, July 3. The first
rfWrth of July to bo celebrat- if
ed by the French as a nation-
al holiday will be observed to-
morrow-. Both chambers de-
' icided in perfect agreement
' with the government to thus
manifest the unanimous senti-
! ment of the French people.
' When I returned from the
' United States, I endeavored to
make my compatriots under-
stand the extension of the Am- p
' erican effort and the power of
' the idea antimating your great
' democracy. I am glad to tell
you that Franc appreciates
fully tho value of American
' cooperation, which is previous
in its comforts and most effi-
' cacious in its encouragements
to pursue the fight to victory.
AH that is American arouses
,tho pUblio interest. Your sol-
' diers have acquired among all
" classes a cordial popularity. It
is sufficient in. a meeting
' merely to ipronounce the name
"Wilson" to arouse the most
ft enthusiastic aipplause.
Bo assured that on the Fourth
of July the heart of France
will beat more than ever in
' unison with the heart of Am-
' erica. sjc
Army and Navy Will Play
Baseball On Famous Chel
sea Football Field
London, July 3. American baseball
players who will take part in the
army-navy baseball game here tomor
row have a regular old fashioned
Fourth of July celebration planned for
The men will have lunch at the Sa
voy and then will drive to Chelsea
field, the famous football field, tin
four-in-hand tallyho coaches.
As for the baseball game, the bet
ting favorsi the army on the fact that
the team has not .yet met defeat and
has won eight games. The navy has
won three and lost four. The army
team is leading the league and the
navy team i in fifth place.
Herb Pennock, who started his base-
(Continued on page two)
It is highly improbable that General
Foch will use the Americans in an ex
tended offensive this summer. A sud
den emergency may arise, making such
a course imperative, but under normal
conditions, another million Americans
ought to bo in France before the su
preme effort is made to inflict mililary
defeat on the Hohenzollerns.
General Fpch has demonstrated this
year that he has the supreme quality of
patience, although he well knows that
the allies must apply the offensive
weapon to win the war. But there will
be no false start so long as General
Foch can carry out his own plans, nor
will an effort be made to break the Ger
man war machine with an inadequate
supply of men.
Of the million American troops in
France, approximately 630,000 are ac
tual fighters. Of these active combat
ants more than 400,000 have reached
France since the beginning of Von Hin-
denburg's offensive on March 21. That
means the British and French casualties
in the spring offensive have much more
than b.oen made good.
General Foch, therefore, in all prob
ability has superiority in man power
over Von Hindenburg. The superiority
however, i not yet sufficient to insure
that quality of supreme pressute which
the allies must be prepared to maintain
once the American offensive starts.
General Foch is developing his major
strategy with profound skill. This sum
mer it is for Hindenburg to attempt to
win if lie can, and thereby deplete the
German reserves.
About the best thine iho ffn-prnment
0 p. - - --
can do-now is to put Garabed to bed and
lorget about
General Haig's Forces Have
Been Driven Back From
Ride Into Old Line
Below and Mackensen, Fam
ous German Generals, Re
ported to be In Italy
By William Philip Simms
(.United Press staff correspondent)
With the British Armies in France
July 3. Aa a result of the Germans
retaking the ridge northwest of Albert
last night, tho British are now back
along their old front line, established
when the enemy drive was stopped here
last spring.
Apparently the Germans considered
tho British positions over-menacing to
Albert and Aveluy wood and determin
ed to .take it at any price. This was
the fourth attempt 4hey .had made
since the Bntuth suce.es in . the same
region ifunday night. -r-
- Austrian Losses Heavy y
With the Italian Armies in ? the
Field, July 3. Tho previous estimates
of 1500 Austrians killed in tho recent
mountain fighting is now considerably
increased. It is known that two enemy
regiments, one of which was entirely
fresh, wore entirely wiped out, all of
their members feeing killed or captur
Cezch-S'.ovak units, in hand to hand
fighting, killed an Austrian colonel and
his entire staff.
From prisoners and captured' docu
ments it is learned that the support
from Austrian artillery was very poor.
The attacking party numbered less
than the enemy prisoners captured.
Port of Naples Enlarged
Rome, July 3. A government decree
authorizes enlargement of the Port of
Naples, including construction of a
canal from Baiae to connect Lake La-
vernus with the sea, transforming the
lake into the largest drydock on the
Baiae, a 'favorite watoring place of
tho old Romans, lies ten miles wes of
Xaples. Lake Lavernus which is situ
ated a short distance from the bay of
Naples, was regarded by the ancients
as the entrance to tho infernal re
gions, Ibecaiiise of its forbidding aspect
and gloomy surroundings.
Below and Mackensen
Home, July 3. Field Marshal Mack
ensen and General Below, who led the
German Austrian offensive last au
tumn, are reported in a Berne dispatch
today to have gone to Austria. Von
'Below is generally credited with hav
ing been mads commander in chief of
the Austrian armies on the Italian
front- . .
All On Board Save One
' Boat Load Perished
London. July 3. All of those on
board the hospital ship Llandovery
Castle when she was torpedoed and
sunk by a German submarine, except
ing the single boatload of survivors
already rescued, undoubtedly perished,
the admiralty announced last night.
The area about the scene of the at
tack has been thoroughly .searched,
the admiralty announced, and only one
empty boat and a quantity of wreck
age were found. It is assumed there
were no more survivors.
Mrs, William Story
' Pleaded Not
New York, July 3. Mrs. William
Cumming Story and her two sons, Allen
and Sterling, pleaded not guilty today
today to a charge of conspiracy in the
case of Mrs. Story for grand larceny
which grew out of allegations that a
"fifty-fifty" arrangement had been
made with a solicitor to get confribu-
tions to the National Relief Society, one
fifth of which was to go to Sterling
Story. Mrs. Story is president of the so
ciety. Allen Story 13 a lieutenant ii
tha army..
ra po o
Eighty-five names
On Daily Report
War Casualties
Eighteen Americans Killed In
Action and Twelve Severe
ly Wounded
Washington, Joly 3. General Fer
shiug'a casualty list pf 85 today was
divided as follows: j
Killed in action 18) died of wounds
9; died df disease 4; died of accident
an other causes 6; severely wounded
12; missing in action 86.
The list follows: '
Killed in Action
Lieutenants B. Crawford. Tarentum,Pa.
R. V. Curry, Plans, Pa
Sergeants A. Cornell, South Manches
ter, Conn.
E. II. Foley, Philadelphia.
Corporals W. M. Batjer, Rogers, Ark.
A. Lehner, Detroit, Mich.
Wagoner Dclbert F. Callender, Elk
hart, Ind. ( '
Privates C. J. Brewster, Newport,
N. H. .
E. B. CorwclL Gadsen. Ala.
W. Lc-Roy Day, Blue Springs, Neb.
P. K. Eskew, Franklin, Ky.
D. Gtmzales, Tireimicari, N. M.
J. A. King, Chestnut Hill, Mass.
J. Massorra, Rochester, iT. Y.
F. W. Cakgrove, Phillipsburg, N. J.
N. Reiehland, Chicago.
J. K. Shoemaker, Waterbury, Conn.
H. V. Traynham, Arbucle, Cal.
Died from Wounds
Lieutenant H. L. , Smith, Oshkosh,
Sergeant W. Hackman, San Fran
cisco. Bugler A Bailey, Springfield, Ohio.
Privates J. Farrell, New York
H. S. Keefc, Roxbury, Mass.
J. J. Kirkipatrick, Jr., Holyoke. Mass.
J. C. McKee, Nelsonville, Ohio
M. Niots, Burgettstown, Pa.
S. Owens, Owanka, S. D.
Died of Disease
Corporal E. F. Curth, Yonkers, N. Y.
Privates J- Francois, Scott, La. '
H. Hoffman, Beattie, Kan.
R. D. Wentzel, Telford, Pa. '
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Lieutenant A. E. Crocker, Jr., Fitch
burg, Mass. v -
Corporals R. T. Ilaaley, Tcxarkana,
D. Smith, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio
Privates J. Bloodough, Salisbury, N.
W. H. T. Breisch, Allentown, Pa.
L. B, Person, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wounded Severely
Privates G. M. Libhart, French
Canip,' Cal.
D. C, Waito. Davenport, Iowa
(Ooutind oa page two)
German Officer's Dog Victim
of War-'Tommy", Fam
ous American Pet
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With The American Forces in Picardy
May 10. (By Mail) This is tho story
of two dogs One lies stark and stiff
out 111 riouinn s Land, lu; gave Ins life
for the country of his master, a German
officer. He was shot by an American
sentinel wlnlo on duly as a soldier, car
rying a message,
The other dog still lives, but for tt.j
coming of Americans to the little village
that was his home he might have died
of neglect and starvation. This dog U
Abe Martin
Who remembers when all th' promin
ence in a family wuz in th' father's
name? Elmer Moots has quit workin' in
th' little O'm resturint as his hair is
not long enough in front.
Thirty-Three Killed In Action
and Four Died As Result
cf Wounds
Washington. July J. Forty marine
corps casualties listed today were as
Killed in action 33; died of wounds
4; wounded in action 3.
The list follows:
Killed in Action
Second Lieutenant V. L. Sohiers,
Bloxom, Va.
First Sergeant J- A. Sissler, New
Sergeants C. L. Broekwav, Utica,
N. Y.
H. Carman, Jamaica, N. Y.
P. Conway, Chicago
A.. F. Ware Fort Scott, Kan.
Corporals H, W. Elliott, Minneapo
lis, Minn.
A. Hughes, Madrid, N. Y.
R. W. Laidlaw, Cuba . ,
N. J. Loblanc, Chicago
II. T. Lyon, Hatticville, Ark.'
H. H. Stone, Detroit, Midi.
Privates P. A. Adwell, Renville,
I. Brandon, Clearwater, Fla.
G. I. Chandler, Wavorly Hall, Oa.
M. R. Collier, Olathe, Kan-
H. D. Dunlavy, Goose Greek, Texas
J. P. Eaton, .Corning, N. I.
B. A. Ellsworth, Cripple Creek, Colo-
H. J. W. Field, Hatfield, Pa.
T. C Grant, St. Louis, Mo.
J, A. Hammer, Bofialusa, La.
G. W. Lockhait, Wallsburg, Utah
George W. Luce, Oxford. Mass.
A. MciBrido, Clarendon, Ark.
W. A. May, St. Lands, Mo.
R. H. Nciscn, Milwaukee, Wis.
H. Pankow, Chicago
F. W. Schulte Quincy, 111.
M. T. Buttles, San Marcos, Texas
D- Tartikoff, Maiden, Mass.
A. E. Weisbajeker. Newark, N. J.
Died of Wounds Received In Action
Sergeant W.. Hoftman, Milwaukee,
Wis. ' -
Corporal R. B. Hess, St. Paul,' Minn.
Privates R. ft. Benson, Norh Wood
stock, Conn.
E. B. Murray, New York. ;
Severely Wounded ,
Corporal H. E. McCurdy, Chicago
Private H. E. Clausen, Chicago.
Germans Defeat British
London, July 3. The Germans last
night recaptured most of the ground
won by the British northwest of Al
bert on Sunday Field Marshal ilaig
new known as "Tommy"' Just what
his French name was no one known
He's of the crossed bull and fox terrier
variety, has had a bath since he fell
into American hands, and is getting
fat on tho lelt-overs of food from Am
Joricun messes. Whatever ho was in the
dava of his puppyhood, he's a Salva
Ition army dog now, and the friend of
j every homier who lives in or passes thru
I tho village.
if there is anything a soldier in the
field lows most next to his letters from
I home, his smokes, and his bunkic, it if
j a dog. Consequently there is a feeling
jof pity as the men in the trenches look
lout ovr the parapet and see tho stif
fened body of the Boche dog. He hap
pened to be born on the other side of
the Rhine. Therefore! he was an enemy.
Ho couldnt reason why one man was his
friend and one his foo. He only knew
that when he was called, and some
thing was slipped in the little alumin
um container on his collar, he must go
to tho place to which he had been
taught to go. Neither did ho know that
when he galloped beyond the O'rinnn
wire and out into Nomans Land his lean
form was silohetted against the sky in
t'115 gathering darkness. Ho knew only
that this was tlw short way to the next
post command.
Part of War Machine
Though only a dog, he was part of the
monster German war machine that
menacing tho world.
Corporal Clark, of E Company of the
Infantry, loves dogs as much as
any soldier. But, you must romember'
tho Bochj dog was born on the other
side of the Rhine. He was Clark's en
emy. The corporal raised his gun and
fired. The Bochf? dog dropped dead
Clark slipped out through th3 wire, un
fastened the dog's collar, and brought
it back. The collar was sent into head
quarters. The little aluminum message box that
hung at the dog's throat was opened.
Thi message contained valuable infor
mation as to relief In the '-nemy linen
and told other things which it is neces
sary to know. The colonel of Clark's
regiment sent him a note commending
him for shooting the dog, declaring it
showed him to be "a quick witted :ol
dier of action."
Tommy Was French.
"Tommy" doeen't know the story of
(Continued on pag) twp)
F. M C. A. Working
Wonders Close To
Front Line Trenches
Famous South Carolinian Had
Been In Upper House for
Twenty-Four Years
Washington, July 3 Sonator Ben K.
Tillman, South Carolina, ("Pitehfork
Ken ') died at 4.20 o'clock this morn-
The senator had been ill for some
days as a result of .paralysis attacks
and all hopb for his recovery was
anannonea ounday. AlenVoers of his
family were with him at the end.
Tho death of the senator from South
'Carolina marks tho passing of one ot
tho most unique and interesting mem
bers who ever sat in the upper branch
of congress. He' represented his state
there for twenty four years, and as he
hoped, "died in action. "
Tillman was iborn in Edgefield
county, Mouth Carolina, the son of
farmer. The sobriquet of "Pitchfork
Ben" was given him because of a. hab
it ho had of pitching into opponents
when a good fight was on. From early
life he was active in politics, always
winiunmig me cause or tne larmers.
In. 1890 and again in 1K92 ho was
'elected governor of South Carolina,
going to the senate, in 1894, In 1898
he was a candidate for the democratic
nomination for .president, but was lost
'in the popular tide atanted by William
Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of
gold" speech,-. JU ..,, ;' .. ." .
As chairman of, tho senate naval
comimittee he had been instrumental,
with Senator Swanson of Virginia, in
putting through tho .great naval legis
lation of the last two years,
Eight Year Old Boy v
Drowned at Newport
iv apiuii ,ournui opeciai ncrvicoj j
Newport, ur., July s. freddio
Chambers, the eijjht year old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chandlers, of To
ledo, drowned there yesterday after
noon. Tho boy was swimming with oth
er youngsters back of Frederick's
store, when his companions sent him to
tho Ibath house for a suit. He unex
pectedly stepped on a plank, lost con
trol of himsK'Lf ami "went to the bot
tom at once. His body was recovered
half an hour later, but efforts of three
physicians to rjsusitate him were
Portland, Or., July 3. Motorists oii 1
the Columbia highway were startled '
yesterday when the body of a cow j
hurtled through the air "and fell life-'
less a short distunVe ahead of thoir
machine. The cow hnd slipped over the ;
cdtfe of a cliff. 200 feet above. '
I War Summary of United Press
I lllllfllllllllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllll E
I 1430th Day of the War; 103rd Day of the Big Offensive
Marne front Americans yesterday
repulsed a 8,1-cond German counter at
tack on the newly won positions west
of Chateau-Thierry.
French advanced a half mile on a
two mile front northwest of Soissons,
taking 220 prisoners.
Picardy front Germans last night
recaptured most of the ground taken
by the British northwest of Albert
Alsace front German raidg repulsed
Italy Additional reports greatly in
crease tho original estimate of 1500
Austrians killed in the recent Italian
victory in the mountains.
England Lord Rhonnda, " British
food controller, died this morning fol
lowing a long illness.
Germany Hundred thoiwtaud cases
of "Spanish influenza" reported thru
out the country.
Sinking of the Canadian hospital
ship Llandovery Castle is semi-official-ly
denied in - a statement which sug
gests that "a British mine" probably
was responsible.
Austria Several regiments of Aus
trian soldiers in Prague and Oratz re
volted when their bread ration was cut
America's Great Universities
Are Transplanted to West
era War Zone-Boys Will
Come Back Home Well
equipped to Direct Affairs
of Nation-Best Men In Uni
versity Work Have Been
Drafted For Service by
Great Organization
By John K. Mott
(General secretary of the international
Y. M. C. A.)
(Writ.te.tt for tho United Press)
Atlanta, Ga., July 3. The Y. M. C.
A. ia transplanting! America's creat
universities directly behind the'fight-
uuui in curupe in oraer that our
millions of boy may come back from
the war equipped to direct this nations
affairs of tomorrow.- . .. 1
We feel it neculiarlv filMinir thst
this vital part of the Y. M. C. A.'
wort overseas e given publicity just
now as we approach, the campaign for
our new overseas war work fund of
U2,000,00 because it touch... . mb
bottom on one of the many gigantie
iMuuieina tuis country Has to face whoa
peace is here.
When you remember that these' le
gions of boys over there will come baek
to be our councibnen, our senators. eo-
grossmen, diplomats and businesa and
professional 'readers in later years, vmi
glimpse the reason for this great edu-
i-aiionai unuentaKing.
The work is already under wy. It
has a. present, a. well as a future ac
complishment to cf feet. Ita big task
now i 10 icacn every toy with a gun
oxnctly what he is fighting for.- No
man can do things well if hs doe not
clearly understand the reasons for do
ing them. Putting tho war issuo clear
ly before these boys through these uni
versities behind tie front strenirtJions
and improves the morale of America's
armies as nothing else could. Tho sec
ond and equally important object is to
train tneso fjoys, even as they fight,
for peace time affairs.
To do this we have eonc.riotnl tha
best minds available in American uni
versities. The schools already estab
lished and being established jn Y. M. C.
A. buildisgs along tho way to the front
are under the direction of such men
ag Anson Phelps Stokes of Yale. Pro
fessor Khskino of Columbia, ProfosBOr
Reginald Daly of Harvard and Profes
sor Coleman of the University of Chi
cago. They are porsonally in charge.
At present tho educational work in
cludes hundreds of French classes and
teachers are English-speaking French
professors loaned by the French edu
cational authorities. President Schur
nian of Cornell, Erskino, Daly and doz
ens of other great American educators
personally aro stumping the overseas
string of universities, lecturing to the
nien and preparing the ground for tbn
greater educational work to grow.
Wo know that the breadth, depth
and wisdom of the one of the many
Y. M. C. A. undertakings is fully ap
preciated by the people of this eoun
fry. Russia Fifty thousand Gorman
troops reported to I ave entered Fin
land to participate in the proposed
Murman campaign.
Chicago, July 3. Traffic
cops were ordered today to
close one Chicago street to all
traffic for half hour while a
tailoring concern here unfurl-
ed tho world's largest flag.
Tailors sewed st.iics of bunt-
ing into an ensign measuring
ltlOxHO. It will cover one side
of a seven story building.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 3. Three
brothers, charged with violating tho
espionage law, were interned at Fort
MacArthur today. They are Wilhelm.
U..nrv anA Antnn Mnitmnnn nnfivpn
of Germany, former residents of Po
mona, who, after being cnargea wun
r.rn.f:.titia ti iittArunCfin iiera amRtprt
on the border as they tried to enter
August Wefer and Alfred J. Pils, ar
rested at San Diego on espionage law
violation charges. hao also been in
terned at the fort.