Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 02, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation la Salem Guir
anteed by the A adit Bums f
special Willamette val
writ nun? .thToid
Oregon: Tonight
and Wednesday
.vk I trv -arsueiM' i k ii m f ,-- i n . j? i;j it ti i n n n si n n n
fTHe 'VVji&tt; . -OS-MI jCWv .VVV'
Americans and French Now
Dominate Important
Obtained Their Objective and
Captured Vaux 23 Minutes
After Start
By Lowell Mellett
(Muted Press staff correspondent)
With the Americans on the Marne,
July 2 (10:53 a. m.)- American troops
tadvamced on a two mil front west of
Chateau-Thierry last night to the depth
of half a- mile, taking 450 prisoners
and. jnflictiag the heaviest losses on
the enemy. The American losses were
extremely light. Our "men took the. vil
lage of Vaux, Hill 192, La Roche wood
and penetrated Clerebaut wood. -
Combined French and American at
tacks on Hill 204, conducted simultan
eously with the American attack on
Vaux, are reported to have been successful-after
a bitter battle.
The hills are very important, domi
aiating Chateau-Thierry, as well a the
country to the left.
Perfect cooperation between the ar
tillery and infantry made the Ameri
can advance possible, as some portions
f the German lino were unusually well
- adapted to defensive purposes.
Twelve Hours of Shelling
Tho shelling lasted from six o'clock
yesterday morning until six o'clock
lust niht. Then tho infantry swept
forward and attained all its objectives
in forty minutes.
The advance was made on a front
f about three kilometers (l.8da milefs)
and reached a maximum depth of a kil
ometer (.021 mile.)
One of the most remarkable artillery
'Nuccpflses yet staged by Americans pre
setted the attack. Thebaek areas were
thoroughly swept first. Complete neu
tralization of the German artillery was
'evidenced by the feebleness of its re
ply. The concentration of fire later on
Vaux resulted in the gunners hitting
absolutely every building in the town.
Exceptional intelligence- work result
ed in every man entering the place
with an exact description together with
photographs and maips indicating build
'inns each was expected to occupy.
When they reached the town they
found the maps more valuable than
He .photographs, a the artillery had
wiped out any resemblance to a house.
The advance, which carried the Am
ericans down two depressions and up
(Continued on page two)
Abe Martin
" We doa't go by Democratic time at
our honse. We go t' bed an' eit iid when
we please," said Hilford Moots t'day.'
viive nil it quits Biirtin'.
Wifl Celebrate Fourth
by Many Launchings
Washington, July 2 The
Bethlehem Union plant at San
Francisco will launch eight of
the fourteen new destroyers to
take to the water July 4., tU?
4c navy department announced to-
day. The Newport News Ship-
4c building and Drydoek company 4c
will contribute three; William
4c Cramp and Cons tompany, Phil- 4e
4c ndelphia, two, and tho Fore 4e
4c Rivur Shipbuilding eonipany, 4c
4c one 4c
4c i
4c Chicago, July 2. Part of Am- 4c
4c erica's big-ship launching splash
4e of July Fourth will be contrib- 4c
4e uted by the Great Lakes dig- 4c
4c trict, shipbuilders announced to- 4c
4c day. At various lake ports a to- 4c
4c tal of 14 steel -hips will slide 4c
4c down the ways. Three moro. aw 4e
4e nearly complete. Tonnage in all 4e
4c cases is under five thousauu 4c
tons. - 4c
Germans Have Possession of
Remnant of Black
Sea Fleet
By Joseph Shaplen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Stockholm, JulyZ. The drendnaughts
Volia and Demokratia and six destroy
ers of the Russian Black sea fleet haws
arrived in Sebastopol, according to semi
official dispatches from Eussian sour
ces today. Their crews were disarmed
by Ih.e. Germans and forced to leave
the city immediately.
In the revolt at Novo-Rossusk (200
miles east of Sebastopol), the Russians
blew up the dreadnatight Svobodnnya
Bossia and ten destroyers.
Persons close to the leaders of the
Siberian government inform me that
Alexander Kerensky led the Siberian
government in favor of re-establishment
ot the constituent- assembly from out
side the country. I am not allowed to di
vulge the details, but Kerensky w.ent
into Russia from Christiania with a del
i;gation, all of whom were traveling in
disguise, rney visited Moscow and other
centers where they conferred . with
aides. Afterward they all returned to a
Scandinavian city.
The two Siberian governments have
been United. The eastern government
the capital of which was at Harbin, has
joiivd with the western government
and the latter 's capital, Omsk, has been
chosen as the center of government.
Members of the constituent assembly,
G.meral Chorvat, hetman of the Gaikal
Cossacks, and other leaders have form
ed a small cabinet. Colonel Ivanoff was
uamed commander in chief of the
Czecho slovak front.
The Czecho-Slovaks from the nucleus
of the Siberian army. With them are
brigaded several crops of volunteers and
detachments of Cossacks. -
Careless Campers
Start Many Bad Fires
Afedford, Or., July 2. Southern Ore
gon faces one of the most disastrous
forest fire seasons in its history.
With t1ie prospect for rains after July
4 very slight, the number of fires has
increased to serious proportions. That
some, if not many of them, ane of "pro
German" origin, is suspected by the fire
Already one devastating fire has
swept 20,000 acres and is still raging
in the Crater Lake region.
Campers are responsible for most of
these fires. A stern warning was sent
out today that those who cause forest
fires through carelessness are criminal
ly responsible this year. The new law
will be enforced to the limit, said offi
Washington, July 2. An increase of
about 4,000.000 bales of cotton this year
was forecast by the department of ag
riculture today. Conditions of the crop
June 25 was 83.8 per cent, indicating
a yield per acre or 200 pounds and a
total production of 13,323,000 bales.
Pershing Reports
8 Killed In Action
Casualty List 81
Of These 48 Are Wounded
Slightly Total Death
Washington, July 2. General Per
shing today reported eighty one cas
ualties, divided as follows:
Killed in action, 8; died of wounds,
10; died of disease, one; severely
wounded, 48; wounded slightly, 2;
wounded, degree undetermined, 2; miss
ing in aetiou, 10.
The list follows:
Killed in action: '
Lieutenants J. J. Brewer, Bristol,
G. Brcdwood, Baltimore, Md.
Wagoner F. J. Hutcher, Milvale, Pa.
Privates C. W. Earls, Corbin, Ky. "
J. A. Jordon, Ebv, Ky.
F. C. McDermott, Portals, N.-M.
R. C. Naglo, Philadelphia.
G. D. O'Ncil, Jr., Reno, tier..
Died of wounds:
Lieutenants G. P. Gustafson, Syca
more, 111. "
G. D. Jackson, Kingwood, W. Va.
Sergeant S. C. Ostrowski, South Chi
cago, III.
Privates K. Adach, Schnectady, N. Y.
E. E. Baird, North Aopeka, Kan,
J. D. Clarke, Bookland, .Xexas.
R. B. Hai'elson, McRae, Ga. ' "
A. K. Waller, South Norwalk, Conji. -C.
Wheatloy, Bunker Hill, Kan. i -W.
Yan-, Thi'ee Rivers, Miss. f " j
Died of disease:
Private L. T. Shurtridce, Kenmare,
N. D.
The wounded severely included:
Serjeants N. F. Berg, hicago. '
B. U. Lewis, C'entralia, 111.
Corporal B. C. Robinson, Rawlins,
Privates K. B. Copenhaver, Lyttle,
E. 1). Drngoo, Basin, Wyo.
H. S. Funk, Liberal Kan. .
P. Hanka, Chicago.
SE. Horton, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(Continued on page three)
Races at Fairgrounds
On Thursday Afternoon
With the State Fair track now de
clared to be the fastest on the Pacific
coast and in the best condition that
it has been for 20 years, a number of
special races are billed for the afternoon
of the Fourth of July, with some of
the best horses that are to compete in
the Pacific Northwest circuit this y.ear
entered. The races will be under the
auspices of the Oregon Driving Asso
ciation, which is not connected in any
way with the State Fair Board.
A free-for-all trot, free-for-all pace,
2:18 trot and 2:18 pace will make up
the card. Events already are well filled,
Secretary Lea states.
Lady Hal, Captain Mack, Francis J.,
Salem Boy, Mountain Boy, Guy Light
Ora Bond, Bouerey, McAlpin and liuth
are among the horses entered.
The main event of the day will be
8 great patriotic parade, in which more
than 10,000 Americans and foreign-bom
Americans are expected to participate.
Attorney R. L. Smith
Is Seriously Injured
Lebanon, Or., July 2. Attorney Ray
L. Smith of Portland was seriously in
jured Sunday in an automobile acci
dent near Lacomb, when a roadster
turned over on A. M. Reeves, a mer
chant of Lebanon, and Smith, his son-in-law.
Reeves was badly bruised, but
crawled from under the car and lifted it
it off Smith, who otherwise would prob
ably have died in a short time. Four
upper ribs near the heart were brok
en. The extent of his injuries is un
known and his condition is critical.
The Reeves family was entertaining
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Walton and Mr. and
Mrs. Bay L. Smith of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and daugh
ter, Grace of SaV'm at a picnic near
Clark's Mill.
Returning home Mr. Reeves turned
out to pass a team. The ear struck loose
gravel and skidded until the front wh&el
broke off and the car turned over.
REVENUES $4,000,000,000
Washington, July 2. The United
, oiatra revenue returns ror me nscai
year just closed are expected to reach
the nnprecedntd total of 4,000.000,000
CT. - . , m ....
i ' -Main
Highway for Supplies Is
Now Dominated by
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press war expert)
New York, July 2. The brilliant
American advance west of Chateau
Thierry last night has destroyed Chateau-Thierry's
usefulness to the Ger
mans as a supply center for Von Hin
denburg's army of the Marne.
The capture of Vaux puts American
artillery within a range of two miles
of the Chateau-Thierry railway sta
tion. This is the most important ter
minus tho Germans hitherto have pos
sessed for their line of communica
tions running from the Marne to the
Aisne. It will be Impossible for Hin
denburg hereafter to use this station.
Tho Americans now dominate it com
pletely. Chateau-Thierry's own safety is ser
iously, menaced by tho American ad
vance. The German positions et Vaux
were exceptionally strong, because
Vaux guards the main highway run
ning into Chateau-Thierry from ' the
west. The Americans now control this
road. Tho capture of Hill 204 which ap
parently has been made by united
Franco-American , forces, doubly as
sures the safety of the Americans on
the Vaux road. Hill 204 is midway be
tween Vaux and Chateau-Thierry, dom
inating the Vaux road from the south
ern flank.
There are .no remaining strongholds
protecting Chateau-Thierry from the
west, lot aeiense or unaieau-mierry
henceforth must occur within the im
mediate environs of the town itself.
The town may fall to . the Americans
at the next assault.
The now American exploit inspires
the effectiveness of the American sys
tem of training. The method of us-
(Continued on page three)
0n3 Industry Alone Pays Out
PO Daily foxHelpand
There Are Many Others
Three million cans of fruits will bo
put up this season by the Oregon Pack
ing company and this but one of the
many institutions in Salem that Is pay
ing out money for fruit. These cans
vary in size from the two quart te the
one gallon size.
While Salem has no shipyards, it has
the greatest fruit industry in. the
northwest that for three or four
months in the year puts as much money
in circulation as several ship yards.
And this year the prico of everything
is higher and more money is being put
into circulation now than any time in
the history of the city.
Labor of all kind, even the young
girls who are working in the canneries
are being paid $1.00 a day more than
one year ago and for tho Oregon Pack
ing Company alone, this amounts to
$250 a day more than was paid out for
tho same number of workers last year.
The pay roll of this comppany now
averages $1,500 a week, and this is
but one of Salem's industries in this
It is estimated- that for tho cherry
40,000 Assembling at Vir
borg Submarines In
White Sea
Wtfhington, July 2. Botwim 33.
000 and 40,000 German and FinuhU
mercenary troops are concentrating
around Virborg preparatory to what is
believed by military officials here to be
a dive on the Murman coast and Kola
(a few sCore American railors are re
ported to be with the British and
French at Kola.)
Official French cables today brought
information that while the concentra
tion van nrncrrARMint. ft ruilrnnrl itpn-
lair... kn. ka.. -..i-i.ii-l f vnn vA anI r. m.
connects with the Murman line at
Kern, on the southwest coast of the
German submarines are already re
ported to be in the White sea and Ahe
seizure of Kola and Archangel as
northern submarine bases in Germany's
(Continued on page six)
Evidently U-Boat Had Mes
sage. Telling of Ships
London, July 2. Two hundred and
thirty four members of the crew and
medical complement of the Canadian
hospital ship L'andovery Castle, tor
pedoed and sunk Thursday, were still
missing early today. Patrol boats and
destroyers are scouring the adjacent
water in search of possible survivors.
Stories of the 24 survivors indicate
that German spies, working in the
United States and Canada, have tele
graphic or wireless communication
with Berlin. The commander of the
German submarine accused Captain
Sylvester, master of Llandovery Cas
tle, with carrying ei?ht American avi
ators. In reality, eight medical offi
cers were booked to anil, but one can
celled his passage at the last moment.
The survivors believe the U-boat tor
pedoed the hospital ship deliberately
on information from America transmit
ted since the ship sailed.
While the survivors were clinging to
rafts, the submarine plowed through
the wreckage tapping over the rafts
and Jiifeboats, throwirfsj tho victims
into tie water. The U-boat commander
afterward explained' he was searching
"for the American .flight office""
which he believed, or simulated to be
lieve, were on . board.
One of .those subsequently Tescued,
a Canadian sergeant .major, was in a
boat containing twelve women nurses
which capsized. It is believed all were
lost, as none reappeared.
When the sergeant major was res
cuod he was dazed as the result of his
treatment. Seeing the submarine come
alongside, he thought It was a Brit
ish raft and climbed aboard. A Ger
man sailor picked him up and threw
him bodily into a htoDoat.
crop alone thiB year, there will be paid
out in Salem closo to $100,000, as the
crop is much larger than anticipated.
The war difference is about $20,000 as
the same amount of cherries now sold
are bringing that much moro than if
sold one year ago.
The Oregon Packing company, with
its 250 employes is paying out about
$700 a day for labor and has work
enough ahead to continue or even in
crease its working force for several
weeks. Loganberries will bo coin
ing in next week and this may increase
the force. Of the 200 workers, about
200 are girls. -
From 50,000 to 60,000 cans of goods
are being packed each day by the Ore
gon Packing Company, and for each
can there is paid 25 per cent mere to'
the fruit then one year ago and full
that per cent or more for labor com
pared to one year ago and this dif
ference may be said to bo the war dif
ference, bringing that much aiMUiujal
money into the community.
For the cherry crop this year, fully
$40,000 will be paid into the industries
in the city more than one year ago aud
this amount may be said to bo the war
difference, or advance in price of fruit
and amount paid labor on account of
(Continued on page three)
Consider Employing
Chinese In America
The Salem Commercial club has un
der consideration the .matter of taking
action fuvoring a proposition whereby
100,000 Chines shall be permitted to
come to this country under three to
five year contracts.
It has been pointed out that fully
2000 men have loft Marion county and
probably as many more will find work
in the ship yards and in other occu
pations in the large cities with the re
sult that the labor channels have een
In favoring tho admission into this
country of so many Chinese, it is
thought their services could be profit
ably used as laborers on the farms
and in the development of now lands
and in road building and in much of
the labor that the average American
will not do. The French have found tho
Chinese, of uso in road building and
by some it i thought they could be of
service here.
A meeting of the members of the
club will be railed at an early dute
to diMuss the proposition and to gath
er information on the tibjet and to
also get expressions of opinion. Should
the club officially favor the admission
of Chinese into this country, it would
draw up resolutions asking the sena
tors and representatives from Oregon
to submit i bill to congress.
Kay Asks Questions
On Wood Contract
Withycombe Dodges
Says He Has Pardoned So Many Convicts There Are Nat
Enough Left to Cut the Wood He Has Contracted Stump
age ForCosts More to Cut Wood With Prison Than
with Free Labor Asylum Fuel Supply Is Endangered
At a meeting of the state board of
control yesterday afternoon, State
Treasurer -Kay wanted to know why it
will cost much to get out cordwood
for the state institutions with convict
labor as it does with free labor. He re
ceived no satisfactory answer cither
from Governor Withycombe or Warden
Murphy of the ipenitentiary.
A special meeting of the board was
held to consider the muddle in which
the penitentiary officials have gotten
themselves in connection with wood
Because of the inability of the pen
itentiary, apparently due to lack of ef
ficient management, to livo up to agree
mehts made by Warden Murphy, Su
perintendent Steiner. of the Oregon
state hospital has been in hot water
for fear he would not have enough fuel
on hand to run his institution through
the winter.
As -nOans of, furnishing employ
ment to convicts, the governor and
Warden Murphy sought contracts to
cut wood for the asylum, which uses
7000 or 8000 cords a yeaf. The state
entered into two .contracts for stump
age, one providing for stumpage on
the Snfith place, on the Prntum road,
and the other for stumpage on the
Porter p'acc, near Aumsviile.
Last fall a convict wood camp was
established on the Smith place. The con
viets worked all winter, and began de
livering some wood at the asylum this
summer. Bint soon Dr. Steiner saw that
unless something more was done he
would never reeeive enough 'wood, to
run him through the winter. He bought
a truck and a trailer and got behind
the. job himself in order to get the
wood out of the timber.
At tho -meeting of the board yester
day ho told tho members he had no
idea what the wood, was going to cost.
"You thought you could delivor this
wood at $3 b, torn," he said addressing
Warden Murphy. "Now you have no
idea what you can do. At least I
Seven Are Arrested
On Mexican Border
Nogalea,' Ariz., July 2. Charged with
conspiring to foment a revolution in
Mexico, seven men arrested on the bor
der by army officers will bo taken to
Tuc,3on today for arraignment. Others
under arrest are held at Nogales. Son-
ora aud further arrests are expected to
day. A confession said to have beon made
recently by a Mexican prisoner in So
nora cauw.'d the investigation. Captain
A. Lipscomb, I!. S. A., and department
of justice officials, cooperatiug with
Mexican oficiuls, took up the case and
thus far there have beer, over twenty
arrests on both BidB of tho line. It is
also reported that over 25,000 rounds of
ammunition and a number of rifles have
been seized by cavalrymen and deputy
Tuday's arrests were made at Susabc,
M. A. Collins and Thomas Hnnlon, No
gales business men arrested Sunday in
connection with the investigation, are
at liberty today under $1,000 bonds
pending a preliminary li.'aring Saturday.
j War Summary of United Press j
1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiniiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiimiii
- 1429th Day of the War; 102nd Day of the Big Offensive
Marne front The Americans last
night won what may prove to be their
most notable victory to date, advanc
ing more than half a milo on a two
mile f ront, west of C hateau Thierry
add capturing Hill 204, which domi
nates the Marne city. Tho Gormans
are almost certain to evacuate Chateau
Thierry, cither as a result of American
artillery bombardment or our next in
fantry assault.
In addition to capturing Hill 204,
the Americans took Hill 102, the vll
liago of Vaux, Laroche wood and part
of Cleramlbout wood. They took 450
prisoners, inflicting heavy losses on
the Germans aud suffered only slight
casualties, theinselves.
French troops
ps took prisoners in a
raid east of Bboims.
Oise front German prisoners were
taken in French raids betweeu Mont
didicr and Noyon.
Picardy front A Gorman attempt
to recapture ground lost to tre British
northwest of Albert last Friday was
haven't as I can get no idea from
It had been the intention to have
the onviets cut wood on the Porter
plaice next winter but the governor
said there would be no convicts that
could be taken into the wooda
The Porter contract runs for tw
years. It is estimated there will' ba
12,000 to 13,000 cords to cut. So wit
the ipenitentiary falling down on." its
agreement to cut the wood, bids wer
received for having the work done by
free labor. A bid for $3.25 a cord was
8 ,ate Treasurer Kay objected to pay
ing that price, and Governor Withy
combe and Warden Murphy said it was
as cheap as the wood eoukl be gotten
out by convict labor. :' .;
"I-can't figure out how it should
cost so much with convict labor," said
Kay. " You have prison labor, you have
your own trucks, and yon have ma
chines for sawing. It might cost lit-
(Continued on page twoi
Burleson Strongly Urges Gov
ernment Ownership Along
With Telephones
Washington, July 2. Three .cabinet
members Secretary of War Baker,
Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Post
master General Burleson today strong
ly advocated permanent government
ownership of telegraph and telephone
They appeared before the house in
terstate commerce committee and urg
ed immediate passage, of the A&well
resolution calling fpr government con
trol. Each of the threo put the argument
ou the ground that tho proposed step
was a military necessity and that any
interruption of service would seriously
hamper war preparations, even though
It lasted but a few hours.
Both Baker and Daniels admitted
there had been leakage in important
cable and wireless messages, but de
clared it had not been serious and
would be redutv.'d under government
Postmaster General Burleson who
clearly indicated that ho expects the
lines to be placed under control of his
department if they are taken over, ad
ded the argument that the government
could run the linos cheaper and .more ef
ficiently than privute lines. Burleson
said ho was against domestic censor
ship of messages, just as he has oppos
ed mail censorship, and declared he
never would oppose government em
ployes unioniing as long as they kcpt
free of othfir orgnniations.
Flanders frout British repulsed Ger
man raids on the southern portion of
the front.
Lorraiue front A German biplane
was shot down yesterday near Begne
ville, on the Tool sector.
Alsace front German raids repulsed
by the French.
France The Germans made their
sixth air raid on Paris within six days
lust night No casualties or damage was
Russia The bolsheviki, through mil
itary control of the election machinery,
wnn the rlprtion in Petroarad. The
(workers voted solidly against them.
AH antl-bolshcviki ructions in oi
beria have united and are forming a
huge army to oppose the soviet forc
es. -
England The influenza riiidemia
continues to epread. Schools have been
closed and mines are threatened wia
shut down.