i TODAY 4,600 SUBSCRIBES (S,KX EEADESS) DAILY Only Circulation in Salem Guar nteed by the Audit Eureaa of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY KEWS SERVICE on A f 1. f 1 1 I fl II II II II I except neRr the nrir?rr.-T?in FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 153 11 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1913 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND KEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS fU'L III i.f 3f ) 1 Capture Strong Positions of Col Del Rosso, Eschell and Mount Valbelia with 1,509 Prisoners French Aid In Brilliant Surprise Attack Indications Seen That Aus- trians Are Attempting to Prepare ror New Offensive Rome, July 1 The totil of Austrian prisoners captured on the Piayo is 19,. 000, acoordLag to semiofficial state ment issued tody. Eome, July 1. A huge Italian-American demonstration was staged in Jan iculus, suburb yesterday, prominent aitizens explained America's part in the war and expressed Italy's loyalty to thS alliea Borne, July 1. An escadrille of Am erican airmen, piloting Caproni planes, flew from Milan to Eome, a d stance of 650 kilomiterg (403.65 miles.) They were under command of Captain La Onarda, formerly New York congress man. Washington, July 1. Striking Sud denly in the upper Asiago last night, Italian .troops. 'with the cooperation of French detachments, captured ' more 1han 1500 Austrians, including fifty officers, Rome cables to the Italian embassy stated today. "The Italian troops are new in pos session of the peak of Et hel, Col Del Kosso and Mount Valbella,'!. the com munique stated. "French detainments who cooporat cd wiith the Italians, fought brilliantly anil assisted in the capture of large amounts of booty, including maehino ;!iins, trench mortars and light and , heavy guns. ' "Along the entire line the irresist ible dashes of the Italians and French found the Austrian:) completely stir 3rised, Though unnrepnrel, thev fouirht desperately. Actions along the left Ibauk of the Piave ,anil the Montflllo salient were especially successful. On the GiudLcnrie important gains were made and additional prisoners were taken. "Heavy artillery firing from Ital- (Continued on page two) HANYOLDTIHERS AT W1LLS0N PARK ilome-Coming Saturday One of the Most Delightful Gatherings Ever Held The home-coming of Salem folks Sat tirday was a very successful affair. It was a reunion of old-timers and old friends that will long be remembered by the hundreds who gathered for the exercises in beautiful Willson park. Entirely informal was the day's pro gram, the committee in charge hold ing it unwise to burden "the veterans with the obligation of listening to lengthy list of speeches. The first was the automobile excur sion about Salem to show the. visitors change that have taken place since they moved away. At 1 o'clock automo Iiies assembled at Willson park, where an outdoor luncheon was spread on tables. The luncheon hour was followed by the address of the day delivered by ex-Governor T. T. Goer and a brief ad dress by Ceorge H. Hines, of the Ore gon Historical society, Mrs. Hallie Hin ges Durdall, who as a girl delighted the men and women of Oregon with her songs, appeared before them again Sat urday, and many said that her voice had lost none of its richness of yeais gone by. 'George S. Hime Writes An interesting letter was received (Continued on page six) Forty-nine Na mes Are Lr ted In Gen. c Pershl zg's Report Rye KillcJ Ih Action, Four Died of junds and Seven I Disease "- Washington, July 1. General Per shing reported 49 casualties today di vided as follows: Killed in action 5; died of wounds died of disease 7; died from air plane accident 1; died from accident or other cause 5; wounded severely 2(; missing in action 1. The list follows: Killed in Action Lieutenants N. R. Grav, Louisville- Ky. C. A. Johnson, Grand Rapids', Mich (Corporals F. A. Morgan, Litchfield, Conn. J. J. Simcoe, Philadelphia Private R. J. Weise, Philadelphia Died of Wounds Privates A. Bruno, Yonkers, X. Y. ' J. L. Dixon, Blackshear. Ga. E. II. Jackson, Claiksville. Ark. M. G- Russell, Afiiory, Miss. Died of Disease Sergeant C. C. Foust, Dayton, Ohio Corporal G. H. Counts, Mulberry, Ark Privates J- A. Dobbs, Decatur, 111. J. Jackson, Cordele, Ga. J. S. Lynch, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Palmer, Vance, 8. 0. F. W. Whittemore, Nashua, N- H. Died of Airplane Accident Lieutenant G. T. O'Laughliu, Ra cine, Wis. Died of Accident and Other Causes Corporals J. II. Doran, Jr., East St. Louis, III. . t . . J. Gallagher, Ireland Privates H. P. Pavson, Kansas City, Mo. M, Parvis, Sumner, Mo. L. Williams, Loxa, Ark. . DEBS ARRAIGNED GHTI E One-Time Socialist Candidate For President Under Heavy Bonds Cleveland, Ohio, July 1. Eugene V. Debs, socialist leader, was arraigned before Federal Judjje Westenhaver here today and through his counsel, Morris M. Wolf, waived the reading of the indictment which led to his arrest yesterday. Dubs was granted the privi lege of pleading when he appeared tor trial which was act for July 30 or soon (here after. Bond was fixed in tho sum of $10,000. This Wolf said would be given during the day. The indictment which charges Debs with violating the espionage act was returned by the federal grand jury late Saturday as a result of a speech .he made at the socialist state conven tion in Canton, Ohio, two weeks ago. I Cleveland .socialists collected a "de fense fund'' of N00 at a meeting Debs was to have addressed here yesterday. There are ten counts in the indiet menb against Debs, all of them based (Continued on page three) GERMAN AIRMEN AGAIN RAID PARIS WIFH SMALL EFFECT French Forces Advance Lines and Take Four Hundred Prisoners Paris, July 1. German airmen made their fourth and fifth raids on Parts within five days last night and early today. : The first alarm was sounded at 11:58 p. m. A fjw posts bombarded the raid ers. "AH Clear" was given at 12:20 a. m. At 12:48 another alarm was sounded. I Aerial defenses went into action. A , few bomb were dropped in the suburbs At 2:20 "all cir" was sounded again. . I Paris, July 1. Frenf'h troops ad jvanced their line slightly on a. five i mile front northwest -of Cnateau-Thier jry, and in an operation southeast of Osloy took 200 prisoners, the French war onier reponca toaay. minor op erations on other portions of the Marno and Oise fronts resulted in 46 prisoners. "Between Montdidier and Noyon, French raids resulted in twenty pris oners," the communique said. "South of the Aisne, the French captured a resistance center north of Outry and took 26 prisoners. "The French improved their posi tions south of the Aisne, between (Contiaued on page two) TIME ARE DEAD N SIOUX-CITY FIRE ON SATURDAY MTERNOON five Persons Are Still Missing anJ Are Probably Victims -cf Flames Sioux City, Iowa, July 1. Thirty nine persona are known to have been killed and a score injured when the four story building of the Oscar Ruff Drusr company at Fourth and Douglass streets collapsed Saturday afternoon, resultingi Sn an explosion land fire. Five .persons are reported missing and it is evident that the death list will pass the forty mark before the search for bodies is ended. Early this morning, It was reported that all of the injured taken to hos pitals are recovering. Yes,terday thirty one bodies were re covered. Hope that persons in the de bris might be alive was abandoned early in the day. The greatest loss of life occurred in the Chain Grocery and Beaumont Moat market, the building adjoining tho dnig store. Most of the bodies re moved from the two buildings were women- Five of them have not yet been identified. Most of the bodies were burned or mutilated beyond recognition. The identity of four men and one child has not been established. Thousands of spectators crowded about the fire lines a'l day yesterday, but only those who had relatives or in timate friends among the missing ling ered long to view the ruins and watcn tho rescuers at their giewsoinc work. Thousands of persons from adjoining towns and cities arrived in automobiles during the day to witness the removal of bodies and catch a glimpse of the ruins. " It was reported that there were only a few cases of men over come by gas. Hundreds of Red Cross nurses rendered first nid to those who requir d attention. Hot coffee and sandwiches were also provided by the Red Cross women workers end the men lunched as they worked. ' Justice of Peace 1). C. 'Browning in an aunoiuioement 'niafla last night stat ed that an inquest of the victims will je held within the next few days. Jus tice Browning has been requested to conduct tho investigation. ' He stated there was urgent necessity cf an offi cial inquiry. Several witnesses already have been informally summoned ami the investigation will probably begin Wednesday. State Department Sternly Rebukes Mexico By Carl D. Groat Washington, July 1. Public rebuke was given Mexico today by the Suited States government for making public, without asking the usual diplomatic consent, an oil decree protest note of April 2. ' Some of tho Mexican press had dis torted the protest into making it appear inconsistent with the president's re cent friendly address here to' Mexican editors. The protest itself warned it might be necessary for the United States to protect, its citizens' rifihts in the Mexi can oil fields. A statement attached to the note evidenced United Slates impa tience at the Mexican pr.-ss statements and the Mexican govrnmnt's course in making the note public. Conscientious Objector ojfLoyaI Brand Stockton, Cnl., July 1. Harvey Greer, 19 years of age and a native if Teanessee, is the kind of a con scientious objector that the country is iproua or. "I want to enlist," he told Sergeant R. R. Mcrgcnthal, of the local U. 8 marine corps recruiting station. "You're mighty young," replien llergenthal, "why do you want to en- ' list I . I "Because my conscience hurts me." I replied young Greer. 'I'm afraid the I war might be over before I am twenty I one. Then the boys would come home jsnd ask me why I hadn't been in it cna l oojcci conscientiously to nav ing no excuse to offer." Greer's name was soon affixed to the dotted line. Portland Concerns Increase Capital Stock The Kerf, Gifford & Company, Inc.. of Portland has increased its capital stock from $300,000 to 400,000, ac cording to a resolution of the stock holders of the company filed with the corporation department. The Portland Rubber Mills has in creased its capital stock from $40,000 to $100,000. The following corporations filed reso lutions of dissolution: Par-Max Auto Loading Equipment Company , Tort- land; 'K'ingery k Marrs. Inc., Portland; I Beaver Manufacturing Company, Port land; Kingerv Marrs., Inc., Portland; Crown Company, Portland; Woods Lum Iber Company, Medford; Northwest .Bridge Works, Portland. PRESIDOiT ASKS CONGRESS TO TAKE TELEGRAPH LINES AsweO Resolution Is Endorsed In Letter to (Commerce Committee METHOD IS ADOPTED FOR AVERMG STRIKE Resolution Will Be Reported With Only One Amend ment by Committee Washington, July 1. President Wil son today asked congress for power to take over the telegraphs and telephone lines. ' i The president advoqatcd passage of the Aswell resolution which would em power him to take over not only the telephone and telegraph lines, but also the cable lines and radio systems of the country. In the letter to the interstate com merce committee of the house he en dorsed letters sent simultaneously to the committee by Postmnster Goneral Burleson and Secretary Daniels, saying tliat the power asked was necessary to prevent suspension of service on tele graph lines and to guard military secrets and government communica tions. This was regarded today as indica tive of President Wilson's purpose to prevent a strike of telegraphers threat ened by order of President 8. J. Konen kamp of the union for July 8. As a result of the president's letter the Aswell resolution granting ..the power requested ' will be reported to the house late tdays Thcre is no dis position in the committee to. withhold the power but , the committee, wants time to gather facts and data so as to be prepared to rush tho resolution through the house. The only amendment proposed in the committee was one providing for re turn of the systems six months after the proclainaation of pcac'.. No defi nite action was taken on the amend ment. The Aswell resolution would put the telegraph, telephone, marine cable and radio systems under federal control just as the railroads now arc. The full text of the resolution fol lows: ''Resolved by the senato and house of representatives of tho United States of America in congress assembled, that the president, if in his discretion it is deemed desirable, in order to insure their continuous operation or to guard the secrcy of military and government al communications "or to prevent com munication by spies or other public en emies thereon, or for other military or public reasons, shall havo power to tuke possession and control of any tele graph, telephone, marino cable or radio system and operate the same subject to those conditions as far uj applicable, which are in force as to steam rail roads whilo under federal control.'' The house interstate commerce com mittec, after considering the Aswell resolution at a short session ttiis after noon, recessed until tomorrow morning, when an open meeting hearing on the resolution will b eheld. Chairman Sims of the committee say the mem bers advocating the resolutuion would not be made public until the resolution is approved. t Abe Martin J Th' only wmk lots o' folks ever tack le is guess work. Constable Plum has put th' fight or work proposition up t' Pony Mopps who has promised t' hand down a decision th' last o' th' month Miss Tawney Apple's cousin wuz mar ried in h?r gran 'mother's weddin' dress while th' groom carried his gran 'fath er' gold toothpick. V MAY DO BUSINESS WITH SMALL RUSSIAN SOVIETS AS ONLY LEGAL BODIES Lenine and Trotsky, However, Wast No Foreign Help Except That of Russia Moscow, June 26. Grand Duke Mich ael, brother of the former czar, has is sued a manifesto declaring that inas much as the constituent assembly has been dissolved, resulting in the disin tegration of Russia it is his duty to re store order. The manifesto calls on the people to overthrow the bolshevikl and offers am nesty to all participating in the revolt. By Robert Bender (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, July 1. The American government is about to do business with the scattered Russian Soviets the coun cils which run the Slav communities. While not according official political recognition to the Lenine-Trotsky gov ernment this nation is forced to extend its forthcoming aid to Russia through the best available channels. In the pre sent decentralized government of that country, the Soviets are the only chan nels sufficiently organized to deal with Utterly opposed to the principles of the Leiiine-Trotsky organization and hoping that tho time may not be far distuut when a democratic government may be set up in Russia that will ob serve the ruk-s of well established re gimes, tho president is restricting Am erica's aid to such economic and moral help as America can send informally through tho medium of the Soviets. This aid, however, it is confidently hoped, will develop the foundation work of government for Russia, and the means for later far-reaehing policies of assistance which may serve to re-establish an eastern front. GERMANS ABE FAVORED. By Joseph Sliaplen . (United Press Staff Correspondent) Stockholm, July 1. "The Soviets wilVregard allied Intervention In Russia HINDENBURG'S PLANS ARE BEING MUDDLED Constant Local Attacks by General Foch Seems ering Ey X W. Tl Mason New York, July 1. Tho increasing number of local attacks ordered by General Foch at various points along the w.ost front are throwing into tem porary contusion any possible arrange ments by Von Hindenlburg for a gener al offensive , The gains made by the allies in these enterprises are upsetting calculations by the Germans at crucial points. Tho British operations east of JNieppo for est, the American attacks in lielleau wood, ,the French assault in the vicin ity of Villers-Cotterets forest and oth er similar engagement during the past few days have all ocon for the purpose of disconcerting itindcnburg's plans and ot discovering information con icorning contemplated German opera tions. There is nothing in the circumstanc es cf these local thrusts to suggest that Gen"ral Foch is preparing the way for a major offensive of his own at this lime. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i War Summary of United Press IIIMIIIllHllllllllllllSIIIIllllilllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIlllllll 1428th Day of the War; 101st Day of the Big Offensive illlll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIlllllllllll!llllHllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillll1lllllllllt Maine Front. -Tho French advanced their "lines slightly on th.; five mile front between Viuly and Pubsy-Eu-Va-lois, on the left flank of the American sector northwest of Chateau-Thierry. They a'so took 200 prisoners in sharp fighting which followed another Ger man counter attack on the new posi tions won by the French west of Sois sons last week. Oise Front. In raids between Mont didier and Noyon French took twenty prisoners. Pii-ardy Front. British were success ful in minor operations around Albeit and to the northward. German artillery was active around Albert and Arras. Flanders Front. Germans bombard ed British positions in various sector on the southern, northern and northwestern portions of the front. Italian Front. Austrians, seeking to suppress celebration of Saturday s It alian victory in the mountain region as a hostile encroachment on the lib erty and independence of Russia, but will not i?ntr an alliance with Ger many.'" This statement was made publicly by War Minister Trotsky, according to Moscow dispatches received here today. German diplomats in Petrograd, how ever, are quoted as saying tha'soviets are not likely to reject German aid in resisting the allies. Premier Lenine issued a statement declaring that the Czecho-Slpvaks soon will be wiped out. The Soviets sent a special representative to the allied en voys at Nologda, as a result of which the latter are expected to return from Moscow. The Germans are continuing their in vasion beyond th.9 bounds of Ukraine, also in the Kuban and Black sea regions. They have landed forces at Kinkal and may seek to reach Vologda, from whore they would proceed against the Czecho slovaks, despite Trotsky's statement that there would be no alliance for this purpose. German submarines transferred in parts via Finland, have appeared on Lake Ladoga, the final possible refuge of the Russia Baltic fleet. The Zinamia Borbi of Petrograd re ports that the peasant revolt in Ukiaine is growing. The Germans, fearing tho revolt will disorganize the situation are hurrying all bread and other food stuffs out of the country to prevent their destruction. The peasantry Is arming and in many places is fighting desperately against tho Germans. Armed detachments are seeking to prevent the Germans from sizing the coming harvest. Tho former landlords are taking back the land from the peasants with the aid of German troops. Thd bolshevikl have lost all their pop ularity in Ukrninc because of Urost Litovsk surrender. All landlords in Koz sian have been murdered. The Germans are sending punitive expeditions into the villages. Scwiral thousands peasants (Continued on page three) The public repudiation by Von Kuehlmann of any faith In a battle field peace makes ac especially desir able from the allied standpoint that llindonlburg be given the next oppor tunity to engage in an offensive. Evory reason of tttiategy strongly suggest tliat General Fcch will wel come now blow by Ilinaenburg, The Geiir.ans mus". play directly into the allies' hands if Hindenburg insists on a fifth offensive after Von Kuehl mann's announcement that uattle field victories cannot win the war. The most important facts for the al lies .to know is how the Uerman peo ple will react to a new slaughter ot German man power by Hinuenburg af ter Von KusUlmami's repudiation by the sword as the right instrument for gaining peace. The kaiser, too, is deep ly interested in this samo question. If an at:ai-k does come, it will be delivered with all the powor Hinden burg has left becauso never before have the consequences been so threaten- in;? to the militarists. Genuial i'oca, therefore, is taking every possible pre caution to keep in touch with itindcn burg's rhovements, and to throw the Germans out of step by incessant min or attacks from Flanders to the Elaine. beat and arrested ninny citizens in oc cupied territories. France. Tho Germans made two more air raids on Paris around mid night, their fourth and fifth within five days. No vietims were reported. Austria-Hungary Twenty two po licemen and civilians wero killed and injured during the recent general strike and 3,800 civilians nrroctcd, ac cording to the newspaper Azest. Emper or Karl appealed to the kaiser for aid in the food situation. German and Aus-tro-IIungarian food controllers, meet ing in Berlin, agreed to pool their grain supplies. Russia, War Minister Trotsky declar ed the bolsheviki would regard allied in tervention in Russia as a "hostile en croaehmcnt" but declared the Soviets would not form an alliance with Ger many. Premier Lenine said he had no con firmation of the death of the former czar. Reports received in Stockholm said the czar's family has been tians ferred to Kotelnich. COLORED TROOPS REPULSE ATTACK EAST OFVERDUn Attempted Raid of German Troops June 12 Repelled With Heavy Loss NEGROES STUCK TO POSTS IN INFERNO OF FIRE Enemy Troops Make Friendly Advances So General : Pershing Reports By Frank J. Taylor (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the American Armies in France. July 1. American negro troops provccL iiieir vaiue as ngnters in the lino east of Verdun on Juno 12, it is now per missible to state. The Germans attempt cd a raid in that sector, but wera com pletely repulsed by the negroes. mo uocnes began a terrific bombard ment at oiw miuutit after miilnlirl.t throwing over between 3000 and 4000 shells from gtius ranging in size from 67 to 340 millimeters. The bombardment was concentrated on small areas. Mauy oi mo sikeus maao Holes from ten to fifteen feet across. In the midst of this infurnn' thn rut. gvocs coolly stuck to their posts, opor- aiiug macnine guns and automatic rif les, and keeping up such a steady bar rage that the German infantry failed to penetrate the American lines. ; Tl" Americans miraculously sustained only i"iw wounded. i "1 tie luck was a-workin' with n," explained one. "We all got knocked down lots o' times, but every man get right up." j'urijig thtf attack the crew of a ma chine gun was bowled over by min.2 werfer attack which made a 18-foot holu ten foot from them. They all got up, remountedthe gun and continued shoot ing until it jammed. Then, despite the terrible bombardment, thev fiviiJ it ami again turned it on the Germans. This was repeated twice. The Fiench and American officers re ported that, tho negroes performed like veterans. They obeyed orders promptly took risky duties voluntarily and com pared with tho best troops on the west front. A Germnn raid east , of St. Die, in (Continued on page two) m OR FIGHT IS TOBEJFORCED Instructions Issued for Guid ance of Local Exemption Boards Portland, Or., July 1. A special cir cular just issued by tho war depart ment for the guidance of local boards in nnforciijif tho "work or fight" regulations, clears up all doubtful points as to what constitutes "non productivjo oeicupatilons w employ ments." The work or fiht regulations be came effective, on July 1, They are to tie enforced to tho letter. Men having delerrcd .classification but engaged in non productive work or idling, will be promptly re-classiticd into class 1 if they do not engngo in productive oc cupations when directed to do so by their local beards. Following are the regulations defin ing what registrants ate to be consid ered by local bonrds as engaged in non prodnctivn occupations or employ moats, and following each section, in parentheses, the official interpretation of points as to which doubt might arise: "(a) Persons engaged in the serv ing cf food and drink, or either, in public places, including hotels and so cial clubs." (Does not include managers, clerks, cooks, or other employes unless they are cngnged in tho serving of food and drink, or eit'her.) "(b) Passenger elevator operator and attendants; and door men, foot men, carriage openers and otbor at tendants in ltibs, hotels, stores, apart ment houses, office buildings and bath houses." (The words "other attendants" in clude bell boys, and also include port ers, unless such porters are engaged in heavy work.) " (c) Persons, Including ushers and other attendants, engaged and occu pied in and in connection with games, f ports and amusements, excepting actu al performers in legitimate concerts, operas or theatrical performance." (Includes, in addition to ushers and (Continued on pag two)